Action Research (Absenteeism)

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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Division of Batangas
San Pascual District

Causes of Absenteeism Among the Grade V Pupils of

Natunuan North Elementary School

An Action Research

Prepared by:

Grade V Teacher

Special Teacher


Principal I
Research Proponents: Merle I. Isabela
Julita P. Dimaculangan
Division: Batangas

School: Natunuan North Elementary School

Natunuan North San Pascual Batangas

Title: Causes of Absenteeism Among the Grade V Pupils of Natunuan North

Elementary School
School absenteeism is an alarming problem for teachers, parents and
the society, in general, as well as for the students, in particular. It may indicate
low performance of teachers, students' dissatisfaction of the school's
services, or lack of or poor academic and non-academic structures or policies
that address the problems or factors influencing or reinforcing this behavior.
Parents are financially burdened for having their children to stay longer in the
school, having to re-enroll them in subjects where they fail due to excessive
absences. The present study aimed to explore the process by which the
phenomenon of school absenteeism evolves or is experienced by the college
students. In-depth interviews of ten absentee students and the use of editing
style analysis and a method described by Colaizzi (1978) yielded three
category schemes of experience of school absenteeism: (a) disempowering
circumstances - feeling of helplessness; (b) misguided value system - mixed
up priorities; and (c) pedagogical dilemmas - unappealing academic
environments. Based on the findings, the pedagogical, psychological and
socio-cultural implications are discussed.
I. Context and Rationale

One of the most annoying, if an avoidable experiences of teachers like me

is dealing with student absenteeism. We prepare lesson plans with the objective
that 100% of the class will learn from the day’s classroom activities. And it is most
satisfying when all students are present on that days thereafter to ensure maximum
Sadly it is very difficult to achieve a perfect attendance among my students.
No matter how interesting and well prepared my lessons and teaching materials are
there, bound to be students who miss out the day’s activities, willingly and
unwillingly. This is particularly true to those of us teaching in the public schools. We
all know that almost half or maybe majority of our students come from poverty-
stricken families or from families whose meager income is just enough to put food on
their tables.
II. Literature Review
Absenteeism, according to Merriam- Webster dictionary mean chronic absence. In
the context of the school it is habitual or intentional failure from going to school. It can
not be denied that every now and then, students may miss some school activities and
lessons. But it comes a problem if the student will be away from school many days.
Going to school is crucially important for a student’s and social skills. Chronic
absentee students are placed at advantage both social and academically. They missed
out on critical stages of social inter action and development with their peers and at the
same time impacts negatively on their academic progress. This can result to low self-
steam, social isolation and dissatisfaction that could well have precipitated in the first
School absenteeism is an alarming problem for administrators, teachers, parents
and the society in general as well as for the pupils in particular. Unaccepted absence,
has a negative effect on peer relationship which could cause absence. According to
Malcolm, Wilson, Davidson, and Kirk (2003) teachers identified effects of absenteeism
on children as: academic under-achievement, difficulty in making friends which could
lead to boredom, loss of confidence. Also, prolonged absence can have deleterious
effects for the child in later life. Students who are absent from school are at the greatest
risk of dropping out of school early.
Absenteeism also affects the teacher’s ability present class work in sequential and
organized way. This can be have an effect on the progress of the students attending the
The families of habitual absenteeism can also suffer. For a poverty family, it may
mean a continuation of the poverty and unemployment cycle that may run in the family.
This also contributes to family conflicts.
The society also suffers as the children of age hang around in the streets. They can
be found just gallivanting around. Since they have nothing to do, they resort to petty
crimes like stealing other people’s and properties. Others may resort to drug addiction
and other behavior that is detrimental to society. Thus, if the student keeps on being
away from school for too long, he may grow up to be a liability to his community and his
country as a whole.
It is the rain of every school to lessen, if not eradicate absenteeism among his
students become truant from school. Once they are singled out, understood and
analyzed, specific actions and measures can be undertaken. This will eventually redound
to the better performance of the students, teachers and the school in general.
It is the context that this action research was undertaken, that is, to identify the
causes why the Grade V students in this school absent themselves from their classes.

III. Action Research Questions

This study aimed to determine the causes of absenteeism among Grade V

pupils in Natunuan North Elementary School.

Specially, it sought to answer the following questions:

1.What are the common causes of absenteeism among Grade V pupils?

2.How many pupil absenteeism affect their performance in school?

3.What strategies may be proposed to avoid absenteeism among pupils?

IV. Innovation, Intervention and Strategy

After reviewing the attendance data, the PI chose ten participants who had
numerous absences and sent a letter and brochure home informing
parents/guardians of this special program to track attendance (Appendix A). At the
onset of this AR, the kindergarten and second grade teachers were informed
regarding the purpose and goal of this program and asked to touch base with
parents/ guardians if a student was absent more than 2 days in a row. The
participants met in the school. The incentives included pens, pencils,
penguin puffers, sharpeners, and other items in a large treasure box. If students
missed 2 days or less over the duration of the program, they earned a pizza lunch
with the PI/school counselor. During the intervention, the PI collected data using the
punch card system and monitored the attendance program. Each participant
received a card used to check-in with a member of the student advisory team. The
team consisted of two counselors, principal, two assistant principals, and the office
staff. The intervention sought to build positive relationships and increase attendance
with these students with numerous absences. Having such a program in place
established a school culture of caring and concern among students and parents.

V. Action Research Methods

a. Participants and / or other sources of data and Information

VI. Results and Discussions

The results of absenteeism were evaluated for individual schools as well as cumulatively.
Individual and overall data were provided to an independent expert for statistical analysis.
Across all schools, the overall reduction in absenteeism due to illness was 19.8%

Based on the objective was had conclude that the both boy
and girl are equally contribute to the issues. In order to achieve we suggested to
our school to adjust class timing as way for reduce and overcome o absenteeism.
As a whole, it can conducted that absenteeism is a problem or issues
can be solved easily if all pupils work together to overcome absenteeism issues in
VII. Work Plan

VIII. Plan/ Scheme of Dissimination and Utilization

Research Output Scheme of Resources Method

Minimize the number Parent Teacher Record of Attendance
Of absences Conference

IX. Cost Estimates

Budget Item Budget Requirement

Bond Paper 150 x 2 reams = 300

Reproduction of materials 40

Printing (ink) 1,000

TOTAL 1,700

X. References




Action Research for Teachers by Joanne Arhar, Joanne…

A short Guide to Action Research by Andrew P. Johnson (2004, Book)

X. References

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