Oracle Cloud Essentials
Oracle Cloud Essentials
Oracle Cloud Essentials
Cloud Essentials
Oracle Cloud Infrastructure
Given the choice, virtually all businesses would Oracle Cloud Infrastructure, on the other
prefer IT solutions that support innovation and hand, delivers an enterprise-grade public cloud.
minimize costs. Pursuit of this ideal is increasingly Oracle architected it specifically to run enterprise
driving organizations to the cloud. According to applications and databases. It also includes tools
451 Research, there is now a strong public cloud and utilities for constructing new cloud native
option for almost every kind of application and and mobile apps, all on a unified platform and
workload, and an entire generation of IT talent networking fabric. Oracle Cloud Infrastructure
has grown up with the infrastructure-as-a-service delivers the performance, versatility, and
(IaaS) model1. governance required by enterprise IT while
offering a level of performance often exceeding
Whereas the overall trend is clear, enterprise
what is commonly found in on-premises,
applications and legacy infrastructure often remain
high-performance computing environments.
in on-premises data centers, partly because
Oracle also offers tools to migrate existing
IT leaders are skeptical about a public cloud
applications to the cloud without forcing you
provider’s ability to meet enterprise requirements.
to rearchitect those applications—along with
Their skepticism is warranted—most public clouds focused cloud support for Oracle applications
lack the capabilities necessary to host high-end, such as Oracle E-Business Suite, JD Edwards,
mission-critical applications. First-generation PeopleSoft, Siebel, and more.
cloud vendors offer commodity, multitenant cloud
Read on to learn more about this unique
infrastructure that can’t easily support high-end
enterprise cloud service offering from Oracle.
computing demands—often failing to provide the
consistency, low latency, and high performance
required by enterprise applications.
451 Research, “Moving Critical Applications to the Cloud: Understanding the Benefits and Challenges,” study sponsored by Oracle, February 2018.
The Rise of Enterprise Computing—in the Cloud
Every year, more and more organizations broad cross-section of organizations to learn
are moving applications to Oracle Cloud more about their adoption of cloud infrastructure.
Infrastructure, reflecting the growing confidence According to RightScale’s assessment, whereas
in Oracle’s unique cloud infrastructure for only 32 percent of workloads were running in a
enterprise workloads. These customers are public cloud, a growing number of enterprises
driven by three fundamental goals, which reflect viewed public clouds as their top priority—up
larger industry trends driving infrastructure-as-a- from 29 percent in 2017 to 38 percent in 20183.
service (IaaS) deployments:
In December 2017, Unisphere Research
• To reduce the cost and complexity of owning conducted a study among the members of the
and operating on-premises infrastructure Independent Oracle Users Group to examine
the key challenges, priorities, and solutions
• To accelerate IT delivery by adopting the
associated with cloud computing. According
cloud for specific initiatives
to this extensive survey of 229 IT professionals,
• To create versatile business models that the percentage of core enterprise workloads—
disrupt less-nimble competitors. namely databases and applications—supported
in the cloud will increase significantly over
Through 2019, IT spending on enterprise data
the next 24 months. Currently, 31 percent report Longitude “Cloud Insights” report:
center hardware will decrease, while spending
that a majority of their workloads are cloud-borne, Respondents to the survey had already
on x86 servers by service providers and
a percentage that will increase to 51 percent migrated 29 percent of their applications,
hyperscale providers will increase . Other 2
in two years. Furthermore, more than one-third and were in the process of migrating
leading research firms see similar changes
of these professionals said they are engaged another 25 percent.
on the horizon. In January 2018, RightScale
in efforts to move legacy applications into Longitude Report, Cloud Insights, August 2017
surveyed technical professionals across a
cloud environments4.
