Annotated Version of Philip Guo's 2018 NSF CAREER Proposal

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Annotated version of Philip Guo’s 2018 NSF CAREER proposal

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In April 2019 I decided to annotate my NSF CAREER proposal (submitted in July 2018 and awarded in
Dec 2018) with a bunch of margin notes. At the time of writing, I had served on three NSF review panels, Serving on panels is the
best way to improve your
but none was for CAREER. Thus, these margin notes are my own speculations about what I think worked proposal writing skills.

well, but obviously I wasn’t in the panel room when my proposal was discussed, so whateves.
I’m making this proposal public because I think it’s the most equitable when everyone has access to good
examples. I hope you find it useful, but if I don’t know you please don’t email me to ask for clarifications,
materials, or feedback on your proposal. This PDF and accompanying webpage has all the info you’ll need.
First some high-level thoughts on the CAREER application process, which are probably most relevant to
faculty in computer science, computer engineering, information science, and human-computer interaction:
• My main unsolicited advice (which other people might disagree with but whateves, this is my doc!)
. . . wait as long as you can before applying for the first time. If you have five full years before going In a few pages you’ll
find out why I suggest
up for tenure, that means applying in the summer before you start Year 3. Then if you don’t get it, this. Yes I know others
have gotten it earlier, but
re-apply at the start of Year 4, then Year 5. This gives you three attempts (the maximum permitted) their CVs were probably
stronger than yours!
before going up for tenure at the start of Year 6. I took this idea a bit too far: I applied for the first time
at the start of Year 5. I don’t recommend cutting it this close, but luckily my first attempt worked!
• If you’re eligible for NSF CRII, then apply for that super-early before you start Year 1 or maybe I didn’t annotate or up-
load my CRII proposal
Year 2; I applied before Year 1 and got it on my first try. Other than the CRII or maybe EAGER, since it follows the same
structure as this one, ex-
I wouldn’t recommend applying for any “regular” NSF grants as a single PI before you try for CA- cept that it’s shorter.

REER. Why not? One, because your chances of success on those proposals are much lower since
you’ll be competing in an open field against much more experienced senior faculty and multi-PI
teams; for CRII/CAREER your proposal is in a pool with only single-PI proposals from assistant
professors. Two, because if you get regular NSF grants, then your CAREER reviewers will (rightly!)
question how your CAREER proposal is different from your other grant(s). It’s OK to tag along on
grants led by senior faculty, since those topics usually won’t interfere with your CAREER topic.
• Submit to the program that best fits your research area and try to get the most relevant program officer I submitted to CISE-IIS-
CHS but originally in-
assigned to your proposal. (You don’t control these assignments, but just email them to ask.) This tended to submit to a
more education-focused
maximizes your chances of getting reviewers who are familiar with your work, which leads to . . . area, which would have
ended up being a worse
fit for my research style.
• . . . the most important tidbit: reviewers should not be at all surprised when they read what your Talk to program officers
to assess possible fit!
CAREER proposal is about. When my reviewers saw mine, (I hope!) they probably thought, “oh
yeah, Philip Guo has a proposal about scaling up learning programming on his widely-used Python One way to think about
it is that reviewers are
Tutor platform, sure that’s what I expected! Let’s see what new programmer assistance tools he’s deciding to fund YOU
as an early-career PI. So
cooking up ...” There were several other newer (and to me, more exciting!) lines of work I originally write something that’s
quintessentially YOU.
wanted to write about, but I resisted the urge to do so because then reviewers would’ve been like “oh This differs from “regu-
lar” NSF proposals where
yeah, a Philip Guo proposal on ... applying virtual reality to blockchains using stochastic gradient reviewers are deciding
to fund a specific project
descent?!? WHAT THE WHAT?!?” I obviously have zero background or past publications in this new and not necessarily a PI.

area I just made up, so any proposal I write about it would get rejected. Bottom line: write about what
you’re already known for. Of course, you should propose something cool and innovative along that
direction, but don’t write about something that reviewers would be surprised to see from you.
• What about budgets, data management plans, department chair letter, and other supplemental docs? Ask colleagues in your
immediate field for their
Just make sure they don’t stand out in any weird way (e.g., an oddly huge budget), and you’ll be OK. supplemental docs and
just emulate theirs.

• Finally, remember that this is a proposal for what you want to do in the future, not a legally-binding
contract for what you must do if it’s funded. Nobody actually expects you to implement every single
part of your proposal in the exact way that you planned out; otherwise it wouldn’t be called research!

Project Summary
Millions of people from diverse backgrounds now want to learn computer programming to prepare for Write your Project Sum-
mary in a text editor and
careers across many fields. Decades of research have made great advances in improving how programming paste it into the submis-
sion website. Don’t use
is taught in traditional classrooms. However, although some well-resourced schools in relatively affluent any fancy formatting.

areas offer formal programming courses, the vast majority of people around the world do not have access to
classroom environments. Thus, there is a critical need to bring the best aspects of these in-person environ-
ments to freely-accessible online settings.
The objective of this research is to develop interactive systems that enable large groups of people to help Say in simple English ex-
actly what you’re plan-
one another learn to code in online environments where experts are often not available. The PI is uniquely ning to do. Being clear
upfront is critical for get-
positioned to implement this research since he created Python Tutor, an online programming platform that ting your proposal into
the hands of reviewers
has had over 3.5 million users from over 180 countries. Having full control over this platform gives the PI who understand your
type of research. Also,
access to a diverse global population of users to evaluate the proposed systems using large-scale randomized when reviewers are dis-
cussing the stack of pro-
controlled trials. posals at the panel meet-
ing, they need to be able
The specific aims of this research are to develop two novel systems atop the Python Tutor platform: 1) to recall what yours was
about by skimming this
Omnitutor: a system that organizes learners to tutor one another even while they are individually working summary while dis-
tracted by other people
on their own code, 2) Rosetta: a system that enables learners to annotate their code and errors with hints talking in the room.

that may benefit future learners who face similar issues.

In addition, the PI’s Education Plan will tightly integrate this research with new programming education
initiatives that the PI will be launching both within UC San Diego and with industry partners at Google,
edX (the largest nonprofit provider of MOOCs), and Project Jupyter (a popular notebook-based scientific
computing environment).
In sum, this research lays the foundation for the PI’s long-term career goal to create new systems for
learning programming at scale so that as many people as possible can gain access to this vital skill.

Intellectual Merit:
This research makes systems and empirical contributions to HCI. Specifically, it advances the state of What new knowledge
will be gained if this
knowledge regarding: 1) how to coordinate a group of learners to provide both synchronous and asyn- project is successful?
Building a system or tool
chronous help to total strangers while they are in the midst of working on their own code, 2) how to design by itself isn’t new knowl-
edge; what you and the
interactive systems that achieve this goal by developing novel algorithms such as code similarity analysis, world can learn from
that system/tool being
machine-assisted code simplification, and generalization of code annotations, 3) how these designs enable built is the knowledge.
One common criticism of
novices to provide high-quality assistance to strangers, as evidenced by randomized controlled trials with systems-focused propos-
als like mine is that it’s
millions of participants, 4) how novices chat about their mental models and common novice misconceptions “just engineering work.”
Counteract that by being
about programming languages (released as anonymized datasets). clear about what general-
izable knowledge will be
gained via engineering.
Broader Impacts:
Computer programming is a critical skill for many kinds of modern professions. This research builds
upon the PI’s Python Tutor platform, which is already used by over 3.5 million people from over 180 coun-
tries to learn programming. The free peer tutoring services provided by this research will foster development
of a diverse globally-competitive STEM workforce. The PI’s Education Plan to use this research to create
new programming curricula across the social sciences at UC San Diego will open up career opportunities
for female students (> 50% of student population), underrepresented minorities (21% of population), and
first-generation college students (38%). The PI will also partner with XXX XXX (Director of Research at Collaborator names are
anonymized in this pub-
Google), XXX XXX (CEO of edX), and XXX XXX (creator of Jupyter Notebooks) to integrate this re- lic annotated document,
but you can probably
search into their open online learning materials. Finally, the PI’s outreach work via creating popular blogs, find out who they are!

podcasts, and YouTube videos with millions of combined views will increase public scientific literacy and
public engagement with science and technology.

