Dialog Cards (Can You Guess The Mistake Here?)
Dialog Cards (Can You Guess The Mistake Here?)
Dialog Cards (Can You Guess The Mistake Here?)
Up until the late 90s when Machine Translation burst onto the translation scene, translations were
mostly performed by human translators either in pen-and-paper fashion or using Word processors on
computers. Translation is a time-consuming and creative task in itself as it involves the transference of
meaning from one language to another. A human translator can at best translate a few thousand
words on an average in a day. Even as technology came to be introduced into translation in the form
of computer-aided translation tools, electronic dictionaries etc., it could only ‘lend a hand’ to a
translator in his work.
Whereas, when Machine Translation was introduced to the public in 1996 by Systran and later
Babelfish, it was the beginning of a revolutionary trend in the field of translation. Although the results
of the translation were nowhere comparable to that of a human translator, the novelty of translating
millions of words at the click of a button quickly saw MT catch the imagination of technology
companies and translation providers.
As of today, Machine Translation is no longer just a trend, but an active and necessary player in the
translation workflow. It has its critics and its faults, but no stakeholder of the industry can now afford
to ignore MT and would do so at their own peril.
Dialog cards (Examples of typical errors made by MT - Can you guess the mistake here?)
The Debate
most other things, it has admirers and critics. The advantages and
disadvantages, costs and benefits of machine translation over human
translation is constantly being debated not just among translators, but also in
human translator, at least in the foreseeable future. Just for the plain reason
translation processes and workflows instead of shying away from it will bring
The below links will lead you to more discussions on this debate: