Building and Environment: Ran Liu, Jin Wen, Michael S. Waring

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Building and Environment 71 (2014) 81e94

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Improving airflow measurement accuracy in VAV terminal units using

flow conditioners
Ran Liu a, b, *, Jin Wen a, Michael S. Waring a
Department of Civil, Architectural and Environmental Engineering, Drexel University, Curtis 251, 3141 Chestnut St., Philadelphia, PA 19104, USA
Iowa Energy Center Energy Resource Station, DMACC Building #23, 2006 S. Ankeny Blvd., Ankeny, IA 50023, USA

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: A variable air volume (VAV) terminal unit adjusts its supply airflow rate to meet the heating or cooling
Received 22 June 2013 load and/or the ventilation requirement of the served space. Consequently, the accuracy of the VAV
Received in revised form airflow sensor is highly important to the VAV system operation, and an inaccuracy of the VAV airflow
21 September 2013
sensor could lead to an energy waste or insufficient ventilation. ASHRAE Research Project (RP) 1353
Accepted 25 September 2013
identified non-ideal inlet conditions, such as an elbow or kinked duct before the VAV terminal unit, as
causes of observed inaccuracies of up to 45% in VAV airflow measurements. VAV airflow measurement
errors are normally mitigated by on-site balancing; however, it is difficult to achieve accurate reference
Flow conditioner
airflow measurements in the field because of limited straight ductwork before VAV terminal units, as
Airflow measurement well as ductwork leakage. This study explored the potential solution of using a VAV flow conditioner to
Inlet condition regulate the velocity profile upstream of the VAV airflow sensor and increase the VAV airflow mea-
Airflow reading error surement accuracy. A variety of flow conditioners were evaluated with computational fluid dynamics
(CFD) modeling, and a CFD-optimized prototype of a 60%-porosity K-Lab/Laws plate was fabricated and
tested. For all tested inlet conditions, airflow rates, and VAV boxes, the prototype reduced the VAV airflow
reading error to 5% when it was installed immediately before the VAV box inlet, regardless of upstream
duct conditions. The prototype flow conditioner had a pressure drop equivalent to that of a 2-row VAV
reheat coil.
Ó 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction Fig. 1 shows a typical configuration of a VAV terminal unit.

Typically, there is an airflow sensor at the inlet of a VAV terminal
1.1. Problem statement unit that measures the airflow rate passing through the VAV box
and that rate is sent as a signal to the VAV controller. The VAV
Heating, ventilating, and air conditioning (HVAC) systems are controller compares this measured airflow rate to an airflow set
the largest energy consumers in modern commercial buildings, point that is determined based on the heating or cooling and/or
using about 30% of building energy [1], so reducing the energy used ventilation demands. If a significant difference exists, the VAV
by the HVAC system is an important goal. Because of their ability to controller commands the actuator to either open or close the VAV
provide better energy efficiency, variable air volume (VAV) systems damper position and thus change the airflow to some new amount.
with direct digital controllers (DDC) have been widely adopted in Obviously, the accuracy of the VAV airflow sensor is crucial. If the
commercial, industrial, and large residential buildings. A VAV ter- VAV airflow measurement is larger than the true airflow rate, the
minal unit adjusts its supply air temperature and airflow rate based space ventilation requirement would not be satisfied or the re-
on the real time heating and cooling loads, as well as the ventilation heating equipment could be damaged [2]; if the VAV airflow
requirement, of the space that the system is serving. measurement is lower than the true airflow rate, then energy
would be wasted. Based on standard fan laws, the fan power is
proportional to the airflow rate to the third order [2], so, for
example, a 40% airflow reading error could result in w170% fan
* Corresponding author. Present address: Iowa Energy Center Energy Resource energy waste. In addition, more heating or cooling energy is
Station, DMACC Building #23, 2006 S. Ankeny Blvd., Ankeny, IA 50023, USA. Tel.: þ1
consumed to condition the extra airflow.
515 965 7345; fax: þ1 515 965 7056.
E-mail addresses: [email protected] (R. Liu), [email protected] (J. Wen), ASHRAE Research Project (RP) 1353 [3,4] systematically evalu-
[email protected] (M.S. Waring). ated different VAV terminal units to identify major factors that

0360-1323/$ e see front matter Ó 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
82 R. Liu et al. / Building and Environment 71 (2014) 81e94

Fig. 1. VAV terminal unit configuration.

