Sampling-50 Years After Shannon: Michael Unser

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Sampling—50 Years After Shannon


This paper presents an account of the current state of sampling, While Shannon must get full credit for formalizing this
50 years after Shannon’s formulation of the sampling theorem. The result and for realizing its potential for communication
emphasis is on regular sampling, where the grid is uniform. This theory and for signal processing, he did not claim it as his
topic has benefited from a strong research revival during the past
few years, thanks in part to the mathematical connections that were own. In fact, just below the theorem, he wrote: “this is a
made with wavelet theory. To introduce the reader to the modern, fact which is common knowledge in the communication
Hilbert-space formulation, we reinterpret Shannon’s sampling pro- art.” He was also well aware of equivalent forms of the
cedure as an orthogonal projection onto the subspace of band-lim- theorem that had appeared in the mathematical literature;
ited functions. We then extend the standard sampling paradigm for in particular, the work of Whittaker [144]. In the Russian
a representation of functions in the more general class of “shift-in-
variant” functions spaces, including splines and wavelets. Practi- literature, this theorem was introduced to communication
cally, this allows for simpler—and possibly more realistic—inter- theory by Kotel’nikov [67], [68].
polation models, which can be used in conjunction with a much The reconstruction formula that complements the sam-
wider class of (anti-aliasing) prefilters that are not necessarily ideal pling theorem is
low-pass. We summarize and discuss the results available for the
determination of the approximation error and of the sampling rate
when the input of the system is essentially arbitrary; e.g., nonban-
dlimited. We also review variations of sampling that can be under-
stood from the same unifying perspective. These include wavelets,
multiwavelets, Papoulis generalized sampling, finite elements, and
frames. Irregular sampling and radial basis functions are briefly
mentioned. in which the equidistant samples of may be interpreted
as coefficients of some basis functions obtained by appro-
Keywords—Band-limited functions, Hilbert spaces, interpola-
tion, least squares approximation, projection operators, sampling, priate shifting and rescaling of the sinc-function: sinc
sampling theorem, Shannon, splines, wavelets. . Formula (1) is exact if is bandlimited to
; this upper limit is the Nyquist frequency, a
term that was coined by Shannon in recognition of Nyquist’s
I. INTRODUCTION important contributions in communication theory [88]. In the
In 1949, Shannon published the paper “Communication in mathematical literature, (1) is known as the cardinal series
the Presence of Noise,” which set the foundation of informa- expansion; it is often attributed to Whittaker in 1915 [26],
tion theory [105], [106]. This paper is a masterpiece; both in [143] but has also been traced back much further [14], [58].
terms of achievement and conciseness. It is undoubtedly one Shannon’s sampling theorem and its corresponding recon-
of the theoretical works that has had the greatest impact on struction formula are best understood in the frequency do-
modern electrical engineering [145]. In order to formulate his main, as illustrated in Fig. 1. A short reminder of the key
rate/distortion theory, Shannon needed a general mechanism sampling formulas is provided in Appendix A to make the
for converting an analog signal into a sequence of numbers. presentation self-contained.
This led him to state the classical sampling theorem at the Nowadays the sampling theorem plays a crucial role in
very beginning of his paper in the following terms. signal processing and communications: it tells us how to
Theorem 1 [Shannon]: If a function contains no fre- convert an analog signal into a sequence of numbers, which
quencies higher than (in radians per second), it is com- can then be processed digitally—or coded—on a computer.
pletely determined by giving its ordinates at a series of points While Shannon’s result is very elegant and has proven to
spaced seconds apart. be extremely fruitful, there are several problems associated
with it. First, it is an idealization: real world signals or
images are never exactly bandlimited [108]. Second, there is
no such device as an ideal (anti-aliasing or reconstruction)
Manuscript received September 17, 1999; revised January 4, 2000. low-pass filter. Third, Shannon’s reconstruction formula is
The author is with the Biomedical Imaging Group, Swiss Federal Institute rarely used in practice (especially with images) because of
of Technology Lausanne CH-1015 Lausanne EPFL, Switzerland (e-mail:
[email protected]). the slow decay of the sinc function [91]. Instead, practi-
Publisher Item Identifier S 0018-9219(00)02874-7. tioners typically rely on much simpler techniques such as

0018–9219/00$10.00 © 2000 IEEE


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the reconstruction be exact, we want it to be as close as pos-
sible to the original; the global system, however, remains un-
changed, except that the input can now be arbitrary. (We can
obviously not force it to be bandlimited.)
In Section III, we will show that the concept extends nicely
to the whole class of spline-like (or wavelet-like) spaces gen-
erated from the integer shifts of a generating function. We
will describe several approximation algorithms, all based on
the standard three-step paradigm: prefiltering, sampling, and
postfiltering—the only difference being that the filters are
not necessarily ideal. Mathematically, these algorithms can
all be described as projectors. A direct consequence is that
they reconstruct all signals included within the reconstruc-
tion space perfectly—this is the more abstract formulation
of Shannon’s theorem.
In Section IV, we will investigate the issue of approxima-
tion error, which becomes relevant once we have given up
Fig. 1. Frequency interpretation of the sampling theorem: (a) the goal of a perfect reconstruction. We will present recent
Fourier transform of the analog input signal f (x), (b) the sampling
process results in a periodization of the Fourier transform, and (c) results in approximation theory, making them accessible to
the analog signal is reconstructed by ideal low-pass filtering; a an engineering audience. This will give us the tools to select
perfect recovery is possible provided that ! 
=T . the appropriate sampling rate and to understand the effect of
different approximation or sampling procedures.
linear interpolation. Despite these apparent mismatches with Last, in Section V, we will review additional extensions
the physical world, we will show that a reconciliation is and variations of sampling such as (multi)wavelets, finite el-
possible and that Shannon’s sampling theory, in its modern ements, derivative and interlaced sampling, and frames. Ir-
and extended versions, can perfectly handle such “nonideal” regular sampling will also be mentioned, but only briefly, be-
situations. cause it is not the main focus of this paper. Our list of sam-
Ten to 15 years ago, the subject of sampling had reached pling topics is not exhaustive—for instance, we have com-
what seemed to be a very mature state [26], [62]. The re- pletely left out the sampling of discrete sequences and of
search in this area had become very mathematically oriented, stochastic processes—but we believe that the present paper
with less and less immediate relevance to signal processing covers a good portion of the current state of research on
and communications. Recently, there has been strong revival regular sampling. We apologize in advance to those authors
of the subject, which was motivated by the intense activity whose work was left out of the discussion.
taking place around wavelets (see [7], [35], [80], and [85]).
It soon became clear that the mathematics of wavelets were
also applicable to sampling, but with more freedom because
no multiresolution is required. This led researchers to reex- Shannon’s sampling theory is applicable whenever the
amine some of the foundations of Shannon’s theory and de- input function is bandlimited. When this is not the case, the
velop more general formulations, many of which turn out to standard signal-processing practice is to apply a low-pass
be quite practical from the point of view of implementation. filter prior to sampling in order to suppress aliasing. The
Our goal in this paper is to give an up-to-date account of optimal choice is the ideal filter , which
the recent advances that have occurred in regular sampling. suppresses aliasing completely without introducing any
Here, the term “regular” refers to the fact that the samples distortion in the bandpass region. Its impulse response is
are taken on a uniform grid—the situation most commonly . The corresponding block diagram is shown
encountered in practice. While the paper is primarily con- in Fig. 2. In this section, we provide a geometrical Hilbert
ceived as a tutorial, it contains a fair amount of review mate- space interpretation of the standard sampling paradigm. For
rial—mostly recent work: This should make it a useful com- notational simplicity, we will set and rescale the time
plement to the excellent survey article of Jerri, which gives dimension accordingly.
a comprehensive overview of sampling up to the mid-1970’s In 1941, the English mathematician Hardy, who was re-
[62]. ferring to the basis functions in Whittaker’s cardinal series
The outline of this paper is as follows. In Section II, we (1), wrote: “It is odd that, although these functions occur re-
will argue that the requirement of a perfect reconstruction peatedly in analysis, especially in the theory of interpolation,
is an unnecessarily strong constraint. We will reinterpret the it does not seem to have been remarked explicitly that they
standard sampling system, which includes an anti-aliasing form an orthogonal system” [55]. Orthonormality is a fun-
prefilter, as an orthogonal projection operator that computes damental property of the sinc-function that has been revived
the minimum error band-limited approximation of a not-nec- recently.
essarily band-limited input signal. This is a crucial obser- To understand the modern point of view, we have to con-
vation that changes our perspective: instead of insisting that sider the Hilbert space , which consists of all functions that