1 Overview and Objectives
Millions of people from diverse backgrounds now want to learn computer programming to prepare for OK, this is the main
event! You have only two
careers in fields such as software engineering, data science, computational research, public policy, health pages to get the reviewer
on your side. If they
informatics, and data-driven journalism. Decades of research have made great advances in improving how can’t understand and get
excited about your pro-
programming is taught in traditional K-12 and university classrooms [52]. However, although some well- posal from these first two
pages, then you’ve lost.
resourced schools in relatively affluent areas offer formal programming courses [29, 52], the vast majority
of people around the world—children in low-income areas [53], working adults with full-time jobs [27], the First make sure you
abide by NSF rules for
fast-growing population of older adults [48], and billions in developing countries [49]—do not have access fonts, font sizes, margin
lengths, and page lim-
to traditional classroom learning environments. Thus, there is a critical need to bring the best aspects of these its. I know it’s boring,
but you don’t want to
in-person learning environments to freely-accessible online settings. Failure to do so means that critical get disqualified upfront
due to formatting issues.
computer programming skills remain disproportionately accessible to only those from already-privileged (I’ve offset the horizontal
margins in this annotated
backgrounds [12, 51] and cannot plausibly reach the majority of the world’s population. version to make room for
margin notes, but other-
My long-term goal is to create, deploy, and validate new technologies for learning programming at scale wise it looks exactly like
my actual proposal.)
so that as many people as possible can gain access to this vital skill. The overall objective of this CAREER
proposal, which is a critical step toward this long-term goal, is to develop interactive systems that enable
large groups of learners to help one another in online environments where experts are often not available.
If successful, this project’s outcomes point toward a future where anyone around the world with an internet
connection can learn to code nearly as effectively as if they had access to in-person tutoring.
This project is motivated by the fact that millions of people are learning to code online by themselves, so
they do not have someone to personally guide them like those in classrooms do. Can these learners somehow
help one another even while they are working alone? To find out, I will develop two complementary systems:
Specific Aim 1. Omnitutor: many-to-many tutoring. I will develop a system that organizes learners to I went back and forth a
lot about whether to pro-
tutor one another even while they are individually working on their own code. The main technical challenge pose two or three Specific
Aims. I ultimately went
is how to scaffold a group of novices to provide fast and effective synchronous help to total strangers. with two so that I could
discuss them in greater
detail but at the risk of
Specific Aim 2. Rosetta: learner-generated code explanations. I will develop a system that enables the project seeming too
“small” for a five-year
learners to annotate their code and errors with hints that may benefit future learners who face similar issues. timeline. I’ve seen oth-
ers propose three aims,
The main technical challenge is how to turn raw annotations into a useful corpus of asynchronous help. but more than that risks
sounding too shallow.
For these kinds of systems to be rigorously validated and achieve broader impacts beyond academia,
ideally they must be deployed to large numbers of users worldwide. I am uniquely positioned to accomplish
this goal since I created Python Tutor [45], an online programming platform that has over 3.5 million users
from over 180 countries. Having full control of this platform gives me access to a diverse global population
of users for my systems. Thus, I propose to build the Omnitutor and Rosetta systems on top of Python Tutor.

2 Expected Significance
One-on-one real-time tutoring from an expert is the gold standard for effective learning across diverse
domains [15, 21, 91]. However, billions of people around the world do not have convenient access to such
experts, so they currently miss out on these opportunities. This project’s contributions are significant For the structure and
style of this proposal, I
because they show how interactive systems can scaffold a group of novices to provide timely and relevant closely followed the tem-
plate from The NSF Grant
programming assistance at a much greater scale than what experts alone can achieve. Specifically, this Application Writer’s Work-
book by GWSW. I highly
project will result in the following benefits that are strongly aligned with all NSF CAREER review criteria: recommend this book. Its
style suggestions might
seem corny at parts (like
2.1 Intellectual Merit telling the reader here in
bold why you think your
This project advances the state of knowledge in HCI regarding: 1) how to coordinate a group of learners contributions are signifi-
cant) but I found them to
to provide both synchronous and asynchronous help to total strangers while they are in the midst of working be tremendously helpful.

on their own code, 2) how to design interactive systems that achieve this goal by developing novel algorithms
such as code similarity analysis, machine-assisted code simplification, and generalization of code annota-
tions, 3) how these designs enable novices to provide high-quality assistance to strangers, as evidenced by

Figure 1: This proposal builds upon preliminary work and forms the foundation for my longer-term goals.

randomized controlled trials with millions of participants, 4) how novices chat about their mental models
and common novice misconceptions about programming languages (released as anonymized datasets).

2.2 Broader Impacts summary (see Section 8 for details)

Section 8 describes my full broader impacts plan. In sum, my research and outreach work will contribute Preview your Broader
Impacts and Education
toward: developing a diverse globally-competitive STEM workforce, full participation of women and under- Plan here to prime your
reader, but devote full
represented minorities in STEM, improved STEM education and educator development, enhanced research sections to them at the
end of your proposal.
and education infrastructure, increased partnerships with industry, and increased public scientific literacy. These are critical for
making yours stand out!

2.3 Integration of Research and Education (see Section 7 for details)

Section 7 describes my full education plan. In sum, I will use my systems to develop new curricula
across the social sciences and data science at UC San Diego, which will reach a diverse campus-wide
population. I will also integrate them into popular MOOCs, textbooks, and the Jupyter Notebook platform.

3 PI Qualifications and Relationship to PI’s Longer-Term Career Goals

I am uniquely qualified to carry out this project due to my ability to deploy new systems atop the Like I mentioned in mar-
gin notes on Page 1, the
large user base of my Python Tutor platform [46]. This project is well-matched for my expertise in both CAREER award is to
fund YOU as an early-
building systems for and conducting studies on novice programmers. In my first four years as an assistant career PI, so you need
to show reviewers both
professor, my lab has built interactive systems for visualization-assisted code tutoring [47, 50, 60], remote why your trajectory is al-
ready off to a great start
pair programming [95], detecting novice programmer frustrations [28, 90], scaffolding the development of and why this funding is
essential for accelerat-
data science tutorials [100] and web-based UI mashups [101], improving coding tutorial videos [61], and ing your progress even
more. This is why I sug-
generating step-by-step software tutorials [40, 71, 72]. We have also studied challenges faced by underrep- gested to wait as long as
possible before submit-
resented groups such as women [35, 96], older adults [48], non-native English speakers [49], and those from ting, because then you’ll
have the strongest possi-
non-technical college majors [23, 24, 93] when learning to code, along with the limitations of discussion ble foundation.

forums [102] and digital textbooks [94] for coding. Our papers have collectively won five HCI conference
Honorable Mention awards at CHI and UIST and two software engineering conference Best Paper awards.
I have all of the resources needed to successfully complete this project. My university has provided me
with lab space and startup funding for necessary computational research infrastructure. I have also attached
six letters of collaboration (Section 7.1) from colleagues who will assist with my Education Plan.
This project forms a vital foundation for my longer-term career goals of creating technologies that Show a longer-term, big-
picture vision for your
enable people who do not have privileged access to in-person experts to learn complex technical topics such career and how this pro-
posal fits into it. This is
as computer programming. Figure 1 shows how it continues the momentum I have built up over the past why I suggested on Page
1 to write about a topic
three years with my NSF CRII award by proposing interactive help systems that scale better than my prior that you’re already well-
known for, not to pitch a
one-to-one [50] and one-to-many [47] tutoring tools. If successful, this project will open the doors for me brand-new direction.

to expand my longer-term research agenda in three new directions: 1) designing analogous peer-based help
systems for data science, motivated by estimates that an order of magnitude more people now need data
science skills rather than standard programming skills [62, 78, 79], 2) working toward universal design [65]
by making interactive learning systems more accessible to those with physical or cognitive impairments, and
3) developing ways to bring high-quality programming and data science training to the remaining billions of End of page two. If the
reviewer isn’t cheering
people around the world who do not yet have reliable computational infrastructure or internet connectivity. for you by now, then
your proposal is toast!