could cause inaccuracy of VAV airflow measurement. One of the conditioners is a common approach to improve the accuracy of flow
most important factors was the non-ideal inlet condition, such as measurements and has been well studied; however, no study was
an elbow and kinked duct, as shown in Fig. 2; a kinked inlet con- found in the open literature that examined the application of a flow
dition could cause VAV airflow reading error up to 45% [3]. On-site conditioner for an HVAC airflow measurement, particularly on a
balancing is regarded as a solution to correct the VAV airflow VAV airflow sensor.
measurement error, but it only works when an accurate reference Flow conditioner studies focus often on improving the
airflow measurement is available, which may be difficult to achieve perturbation-removing effect on a specific flow meter, such as an
practically in the field. Two methods are commonly used in the orifice meter, and reducing the pressure drop across the flow
field to measure reference airflow rates: the velocity traverse conditioner. For example, Laws [6], Erdal [7], Spearman et al. [8], and
method (upstream of VAV box) and the flow hood method Manshoor et al. [9] studied perforated plates (Fig. 3(a)e(c)) and
(downstream of VAV box). For a satisfactory performance of the evaluated impacts of the parameters of overall porosity, the grading
velocity traverse method, ASHRAE standard [5] recommends that of porosity along the radius, the wetted perimeter, the perforation
the measuring point be located at least 7.5 duct diameters down- distribution, and the number and size of holes in the plate. The
stream and 3 diameters upstream from a flow disturbance. In graded porosity was very important for developing a velocity profile
practice, this requirement is rarely met in the field, resulting in as fully as possible, and the blocking area on the plate was related to
non-ideal inlet conditions as the norm [4]. The flow hood method the conditioner pressure drop and turbulent kinetic energy. Laws
measures the airflow coming out of the diffusers. It is not affected and Quazzane [10,11] studied the Zanker flow conditioner, which is
by non-ideal inlet conditions upstream of the VAV box, but it does a combination of a graded perforated plate and a honeycomb sec-
not account for the leakage of the duct connecting the VAV box to tion, and the thickness of the plate played an important role and the
diffusers. This leakage is included in the airflow reading taken by honeycomb became removable if the plate was thick enough.
the VAV flow sensor and cannot be ignored. The field test of ASH- Ouazzane, Benhadj [12] and Laws [13] designed a Vaned Laws plate
RAE RP-1353 shows that the leakage between the VAV box and the flow conditioner consisting of a graded perforated plate with up-
diffusers can be in excess of 100 cfm, which is often more than 20% stream vanes (Fig. 3(d)), and it well removed the swirl and produced
of the minimum airflow rate for typical 8 in. VAV boxes. Therefore, a fully developed flow field. Frattolillo and Massarotti [14] compared
it is very difficult to correct the non-ideal inlet condition effect by the performance and pressure drop of different types of flow con-
on-site balancing. ditioners, and concluded that the hybrid flow conditioners like
Zanker flow conditioner and Vaned Laws plate could generate fully
1.2. Flow conditioner review developed velocity profiles in a shorter distance downstream but
had higher pressure drops compared to perforated plates only.
Non-ideal inlet conditions cause large errors in VAV airflow A common method to evaluate the performance of a flow
measurements because a non-ideal inlet condition causes irregular conditioner is to examine the velocity profile downstream of it. The
air velocity profiles. In typical VAV boxes, flow is inferred from velocity profiles at different distances downstream, such as 5D (i.e.,
pressure readings, and the limited pressure sensing ports on the VAV 5  duct diameter, D), 10D, 15D, etc., are compared to those of an
airflow sensor may not well represent the airflow profile and thus ideal duct condition (i.e., long enough straight ducts for flow to fully
result in measurement errors. The hypothesis of this work is that if develop). A high performance flow conditioner should fully
the velocity profile were regulated before going through the VAV develop the velocity profile and remove flow swirl and asymmetry
airflow sensor, then the measurement accuracy could be improved. in as short a distance as possible [6e8].
Therefore, the impact of a flow conditioner on VAV measurement Other than the ability to regulate the velocity flow profile, the
accuracy is systematically studied here to examine the potential pressure drop across the conditioner is also an important factor
improvement it can afford under non-ideal inlet conditions. when evaluating flow conditioner. An increased pressure resistance
A flow conditioner is a device that regulates the flow profile and in the flow consumes more fan energy, so a flow conditioner should
removes the swirl, cross-flow, and asymmetry in fluid flow. Thus, have the lowest pressure drop possible [15]. To express the pressure
with a flow conditioner upstream of a VAV box, flow with a more drop independent of velocity, it is common to define the pressure
fully developed velocity profile should encounter the VAV pressure loss coefficient as the pressure drop across the flow conditioner
sensors and ensure higher measurement accuracy. The use of flow over the velocity pressure, shown in Equation (1):
R. Liu et al. / Building and Environment 71 (2014) 81e94 83

Fig. 2. VAV inlet conditions.

DP The smaller the PL value, the better the conditioner is in terms of

PL ¼ 1  (1)
r 2
2 u
pressure loss. Therefore, flow conditioner design is an optimization
process between the sensor measurement accuracy improvement
where, PL is pressure loss coefficient, dimensionless; DP is the and the pressure drop/fan energy use.
pressure drop caused by the flow conditioner, Pa; u is the average Both experimental testing and computational fluid dynamic
velocity in the duct, m/s; r is the density of the air, kg/m3. (CFD) modeling were used in previous studies on flow conditioners

Fig. 3. Modeled flow conditioners with mesh on the surface.

84 R. Liu et al. / Building and Environment 71 (2014) 81e94

2.1.2. Mesh scheme

An unstructured triangleetetrahedral grid was generated for
this CFD study. It produces finer grids on intersections and
boundaries to capture important viscous effects, and has more
freedom on varying mesh density to meet the needs of the calcu-
lation domain [20,21], which is necessary for the complex geom-
etries of the VAV sensor, damper, and flow conditioner. The grids
were first generated on all surfaces with boundary layers, including
the surfaces of the sensor, damper, flow conditioner, cylindrical
ducts and rectangular box. Then the interior space of the calcula-
tion domain was meshed. An unstructured triangleetetrahedral
grid was applied to both face mesh and volume mesh. Finer grid
sizes were generated in the near-surface regions.