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where the inner product represents the signal
contribution along the direction specified by —the ap-
proximation problem is decoupled component-wise because
of the orthogonality of the basis functions. The projection
theorem (see [69]) ensures that this projection operation is
well defined and that it yields the minimum-error approxi-
Fig. 2. Schematic representation of the standard three-step mation of into .
sampling paradigm with T = 1: 1) the analog input signal is
prefiltered with h(x) (anti-aliasing step), 2) the sampling process
yields the sampled representation c (x) = c(k ) (x k ), 0 (7)
and 3) the reconstructed output f~(x) = c(k )'(x k) 0
is obtained by analog filtering of c with '. In the traditional By a lucky coincidence, this inner product computation is
approach, the pre- and postfilters are both ideal low-pass: equivalent to first filtering the input function with the ideal
h(x) = '(x) = sinc(x). In the more modern schemes, the filters
can be selected more freely under the constraint that they remain low-pass filter and sampling thereafter. More generally, we
h 0
biorthogonal: '(x k ); ' ~(x 0 i
l) =  . observe that any combination of prefiltering and sampling
can be rewritten in terms of inner products
are squareintegrable in Lebesgue’s sense. The corresponding
-norm is
with (8)
That is, the underlying analysis functions correspond to the
It is induced by the conventional -inner product integer shifts of , the time-reversed impulse
response of the prefilter (which can be arbitrary). In the
present case, and is the
ideal low-pass filtered version of .
The conclusion of this section is that the traditional sam-
We now assume that the input function that we want to pling paradigm with ideal prefiltering yields an approxima-
sample is in , a space that is considerably larger than the tion , which is the orthogonal projection of the
usual subspace of band-limited functions, which we will input function onto (the space of band-limited functions).
refer to as . This means that we will need to make an In other words, is the approximation of in with min-
approximation if we want to represent a non-band-limited imum error. In light of this geometrical interpretation, it is
signal in the band-limited space . To make an analogy, obvious that (since is a projection
is to what (the real numbers) is to (the integers). operator), which is a more concise statement of Shannon’s
The countable nature of is apparent if we rewrite the theorem.
normalized form of (1) with as
with (4)
Having reinterpreted the sampling theorem from the more
where the ’s are some coefficients, and where the ’s abstract perspective of Hilbert spaces and of projection op-
are the basis functions to which Hardy was referring. It is not erators, we can take the next logical step and generalize the
difficult to show that they are orthonormal approach to other classes of functions.

A. Extending Shannon’s Model

While it would be possible to consider arbitrary basis func-
tions, we want a sampling scheme that is practical and retains
(5) the basic, shift-invariant flavor of the classical theory. This is
achieved by simply replacing by a more general tem-
where the autocorrelation function is evaluated as follows:
plate: the generating function . Accordingly, we specify
our basic approximation space as

This orthonormality property greatly simplifies the imple-
mentation of the approximation process by which a function
is projected onto . Specifically, the orthogonal pro- This means that any function , which is con-
jection operator can be written as tinuously defined, is characterized by a sequence of coeffi-
cients ; this is the discrete signal representation that will
(6) be used to do signal processing calculations or to perform
coding. Note that the ’s are not necessarily the samples


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of the signal, and that can be something quite different . It is easy to verify that the corresponding
from . Indeed, one of our motivations is to discover Riesz bounds in (11) are , which is consistent
functions that are simpler to handle numerically and have a with the orthonormality property (5). We now show that the
much faster decay. sinc function satisfies the partition of unity: using Poisson’s
For such a continuous/discrete model to make sense, we summation formula (cf. Appendix A), we derive an equiva-
need to put a few mathematical safeguards. First, the se- lent formulation of (13) in the Fourier domain2
quence of coefficients must be square-summable: .
Second, the representation should be stable1 and unambigu-
ously defined. In other words, the family of functions
should form a Riesz basis of , which (14)
is the next best thing after an orthogonal one [35]. The def-
a relation that is obviously satisfied by , the
inition of a Riesz basis is that there must exist two strictly
Fourier transform of .
positive constants and such that
The sinc function is well localized in the frequency domain
but has very poor time decay. At the other extreme, we can
(10) look for the simplest and shortest function that satisfies (13).
It is the box function (or B-spline of degree 0)
where is the squared -norm (or en-
ergy) of . A direct consequence of the lower inequality .
is that implies . Thus, the basis
functions are linearly independent, which also means that The corresponding basis functions are clearly orthogonal for
every signal is uniquely specified by its co- they do not overlap.
efficients . The upper bound in (10) implies that the By convolving this function with itself repeatedly, we con-
-norm of the signal is finite, so that is a valid sub- struct the B-splines of degree , which are defined recur-
space of . Note that the basis is orthonormal if and only if sively as
, in which case we have a perfect norm equiva- (16)
lence between the continuous and the discrete domains (Par-
seval’s relation). Because of the translation-invariant struc- These functions are known to generate the polynomial
ture of the construction, the Riesz basis requirement has an splines with equally spaced knots [98], [99]. Specifically,
equivalent expression in the Fourier domain [9] if , then the signals defined by (9) are
polynomials of degree within each interval (
(11) odd), respectively, (1/2) (1/2) when is even,
with pieces that are patched together such as to guarantee
where is the Fourier transform of the continuity of the function and its derivatives up to order
. Note that the central term in (11) is the Fourier trans- (i.e., ). The B-spline basis functions up
form of the sampled autocorrelation function to degree 4 are shown in Fig. 3. They are symmetric and
well localized, but not orthogonal—except for . Yet,
(12) they all satisfy the Riesz basis condition and the partition
of unity. This last property is easily verified in the Fourier
It can therefore also be written domain using (14). The B-splines are frequently used in
[see (A.7) in Appendix A]. practice (especially for image processing) because of their
The final requirement is that the model should have the short support and excellent approximation properties [126].
capability of approximating any input function as closely as The B-spline of degree 1 is the tent function, and the
desired by selecting a sampling step that is sufficiently small corresponding signal model is piecewise linear. This rep-
(similar to the Nyquist criterion ). As shown resentation is quite relevant because linear interpolation is
in Appendix B, this is equivalent to the partition of unity one of the most commonly used algorithm for interpolating
condition signal values.
As additional examples of admissible generating func-
tions, we may consider any scaling function (to be defined
below) that appears in the theory of the wavelet transform
In practice, it is this last condition that puts the strongest [35], [79], [115], [139]. It is important to note, however,
constraint of the selection on an admissible generating func- that scaling functions, which are often also denoted by
tion . , satisfy an additional two-scale relation, which is
Let us now look at some examples. The first one, which has not required here but not detrimental either. Specifically,
already been discussed in great length, is the classical choice a scaling function is valid (in the sense defined by Mallat
1By stable, we mean that a small variation of the coefficients must result 2The equality on the right hand side of (14) holds in the distributional
in a small variation of the function. Here, the upper bound of the Riesz con- sense provided that '(x) 2 L , or by extension, when '(x) + '(x + 1) 2
dition (10) ensures L -stability. L , which happens to be the case for '(x) = sinc(x)


