Manual Therapy: Oliver P. Thomson, Nicola J. Petty, Ann P. Moore
Manual Therapy: Oliver P. Thomson, Nicola J. Petty, Ann P. Moore
Manual Therapy: Oliver P. Thomson, Nicola J. Petty, Ann P. Moore
Manual Therapy
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Original article
a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t
Article history: There is limited understanding of how osteopaths make decisions in relation to clinical practice. The aim
Received 18 April 2013 of this research was to construct an explanatory theory of the clinical decision-making and therapeutic
Received in revised form approaches of experienced osteopaths in the UK.
5 July 2013
Twelve UK registered osteopaths participated in this constructivist grounded theory qualitative study.
Accepted 12 July 2013
Purposive and theoretical sampling was used to select participants. Data was collected using semi-
structured interviews which were audio-recorded and transcribed. As the study approached theoretical
sufficiency, participants were observed and video-recorded during a patient appointment, which was
Clinical reasoning
followed by a video-prompted interview. Constant comparative analysis was used to analyse and code data.
Osteopathy Data analysis resulted in the construction of three qualitatively different therapeutic approaches which
Grounded theory characterised participants and their clinical practice, termed; Treater, Communicator and Educator.
Participants’ therapeutic approach influenced their approach to clinical decision-making, the level of
patient involvement, their interaction with patients, and therapeutic goals. Participants’ overall
conception of practice lay on a continuum ranging from technical rationality to professional artistry, and
contributed to their therapeutic approach. A range of factors were identified which influenced partici-
pants’ conception of practice.
The findings indicate that there is variation in osteopaths’ therapeutic approaches to practice and
clinical decision-making, which are influenced by their overall conception of practice. This study provides
the first explanatory theory of the clinical decision-making and therapeutic approaches of osteopaths.
Ó 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
1. Introduction concepts and theories, many of which focus on the anatomical and
physiological capabilities of the human body (Seffinger et al., 2003;
Currently, the number of osteopaths in the UK exceeds 4500 Paulus, 2013). Currently osteopaths tend to be defined by their
(GOsC, 2012b) and practitioners are increasingly being considered application of techniques, such as treatment applied to the: neuro-
as significant providers of manual therapy (NICE, 2009). Osteopaths musculoskeletal system often termed ‘structural osteopathy’
in the UK are autonomous practitioners who diagnose and manage (Hartman, 1996); internal organs, termed ‘visceral osteopathy’
patients with a range of musculoskeletal conditions (Fawkes et al., (Hebgen, 2010) and applied to the skull, termed ‘cranial osteopathy’
2010). Practitioners employ an array of therapeutic interventions, (Liem et al., 2004). Although these characterisations provide some
with ‘hands-on’ manipulative techniques (e.g. spinal manipulation) useful description of the therapeutic techniques osteopaths
preferred by practitioners in the UK (Fawkes et al., 2010) and employ, they offer a superficial understanding of practitioners’
internationally (Johnson and Kurtz, 2003; Orrock, 2009). clinical practice and decision-making.
Osteopathic practise is considered to be patient-centred (WHO, Over the last forty years researchers have been attempting to
2010; GOsC, 2012b) and underpinned by a core set of principles, understand the nature and processes of clinical practice and
decision-making. For example, in the physiotherapy profession
there is a growing body of research on a range of aspects of practice
* Corresponding author. Research Centre, The British School of Osteopathy, 275
Borough High Street, London, United Kingdom. Tel.: þ44 (0)20 70895332.
