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My name is Nurul mufidah

My nim : 2018.07.035
specialized nursing undergraduate program class

►why our body needs them, and what they are found in :

Vitamin E
Deficiency: Only noticed in those with severe malnutrition. However,
suboptimal intake of vitamin E is relatively common.
Toxicity: Minimal side effects have been noted in adults taking
supplements in doses less than 2000 mg/day. There is a potential for
impaired blood clotting. Infants are more vulnerable.
Sources: Green leafy vegetables, almonds, sunflower seeds, olives,
blueberries, most nuts, most seeds, tomatoes, avocado

Vitamin K

Deficiency: Tendency to bleed or hemorrhage and anemia.

Toxicity: May interfere with glutathione. No known toxicity with high
Sources: Broccoli, green leafy vegetables, parsley, watercress,
asparagus, Brussels sprouts, green beans, green peas, carrots


Deficiency: Not a result of insufficient dietary intake. Caused by

protein wasting conditions. Diuretics can also cause excessive loss
of potassium in the urine. Low blood potassium can result in cardiac
Toxicity: Occurs when the intake of potassium exceeds the kidneys
capacity for elimination. Found with kidney failure and potassium
sparing diuretics. Oral doses greater than 18 grams can lead to
toxicity. Symptoms include tingling of extremities and muscle
weakness. High dose potassium supplements may cause nausea,
vomiting and diarrhea.
Sources: Sweet potato, tomato, green leafy vegetables, carrots,
prunes, beans, molasses, squash, fish, bananas, peaches, apricots,
melon, potatoes, dates, raisins, mushrooms


Deficiency: Can cause limited glutathione activity. More severe

symptoms are juvenile cardiomyopathy and chondrodystrophy.
Toxicity: Multiple symptoms including dermatologic lesions, hair and
nail brittleness, gastrointestinal disturbances, skin rash, fatigue,
and nervous system abnormalities.
Sources: Brazil nuts, mushrooms, barley, salmon, whole grains,
walnuts, eggs

Vitamin B9 (Folic acid)

Folate is the naturally occurring form found in foods. Folic acid is

the synthetic form used in commercially available supplements and
fortified foods. Inadequate folate status is associated with neural
tube defects and some cancers.
Deficiency: One may notice anemia (macrocytic/megaloblastic),
sprue, Leukopenia, thrombocytopenia, weakness, weight loss,
cracking and redness of tongue and mouth, and diarrhea. In
pregnancy there is a risk of low birth weight and preterm delivery.
Toxicity: None from food. Keep in mind that vitamin B12 and folic
acid deficiency can both result in megaloblastic anemia. Large
doses of folic acid given to an individual with an undiagnosed
vitamin B12 deficiency could correct megaloblastic anemia without
correcting the underlying vitamin B12 deficiency.
Sources: Green leafy vegetables, asparagus, broccoli, Brussels
sprouts, citrus fruits, black eyed peas, spinach, great northern
beans, whole grains, baked beans, green peas, avocado, peanuts,
lettuce, tomato juice, banana, papaya, organ meats.
► my food schedule in one week :

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►advice to give hesta to help her lose weight successfully and in a healthy way :

here is a simple 3-step plan to lose weight fast.

1. Cut Back on Sugars and Starches

The most important part is to cut back on sugars and starches (carbs).

When you do that, your hunger levels go down and you end up eating much fewer
calories (1).

Now instead of burning carbs for energy, your body starts feeding off of stored fat.

Another benefit of cutting carbs is that it lowers insulin levels, causing your kidneys
to shed excess sodium and water out of your body. This reduces bloat and
unnecessary water weight (2, 3).

It is not uncommon to lose up to 10 pounds (sometimes more) in the first week of

eating this way, both body fat and water weight.

he low-carb group is eating until fullness, while the low-fat group is calorie-
restricted and hungry.

Cut the carbs and you will start to eat fewer calories automatically and without
hunger (5).

Put simply, cutting carbs puts fat loss on autopilot.

SUMMARYRemoving sugars and starches (carbs) from your diet will reduce your
appetite, lower your insulin levels and make you lose weight without hunger.

2. Eat Protein, Fat and Vegetables

Each one of your meals should include a protein source, a fat source and low-carb

Constructing your meals in this way will automatically bring your carb intake into
the recommended range of 20–50 grams per day.

Protein Sources

 Meat: Beef, chicken, pork, lamb, etc.

 Fish and Seafood: Salmon, trout, shrimp, etc.