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where is the autocorrelation sequence in (12). By
imposing the biorthogonality constraint ,
and by solving this equation in the Fourier domain [i.e.,
], we find

Note that the Riesz basis condition (11) guarantees that this
solution is always well defined [i.e., the numerator on the
right-hand side of (20) is bounded and nonvanishing].
Fig. 3. The centered B-splines for n = 0 to 4. The B-splines of
Similar to what has been said for the band-limited case [see
degree n are supported in the interval [ ((n +1)=2); ((n +1)=2)]; (4)], the algorithm described by (18) has a straightforward
as n increases, they flatten out and get more and more Gaussian-like. signal-processing interpretation (see Fig. 2). The procedure
is exactly the same as the one dictated by Shannon’s theory
[81]) if and only if 1) it is an admissible generating function (with anti-aliasing filter), except that the filters are not nec-
(Riesz basis condition partition of unity) and 2) it satisfies essarily ideal anymore. Note that the optimal analysis filter
the two-scale relation is entirely specified by the choice of the generating func-
tion (reconstruction filter); its frequency response is given
(17) by (20). If is orthonormal, then it is its own analysis func-
tion (i.e., ) and the prefilter is simply a flipped
where is the so-called refinement filter. In other words, version of the reconstruction filter. For example, this implies
the dilated version of must live in the space , a prop- that the optimal prefilter for a piecewise constant signal ap-
erty that is much more constraining than the conditions im- proximation is a box function.
posed here.
C. Consistent Sampling
B. Minimum Error Sampling We have just seen how to design an optimal sampling
Having defined our signal space, the next natural question system. In practice however, the analog prefilter is often
is how to obtain the ’s in (9) such that the signal model specified a priori (acquisition device), and not necessarily
is a faithful approximation of some input function optimal or ideal. We will assume that the measurements of
. The optimal solution in the least squares sense is the a function are obtained by sampling its prefiltered
orthogonal projection, which can be specified as version, , which is equivalent to computing the series
of inner products

where the ’s are the dual basis functions of . with analysis function [see (8)]. Here, it is
This is very similar to (6), except that the analysis and syn- important to specify the input space such that the mea-
surements are square-summable: . In the
thesis functions ( and , respectively) are not identical—in
most usual cases (typically, ), we will be able to
general, the approximation problem is not decoupled. The
consider ; otherwise ( is a Delta Dirac or a dif-
dual basis with is unique and is deter- ferential operator), we may simply switch to a slightly more
mined by the biorthogonality condition constrained Sobolev space.3 Now, given the measurements
(19) in (21), we want to construct a meaningful approximation of
the form (9) with synthesis function . The solution is
It also inherits the translation-invariant structure of the basis to apply a suitable digital correction filter , as shown in the
functions: . block diagram in Fig. 4.
Since , it is a linear conbination of the ’s. Here, we consider a design based on the idea of consis-
Thus, we may represent it as tency [127]. Specifically, one seeks a signal approximation
that is such that it would yield exactly the same measure-
ments if it was reinjected into the system. This is a reason-
able requirement, especially when we have no other way of
where is a suitable sequence to be determined next. Let probing the input signal: if it “looks” the same, we may as
us therefore evaluate the inner product well say that it is the same for all practical purposes.
3The Sobolev space W specifies the class of functions that
are r times differentiable in the L -sense. Specifically, W =
f j j 1g
f : (1 + ! ) f^(!) d! < + where f^(!) is the Fourier transform
of f (x).


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Fig. 4. Sampling for nonideal acquisition devices. The block
diagram is essentially the same as in Fig. 2, except for the addition
of the digital correction filter q . Fig. 5. Principle of an oblique projection onto V perpendicular to
V in the simplified case of one-component signal spaces.
Before stating the main theorem, we define the cross-cor-
relation sequence where is the spectral coherence function defined by


where is the analysis function and where is the gener-

ating (or synthesis) function on the reconstruction side.
Theorem 2 [127]: Let be an unknown input func- (28)
tion. Provided there exists such that
, then there is a unique signal approximation in Equation (26) indicates that the behavior of both methods
that is consistent with in the sense that is qualitatively the same. The upper bound, which can be
quantified, corresponds to the worst possible scenario. The
(23) present algorithm provides the least squares solution when
. In the case where , the analysis
and synthesis spaces are identical and the oblique projection
This signal approximation is given by
is equivalent to the orthogonal one. Interestingly, the factor
1 also corresponds to the norm of the operator
(see [136, Theorem 4]); it is therefore also a good indicator
of the performance of the algorithm in the presence of noise.
where Theorem 2 provides a generalization of Shannon’s result
for nonideal acquisition devices. The projection property im-
(25) plies that the method can reconstruct perfectly any signal that
is included in the reconstruction space; i.e., ,
. This is true not only for band-limited functions but
also for functions living in the more general “shift-invariant”
and the underlying operator is a projector from into subspaces .
. The stability of the reconstruction process will obviously
If, in addition, the analysis function satisfies the Riesz depend on the invertibility of the cross-correlation sequence
basis condition (11), then and the approximation . Note that, in the special case , one recovers
operator has an interesting geometrical interpretation: it is the classical inverse filtering solution to the deconvolution
the projection onto perpendicular to [127]. A problem. Approximate, regularized solutions are also con-
simplified graphical illustration of the situation is given in ceivable to improve the robustness in the presence of noise
Fig. 5. [124].
It is interesting to compare the performance of this oblique An attractive feature of the above formulation is the sym-
projection algorithm to the least squares solution, which is metric role assumed by the analysis and synthesis functions
typically not realizable here. Specifically, we can derive the and . It is therefore possible to model the distortions
following optimal error bound (see [127, Theorem 3]): that happen at either end of the chain. This allows for the
design of a digital filter that compensates for the nonideal
(26) response ( ) of some specific ouput device; for example,
the sample-and-hold of a digital-to-analog converter or the
pixel shape of an image display.
where denotes the orthogonal projection of into
and where is an abstract quantity that can be assim- D. Interpolation Revisited
ilated to the cosine of the maximum angle between the sub-
The most basic form of sampling occurs when the signal
spaces and . This latter quantity is given by (see
is specified in terms of its sample values . To make sure
that these samples are in (see [19, Appendix III.A]), we
select the input space (Sobolev space of order
one), which simply adds the constraint that the derivative