2.1.3. Grid sensitivity test

The initial grid density was set at 73,000 nodes/ft3 as a starting
point based on the literature [18]. To ensure the grid density was
large enough, a grid sensitivity test was performed. The basic
procedure was to increase and decrease grid density by 50% and
compare the results to those of the initial density. A grid sensitivity
test was performed each time the geometry of the model varied
(damper position, inlet condition, etc.). Velocity profiles generated
by different grid densities were compared at the following loca-
tions: box inlet, in between sensor and damper, and after damper.
The simulation at the higher grid density resulted in a difference of
less than 1% at the VAV box inlet and less than 3% at the other lo-
cations, relative to the initial density, so it was concluded that the
initial grid density of 73,000 nodes/ft3 was sufficient for this study.

2.1.4. Turbulence model selection and validation

Fig. 4. Simulated CFD virtual test bed. Three turbulence models, namely, Reynolds Stress Model (RSM),
Standard keε Model, and Re-Normalization Group (RNG) keε
Model were considered in this study. Using the RSM, the residual of
[7,16,17]. In this work, the feasibility of designing a flow conditioner continuity did not converge at low flows (50 and 100 cfm) and low
to increase the airflow measurement accuracy for a VAV box was damper positions (25% and 35% open). The RNG keε model was
explored. To do so, a variety of flow conditioners were evaluated superior to the Standard keε Model, as noted by Refs. [22,23], and
using computational fluid dynamics (CFD) modeling, and then an converged successfully and required fewer iterations, especially at
optimized prototype was fabricated and tested in a laboratory low flows (50 and 100 cfm) and low damper positions (25% and 35%
environment. open).
To validate the CFD model, the velocity profiles predicted by the
2. Flow conditioner design and CFD modeling RNG keε model were compared to ASHRAE RP-1353 laboratory test
data, for which velocity profiles were measured at the inlet of a VAV
CFD modeling was first used to evaluate different flow condi- box. The percent differences between the CFD-simulated velocity
tioners and their abilities to improve VAV airflow measurement and tested velocity were within 5%.
accuracy. A CFD virtual test bed was developed as the calculation
domain, and then four flow conditioners were simulated and 2.2. Flow conditioner design
Different flow conditioner designs based on literature recom-
2.1. CFD technical settings mendations were evaluated within the CFD calculation domain,
including two classes of flow conditioners, namely K-Lab/Laws flow
2.1.1. Calculation domain conditioners and hybrid flow conditioners.
The virtual test bed is shown in Fig. 4(a)e(c) and included an
inlet condition, an 8 in. VAV box, a flow conditioner, and a straight 2.2.1. K-Lab/Laws flow conditioners
duct prior to the VAV inlet. A two-axis airflow sensor (shown in According to Ref. [14], K-Lab/Laws flow conditioners (shown in
Fig. 5(a)) was modeled for the VAV flow sensor. Only one type of Fig. 3(a)e(c)) have pressure loss coefficients as low as 0.3, remove
VAV airflow sensor was modeled because the ASHRAE RP-1353 swirl effects and asymmetries of velocity profiles efficiently, and
project [3,4] revealed that different VAV airflow sensors per- are easy to manufacture. The porosity, defined as the ratio of
formed similarly. Two inlet conditions representing an ideal and a perforated area to the total area of the plate, is a key factor deter-
non-ideal inlet condition were modeled, namely straight and mining the performance and pressure drop of a K-Lab/Laws flow
kinked duct conditions, respectively. Based on previous CFD studies conditioner [7], so we modeled porosities of 70%, 60%, and 45%.
on elbows and flexible ducts regarding pressure drop issues [18,19], Based on Refs. [6,7], the thickness of the flow conditioner was fixed
a 10D (7 ft) long straight duct was added prior to the inlet condition at 1/8D (1 in. for 8 in. duct). For each porosity case, four airflow rates
to ensure a velocity profile similar to that of a real straight duct of 50, 100, 200, and 700 cfm were simulated at the 100% open
before the VAV box inlet. For each inlet condition, three VAV damper position first, and the flow conditioner with best perfor-
damper positions were modeled: 100%, 35%, and 25% open. mance was then also evaluated at the 35% and 25% open damper
R. Liu et al. / Building and Environment 71 (2014) 81e94 85

Fig. 5. VAV airflow sensors.

positions. The perforation distribution on K-Lab/Laws flow condi- (VAV differential pressure) [24]. A VAV airflow sensor may have
tioner was set at the common 1:6:12 [6,7], meaning that one cen- multiple total pressure sensing ports and/or multiple static pres-
tral hole was surrounded by six holes in an inner concentric row sure sensing ports, and their total effect is averaged for the final
and 12 holes in an outer concentric row so that 19 holes with flow inference. Using the following equation, the measured VAV
identical diameters were equally distributed (Fig. 3). The actual differential pressure is converted to the VAV airflow rate:
arrangement is not that important to the results and was not varied pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
in our optimization, as Erdal [7] showed that different perforation QVAV ¼ K DPVAV (2)
arrangements with the same porosity resulted in similar perfor-
mances in regulating the velocity profile. where, QVAV is the VAV volumetric airflow (cfm); DPVAV is the VAV
Two locations of the flow conditioner relative to the VAV box differential pressure (in. of water); and K is the conversion factor
inlet were simulated, shown in Fig. 4(c). One was at the VAV box provided by the VAV manufacturer (cfm/in. of water 0.5). Usually,
inlet, which was w0.34D upstream from the VAV flow sensor face, the K factor is determined by the manufacturer from measurements
and the other was 1D upstream from the VAV box inlet. For those of differential pressure versus airflow rate under idealized duct-
VAV boxes that are tested in this paper, the distance from the VAV work conditions. To evaluate the VAV airflow measurement percent
box inlet to the VAV flow sensor is about 0.34D. Considering that error, %ErrorVAV, the following equation is defined:
during a field installation, the VAV box inlet is the most convenient %ErrorVAV ¼ ðQVAV  QREF Þ=QREF  100 (3)
location to place the flow conditioner, 0.34D was chosen as one of
the two test locations. Another location, 1D (a typical distance where, QREF is the reference airflow rate (cfm), which is measured
suggested by the literature) upstream to the VAV box inlet was also by high-accuracy airflow station and regarded as the “true flow”.
chosen, to understand how location might affect the flow condi- To evaluate the flow conditioner performance in CFD simulation,
tioner’s performance. Since the purpose of the flow conditioner is a virtual VAV airflow reading error was calculated based on the real
to reduce the need of long straight duct, no other locations were pressure measuring mechanism above, with the procedure
tested. described as follows:

2.2.2. Hybrid flow conditioners (1) Before running a CFD simulation, the inlet airflow rate was
The hybrid flow conditioner was also considered because pre- specified as a boundary condition and was regarded as the
vious studies have shown that hybrid devices better remove swirl virtual reference airflow rate, QREF_CFD, that the virtual VAV
and asymmetry and generate more fully developed velocity profiles airflow rate measurement was compared against.
in less distance downstream than K-Lab/Laws flow conditioner (2) From the simulation result, the total pressure and static
[10,12]. The drawbacks were higher pressure loss (0.8e1) and pressure at any point within the calculation domain were
higher difficulty to manufacturer. Being time consuming in geom- known, so the total pressure, PT_CFD, and the static pressure,
etry generation and CFD simulation, the hybrid flow conditioner PS_CFD, at all pressure sensing ports could be determined. The
was given less emphasis in this study, and only one type, the Vaned virtual VAV differential pressure, DPCFD, was calculated as:
Laws flow conditioner, shown in Fig. 3(d), was examined. The
Vaned Laws plate has already been optimized in the literature [12],
and as such, the vane with a length of 1 in. was placed upstream of a
perforated plate with 50% porosity and there was a 4 in. air gap where PT_CFD is an average of the total pressures at all total pressure
between the plate and the vane. In addition, the vanes were placed sensing ports shown in Fig. 5, and PS_CFD is an average of the static
such that no flow channels in the plate were blocked. Other than pressures at all static pressure sensing ports.
evaluating only a fixed porosity, the same testing procedure was
used for the Vaned Laws plate as the K-Lab/Laws flow conditioners. (3) Using the virtual test bed with a straight hard inlet condition,
cases were simulated with inlet airflow rates and the DPCFD
2.2.3. Virtual VAV airflow reading error for each case was calculated. Knowing QREF_CFD, a virtual K
In practice, a pressure-based VAV airflow sensor (shown in factor, KCFD, was determined by the following relation:
Fig. 5) infers the airflow velocity pressure and converts it to a VAV
airflow rate. Specifically, the VAV airflow sensor measures the total pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
pressure at the sensing ports located on the front of the airflow
probe facing the airflow, while static pressure is measured at the The calculated virtual K factors under different damper posi-
sensing ports located on the rear side of the airflow sensor. The tions and airflow rates are listed in Table 1. All cases in Table are
difference between these two is the amplified velocity pressure with straight hard inlet condition.
86 R. Liu et al. / Building and Environment 71 (2014) 81e94

Table 1 For the 100% open damper position testing condition, the 60%-
Virtual K factors under different damper positions and airflow rates in CFD porosity plate performed better than the 70%-porosity and 45%-
porosity plate, as well as the Vaned plate. Two damper position
Simulated airflow, cfm Virtual K factor, cfm/in. of water cases, 35% and 25% open, were then simulated to verify the per-
100% open 35% open 25% open formance of the 60%-porosity plate at these lower damper posi-
damper damper damper tions. Consistent with the 100% open damper case, the 60%-
100 1052.78 1101.31 1080.71 porosity plate placed immediately before the VAV box inlet yielded
200 1076.45 1143.46 1152.27 larger errors than that with the kinked flexible inlet condition only.
700 1072.40 N/A N/A However, the error reduced to less than 3% when the plate was
placed 1D downstream of the inlet.

This KCFD was then used in the virtual test bed with kinked 2.3.2. Pressure drop of modeled flow conditioners
flexible inlet condition and flow conditioner design cases to Table 2 lists the pressure drops and pressure loss coefficients of
determine the virtual VAV airflow rate, given as: the simulated flow conditioners. All numbers are the average re-
pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi sults from all of the different inlet conditions and flow conditioner
QVAV CFD ¼ KCFD DPCFD (6) locations, as these factors did not influence the pressure drop
meaningfully. The pressure loss coefficient calculated using Equa-
tion (1) ranges from 0.27 to 0.4 for the K-Lab/Laws flow condi-
(4) Finally, a virtual VAV airflow reading error was calculated as: tioners, which is consistent with the literature [14]. The Vaned plate
yielded higher pressure loss coefficients than those of a K-Lab/Laws
plate, although the pressure drops from a Vaned plate were not
%ErrorCFD ¼ QVAV  QREF QREF  100 (7) necessarily larger than those from a K-Lab/Laws plate.

