Organisation of International Chapters by Laws 2019-Final

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OIC by-laws 2019


Organisation of International Chapters (OIC)



Passed by CEC

SG’s Signatures


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OIC by-laws 2019

I. Preamble -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------3
II. Objectives ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3
III. Membership --------------------------------------------------------------------------------4
IV. Chapters and Regions ------------------------------------------------------------------5
V. Organisational Structure and Functions --------------------------------------------7
1.Chapter 7
1.1. Regional Organisation 7
Regional Executive Body
1.1.1. 7
f. Functions 8
1.2. Country Organisation 8
Country Executive Body
1.2.1. 8
f. Functions 8
1.3. Insaf Professional Forum 9
f. Functions 9
VI. Elections ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------10
1.General Provisions 10
2.OIC Election Commission (OIC-EC) -----------------------------------------------11
f.6. Functions 11
VII. Power and Functions of Office Bearers ---------------------------------------------11
1.1. The President 11
1.2. Senior Vice President (SVP) 12
1.3. The General Secretary (GS) 12
1.4. Additional General Secretary (AGS) 12
1.5. Secretary Information 12
1.6. Secretary Finance 13
1.7. Secretary Women 13
1.8. SecretaryYouth 13
1.9. Other Sectoral Secretaries 13
VIII.Evaluation ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 14
IX. Finance --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------14
X. Discipline -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------14
XI. Amendment to the by-laws ------------------------------------------------------------- 15

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I. Preamble
These by-laws are prepared under the Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf Constitution 2019
clause VI-8-f.4 and ;
1. Are applicable to all the members/chapters of the PTI Organisation of the
Internatioal Chapters
2. Shall supplement and not replace PTI Constitution 2019
3. Shall alway be read and understood along with the relevant provisions of the
PTI Constitution 2019
4. Notwithstanding herein, all laws of the host country are to be followed and

II. Objectives
1. To recognise expatriates1 to be a vital resource for human capital and
remittances and help utilise this precious human resource towards nation
2. To organise expatriates under the banner of PTI Organisation of International
Chapters (OIC) in order to fulfil the vision of the Founding Chairman Imran
Khan to build Pakistan into a truly Modern State on the lines of ‘Ryasat-e-
Madina’ where;
2.1. State power is used expeditiously by the state institutions in the best
interest of the people
2.2. Rule of Law is applied equally to the Powerful and the Weak.
2.3. Accountability for all, through Independent Institutions and via free and
fair elections
3. To help solve the issues/problems faced by the expatriates;
3.1. In the host countries through the offices of the auspices of the Pakistan
High Commission / Embassy
3.2. In Pakistan through the office of Secretary OIC
4. To help implement the voting rights for all overseas Pakistanis and maximise
their participation in the National Elections

1 All Overseas Pakistani who are still holding Pakistani Nationality or are dual nationals, as manifest by the
possession of either of the following 1.Pakistani Passports, 2.POC (Pakistan Origin Card) , 3.NICOP (National
Identity Card for Overseas Pakistanis)

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III. Membership
1. The membership of Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf shall be open to all people of
Pakistani descent who are at least 18 years of age and resident in one of the
host countries2 provided they posses either Pakistani Passport / NICOP3 or
POC4; and have paid annual membership fee5; and fully subscribe to the
constitution of the party.
2. Those who sign the membership form shall be deemed to have relinquished
membership of any other Pakistani political party.
3. Members/Membership Coordinators (MC6) need to register and pay
membership fees at ; each member shall be issued a
unique Membership ID after verification from the Finance Board.
4. On registration each member shall be asked for the specific voluntary
permission for the following limited information to be shared, for evaluation
surveys/opinion polls7 and effective communication, with the party leadership
and the contesting panels;
4.1. Name
4.2. City/State
4.3. Preferred method of contact (either Mobile number or Email ID)
5. Any person in the Middle Eastern countries can register as Membership
Coordinator (MC) after registering and payment of specified fees for a
Cluster; blue collard expatriates shall be given 75% discount8.
6. Membership of the premium ‘Insaf Professional Forum9 ’ shall be independent
of the OIC Chapter Organisation.