4 Background: Review of Relevant Literature
Motivation: the need for human guidance in online learning. A common criticism of online learning One page feels about
right for your back-
resources (e.g., MOOCs, YouTube videos, blogs) is that they mostly serve self-directed autodidacts: people ground section, which
should show that
who already know how to learn well by themselves [74]. For instance, those who successfully complete a) you’re a legit re-
searcher who knows the
MOOCs are mostly professionals in technical fields who hold graduate-level degrees [12, 25, 73]. Crit- literature, b) there is a
real need for what you’re
ics argue that a key missing ingredient here is human guidance to sustain motivation and engagement for proposing, and c) what
you’re proposing is novel
less independent learners [63]. Discussion forums and Q&A sites like Stack Overflow serve that role in research-wise. But don’t
make this section too
principle, but in practice are often dominated by a vocal minority of elite participants [57], can feel unwel- long since you want to
leave more space to talk
coming to novices [34, 35], and lack real-time interactivity [25, 66], which is critical for helping someone about your own work,
not the work of others.
debug their code. As an alternative to human assistance, Intelligent Tutoring Systems present learners with
progressively-staged hints [11, 41, 56, 92]; however, these systems are time-consuming to build, must be
specially crafted for specific problem types, and lack the flexibility and empathy of human tutors [33]. For
programming in particular, code history mining (e.g., HelpMeOut [54]) and program synthesis techniques
(e.g., AutoGrader [82], Refazer [76]) can generate bug-fix hints from a corpus of code and fixes; but they
too lack the flexibility of actual human tutors. My proposed work aims to fulfill this important need for
human guidance in online learning by offering free peer-based help for computer programming.
Theory: the efficacy of using learners as peer tutors. The theoretical underpinnings of this proposal come Not all systems-focused
or engineering projects
from findings in the learning sciences on the efficacy of peer tutoring. One-on-one tutoring has been shown need to be informed by
theory, but the ones that
to be more effective than group-based instruction [15], self-directed learning [63], and Intelligent Tutoring are will stand out more.

Systems [91]. Also, using learners as peer tutors is more cost-effective than hiring dedicated experts as
tutors [43] yet still leads to comparable learning gains in settings as diverse as K-12 schools [31, 59, 75],
universities [26, 32], and medical schools [58, 88]. Peer tutoring is especially effective for at-risk learners
[42] with learning disabilities [18, 31], behavioral disorders [59], or low socioeconomic status [75]. Finally,
peers can serve as effective tutors even when their level of expertise is not much greater than learners, since
they can prompt learners to question assumptions and work together to discover solutions [21]. However,
the most significant limitation here is lack of scale: peer tutoring requires extensive in-person coordination
to find and organize peers as helpers, especially because they too may be busy learning [26].
My proposed work aims to overcome the challenges to scaling up peer tutoring by using machine as-
sistance to scaffold a group of online learners to help one another both synchronously and asynchronously.
Prior work points to the feasibility of bringing peer tutoring online in this way: In a lab study, tutoring ses-
sions held using text-only chat led to similar learning gains as those held using face-to-face interactions [81].
Also, an anonymous online format could eliminate some of the shortcomings of face-to-face peer tutoring,
such as implicit biases due to gender or race [67, 68], or the need to manage in-person impressions [26].
Systems: programming help interfaces. My proposed work builds upon the rich lineage of interactive
systems that enable people to help one another on programming-related questions. For instance, syn-
chronous help interfaces such as Collabode [39], CodePilot [95], and Codechella [50] provide scaffold-
ing for pair programming with text-based chat. Asynchronous help interfaces such as Codeon [20] and
CrowdCode [64] are IDE extensions that allow programmers to crowdsource their programming questions
to experts online. Feedback amplification systems such as Overcode [38], Foobaz [36], AutoStyle [70],
and MistakeBrowser/FixPropagator [55] aim to amplify expert effort by displaying their written feedback
on many pieces of similarly-behaving student code. My Rosetta system is inspired by learnersourcing sys-
tems [37, 40, 97], but it does not require all learners to be annotating the same fixed set of code examples.
My proposed work is novel because it is, to my knowledge, the first to organize groups of anonymous
learners to help one another even while they are working on their own individual code in different contexts.
Prior systems had either assumed that experts were available to give feedback on a specific coding problem
that everyone was working on, or lacked algorithms for matching learners with potentially relevant helpers.

Figure 2: My Python Tutor website [45] allows users to: a) write code in Python, Java, JavaScript, Ruby,
C, and C++, b) run that code and navigate both forward and backward through individual execution steps,
c) see detailed visualizations of run-time program state at each step, d) send a URL to a friend or tutor start a
real-time collaborative session, e) write and run code together, text chat, and see each other’s mouse cursors.

5 Prior Work by the PI: The Python Tutor online programming platform
I created the Python Tutor online programming platform [45, 46] in 2010 and currently serve as its sole You might not need this
section, but I needed it
developer and code maintainer. From 2015–2018, my NSF CRII award funded the accelerated develop- to introduce my Python
Tutor platform which this
ment of Python Tutor and several extensions that directly serve as the preliminary work for this CAREER proposal builds upon. If
you have a body of prior
proposal. (The NSF CRII is a new grant intended to help early-career PIs “produce sufficient preliminary work that your proposal
naturally extends, then
results to serve as the basis for future competitive research proposals” [4] such as the NSF CAREER.) it’s good to put it here so
it’s clearly separated from
the prior work of others.
Overview: As Figure 2 shows, Python Tutor is a free website [45] that lets users write code in six program-
ming languages (it began with Python, but now also supports Java, JavaScript, Ruby, C, and C++), see what
happens to data structures on the stack and heap when that code executes step-by-step, and collaboratively
edit code and chat in real time. Its rendering engine automatically produces visualizations of nested and
linked data structures commonly seen in introductory courses, which help learners overcome a fundamental
barrier: understanding what happens as the computer runs each line of code [46]. Many people use Python
Tutor as a visual debugging aid in conjunction with MOOCs, digital textbooks, and online coding tutorials.
Impact: Although automated program visualization tools have existed for decades [84], Python Tutor is
now the most widely used of such tools [83, 84], with over 3.5 million users so far from over 180 countries.
User survey results show that its user base is diverse in terms of age (41% are over 35 years old, 10%
over 55 years old) and education levels (20% never attended college). Instructors in dozens of MOOCs
and university courses have already incorporated it into their curricula. I attribute the widespread usage of
Python Tutor in part to long-term sustained engineering efforts that I have put in over the past decade.
Platform for Scientific Research: Python Tutor’s large international user base has turned it into a pro-
ductive platform for my early-career research agenda. So far I have published 10 papers on research built
upon it at venues such as CHI, UIST, TOCHI, and VL/HCC, including: new program visualization in-
terfaces [46, 60], real-time code tutoring systems [47, 50], techniques for detecting novice programmer
frustrations [28, 90], learnersourcing step-by-step code explanations [40], clustering student solutions for
scaling instructor feedback [38], and studies of barriers faced by older adults [48] and non-native English
speakers [49] who are learning to code. This track record so far shows that I am capable of successfully
implementing the new research ideas described in this proposal atop my Python Tutor platform.

Figure 3: Clicking “Get live help!” will add a user to a public help queue at the top of the UI. Anybody
using the Python Tutor website can volunteer to help, which starts a shared session like the one in Figure 2.

6 Proposed Research
Figure 1 summarizes the two Specific Aims of this proposal, which trend toward increasing levels of
scale, as shown by the horizontal red arrow. My NSF CRII work developed one-to-one [50] and one-to-many
tutoring [47] for programming. Specific Aim 1 scales this format up to many-to-many tutoring, allowing
ad-hoc groups of learners to help each other in real time. Specific Aim 2 further increases scale by letting
learners leave snippets of asynchronous coding help. Although these two aims follow a narrative arc as Your relevant prior work
should feed into your
outlined in Figure 1, each is a standalone system that can be implemented independently of one another and Specific Aims to form a
coherent narrative arc.
result in independent research publications, thus minimizing the overall project risk in this proposal.

6.1 Specific Aim 1. Omnitutor: many-to-many tutoring

Ideally everyone learning to code would receive real-time tutoring from an expert whenever they needed
help. One way to approximate this ideal in an online setting where experts are scarce is to use other learners
as peer tutors. To work toward this goal, I propose to build Omnitutor, a many-to-many tutoring system that
enables groups of learners to help one another in real time on the Python Tutor website.