An optimized flow conditioner would be expected to keep this 2.4. Summary from the CFD modeling study
error to below 5%.
The simulation results showed that the best design, in terms of
reducing VAV airflow error and pressure loss, was a 60%-porosity K-
2.3. Results and discussion Lab/Law plate, so this flow conditioner was selected as the proto-
type to be evaluated in the laboratory test. The simulation results
2.3.1. Virtual VAV airflow reading errors and velocity profiles also showed that the effect of the flow conditioner on the velocity
Fig. 6 shows the virtual VAV airflow reading errors of different profile at the sensing point was highly dependent on its location
flow conditioner designs at the 200 cfm simulated airflow rate, and relative to the VAV box inlet (i.e., immediately before or 1D up-
similar results were obtained with the 100 and 700 cfm tests. For stream). Also, it is worth noting explicitly that the calculation of the
the 100% open damper position, the error for the kinked duct inlet VAV differential pressure in the CFD setting was simplified and
condition with no flow conditioner was about 7%. With the flow averaged discrete points directly. This may result in a difference
conditioners immediately before the VAV box inlet, the VAV airflow from actual VAV airflow measurement. Section 3.3 compares the
reading error was even larger, up to about 34%. However, the errors CFD modeling with the laboratory testing.
became much smaller when the flow conditioners were 1D up-
stream before the VAV box inlet. At this position, the K-Lab/Laws 3. Flow conditioner laboratory test
flow conditioners yielded a virtual VAV airflow reading error of less
than 5%. Among the 1D downstream position cases, 60%-porosity 3.1. Experimental design
yielded the smallest absolute error of about 1%.
The velocity profiles at the virtual VAV flow sensor position for Based on the CFD studies, an 8 in. diameter prototype of the
the different cases are plotted in Fig. 7, and the diamond dots refer best-performing VAV flow conditioner, which was the 60%-porosity
to the velocity along the horizontal center line while the square K-Lab/Law plate, was designed and then fabricated at the Drexel
dots represent the velocity along the vertical center line. The ve- University Machine Shop. The prototype and its dimensions are
locity is 0 fpm at the center of each velocity profile because of the shown in Fig. 8. The prototype was manufactured for an 8 in. VAV
blocked area at the center of the VAV sensor. The velocity profiles box because of its widespread use.
after the kinked duct inlet were distorted when compared to that
after a straight duct inlet. Also, the velocity profiles when the flow 3.1.1. Test bed setup
conditioner was immediately upstream of the box inlet showed A laboratory test rig (schematic in Fig. 9) was developed to test
large disturbances at the sensor because the sensor position was the impact of the flow conditioner on the VAV box measurement
too close to the flow conditioner. The velocity profiles for a condi- accuracy. A blower with speed control was located upstream of all
tioner 1D upstream from the VAV box are better developed and are ductwork to provide the desired airflow, followed by a flow box
similar to those after a straight duct. serving as the connection between the blower outlet and the 2 ft.
Simulation results using the Vaned plate indicate that this long straight, round 8 in. diameter ductwork, followed by the inlet
hybrid conditioner does not yield a better result than the K-Lab/ conditions tested in this study, and then the VAV box. A pressure
Laws flow conditioner as the literature indicated, potentially due to probe on the straight duct measured the supply air static pressure.
the perforation distribution of the plate. As shown in Fig. 3(d), there Three inlet conditions were tested: straight hard, 90 elbow, and
are larger perforations in the center of the conditioner and smaller kinked flexible. The straight hard duct was a 5 ft. long with 8 in.
ones in the outer row, which results in a concentrated airflow mass diameter straight duct, so with the 2 ft. upstream duct, a 7 ft. long
along the central line. This concentration resulted in more negative straight hard inlet condition was created. This distance is long
pressure on the rear side of the VAV flow sensor where the VAV enough to remove the disturbances caused by the blower and flow
static pressure is sensed, and therefore, the virtual airflow reading box (>7.5D downstream) [5]. The kinked duct was positioned as a
error increased. U-shape because pre-tests revealed the shape was expected to yield
R. Liu et al. / Building and Environment 71 (2014) 81e94 87

Fig. 6. Virtual VAV airflow reading errors under different flow conditioner settings at 200 cfm set point and 100% open damper position.

the largest VAV airflow reading errors. Each inlet condition was damper position was adjusted manually to achieve desired supply
tested with and without the flow conditioner, and the flow condi- air pressure and airflow rate, and an angle scale was marked behind
tioner was placed at the two positions tested in the CFD modeling, the actuator to indicate the damper position. The VAV box outlet
i.e., immediately before the VAV box inlet and 1D (8 in.) upstream of was connected to a flow hood box, which also had its static pressure
the VAV box inlet. The VAV box inlet was w0.34D from the VAV measured and was followed by a reference flow station. Close
flow sensor, as it was with the CFD modeling. When testing the flow attention was paid to ensure the air tightness of the entire duct-
conditioner 1D upstream of the VAV box, one extra pressure sensor work especially the part from the VAV box inlet to the end of
was used to measure the pressure drop across the flow conditioner. reference flow station. Bubble tests were performed to examine the
This sensor could not be used when the flow conditioner was right leakage along all joints.
before the VAV box inlet due to limited space. A Duct Blaster (Energy Conservatory) [25] served as the refer-
The VAV damper position was controlled by an actuator with an ence airflow station. Similar to a powered flow hood, the Duct
ON/OFF motor switch. During a fixed supply air pressure test, the Blaster measures airflow by maintaining a zero differential pressure

