10 Years Past Essays of CSS

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2008 & 2009

1. Moral depravity is the root cause of poverty.

2. Pneace the essential message of our religion

3. Time management is the key note of success.

4. Lack of discipline - a national disaster.

5. Materialism in the death of spirituality.

6. Poetry is the highest form of expression - the greatest proof is the Holy Quran.

7. Dreams for future rely on the work of today.

8. Can be prevent the Third World War?

9. Global Warming, fact or fiction?

10. The Future of Democracy in Pakistan

11. Health is not a condition of matter, but of mind.

12. Co education, Merits and Demerits

13. The Food Crisis: Problems, challenges and Opportunities for Pakistan.

14. English as the Medium of Education in Pakistan.

15. The future of UNO, Hopes and Hurdles

16. There is no great genius without a mixture of madness.

17. Status of Women in Islam

18. Pakistan's War on terror and its impact on our psyche and political, social &

economic fronts.

19. Power of Media in the Modern World.

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