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of be in as well. The question is now how to find the
coefficients in (9) such that the signal inter-
polates the specified samples values exactly. We now show
that the solution can be derived directly from Theorem 2. To
model the sampling process, we take the analysis function to
be (Dirac delta). In this way, we are able to
reformulate the interpolation condition as a consistency re-
quirement: .
If we now substitute this choice together with
in Theorem 2, we get the correction filter


Fig. 6. Comparison of the cubic spline (solid line) and sinc (dashed
which provides an efficient digital filtering solution to our line) interpolators.
problem. Note that the filter is the identity if and only if the
generating function has the interpolation property:
; this is for example the case for the sinc function and the where is an appropriate sequence of weights. The
B-splines of degree 0 and 1. For higher order splines a non- necessary and sufficient conditions for
trivial filter is necessary; this kind of inverse filter can be to yield an equivalent Riesz basis of are that there
implemented very efficiently using a simple combination of exist two strictly positive constants and such that
causal and anticausal recursive filters [131], [132]. , where is the Fourier trans-
The interpolating signal that results from this form of [9]. The most important types of basis functions
process is are summarized in Table 1. Note that the orthogonalized
version plays a special role in the theory of the
wavelet transform [81]; it is commonly represented by the
symbol .
Interestingly, it has been shown that the interpolator
This solution can also be presented in a form closer to the and the orthonormal function associated with many
traditional one [see (1)] families of function spaces (splines, Dubuc–Deslau-
rier [42], etc.) both converge to Shannon’s sinc interpolator
(30) as the order (to be defined in Section IV-B) tends to infinity
[9], [10], [130]. The sinc function is rather special in the
where is the interpolation function given by sense that it is both interpolating and orthonormal, which also
means that it is its own dual.
(31) A few remarks are in order concerning the usefulness of
the various representations; these are applicable not only for
Assuming that is well defined, the interpolating function single resolution schemes but also for wavelet-like represen-
within the space is uniquely defined. has the tations, which offer the same kind of freedom [8]. If one is
remarkable property that it is one at the origin and zero at all only concerned with the signal values at the integers, then
other integers. The interpolator for the space of cubic splines the so-called cardinal representation is the most adequate;
is shown in Fig. 6. It is rather similar to the sinc function, here, the knowledge of the underlying basis function is only
which is shown by the dotted line; for more details, refer to necessary when one wishes to discretize some continuous
[10]. signal-processing operator (an example being the derivative)
A slight modification of the scheme allows for the repre- [122]. If, on the other hand, one wishes to perform computa-
sentation of signals in terms of samples shifted by some fixed tion involving values in between samples, one has advantage
amount [60]. Walter has developed a similar representa- of using an expansion formula as in (9) where the basis func-
tion in the more constrained setting of the wavelet transform tions have minimal support (e.g., B-splines). This is espe-
[141]. cially true in higher dimensions where the cost of prefiltering
is negligible in comparison to the computation of the expan-
E. Equivalent Basis Functions sion formula. More details on the computational issues can
So far, we have encountered three types of basis functions: be found in [120]. From the point of view of computation,
the Shannon model has a serious handicap because there are
the generic ones ( ), the duals ( ), and the interpolating ones
no band-limited functions that are compactly supported—a
( ). In fact, it is possible to construct many others using
equivalent generating functions of the form consequence of the Paley–Wiener theorem [117]. The use of
windowed or truncated sinc functions is not recommended
(32) because these fail to satisfy the partition of unity; this has
the disturbing consequence that the reconstruction error will


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Table 1 where is specified as in (25). By construction, this func-
Primary Types of Equivalent
tion is biorthogonal to (i.e.,
Generating Functions with Their Specific Properties ). The oblique projection operator (24) may therefore be
written in a form similar to (18)

Formally, this is equivalent to

where we have now identified the projection kernel


Because we are dealing with a projection operator, we can

not vanish as the sampling step tends to zero (cf., Appendix write the identity
Another interesting aspect is the time-frequency localiza-
tion of the basis functions. B-splines are close to optimal (38)
because they converge to Gaussians as the order increases; which is the same as (34), except that the projection kernel
for (cubic splines), their time-frequency bandwidth may be different from . Note that it is the in-
product (TFBP) is already within 1% of the limit specified clusion constraint (33) that specifies the reprodcuing kernel
by the uncertainty principle [129]. Furthermore, by using this in a unique fashion. The requirement
type of basis function in a wavelet decomposition (see Sec- is equivalent to the condition or ,
tion V-A), it is possible to trade one type of resolution for the which implies that . Thus, the repro-
other [31], [129]. This is simply because the TFBP remains ducing kernel corresponds to the orthogonal projec-
a constant irrespective of the scale of the basis function. tion.
F. Sampling and Reproducing Kernel Hilbert Spaces G. Extension to Higher Dimensions
We now establish the connection between what has been All results that have been presented carry over directly for
presented so far and Yao and Nashed’s general formulation of the representation of multidimensional signals (or images)
sampling using reproducing kernel Hilbert spaces (RKHS’s) , provided that the sampling is performed on
[87], [148]. the cartesian grid . This generalization holds be-
Definition: A closed vector space is an RKHS with cause our basic mathematical tool, Poisson’s summation for-
reproducing kernel if and only if mula , remains valid in
(33) dimensions. Thus, we can extend all formulas presented so
far by considering the multidimensional time (or space) and
and frequency variables and
, and by replacing simple summations
and integrals by multiple ones.
In practice, one often uses separable generating functions
(34) of the form

The reproducing kernel for a given Hilbert space is

unique; is is also symmetric . For the
shift-invariant space specified by (9), it is given by This greatly simplifies the implementation because all fil-
(35) tering operations are separable. Another advantage of sep-
arability is that the one-dimensional Riesz basis condition is
equivalent to the multidimensional one. The dual functions
where is the dual of , as defined in Section III-B. remain separable as well.
The concept can be generalized slightly by introducing the
notion of a projection kernel. We now show how these can be IV. CONTROLLING THE APPROXIMATION ERROR
constructed with the help of Theorem 2. We set and
The projection interpretation of the sampling process that
select a such that the invertibility condition in Theorem 2
has just been presented has one big advantage: it does not re-
is satisfied. We can define the equivalent analysis function
quire the band-limited hypothesis and is applicable for any
(36) function . Of course, perfect reconstruction is generally
not possible when . It is therefore crucial to