Fig. 7. Simulated velocity profiles at VAV airflow sensor (200 cfm set point).
88 R. Liu et al. / Building and Environment 71 (2014) 81e94

Table 2 were randomly selected to be repeated. The test results were

Pressure drop and pressure loss coefficients of CFD-simulated flow conditioners. evaluated by the VAV airflow reading %ErrorVAV defined as in
K-Lab/Laws Vaned Equation (3), which also uses Equation (2). For all cases, the VAV
70% 60% 45%
plate airflow readings of QVAV were calculated using the default K factors
porosity porosity porosity provided by the VAV box manufacturers, and it was K ¼ 927 cfm/in.
of water 0.5 for the single-axis box and K ¼ 890 cfm/in. of water 0.5
Pressure drop at different 50 cfm 0.0017 0.0027 0.0053 0.0037
airflow, in. of water 100 cfm 0.0035 0.0056 0.012 0.011 for the two-axis box. The reference airflow reading, QREF, was that
200 cfm 0.016 0.025 0.055 0.048 provided by the reference airflow station.
700 cfm 0.18 0.28 0.63 0.53
Pressure loss coefficient 0.27 0.33 0.40 0.42
(calculated using Equation (1)) 3.2. Results and analysis

3.2.1. Straight hard inlet

between the flow hood box and the ambient environment and Fig. 10(a) shows the test results for the straight hard inlet con-
reading the airflow rate generated by a variable speed, built-in fan. dition at the 100% open damper position. For the single-axis sensor,
The manufacturer rated maximum uncertainty of the reference the VAV airflow reading errors with the straight hard inlet condi-
flow station was 3%, and the total uncertainty of each airflow rate tion were around 3% at all airflow set points, consistent with those
was calculated considering the uncertainties from the airflow from the laboratory test in ASHRAE RP-1353 project, which indi-
sensor, the pressure transducer, and the air density effect. The cated that using the default K factor would yield satisfactory airflow
calculated flow uncertainties are listed in Table 3. measurement accuracy. Interestingly, with the flow conditioner at
The sampling rate was 1 Hz for all recorded data. In each case, the VAV box inlet, the VAV airflow reading errors increased to 8e
10 minutes of data after the conditions were at steady state were 13%, potentially because the flow conditioner resulted in uneven
used for analysis, where steady state was defined as when the velocity profiles immediately upstream of it. However, with the 1D
reference flow station reached the desired flow rate and the flow straight duct between the flow conditioner and the VAV box inlet,
hood box pressure was maintained at zero. In addition, the supply the VAV airflow reading errors decreased back to 3%, similar to
air pressure was maintained at 0.5 in. of water. those for just the straight hard inlet condition. Results from the
fixed pressure test (summarized in Fig. 11(a)) are similar to those
3.1.2. Test cases from the fixed damper test, indicating that VAV damper positions
Three inlet conditions were examined in this study, each of and supply air pressures do not affect the test results within the
which was tested with and without the flow conditioner positioned range of our experimental conditions.
at two locations. Two VAV boxes with different airflow sensing For the two-axis sensor, the VAV airflow reading errors with the
mechanisms were tested, namely a single-axis sensor and a two- straight inlet condition ranged between 4 and 8%. Similar to the
axis sensor. The single-axis box was the exact box tested in the single-axis sensor, the flow conditioner immediately upstream of
ASHRAE RP-1353 project [3,4], and the two-axis VAV box was a the VAV airflow sensor caused larger airflow reading errors of
used VAV box provided by Drexel. Both fixed damper and fixed between 5 and 9%, but again, when the flow conditioner was
pressure tests were performed. During the fixed damper test, the placed 1D upstream of the VAV sensor, the errors reduced back to
damper position was fixed at 100% open to examine the impact of less than 5% at low flows and less than 8% at high flows. The
the flow conditioner without any damper interference. Under this differences were even smaller in the fixed pressure test, which are
test, airflow rates including 100, 200, 300 cfm, and a max flow rate, in Fig. 11(a), though the fixed pressure test results were overall
were tested by varying supply air pressure, where the max flow rate similar to those from the fixed damper test.
was the maximum flow rate generated by the blower and was
w600 cfm for the straight hard and elbow inlet conditions and 3.2.2. Kinked inlet condition
w400 cfm for the kinked inlet condition. For comparison, 400 cfm The test results of the single-axis box for kinked inlet conditions
was also tested for straight hard and elbow inlet conditions. During are shown in Fig. 10(b) for the fixed damper tests and in Fig. 11(b)
the fixed supply air pressure tests, 0.5 in. of water duct static for the fixed pressure tests. The VAV airflow reading errors were
pressure was maintained, and the VAV damper positions were about 40% under kinked inlet conditions for nearly all tested airflow
varied to provide the desired airflow rates of 100, 200, and 300 cfm. set points. With the flow conditioner between the kinked inlet and
Testing procedures were similar to those used during the labo- the VAV box, the airflow reading errors decreased to 1e4%, similar
ratory test described in ASHRAE RP-1353 project [3,4]. Several cases to results for the straight hard inlet condition. With a 1D straight

Fig. 8. The prototype of the VAV flow conditioner.

