January 2009: Excel Tips
January 2009: Excel Tips
January 2009: Excel Tips
January 2009
The year 2009 has been pivotal in PHD’s life. It all started with a friendly email from Microsoft
on Jan 1st telling me that PHD become an MVP. I felt wonderful knowing that. Even though the
award meant little in terms of benefits, it is a great tribute to our little community and the passion
we share here.
Later in the first week we wrote a post on how to make combination charts in excel. The
discussion on combo charts continued throughout the year, so much that when I posted a holiday
greeting card at the end of the year, Santhosh, one of our regulars said that they card looked like
a combo chart.
Most importantly we have crossed the milestone of 2000 RSS subscribers in the Jan 2009. To
celebrate that I posted one hundred excel tips. That was fun (plus Jo hated me for sitting in front
of computer that long).
February is fun. I started off the month with an excel twitter client. Which became a wild hit on
internet (ok, not so wild, but few of the other blogs in excel community did mention it. Also, JP,
the rockstar VBA blogger at codeforoutlookandexcel made an add-in out of it)
Later in the month I got too excited to discover that you can use excel data filters to make a
dynamic chart. By far the cheapest and easiest way to make a dynamic chart. We continued the
discussion on dynamic charts for the rest of the year and posted several ways to make them.
I celebrated the one year anniversary of “conditional formatting rockstar” post by writing 5 more
posts on excel conditional formatting. The series started with conditional formatting basics and
went on to talk about how you can solve 4 most common problems using excel CF.
We also started writing about excel array formulas and continued that discussion off and on.
Array formulas area fun and easy to write (once you have the basics right).
This has been a dull month what with my transfer from India to Sweden and sudden lack of
internet connectivity. Despite all that we wrapped our first visualization contest on budget vs
actual charts and posted some really excellent charting alternatives to the familiar problem.
PHD is also featured on Lifehacker for the Excel Formulas Errors – How to handle them? post.
We have proposed “Tweetboards” as an alternative to traditional dashboards and generated good
bit of discussion in May. Later several readers emailed me their tweetboard implementations.
Slowly tweetboards are spreading in the wild
We also rounded up all the Excel 2007 Productivity Tips.
I have stared the Project Management using Excel series in this month with Project Management
Gantt Charts. The 6+1 posts soon became legendary and helped me launch the project
management templates. In total these posts had more than 200 comments, 150k page views in a
short time.
June also was the best month PHD’s history as the blog got featured again on Lifehacker and
Delicious home pages for the Excel Mouse Tricks post. Later that month we have rounded up all
the techniques you can use to convert excel files to pdfs.
We focused on charting more and had the 14 skills you must have for making better charts. I
have also written about the all too familiar sumif with multiple criteria problem and some
formula solutions for it.
Later that month my post on Using Excel Goal Seek and Finding how much you need for
retirement got mentioned in Lifehacker and fetched me a ton of new visitors.
Thanks to Aaron, who guest posted about excel waterfall charts in August. In august, I have
turned my attention towards the pivot tables and wrote Excel Pivot Tables Tutorial. I have been
playing with pivots off and on for a while and this post was my first serious attempt to explore
the features. Later I wrote more about them and I am planning to explore pivot tables further in
In august, we have also crossed the 5000 RSS subscriber mark and celebrated it with a huge
contest. Later that month I have wrapped up all the contest entries in the Excel Formulas – 29
tips post.
I have started the month with a discussion on Pareto Charts and how to make them in excel.
Later that month I wrote about Excel Data Tables features. Both of these posts attracted a lot of
discussion and helped me learn valuable new tricks in excel.
Later that month, on September 24th, I became a dad. My life has been the most wonderful and
beautiful ever since.
In October we wrapped up the project management series with a Project Status Dashboards using
Excel. Later that month I have launched the project management templates for excel product. I
met several new customers and started to believe that I can make a living out of this blog.
In November, we started our most ambitious visualization challenge ever with the Zoho Sales
Data Visualization challenge. We now have more than 30 excellent entries and I am waiting for
Jan4th when we announce the voting for winner.
Also I have posted about the sumproduct formula and reviewed excel 2010.
We started the month with a discussion on using drawing shapes along with charts to make better
dashboards. Later in the month I have written about making a quick thermo-meter chart and
posted alternatives to compare targets using charts.
Finally I have released the free 2010 calendar excel for you to download and print copies.
Excel Basics – What are Combination Charts and How to
Make One?
Posted on January 5th, 2009 in Charts and Graphs , Learn Excel - 14 comments
This post is part of SpreadCheats series, read the rest of posts and cheat excel to become
A combination chart is when you combine two different charts to make one. A popular
example of combination charts is a line & bar graph combination. See below illustration:
2. First we will make a simple bar chart for the sales data. Just select the Sales
data table, go to insert > chart and specify type as “column chart” (this is the
default selection btw). Once you are done, the chart looks like this:
3. Now, select the profits data, press ctrl+c to copy it to clip board, and select
the sales chart you have created above, and press ctrl+v to paste this data in
to the sales chart. Essentially we are adding one more series of data to the
sales chart.