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get a good handle on the approximation error. In the clas- Our goal is now to determine the dependence of the ap-
sical scheme with ideal anti-aliasing filtering, the error is en- proximation error on the sam-
tirely due to the out-of-band portion of the signal; its magni- pling step . Since the initial starting point of the signal with
tude can be estimated simply by integrating the portion of the respect to the origin is arbitrary, we may as well consider an
spectrum above the Nyquist frequency [22], [142]. For more averaged version of the error over all shifts of the input signal
general spline-like spaces , the situation is more com- , where is the displacement with respect to the sam-
plicated. One possibility is to turn to approximation theory pling grid. A remarkable fact is that this error measure can
and to make use of the general error bounds that have been be computed exactly by simple integration in the frequency
derived for similar problems, especially in connection with domain (see [19, Theorem 2])
the finite element method [38]–[41], [73], [113]. Specialized
error bounds have also been worked out for quasi-interpola-
tion, which is an approximate form of interpolation without
any prefilter [40], [74], [109], [110]. Unfortunately, these (41)
results are mostly qualitative and not suitable for a precise
determination of the approximation error. This has led re- Here, is the Fourier transform of the signal to approxi-
searchers in signal processing, who wanted a simple way to mate and is the error kernel given by
determine the critical sampling step, to develop an accurate
error estimation technique which is entirely Fourier-based
[20], [21]. This recent method is easy to apply in practice and
yet powerful enough to recover most classical error bounds; (42)
it will be described next.
where and are the Fourier transform of and
The key parameter for controlling the approximation error
, respectively. This result allows us to predict the general
is the sampling step . We therefore consider the rescaled
error behavior of an algorithm by simple examination of the
signal space
function .
In the least squares case (see Section III-B), the error
kernel reduces to

(39) (43)

where the basis functions are dilated by a factor of

and shifted by the same amount (sampling step). For a which is consistent with the fact that the orthog-
given input signal , the interesting question is then onal projection minimizes the approximation error in
to determine the approximation error when the ’s in . For the standard Shannon paradigm, which uses
(39) are obtained using one of the above algorithms (in ideal analysis and reconstruction filters, we find that
Section III-B–D). In this way, we will be able to select a ; this confirms the fact that
critical sampling step such that the approximation the approximation error is entirely due to the out-of-band
error is below some acceptable threshold. The premise is portion of the signal.
that the error should decrease and eventually vanish as the Even though is an average measure of the error,
sampling step gets smaller; as mentioned before, this is it turns out to be an excellent predictor of the true error
possible only if satisfies the partition of unity condition. . This is a direct consequence of
the following approximation theorem.
A. Calculating the Error in the Frequency Domain Theorem 3 [19]: The -approximation error of the op-
erator defined by can be written as
Let denote a linear approximation operator with sam-
pling step . The most general mathematical description of
a -shift-invariant4 approximation operator in is

where is a correction term negligible under most cir-

(40) cumstances. Specifically, if (Sobolev space of order
) with , then where is some
where is a suitable analysis function (or distribution). This known constant. Moreover, , provided that is ban-
corresponds to the general sampling system described in dlimited to (Nyquist frequency).
Fig. 2 and includes all the algorithms described so far. Thus, the estimate accounts for the dominant part
of the true error , while is merely a perturba-
4Our definition of -shift-invariance is that f
T 8 2
L ; Q f (x f 0
kT )g= Q f g( 0
f x kT )
. In other words, Q commutes with the shift tion. This latter correction, which may be positive or neg-
operator by integer multiples of T . ative, is guaranteed to vanish provided that is bandlimited


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or at least sufficiently smooth to have derivatives
in the -sense (i.e., ). In the latter case, the error
can be made arbitrarily small by selecting a sampling step
sufficiently small with respect to the smoothess scale of as
measured by , the norm of its th derivative.
Thanks to (41) and Theorem 3, the approximation problem
has thus been recast in a framework that is reminiscent of
filter design and that should be familiar to a signal-processing

B. Approximation Order
In light of Theorem 3, the minimum requirement for the
error to vanish as is , a condition that
implies the partition of unity (see Appendix B). More gen-
erally, we can predict the rate of decay of the approxima-
tion error from the degree of flatness of (or from
its Taylor series) near the origin. Specifically, if
as (because of symmetry all
odd powers of are zero), then a simple asymptotic argu-
Fig. 7. Error kernels for three linear spline sampling methods: 1)
ment on (44) yields interpolation, 2) oblique projection, and 3) orthogonal projection.

without prefiltering, b) sampling with a suboptimal prefilter

as (45) (simple box function), and c) least squares sampling. The
first case corresponds to the standard piecewise linear in-
where we are assuming that so that is fi- terpolation . The second al-
nite. Under the same hypotheses, one can also derive upper gorithm uses the simplest possible analog prefilter—the box
bounds of the error having the same form as the right-hand function, or B-spline of degree 0—combined with the digital
side of (45) but with a larger leading constant, and which are filtering correction described by Theorem 2; its geometrical
valid for all values of [21], [38], [135]. This implies that interpretation is a projection onto the space of linear splines
the error decays globally like . This rate of decay is perpendicular to the space of splines of degree 0. The third
called the order of approximation; it plays a crucial role in optimal algorithm uses the optimal prefilter specified by (20).
wavelet and approximation theory [73], [111], [112], [115]. These error kernels all follow a standard pattern: They
Through the Strang–Fix conditions [113], this order property are close to zero within the Nyquist band and more or less
is equivalent to the reproduction of polynomials of degree constant outside. As expected, the best algorithm is the
. The order parameter determines the approx- third one; in terms of performance, it is the closest to the
imation power of a given function . In wavelet theory, it Shannon paradigm which uses (nonrealizable) ideal filters.
corresponds to the number of vanishing moments of the anal- The oblique projection is only slightly suboptimal. Sampling
ysis wavelet [35], [79], [115]; it also implies that the transfer without analog prefiltering (interpolation) is by far the least
function of the refinement filter in (17) can be factorized as favorable approach. In particular, this method suffers from
. As an example, the B-splines of de- aliasing; this explains why the signal components above the
gree [see (16)] have an order of approximation ; Nyquist frequency contribute twice to the approximation
they are also the shortest and smoothest scaling functions of error: a first time because they cannot be reproduced in
order [125]. , and a second time because of the spectral folding
Relations (41) and (45) provide alternatives to the Nyquist induced by sampling (aliasing).
frequency criterion for selecting the appropriate sampling This comparison clearly emphasizes the importance of
step . The error will not be zero in general, but it can be prefiltering for the suppression of aliasing. Interestingly,
made arbitrarily small without any restriction on . the prefiltering does not need to be optimal—a simple box
function, as in algorithm b), may do. In this particular case,
C. Comparison of Approximation Algorithms the bound constant in (26) is [136]. This
The kernel in (42), or the asymptotic relation (45), can be is another indication that this oblique projector is essentially
the basis for the comparison (or the design) of approxima- equivalent to the least squares solution; both spline algo-
tion/sampling procedures. It is especially interesting to pre- rithms have been used successfully for image resizing with
dict the loss of performance when an approximation algo- arbitrary scale factors [72], [133]. The oblique solution is
rithm such as (30) and (24) is used instead of the optimal generally simpler and faster to implement.
least squares procedure (18). As an example, we concentrate It is also interesting to look at the asymptotic performance
on the case of linear splines. Fig. 7 provides a comparison of these algorithms. Their order of approximation is
of the error kernel for three standard algorithms: a) sampling because they all reproduce linear polynomials [123], [135].