such as the processes of clinical decision-making (Edwards et al.,
E-mail addresses: [email protected], [email protected] 2004; Cruz et al., 2012) and the nature and development of
(O.P. Thomson). expertise (Jensen et al., 2000; Petty et al., 2011a,b). This research
1356-689X/$ e see front matter Ó 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
O.P. Thomson et al. / Manual Therapy 19 (2014) 44e51 45
little-to-no research of osteopaths’ clinical decisions-making and Participant Gender Years Qualifications Teaching position
their approaches to practice (Thomson et al., 2011). A research- since held
based knowledge of these areas of osteopathy would be valuable graduating
to educators and practitioners and ultimately help enhance patient 1 M 13 BSc (Hons) Ost Clinic tutor and
care. The aim of this study was to develop an explanatory theory of lecturer
2 M 14 BSc (Hons) Ost Med, Clinic tutor and
the clinical decision-making and therapeutic approaches of expe-
Dip Ost lecturer
rienced osteopaths in the UK. 3 M 6 BSc (Hons) Ost Med, Clinic tutor and
Dip Ost, MSc lecturer
2. Methods 4 M 16 Dip Ost Clinic tutor and
5 F 13 BSc (Hons) Ost Med, Clinic tutor
2.1. Study design Dip Ost
6 M 25 BSc (Hons) Ost Med, Clinic tutor and
The study used constructivist grounded theory (Charmaz, Dip Ost, MSc lecturer
2006). By exploring the different meanings and experiences of 7 M 9 BSc (Hons) Ost, Med, Lecturer
Dip Ost,
clinical practice and decision-making raised by participants, the
Dip Naturopathy,
main researcher (OT) co-created the data and ensuing analysis MSc
through an interactive process, and developed an “interpretive 8 M 22 BSc (Biochem) Clinic tutor
portrayal” (Charmaz, 2006, p. 10) of participants’ views, perceptions \Dip Ost
and experiences. 9 F 22 BSc (Hons) Ost Med, Clinic tutor and
Dip Ost, lecturer
Dip Naturopathy
2.2. Participants 10 M 6 BSc (Hons) Psych, None
BSc (Hons) Ost Med,
Twelve UK registered osteopaths took part in this study. Dip Ost, MSc
11 M 14 BA, BSc (Hons) Ost, Clinic tutor and
Recruitment adverts placed in osteopathic educational institutions
Dip Ost, lecturer
(OEIs) and the osteopathic press nationally, invited practitioners to 12 M 19 BSc Ost None
contact OT should they wish to take part in the study. Upon initial
OEI: Osteopathic Educational Institution; BSc: Bachelor of Science; DO: Diploma in
contact, practitioners were provided with information and given the osteopathy; MSc: Master of Science.
opportunity to ask any questions regarding the study. Having then
expressed a wish to participate, details of practitioners’ professional
background (e.g. teaching/clinical experience, education, interests/ Non-participant observations of ‘real-life’ patient appointments
specialities) were obtained and a list of potential participants was enabled the researcher to compare the similarities and differences
compiled. From this list, purposive sampling initially selected between the ‘espoused theory’ generated during interviews with
practitioners with a minimum of five years clinical experience, and ‘theory-in-action’ (Argyris and Schön, 1974). An observation guide
currently held positions as clinical educators at an OEI. Clinical ed- (Table 3) enabled OT to make theoretical connections between
ucators were expected to effectively communicate and verbalise what previous participants had said during interviews with what
their decision-making processes (Ajjawi and Higgs, 2008), enabling was observed during clinical sessions, providing further analytical
‘thick’ data to be generated and enhance the credibility of the insights. The video-recording deepened participants reflection
research findings (Lincoln and Guba, 1985). Subsequent theoretical during interviews, helping to ensure discussion were closely tied to
sampling (Charmaz, 2006), informed by data analysis, led to specific participants’ actions and decisions, which took place during the
participants being re-interviewed as well as additional participants clinical appointment (Haw and Hadfield, 2011). Towards the end of
being sampled who were not involved with osteopathic education. the study two participants (P1,10) were theoretically sampled and
Table 1 provides participants’ biographical information. re-interviewed to explore and test out the proposed core category
Each practitioner gave informed consent before participating. of ‘conception of practice’ (Fish and Coles, 1998) and further
All patients gave informed consent before commencing each develop the theory. The major analytical processes used were:
observation session.
2.3.1. Coding
2.3. Data collection and analysis The active construction of codes during analysis formed a link
between data collection and development of the theory and helped
Inline with the iterative nature of grounded theory, data explain and understand conceptual reoccurrences and patterns in
collection and analysis occurred concurrently (Charmaz, 2006). A the data (Birks and Mills, 2011). During the early stages of analysis
total of seventeen semi-structured interviews were transcribed initial line-by-line coding (Charmaz, 2006) was employed to define
verbatim, read/re-read and analysed throughout the course of the actions or events of a given situation. Focused coding, was then
study. During the data collection process, the interview guide used to assess which codes appeared to be the most significant
became progressively focused so that concepts constructed from (Charmaz, 2006). This led to the development of new focused codes
data analysis could be pursued and ideas explored (Table 2). which were used to analyse larger segments of data. This process
Data was initially collected from interviews with nine participants elevated the level of conceptual analysis so that broader categories
(P1e9). Three participants (P6e8) were theoretically sampled and could be developed.
re-interviewed as they each exhibited strong characteristics of the
therapeutic approaches which were developing from analysis. As 2.3.2. Constant comparative analysis
the study approached theoretical sufficiency (Charmaz, 2006), a This involved comparing data with data, data with category,
further three participants (P10e12) were observed and video- category with category (Charmaz, 2006). Constant comparison was
recorded during a patient appointment, which was followed by a used throughout data analysis, from initial coding to advanced
video-prompted reflective interview (Haw and Hadfield, 2011). levels of analysis when writing up the findings.