6.1.1 Preliminary Work

My NSF CRII work (left part of Figure 1) forms the foundation for my proposed Omnitutor system. I Each Specific Aim should
start with the prelimi-
first created Codechella [50], an extension to Python Tutor that turns it into a multi-user environment where nary legwork you’ve al-
ready done toward this
multiple users can simultaneously write code, explore its run-time state visualizations, and chat (Figure 2d aim. Again this is why
you shouldn’t propose
and e). Using Codechella, a learner can send a URL to an expert in order to receive real-time one-to-one to go off on a brand-
new direction, since you
tutoring. Although this system is useful for people who know someone who can help them at the moment, haven’t done any cred-
ible legwork yet. The
its usefulness is limited since the majority of online learners do not personally know anyone who can help. nuance here is that you
should show a substantial
To address this limitation, I then created Codeopticon [47], a one-to-many tutoring system with a dash- amount of preliminary
work but leave major
board interface that allows a single tutor to simultaneously help multiple learners. Using Codeopticon, a gaps remaining for you
to fill in with your pro-
tutor can sign onto the Python Tutor website, monitor how a group of learners are progressing on their posed research plan.

coding assignments, and assist via text chat. It amplifies a single expert’s attention up to 10X and allows
learners to receive real-time help if they happen to be using Python Tutor during the time that an expert is
holding “virtual office hours” on the website. However, the limiting factor is that there are far fewer experts
than learners in many realistic settings (e.g., a MOOC with 5 teaching assistants and 5,000 students), so
even with Codeopticon it is infeasible for the few available experts to fulfill the help requests of all learners.
To overcome the aforementioned scalability limitations of Codechella and Codeopticon, in this specific
aim I propose to use learners as peer tutors. The growth of Python Tutor’s user base over the past decade
means that there are now 50 to 200 learners concurrently using the website at any given time. Unlike prior
one-to-one or one-to-many tutoring systems, my proposed Omnitutor system will enable anyone currently
using the Python Tutor website to freely help anyone else they want in a many-to-many manner.
As preliminary work for Omnitutor, I have implemented a prototype help queue that is displayed at the
top of the Python Tutor website. Figure 3 shows that: a) Any user can request help by clicking the “Get
live help!” button to add themselves to a public queue. b) Everyone using the Python Tutor website sees the

help queue at the top of their UI, which shows a time-ordered list of who is asking for help and where they
are from; this screenshot shows users from Sweden, Canada, and Singapore, respectively. c) Anyone can
volunteer to help by clicking the link next to a help request. The helper then joins a shared session with the
help requester so that they can provide real-time assistance (Figure 2).
This help queue is the first step toward many-to-many tutoring. Preliminary results look promising: Be-
tween November 2017 (when this feature debuted) and July 2018 (when this proposal was written), Python
Tutor users have volunteered to hold over 6,547 substantive help sessions with total strangers. We define
a “substantive” session as one that contains at least 10 back-and-forth chat exchanges (20 messages); very
short sessions are usually failed help attempts. In each substantive session, participants chatted for an aver-
age of 29 minutes and exchanged 76 chats, which is comparable in length to in-person tutoring sessions [50].
In sum, this preliminary work establishes the feasibility of many-to-many tutoring by showing that learners
using Python Tutor are interested in and capable of volunteering to help one another in real time.

6.1.2 Research Plan

Omnitutor will extend my preliminary work—the prototype help queue in Figure 3—with three new When I first saw exam-
ples of funded NSF pro-
algorithms and interactions whose collective goal is to maximize help quality while minimizing wait times: posals, I was surprised
by the amount of text
that came before, well,
Code similarity analysis: Right now all Python Tutor users see an ordered list of who needs help in the the actual proposal of
what research they were
queue, but not what they need help on. We believe that someone currently on the site is more likely to planning to do! For in-
stance, we’re already
volunteer to help if the code they are working on is similar to what the requester is working on. Thus, at page 6 out of 15 here
when I first mention my
Omnitutor will continually analyze all users’ code edits and summarize them into a compact representation Research Plan. Don’t
worry, that’s normal.
suitable for similarity analyses. Then it will proactively notify promising helpers based on code similarity.
The main technical challenge here is finding an appropriate level of granularity. Our hunch is that taking
literal syntactic or AST tree diffs will not be effective: Everyone’s code will superficially look different
since they are working on different tasks. We instead propose to summarize code by two main features:
1) what modules and API function calls it is using, and 2) what language features it is using, as drawn from
programming education concept inventories [19, 89] (e.g., recursion, closures, higher-order functions).
Using this code similarity analysis, for each user currently on the Python Tutor website, Omnitutor will The most common criti-
cism of research plans is
proactively highlight the requesters on the help queue whom they are best suited to help. For instance, if that they’re not specific
enough. So be specific.
someone is writing code to process JSON data using Python list comprehensions, Omnitutor may suggest Be as specific as you can
and as decisive as you
for them to help someone who is also working with JSON API calls or with list comprehensions. can in your language.
Don’t sound like you’re
This algorithm improves the odds of a more successful tutor match, but why not just let the help requester just going to explore a
bunch of possible op-
directly write a short public note describing what they need help on? We piloted this idea but ultimately tions. In reality everyone
knows you WILL end
opted not to keep it for three main reasons: 1) It requires help requesters to put in additional work, whereas up exploring a bunch of
possible options (that’s
our proposed code similarity analysis is fully automatic. 2) Novices often have trouble articulating their the nature of research!),
but you should at least
problems precisely, so our pilot tests showed that many such notes end up being uninformative or vague. lay out a plausible plan
upfront. I know it might
3) There is the potential for inappropriate messages to be shown to everyone on the help queue. feel weird to speak about
the future with such
overt decisiveness, but
Machine-assisted code simplification: Our experiences with the help queue over the past year revealed just trust me and do it.
two main sources of user frustration: 1) Help requesters are frustrated when they need to wait too long
for someone to arrive, which can occur when there are not enough people currently on the Python Tutor
website. 2) Volunteer helpers enter a session eager to help but have a hard time providing useful assistance
since the requester’s code is too complicated and they may not know how to articulate well-posed questions.
To simultaneously address both frustrations, we propose to create a chatbot that can help the requester
reduce their problem to its root cause. After someone makes a help request, the bot exchanges chat messages
with them while they are waiting for a human helper to arrive. The bot’s chat script will be modeled after
debugging best practices, with the goal of getting the help requester to simplify their code to a minimal test
case [7, 99] that exemplifies the root of their problem. It would start by asking high-level questions such as
“Please point to where you think the problem is in your code ...”; then as the user makes initial (probably

incorrect) guesses, the bot would hone in and request follow-up actions like, “Comment out this part of your
code, re-run it, and let me know if you still see the same problem.” And if the problem disappears, the bot
could direct the user to backtrack: “Let’s undo that change and then let me know if the problem re-appears.”
The main technical challenge is designing a chat script that is general enough to cover a variety of intro-
ductory programming use cases. Our hunch is that a simple script that forces learner self-explanations [21,
22] will be an effective start, inspired by the classic ELIZA bot for psychotherapy [98] and the common
practice of rubber duck debugging [6] (i.e., getting the learner to figure out their own problems by having
them talk to a rubber duck about their code). We will also analyze the chat logs of over 6,547 help sessions
from our preliminary work to determine how to design our bot to sound more like real human tutors.
Interacting with a chatbot will serve the dual purpose of both giving the help requester something to do Remember I said to be
specific, but the problem
while waiting for a helper to arrive, and also simplifying their code so that when a human does arrive, they is that you can’t really
be that detailed in your
have a greater chance of successfully helping. Finally, why not create a bot that can provide fully-automated research plan since you
just don’t have enough
help? As we discussed in Section 4, while there have been major advances in Intelligent Tutoring Systems, space. I had only two
Specific Aims and used
we still believe that it is hard for a bot to fully match the flexibility and empathy of a human helper. 1.25 pages for the re-
search plan of each one.
If you have three aims,
Impromptu study groups: Code similarity analysis and chatbot assistants can improve help quality, but you may have only 1
page for each. Don’t
there is still no guarantee that anyone will volunteer to help. To reduce wait times, Omnitutor will suggest worry, that’s OK. You can
be specific without being
for everyone currently on the queue who is working on similar code to join impromptu study groups. overly detailed. Specific
means telling the reader
This UI is inspired by students forming in- exactly what you plan to
do, not that you’ll maybe
person study groups where everyone works on explore this thing or that
thing or this other thing.
their own code individually but can chime in
to help one another as needed. To simulate this
experience online, Figure 4 shows that when
Python Tutor users join a study group, they
see their own code alongside a Codeopticon-
like dashboard [47] that shows all their fellow
group members’ coding activities in real time.
Members can chat individually with one an-
other or broadcast their chats to everyone in Figure 4: UI mockup of impromptu study groups where a
the group. If a helper eventually joins a re- user sees all group members’ code and can chat with them.
quester’s session, everyone else in their study
group can watch along to learn indirectly. This interaction is akin to a crowd of other students huddling
around an instructor who is currently helping a student to see if they too can learn something relevant.

