Chrysler ATF MS 9602
Chrysler ATF MS 9602
Chrysler ATF MS 9602
o Chrysler MS 9602 is specially formulated to o Improved odour compared to MS-9602”C”
meet the requirements of latest model fluid resulting from the odour-masking
DaimlerChrysler automatic transmissions and additive chemistry.
automotive hydraulic applications used in
passenger cars, trucks and sport utility vehicles.
o Chrysler MS 9602 is the initial fill fluid of all Specification and Approvals
automatic transmissions manufactured by
DaimlerChrysler Corporation. DaimlerChysler MS 9602 (ATF +4)
Performance Features and Benefits Advice on applications not covered in this leaflet
o Superior low temperature performance due to may be obtained from your Shell Representative.
the exceptionally thermally stable base stocks
used. Health and Safety
o Excellent shear stability and viscosity Guidance on Health and Safety are available on
retention. the appropriate Material Safety Data Sheet which
o Significant long term improvement in can be obtained from your Shell representative.
oxidation stability over other fluids. Protect the environment
o Greatly improved anti-wear properties over Take used oil to an authorized collection point. Do
DaimlerChrysler’s previous generation ATF. not discharge into drains, soil or water.
o Compatible frictional performance with
previous generation DaimlerChrysler ATF.
Viscosity D 2983
cP at -28.9 C 2,250
cP at -40 C 9,300
cSt at 40 C D 445 35.13
cSt at 100 C D 445 7.71
SUS at 100 F (calc) 177.5
SUS at 210 F (calc) 52.0
These characteristics are typical of current production. Whilst future production will conform
to Shell's specification, variations in these characteristics may occur.