Syllabus 18-19 Phillips

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School of Science and Technology-Discovery

5​ Grade Math and Science

Instructor:​ Mr. Paul Phillips

E-mail:​ [email protected]
Phone​: 210-543-1111 ​Ext:​ 134

Hello, Everyone! My name is Mr. Phillips and I will be your child’s 5​th​ grade Math and
Science teacher. I look forward to building relationships with each of my students and
their families this year. I pride myself in providing a safe and positive environment for all
my students. I strongly believe that communication between student, teacher and parents
is an essential factor in educational success. If, at any time during the year, you have
questions or concerns, please feel free to contact me via email.

Course Description:

The 5​th​ grade is an essential developmental period for students because they are
introduced to the skills and strategies in math and science that are the building blocks for
their middle and high school years. The design of my math and science instruction will
provide students with the time and opportunities (using manipulative materials and
hands-on lessons) necessary to build a solid foundation in both subjects. Some major
topics students will be learning in math include: place value, geometry, algebra,
mathematical operations, fractions and decimal places. Topics students will be learning in
science include: scientific investigation and reasoning, matter and energy, force and
motion, Earth and space, and organisms and environments.

Database and App:

Skyward, the on-line school database app, is a tool created to keep parents
up-to-date with class assignments and grades. It is essential to become familiar and
check the app for the most up-to-date information on your student’s academic progress
and daily behavior.

For your convenience, this information is also available on our parent portal app
called ​SST ParentMobile​ which can be downloaded from any smartphone app store. If
you have any issues with the database, please refer to the school’s official website or
contact the front office for assistance.

Textbooks/Resources (provided):

All classroom textbooks will be provided by the school and must remain on campus
unless otherwise indicated.

Math and Science Assessments:

Throughout the year, students will be assessed using a variety of instruments to best
determine their abilities and areas that need increased teacher attention.

● Test/ Quizzes
o Section tests will be given at the end of each unit and will be announced
several days in advance. Quizzes will be announced one day in advance, unless
it is a pop quiz. Pop quizzes will not be announced. Tests and quizzes may be
multiple choice and/or free response questions.
● Benchmarks
o Benchmarks will be given at the end of the nine weeks and will cover all the
units that were taught during the nine weeks.


A homework packet will usually go home every Monday and will be due the following
Friday morning. Additional assignments may be given at the teacher’s discretion.
Homework must be completed in ​PENCIL​ and ​ALL WORK​ must be shown. Students
missing homework assignments due to excused absences will be required to make up the
work, as necessary, at home or during weekly after-school tutoring sessions. Students
who consistently miss homework will be assigned DPS points and will complete
homework during recess. Any late assignments will result in a lower grade (see the
student handbook for further details). Parents will be notified of excessive incomplete
homework assignments.

Make-Up Work:
It is the student’s responsibility to inquire about missed assignments.​ Students and
parents should access the school database and/or check with the teacher. Students are not
to ask the teacher during class for their missed work but may ask during D.E.A.R. time or
before/after school. Parents may also contact the teacher through email for missed

Students will be given ​ONE ​day per excused absence to turn in any assignments without
penalty (i.e. if a student misses 2 days, he/she will have 2 days to turn in work…etc.). If
the assignment is turned in past the excused time allotment, then the assignment will be
graded as late and points will be deducted according to the school’s late work policy.
Tests, quizzes, and projects missed during an absence must be made up the day the
student returns, unless prior arrangements have been made.

Late/Missing Assignments:

If you are struggling or feel you will not be able to meet a deadline, come see me
BEFORE​ the assignment is due. ​Extensions will be considered on a case-by-case basis.​
Late/missing assignments will NOT be accepted without points automatically being
deducted unless it is an excused absence or addressed with me ahead of time.​ ​Late
assignments will result in a 10 point deduction each day for three days. After the third
day, the maximum grade I will award is a 50.

Corrections Policy:

All DAILY grades (including class work, homework, and quizzes) can be corrected and
resubmitted within two weeks of the original due date for a higher grade. In order to
correct daily grades, students must re-work the problems missed on a separate sheet of
notebook paper and staple it to the original assignment. The new assignment will then be


Grades will be based on a combination of daily assignments, major tests/projects and

homework. Percentages and weights are broken down as follows:

Daily Grades - 70%

Major Grades - 25%
Homework - 5%
Although class participation is expected, it will not be recorded or weighted in the grade

A -- 90-100%
B -- 80-89%
C -- 75-79%
D -- 70-74%
F – 0-69%

Any grade below a 70% is considered failing.

Classroom Rules:

1. Be Respectful and Responsible

2. Think Before You Speak
3. Follow Directions
4. Be On-Time And Prepared
5. Help Others
6. Have FUN!
Note: All rules in the Student Handbook must be followed.


Students will receive one verbal warning for misbehavior. Repeated offenses will result
in the following actions:

● 2​nd​ Infraction: Student will complete Teacher & Student Conference Form with
● 3​rd​ Infraction: DPS points will be issued and parents will be notified via email or
phone call.
● 4​th​ Infraction: Office Referral will be given to student.

**Teacher will follow-up with parents via e-mail/phone call regarding behavior issues.**
Severity Clause:​

Student will be referred directly to the ​office​ when ​safety​ is involved or when conduct is
severe​. Cursing, defiance, and physical harm to others will result in such action.


Cheating and plagiarism are serious offenses. The school administration will be
notified immediately, the student(s) will receive zeros for the respective assignment(s)
and will be subject to consequences as listed in the Student Handbook.
Cheating includes: borrowing, stealing, copying others work, or using the work of
someone else and turning it in as your own. It includes allowing someone else to borrow
or use your work. If caught, BOTH individuals will receive a zero for the grade, and will
not be allowed to make it up.
Plagiarism can range from buying a paper online or paraphrasing someone’s ideas
without giving them proper credit. A student cannot copy and paste from websites and
turn it in as their work. Please encourage your student to research information and word
it in their own way. Plagiarism will be an automatic zero, and will not be allowed to be
made up.
Student’s Name (Please Print): ___________________________________________

If you have any questions about this syllabus please contact Mr. Phillips. Please sign
and return to class by September 1, 2017 for a homework grade.

I have read and understood the above syllabus for Mr. Phillips’ Math and Science class
and agree to follow the policies stated.

Parent/Guardian’s Name (Please Print):


Parent/Guardian’s Signature:

Parent/Guardian’s E-Mail:

Phone Number(s):


Student Video Release Form

District guidelines require parental/guardian approval to show the full length or excerpts
from “PG” to “PG13” rated videos to students.

Please check one:

I give my approval for __________________________ (student name) to view

these videos.

I do not approve for _________________________(student name) to view these

videos and request an alternate experience.

Parent/Guardian’s Signature:


The contents of this syllabus are subject to change. Parents / guardians will be notified of
such changes.

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