2 belonging to the specified chapter

3 National Identity Card for Overseas Pakistanis

4 Pakistan Origin Card as issued by NADRA

5 specific for each country

6 For the middle eastern countries only

7 Conducted by Party Management Cell as per Clause V-8 of PTI Constitution 2019

8Hence cluster size would vary depending upon the number of blue collared expatriates, It will be 25 if all are non-
blue collared

9 Recommended for any professional earning more than $150,000/annum

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IV. Chapters and Regions

1. Secretary OIC shall notify Chapters and Regions after the completion of each
membership drive depending upon the membership level.
2. Minimum geographic boundary for one Chapter shall be one Country
regardless of the level of membership.
3. Minimum geographic boundary for one region shall be one City regardless of
the maximum number of the membership.
4. Any City or any geographical contiguous area within a chapter might qualify
as a new Region if it crosses the minimum membership criteria of 10010
members for the Non-Middle Eastern Countries and 8 Membership
Coordinators (MC) for one Region of the Middle Eastern Countries.
5. Any Region having less than 100 members / 8 MCs shall be merged with the
adjacent Region; no Regional Organisation shall exist in case of any chapter
registering less than 400 members / 16 MCs.

Table: International Chapters

Chapters Regions

1. KSA 1. Jeddah 2.Mecca 3.Medina 4.Yanbu

5.Duba 6.Tabuk 7.Abha 8.Jubail

9.Dammam 10.Riyadh 11.Hofuf 12.Khafji

13.Bursydah 14.Albahah 15.Dhahran 16.Hafr Albatin

17.Khobar 18.Khamis Mushayt 19.Yanbu Taif 20.Jizan

2. Kuwait

3. Bahrain

4. Qatar

5. UAE 1.Abu Dhabi 2. Dubai 3. Sharjah 4.Ras Al Khaima

5.Ajman 6.Fujairah 7. Umm al Quain

6. Oman 1.Musqat 2. Salalah

7. UK 1. East England 2. East Midlands 3. East of Scotland 4. London

5. North East 6. North West 7.South East 8. South West

7.South East 8. South West 9. Wales 10. West Midlands

11. West of Scotland 12. Yorkshire & Humberside 13. Northern Ireland

8. Austria

8. France

9. Germany

10 This number was downsized from 200 after consultations from stake holders - 19 August, 2019

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Chapters Regions

10. Sweden

11. Belgium

12. Norway

13. Denmark

14. Holland

15. Spain

16. Italy

17. Greece

18. Australia & Newzealand

1. Western Australia 2. NSW 3. Victoria 4. Newzealand

19. Malaysia

20. Hong Kong

21. Japan

22. USA 1. Northeast Region (ME,

2. Southeast
I (MD,
3. South
4. PA)

5. South Central Region 6.


23. Canada 1. Western (Vancover, Victoria,

2. Calgary
( Calgary,
British Edmonton
3. Central
Region (Winnipeg,
4. Ontario
) (Toronto, Ottawa)

5. Quebec (Montreal) 6. Eastern/Northeastern Region (Fredericton, Halifax, St. John’s)

24. South Korea

25. South Africa

26. Mozambique

27. Swaziland

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V. Organisational Structure and Functions

a. A Chapter comprises all members and office holders of the Regional
, Country Organisations11 and Insaf Professional Forum within one
given Chapter as provided in the ‘International Chapters’ table.
b. Tenure of OIC Chapters shall be one year effective from the date of
oath taking ceremony.
c. A Chapter shall be deemed to be complete provided it had
registered a minimum total of 10012 members in any Non-Middle
Eastern Chapter and a minimum total of 8 MCs in any Middle
Eastern Chapter; elections shall be held in such a Non-Middle
Eastern Chapter while nominations by agreement of the majority of
the constituents shall be made in such a Middle Eastern Chapter.
d. Secretary OIC may appoint a Convenor for Membership in such
chapters where minimum level of membership has not been
achieved, in order to organise it.
e. In case of more than one country in any given Chapter: Structure
and functions of the Chapter shall be the same as that of the
Country Organisation given herein.
f. In case of no Region in any given Chapter/Country: Elections/
Nominations shall be held/made as per Regional Organisation given

1.1. Regional Organisation

1.1.1. In Non-Middle Eastern Countries: Constituents shall comprise all the
registered members in the respective Region and elections shall be
held by electronic secret ballot among contesting panels.
1.1.2. In Middle Eastern Countries: Constituents shall comprise all the MCs
and appointments shall be made by the agreement of the majority of
the constituents; in case of failure of agreement, OIC-EC shall make
the appointments against the designations.
1.1.3. Regional Executive Body
shall comprise following;

1. President (Elected Panel) 5. Secretary Finance (Nominated)

2. Senior Vice President (Elected Panel) 6. Secretary Information (Nominated)
3. General Secretary (Elected Panel) 7. Secretary Youth (Nominated)
4. Additional General Secretary (Elected Panel) 8. Secretary Women (Nominated)