46 O.P. Thomson et al. / Manual Therapy 19 (2014) 44e51
Table 2 in the developing theory, which informed further data analysis and
Interview guides for initial, video-prompted reflective and theoretically sampled theoretical sampling (Charmaz, 2006).
participant interviews.
Influencing factors
Educational experience
View of health and disease
Epistemology of practice knowledge
Theory-practice relationship
Practitioners’ perceived therapeutic role
Practitioner shares
Collaborative Communicator Person Equal level Shared control and guides
Empowerment Educator Patient High level Patient-led facilitates learning
artistry and control with
Fig. 1. Theory of the clinical decision-making and therapeutic approaches of study participants.
Finally, some participants viewed osteopathy as a means by The first two quotes suggest a body-focused interaction where
which they could facilitate patient empowerment (P6,9,10). These the clinical gaze was fixed upon the biomechanical and physical
participants could not separate patient empowerment from their characteristics of patients’ bodies (P1,2,5,8,11,12). Moving, touching
practise of osteopathy, and facilitating patient-learning was central and observing the body was central in acquiring cues.
to their treatment and management interventions: The third quote suggests a person-focused interaction which
involved talking and listening, to construct knowledge of the
I really believe in patient autonomy, I think patients are responsible
patient as a person. These participants (P3,4,7) focused their
for themselves... it gives them control.
interaction on patients’ personal experiences of pain and
ee(P6) dysfunction.
3.2. Interacting with patients and interpreting cues The final quote suggests a patient-focused interaction where
talking and listening enabled the participant to learn from patients.
During clinical procedures (e.g. clinical assessment), partici- These participants (P6,9,10) tended to explore patients’ day-to-day
pants’ focus of interaction with patients, and the cues generated function, their preferences of treatment and management
and interpreted from this interaction varied. Body-focused interventions.
interaction enabled some participants (P1,2,5,8,11,12) to obtain
knowledge and understanding of patients’ bodies and physical 3.3. Approach to clinical decision-making and level of patient
problems: involvement
I use my palpation to assess and let the body tell me what it wants
me to do, and will permit me to do. There was variation in the level of patient involvement in
treatment and management strategies which was related to par-
ee(P1) ticipants’ approaches to clinical decision-making and therapeutic
goals (Fig. 2). The three different approaches to clinical decision-
As I watched the active shoulder movements I’m looking at areas of
making were; practitioner-led (low-level of patient involvement),
his back which are most restricted.
shared (equal-level of patient involvement) and patient-led (high-
ee(P11) level of patient involvement).
Participants taking a practitioner-led approach to decision-
I like spending time talking to the person about what’s going on and
making emphasised a low-level of patient involvement
how it’s impacting them.
(P1,2,5,8,11,12). They led the clinical decision-making and tended
ee(P7) not to encourage active patient involvement and input:
We take time to sit down, talk and make sure that he understands I’ll determine what [treatment] techniques I think the patient
what’s going on and what he can and can’t do to improve it. needs.
ee(P10) ee(P2)
48 O.P. Thomson et al. / Manual Therapy 19 (2014) 44e51
ee(P9) ee(P1)
O.P. Thomson et al. / Manual Therapy 19 (2014) 44e51 49
Table 4
Factors and properties which influenced participants’ conception of practice.
Treaters analysed patients’ bodies and tissues, and in combi- patients and help guide their clinical decision-making and profes-
nation with their osteopathic knowledge and technical expertise, sional judgements:
they diagnosed and led the decision-making based on logical
I would judge treatment by how I relate to the patient personally.
connections between anatomy, physiology and biomechanics. In
this sense, Treaters conceived practice as technical rationality. ee(P3)
4. Discussion
practitioners’ clinical actions, decisions and resulted in different The finding that some practitioners adopt practitioner-centred
therapeutic approaches to practice (Trede and Higgs, 2008). The approaches may not be congruent with shared models of
findings that there is diversity in how practitioners identify with decision-making promoted by the osteopathic regulator (GOsC,
their profession and their conceptions of being a professional is 2012a) and more widely by the NHS (DoH, 2012). Active patient
consistent with research in physiotherapy (Öhman and Hägg, 1998; involvement in decision-making is now widely considered funda-
Richardson et al., 2002; Lindquist et al., 2006). mental (Charles et al., 1997; Entwistle and Watt, 2006; DoH, 2012)
This study found that differences in therapeutic approach led to and is harmonious with conceptions of patient-centred care (Mead
variation in the focus of participants’ interaction with their patients and Bower, 2000; Stewart, 2001). As almost 90% of patients self-
and the cues they generated and interpreted. Practitioners’ con- fund their osteopathic services (GOsC, 2012c), practitioners may
ceptions of practice (Fish and Coles, 1998) and the assumptions and consider that a paternalistic approach to care, best-serves their
beliefs that they hold about the body (Thornquist, 1994, 2006) in- ‘customer’. However, if some osteopaths are not promoting shared
fluence what they ‘see’, how they see ‘it’ and their resulting models of decision-making in their private practice, then this may
decision-making and action. While all participants’ assessment of present difficulties for future opportunities of integration and
their patients involved case-history taking and clinical examina- collaboration within the public healthcare sector, where shared
tion, there was variation in their “gaze” (Thornquist, 1994, p. 9) models of decision-making are currently promoted (DoH, 2012).
