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SPX Data Interested
SPX Data Interested
Expert Systems
with Applications
Expert Systems with Applications 34 (2008) 2071–2081
Department of Engineering Science, National Cheng-Kung University, Tainan 701, Taiwan, ROC
Department of Computer Science and Information Engineering, National Chin-yi Institute of Technology, Taichung 411, Taiwan, ROC
Department of Electronic Engineering, National Chin-yi Institute of Technology, Taichung 411, Taiwan, ROC
This study presents and evaluates a modified ant colony optimization (ACO) approach for the precedence and resource-constrained
multiprocessor scheduling problems. A modified ant colony system is proposed to solve the scheduling problems. A two-dimensional
matrix is proposed in this study for assigning jobs on processors, and it has a time-dependency relation structure. The dynamic rule
is designed to modify the latest starting time of jobs and hence the heuristic function. In exploration of the search solution space, this
investigation proposes a delay solution generation rule to escape the local optimal solution. Simulation results demonstrate that the pro-
posed modified ant colony system algorithm provides an effective and efficient approach for solving multiprocessor system scheduling
problems with resource constraints.
2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
0957-4174/$ - see front matter 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
2072 S.-T. Lo et al. / Expert Systems with Applications 34 (2008) 2071–2081
solution for a tour with a minimum distance is quite time- (ACS) to solve TSP. Simulation results indicate that ACS
consuming. Liu and Leyland pioneered real-time schedul- outperforms other nature-inspired algorithms, such as sim-
ing algorithms for mono-job or scheduling of independent ulated annealing and evolutionary computation. Applica-
and periodic tasks (Liu & Layland, 1973). The genetic algo- tions of the ACO algorithm are also involved in solving
rithm (GA) is the most popular and widely used technique job shop scheduling problems (Pierucci, Brandani, & Sog-
for several kinds of multiprocessor scheduling problem aro, 1996). Besten, Sttzle, and Dorigo (2000) presented an
(Correa, Ferreira, & Rebreyend, 1996; Hou, Ansari, & application of the ACO meta-heuristic to the single
Ren, 1994). Crossover, mutation and selection operators machine total weighted tardiness problem. Gajpal, Rajen-
are applied to create for the new generation of schedules dran, and Ziegler (2004) adopted ACO to solve the prob-
and find the solution with GA. Hou et al. (1994) developed lem of scheduling in flowshop with sequence-dependent
an efficient method, the height value of each job in graph, setup times of jobs. Rajendran and Ziegler (2004) devel-
based on a genetic algorithm to solve the multiprocessor oped two ant colony optimization algorithms for
scheduling problem. Correa, Ferreira, and Rebreyend solving the permutation flowshop scheduling problem.
(1999) proposed a novel combined approach, in which a Merkle, Middendorf, and Schmeck (2002) presented an
genetic algorithm is enhanced with the introduction of ACO approach for the resource-constrained project sched-
some knowledge about the scheduling problem represented uling problem (RCPSP), which is a schedule problem to
by the use of a list heuristic in the crossover and mutation find the minimum makespan with resource and precedence
genetic operations. Zomaya, Ward, and Macey (1999) constraints. These studies indicate that ACO can work suc-
studied an alternative paradigm, based on genetic algo- cessfully in many different scheduling applications about
rithms, to solve the parallel processor scheduling problem combination problems.
efficiently without the need to apply any restrictive prob-
lem-specific assumptions. The above studies focused only 1.4. Artificial neural networks
on multiprocessor scheduling without resource constraints.
Some works focus on finding the minimum processors or Hopfield and Tank first adopted artificial neural net-
the heterogeneous processors scheduling problems. Oh works, called Hopfield neural networks (HNN), to solve
and Wu (2004) presented a multi-objective genetic algo- optimization problems. In the HNN (Hopfield & Tank,
rithm, which aims to minimize the number of processors 1985), the state input information from a community of
required and the total tardiness of tasks. Topcuoglu, neurons is received to determine the neuron output state
Hariri, and Wu (2002) presented two novel scheduling information. Each neuron exchanges information with
algorithms for a bounded number of heterogeneous proces- other neurons in the network. These neurons apply this
sors, aiming to meet high performance and fast scheduling information to move the network cooperatively, thus
time simultaneously. achieving convergence. A competitive Hopfield neural net-
A GA generates a high quality of output schedules in work (CHNN) utilizes a competitive learning mechanism
homogeneous or heterogeneous systems, but the scheduling to update the neuron states in the Hopfield neural network.