R. Liu et al. / Building and Environment 71 (2014) 81e94 89

Fig. 9. VAV flow conditioner laboratory test setup.

duct (no flow conditioner) between the kinked inlet and the VAV conclusions were still valid but the absolute values of the error
box, the airflow reading errors were about 5%, implying that the terms decreased by about 2%, when compared with those from the
1D straight duct addition did not reduce airflow reading errors fixed damper tests.
caused by kinked duct as effectively with only the flow conditioner. The 90 elbow test results of the two-axis box displayed in
In conflict with the CFD predictions, the flow conditioner plus 1D Fig. 10(c) and Fig. 11(c) indicate that the elbow inlet condition did
straight duct configuration did not further reduce the airflow not result in more than 6% VAV airflow reading error for the two-
reading errors, which were 2e7%. Results from the fixed damper axis box that was tested, which was even smaller than for the
tests and the fixed pressure tests were similar. straight hard duct inlet condition, so testing the combination of
The test results of the two-axis box under kinked inlet condi- elbow and 1D straight duct was not performed. The flow condi-
tions are also shown in Fig. 10(b) for the fixed damper tests and in tioner was quite effective in reducing the errors for this elbow inlet,
Fig. 11(b) for the fixed pressure tests. The VAV airflow reading errors which were the smallest among those from all inlet conditions.
were about 13% under kinked inlet conditions for nearly all tested
airflow set points, and with the flow conditioner between the 3.2.4. Additional velocity pressure test
kinked inlet and the VAV box, the airflow reading errors decreased The above laboratory test results demonstrate that the flow
to 2%, which was even smaller than those under the straight hard conditioner is more effective at improving tested VAV airflow
inlet condition. With the 1D straight duct (no flow conditioner) sensor accuracy when it is installed immediately before the VAV
between the kinked inlet and the VAV box, the airflow reading box inlet rather than at 1D upstream of the box inlet. However, the
errors were about 9 to 13%, so the addition of a 1D straight duct CFD simulation results indicated that the latter location should
did not reduce airflow reading errors caused by the kinked duct for yield a more evenly distributed velocity profile, leading one to
the two-axis airflow sensor. The flow conditioner plus 1D straight expect that the latter location would yield a better VAV airflow
duct configuration did not further reduce the airflow reading er- measurement accuracy, which was not observed in our
rors, which were 1e4%, below those for just the flow conditioner. experiments.
Results from the fixed damper tests and the fixed pressure tests To explore this conflict, a Pitot tube was used to measure the
were similar. velocity pressures across the duct cross section at a point very close
to the VAV sensor for the single-axis VAV box. As shown in
3.2.3. Elbow inlet condition Fig. 12(a), velocity pressures were measured along four traverses:
Fig. 10(c) shows the fixed damper test results for the single-axis horizontal, along the sensor, vertical, and across the sensor. Along
box with the 90 elbow inlet condition. The VAV airflow reading each traverse, velocity pressures were measured at seven locations
errors for this condition were 10e21%, and the flow conditioner (with only four sensing ports along the single-axis sensor), at
alone reduced this error to less than 5%. Unlike the case with the 200 cfm of airflow with a 100% open damper position for five inlet
kinked inlet, the 1D straight duct after the elbow (no flow condi-
tioner) increased the VAV airflow reading error to 10e13% (except
for 5% at 100 cfm). Moreover, the flow conditioner plus 1D straight
Table 3
duct configuration yielded even larger VAV airflow reading errors of
Uncertainty of reference airflow station in the flow conditioner test setup.
10e15%. Additional tests were performed to explore this phe-
nomenon, which are discussed in Section 3.2.4. Fig. 11(c) shows the Airflow rate, cfm 50 100 200 300 400 600
Uncertainty, cfm 1.25 2.54 5.02 7.52 10.07 15.20
fixed pressure test result, and with the damper variation, the above
90 R. Liu et al. / Building and Environment 71 (2014) 81e94

Fig. 10. Flow conditioner test results at 100% open damper position.
R. Liu et al. / Building and Environment 71 (2014) 81e94 91

Fig. 11. Flow conditioner test results at 0.5 in. of water duct static pressure.
92 R. Liu et al. / Building and Environment 71 (2014) 81e94

Fig. 12. Velocity pressures measured by Pitot tube.

condition and flow conditioner (FC) combinations: straight, elbow, condition. Compared to the straight duct, a larger velocity variation
elbow þ FC, elbow þ 1D straight duct, and elbow þ 1D þ FC. exists at each traverse, indicating a less uniform velocity profile. At
The velocity profiles are very different for the five tested inlet the traverse along the VAV sensor, the velocity pressures at most of
combinations. Fig. 12(b) shows the results at straight duct inlet the tested locations were higher than those from the straight inlet
condition: the velocity pressures at each traverse are fairly uniform, condition, explaining why the VAV airflow was higher for the elbow
at 0.023 in. of water. Fig. 12(c) shows the results for the elbow inlet inlet condition than the straight hard condition. However, rotating
R. Liu et al. / Building and Environment 71 (2014) 81e94 93