4. Now the chart should look like below. Right click on the new series (profits)
and select “chart type”.
5. From the chart type dialog change the type of chart from “column”
to “line” (or whatever other type you fancy)
6. That is all, you have successfully created a combination chart in excel.
Make a Dynamic Chart using Data Filters
Posted on February 12th, 2009 in Charts and Graphs , Learn Excel - 14 comments
This post is part of our spreadcheats series. Please read other posts in this series to know how
you can cheat excel to become more productive at work.
Do you know that you can create dynamic charts in excel using data filters ? Yes, that is
right, we can use data filters as chart filters too. When you apply a data filter on a chart’s source
data, the chart is also filtered.
See this screencast to understand it: (if you cant see it click here)
This technique is much simpler than dynamic charts using drop-down lists and INDEX formula
idea presented earlier. All you need to do is,
• Create chart for all your data. Include sales, profits and expenses
• Now, apply data filters to the source data range (menu > data > filter > auto
filter, in excel 2007, use home ribbon > filter & sort button > filter)
• Select the type of data you want to use in the chart by applying a data filter
• Bingo, you have a dynamic chart that can be controlled using data filter
Do you know that you collapse or expand excel charts? Don’t believe me? Me neither. When I
first realized that we can collapse / expand charts without writing any macros or lengthy
formulas, I couldn’t wait to share it with all of you. This is such a simple yet powerful trick. See
it for yourself.
If you want to collapse / expand an excel chart like this, Just follow the below steps.
1. Place your data in rows
Place your data like this.
Make sure you have an empty column next to each series of data. You can also place your data in
columns instead of rows. Also summary row (in our case – yearly total) is added and calculated
using a formula.
2. Make charts and Position them in the extra column
Select data for each year and make one chart. Since the data is in rows, select a bar chart. Make
sure you position the charts in blank columns. Remove any chart axis, grid lines etc if you feel
At this point our set up should look like this:
This is a guest post by Myles Arnott from Clarity Consultancy Services – UK.
In this and next 3 posts, we will learn how to make a Dynamic Dashboard using Microsoft
At the end of this tutorial, you will learn how easy it is to set up a dynamic dashboard using
excel formulas and simple VBA macros.
The dashboard also demonstrates the standard approach I use in all of my models which is to
incorporate three key sheets in addition to the data and analysis tabs.
These are:
• Home page
• Inputs (or drivers)
• Helpsheet
The dynamic dashboard can be downloaded here [mirror, ZIP Version]
The dashboard file works in Excel 2007+. Pls. enable macros to get it work.
The plan is to break this dashboard tutorial down into four parts over the next four weeks. If
further topics fall out as a result of discussions either Chandoo or I will pick them up and if
necessary post further parts.
• Part 1: Introduction & overview
• Part 2: Dynamic Charts in the Dashboard
• Part 3: VBA behind the Dynamic Dashboard a simple example
• Part 4: Pulling it all together
I would like to take a quick opportunity to give credit for some of the elements of functionality in
the model:
• Boxcharts – Chandoo [Link]
• Scrolling report – Chandoo [Link]
• Competitor analysis – Chandoo [Link]
• Use of camera tool – Chandoo [Link]
• In cell microcharts – Chandoo [Link]
• Helpsheet – John Walkenbach
Okay so lets get started with an overview:
What is the objective of the report?
The Dynamic Dashboard is intended to provide pertinent summary information to aid
management decision making. Combining a high level of flexibility within each report and then
allowing the user to choose which reports to include and where to position them allows an
enormous amount of flexibility over the message to be communicated.
What does this Dynamic Dashboard do?
The dynamic dashboard allows the user to select a report from the range of reports within
the model and decide where to position it on the page. The user can select “hide” to hide a
report that they do not want to see or select “view” to preview it prior to choosing its position.
• Clicking on either the hyperlink name or the report image will take you to the
• Each report is highly flexible allowing the user to cut the data in many ways
to show management the most pertinent information.
This is the page for all validation lists and drivers.
Help Sheet
Once again a sheet that is in all of my models. This user form based help sheet provides the user
with a quick help function and complements the accompanying user notes. I find it helpful to lay
it out in tab order.
This is how the Help user form looks once opened. The user can either choose the topic from the
dropdown or by clicking next.
Read up more on this at PTS blog and on a Gauge chart that actually works.
We have our cell grids ready now, lets shoot some bullets.