times are generally much higher than with the heuristic- In our previous work, a multi-constraint schedule problem
based schemes. Additionally, several control parameters for a multiprocessor system was solved by HNN (Huang &
in a genetic algorithm need to be determined appropriately. Chen, 1999). Chen et al. also presented a modified neural
Hence, GA along with simulated annealing (SA) and local network to solve the multiprocessor scheduling problem
search methods, called guided random search techniques, with inequality constraints (Chen, Lo, & Huang, 2007).
have been presented (Kwok, Ahmad, & Gu, 1996; Topcuo- A series of studies has been conducted using HNN and
glu et al., 2002; Wu, Shu, & Gu, 1997). mean field annealing. These schemes are adopted for mul-
tiprocessor scheduling problems, and a modified cooling
1.3. Ant system for job scheduling problems schedule has been developed to accelerate the convergence
rate for the problem investigated (Chen & Huang, 1998). A
In ACO, a set of ant-like agents or software ants solve typical CHNN scheme has also been applied to the same
the problem under consideration cooperatively. This effort problem (Chen & Huang, 2001). Most of these works con-
is mediated by exchanging information based on the prob- centrate on the specific multiprocessor scheduling situa-
lem structure collected concurrently by the agents, while tions in which each resource type has one resource
building solutions stochastically. Similarly, an ACO sched- available.
uling algorithm, consisting of concurrent distributed
agents, which discovers a feasible solution, is presented. 1.5. Resource-constrained multiprocessor scheduling
ACO is a class of constructive meta-heuristic algorithms problems
that share the common approach of building a solution
on the basis of information provided by both a standard This work attempts to find optimal or near-optimal
constructive heuristic function and previously constructed solutions to multiprocessor schedule problems with re-
solutions (Maniezzo & Carbonaro, 1999). Dorigo and source and precedence constraints and restricted schedul-
Gambardella (1997) first applied the ant colony system ing times, known as resource-constrained multiprocessor
S.-T. Lo et al. / Expert Systems with Applications 34 (2008) 2071–2081 2073
where d (0 < d < 1) is a parameter representing the global investigates a job scheduling problem involving non-pre-
pheromone evaporation rate, and emptive multitasking with processing time, precedence
( and resource constraints conditions. However, meta-heu-
gb ; if edgeði; jÞ 2 the global best tour; ristic methods such as genetic algorithms, artificial neural
sgb ði; jÞ ¼
0; otherwise; networks, and simulated annealing are time-consuming.
ð5Þ However, the ACO has been demonstrated to have a fast
convergence rate in many applications. A modified ACO
where Lgb represents the globally best tour in the current has been built to solve defined scheduling problems. The
iteration. major difference between RCMPSP and RCPSP is that
The ACO algorithm has recently been applied to sched- RCMPSP has a special resource type – processors (or
uling problems, such as job-shop, flow-shop, and single machines), and one processor can only process one job
machine tardiness problems (Bauer et al. 1999; Dorigo & (activity) at a time. The studied multiprocessor system
Gambardella, 1997; Iredi, Merkle, & Middendorf, 2001; comprises a number of identical (homogeneous) proces-
Merkle & Middendorf, 2001). Traditionally, the phero- sors. In other words, this study focuses on homogeneous
mone matrix s = [sij], where the pheromone is added to processors only, while the number of processors can be limi-
an element sij of the pheromone matrix, finds a good solu- ted or unlimited.
tion where job j is the ith job on the machine. The following The formal assumptions of the scheduling problem
ants of the next generation directly use the value of sij and domain are introduced in advance. Suppose that there
heuristic function to estimate the desirability of placing job are N jobs and M machines in a scheduling system. First,
j as the ith job on the machine when obtaining a new solu- a job cannot be both segmented and preemptive. Second,
tion (Merkle et al., 2002). Bauer, Bullnheimer, Hartl, and a job cannot be assigned to different machines, which
Strauss (1999) proposed ACO algorithms using a conven- implies that no job migration is allowed between machines.
tional pheromone matrix [sij] to solve the single machine Based on these assumptions, a set of job schedules is
total tardiness problem and the flow-shop problem. This sought. Let J = {1, . . ., N} denote the set of jobs, and
study adopts a modified pheromone matrix [stj], in which m = {1, . . ., M} represent the set of machines. Q denotes a
the element stj, denoting the pheromone value of job j is set of resource totals of g types, and Ri = 0 is the resource
processed at time t on a specific machine. Restated, the quantity for resource type i, i 2 Q. Each job j, j 2 J, has a
two-dimensional grid for assigning jobs on processors is a duration pj and resource requirements rj, 1, . . ., rjg, where rj, i
time-dependent relation structure for scheduling jobs. denotes the requirement for a resource type i when process-
The element stj is similar to sij, which is designed to suit ing job j. The value of rj, i does not change with time (Mer-
a dynamic environment. kle et al., 2002). There are precedence relations between the
jobs, and setup time is assumed to zero from one job switch
2.2. Scheduling problem to the next job. The precedence relations between the jobs
can be represented by an acyclic activity-on-vertex (AOV)
Most scheduling problems focus on minimizing either network. A job schedule list is mapping a set of tasks to
the maximum complete time (makespan) or the tardiness. a set of processors to meet the job precedence relations
However, maximizing performance, and minimizing make- and resource requirements.
span and scheduling time are the major issues in multipro- Fig. 2 shows a basic example of the problem domain
cessor scheduling problems. Examples of such problems studied, including a precedence graph and resources con-
include scheduling jobs onto a fixed set of machines in a straint with six jobs and four resource types on two
manufacturing plant, scheduling aircraft takeoffs and land- machines. The total utilized resources can not be more than
ings onto one or more landing strips, and scheduling meet- the total available resources for each resource type at a cer-
ing rooms for multiple events of varying size and length. tain time. A two-dimensional matrix (T · N) is adopted to
Solving multiprocessor scheduling problems containing denote the scheduling result. The axes of the matrix are job
precedence and resource constraints is similar to the above and time, as denoted by j and t, respectively. The state of a
examples, and is the major concern in this study. This work coordinate is represented by Vtj.The value of Vtj is set to
Fig. 2. Simulation cases for six jobs with precedence and resource constraints and one solution matrix.
S.-T. Lo et al. / Expert Systems with Applications 34 (2008) 2071–2081 2075
one (Vtj = 1) if job j is processed at time t, otherwise average quality of the solutions found by the ants of a gen-
Vtj = 0. Every Vtj is associated with one stj and one gtj. eration is unchanged for several generations.
Thus, unlike other approaches, the stj and gtj in the pro- The state transition rules are governed by Eqs. (6) and
posed approach is time-dependent. (7) (Park et al., 1994). The next job j is chosen from Jk(t)
when q 5 q0, which flavors the choices for the next job with
3. Modified ACO algorithm for RCMPSP the highest pheromone times heuristic value, where the g
function is defined in Eq. (8):
n o
Fig. 3 displays the steps of the scheduling algorithm for a b
j ¼ arg max ½sðt; lÞ ½gðt; lÞ ð6Þ
the resource-constrained multiprocessor scheduling prob- l2J k ðtÞ
lem by modified ACS, which combines the dynamic rule
If q > q0, then job j is randomly selected from Jk(t) accord-
and delay solution generation rule, and is called a dynamic
ing to the probability distribution given by the following
and delay ant colony system (DDACS). DDACS begins
with a partial schedule containing no jobs at time 0. At 8
each stage, a set of all eligible jobs Jk(t), comprising all can- > ½sðt;jÞa ½gðt;jÞb
< P ½sðt;lÞa ½gðt;lÞb
; j 2 J k ðtÞ;
didates for successors at time t. The initial jobs in Jk(0) P k ðt; jÞ ¼ l2J k ðtÞ ð7Þ
have in-degree = 0 which refers to the number of eligible >
0; otherwise;
jobs at time 0. The following jobs selected from Jk (t) are
applied until m = M or not satisfying resource constraints. where a, b denote the parameters correlating to the impor-
A job is selected by the ant from Jk(t) if it satisfies resource tance of the pheromone and heuristic, respectively. Con-
and processor constraints. The processor constraint defines cerning heuristics, this study adopts the adaptations of
the most M jobs that can be assigned to M processors. priority heuristics known as the critical path method to
After allocating one job to one processor so as to satisfy determine the earliest/latest starting process time; Ej/Lj
the resource constraints, C and Jk(t) are then updated, for job j, j 2 J. The Ej and Lj are initially computed under
where C denotes the set of already scheduled jobs. The no resource considerations, hence there is a conservative
algorithm runs until a stopping criterion is met, e.g., a cer- value for each job. However, the actual starting process
