The Abcs of Adcs: White Paper
The Abcs of Adcs: White Paper
The Abcs of Adcs: White Paper
White Paper
Every ADC is a server load balancer first with advanced features layered on top of that Segments
core. So what is a server load balancer? • Small Business
• Medium Business
• Enterprise
Application Delivery Controller • Data center
At its core, every ADC is first and foremost a server load balancer. ADCs build on this with • MSP
advanced features that support today’s complex application environments.
Advanced Features
Server Load Balancer • Layer 7 intelligent routing
• Layer 4 network routing (TCP/UDP) • Global Server Load Balancing
• Basic server healthchecks • Scripting/automation
• Session persistence • Link Load Balancing
• HTTPS traffic management • SSL offloading
• HTTP compression
White Paper : ABCs of Application Delivery Controllers
The Basics of Server Load Balancing that were constantly in contact with one another to share
As websites began to see increased traffic in the mid- information on server status, connections and other means
1990s, single servers were reaching their limits to handle to provide forms of server health-checking. Connection
the capacity. Additional servers were required to expand requests would be handed to the first available server to
applications along with technologies to make it appear to then be routed to the best available one (either itself or
end users that they were accessing a single server. another server in the cluster). This worked well for smaller
applications with less than 10 servers. Larger applications
The first method to address this scalability was DNS saw dramatic performance decreases with each new server
resolution, also referred to as “Round-robin DNS”. This due to the continuous need for servers to stay in contact
method assigns a group of unique internal IP addresses with each other. This limited capacity combined with
to servers behind a firewall to a single DNS name. When proprietary software led to the need for a new solution that
a user requested a resolution to a website name the DNS could reliably scale and support multiple applications.
would respond back with multiple addresses in order, for
example, and The next
request made to the DNS would be supplied the same
The Hardware-based Load Balancer
addresses, however they would be rotated so the second Beginning in the late 1990s, manufacturers introduced
server would be first (, and the first hardware-based load balancing appliances. By
The DNS would continue to rotate through the servers for separating load balancing from the applications themselves,
each sequential response. the appliances could rely on using network layer techniques
like network address translation (NAT) to route inbound and
Round Robin DNS was a simple solution that solved the outbound traffic to servers. Another key component that
issue of scalability by offering an almost limitless number of was introduced was server health-checking. At predefined
servers to be added to a DNS name. However without the intervals, the load balancer would check on the status of
capability to know the status of the server on the receiving the server to determine if it was available and what its traffic
end of the request, users could be sent to a server that load was. If a server was down, traffic would be directed
was down or overloaded. to operational servers. If a server was overloaded, traffic
Soon many software-based approaches for load balancing would be redirected until it was back below set thresholds to
became available to address the issue of server availability, receive new requests.
usually as part of an operating system or application
software. These systems created clusters of servers
User 1
Se m .exa
DN User 3 w User 4
White Paper : ABCs of Application Delivery Controllers
IP address for clients.
Users 1 to 4
Simply type in the URL
of the site managed by the
ADC. The DNS resolves only to
one IP, in this example to
Applications could now scale and users would have reliable Intelligent Load Balancing
connections. The only limiting factor was the capacity of the
When a car is disabled on an interstate highway, a traffic
hardware itself. In most cases, organizations that migrated
cop will direct cars around the disabled lane. Similarly, an
from DNS-based or software load balancing saw an average
SLB can direct network traffic away from a slow or disabled
25% increase in server performance, reducing the need to
server. But, the highway, much like the data center, is only
add new servers to add more capacity.
a means to the end. What’s really important to you is the
destination (or, the “application”, in data center terms). And
The Application Delivery Controller every destination is unique, each with its own priority and
Simple load balancing is no longer sufficient to meet the value to the data center operators and the users accessing
basic needs of most organizations. Today web servers aren’t applications.
just delivering static content, they’re delivering dynamic,
For example, you may take a different route to get to your
content-rich applications. Businesses are using web
office than you do to your grocery store. And getting to the
based applications to deliver mission critical functionality to
office in a timely manner probably has a higher priority. When
employees and customers.
