SKS Separator Calculation

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Portland cement (95-5) 215.

0 T/HR
Pressure drop across SKS-separator 250 MMH2O

Pressure drop across separator cyclone 150 MMH2O 63.3 mbar

Pressure drop across V-separator 150 MMH2O

Installed separator power consumption: 0.5 KWH/T 107.5 KW
Installed fan power consumption: 3 KWH/T 645.0 KW
Cage diameter 4.0 M
Cage height 2.4 M
Ratio cage diameter - cage height: 1to4 1.65

Specific air load in the feed 0.0028 T/M3 307,142.9 M3/HR 85

Specific air load in the fines 0.00060 T/M3 358,333.3 M3/HR
specific rotor load 7 T/HR/M2 30.71 M2
Circumferential speed: Min 6.3 M/SEC 29.7 rpm 24
Circumferential speed: Max 35 M/SEC 166.45 rpm 96
Air speed through cage 3.50 M/SEC 452,467.5 M3/HR
Fan Power 1,039.2 kw
Rotor Wt. 5000 KG
Circulating load 4.3

732 3.14 166.45
Torque -K-Nm Force -(kg-m/s2)N Distance -m
4,288 2,134,794 2.01
Force -Kg-m/s2 mass-kg velocity - m/s
2,134,794 7,000 35
8,575 m*v*d


Fat – Tangential air
drag force

Far – Radial air drag


V H N D Area Fg – Gravity force

17.5 166.45 4.02 R1 100%
16.3 2.43 166.45 3.75 93% 58.26
14.2 166.45 3.25 R2 81%

F = 0.5 C ρ A V2

Our calculation allows you to use a variety of units with all of the conversions completed internally. The u
A = cross sectional area perpendicula to the flow ,m 2.
C = Drag coefficient (see figures above), unitless.
F = Drag force, N.
V = Velocity, m/s.
ρ = Density of fluid (liquid or gas), kg/m3.
Fc – Centrifugal MV2/R 3.141*2*r*n*m/60r


ions completed internally. The units below are consistent units for the drag force equation.
Expected Production 215.00 TPH
Specific air load in fines 0.60 Kg/M3
Required air flow 358,333.33 M3/hr.
Flow By feed Load 645.00
Actual CL 3.00
Estimated circulating load 3.00 (Reject/Fine)x100
Feed production 645 TPH
Specific air load in feed 1.80 kg/M3
Specific Rotating cage load 8.50 T/hr.M2
Rotor separation area 25.29 M2
Ratio of cage dia to height 1.65
Selected area of Rotor 17.13 M2
Cage height 1.82 M
Cage dia 3.00 M
Air speed through cage 4.92 M/sec
Minimum cage speed 31.84 RPM
Minimum circumferential speed 5.00 M/sec
Maximum cage speed 191.02 RPM
Maximum circumferential speed 30.00 M/sec
Separator power 0.45 KWH/T
Separator power 96.75 KW
Fan power 2.40 KWH/T
Fan power Stander 516.00 KW
Fan Power Calculated 741.96 KW
SKS-separator 200.00 MMH2O
Separator-Cyclone 80.00 MMH2O
V-Separator 150.00 MMH2O
Duct 50.00 MMH2O
Total Pressure Droop 52.80 Mbar
Fan Ef 85% %
Separator power 82.62 KW
Rotor Mass 1,000.00 Kg



Increase rotor Separation area





ΔP max (bar) = 2 У L v / t x 10^5

The volume of the accumulator, required to reduce shock pressure within

predetermined limits AP, is obtained by:
V0 = Q/7.2 (2 У L v / C0 x 10^5 – t) / (P0/P1)^0.7143 – (P0/P2)^0.7143
V0 = accumulator gas capacity (litres)
Q = flow rate in the piping (m3/h)
L = total length of piping (m)
У = specific gravity of the fluid (kg/m3)
V = Q/S x 103/3.6 = flow velocity (m/s)
S = Лd 2 / 4 = internal pipe section (mm2)
d = internal pipe diameter (mm)
ΔP = allowable overpressure (bar)
P1 = operating pressure by free flow (absolute bar)
P2 = P + ΔP = max allowable pressure (absolute bar)
t = deceleration time (s) (valve shut down, etc.)
P0 = 5 x 0.9 = 4.5 = 5.5 abs. bar
Assume a water pipe (У = 1000 kg/m3) with internal diameter
d = 80 mm, length L = 450 m, flow rate Q = 17 m3/h, operating pressure P1
= 5 bar, allowable overpressure ΔP = 2 bar, valve closure time t = 0.8 s.
ΔP max = 2 x 1000 x 450 x 0.94 / 0.8 • 105 = 10.57 bar
The accumulator volume necessary to reduce the ΔP max to 2 bar is:
V0 = 17/7.2 (2 x 1000 x 450 x 0.94 / 2 x 105 - 0.8)/(5.5/6)0.7143
- (5.5/8) 0.7143 = 46.4 l
S = Л x 802 / 4 = 5026.5 mm2
V = 17 x 103 / 5026.5 x 3.6 = 0.94 m/s
P0 = 5 x 0.9 = 4.5 = 5.5 abs. bar
P1 = 6 abs. bar
P2 = 5 + 2 = 7 bar = 8 abs. bar
An accumulator of 55 litres low pressure range will be chosen, type
2.35 11.9