tain number of generations have been performed or the time of some jobs is behind the Lj when involving resource
where dj = jLj tj and c, c1 are large enough constant 3.2. Global update rule
Eq. (8) demonstrates that job j with the shortest process After all ants have built all feasible schedules, the global
time (shortest pj) and nearest to Lj (minimum dj) obtains update rule, Eq. (10), is used to increase the pheromone stj
the highest g value. Job j with the highest probability by applying the best solution so far. For all stj, the phero-
(Pk(t, j)) is selected from Jk(t) at time t. Hence, the job with mone is increased by the global update rate if Vtj = 1,
minimum dj and shortest pj is first when Ej 5 t < Lj, or the where t = Sj, and is otherwise evaporated by global phero-
job with maximum dj and shortest pj is maximum first when mone evaporation rate, as shown in Eq. (10). This is an elit-
t = Lj.Once one job j is selected according to the state tran- ist strategy that leads ants to search near the best-found
sition rule Eq. (6), then Vtj = 1, t 2 [Sj, fj], where Sj = t and solution:
fj = t + pj 1. Restated, Sj (fj) is the starting (finish) pro-
cess time of job j in the current solution. Thus this setting sðt; jÞnew ¼ ð1 dÞ sðt; jÞ þ d Dsgb ðt; jÞ; t ¼ Sj ð10Þ
ensures that the non-preemptive requirement is satisfied. where 0 < d < 1 denotes a parameter representing the glo-
Restated, Vtj is set to one during the time period of Sj to bal pheromone evaporation rate, and
fj. An unassigned job has high g value (>1/2) when the time
t > Lj, and low g value (<1/2) when t < Lj for jobs in Jk(t). Dms; if V tj ¼ 1;
Dsgb ðt; jÞ ¼ and
A job with a g value of 0 is not a member of Jk(t). The g 0; if V tj ¼ 0
value of a job is close to 1/2 when Lj = t. However, the g 1 þ maxf0; msold msgb g
value of a job is always between 0 and 1. Dms ¼ ð11Þ
3.1. Local update rule where Dsgb(t, j) is computed by the best schedule in the cur-
rent iterations, and the amount of pheromone added is
The pheromones stj are updated by the local updating dDsgb(t, j) when job j is assigned to run in time period [Sj, fj].
rule after an ant has built one RCMPSP solution. The The msold and msgb denote the makespan of the best sche-
modified ACS adopts the following local updating rule to dule in the previous and current iterations, respectively.
prevent succeeding ants from searching in the neighbor- For each job, pheromone is added when a job is being pro-
hood of the current schedule of the current ant. The ants cessed in the job schedule list of the best solution obtained
select job j at time t, and then modify their pheromone in the current generation. Otherwise, the pheromone is
levels: evaporated if Vtj = 0.
sðt; jÞnew ¼ ð1 qÞ sðt; jÞ þ q Dsðt; jÞ; t ¼ Sj; ð9Þ
3.3. Dynamic rule
where 0 < q < 1 denotes the evaporation rate as an input
parameter, where job j progresses from Sj to fj. Ds(t, j) = The studied multiprocessor scheduling system with
s0 is set in the proposed ACO method. If the pheromone resource constraints combines the RCPSP and task assign-
stj is set to a low value, then job j has a lower probability ment. One job’s earliest starting and latest starting time is
of being chosen by another ant at time t. computed by the critical path. The makespan is first
In Fig. 2, job 1 2 Jk(1) is the first job in the schedule at assumed to be equal to the critical path length without con-
time 1, where Jk(1) = {1, 5}. Thus, s11 evaporates some sidering the resource constraints. Owing to the resource
pheromone lower than s15, according to the local update constraints, the makespan may be larger than the critical
rule. At time 3, Jk(3) = {2, 3, 5}. If jobs 2 and 3 are selected, path in the optimal solution. That is, the value of Lj
the related s value (s32 and s33) is decreased. Fig. 4 shows increases along with the makespan. A schedule may contain
another feasible solution for the next ant, while job 5 is some jobs that start to run behind Lj, which is a conserva-
the first job to be assigned to the processor with the highest tive value and is initially determined under no resource
s value. Such a solution has the smallest makespan, i.e. considerations, while the g function is based on the latest
makespan = 11. The local update rule adopted to select starting time, as shown in Eq. (8). If the Lj cannot reflect
another job is a strategy to avoid being trapped in a local the actual latest starting time, then the Lj is an excessively
maximum (or minimum). conservative value for the state transition rule. Therefore, a
S.-T. Lo et al. / Expert Systems with Applications 34 (2008) 2071–2081 2077
rule is designed to refine the latest starting time by feedback mines the probability of changing the influence on the deci-
of the best solution found in each iteration. This rule is sions of the ants. The rules in Eqs. (6) and (7) are adopted
called a ‘‘dynamic’’ rule. If the job is processed before the when q 5 q1. Otherwise, this delay strategy is applied when
Lj, then the Lj does not need to be extended later. For those q > q1 and t < Lj. The q1 value increases along with the iter-
jobs that have been processed later than the Lj, the new Lj ation. The q1 value is close to one after certain iterations.