6.1.3 Evaluation Plan

The goals of Omnitutor are to minimize wait time and to maximize help quality for learners who request The second most com-
mon criticism of research
help on the Python Tutor site, so that is what we plan to measure as dependent variables in our evaluation. plans is that they don’t
come with a credible
Wait time will be defined as the time between someone requesting help and a volunteer joining to make evaluation plan. Review-
ers will ask, OK you’ve
an earnest attempt at helping. In our experience analyzing chat logs so far, a heuristic of both parties each told me what you want
to do, how will we know
exchanging at least 10 chat messages back and forth is a reasonable indicator that a real attempted help whether it works or not?
Just like your research
session is occurring. We will also measure “dropouts” when a requester logs off without getting helped. plan, your evaluation
plan should be specific
Help quality is more subjective and thus harder to quantify. To measure this property, we will follow specific specific. Show
you’ve put some serious
a similar methodology as we did when analyzing chat logs for the Codechella paper [50]: We will get a thought into methodol-
ogy and metrics.
panel of introductory programming instructors to serve as expert raters and have them look over the chat
logs of sessions to assess the quality of each one. In our experience with Codechella, the easiest-to-measure
indicator of quality is a binary one: Was the helper successful in answering the requester’s immediate
question? Usually the requester will explicitly acknowledge a successful helper by saying thanks. This is
a start, but we want to go deeper, so we will also have the expert raters do a close reading [16] of the chat

logs. We will give raters a rubric based on Bloom’s taxonomy [14] and the SOLO taxonomy [13] to quantify
the level of sophistication of knowledge transfer between tutor and learner. For instance, a chat interaction
where a learner was able to apply their knowledge to a new coding problem would be rated higher than
one where they just remembered rote facts (Apply=Level 3 in Bloom’s Taxonomy, Remember=Level 1).
Note that this evaluation is inherently limited by the fact that we have no way of contacting the session
participants to assess true knowledge transfer; the best we can do is to use their chat logs as a proxy.
Once establishing these metrics, we will run randomized controlled trials (RCTs) on the live Python
Tutor website to measure the impact of Omnitutor’s features on the dependent variables of wait time and
help quality. Although imperfect, randomization is powerful because it can minimize selection bias of
participants and other confounders such as the fluctuating numbers of learners using Python Tutor during
different times of day. Specifically, here are the RCTs we will perform on each of the three features: For both of my Specific
Aims, I spent almost
as much space on the
Code similarity analysis: For each help request, randomly decide whether or not to perform this analysis, evaluation plan (1 page)
as on the research plan
and measure its impact on wait time and help quality. Note that we can also use these RCTs as formative (1.25 pages). I felt it was
worthwhile to be a bit
evaluations to refine our code similarity analysis by testing new heuristics versus their predecessors. less detailed in my re-
search plan in order to
Machine-assisted code simplification: For each help request, randomly decide whether to activate the leave more space for
evaluation plan details.
chatbot assistant, and measure its impact on help quality if a human helper eventually arrives. We will also
measure whether the chatbot reduces queue dropout rates because the requesters will presumably be more
engaged and less likely to get bored of waiting. Finally, we will have expert raters assess the size and quality
of the code that results after the chatbot helps the requester simplify their code.
Impromptu study groups: We will randomly activate and deactivate the study groups feature every hour
(e.g., active during the top half of the hour, inactive during the bottom half). Note that we cannot randomize
by individual requester here since this is a globally-visible feature that affects everyone on the site. We will
measure the impact of study groups on wait times, dropout rates, and help quality.
The large user base of Python Tutor makes randomized controlled trials more compelling since we
regularly get over 10,000 daily active users on the site. Also, in eight months of deploying the prototype
help queue so far, we have logged over 6,547 substantive help sessions (containing at least 10 back-and-
forth chat exchanges), which is an average of 27 per day. Thus, by deploying these trials for one full year,
we will likely get on the order of one million participants and 10,000 help sessions’ worth of data.
6.1.4 Expected Outcomes
• To our knowledge, the first interactive system that organizes anonymous online learners to help one
another code in real time even when they are individually working on their own unique code.
• Algorithms and interaction techniques for matching requesters with potential helpers and for interac-
tively helping requesters simplify their code to improve their odds of getting successfully helped.
• Empirical evidence from RCTs that our algorithms enable learners to get helped faster and to engage
in higher-quality tutoring sessions than using a baseline help queue with no machine assistance.
• To our knowledge, the first freely-available dataset of anonymized chat logs that can provide insights
into how total strangers interact when helping one another with programming problems.

6.1.5 Potential Risks and Alternative Approaches

One risk is that Python Tutor users may not be able to successfully provide help since they are also End every Specific Aim
with a thoughtful dis-
learners. However, from reading the chat logs of thousands of sessions initiated so far using our prototype cussion of risk and alter-
native approaches. This
help queue (Figure 3), we found that, anecdotally, users are often able to provide reasonable levels of help, will demonstrate humil-
ity and counterbalance
similar to how peers in a classroom can help one another. An alternative approach to improving help quality the overtly-decisive tone
you had to take earlier in
is to recruit power users on the Python Tutor site (likely more advanced learners) to serve as helpers. your research and eval-
uation plans. Humbly
Any online interaction with strangers carries the risk of potentially offensive messages being sent. To show how you’re aware
of what can possibly go
mitigate this risk, Omnitutor will allow help requesters to kick and ban anyone from their sessions, and also wrong and propose ways
to address those risks.

Figure 5: Inline error annotations: a) The user encounters an error while coding in Python Tutor, b) fixes
their code and re-runs, c) sees a pop-up dialog showing the error they just fixed, and d) writes an annotation
about why they made that error. e) The user can also click a button to make a freeform annotation.

to report problematic IP addresses to our team so that we can investigate in depth. From our experiences
monitoring thousands of chat sessions over the past year, we have seen very few cases of bad behavior;
since all chats are private, there is little incentive to spam or troll since those messages are never shown in
public. Related, Python Tutor does not have customizable user profiles or reputation scores since we wanted
to maximize privacy; everyone who uses the website gets a randomly-generated persistent username (e.g.,
user 6e9 in Figure 3). We may add these features later if they can improve peer interactions on the site.
Finally, any help mechanism (including getting in-person help from friends) has the potential for misuse
to violate academic integrity. Note that the majority of Python Tutor users are learning on their own and
not taking a formal course for grades. That said, Python Tutor displays a clear message reminding users
to abide by relevant academic integrity standards. Fortunately, from reading chat logs so far, we observed
that helpers usually refuse to simply give away answers or to do someone’s homework for them, which is
similar to community norms on MOOC forums and Stack Overflow.