you get into your car, you want to get to your destination as
Over the past 10 years load balancers have evolved expediently as possible. What we need today is a traffic cop
into Application Delivery Controllers who cannot only clean up the congestion
(ADCs). These new devices understand after it happens, but can actually prevent
application specific traffic and can Hardware-based load the traffic jam from occurring in the first
optimize application server performance balancers with network- place. That’s the role of the application
by offloading many of the compute- level traffic management delivery controller. In addition to load
intensive tasks that would otherwise were the forerunners of balancing traffic, what distinguishes
bog down CPUs that could be better modern application delivery ADCs from server load balancers is their
occupied elsewhere. A common controllers ability to intelligently route users to their
comparative analogy used to describe application and content destinations
the role of SLBs is to compare them to efficiently and intelligently, based on
a “network traffic cop”. We’ll use this business priorities and goals.
analogy to describe the incremental advantages of an ADC
Referring to the analogy above, imagine the ADC is the
over a server load balancer.
ultimate traffic cop; one who would not only redirect you
White Paper : ABCs of Application Delivery Controllers
and then can route it to the server that is configured to handle that
type of traffic. Web Server 2
Health-checking Mail Server
Although part of basic load balancing, ADCs use additional AVAILABLE
methods like custom PHP scripting to determine the status
of a server and redirect traffic to other servers. In this example
Users 1-3 are directed to Web Server 2 as the
primary server is offline.
User 1
Website L7 Routing
User 2 In this example, User 4 is using an email client
Website and needs to get to the mail server. The ADC can
User 3 automatically determine the application type of the
Website packet and send it to the mail server.
User 4
around the disabled lane, but would know where you were Much in the same way that a highway commuter lane has
going, take into consideration the time of day, and know fewer cars with higher occupancy to reduce congestion,
where the location is within the surrounding city. With that advanced ADCs offload servers by reducing the bandwidth
information, he would give you directions that would take utilization required to deliver application data from the data
you directly to your destination, bypassing stoplights, center to the desktop. ADCs offer compression to remove
construction and any delays along the way. non-essential data from traversing network links. This helps
to deliver maximum bandwidth utilization to support more
Applying this analogy to users requesting applications
traffic and avoids the need for network upgrades.
and content from a data center, an advanced ADC will
route users to destination servers based on a variety of By offloading and accelerating SSL encryption, decryption
criteria that the data center manager and certificate management from
implements using policies and advanced servers, ADCs enable web and
application-layer knowledge to support Intelligent load balancing application servers to use their CPU and
business requirements. And, much like provides administrators the memory resources exclusively to deliver
our example traffic officer, an advanced capability to create rules application content and thus respond
ADC will ensure that the users get to that route traffic based on more quickly to user requests. Our
the applications based on their specific business rules and network smarter traffic cop comes to the rescue
needs while protecting the network and traffic conditions again, this time eliminating distractions
applications from security threats. that prevent you from concentrating on
the driving tasks at hand. Web-based
Advanced Features of an ADC applications consist of a variety of
different data objects which can be delivered by different
Among the advanced acceleration functions present
types of servers. ADCs provide application-based routing
in modern ADCs are SSL offloading technology, data
using file types to direct users to the server (or group of
compression, TCP and HTTP protocol optimization and
servers) that is set up to handle their specific information
virtualization awareness.
White Paper : ABCs of Application Delivery Controllers
requests, such as ASP or PHP applications. User requests history would be lost, and the user would need to start
can be routed to different servers by sending requests for the transaction over. Once again, the ultimate traffic cop
static file types (jpg, html, etc.) to one server group, and saves the day by understanding the application, network
sending user requests for dynamic data to other servers conditions and your priorities.
optimized for that purpose. Like the ultimate traffic cop, the
Global Server Load Balancing for ADCs solves the complex
ADC knows the optimal path for each destination.