28.26 125.04
17 100
100 100
1000 860
0.94 5.53
5025.6 5025.6
80 80
2 11.9
16 140
18 152
0.8 0.8
2 20
15.4 127

2.35 11.88


0.4 11 2.5 Parameters of dimensioning:
0.45 10.5 2.75 The following parameters are widely accepted for a Portland cement (95-5):
0.5 5 1.2 3 Pressure drop across separator: 200-250 mmH2O
0.55 5.5 1.3 3.25 Installed separator power consumption: ±0,5 kWh/t
0.6 6 1.5 3.5 Installed fan power consumption: ±2,5 kWh/t
0.65 6.5 1.6 4 Ratio cage diameter - cage height: from 1 to 4 according the supplier
0.7 7 1.65 4.5 Specific air load in the feed (ratio tonnage per hour of feed material - air flow in m3
0.75 7.5 1.7 5 Specific air load in the fines (ratio tonnage per hour of fines material - air flow in m3
0.8 8 2.4 specific rotor load (ratio tonnage per hour of fines material - area in m2 of the rotati
0.85 8.5 2.5 Circumferencial speed: 5-30 m/sec
0.9 9 3 Air speed through cage: 4 m/sec
0.95 9.5 3.5
1 10 4
widely accepted for a Portland cement (95-5):
or: 200-250 mmH2O
nsumption: ±0,5 kWh/t
tion: ±2,5 kWh/t
ight: from 1 to 4 according the supplier
atio tonnage per hour of feed material - air flow in m3/h): max. 2,5 kg/m3
atio tonnage per hour of fines material - air flow in m3/h): max. 0,8 kg/m3
age per hour of fines material - area in m2 of the rotating cage): max. 12 t/h.m2
ρ 0

Vu β

ρ G

Sl Symbol Designation Unit Clinker
2 M Press Through put [t/h] 1400
3 G Product [t/h] 350
4 D Roller Diameter [mm] 2200
5 w Roller Width [mm] 1800
L/D Ratio 0.82
A Roller Surface Area [mm2] 3,960,000
6 s Slab Thickness [mm] 44
7 Vu Circumferential Speed [m/s] 2.0
8 ρG Density Slab [t/m3] 2.46
9 ρo Density Feed [t/m3] 1.3
10 F Press Force [kN] 22898
11 d Diameter Hydr.Cylinder [mm] 900
12 z No of cylinder [-] 2
13 p Hydraulic pressure [b] 180
14 K specific press force [kN/m2] 5782
15 L specific suface load [N/mm2] 5.8
16 P Abs. Motor power [kW] 5047
E sp. Energy consumption product [kWh/t] 3.6
E sp. Energy consumption Feed [kWh/t] 14.4
18 α Nip angle [o] 10.0
19 β Attak angle [o] 3.0
20 u Circulation factor [-] 4.0
21 ɳ Drive system efficiency [-] 0.95
Motor selection 2 2776
Raw Material Slag
2040 600 L/D Ratio
510 150 Supplier Minimum Maximum
2000 1700 Polysisus 0.36 0.68
1800 1800 KHD 0.4 1.1
0.90 1.06 FLSmith 0.44 0.68
3,600,000 3,060,000 Angle β
40 34 Material Minimum Maximum
2 1 Clinker 2 3
3.94 2.72 Lime Stone 3 4

1.2 1.4 Slag 1.5 2.5

14898 15830 KWh/t
770 770 Material Minimum Maximum
2 2 Clinker 2 3
160 170 Lime Stone 1.5 2.5
4138 5173 Slag 2.5 3.5
4.1 5.2 t /m3
4333 1454 Material Minimum Maximum
2.1 2.4 Clinker 2.3 2,6
8.5 9.7 Lime Stone 2.2 2,4
15.0 8.0 Slag 2.1 2.3
4.0 2.5 Angle α
4.0 4.0 Material Minimum Maximum
0.96 0.95 Clinker 7 10
2383 800 Lime Stone 12 15
Slag 6 8

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