6.2 Specific Aim 2. Rosetta: learner-generated code explanations

Synchronous help is limited by the number of people available at any given moment to help. To over- The same format as Spe-
cific Aim 1. Ideally all of
come this limitation, I propose to aggregate the insights of everyone who has used Python Tutor in the past your aims would be of
a similar “size” so none
to leave asynchronous help for future users. To work toward this goal, I will build Rosetta, a system that lets feel exceedingly small or
big. Otherwise an easy
users annotate their code with inline explanations that might benefit future users who face similar issues. reviewer criticism is why
you bothered including
such a small aim or that
another aim is too big to
6.2.1 Preliminary Work be feasibly completed.
Every day around 10,000 people write, run, and debug 100,000+ pieces of code on the Python Tutor
website. As preliminary work for this proposed Rosetta system, I wanted to determine whether learners
were willing and able to annotate their own code with notes that may be helpful to future learners. To do so,
during my CRII project (but not yet published) I implemented three annotation features atop Python Tutor:
1) Syntax error annotations: Syntax errors are very common and frustrating for learners, often because
compiler error messages are hard for novices to decipher [10, 54, 85]. For instance, say that a Python Tutor
user tries to run the following code: “x=[1,2,3” and sees this cryptic message: “SyntaxError: unexpected
EOF while parsing.” They might puzzle over that error and suddenly realize that they need to add a closing
bracket: “x=[1,2,3]” At the moment they fix that error, Python Tutor pops up a dialog with the prior
erroneous code and a prompt that asks: “What misunderstanding do you think caused this error?” The user
can write a note summarizing their insights at that moment when the error is still fresh on their mind.
2) Runtime error annotations: Figure 5 shows a similar dialog for runtime errors: a) The user sees the
following when they step to line 3: “UnboundLocalError: local variable ‘y’ referenced before assignment.”
b) After puzzling over this error for a while, they realize that they need to add a global declaration before

that line. c) After fixing and re-running, Python Tutor pops up a dialog showing the prior erroneous code and
asking, “What misunderstanding do you think caused this error?” d) The user writes in: “‘global’ needed
when both global & local variable have same name”. This annotation captures their insights about the
possible root cause of that error. Python Tutor saves its text along with both the erroneous and fixed code.
3) Freeform annotations: Finally, Figure 5e shows two buttons that the user can click any time they want
while visualizing step-by-step code execution: “I just cleared up a misunderstanding!” and “I just fixed a
bug in my code!” Clicking brings up an annotation prompt. Python Tutor then saves the user’s annotation
along with the current state of their code and visualization in order to capture the surrounding context.
Preliminary results indicate that Python Tutor users are willing to write these annotations: Between
May 2017 (when this feature launched) and when this proposal was written in July 2018, users collectively
submitted 14,338 annotations containing at least 5 characters each: 4,621 for syntax error fixes, 3,138 for
runtime error fixes, 4,100 for “I just cleared up a misunderstanding!” and 2,479 for “I just fixed a bug in my
code!” (Filtering by string length of at least 5 characters eliminated many nonsensical submissions.)
From reading through these annotations, I observed that they capture a diverse variety of learner insights
that are likely more helpful to future learners than the default compiler error messages are. For instance,
syntax error annotations such as one learner writing “change ’=’ to ’==’ in if condition” are much more Specific examples are
great in research plans
informative than Python’s default message of “SyntaxError: invalid syntax” when ‘=’ is improperly used to clarify your ideas and
to, well, show that you’re
for comparisons. Similarly, runtime annotations such as “I accidentally used ‘append’ instead of ‘join’” being specific. In hind-
sight, I should’ve used
indicate ideas for potential fixes when Python would have simply produced a generic runtime error. more examples.

In sum, this preliminary work establishes the feasibility of learner-generated code explanations by
showing that Python Tutor users are capable of annotating their code with precise and actionable messages.

6.2.2 Research Plan

Rosetta will extend my preliminary work on error annotations (Figure 5) to create context-specific ex-
planations that can help future Python Tutor users. Rosetta will contain three interface components:
Learner-augmented error messages: We will first augment the default compiler/run-time error messages
in Python and other supported languages on the platform (Java, JavaScript, C, C++, and Ruby) with anno-
tations written by learners who previously encountered those errors. Thus, the user experience for someone
who encounters a coding error in Python Tutor will be to see both the default message (for consistency)
along with the most relevant annotations from earlier users who had errors when writing similar code.
The main technical challenge is to generalize the code snippet that accompanies each annotation so that
Rosetta can display that annotation when future users encounter errors on similar (but not exactly identical)
code. For compile-time errors, the problem is that the code does not parse, so we do not even have ASTs to
compare. To cope, we will use techniques from error-tolerant code parsing [17] and program synthesis [76]
to try to match locally-similar partial parses. For example, if someone writes an annotation of “change ’=’ Again, examples can be
very effective.
to ’==’ in if condition” when trying to compile “if(x=5)”, that annotation should ideally be shown to any
future user who tries to use ‘=’ within an if-statement condition, not just an exact match for “if(x=5)”.
Rosetta will try to match run-time errors in a similar way, except that since the code can now compile
and execute, it will have both ASTs and run-time value traces to use for matching up code with annotations.
We will iteratively develop and refine our code-matching heuristics using our corpus of over 14,338
code+annotation pairs collected so far from preliminary work (Figure 5).
Voting on and iteratively refining annotations: To account for imprecisions in our heuristics for matching
code with annotations, Rosetta will allow users to vote on the quality of annotations they see and to itera-
tively refine them. In the above example, if a user tries to compile “while(x=5)” and sees the “change
’=’ to ’==’ in if condition” annotation, they can choose to refine it to “change ’=’ to ’==’ in while condi-
tion” or, even better, to generalize it to “change ’=’ to ’==’ when making comparisons”. This way, as more
and more Python Tutor users view these annotations, the overall corpus will gradually improve in quality.

Figure 6: UI mockup of our proposed custom explanation requests interface. Users will be able to annotate
both code and visualization components with precise questions and answers (shown as blue text bubbles).

In addition, 10,000 users per day seeing and potentially voting on Rosetta annotations lets more useful ones
rise up to the top and grays out lower-quality ones, similar to voting on Q&A sites such as Stack Overflow.
Custom explanation requests: So far Rosetta has augmented compiler and run-time error messages, but
what about learners who need help understanding parts of their code that do not have errors? Using Omni-
tutor (Specific Aim 1), they can ask a helper to explain that code to them via chat, but what if nobody is
available? To allow users to make asynchronous help requests, Rosetta will let them take a snapshot of their
current code and visualization, and then annotate it with a question. The UI mockup in Figure 6 shows that Another way to be spe-
cific without having ac-
having a run-time state visualization allows users to ask precise questions about both their code and data. tually built anything yet
is to create mockup UIs
Rosetta will post the requester’s question to the sessions of current and future Python Tutor users who are and diagrams to sketch
out your ideas. Again
working on similar code, again using our code similarity analysis from Section 6.1.2 to find likely matches. this contributes toward
your research plan being
Hopefully those users will be willing to glance at the visualization snapshots of relevant help requesters specific specific specific.

(e.g., Figure 6) and write a helpful explanation since they are currently working on similar code. Rosetta
will send the requester an email to notify them when new explanations arrive. This asynchronous setup
greatly increases the pool of users who can answer questions as long as the requester is willing to wait.
Finally, just like with compiler and run-time error annotations, Rosetta will collect these custom ex-
planation requests and present them to future users who are working on similar code. Note that this user
interface differs from a traditional discussion forum or Stack Overflow-like Q&A site because questions and
answers are not shown publicly to everyone; they are shown only to Python Tutor users who are working on
similar code, which drastically reduces the amount of irrelevant content visible in the interface.

