Paper4 PDF
Paper4 PDF
Paper4 PDF
2, FEBRUARY 2014
Abstract—This paper evaluates the affordability and cost- possible directions forward, backward, left and right by using a
effectiveness of Economy Priced Electric Wheel Chairs (EWC) joystick. A 40-pin PIC18F4520 micro-controller was operated
for the disabled people of Bangladesh who are financially smoothly to ensure EWC's movement in desired direction,
challenged. After successfully upgrading a normal wheel chair
after receiving command signal from the joystick. Each rear
into a joystick-controlled electro-mechanical wheel chair, the cost
is reduced to an achievable US $400 compared to minimum US wheel of EWC is attached with a DC gear motor which
$1100 in United States according to a market survey. It is possible acquires required power from dry-cell battery connected to
for cheap and available tools found in Bangladesh which prove respective motors [1]. Among all the merits, there are a few
sufficient for the upgrading process. A microcontroller based drawbacks especially when the wheel-chair moves in reverse
control system is applied with two dc gear motors to control the direction. The EWC operation during reverse-bias is not that
rear end wheels. The prototype project indicates great success not smooth compared to other direction operations.
only in business sector but also reassures disabled people a better
life. Various technologies have been used to make this electro- II. OBJECTIVES
mechanical device, leaving room for further developments
considering the versatility of the microcontroller (PIC18F4520)
The aim of this project was to design the prototype and it is
used in it.
as follows:
Keywords— Control System, Cost-Effective Electro-Mechanical, Collection of all the equipments and materials required
EWC and Microcontroller for overall wheel-chair enhancement setup.
Forming of a light-weight wheel-chair structure which
would carry up to 100kg (human bodyweight plus
I. INTRODUCTION equipments).
Successfully coding of a specific program, which would
I n worldwide context, an estimated 100-130 million people
with disabilities need wheelchairs. Experts predict that the
number of people who need wheelchairs will increase by 22
run the device directionally by using a joystick
(controlled by a micro-controller).
percent over the next ten years [1]. Wheel-chair is still the best Implementation and connection of all the equipments
transportation means for them since its invention in 1595 like motors, micro-controller, and joystick together.
(called an invalids chair) for Phillip II of Spain by an unknown Making the total prototype as cost-effective and less
inventor; and this is the reason why this particular chair with expensive as possible.
wheels is developing in newer shapes with additional latest
enhancements following its conversion into an electric one. III. BLOCK DIAGRAM
This paper details the project about an electric wheel-chair
(EWC) which is much more comfortable and flexible for The system block diagram is shown in Fig. 1.
movement compared to a normal wheel-chair and also costs The system block diagram shows how the command from
60-70% less compared to the available or regular the EWC user is sent via the joystick to the Microcontroller
EWCs [2]-[3]. chip. Then following the instructions coded in the chip the
In USA, almost 200,000 physically challenged people use respective optocouplers will be activated and using the H-
electric wheel-chair for their daily life needs. On the other Bridge module the DC Gear Motors are started.
hand, in Bangladesh handicap people still depend on the old
formatted normal wheel-chair as major portion of this poor IV. EQUIPMENTS AND TECHNIQUES
country cannot afford the huge cost of a basic electric wheel-
chair. The paper dictates the main objectives of the performed For this prototype to be build both electrical and electronic
project such as to run the wheelchair automatically in all components were required [1]. Some of the parts are briefly
When Y-axis is in neutral position (70<y<140) and value of needs one step to finish the process which is to connect the
X-axis is less than 70 then motor 2 will rotate in clockwise PIC with computer and the microcontroller, then program it.
direction and motor 1 will rotate in opposite direction. PICKit2 has been designed with following capabilities and
It works under multiple platforms. Linux, Mac OS X and
Windows are tested.
Its speed for the programming is up to 5kBytes/sec.
Its option is supported to the targets with low clock speed.
Parts Quantity Unit Price Subtotal Subtotal
Normal 1 5,500 5,500 70.72
Wheel Chair
DC Gear 2 7,500 15,000 192.87
Battery 2 3,000 6,000 77.15
MCU 1 250 250 3.21
MOSTET 8 100 800 10.29
Joystick 1 600 600 7.72
Others 600 7.72
Fig. 4: Electro-mechanical structure parts consisting of Batteries, Motors, Mechanical 2,240 28.80
Joystick and Circuit Board Equipments
Mechanic’s 1500 19.29
Grand Total 32,490 417.76
Technical specifications of the wheel chair are given in
Table 1:
Parameters Value
Battery 2 X 12V, 30Ah
Motor 2 X 24V DC Gear
Charging Time 7 Hours
Max. Driving Speed Forward: 7km/h
Backward: 4km/h
Max. Weight Capacity 120 Kg
Total Weight of EWC 41 Kg