the sensor would not correct this problem since the velocity
pressures along other axes are also either much higher or lower
than the corresponding straight duct values. As such, a two-axis
VAV sensor would improve the measurement accuracy only
With a flow conditioner installed immediately upstream of the
VAV box inlet, the velocity pressure variation along any axis is
larger than any other inlet combinations, as shown in Fig. 12(d).
However, the variations along any axis include both high positive
pressure and high negative pressure, indicating even a single-axis
sensor could average out the variations since it has multiple
openings along the sensor. Fig. 12(e) shows the velocity pressures
for the elbow þ 1D straight duct inlet condition. Compared to the
elbow only case, smaller variations were observed because the 1D
straight duct smoothed out the velocity profile; however the
measured VAV airflow reading error was still greater than that
under the straight duct. As shown in Fig. 12(f), with the flow
conditioner 1D upstream of the VAV box inlet the smallest variation
Fig. 13. Pressure drops of the flow conditioner prototype and typical VAV reheat coils.
in velocity pressures was observed among the four elbow cases, at
similar magnitude to the straight duct. However, the velocity
pressures were still not uniform enough to generate VAV airflow
reading errors comparable to the straight duct. reduced the reading error caused by the kinked inlet condition, but
Previous flow conditioner studies have made efforts on devel- resulted in w10% error for the elbow inlet condition. This section
oping a uniform velocity profile at a downstream distance as short explores these discrepancies.
as possible. But it is shown in this study that the VAV airflow sensor A closer look at the sensor modeling approach in the CFD test
could be located very close (0.34D) to the flow conditioner, where bed shows why the virtual VAV airflow sensor might result in a
the velocity is still strongly fluctuating. At this location, the VAV different reading from the actual one. Due to the complexity of
airflow measurement error is close to that of a straight hard inlet modeling the micro-scale airflow inside the VAV airflow sensor, a
condition, not because of a fully developed velocity profile, but simple solid block was modeled to represent the VAV airflow sensor
because the typical VAV sensor could effectively average out the in the CFD model. As stated in Section 2.3, the virtual VAV differ-
velocity variations. Further downstream of the flow conditioner, ential pressure was obtained by averaging the pressures at various
the velocity profile starts to develop and its fluctuation reduces, surface points of the virtual VAV airflow sensor. In a real VAV
and in this case, the performance of the VAV airflow sensor relies on sensor, however, the pressures sensed at different points are mixed
the development of the velocity profile. 1D downstream of the flow and averaged inside the sensor tubes before sending the signal to a
conditioner was not enough to reduce the airflow reading error due pressure transducer, potentially resulting in differences from the
to a non-ideal inlet condition, but it is believed that further model approach.
downstream of the flow conditioner could result in a satisfied VAV An additional Pitot tube measurement was performed to
airflow measurement. explore the difference between the VAV airflow sensor measure-
ment and the result of averaging the measured pressures of single
3.2.5. Pressure drop of the VAV flow conditioner sensing points. Fig. 14(a) displays Pitot tube measurement locations
The pressure drop of the flow conditioner at each flow rate was as white dots, which correspond in location to the pressure sensing
measured with the flow conditioner at 1D upstream from the VAV port locations on the single-axis airflow sensor. The Pitot tube total
box inlet, as plotted in Fig. 13. For reference, the pressure drop of pressure sensing port was faced forward to measure the total
the flow conditioner was compared to the pressure drop of typical pressure and faced backward to measure the static pressure. The
VAV box reheat coils, using data obtained from a single-axis VAV static pressure sensing port on the Pitot tube, normally perpen-
box manufacturer [26]. (The pressure drop of a two-axis VAV box dicular to the air stream, was blocked at all times during these
reheat coil is similar to a single-axis VAV box [27].) Fig. 13 illustrates measurements. The VAV differential pressure was obtained at each
that the pressure drop of the flow conditioner was approximately point and the average of them was compared to the VAV differential
equivalent to the pressure drop of a typical 2-row reheat coil. The pressure reported by the VAV airflow sensor.
pressure loss coefficient at different airflow rates and inlet condi- Fig. 14(b) displays the VAV airflow sensor measurements and the
tions ranged from 0.33 to 0.48, which were consistent with simu- Pitot tube measurements for all inlet conditions and flow condi-
lated results by CFD. These losses are equivalent to the pressure loss tioner setups at a flow of 200 cfm, and clear differences exist. The
in an 8 in. straight duct ranging 29e34 ft long. largest difference is for the case with the flow conditioner between
the elbow and VAV box inlet, with a difference of w0.02 in. of water,
3.3. Comparison of laboratory testing and CFD modeling which translates to a flow difference of w40 cfm. The smallest is for
the straight duct inlet condition, where the difference between the
Differences exist between the laboratory test results and the two measurements is w0.003 in. of water. This comparison illu-
CFD predictions. Specifically, the CFD modeling results showed that minates a possible reason why the CFD and laboratory tests yielded
the flow conditioner caused the smallest error (1%) when placed different results by indicating that the method of averaging the
1D upstream of the VAV box inlet and that the error was larger pressures measured separately (as with the virtual VAV sensor)
(>10%) with the flow conditioner right before the VAV box inlet. may not represent the real VAV differential pressure measurement.
However, the laboratory tests showed that at the location imme- Differences in velocity profiles between the laboratory testing
diately before the VAV box inlet, the flow conditioner always and the CFD modeling were not able to be assessed as a possible
reduced the error to 5% for both elbow and kinked inlet condi- reason for conflicting laboratory and CFD results because velocity
tions. At 1D upstream of the VAV box inlet, the flow conditioner also profiles were not measured for the same case modeled in CFD. Note
94 R. Liu et al. / Building and Environment 71 (2014) 81e94

Fig. 14. Comparison between the VAV airflow sensor measurement and the Pitot tube measurement.

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