6.2.3 Evaluation Plan

Similar to the evaluation plan for Specific Aim 1, we will again run randomized controlled trials. The
dependent variables here will be annotation quality, error fix metrics, and learner-reported satisfaction.
We will measure annotation quality again using a panel of introductory programming instructors to
serve as expert raters. We will direct raters to read each annotation and its associated code+visualizations
to assess correctness (i.e., is the annotation even factually correct?), precision (does it precisely describe the
core issue?), and depth (does it go beyond surface-level features to talk about deeper concepts?).
But no matter how good experts think the annotations are, ultimately what matters is whether those
annotations help real learners. To evaluate this, we will design several error fix metrics to quantify how
well learners actually fix their errors in response to seeing annotations made by their peers. Possible metrics
include: time to fix errors, numbers of edits required to fix, and whether those errors re-occurred later.
Our final dependent variable is learner-reported satisfaction, which we will measure with a short ques-
tion displayed alongside each annotation. We acknowledge that self-reported data can be noisy, but it is the
only practical way of assessing how learners felt about responses to custom-requested explanations when

there was not an explicit error to be fixed (e.g., “Please tell me what this part of the code does . . . ”). The
ideal metric is whether the learner gained true lasting knowledge from reading the annotation, but that is
hard to measure at scale so instead we will use self-reported satisfaction and error fix metrics as proxies.
We will run the following randomized controlled trials (RCTs) on the live Python Tutor website to
measure the impact of Rosetta’s features on the aforementioned dependent variables:
Learner-augmented error messages: We will randomly assign Python Tutor users to either see only the
built-in compiler/run-time error messages or to also see a list of suggested learner-generated error messages.
We can measure the impact of this intervention on error fix metrics. Note that we can also use RCTs here as
formative evaluations to refine our similarity heuristics for matching learner-generated messages with code.
Voting on and iteratively refining annotations: We will randomly activate or deactivate the voting and
refinement features on each annotation, and measure impact on final annotation quality, error fix metrics,
and learner-reported satisfaction. Doing so will help us assess the efficacy of voting and iterative refinement.
Custom explanation requests are harder to assess via RCTs (it is not as clear what to randomize), so
instead we will perform a more descriptive evaluation by assessing explanation quality, error fix metrics,
and learner-reported satisfaction (both from the learner who originally asked the question and future learners
who see these explanations as they are coding). We will also measure wait time before receiving responses.
In sum, again the active user base of Python Tutor makes it feasible to perform randomized controlled
trials with large sample sizes. By deploying these RCTs online for one year, we estimate that we can get on
the order of one million participants interacting with tens of thousands of unique annotations.

6.2.4 Expected Outcomes

• To our knowledge, the first system that coordinates a group of anonymous learners to create a corpus
of explanations about code and errors while they are in the midst of doing their own coding.
• Algorithms and interaction techniques for matching learner-generated error messages with relevant
code, for voting on and refining annotations, and for custom explanation requests.
• Evidence from RCTs that our algorithms enable learners to generate high-quality annotations, as
judged by experts, and to fix errors faster than when seeing default compiler/run-time error messages.
• A freely-available dataset of learner-generated annotations that provides insights into common novice
programming misconceptions across six popular languages (Python, Java, JavaScript, Ruby, C, C++).

6.2.5 Potential Risks and Alternative Approaches

The main potential risk is that learner-generated annotations may be low-quality or contain offensive
content. Note that this is a risk shared by any system that allows users to freely post questions and answers.
Just like on sites such as Stack Overflow, Rosetta’s users can downvote annotations to de-prioritize them and
also flag potentially-offensive ones for the research team to inspect in detail. In addition, since we will be
continually running RCTs of Rosetta’s features on the live Python Tutor site, if we notice that a particular
annotation consistently performs worse than baseline, then we will flag it to inspect for problems. Given
the current rate of ∼35 new annotations being written each day (Section 6.2.1), we expect light moderation
effort to be manageable by the research team for the coming few years. A more scalable alternative approach
is for us to enlist trusted power users of the Python Tutor website to volunteer as annotation moderators.

6.3 Timeline of Planned Research and Education Activities

One full-time Ph.D. student + PI effort: Year 1: Omnitutor implementation. Year 2: Omnitutor year-long Some people include a
project timeline diagram,
evaluation via online deployment; curriculum integration for Education Plan (Section 7). Year 3: submit but I think it’s a waste
of valuable space that’s
Omnitutor paper to CHI or UIST; Rosetta implementation. Year 4: Rosetta year-long evaluation; integrate better spent on your re-
search and evaluation
with online materials for Education Plan. Year 5: submit Rosetta paper to CHI or UIST; finish evaluation plans. Make this section
as short as possible while
portions of Education Plan; submit a journal paper on longitudinal deployment experiences. still being specific.

7 Education Plan: Tight Integration of Research and Education
My Python Tutor platform is unique in that using it for education directly leads to new research ideas, CAREER proposals have
a 15-page limit. I re-
which then contribute back to improving education, which in turn inspires additional research in a positive served almost 3 pages
for Education Plan and
feedback loop. With the help of my six external collaborators (see below), I will implement and evaluate Broader Impacts, even at
the expense of being less
the following education efforts both within my own university and beyond. detailed in the research
sections. That’s far more
space than what others
7.1 Letters of Collaboration (attached as supplementary documents) devote, but I strongly
stand by this decision.
• XXX XXX, Director of Research at Google, co-creator of the first AI MOOC in 2011, co-author of I believe if you have
a reasonably good re-
one of the most widely-used computing textbooks: Artificial Intelligence: A Modern Approach [77] search plan, then show-
ing you’ve thought se-
riously about education
• XXX XXX, co-founder and CEO of edX, the world’s largest nonprofit provider of MOOCs [1] and broader impacts will
put you over the top.
• XXX XXX, Distinguished Professor and Dean of the Division of Social Sciences, UC San Diego This is where your pro-
posal can really stand out
amongst other similarly-
• XXX XXX, Professor and Director of the Halicioglu Data Science Institute, UC San Diego strong ones in your pool.

• XXX XXX, Prof. of Education Studies, Advisor of Teaching+Learning Commons, UC San Diego
• XXX XXX, Assistant Professor at UC Berkeley, co-creator of the Jupyter notebook-based scientific
computing environment [2], lead recipient of 2017 ACM Software System Award [3]
7.2 New Curriculum Development Across the Social Sciences and Data Science at UCSD
My project period (2019–2024) coincides with two new UCSD education initiatives that I will help launch: Collaborator names have
been anonymized in this
public annotated version.
• The Dean of the Division of Social Sciences (which houses my primary department, Cognitive Sci-
ence) is planning to create an ambitious new initiative to teach computer programming to all under-
graduate students in the division. This is the largest academic unit at UC San Diego, with 29% of
the 28,000+ undergraduate students majoring in the social sciences [8]. As one of the few faculty
members in the division whose training is in computer science (and who has worked as a professional
software engineer at Google), I have been selected by the Dean to help launch this curricular effort.
• The UCSD Data Science Institute began operations in March 2018, with a large amount of under-
graduate enrollment interest throughout campus. I am a founding faculty member of the Institute and
will be involved in creating the educational curriculum for the new undergraduate data science major
and minor, especially in using Python for introductory programming and data analysis courses.
These activities will allow me to tightly integrate my research and education efforts. Python Tutor Think creatively beyond
just putting your research
and my proposed Omnitutor and Rosetta systems will be critical for scaling up personalized learning to the into new course curricula
or free online materials.
tens of thousands of students enrolled in new introductory programming courses across the Social Sciences Talk to people at your
university about how you
and Data Science. I will work closely with relevant instructors to integrate my systems into their courses can get involved beyond
the level of individual
as needed. Then as these courses ramp up in the coming years, I will collect usage data and likely discover courses. And the more
tightly you can integrate
new research opportunities related to how students from non-engineering backgrounds are learning to code. your research and educa-
tion plans, the better.
What I find most exciting about this plan is the opportunity to introduce programming skills to a highly
diverse student population across the entire UC San Diego campus, which can open career opportunities
for tens of thousands of students and also inspire new research directions. The social sciences already attract
a far more diverse and representative undergraduate population than computer science and related engineer-
ing majors; based on early estimates, we predict that data science will follow suit. At UC San Diego, women
comprise over 50% of social sciences majors, 21% of undergraduates are from underrepresented minority
groups, 33% are transfers from community colleges, and 38% are first-generation college students [8, 9].
Evaluation Plan: We plan to formally evaluate these new educational initiatives using standard student out- Just like how your re-
search plans should each
come metrics such as learning, retention, progression through the major, graduation rates, and job placement come with their own
evaluation plans, your
statistics. The Dean of Social Sciences and the Director of the Data Science Institute will provide outside Education Plan should
too! Being specific about
evaluator personnel; the overall effort will potentially be organized by Professor XXX XXX of Education evaluation shows that
you’re taking educational
Studies, who is an expert on educational evaluations (see their letters of collaboration). outcomes seriously.

