STSW stm32065

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STM32F4xx standard peripherals library

Data brief

Features the start-up files depend on the development

tools. Thanks to the standard peripherals library,
 Low level drivers covering the peripherals, low-level implementation details are transparent,
belonging to the STM32F4 series and so that reusing code on a different MCU requires
developed in ‘Strict ANSI-C’ only to reconfigure the compiler. As a result,
 116 examples for 33 different peripherals developers can easily migrate designs across the
STM32F4 series, to quickly bring product line
 Template project for four different IDEs extensions to market without any redesign. In
addition, the library is built around a modular
Description architecture that makes it easy to tailor and run it
on the same MCU, using hardware platforms
The STM32F4xx standard peripherals library, different from ST evaluation boards.
called STSW-STM32065, covers three
abstraction levels, and provides user with a
complete register address mapping with all bits,
bitfields and registers declared in C. This relieves
the user from a cumbersome task, bringing, as an
added value, a bug free reference mapping file,
that allows to speed up the early project phase.
The STSW-STM32065 also includes a collection
of routines and data structures, covering all
peripheral functions and drivers with common API
(Application Programming Interface). It can
directly be used as a reference framework, since
it also includes macros for supporting core-related
intrinsic features, common constants, and
definition of data types.
Moreover a set of examples are provided,
covering all available peripherals with template
projects for the most common development tools.
With the appropriate hardware evaluation board,
this framework allows to get quickly started with a
brand new microcontroller of the STM32F4 family.
Each driver consists of a set of functions covering
all peripheral features. The development of each
driver is driven by a common API, which
standardizes the driver structure, the functions
and the parameter names. The driver source
code is developed in ‘Strict ANSI-C’ (relaxed
ANSI-C for projects and example files). It is fully
documented and MISRA®-C 2004 compliant.
Writing the whole library in ‘Strict ANSI-C’, makes
it independent from the development tools. Only

October 2015 DocID028330 Rev 1 1/3

For further information contact your local STMicroelectronics sales office.
Revision history DB2669

1 Revision history

Table 1. Document revision history

Date Revision Changes

19-Oct-2015 1 Initial release.

2/3 DocID028330 Rev 1



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