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The leading constant in (45) for linear spline interpolation
is ; this is more than a factor of two
above the projection algorithms b) and c), which both achieve
the smallest possible constant . More
generally, it has been shown that the performances of th
order orthogonal and oblique projectors are asymptotically
equivalent, provided that the analysis and synthesis functions
are biorthogonal and that satisfies the partition of unity
[123]. Under those hypotheses, the leading constant in (45)
is given by


where denotes the th derivative of the Fourier

transform of . A simpler and more direct formula in terms
of the refinement filter is available for wavelets [20].

D. Comparison of Approximation Spaces

Fig. 8. Frequency plot of the error kernels for the least-squares
The other interesting issue that we may address using the spline approximations of degree n = 0; 1; 2; 3. Below the Nyquist
above approximation results is the comparison of approxi- frequency ! =  , the kernels (and therefore the errors) tend to be
smaller for splines of higher degree. The dotted line corresponds to
mation subspaces. Indeed, it is desirable to have some quan- the Shannon solution with ideal low-pass prefilter.
titative criteria for selecting a generating function . In par-
ticular, we would like to identify functions that have good ap-
proximation properties and that are reasonably short to allow
rapid computation. To factor out the effect of the algorithm,
we will base the comparison on the least squares procedure
characterized by the kernel (43).
As a first example, we have plotted the error kernels for
splines of degrees , to in Fig. 8. This graph clearly
shows that, for signals that are predominantly low-pass (i.e.,
with a frequency content within the Nyquist band), the error
tends to be smaller for higher order splines. Of course, the
price to pay for better performance is the larger support of
the basis functions, which may also induce Gibbs oscilla-
tions [63]. As increases, the spline approximation con-
verges to Shannon’s band-limited solution [130]. Since the
convergence happens quite rapidly, there is usually not much
benefit beyond quintic splines.
Based on the knowledge of these kernels, it is easy, using
(41), to predict the behavior of the error as a function of for
some given input function . The corresponding log–log Fig. 9. Approximation error as a function of the sampling step T
plot for the approximation of the Gaussian test function is for the least squares approximation of the function f (x) = e
given in Fig. 9. We observe that a polynomial spline approx- with splines of degree n = 0 to 3.
imation of degree provides an asymptotic decay of 1
20 dB per decade, which is consistent with (45). function [with optimal parameter ], which hap-
The next graph in Fig. 10 provides a performance com- pens to have one less order of approximation. This example
parison of four piecewise cubic polynomial kernels of demonstrates that enforcing the interpolation constraint
same support : a) Keys’ interpolation function [66], [cases a) and b)] is detrimental to overall performance.
which is frequently used for image interpolation, b) a cubic Comparisons of this nature are quite relevant because all
Lagrange-like interpolation [97], c) the cubic B-spline [59], four kernels have the same computational complexity. It thus
[128], and d) the optimal O-Moms function recently derived appears to be more advantageous to use noninterpolating
in [18]. The last three generating functions are of order functions such as the B-splines (if derivatives are required),
and are members of the so-called Moms (maximum or the O-Moms; this is especially true for medical imaging
order minimum support) family; the cubic spline is the applications where quality is a key concern [89], [120].
smoothest member while the O-Moms is the one with the It is only recently that researchers have realized there
smallest asymptotic constant (46), which explains its better may be a lot to gain from relaxing the usual interpolation
performance. The least favorable case is Keys’ interpolating constraint. Keys’ short cubic convolution is still considered


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The wavelet function , which may be represented as
, is designed to generate a
Riesz basis of the difference spaces ; these
are also rescaled versions of each other but their pairwise
intersections are all —in contrast with the ’s, which
are included hierarchically. Since the multiresolution is
dense in (i.e., we can approximate any -function as
closely as we wish by letting the scale go to zero),
it is thus possible to represent any function in
terms of the wavelet expansion


where and are the position and scale indexes, respectively.

This is quite similar to the sampling expansion (18), except
that (47) includes an additional summation over the scale
index . The wavelet expansion works because the analysis
and synthesis wavelets and generate a biorthogonal basis
Fig. 10. Frequency plot of the error kernels for four piecewise of such that [32].
cubic generating functions of equal support: 1) Keys’, 2) While a detailed discussion of wavelets is beyond the
Langrange-like interpolator, 3) cubic B-spline, and 4) cubic scope of this paper, we want to point out that the analysis
tools and mathematics are essentially the same as those used
in the modern formulations of sampling theory. In this sense,
the state-of-the art interpolation method in image processing
wavelets have had a very positive feedback on sampling
[91], [94], but the situation is likely to change. There is
and have contributed to a revival of the subject. The reader
still room for optimization and design work in order to find
who wishes to learn more about wavelets is referred to the
the basis functions that give the best quality for a given
standard texts [35], [79], [115], [139].
computational budget (or support).
B. Generalized (or Multichannel) Sampling
In 1977, Papoulis introduced a powerful extension of
In this section, we briefly mention some related topics Shannon’s sampling theory, showing that a band-limited
(such as wavelets), which can be thought of as variations and signal could be reconstructed exactly from the samples of
extensions of sampling theory. Our intention here is not to the response of linear shift-invariant systems sampled
be exhaustive but rather to bring to the attention of the reader at 1 the reconstruction rate [90]. The main point is
some interesting variations of Shannon’s theory, while pro- that there are many different ways of extracting informa-
viding pointers to the appropriate literature. We have also tion from a signal—a reconstruction is generally possible
tried to give an up-to-date account of the current research in provided there are as many measurements as there are
the field, which is greatly influenced by wavelets. What is es- degrees of freedom in the signal representation. If the
sential to a subject like sampling is the communication taking measurements are performed in a structured manner, then
place between engineering and mathematical communities. the reconstruction process is simplified: for example, in the
One of the places where this has been happening recently is Papoulis framework, it is achieved by multivariate filtering
the International Workshop on Sampling Theory and Appli- [23], [83]. Typical instances of generalized sampling are
cations, held biannually since 1995 [1], [2]. interlaced and derivative sampling [75], [149], both of
For a more classical perspective on sampling, we refer to which are special cases of Papoulis’ formulation. While the
Jerri’s excellent tutorial article, which gives a very compre- generalized sampling concept is relatively straightforward,
hensive view of the subject up to the mid 1970’s [62]. An- the reconstruction is not always feasible because of potential
other useful source of information are the survey articles that instabilities [24], [30], [82].
appeared in the mathematical literature [26], [27], [57]. More recently, Papoulis’ theory has been generalized
in several directions. While still remaining with band-lim-
A. Wavelets ited functions, it was extended for multidimensional, as
In Section II, we have already encountered the scaling well as multicomponent signals [25], [101]. Djokovic and
function , which plays a crucial role in wavelet Vaidyanathan applied similar ideas for the reconstruction of
theory. There, instead of a single space , functions in certain wavelet spaces [44]; they concentrated
one considers a whole ladder of rescaled subspaces on the special cases of interlaced sampling, sampling of a
using the standard function and of its derivative, and reconstruction from local
notation . If satisfies the averages. A further step was taken by Unser and Zerubia
two-scale relation (17), then these spaces are nested and who generalized the approach for a reconstruction in the
form a multiresolution analysis of [80], [81], [85]. space without any constraining hypothesis on the