7.3 Education Efforts Lead to Undergraduate Research Mentoring
Another wonderful benefit of using Python Tutor in my teaching is that it attracts large amounts of
interest amongst undergraduate students who first see it in class and then want to get involved in working
on it for research. This project has been a magnet for attracting undergraduate researchers to my lab. As an
assistant professor, I have mentored 12 undergraduate students on research so far, including 6 women and Applying for CAREER
later gives you more time
2 first-generation college students. Of those, 3 have first-authored research papers [40, 95, 102]; one won to build up the basis for
your education plan and
the nationwide Computing Research Association (CRA) Outstanding Undergraduate Researcher Award in broader impacts. If I
had applied too early, I
2015; another won Honorable Mention for that same award; 3 are now in computer science Ph.D. programs wouldn’t have had this
mentoring record yet.
at Stanford, Berkeley, and Georgia Tech, respectively. I plan to continue this trajectory in the coming years.
Evaluation Plan: I will informally evaluate this effort via levels of student involvement and their post- It’s OK if your evalua-
tion metrics are informal.
graduation outcomes. My CAREER project should involve 5 to 10 undergraduate researchers (1–2 per year); Reviewers aren’t expect-
ing you to be an expert
funding will be provided by my department and potentially by REU supplements. Their work experiences at educational evaluation
like how they’re expect-
with me should help them gain admissions into CS/HCI Ph.D. programs or lead to their first full-time jobs. ing you to be an expert at
research evaluation.

7.4 Education Beyond the University: Online AI Textbook, MOOCs, Jupyter Notebooks
The systems in this proposal can improve programming education beyond university campuses, building
upon the millions of learners in over 180 countries who are already using the Python Tutor platform. I will
also partner with three influential figures in online education (see letters) to integrate with their platforms:
• XXX XXX (my manager when I worked at Google) and I have been talking about porting his popular
AI: A Modern Approach [77] textbook to an online format with interactive visual examples built upon
Python Tutor and using my new proposed systems to let readers help one another learn AI.
• XXX XXX, the CEO of edX (where I worked as a visiting researcher), is committed to deeper integra-
tion of Python Tutor and the new systems in this proposal into edX MOOCs to supplement traditional
discussion forums. Note that Python Tutor is already used throughout several edX MOOCs for intro-
ductory programming and data science, so this addition is very tractable.
• XXX XXX, co-creator of Project Jupyter, wants to integrate Python Tutor visualizations and peer
help into the Jupyter Notebook file format so that it can be used to create more interactive educational
materials. His team has the resources to host these enhanced notebooks on JupyterHub cloud servers.
Aside from providing direct educational benefits to learners around the world who access these resources Lastly, think beyond the
scope of your own uni-
online, we predict that observing how people interact with them will inspire new research directions about versity. Get letters from
external collaborators,
how to make my proposed systems more useful for AI, machine learning, and data science applications. perhaps in industry.

Evaluation Plan: We will measure success based on log analysis of how frequently my systems are used
within the context of these online resources. We will also run RCTs to compare student performance when
my systems are randomly shown or not shown to users. My collaborators’ respective organizations (Google,
edX, and Jupyter) will provide staff and computing resources to assist with these evaluation efforts.

8 Broader Impacts
This project will achieve these Broader Impacts goals from the NSF CAREER program solicitation [5]: I suggest directly ad-
dressing as many of the
NSF’s broader impacts
Development of a diverse, globally competitive STEM workforce: Python Tutor and the new Omnitutor criteria as possible, us-
ing their exact wording
and Rosetta systems in this proposal directly contribute toward developing a strong STEM workforce since as subsection headings.
Again, be specific! But
computer programming skills are highly in-demand across many STEM fields [52]. Moreover, the free don’t seem like you’re
just pandering. If your
peer-based tutoring that my systems facilitate will open up career training opportunities to a more socioeco- project can’t realistically
achieve broader impacts
nomically diverse pool of learners, including those who cannot afford to pay for tutoring or classes. User along some dimension,
then don’t force it.
survey results indicate that Python Tutor is already reaching millions of adult learners (41% of users are
over 35 years old, 10% are over 55 years old) and those without formal college educations (20% of users).

Evaluation Plan: We already have a general user survey on the Python Tutor website that asks learners about Just like with your re-
search and education
their educational backgrounds and motivations for learning to code. This survey has received over 4,000 plans, put in an evalua-
tion plan for each of your
responses so far. We will work with Prof. XXX XXX from UCSD Education Studies (our evaluation expert) broader impacts aims.
Again they don’t have
to enhance this survey with more formal measures of career-related outcomes from using my systems. to be overly detailed or
rigorous (nobody expects
you to be an expert at
Full participation of women and underrepresented minorities in STEM: My education plan to use my evaluating societal im-
pact!), but show you’ve
proposed systems to teach programming across the Social Sciences and Data Science majors at UC San put some thought into it.
Diego (Section 7.2) will make progress toward this goal at a large public university: women comprise over
50% of our social sciences majors, 21% of our undergraduates are from underrepresented minority groups,
33% are transfers from community colleges, and 38% are first-generation college students [8, 9].
Evaluation Plan: Diversity and inclusion metrics will already be included in our formal evaluation plans for
the new programming curricula in the Division of Social Sciences and the Data Science Institute at UCSD.
Improved STEM education and educator development at any level: My education plan to use my pro-
posed systems to enhance instructional materials such as online textbooks, MOOCs, and Jupyter Notebooks
(Section 7.4) will help improve STEM education by providing educators around the world with access to
free, high-quality, well-tested resources to use in their curricula. We can easily augment my systems to
provide private groups for individual educators’ classes in order to further increase student privacy.
Evaluation Plan: We will embed user surveys within these online instructional materials to assess how
educators are using those materials to aid their own teaching.
Enhanced infrastructure for research and education: My Python Tutor open-source code base provides
a robust infrastructure for both programming research and education. Its code has been maintained since
2010, improved via numerous bug fixes due to usage by over 3.5 million online users, used in dozens of
university courses and MOOCs, and already used as infrastructure for computing research projects outside
of my own lab [30, 36, 69, 80, 86, 87, 103]. Evaluation Plan: Publications and courses using my software.
Increased partnerships between academia, industry, and others: I have a long history of industry part-
nerships, having worked as a software engineer at Google and a visiting researcher at edX and Microsoft
Research. I have coauthored papers with colleagues at all of these organizations. I also have informal ties
with programming curriculum developers at two other major online education providers: Coursera and Khan
Academy. Evaluation Plan: Industry paper coauthorships and use of my open-source software in products.
Increased public scientific literacy and public engagement with science and technology: My personal Spending one full page
on broader impacts is a
website [44] contains over 300 articles and podcast episodes on research, education, and outreach topics; it great idea not only for
CAREER but also for
receives over 750,000 page views per year. I have also created over 500 research, education, and scientific other NSF proposals.
That’s more than what
outreach videos on my personal YouTube channel, which now has 4,000+ subscribers and 500,000+ total most other people write,
so your proposal will
video views. Evaluation Plan: Measure webpage+video viewership statistics and outreach talk invitations. stand out in the pool.

9 Results From Prior NSF Support

CRII: CHS: Scaling Up Online Peer Tutoring of Computer Programming (#1660819; $175,000; 2015– You might not have any-
thing to report here, but
2018) produced the preliminary work for this proposal. Intellectual Merits: Published Codechella [50] and if you do, try to keep this
section short while ful-
Codeopticon [47] real-time tutoring systems; see Section 6.1.1 for details. Broader Impacts: Grew Python filling the requirements.
Space is much better
Tutor’s user base from 1.5 to 3.5 million total users during this project period. spent elsewhere.

co-PI on NRT-IGE: Augmenting, Piloting, and Scaling Computational Notebooks to Train New Grad-
uate Researchers in Data-Centric Programming (#1735234; $50,000 my portion; $498,751 total; 2017–
2020), an educational grant that is completely unrelated to the topic of this proposal. We plan to use Jupyter If possible make sure to
clearly state how your
Notebooks to create new curricula for training graduate students. Intellectual Merits: knowledge about other grants are NOT re-
lated to this proposal so
how to use existing notebook-based technologies to conduct coding boot camps for new graduate students. reviewers won’t think
that this work has al-
Broader Impacts: none so far; still in first year of curriculum development so not yet deployed. ready been funded,
which is an easy justifi-
cation for rejection.

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