11 A Chapter may comprise of one or more Country organisations

12 This number was downsized from 200 after consultations from stake holders - 19 August, 2019

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f. Functions
f.1. Primary function shall be the membership drive.
f.2. To effectively communicate13 with the members to keep them informed
on party position on all topical issues and get their feed back.
f.3. To represent party in the local media on party position on topical issues.
f.4. Keep liaison with the respective Pakistani Consulate/High Commission /
Embassy to help resolve issues/problems faced by the members.
f.5. To hold regular bi-monthly Executive Body meetings
f.6. To hold Fund Raising Events, wherever feasible.
f.7. Might appoint further sectoral14 secretaries with majority decision as per
PTI Constitution 2019.
f.8. To keep informed and send regular reports of all activities/event to the
Country Executive Body members and to the Party Management Cell,

1.2. Country Organisation

1.2.1. Constituents shall comprise of all the members of the Regional
Executive Committees; candidates for elections or nominees for
appointments shall be residents of the relevant region/chapter15.
1.2.2. In Non-Middle Eastern Countries: Elections shall be held by either
show of hands or by division16.
1.2.3. In Middle Eastern Countries: Appointments shall be made by the
agreement of the majority of the constituents by the appointed OIC-
EC Delegate; in case of failure of agreement, Secretary OIC or
Sec.OIC Delegate shall make the appointments against the
1.2.4. Country Executive Body
Shall comprise Following;

1. President (Elected Panel) 5. Secretary Finance (Nominated)

2. Senior Vice President (Elected Panel) 6. Secretary Information (Nominated)
3. General Secretary (Elected Panel) 7. Secretary Youth (Nominated)
4. Additional General Secretary (Elected Panel) 8. Secretary Women (Nominated)

f. Functions

13 In physical events, electronic or printed matter

14 Like trade, commerce, sports and culture

15 Doesn’t have to be members of the Regional executive bodies

16 Could be done electronically

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f.1. Primary Function shall be to keep liaison with the Pakistani High
Commission / Embassy, Secretary OIC and Ministry for Overseas
Pakistanis to help resolve issues/Problems of the OIC members.
f.2. To coordinate and host visits/receptions of any Central Party Leaders or
members of the cabinet.
f.3. To effectively communicate17 with the members of the Regional
Executive Bodies to keep them informed on party position on all topical
issues and get their feed back.
f.4. To represent party in the national media of the host country on party
position on topical issues.
f.5. To hold regular bi-monthly Executive Body meetings
f.6. To hold Fund Raising Events, wherever feasible.
f.7. Might appoint further sectoral18 secretaries with majority decision as per
PTI Constitution 2019.
f.8. To keep informed and send regular reports of all activities/event to the
Secretary OIC and to the Party Management Cell, electronically.

1.3. Insaf Professional Forum19

1.1. It shall comprise of all such professionals and business people who
opted to register as member of this august body in any chapter for any of
the following reasons;
1.1.1. To do sabbatical work in any of the specialist subject areas20 in any
private/public institution21 of Pakistan
1.1.2. To establish associations with professional bodies in Pakistan
1.1.3. To establish business franchises/partnerships in Pakistan
1.1.4. Who might be planning to migrate back to homeland at some point in
future before or after retirement.
1.2. Secretary OIC might appoint a Convenor for each Chapter until a time
that the forum registers a total of 20 members; at this point Forum
members shall agree among themselves to appoint one member as
f. Functions
f.1. Shall only report to the Secretary OIC.
f.2. Shall hold at least bi-annual meetings of the forum.

17 In physical events, electronic or printed matter

18 Like trade, commerce, sports and culture

19 This being a new entity newer features might be added as it grows

20Any speciality of Medicine, Surgery, Engineering speciality , metaphysics, Art, philosophy ,journalism, literature or
Language sciences

21 University, Research institute, Industry or any service delivery department

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f.3. Forum members might hold International Convention in Pakistan on any

particular subject or on an array of subjects.
f.4. Forum members might host any visiting Party Leader22 of National
stature for discussions on national issues or fundraising23 .
f.5. Convenor/Coordinator shall keep close liaison with Secretary OIC and
any focal person24 in Pakistan appointed thereof to help facilitate forum
members to achieve their objective of interest.