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input signal [137]. Instead of an exact reconstruction, which usually obtained through an appropriate digital prefiltering
is obviously not possible as soon as , they looked procedure (analysis filterbank) [54], [140], [146]. The
for a solution that is consistent in the sense that it yields the initialization step—or prefiltering—can be avoided for
exact same measurements if it is reinjected into the system. the class of so-called balanced multiwavelets [71], [103].
Their key result is a multivariate extension of the sampling Recently, Selesnick has designed multiscaling functions that
theorem described in Section III-C. The computational are interpolating, orthonormal, and compactly supported
solution takes the form of a multivariate filterbank and [104]; these are the vector counterparts of the interpolating
is compatible with Papoulis’ theory in the special case function in Section III-D. A simultaneous fulfillment of
. These authors also looked at performance issues all these properties is not possible in the scalar case, except
and derived general formulas for the condition number of for the Haar scaling function, as proven by Xia [147].
the system, as well as error bounds for the comparison with Because of the importance of the finite elements in
the least squares solution [136]. Janssen and Kalker carried engineering, the quality of this type of approximation has
out an explicit stability analysis for the particular case of been studied thoroughly by approximation theorists [64],
interlaced sampling with a reconstruction in the space of [73], [111]. In addition, most of the results presented in
piecewise linear splines [61]. Section IV are also available for the multifunction case [19].
Recent applications of generalized sampling include
motion-compensated deinterlacing of televison images [11], D. Frames
[121], and super-resolution [107], [138]. The latter is an The notion of frame, which generalizes that of a basis, was
attempt to reconstruct a higher resolution image from a introduced by Duffin and Schaffer [47]; it plays a crucial
series of lower resolution ones, which are shifted slightly role in nonuniform sampling [12]. A frame is essentially a
with respect to each other. set of functions that span the whole space, but are not nec-
essarily linearly independent [3]. To be more precise, a se-
C. Finite Elements and Multiwavelets quence with constitutes a frame of the
An interesting generalization of (9) is to consider function space if there exist two strictly positive constants
generating functions instead of a single and (frame bounds) such that
one; this corresponds to the finite element—or multi-
wavelet—framework. To obtain a signal representation that (49)
has the same sampling density as before, the multifunctions
are translated by integer multiples of This implies that there is no function (except zero)
that is orthogonal to all frame components simultaneously,
(48) which ensures a complete coverage of the space . The main
difference with the Riesz basis condition (10) is that the
frame definition allows for redundancy: there may be more
In the finite-elements method, the basis functions are typi- template functions than are strictly necessary. In terms of
cally chosen as short as possible and with minimal overlap, sampling, this translates into situations where one has more
to facilitate the inversion of the matrices involved in the nu- measurements (or samples) than the minimum requirement.
merical solution of differential equations [114], [118]. In this This is especially advantageous for reducing noise [119].
area of application, the approximation order of the represen- Practically, the signal reconstruction is obtained from the
tation is the key parameter and the ’s do not need to be solution of an overdetermined system of linear equations
particularly smooth [113]. [92]; see also [34], for an iterative algorithm when is close
In the more recent multiwavelet constructions, the multi- to .
scaling functions satisfy a vector two-scale relation—similar When dealing with frames, the important fact to realize
to (17)—that involves a matrix refinement filter instead of a is that the signal representation in terms of the ’s is gen-
scalar one [4], [45], [51], [56], [116]. One of the primary mo- erally not unique. However, there is one representation (the
tivation for this kind of extension is to enable the construction minimum norm solution) that is especially attractive because
of scaling functions and wavelets that are symmetric (or an- it yields the same type of expansion as a Riesz basis:
tisymmetric), orthonormal, and compactly supported. These where is the so-called dual
are properties that cannot be enforced simultaneously in the frame— is the inverse of the frame operator , defined
conventional wavelet framework, with the notable exception as [3], [47]. In particular, when the
of the Haar basis [33]. frame is tight—i.e., —the operator is a simple
For multiwavelet applications, one of the key issues is renormalization, and one gets
the appropriate determination of the ’s in (48) for
the initial representation of the signal at the finest scale
available—the so-called initialization problem [140], [146].
The situation is very much the same as in the scalar case,
when the generating function is noninterpolating (see which is almost the same formula as (9), except for the nor-
Section III-D). Given the equidistant samples (or mea- malization by . When all vectors have a unit norm, then the
surements) of a signal , the expansion coefficients are factor also gives the redundancy of the frame [34].


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E. Irregular Sampling [36], [37]. The expansion coefficients of the model are then
Irregular or nonuniform sampling constitutes another determined from the solution of a sparse (band-diagonal)
whole area of research that we mention here only briefly to system of equations [37], [43]. One remarkable theoretical
make the connection with what has been presented. There result, which makes the connection with Shannon’s theory,
are essentially two strategies for finding a solution: 1) by is that the method can be used to recover a band-limited
considering the same kind of “shift-invariant” spaces as in function from its nonuniform samples; the key theorem is
the uniform case and by fitting the model to the measure- that the nonuniform polynomial spline interpolant converges
ments or 2) by defining new basis functions (or spaces) that to the band-limited function as the order of the spline goes
are better suited to the nonuniform structure of the problem. to infinity [78].
The two approaches are not incompatible; for instance, one In higher dimensions, the B-spline formalism is no longer
may very well construct nonuniform bases (or even frames) applicable unless the grid is separable. A more general
for any of the shift-invariant spaces . approach is to use radial basis functions [93], which are
1) Irregular Sampling in Shift-Invariant Spaces: The closely related to splines as well [46]. The radial basis
problem that has been studied most extensively is the function model has the form
recovery of a band-limited function from its nonuniform
samples [12], [48], [52], [70], [96], [102]. (51)
A set for which a stable reconstruction is possible for
all is called a set of sampling for . The where the basis functions are centered on the
stability requirement is important because there exist sets sampling points ; they are radially symmetric be-
of samples that uniquely determine a band-limited function cause they depend on the distance only. Typ-
but for which the reconstruction is unstable—this happens, ical examples of radial functions are (membrane
for example, when the samples are all bunched together. spline) and ( even) or (
One of the deepest and most difficult results in this area is odd). This latter choice yields the interpolant whose Lapla-
the Beurling–Landau density theorem [17], [53], [70]. In its cian energy is minimum (thin plate splines) [46]; it is the
simplifed version, the theorem states that all sets of sampling natural variational extension of the cubic splines in multi-
for the space of band-limited functions must have ples dimensions. The expansion coefficients in (51) are de-
a (lower) sampling density —roughly speaking, termined by solving a linear system of equations which ex-
represents the (minimum) average number of samples presses the interpolation constraint [28],
per unit length in . Conversely, if the Beurling density of [84]. Often, the solution includes an additional low-order
the set is , then is a set of sampling for polynomial term that is constrained to be orthogonal to the
, which means that that a perfect reconstruction of a rest of the expansion. Micchelli has proven that the radial
band-limited function from its nonuniform samples in is basis function interpolation problem with an arbitrary set of
possible [17]. Efficient numerical methods for performing sampling points has a unique solution for a relatively wide
such reconstructions are described in [49] and [50]. More class of positive, increasing radial functions [86].
recently, researchers have extended these techniques to the At first sight, the representation (51) looks rather similar
more general wavelet and spline-like spaces [5], [29], to (9) for it also involves the shifts of a single template. How-
[76], [77]. Aldroubi and Gröchenig derived generalized ever, the nature of the basis functions is fundamentally dif-
versions of the Beurling–Landau theorems based on an ferent. In the first case, is an -function that is well
appropriate definition of the sampling density [6]. localized (typically, compactly supported). Practically, this
Specifically, they showed that the condition is gets translated into a sparse and well-conditioned interpo-
necessary to have a set of sampling for the general spaces lation problem. In the second case, is unbounded at
. Conversely, they also proved that the condition infinity and is certainly not in . Thus, the structure of
is sufficient to have a set of sampling for the the interpolation equations is not so favorable, which makes
polynomial splines. The reconstruction can be achieved working with radial basis functions more delicate and much
using the iterative algorithm described in [5]. less efficient computationally. This appears to be the price to
The first paper on irregular sampling in terms of frames pay for their generality.
was [15]. In particular, Benedetto et al. analyzed the role of
the coefficients as sampled values [12], [15]. They also gave
frame sampling theorems for non-band-limited functions, al-
lowing for a quantitative means of measuring aliasing. Fifty years later, Shannon’s sampling theory is still alive
2) Nonuniform Splines and Radial Basis Func- and well. It treats such a fundamental problem, with so many
tions: Another fruitful approach to irregular sampling practical repercussions, that it is simply unavoidable. The
is to use specially tailored basis functions such as the sampling theorem is part of the basic knowledge of every
nonuniform splines [37], [100]. The B-spline formalizm, in engineer involved with digital signals or images. The subject
particular, is well suited for practical applications: the under- is far from being closed and its importance is most likely to
lying B-spline basis functions are compactly supported and grow in the future with the ever-increasing trend of replacing
can be constructed systematically using de Boor’s recursion analog systems by digital ones; typical application areas are