David Edward Ackerman, Sid Nag, and Ed Anderson, “Forecast Overview: Public Cloud Services, Worldwide, 2017 Update G0032549,” Gartner, March 2017. 3 RightScale, “RightScale 2018 State of the Cloud Report:
Data to Navigate Your Multicloud Strategy,” 2018. 4 Joseph McKendrick, “The New Data Management Landscape: 2018 IOUG Special Report on Data Management Trends,” study sponsored by the Independent
Oracle Users Group (IOUG) and produced by Unisphere Research, June 2018
Welcome to the Next Generation
Oracle Cloud Infrastructure combines the their own network, called a virtual cloud Increase Agility and Maximize Investments with Oracle Cloud Infrastructure
elasticity and utility of the public cloud with network, isolated from every other Increase the pace of innovation Maximize IT spending
the control, security, performance, and customer’s network. These virtual cloud
• Launch and scale new apps quickly • Reduce your reliance on
predictability of on-premises computing networks can include single-tenant, high-
with on-demand infrastructure data center infrastructure
environments. Oracle Cloud Infrastructure performance, bare metal servers that
customers receive consistent, dependable contain no provider software, enabling • Focus on competitive differentiation, • Minimize costs by paying
service levels for all types of applications organizations to customize their computing not on routine IT tasks only for what you consume
and computing environments, including and environments and run applications in
• Put IT infrastructure in the hands • Maximize value by matching
complex, high-performance computing (HPC) the same manner as they do on premises.
of those who need it quickly capacity with demand
workloads such as simulating crash tests,
modeling insurance risks, and testing new
manufacturing materials.
DevTest in the Cloud Production in the Cloud
First-generation public cloud offerings • Test customizations and new app versions • Utilize bare metal for consistency and industry-leading
were not architected to accommodate • Validate patches
• Use multiple Availability Domains, load balancing,
these traditional application architectures. • Test cloud-native technologies and frameworks like
and RAC for high availability
containers and CI/CD
Enterprise workloads and performance-
intensive workloads don’t run well in these
hypervisor-based environments, where
Workload agility for apps
in the Oracle Cloud
multiple tenants virtually share the same
physical infrastructure and contend for limited
Backup and DR in the Cloud Extend Data Center to the Cloud
resources. Oracle Cloud Infrastructure, on the
• Take advantage of built-in storage resiliency, availability • Connect on-premises data center to cloud using VPN
other hand, moves the virtualization layer into and security or FastConnect
the physical network—a concept referred to • Use automation/virtual appliances to back up and • Reduce risk of technology obsolescence by accessing
restore key files and archive infrequently accessed files latest infrastructure
as off-box virtualization. Customers enjoy
Get Enterprise Apps
into the Cloud Quickly
Oracle has specialized, field-tested tools and Get More from Your Oracle Apps by Moving to Oracle Cloud Infrastructure
programs to help customers move enterprise
applications such as Oracle E-Business Suite,
JD Edwards, PeopleSoft, and Siebel to Oracle
Cloud Infrastructure. A suite of migration,
provisioning, and management tools for these Expert Migration Automated Maintain Your
applications and their associated databases Assistance Migration Tools Architecture
means minimal architecture changes, helping Use automated tools and/or Migrate workloads with Lowest cost, fastest way
experts to expedite the minimum retooling to move to the cloud
you get online rapidly. Oracle’s purpose-built migration process
migration tools simplify the transition and can
even capture application customizations.
Longitude Research surveyed 730 senior • Update IT infrastructure (27 percent) Oracle Brings the Cloud to You at Customer—is ideal when data must
IT leaders to determine key cloud trends5. With Oracle Cloud Infrastructure, you can remain on-premises for regulatory, privacy,
• Improve the speed of innovation
Here are the top five motivations for moving take advantage of a broad range of compute, or legal reasons.
(25 percent)
to the cloud: storage, and network resources that include:
Oracle can deploy and maintain an instance
• Improve customer or client interactions
• Save on IT costs (33 percent) • A choice of deployment options including of Oracle Cloud Machine or Oracle Database
(24 percent).
public cloud, traditional on-premises Exadata Cloud Machine. Rather than
• Improve IT resource management
systems, and Oracle Cloud at Customer, purchasing hardware and software,
(32 percent)
an option to deploy a private cloud behind you can simply subscribe to it and let
your firewall Oracle handle every aspect of installation,
Why Migrate to Oracle Cloud configuration, patching, lifecycle
• Exceptional performance, visibility,
management, upgrading, and monitoring.
and control
Innovation Cost Value Peace of Mind Agility You get a mini Oracle Cloud—all fully
• Tools for migrating Oracle workloads managed—behind your firewall.
to the cloud.
