File Formats: BIM-BBA-00-Z0-ST-A-30006 - File - Formats Revision: P2 Status: S2

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File formats

BIM-BBA-00-Z0-ST-A-30006_File_formats Revision: P2 Status: S2

This document is copyright © Bond Bryan Architects Ltd. 2015

All rights reserved worldwide.

You may not copy, reproduce, publish, sell, rent, transmit or distribute, or otherwise use any of the contents of this
document without prior written permission from Bond Bryan Architects Ltd.

Any trademarks, service marks, product names, corporate names or named features are assumed to be the property of
their respective owners, and are used only for reference, without intent to infringe. There is no implied endorsement if
one of these terms have been used within this document.

Open BIM is a universal approach to the collaborative design, realization and operation of buildings based on open
standards and workflows. Open BIM is an initiative of buildingSMART and several leading software vendors using the
open buildingSMART Data Model.

Open BIM Programme is a marketing campaign initiated by GRAPHISOFT®, Tekla® and other members of
buildingSMART® to urge and facilitate globally coordinated promotion of the Open BIM concept throughout the AEC
industry, with aligned communication and common branding available to programme participants.

Open BIM Certification is a technical certification system being developed by buildingSMART® to help AEC software
vendors improve, test and certify their data connections to work seamlessly with other Open BIM solutions.

Why is it important?

* Open BIM supports a transparent, open workflow, allowing project members to participate regardless of the
software tools they use.
* Open BIM creates a common language for widely referenced processes, allowing industry and government to
procure projects with transparent commercial engagement, comparable service evaluation and assured data quality.
* Open BIM provides enduring project data for use throughout the asset life--cycle, avoiding multiple input of the
same data and consequential errors.
* Small and large (platform) software vendors can participate and compete on system independent, ‘best of breed’
* Open BIM energizes the online product supply side with more exact user demand searches and delivers the product
data directly into the BIM.

Document revisions
Document Number - BIM-BBA-00-Z0-ST-A-30006

Original Document Author - Rob Jackson

Revision Status Issue Date Comments

P1 S0 2013-06-09 First Issue (internal only)
P2 S2 2015-01-30 Updated for external issue

Front cover image - Saudi Schools

BIM-BBA-00-Z0-ST-A-30006_File_formats Revision: P2 Status: S2 2

File formats
Format Description

3DMLW (3D Markup Language for Web files)
3DS (native Autodesk 3DS Studio file format)
3DXML (native Dassault Systemes file format)

ASC (BRL-CAD geometry file)
ASM Solidedge Assembly

BCF BIM collaboration format
BIM (native Data Design System (DDS-CAD) file format)
BIN (native Data Design System (DDS-CAD) file format)
BMP Bitmap (image format)
BPN (native Graphisoft ArchiCAD file format - backup file of the main file)

CUBE (native Datacubist simplebim file format)

DGN (native Microstation design file format)
DMG (application file format for the Apple Mac)
DOC (native Microsoft Word file format)
DOCX (native Microsoft Word file format)
DWG (native Autodesk AutoCAD file format)
DWF Design Web Format (native Autodesk file format)
DWFx Design Web Format (native Autodesk file format)
DXF Drawing Interchange Format or Drawing Exchange Format

EXE (application file format for a PC)

FBX (file format developed by Kaydara and now owned by Autodesk)

gbXML Green Building XML
GDL Geometric Description Language (native Graphisoft ArchiCAD file format - object language)
GIF Graphics Interchange Format (image format)
GTC (native GRAITEC Advance file format)

BIM-BBA-00-Z0-ST-A-30006_File_formats Revision: P2 Status: S2 3

File formats continued
Format Description

IAM (native Autodesk Inventor assembly file format)
IDE (native Autodesk Inventor iFeatures file format)
IDW (native Autodesk Inventor drawing file format)
IFC Industry Foundation Classes
IGES Initial Graphics Exchange Specification
IPN (native Autodesk Inventor presentation file format)

JIF JPEG Interchange Format (image format)
JPEG or JPG Joint Photographic Experts Group (image format)
JT Jupiter Tesselation (visualisation file format)

LCK (native Graphisoft ArchiCAD file format - lock file format)

NWC (native Autodesk Navisworks file format)
NWD (native Autodesk Navisworks file format)
NWF (native Autodesk Navisworks file format)

ODBC Open Database Connectivity

PDF Portable Document Format
PICT (native Apple Macintosh PICT image)
PLA (native Graphisoft ArchiCAD file format - archive file format)
PLN (native Graphisoft ArchiCAD file format - primary file format for individual files)
PLK (native Graphisoft ArchiCAD file format - lock file format)
PLY Polygon Fle Format
PMK (native Graphisoft ArchiCAD file format - layout file format (historical projects only))
PNG Portable Network Graphics (image format)
PPT (native Microsoft Powerpoint file format)
PPTX (native Microsoft Powerpoint file format)
PRC Product Representation Compact
PSD (native Adobe Photoshop file format)

BIM-BBA-00-Z0-ST-A-30006_File_formats Revision: P2 Status: S2 4

File formats continued
Format Description

RCP (native Autodesk ReCap file format)
RCS (native Autodesk ReCap file format)
RFA (native Autodesk Revit family file format)
RVT (native Autodesk Revit project file format)
RTE (native Autodesk Revit template file format)

SDNF Steel Detailing Neutral Format
SKB (native Sketchup backup file format)
SKP (native Sketchup model file format)
SLDASM (native Solidworks assembly file format)
SLDDRW (native Solidworks 2D drawing file format)
SLDPRT (native Solidworks 3D part model file format)
STL Stereolithography or Standard Tesselation Language
STP Standard for the Exchange of Product model data
SVG Scalable Vector Graphics

TCT (native TurboCAD template file format)
TCW (native TurboCAD file format)
TIFF Tagged Image File Format (image format)

VRML Virtual Reality Modelling Language

WRL (similar to STL but includes colour)

XML Extensible Markup Language
XLS (native Microsoft Excel file format)
XLSX (native Microsoft Excel file format)

ZIP (compression format)

BIM-BBA-00-Z0-ST-A-30006_File_formats Revision: P2 Status: S2 5

A Bond Bryan Architects, The Church Studio, Sheffield, S10 1LP
T +44 (0)114 266 2040
E [email protected]
Tw @bondbryanBIM

Also offices in: London - Westerham, Kent - Qatar - Kuwait

BIM-BBA-00-Z0-ST-A-30006_File_formats Revision: P2 Status: S2

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