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communications including the Web, sound, television, pho- in Fig. 1(b). The reconstruction is achieved by convolving
tography, multimedia, medical imaging, etc. the sampled signal with the reconstruction function
Recently, sampling has experienced a strong research re-
vival, especially after it was realized that some of mathe- (A.4)
matics developed for wavelets (Riesz bases, projection op-
erators) were the right tools for this problem as well. This In the Fourier transform domain, this gives
has motivated many researchers with different background (A.5)
in engineering (e.g., signal and image processing) and math-
ematics (harmonic analysis, mathematical physics, and ap-
proximation theory) to pick up the subject, and has resulted Thus, as illustrated in Fig. 1(c), we see that a perfect recon-
in a substantial advancement of the field—especially its the- struction is possible if is an ideal low-pass filter [e.g.,
oretical aspects. Many of the results reviewed in this paper ] and for (Nyquist crite-
have a potential for being useful in practice because they rion).
allow for a realistic modeling of the acquisition process and If, on the other hand, is not bandlimited, then the peri-
offer much more flexibility than the traditional band-limited odization of its Fourier transform in (A.5) results in spectral
framework. The newer formulations of sampling tend to give overlap that remains after postfiltering with . This dis-
better practical results because the solutions are designed to tortion, which is generally nonrecoverable, is called aliasing.
be optimal in a well-defined sense (e.g., least squares). B. Sampling and Poisson’s Summation Formula
Last, we believe that the general unifying view of sampling
that has emerged during the past decade is beneficial because The standard form of Poisson’s summation formula is (see
it offers a common framework for understanding—and hope- [117])
fully improving—many techniques that have been tradition-
ally studied by separate communities. Areas that may ben-
efit from these developments are analog-to-digital conver-
sion, signal and image processing, interpolation, computer where denotes the Fourier transform of the continuous
graphics, imaging, finite elements, wavelets, and approxima- time function . The reader is referred to [13], [16],
tion theory. or [65] for a rigorous mathematical treatment.
Considering the function , the Fourier
transform of which is (modulation prop-
APPENDIX A erty), we get
We briefly review two alternative ways of understanding
the basic sampling formulas which are at the heart of
Shannon’s theory. To simplify the argument, we use a This is precisely the discrete-time Fourier transform of the
normalized time scale with a sampling step . sequence with as the frequency variable. The
central term of (A.7) is identical to (A.3), which means
that the -periodic functions and are in fact
A. Sampling and Dirac Distributions
equivalent, even though they have very different interpre-
It is a common engineering practice to model the sam- tations—the former is a discrete-time Fourier transform,
pling process by a multiplication with a sampling sequence while the latter is a continuous-time one.
of Dirac impulses The last step in this formulation is to derive the Fourier
transform of the reconstructed signal

The corresponding sampled signal representation is

Exchanging the order of integration and making the change
of variable , we get

In the Fourier domain, multiplication corresponds to a con-

volution, which yields (A.8)
Together with (A.7), (A.8) is equivalent to (A.5).

where the underlying Fourier transforms are to be taken in NECESSITY AND SUFFICIENCY OF THE PARTITION OF UNITY
the sense of distributions. Thus, the sampling process results Our goal is to find conditions on such that the approx-
in a periodization of the Fourier transform of , as illustrated imation error vanishes as for all (the set


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[144] J. M. Whittaker, “The Fourier theory of the cardinal functions,” in Michael Unser (M’89–SM’94–F’99) received the M.S. (summa cum laude)
Proc. Math. Soc. Edinburgh, vol. 1, 1929, pp. 169–176. and Ph.D. degrees in electrical engineering from the Swiss Federal Institute
[145] A. D. Wyner and S. Shamai, “Introduction to ‘Communication in of Technology in Lausanne (EPFL), Switzerland, in 1981 and 1984, respec-
the presence of noise’ by C.E. Shannon,” Proc. IEEE, vol. 86, pp. tively.
442–446, Feb. 1998. From 1985 to 1997, he was with the Biomedical Engineering and Instru-
[146] X. G. Xia, “A new prefilter design for discrete multiwavelet trans- mentation Program, National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, MD. He is now
forms,” IEEE Trans. Signal Processing, vol. 46, pp. 1558–1570, Professor and Head of the Biomedical Imaging Group at EPFL. His main re-
June 1998. search area is biomedical image processing. He has a strong interest in sam-
[147] X. G. Xia and Z. Zhang, “On sampling theorem, wavelets, and pling theories, multiresolution algorithms, wavelets, and the use of splines
wavelet transforms,” IEEE Trans. Signal Processing, vol. 41, pp. for image processing. He is the author of more than 80 published journal
3524–3535, Dec. 1993. papers in these areas. He serves as regular Chair for the SPIE conference on
[148] K. Yao, “Applications of reproducing kernel Hilbert spaces—Ban- Wavelet Applications in Signal and Image Processing, held annually since
dlimited signal models,” Inform. Control, vol. 11, pp. 429–444, 1993.
1967. Dr. Unser is an Associate Editor for the IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON
[149] J. L. Yen, “On the nonuniform sampling of bandwidth limited sig- MEDICAL IMAGING. He is on the editorial boards of several other journals,
nals,” IRE Trans. Circuit Theory, vol. CT-3, pp. 251–257, 1956. including Signal Processing, IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON IMAGE PROCESSING
(1992–1995), and IEEE SIGNAL PROCESSING LETTERS (1994–1998). He
received the IEEE Signal Processing Society’s 1995 Best Paper Award.


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