during these clinical procedures. This resulted in diversity
regarding what clinical information participants found relevant, 4.1. Study limitations
and where and how they focused their interaction with patients to
generate cues. The explanatory theory developed from this study provides the
The findings suggest that clinical decision-making in osteopathy first research-based model of clinical decision-making and thera-
occurs with varying levels of patient involvement and is related to peutic approaches in osteopathy. The findings offer a number of
practitioners’ therapeutic approach. Participants characterised as theoretical insights into the clinical practice of osteopaths which
Treaters-adopted practitioner-led approaches to clinical decision- may have value to practitioners and educators of osteopathy and
making. This approach was associated with minimal patient different manual therapy professions. However, the reader is
involvement, and is consistent with ‘paternalistic’ models of reminded that the researcher co-constructed and co-created the
decision-making (Emanuel and Emanuel, 1992). The determination findings from this study with a sample of privately practicing
of these participants to obtain information from the patient’s body experienced osteopaths in the UK. Further research is necessary to
through skilled physical analysis and examination placed little establish the ‘reach’ of the substantive theory for example with os-
priority on exchanging or sharing information with patients, teopaths in other countries, practitioners and with less experience.
implying an ‘all-knowing’ practitioner (Emanuel and Emanuel,
1992). Whilst the hands-on skills and technical expertise of oste- 5. Conclusion
opaths may lead to high degrees of patient satisfaction, an approach
which promotes patient passivity may encourage patients to adopt Experienced osteopaths in this study adopted a variety of
a ‘sick role’, and risk them becoming dependant on passive manual therapeutic approaches in their clinical practice which influenced
therapy treatment (Beisecker and Beisecker, 1993). An approach to their interaction with patients, clinical decision-making, level of
decision-making which fails to consider patients’ perceptions and patient involvement and therapeutic goal. Participants’ therapeutic
expectations may not help develop a patient’s sense of control over approaches flowed from how they conceived their practice. Par-
their problem (Klaber Moffett and Richardson, 1997) and miss a ticipants’ overall conception of practice lay on a continuum, from
valuable opportunity to enhance their self-efficacy (Bandura, 1982). technical rationality to professional artistry. A number of factors
Patients’ illness perceptions, self-efficacy beliefs and catastrophis- were identified which influenced practitioners’ conception of
ing of their symptoms, have been identified as psychological ob- practice and help explain their therapeutic approach and clinical
stacles to recovery of low back pain (Foster et al., 2010; Grotle et al., decision-making. This study offers the first explanatory theory of
2010); therefore osteopaths should endeavour to acknowledge the clinical decision-making and therapeutic approaches of
these factors and facilitate their exploration in relation to their osteopaths.
The findings indicate that participants characterised as Com-
Ethical approval
municators shared their clinical decision-making with patients and
encouraged an equal-level of patient involvement. This is consis-
Ethical approval was granted by the research ethics committees
tent with shared models of decision-making in the medical litera-
at the University of Brighton and the British College of Osteopathic
ture (Ballard-Reisch, 1990; Charles et al., 1999) and with research in
musculoskeletal physiotherapy (Jensen et al., 2000; Edwards et al.,
2004). Sharing clinical decisions emphasises patients as active
partners, and involves both individuals contributing knowledge
and skills so that decisions can be mutually negotiated together
Thanks to the British College of Osteopathic Medicine and the
(Charles et al., 1999).
Osteopathic Educational Foundation for their support of this
Participants who were characterised at Educators adopted a
doctoral research.
patient-led approach to clinical decision-making and advocated
high-levels of patient involvement, analogous to the ‘informed
choice’ (Gafni et al., 1998) and ‘consumerism’ models of decision- References
making (Emanuel and Emanuel, 1992). These participants encour-
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