VI. Elections25

1.General Provisions
1.1. Elections shall only be held in Non-Middle Eastern Countries where it is
allowed under the laws of the host country.
1.2. In Middle Eastern Countries a delegate from the OIC-EC shall only
organise and preside over the process of appointments as provided
1.3. No person shall be allowed to contest elections/be appointed 26 if have
been convicted under the laws of the land for any moral turpitude27 or
Financial embezzlement28; if any office holder gets such conviction
during the tenure, shall be liable for disciplinary measure as provided in
party constitution.
1.4. Any person shall be allowed to hold only one office 29.
1.5. Any contesting candidate or nominee for appointment30 shall be the
resident of the region/chapter in order to be eligible. 

22 Any Elected member Parliament, Central Party Leaders or Members of the Cabinet in case of party in government

23 For Charitable Causes or for Party

24 Specific Person in any University or other institution of interest

25 Or appointments in Middle Eastern Countries where elections cannot be held

26 in Middle Eastern Countries

27 such as Sexual Assault, Murder, Terrorism or any other violent activity

28 Conviction for monetary fraud with any employer (Public or Private) or any individual

29 means cannot hold two position in one organisation or a position in two organisations

30 in case Middle Eastern Countries

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2. OIC Election Commission (OIC-EC)

2.1. Federal Election Commission (FedEC) shall nominate a three member31
Election Commission for each Non-Middle Eastern Chapter in
consultation with Secretary OIC who shall conduct the electoral process
in the chapter.
2.2. FedEC shall nominate a delegate for each Middle Eastern Chapter in
consultation with the Secretary OIC who shall preside the process of
appointments to the Regions and Chapter Organisation as provided
herein; this OIC-EC delegate shall notify appointments thus made, to the
Sec-OIC and Party Management Cell.
2.3. FedEC shall be the final appellate authority.
2.4. In case of non-existence of FedEC32: SG shall make the appointments to
the OIC-EC in consultation with the Secretary OIC.
f.6. Functions
f.6.1. The OIC-EC shall develop the procedure and code of conduct for its
internal working; in accordance with the OIC by-laws; and notify the
same on the website.
f.6.2. The OIC-EC shall be responsible to take a written Declaration from
each registering MC in the Middle Eastern Chapters, stating and
taking full responsibility of adhering to the Election Act 2017 and PTI
Constitution 2019 for each member of the own cluster33.
f.6.3. OIC Election Commission shall notify the returned candidates to the
Party Management Cell and Federal Election Commission.

VII. Power and Functions of Office Bearers

1.1. The President

1.1.1. The President of any Elected Body shall be the head34 of the
respective executive body. The president’s primary function is to
lead, motivate, understand and communicate party vision and
strategy. Moreover, president shall guide general secretary in
performing administrative and executive functions.
1.1.2. The president shall maintain contacts with the media persons of the
level, effectively conveying party vision and policy.

31 A person could be made member of OIC-EC for more than one Chapters

32 In the interim while FedEC is being formed

33 that the cluster members are the legal Pakistani Ex-Patriates or their Children

34 The leader

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1.1.3. The President may preside all meetings and political events of the
1.1.4. The President shall act as team leader, communicating with all of the
executive body members building consensus around issues through
informed exhaustive collective decision making.
1.1.5. The President shall be responsible for any reconciliation that may be
required within the executive committee.

1.2. Senior Vice President (SVP)

1.1. To assist President in conducting any or all presidential functions as
assigned by the President.
1.2. In case of in-capacitance of the President for any reason , SVP shall
perform as Acting President.

1.3. The General Secretary (GS)

1.3.1. The job of the General Secretary (GS) is to head the administrative
arm of the organisation under the guidance of the President.
1.3.2. The GS shall plan, execute, coordinate and implement all decisions
taken by the Executive Body.
1.3.3. The GS is ultimately responsible to plan, organise, coordinate and
execute visits and receptions of the leaders, under the directions of
the executive body, and forward reports and data such generated to
the Party Management Cell.
1.3.4. The GS shall issue notifications, circulars and instructions with the
approval of the president, and forwarding all such data, preferably
electronically, to the Party Management Cell.
1.3.5. The GS is ultimately responsible to maintain, update and preserve in
a transparent manner, all the office record and data, minutes-of-the-
meeting register and attendance register. The GS shall make such
data available to the members when required/demanded.

1.4. Additional General Secretary (AGS)

1.1. To assist GS in conducting any or all GS functions as assigned by the
1.2. In case of in-capacitance of the GS for any reason , AGS shall perform
as Acting GS.

1.3. Secretary Information

1.3.1. Secretary Information shall be appointed by the General Secretary in
consultation with the President.
1.3.2. Secretary Information shall be the main spokesperson, of the
relevant executive body, to effectively present party narrative to the
media, and shall maintain appropriate contacts with the media
persons for the job.

