Onera Method Equation
Onera Method Equation
Onera Method Equation
Truong V. K
BP 72 - 92322 Chatillon Cedex, France.
1 Introduction
It is well known that prediction of helicopter rotor loads requires a better under-
standing of airfoil stall flutter on the retreating blade. Many investigations have been made
on dynamic stall phenomena over the past 25 years: extensive wind and water tunnel tests
of oscillating airfoils [1, 2], computational fluid dynamics simulation [3]. Reviews of dy-
namic stall phenomena [4, 5, 6] point out that they remain unsolved, particularly in their
3-D aspects. A mathematical model for airfoil unsteady aerodynamic behavior is needed for
engineering rotor airload predictions. Such a model has to fullfil various requirements: to
be sufficiently accurate for the prediction of aerodynamic coefficients, to be written in an
analytical form compatible for coupling with the structural equations of an airfoil section, to
have economical computational demands and to be rationally based. Various mathematical
models were proposed and have met some limited success: Boeing Vertol model [7], Lockheed
model [8], ONERA model [9], Leishman-Beddoes model [10] and other models reported in a
review by McCroskey [6].
The mathematical model of 2-D dynamic stall elaborated at ONERA [9] is referred
to as the ONERA model [11]. This model is written in terms of ordinary differential equa-
tions with the values of its coefficients deduced from a synthesis of experimental results. It
provides predictions of aerodynamic coefficients comparable with those of other models [12].
However, for the next step of modeling 3-D dynamic stall, there is a need for an improved
rationally based model.
Our approach relies on an analysis of fluid flow mechanisms involved in dynamic stall
phenomena. Two distinct flow phenomena which are stall delay and vortex-shedding are re-
sponsible for dynamic stall behavior. The vortex shedding phenomenon is not well modeled
by the existing mathematical models. To provide a consistent formulation and theoretical
method of modeling this nonlinear aspect of dynamic stall, we have based our approach on
the body of theory known as bifurcation theory. Particularly, we have made use of the results
of analytical studies by Tobak et al. [13] who identified stall onset as a Hopf bifurcation.
A bifurcation of an aerodynamic system is defined as a replacement of an unstable equilib-
rium flow by a new stable equilibrium flow when the value of a parameter of the system
reaches a critical value. In the case of a Hopf bifurcation, a time-invariant equilibrium flow
is replaced by a periodic time-varying equilibrium flow. It is assumed to occur for the flow
past an airfoil when the angle of attack exceeds a critical value. A model of 2-D dynamic
stall has been established according to this theoretical postulate [14]. It is improved in this
study, based on a careful analysis of fluid flow mechanisms which will be exposed in the next
paragril ph.
airfoil leading edge is depicted in figure 4. The velocity profile may be viewed, according
to Tobak et al. [13], as having 2 components. The first profile u, corresponds to the time-
invariant profile which exists if the airfoil remains static. The second profile tt; represents
the velocity induced by the airfoil motion. For a pitch rate a > 0, the airfoil motion induces
a positive contribution and therefore stall is delayed to values of angle of attack beyond the
static stall value a'". For a pitch rate a < 0, the induced contribution is negative and stall
appears at lower values of angle of attack.
After a time delay rd (cf. Fig. 3), periodic vortex-shedding begins. The unsteady
component CLu grows until the flow attains a periodic time-varying equilibrium state. Al-
though it is largely recognized that the vortex-shedding phenomenon dominates the behavior
of separated flow, few models have incorporated the periodic character of vortex-shedding.
Results depicted in Fig.3, representative of experiments by Jumper et al. [15] and Lorber et
al. [16], constitute evidence of multiple vortex shedding and its periodic occurrence. Scrutiny
of experimental results on oscillating airfoils, published by the group of McCroskey [2], reveals
the existence of well defined oscillations on the aerodynamic coefficients loops of CL( a), CM( a
and CD(a).
Within our theoretical framework, let us examine an important characteristic of the
dynamic stall phenomenon which is the non-repeatability of measurements of the aerody-
namic coefficients. This characteristic was revealed by the early investigations of Liiva et al.
[1] but wasn't explained. According to Tobak et al. [17], the determination of the periodic
time-varying component CLu requires specification of all the 3 values of amplitude, frequency
and phase. The phase value depends on the initial conditions of the flow. Available evidence
[16, 18] shows that this dependence is very sensitive. Under these conditions, repeatable
measurements could be obtained in low level turbulence tunnels if sufficient time is left be-
tween 2 runs: one has to wait for complete decays of the unsteady flow regime and of the flow
perturbations generated by the strong dynamic stall vortex. Fig. 5 illustrates the case when
insufficient time is left between the 2 consecutive runs: as the initial flow conditions at the
second run differ from those of the first run, the lift coefficient CL has different phase values
in the 2 runs and therefore its measurement is non-repeatable. However, measurements of CL
are reproducible within a phase shift, in agreement with experiments [16, 18]. Examination
of flow visualizations about oscillating airfoils [19] shows evidence that flow perturbations,
generated by the dynamic stall vortex from an oscillatory cycle in pitch motion, subsist at
the beginning of the succeeding cycle.
