PH4211 Statistical Mechanics: Problem Sheet 5 - Answers
PH4211 Statistical Mechanics: Problem Sheet 5 - Answers
PH4211 Statistical Mechanics: Problem Sheet 5 - Answers
The correlation time is the ‘width’ of the correlation function – the area divided by the
height. Thus the definition
G ( t ) dt .
G ( 0 ) ∫0
τc =
Answers 5-1
The average of cos 2 is ½; the function varies smoothly between 0 and 1. The average
of cos sin is zero; this function varies smoothly between –1 and +1. Thus we conclude
G (t ) = cos ωt
as required.
3 The dynamical response function X(t) must vanish at zero times, as shown in
Fig. 5.13. What is the physical explanation of this? What is the consequence for the
step response function Φ(t)? Is this compatible with an exponentially decaying Φ(t)?
The step response function Φ(t) is proportional to the autocorrelation function of the
response variable
Φ (t ) ∝ M ( 0) M (t ) ,
from the Onsager hypothesis or the linear response derivation. Since, certainly in the
classical case, M(0) and M(t) commute, we may swap these around so that
Φ ( t ) = Φ ( −t ) .
Thus Φ(t) is an even function and its odd derivatives must vanish at t = 0. And then
since X(t) is the first derivative of Φ(t), it follows that X(0) = 0 as required.
If the odd derivatives of Φ(t) vanish at the origin, this is clearly incompatible with an
exponential decay. More precisely Φ(t) cannot decay exponentially in the vicinity of
t = 0; it can elsewhere.
4 In Section 5.3 we examined the form of the dynamical susceptibility χ(ω) that
followed from the assumption that the step response function Φ(t) decayed
exponentially. In this question consider a step response function that decays with a
gaussian profile, Φ ( t ) = χ 0 e−t 2τ . Evaluate the real and imaginary parts of the
2 2
dynamical susceptibility and plot them as a function of frequency. The real part of the
susceptibility is difficult to evaluate without a symbolic mathematics system such as
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Mathematica. Compare and discuss the differences and similarities between this
susceptibility and that deduced from the exponential step response function (Debye
The response function X(t) is given by minus the derivative of Φ(t), thus
X ( t ) = − χ 0 e −t 2τ
2 2
t 2 2
= χ 0 2 e −t 2τ .
The dynamical susceptibility is the Fourier transform of this
χ (ω ) = ∫ X (t ) e
so that
χ (ω ) = 20 ∫ te
− t 2 2τ 2 iωt
e dt .
τ −∞
χ /χ 0
1 χ'(ω)
1 2 3 4 ωτ
- 0.2
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5 The Debye form for the dynamical susceptibility is
χ ′ (ω ) = χ 0
1 + ω 2τ 2
χ ′′ (ω ) = χ 0 .
1 + ω 2τ 2
Plot the real part against the imaginary part and show that the figure corresponds to a
semicircle. This is known as a Cole-Cole plot.
- 0.2
- 0.4
The upper half circle corresponds to positive frequencies and the lower half
corresponds to negative frequencies.
The real and imaginary parts pf the Debye susceptibility are seen to satisfy the
2 2 2
⎛ χ ′′ ⎞ ⎛ χ ′ 1 ⎞ ⎛ 1 ⎞
⎜ ⎟ +⎜ − ⎟ = ⎜ ⎟ .
⎝ χ0 ⎠ ⎝ χ0 2 ⎠ ⎝ 2 ⎠
This is corresponds to a circle of radius ½ centred on χ ′ χ 0 = 1 2 .
6 Plot the Cole-Cole plot (Problem 5.5) for the dynamical susceptibility considered in
Problem 5.4. How does it differ from that of the Debye susceptibility.
In Problem 5.4 we obtained the expressions for the real and the imaginary parts of the
dynamical susceptibility
⎧⎪ π ωτ ⎫⎪
χ ′ (ω ) = χ 0 ⎨1 −
2 2
ωτ e −ω τ 2 erfi ⎬
⎪⎩ 2 2 ⎭⎪
χ ′′ (ω ) = χ 0
2 2
ωτ e−ω τ 2 .
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From these we can make the Cole-Cole plot:
- 0.2
- 0.4
- 0.6
The main difference from the Debye form is that this curve passes to the left of the y
axis (high frequencies), where the real part of the susceptibility becomes negative.
Since in the high frequency limit the real and imaginary parts of the susceptibility
must both vanish, this gives the cardioid shape to the plot.
At low frequencies such that hf << kT we can expand the exponential so that
v2 = 4R ∆f
∆f 1 + hf kT + … − 1
= 4R ∆f
hf kT + …
and in the low frequency limit the hf cancels, giving
v2 = 4kTR∆f ,
For the Nyquist expression to be valid we require the frequency to satisfy f << kT/h,
so at room temperature (T ~ 300K) this means
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1.4 ×10−23 × 300
f << −34
= 6.4 ×1012 Hz .
6.6 × 10
The integral is standard; its value is π. Thus we have shown that I = χ 0 ; we have
demonstrated that the Kramers-Krönig sum rule holds in the Debye case.
Answers 5-6