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1.4. Secretary Finance

1.4.1. Secretary Finance shall be appointed by the General Secretary in
consultation with the President and the Secretary Finance for the
International Finance Board.
1.4.2. Secretary Finance shall be the chief of the Finance team.
1.4.3. Secretary Finance shall be responsible to keep all the accounts and
ledgers in order and ready for the annual internal and external audits
for the relevant organisation.
1.4.4. Shall obtain all financial records and material from his predecessor
on taking office including any membership payment records, previous
audit reports, monthly financial reports and bank statements.

1.5. Secretary Women

1.5.1. Shall be appointed by the consensus / majority vote of the executive
1.5.2. Shall devise a plan for the approval of executive body outlining the
targets, strategy and execution to enhance political awareness /
membership among women.
1.5.3. Build a team of women under her leadership, assign responsibilities,
guide and monitor her team’s performance.
1.5.4. Increase women membership, their involvement & participation in
organisational35l matters.
1.5.5. Perform other responsibilities as assigned by the Executive Body.

1.6. SecretaryYouth
1.6.1. Shall be appointed by the consensus / majority vote of the executive
1.6.2. Shall devise a plan for the approval of executive body outlining the
targets, strategy and execution to enhance political awareness /
membership among youth.
1.6.3. Introduce PTI in Pakistani student communities in Institutions and
1.6.4. Increase youth membership, their involvement and participation in
organisational’s matters; help organise recreational / study tours to
Pakistan for interested youth.
1.6.5. Perform other responsibilities as assigned by the Executive Body.

1.7. Other Sectoral Secretaries

1.7.1. Executive body of any given Region / Chapter might appoint
secretaries for any other sector to enhance PTI message and appeal
with clear functions and powers.

35 Regional or Country

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1. Evaluation shall be carried out by the Party Management Cell as per PTI
Constitution 2019 article V-8.12 against the functions of the Organisations
and office holders given herein.

IX. Finance
1. A country Finance Board shall be formed and function as per PTI Constitution
article X-4.
2. In case of USA: either the existing USA LLC shall become part of the USA
Country FB36 with the owner of LLC or owner’s nominee being appointed as
Secretary Finance or USA Country Finance Board shall register a new USA
LLC in the name of its Secretary Finance; USA Country FB might outsource
mandatory reporting to the Justice Department.
3. UK Finance Board shall act as International Finance Board for the deposition
of membership fees from all OIC chapters except for USA37 ; Secretary OIC
shall appoint three additional members from among the other Country
Secretary Finance in consultation with Central Secretary Finance; shall be
reporting to CFB through Central Secretary Finance.
4. International Finance Board shall provide access to real time electronic
38information to the Secretary OIC on the status/progress of the membership

drive in each region/chapter comprising following;

4.1. Region and Chapter wise membership numbers (Paid up or in default)
4.2. Limited information for those members who opted for such information
sharing as provided for herein (Article III-4, on Membership).
5. Each Secretary Finance shall follow the CFB Financial Policy Manual in letter
and spirit.

X. Discipline
1. A three member Country SCAD shall be formed by Cheif of the Central SCAD
in consultation with Secretary OIC; one Chief of the Country SCAD and two
members; Each Country SCAD shall act as the inquisitorial Disciplinary body
for the respective Chapter.

36 as per article X-4 of PTI Constitution 2019

37CFB might authorise International Finance Board to collect Membership Fees from USA also through CFB
Financial Policy Manual.

38 A software Dashboard

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2. Each Country SCAD shall follow the functions defined for the Provincial
SCAD in PTI Constitution 2019 article XII.
3. A Five member OIC SCAD shall be formed by the Cheif of the Central SCAD
in consultation with Secretary OIC; one Chief of the OIC SCAD and Four
members; OIC SCAD shall act as the appellate bod for all the Chapters.
4. OIC SCAD shall follow the functions defined for the Central SCAD in PTI
Constitution 2019 article XII; OIC SCAD shall be final and shall be executed
by Secretary OIC.
5. Interpersonal matters shall be resolved as per PTI Constitution 2019 article
X11-2 (Alternate Dispute Resolution System); the role of the mediator shall be
taken by the Regional General Secretary; in the absence of the Regions by
the Country GS; in the absence of Country GS by the Chapter GS.

XI. Amendment to the by-laws

1. Amendment to the by-laws shall be prepared by the Secretary OIC in
consultations with the elected bodies to be approved by CEC; amended by-
laws shall come into force immediately after being passed by a majority vote
of CEC quorum.

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