Due to the character of non-repeatablity affecting dynamic stall measurements, it is
of standard practice in experimental procedure to do averaging over about 50 cycles. Some
experimentalists [16, 20] warned that the averaging procedure smooths out the undulatory
structure of aerodynamic coefficient measurements. As far as the undulatory behavior is be-
lieved to originate from spurious noise, the averaging procedure does not raise any criticism.
However, a recent computational fluid dynamics simulation made by Geissler and Vollmers [3]
reveals a pronounced oscillatory structure on the aerodynamic coefficient loops of CL( a) and
CM(a) which are unmatched with the available experimental results averaged over numerous
cycles. Another CFD simulation, done by Isogai [21], also provides evidence of oscillations
of non negligible amplitudes. Examination of his computed isovorticity curves reveals that
each oscillation on the aerodynamic coefficients loops is associated with a vortex shed from
the airfoil leading edge. Recently, Panda and Zaman [22] have found experimentally the
existence of oscillations on CL( a) loops and have shown that it is related to vortices shed
from the airfoil.
The Hopf bifurcation based approach appears to be in agreement with experimental
results and CFD simulations. The modeling approach furthermore offers the capability of
providing predictions about the nature of driven separated flows: these predictions have to be
checked. Anticipating the next parat:raph, the separated flow may be modeled as a nonlinear
oscillator of frequency w5 . Thus, the aerodynamic system (airfoil - flow) may be modeled
as a coupled system of an oscillator of frequency k ( the driving reduced frequency) with an
oscillator of frequency w 5 . One should expect very diverse features for the flow behavior, as
in the case of a cylinder [23] and in particular, a lock-in regime for some range of external
frequency and amplitude.
where Cf~uil is the equilibrium value of the lift coefficient which coincides with its static value;
b, g1, g2, g3 and g4 are constants.
The same approach applied to the determination of the moment coefficient will give:
where s 1 and s2 are constants and a 1 is nearly equal to a,r. When the airfoil undergoes an
unsteady motion, f is replaced by j' which is governed by:
where Tf is a constant. In fact, the authors of the model referred to used 2 different values
for Tf according to the values of j'.
To incorporate "time lag effects", instead of solving another ordinary differential
equation as in the Leishman-Beddoes model [10], we prefer using the method of Ericsson and
Reding [8] which consists in replacing the value of o:(t) by a shifted value:
according to the Leishman-Beddoes model. In a first generation model [14] it is assumed that
at,.(k) and a;:;.(k) are equal to O:cr respectively. One has 2 regimes for CL"' corresponding to
growth and decay regimes of the periodic time-varying equilibrium state respectively. It is
shown [14] that CLu obeys to a Van-der-Pol- Duffing type equation during growth regime:
where the constants are given a superscript +to characterize growth regime. A Van-der-Pol
- Duffing type equation has been the basis of various mathematical models of flow past a
cylinder but has never been applied to the case of an airfoil. The simplest way for modeling
the decay regime is by a damped oscillator:
where f3£ is negative. It is possible to model the 2 regimes by the same type of analytical
equation with, however, a different set of constants for each regime:
.. ± ± 2. 2 ±3 ± 2 ±. ± .. (
cL.- ws(f3L -IL CLJCL. + Ws( CL.- TJLCL.- az,LCLJ = -ELwsa- DLwsa 11)
One notices in Eq. (11) the presence of an additional term in C'L: when k increases, it
provides a larger shift to CL. from the equilibrium value C L. = 0. Such an analytical term
is suggested by studies of Noack et a!. [25], related to the description of the Karman vortex
street generated past a cylinder. In total, Eq. (11) require 8 parameters.
The moment coefficient CM. is governed by an equation of the same form:
Ws (/3± ± 0 M,. ± 0 Mu
2 )C. ± 0 M..
C..Mu - M -IM Mu + Ws2 (. CM.. - "flM
- az,M
2 )
= - E±MWsCX-
. D±MWSCX.. (12)
It has been observed experimentally that the change in CM induced by stall occurs at a value
of angle of attack greater than that for the rise of CL [26]. To incorporate this effect, we use
different values of a; for the coefficients CL and CM:
Et = 0.186 , Dt = -0.89 , f3t = 0.015 , 1t = 0.75 , TJt = -0.6 , ai,L =0 , (3£ = -3.0
T te values of the parameters chosen for the moment coefficient are:
E't.r = -0.62 , D't.r = 0.455 , f3't.r = 0.015 , 1t1 = 7.5 , TJt1 =0 , ai,M = -0.75 , /3ij = -3.0
The value of ws is common to both:
The initial conditions for lift and moment coefficients are fixed to zero.