Longitude Research, “Cloud Insights,” study sponsored by Oracle and Intel, August 2017.
Case in Point: High-Performance Computing
Simulations on Oracle Cloud Infrastructure
“Being able to seamlessly burst out to cloud providers is critical to our success. Oracle Cloud
Infrastructure gives us performance and customizability, with access to bare metal resources.
That’s critical for the performance requirements we need to support our enterprise.”
Oracle is the only major cloud provider to SLAs are an integral part of production
back its cloud offering with service-level workloads, and a strong assurance for customers
agreements (SLAs) for performance, availability, wanting to shift enterprise workloads to the
and manageability. Oracle guarantees that its cloud. Al Gillen, GVP of software development
cloud resources are available for mission-critical and open source at IDC, summed it up succinctly:
enterprise applications as well as for processor “Customers expect service level commitments
intensive workloads such as engineering for uptime to mean that their applications are not
simulations, financial modeling, artificial only available, but manageable and performing
intelligence, and machine learning. as expected, regardless of where that application
may be located. Unfortunately, many cloud
Availability SLAs. Your cloud workloads
SLAs don’t make that broad commitment.
will experience outstanding uptime
Oracle’s revised SLAs provide customers
thanks to Oracle’s high availability
the guarantees they need to run mission-critical
compute, block volume, object storage,
enterprise applications in cloud environments
and FastConnect services
with confidence.”
• Manageability SLAs. Oracle is the first
cloud vendor to provide manageability
SLAs, ensuring you can manage, monitor,
and modify your resources as you see fit
Performance SLAs. It’s not enough for
your applications to be merely accessible.
They should perform consistently—
and Oracle is the first cloud vendor
to guarantee performance levels.
Learn more about Oracle Cloud Infrastructure
Try Oracle Cloud today it
Cloud computing is creating entirely new Oracle Advanced Customer Services (ACS) Oracle Cloud Infrastructure
business categories and disrupting existing ACS provides complete lifecycle management
ones—and it’s happening fast. Oracle of Oracle Applications Unlimited on Oracle
built Oracle Cloud Infrastructure from Technology Cloud with industry leading
the ground up to meet the requirements Service-Level Agreements (SLAs), disaster
of large enterprises that want to reduce recovery, and critical business transaction Bare Metal Bare Metal Virtual Virtual Containers
Servers Servers+ GPUs Machines Machines+ GPUs
the cost of updating, maintaining, and monitoring enabled by a cloud automation
operating corporate data centers. Moving platform on top of Oracle Cloud Infrastructure.
your mission-critical workloads to Oracle These application lifecycle services include:
Cloud Infrastructure enables you to focus Planning, Transition and Validation, Application
on your core business instead of Design, Development and Test, and ongoing
Virtual Cloud Load DNS FastConnect VPN
infrastructure forecasting, acquisition, organizational support. Networks Balancers
Oracle has everything you need to migrate Test-drive Oracle Cloud Infrastructure
and run Oracle applications quickly and
now at
easily, as well as to move traditional data
Local NVMe Block Object/Archive File Backup
center applications to the cloud—with no and Transfer
Within a single offering, Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Oracle Cloud Infrastructure takes advantage of high-scale, It also offers the ability to run everything—from small
combines the benefits of public cloud (self-service, high-bandwidth networks that connect cloud servers to virtual machines (VMs) to large bare metal clusters and
on-demand availability, and scalability) with the high-performance local, file, block, and object storage. highly available databases—on the same isolated networks.
advantages usually associated with on-premises This delivers a cloud platform that yields the highest These are accessible through the same APIs and console—
environments (predictability, performance, and control). performance for traditional and distributed applications, allowing apps to have direct, low-latency access to
as well as highly available databases. In short, high-performance databases running on physical or
Oracle Cloud Infrastructure is architected to support virtual servers in the same infrastructure.
the applications enterprises have been running for
years, as well as those they are creating for the future.
Cloud Essentials
Learn more about Oracle Cloud Infrastructure, and find out what sets Oracle apart
from other cloud providers. Try Oracle Cloud today. Go to it
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