- The document outlines proposed interest rate revisions for various loan categories for MSMEs and non-MSMEs, with effect from December 21, 2017.
- Rates are proposed to be reduced for most categories and now linked to the Prime Lending Rate of 12.70%.
- Categories include general loans up to Rs. 2 lakhs, assisted vs. non-assisted existing clients, external credit ratings tiers, and various special schemes.
- The document outlines proposed interest rate revisions for various loan categories for MSMEs and non-MSMEs, with effect from December 21, 2017.
- Rates are proposed to be reduced for most categories and now linked to the Prime Lending Rate of 12.70%.
- Categories include general loans up to Rs. 2 lakhs, assisted vs. non-assisted existing clients, external credit ratings tiers, and various special schemes.
- The document outlines proposed interest rate revisions for various loan categories for MSMEs and non-MSMEs, with effect from December 21, 2017.
- Rates are proposed to be reduced for most categories and now linked to the Prime Lending Rate of 12.70%.
- Categories include general loans up to Rs. 2 lakhs, assisted vs. non-assisted existing clients, external credit ratings tiers, and various special schemes.
- The document outlines proposed interest rate revisions for various loan categories for MSMEs and non-MSMEs, with effect from December 21, 2017.
- Rates are proposed to be reduced for most categories and now linked to the Prime Lending Rate of 12.70%.
- Categories include general loans up to Rs. 2 lakhs, assisted vs. non-assisted existing clients, external credit ratings tiers, and various special schemes.
Interest revision for all loans with Reset Clauses / New Cases (with effect
from 21.12.2017)
PLR (Prime Lending Rate) : 12.70%
I. MICRO, SMALL AND MEDIUM ENTERPRISES (MSME) CATEGORY: Existing Proposed Interest Rate rate Category Rate Structure (in %) (in %) GENERAL SCHEME:
12.95 A. Loans upto Rs.2.00 lakhs (including
PLR 12.70 Transport loans)
B. Loans above Rs.2.00 lakhs
a) Existing assisted clients (including
Transport) continuously in standard 12.95 category for 3 years at the time of PLR 12.70 sanction, OTL etc. b) Units with External Credit Rating - Highest Rating c) Existing non- assisted units with good track record for three completed years at 13.20 PLR + 0.25% 12.95 the time of sanction d) Units with External Credit Rating - High Rating e) New MSME & Transport Sector including PLR + 0.25% NEEDS (revised from PLR 12.95 13.70 f) Units with External Credit Rating – other + 0.75%) than highest and high Credit Ratings
Micro, Small, Enterprises Funding (MSEF)
Scheme 13.95 a. Drawee Bill Scheme PLR + 1.00% 13.70
Clean Term Loan scheme
Entrepreneur Development Scheme (EDS) 14.20 b. PLR + 1.25% 13.95 Grow an Entrepreneur Scheme (GES) Existing Proposed Interest Rate rate Category Rate Structure (in %) (in %) Term Loan to service sector viz., Shopping Complex, Community Hall, Kalyana Mandapam etc. Term Loan for replacement of high cost loan Corporate Loan Scheme PLR + 1.25% 14.45 c. (revised from PLR 13.95 Contractors Credit Scheme + 1.50% now) Loans to Hospitals, Doctors and Nursing Home, purchase of land and construction of building (Old cases other than My Doctor, Doctor Plus Schemes) PLR + 1.00% 14.45 d. Bill Finance Scheme (revised from PLR 13.70 + 1.50% now) My Doctor, Doctor Plus 13.20 a. New Clients PLR 12.70 (revised from PLR e. + 0.25% now)
12.95 a. Existing Clients PLR 12.70
WIND MILLS / SOLAR PROJECTS 13.20 f. a. New Clients PLR + 0.25% 12.95 12.95 b. Prompt /Standard for the last 3 years. PLR 12.70 13.70 g. Working Capital Term Loan & Single PLR + 0.50% 13.20 Window Scheme Loans (revised from PLR + 0.75%) For purchase of medical equipments (Old 13.45 h. cases other than My Doctor, Doctor Plus PLR + 0.50% 13.20 Schemes)
13.20 1. Existing Clients in Standard category PLR 12.70
continuously for 3 years at the time of (revised from PLR sanction + 0.25% now) 13.20 2. Existing non-assisted units with good track PLR + 0.25% 12.95 record for 3 completed years. 13.95 3. New Non-MSME Term Loan PLR + 0.75% 13.45 (revised from PLR + 1.00%)
Note: In respect of JICA Line of Credit, existing rates of interest will continue.