The predictions of the model are given in Fig. 6 for the lift coefficient and in Fig. 7
for the moment coefficient. Also are represented the experimental results and the predictions
of the ONERA model. The predictions of the new model are similar in first approximation to
those of the ONERA model for values of reduced frequencies k < 0.1. However for k ~ 0.1,
the predictions of the new model have a better agreement with the experimental results.
Furthermore, the model predicts oscillations on the loops of the aerodynamic coefficients.
Such oscillatory behavior is not clearly shown in experimental results, as they correspond to
the averaging of about 50 cycles. It seems that the oscillatory behavior is more pronounced
on other thin airfoils, such as Ames- 01, Wortman FX 69-H-098, Sikorsky SC- 1095, Hughes
HH-02, Boeing-Vertol VR-7 and NLR-1 [2].
5 Conclusion
(i) A mathematical model of the aerodynamic contribution to the equations of motion
governing an airfoil immersed in an oncoming fluid stream has been elaborated by identifying
dynamic stall onset to a Hopf bifurcation. It is found that a set of nonlinear ordinary
differential equations (ODE) governs the behavior of the aerodynamic coefficients eL and
eM. The possibility of describing eL and eM beyond the Hopf bifurcation in terms of
ODE's originates from the existence of a. periodic time-varying equilibrium state of the flow.
(ii) The model provides a global description of dynamic stall phenomena. It gives an
explanation of the character of non-repeatability of aerodynamic coefficient measurements
based on the sensitivity of the phase of the periodic time-varying equilibrium state upon the
initial conditions of the flow. The oscillatory behavior of aerodynamic coefficients during
deep stall is associated with the periodic character of the vortex-shedding phenomenon. It is
predicted that the flow past an airfoil should have a very varied behavior, and in particular
a lock-in regime for an appropriate set of values of external forcing amplitude and frequency.
(ii) The predictions of the new model are in good agreement with experimental results
in the case of the NACA 0012 airfoil, and are a.n improvement over those of the ONERA
(iv) The 2-D dynamic stall model requires knowledge not only of static values of
aerodynamic coefficients but also of their unsteady behavior. By extrapolation, we expect
that modeling of 3-D dynamic stall requires knowledge of 3-D aspects which have to be
provided by experiments or by CFD simulation.
The author is indebted to D. Petot for providing the experimental results of aerody-
namic coefficients eL(a) and eM(cx) on the NACA 0012 airfoil and their computation based
on the ONERA model.
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C<'max ---------------7""-----------
• 0 T1
• • • Tz
• c
• Ls
••• • a)
I o
Fig.2.- Typical values of the lift coefficient CL versus the angle of attack I
a: the measured static values are denoted by symbols •; beyond the Hopf I
bifurcation which occurs at <>c,., the lift coefficient can be decomposed into I
steady component CL. and unsteady component CL. of amplitude c[_,. I ~,
'I_, \
I \
0 \ I
I ?
·' \-1
Fig.3.- Typical experimental values of c[:P (--) recorded during the pitch
ramp motion <>(e): C~rp is decomposed into steady component C L, ( - · - · - )
and unsteady componentCL. (-- -); CL. begins to grow at time 7'r + 7d (rd:
time delay) to attain its periodic time-varying equilibrium state.
a) ex• > 0 ex
0 Tj Tr Ti + Tr ~
b) ex < 0 CL
0 Tj +Td' - '
-7-i+ Tr+Td___ _
u us + u b)
Fig.5.- Typical values of the unsteady component CL. of the lift coefficient
Fig.4.- Velocity profiles near the airfoil leading edge: during 2 successive runs of the pitch ramp motion: if insufficient time is left
af pitch rate > 0; between tbe 2 runs, the initial conditions of the flow are different in the 2
bf pitch rate a < 0. runs and measurements of CL are only reproducible within a phase shift.
c c
2.5 L 2.5 L
k = 0.010 k = 0.024
2.0 2.0
1.5 1.5
1.0 1.0
0.5 0.5
c c
2.5 L 2.5 L
k = 0.049 k = 0.098
2.0 2.0
1.5 1.5
1.0 1.0
2.5 L
k = 0.151
2.0 '
.. -· ··.. .. ·
~le !attack
frequency k.
0.0 5~ 10.0 15.?.···20.0 25.0 30.0
angle of attack angle of attack
k ~ 0.010 k ~ 0.024
-0.1 -0.1
-0.2 k -0.2
... ·. .... ·· ..
• . ---· ··\:···------""Sieofat~ck
.. .·.
~5.0 30.0