Step 3: Plot bullets on our graph canvas
Our final step involves print a bullet symbol (either – or + or | ) in each cell depending on one of
the following conditions:
1. If the cell position (1,2,3 … 20) is equal to Year ago value and cell position is less than YTD
value print a + symbol
2. If the cell position is equal to Year ago value and cell position is more than YTD value print a
| symbol
3. If the cell position is less than YTD value print a –
4. Else print a blank
See the formula below:
Download the excel template for bullet graphs to understand this formula better
Step 4: Show off your bullet graphs, awe your boss or colleagues, bask in your
Ninja glory
Unfortunately, I cannot tell you how to do this. I can only teach you to be a Ninja, but you have
to be one to charm people with your tactics.
Shown below is another variation you can try. Also, you can experiment with the symbols
printed (instead of + – | you can try other ASCII characters, for more download the excel sheet
containing bullet graph templates)
Also try: Partition charts, Incell Graphs and much more.
Us vs. Them – Compare Sales Performance using Charts &
Form Controls
Posted on March 12th, 2009 in Charts and Graphs , Featured , Learn Excel - 12
One of the common uses of charts is to compare one value with another. For eg. our sales vs.
competitor sales.
Today we will learn a little trick to compare 1 value with another, especially when you have a
large set of values to compare. We will learn how to create a chart like this:
Make sure you have adjusted the minimum and maximum values based on the amount of data
you have. In our case we have 10 values to display and at any point we are displaying 3+1
values, so the maximum is 10+3-1 = 8 (why so? think…)
Also, mention a cell link where the scroll bar selection is updated. We will use this cell (F11) to
calculate the 3 values to be displayed.
Now, Write the Formulas to Display 3 Values
This is very simple step, especially if you know excel INDEX formula.
What is Index formula and how it works?
Index() is your way of telling excel to fetch a particular item in a list by its position (unlike
vlookup or match which lookup a matching item). For eg. INDEX(list, 10) returns the 10th value
in that list. INDEX works with both lists and tables, when used on tables, you should also specify
which column you want the value from. For eg. INDEX(table, 5,3) returns the 3rd element in 5th
Ok, so how do we use it to fetch values for our “data shown” table?
Simple, we use a formula like =INDEX(names_list,F11) to fetch the first competitor name,
=INDEX(sales_list,F11) to fetch first competitor sales figures. For the other two, we can use
formula like.. =INDEX(names_list,F11+1), =INDEX(names_list,F11+2)
Finally We Make the Comparison Chart
We will insert a simple column chart based on “data shown” table. Adjust the formatting for first
column. And position the scroll bar beneath last 3 columns. And you are good to go.
Incell Bar charts – Revisited
Posted on July 15th, 2008 in Charts and Graphs , Learn Excel , hacks , ideas ,
technology - 18 comments
3. Finally rotate the cell contents by 900 to make the charts vertical
Just select the cell contents, hit ALT+1, and set the alignment formats so that the text is
vertically aligned in the cell, and turn on wrap text.
That is all, you will now have an incell bar chart that is vertical like the one below:
• Click OK.
Project plans / gantt charts are everyday activity in most of our lives. Creating a simple and
snazzy project plan template in excel is not a difficult job, using conditional formatting a bit of
formulas you can do it no time.
• First create a table structure like shown above, with columns like Activity,
start and end day, day 1, 2,3, etc…
• Now, whenever a day falls between start and end day for a corresponding
activity, we need to highlight that row. For that we need to identify whether a
day falls between start and end. We can do that with the below formulas,
=IF(AND(F$8>=$D9, F$8<=$E9),"1","")
Which means, whenever, the day number represented on the top row is
between start and end we will in 1 in the corresponding cell.
• Next, whenever the cell value is 1, we will just fill the cell with a favorite color
and change the font to same color, so that we dont see anything but a
highlighted cell, better still, whenever you change the start or end dates, the
color will change automatically. This will be done by conditional formatting
like below:
The above is a table of visits to Pointy Haried Dilbert in the month of January 2008. As you
can see I have highlighted (by changing the font color to red and making it bold) for the cells that
have more than average number of visits in the month. I am not going to tell you how to do it, it
is your home work
4. Highlight mistakes / errors / omissions / repetitions using conditional
Often we will do highly monotonous job like typing data in a sheet. Since the work is
monotonous you tend to make mistakes, omit a few or repeat something etc. This can be avoided
by conditional formatting. I use this trick whenever I am typing something or pasting a formula
over a rather large range of cells (for eg. vlookup on annual revenue data of all your accounts,
could run in to thousands of rows across multiple states /regions etc.).
Lets see how you can highlight a cell when it has an error:
• First select the cells that you want to search for errors
• Next go to menu > format > conditional formatting and mention the formula
as: =iserror() (see below)
• In the same way you track repetitions, a simple countif() would do the
magic for you, or Omissions (again a countif())
• Thats it, you have learned how to save tons of time by letting excel do the job
for you. Sit back and sip that coffee before it gets cold.
5. Creating dash boards using excel conditional formatting:
As I said before you can use conditional formatting to create intuitive sales reports or analytics
outputs. Like the one shown here,