 Eggs: Whole eggs with the yolk are best.

The importance of eating plenty of protein cannot be overstated.

This has been shown to boost metabolism by 80 to 100 calories per day (6, 7, 8).

High-protein diets can also reduce cravings and obsessive thoughts about food by
60%, reduce the desire for late-night snacking by half, and make you so full that you
automatically eat 441 fewer calories per day — just by adding protein to your diet
(9, 10).

When it comes to losing weight, protein is the king of nutrients. Period.

Low-Carb Vegetables

 Broccoli

 Cauliflower

 Spinach

 Tomatoes

 Kale

 Brussels sprouts

 Cabbage

 Swiss chard

 Lettuce

 Cucumber

 Full list here.

Don’t be afraid to load your plate with these low-carb vegetables. You can eat
massive amounts of them without going over 20–50 net carbs per day.

A diet based mostly on meat and vegetables contains all the fiber, vitamins and
minerals you need to be healthy.
Fat Sources

 Olive oil

 Coconut oil

 Avocado oil

 Butter

Eat 2–3 meals per day. If you find yourself hungry in the afternoon, add a 4th meal.

Don’t be afraid of eating fat, as trying to do both low-carb AND low-fat at the same
time is a recipe for failure. It will make you feel miserable and abandon the plan.

To see how you can assemble your meals, check out this low-carb meal plan and
this list of 101 healthy low-carb recipes.

SUMMARYAssemble each meal out of a protein source, a fat source and low-carb
vegetables. This will put you in the 20–50 gram carb range and significantly lower
your hunger levels.

3. Lift Weights 3 Times Per Week

You don't need to exercise to lose weight on this plan, but it is recommended.

The best option is to go to the gym 3–4 times a week. Do a warm-up and lift some

If you're new to the gym, ask a trainer for some advice.

By lifting weights, you will burn lots of calories and prevent your metabolism from
slowing down, which is a common side effect of losing weight (11, 12).

Studies on low-carb diets show that you can even gain a bit of muscle while losing
significant amounts of body fat (13).

If lifting weights is not an option for you, then doing some cardio workouts like
walking, jogging, running, cycling or swimming will suffice.
SUMMARYIt is best to do some sort of resistance training like weight lifting. If that is
not an option, cardio workouts are also effective.

Optional — Do a "Carb Refeed" Once Per Week

You can take one day off per week where you eat more carbs. Many people prefer

It is important to stick to healthy carb sources like oats, rice, quinoa, potatoes, sweet
potatoes, fruit, etc.

But only this one higher carb day — if you start doing it more often than once per
week you're not going to see much success on this plan.

If you must have a cheat meal and eat something unhealthy, then do it on this day.

Be aware that cheat meals or carb refeeds are NOT necessary, but they can boost
some fat-burning hormones like leptin and thyroid hormones (14, 15).

You will gain some weight during your refeed day, but most of it will be water
weight and you will lose it again in the next 1–2 days.

SUMMARYHaving one day each week where you eat more carbs is perfectly
acceptable, although not necessary.

What About Calories and Portion Control?

It is NOT necessary to count calories as long as you keep the carbs very low and
stick to protein, fat and low-carb vegetables.

However, if you really want to count them, use this calculator.

Enter your details, and then pick the number from either the "Lose Weight" or the
"Lose Weight Fast" section — depending on how fast you want to lose weight.

There are many great tools you can use to track the number of calories you are
eating. Here is a list of 5 calorie counters that are free and easy to use.
The main goal of this plan is to keep carbs under 20–50 grams per day and get the
rest of your calories from protein and fat.

SUMMARYIt is not necessary to count calories to lose weight on this plan. It is most
important to strictly keep your carbs in the 20–50 gram range.

10 Weight Loss Tips to Make Things Easier (and Faster)

Here are 10 more tips to lose weight even faster:

1. Eat a high-protein breakfast. Eating a high-protein breakfast has been

shown to reduce cravings and calorie intake throughout the day (16, 17).

2. Avoid sugary drinks and fruit juice. These are the most fattening things you
can put into your body, and avoiding them can help you lose weight (18, 19).

3. Drink water a half hour before meals. One study showed that drinking water
a half hour before meals increased weight loss by 44% over 3 months (20).

4. Choose weight loss-friendly foods (see list). Certain foods are very useful
for losing fat. Here is a list of the 20 most weight loss-friendly foods on earth.