problem of scaling applications across multiple data
Transaction-based applications require centers for disaster recovery or to
connections to the same server in order improve application response times for
Advanced features like
to operate correctly. The best-known geographically dispersed users. Using
SSL offloading, HTTP
example of this is the “shopping cart” a DNS-based approach combined
compression and content-
problem when you establish a session with configurable business rules, user
aware routing separate
with one server to add an item to your requests are resolved to the closest,
ADCs from basic load
cart and then are load balanced to a best performing or lowest-cost data
different server to checkout. If you don’t centers. If a data center is down due to a
have a persistent connection to the natural disaster or planned maintenance,
original server, you’ll find your cart is automatically users are routed to a
empty. different data center until the primary data center is back
ADCs use session state with HTTP headers and cookies to
ensure that users and servers remain “persistent”. The ADC Link Load Balancing intelligently manages multiple wide-
uses the cookie within the HTTP header to ensure that users area links (WAN) to the internet from the ADC to improve
continue to be directed to the specific server where the application response times, reduce bandwidth needs
session state information resides. Without this capability, if and to provide redundancy should a link fail. If an internet
the user went to a different server, the previous transaction connection becomes congested or is offline, traffic is
automatically routed to the remaining links.
reduce bandwidth needs by compressing HTTP content.
S Web Server
User 1
User 2 HTTP Compression
Secure Mail Users 3 and 4 are both accessing content-rich
websites from the Web Server. The content is sent to
User 3
the ADC (red) and it is compressed for delivery to these
users (blue) and decompressed using Gzip in their
User 4 web browsers.
White Paper : ABCs of Application Delivery Controllers
Disaster Recovery
C Improved Response Times
In this example, Datacenter 1 is down. Users of this Datacenter 2 Users are routed to the closest. Here the user
datacenter would automatically be routed to other in Australia is routed to Datacenter 3 in
data centers. Here to Datacenter 2 in orange. Asia (green) and users in Europe and the
Middle East are routed to Datacenter 2. (blue)
Finally, today’s ADCs need to operate in and manage risks. Most advanced ADCs have some form of security
virtual environments. Advanced ADCs offer deep resource and some include basic WAF services. We expect that this
management of virtual environments and not just basic trend will continue with the ADC playing a key role in helping
health-checking for server availability. With this tight virtual prevent application-layer threats.
integration, the ADC can make load balancing decisions
We also see SDN as a game-changing
based on the status of the virtual
technology that has the potential to
machines and the servers they run on. Global Server Load reshape the IT industry, as well as ADCs.
The Future of ADCs Balancing and Link Load The adaptive, flexible environment
Balancing are important that SDN enables will require an ADC
Just as ADCs have replaced server load
features for routing traffic that supports features like customized
balancers, new technologies and new
between multiple data scripting and comprehensive APIs.
application delivery needs will shape the
future of the ADC. Trends in network We predict that ADCs will be a point
security, SDN, device consolidation, of service and feature aggregation as
cloud/virtualization and other future opposed a device that is subsumed by
developments will impact the evolution of these devices. another. The ADC is a critical routing hub that is difficult to
replace with another device and will continue to stand as a
Fortinet sees network security as the major factor shaping
primary network component in the modern data center.
the ADC market in the coming years. As network threats
continue to get more sophisticated, most of these new
attacks are targeted at the applications themselves like SQL
Injection and Cross-Site Scripting. Inclusion and/or close
coupling with additional security platforms like firewalls and
Web Application Firewalls (WAFs) will help to minimize these
White Paper : ABCs of Application Delivery Controllers
FortiADC-300E FortiADC-200D
White Paper : ABCs of Application Delivery Controllers
Server load balancing grew out of the need to scale
websites in the 1990s and is the foundation of today’s
modern application delivery controller. Building on this core
of server load balancing, the advanced features of ADCs not
only scale applications, they intelligently provide application
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Fortinet (NASDAQ: FTNT) helps protect networks, users and
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and governments to consolidate and integrate stand-alone
technologies without suffering performance penalties. Unlike
costly, inflexible and low-performance alternatives, Fortinet
solutions empower customers to embrace new technologies
and business opportunities while protecting essential
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