Average Log Per Zone
Average Log Per Zone
Average Log Per Zone
Option 1: RMB (Right Mouse Button) Click on Well Tops in Input Pane and select
“Insert/Update zone log”
Option 2: From Settings of the Wells in Input pane select Make logs –> From
zones Tab and click on “Make zone log”
Procedure – Create Workflow 1
Using workflow to run the calculations for selected log
Set up workflow to make a new set of logs per zone, calculate mean of these zone
logs and merge them into one average log per zone.
Procedure – Create Workflow 2
Focusing on main part – the calculations
Logical steps to get the results
used for calculations* , as well as not all the Can not find the variable 'Gamma0'.
The log doesn't exist in the well 'B1'.
wells have the specific log available we need to The log doesn't exist in the well 'WellDev'.
Execution error. In "Well Log calculator" at line 28.