5. Eat soluble fiber. Studies show that soluble fibers may reduce fat, especially
in the belly area. Fiber supplements like glucomannancan also help (21, 22).

6. Drink coffee or tea. If you're a coffee or tea drinker, then drink as much as
you want as the caffeine can in them boost your metabolism by 3–11%
(23, 24, 25).

7. Eat mostly whole, unprocessed foods. Base most of your diet on whole
foods. They are healthier, more filling and much less likely to cause overeating.

8. Eat your food slowly. Fast eaters gain more weight over time. Eating
slowly makes you feel more full and boosts weight-reducing hormones (26, 27).

9. Weigh yourself every day. Studies show that people who weigh themselves
every day are much more likely to lose weight and keep it off for a long time
(28, 29).

10. Get a good night's sleep, every night. Poor sleep is one of the strongest
risk factors for weight gain, so taking care of your sleep is important (30).
Even more tips here: 30 Easy Ways to Lose Weight Naturally (Backed by Science).

SUMMARYIt is most important to stick to the three rules, but there are a few other
things you can do to speed things up.

How Fast You Will Lose (and Other Benefits)

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You can expect to lose 5–10 pounds of weight (sometimes more) in the first week,
then consistent weight loss after that.

I can personally lose 3–4 pounds per week for a few weeks when I do this strictly.

If you're new to dieting, then things will probably happen quickly. The more weight
you have to lose, the faster you will lose it.

For the first few days, you might feel a bit strange. Your body has been burning carbs
for all these years, so it can take time for it to get used to burning fat instead.

This is called the "low-carb flu" or “keto flu” and is usually over within a few days. For
me it takes three. Adding some extra salt to your diet can help with this.

After the first few days, most people report feeling very good, with even more energy
than before.

Despite many decades of anti-fat hysteria, the low-carb diet also improves your
health in many other ways:

 Blood sugar tends to go way down on low-carb diets (31).

 Triglycerides tend to go down (32).

 Small, dense LDL (the bad) cholesterol goes down (33, 34).

 HDL (the good) cholesterol goes up (35).

 Blood pressure improves significantly (36, 37).

 To top it all off, low-carb diets appear to be just as easy to follow as low-fat
SUMMARYYou can expect to lose a lot of weight, but it depends on the person
how quickly it will happen. Low-carb diets also improve your health in many other

You Don't Need to Starve Yourself to Lose Weight

If you have a medical condition, talk to your doctor before making changes because
this plan can reduce your need for medication.

By reducing carbs and lowering insulin levels, you change the hormonal environment
and make your body and brain "want" to lose weight.

This leads to drastically reduced appetite and hunger, eliminating the main reason
that most people fail with conventional weight loss methods.

This is proven to make you lose up to 2–3 times as much weight as a typical low-fat,
calorie-restricted diet (38, 39, 40).

Another great benefit for the impatient folks is that the initial drop in water weight can
lead to a big difference on the scale as early as the next morning.

● Other ways can also be this way :

Generally to lose 1 to 2 pounds a week, you need to burn 500 to 1,000 calories more than
you consume each day, through a lower calorie diet and regular physical activity.

Depending on your weight, 5 percent of your current weight may be a realistic goal. Even
this level of weight loss can help lower your risk for chronic health problems, such as heart
disease and type 2 diabetes. If you're 180 pounds (82 kilograms), that's 9 pounds (4

When you're setting goals, think about both process and outcome goals. "Walk every day for
30 minutes" is an example of a process goal. "Lose 10 pounds" is an example of an
outcome goal.

►Exercise also offers numerous health benefits, including boosting your mood,
strengthening your cardiovascular system and reducing your blood pressure. Exercise can
also help in maintaining weight loss. Studies show that people who maintain their weight loss
over the long term get regular physical activity.

How many calories you burn depends on the frequency, duration and intensity of your
activities. One of the best ways to lose body fat is through steady aerobic exercise — such
as brisk walking — for at least 30 minutes most days of the week. Some people may require
more physical activity than this to lose weight and maintain that weight loss.
Any extra movement helps burn calories. Think about ways you can increase your physical
activity throughout the day if you can't fit in formal exercise on a given day. For example,
make several trips up and down stairs instead of using the elevator, or park at the far end of
the lot when shopping.

It's not enough to eat healthy foods and exercise for only a few weeks or even months if you
want long-term, successful weight loss. These habits must become a way of life. Lifestyle
changes start with taking an honest look at your eating patterns and daily routine.

Maybe useful .aamiin ^_^

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