is replaced by the Sj. Restated, this replacement is used to Restated, the possibility of delaying jobs is decreased as
acquire the most accurate value for Lj. This rule is adopted the iteration increase.
in step 22 of the DDACS procedure in Fig. 3. The accuracy The DDACS combines the above described rules to
of estimation of the g function value rises as the accuracy explore the search space of a feasible solution. The follow-
of Lj increases. The Lj dynamic adjustment rule is defined ing simulations indicate these rules are suitable for
as follows: resource-constrained multiprocessor problems.
Lj ; if Ej < S j 6 Lj ;
Lj ¼ ð12Þ
S j ; if Lj < S j : 4. Experimental simulations
Fig. 9. The simulation result by Gantt chart with delay rule for three
Table 1
Execution summary of one instance for 30–120 jobs
job Processor MS_avg MS_best MS_worst MS_stdevp Execution time
j30 4 44.2 43 45 0.5386 0.29
j60 5 96.3 95 98 0.9078 1.01
j90 6 121.8 120 123 0.6353 2.52
j120 11 92.3 91 94 1.0450 4.83
S.-T. Lo et al. / Expert Systems with Applications 34 (2008) 2071–2081 2079
80.00% 350
# of optimal solutions
287 273
300 q0=0.8
222 226
Fig. 12. The number of optimal solutions found for 30 jobs/480 different
Iterations instances after 20 iterations with different delay probability.
# of solutions
350 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Fig. 13. The makespan for one 30 jobs and 60 jobs case after 100
250 iterations.
0 <
= 1 <
= 2 <
= 3 <
Difference between computed makespan and optimal makespan
Most of the simulations assumed that the number of pro-
cessors in the multiprocessor system was sufficient. The
450 simulation results easily reveal the requisite number of pro-
# of solutions
400 tions is shown. The best a, b values are set case by case
DDACS based on the scheduling considerations of the real case.
350 ACS The best a and b values of this study are all set to 1.
250 500
0 <
= 1 <
= 2 <
= 3 <
=4 α =1
Difference between computed makespan and optimal makespan α =2
# of optimal solutions
Fig. 11. The number of near-optimal solutions for 480 different instances 350
with different iterations: (a) 20 iterations; (b) 100 iterations and (c) 500 300
iterations. 250
Fig. 13 depicts the makespan of the simulation results of 150
cases with 30 and 60 jobs with different numbers of proces- 100
sor simulations. These two cases show that increasing the 50
number of processors may not improve the schedule when 0
β =1 β =2 β =3 β =4 β =5
precedence constraints are adopted. Different numbers of
processors were set in the simulation. The minimum num- Fig. 14. The number of optimal solutions, found for one 30 jobs case after
ber of required processors was not considered in this study. 500 iterations with different a, b values.
2080 S.-T. Lo et al. / Expert Systems with Applications 34 (2008) 2071–2081
5. Conclusions and discussion and with the changes in available resources. Moreover,
the makespan is considered in this work, but tardiness is
This study presents a modified ACO approach named allowed in other scheduling problems, such as job-shop,
DDACS for a multi-constraint (precedence and resource flow-shop and industry production plans. Heuristic func-
constraints) multiprocessor scheduling problem. A two tions and how to generate better solutions can also be fur-
dimension (time and job) matrix graph is adopted to repre- ther discussed, and future research endeavors should
sent the scheduling problem. This graph is used to resolve address these issues more thoroughly.
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