(CO8) Chemistry of Vision
(CO8) Chemistry of Vision
(CO8) Chemistry of Vision
Vitamin A has several functions in the does not fit as well into the protein, and
body. The most well known is its role in so a series of geometry changes in the
vision - hence carrots "make you able to protein begins. The resulting complex is
see in the dark". The retinol is oxidized referred to a bathrhodopsin.
to its aldehyde, retinal, which complexes
with a molecule in the eye called opsin. The retina is lined with many millions of
When a photon of light hits the complex, photoreceptor cells that consist of two
the retinal changes from the 11-cis form types: 7 million cones provide color
to the all-trans form, initiating a chain of information and sharpness of images,
events which results in the transmission and 120 million rods are extremely
of an impulse up the optic nerve. sensitive detectors of white light to
provide night vision. The tops of the rods
The molecule cis-retinal can absorb light and cones contain a region filled with
at a specific wavelength. When visible membrane-bound discs, which contain
light hits the cis-retinal, the cis-retinal the molecule cis-retinal bound to a
undergoes an isomerization, or change protein called opsin. The resulting
in molecular arrangement, to all-trans- complex is called rhodopsin or "visual
retinal. The new form of trans-retinal purple"
Glucose that is not needed for energy is The plasma concentration of glucose is
stored in the form of glycogen as a controlled by a number of hormones, in
source of potential energy, readily particular, insulin and glucagon. The
available when needed. Most glycogen physiology of glucose homeostasis is
is stored in the liver and in muscle cells. controlled primarily by insulin release in
When these and other body cells are response to elevated glucose levels
saturated with glycogen, excess glucose (postprandial), although in birds,
is converted to fat and is stored as glucagon appears to serve as the
adipose tissue. primary regulator. Significant species
variations in glucose levels have been