Append1 0
Append1 0
Append1 0
Nature of Power Authority to which Extent of Power Delegated Rule or Authority Remarks
No. Power is Delegated if Any
1 2 3 4 5 6
1 2 3 4 5 6
4. Power to make compassionate Director of Printing Full powers in respect of M/o Personnel, Public -
appointment of Son/Daughter/near Groups ‘C’ and ‘D’ posts Grievances and Pension (Deptt.
relative of deceased Government Servant of Personnel and Trainings)’s
in HQ Office and Presses/Branches O.M. No. 14014/6/94-Estt.(D)
dt. 9.10.98 and O.M. No.
14014/18/2000 Estt. (D) dt.
Sl. Nature of Power Authority to which Extent of Power Delegated Rule or Authority Remarks
No. Power is Delegated if any
1 2 3 4 5 6
3. Power to receive report from all Groups Director of Printing Full powers Rule 13 (3) read with GID (2)
B, C & D staff who receive gifts, the below Rule 2 of CCS
value of which exceeds the specified (Conduct) Rules, 1964.
limits from his personal friends having no Head of Office in Dt. Of Full powers in respect of
official dealings with him on occasions Ptg./Press/ Branch. Group-D Government servants.
such as weddings, funerals, etc. etc.
4. Power to receive reports from all Groups Director of Printing Full powers Rule 13 (2) read with GID (2)
B, C & D staff in the Dte. of Ptg. & below Rule 2 of CCS
Press/Branch who receive gifts, the value Head of Office in Dte. of Full powers in respect of (Conduct) Rules, 1964.
of which exceeds the specified limits Printing/ Press/ Branch. Group-D Govt. servants
from his near relative on occasions such
as weddings, anniversaries, funerals or
religious functions when the making of a
gift is in conformity with the prevailing
religious or social practice.
5. Power to receive report from Govt. Director of Printing Full powers Rule 15(2) read with GID (2)
servants of Groups B, C & D staff, a below Rule 2 of CCS
member of whose family is engaged in a Head of Office in Full powers in respect of (Conduct) Rules, 1964.
trade or business or owns or manages an Directorate of Printing/ Group-D Govt. servants
insurance agency or commission agency. Press/Branch.
6. Power to receive intimation and to accord Director of Printing Full powers as Head of Rule 15(4) read with GID (1)
sanction to Groups B, C & D Govt. Dept. below Rule 2 of CCS
servants of Dte. of Ptg./ Presses/ Branches (Conduct) Rules, 1964.
to accept any fee for any work done by
him for any public body or any private
7. Power to receive report from Groups B, C Director of Printing Full powers Rule 16(4)(ii) read with GID
& D Govt. servants in Dte. of Ptg./ (1) below Rule (2) of CCS
Presses/ Branches who is appointed or Dy. Director (Admn.)/ Full powers in respect of the (Conduct) Rules, 1964.
transferred to a post of such nature as Head of Press/ Branch categories of posts for
would involve him in the breach of any which they are appointing
provisions relating to investment, lending authority.
and borrowing as mentioned in sub-rule
(2) or sub-rule (4) of Rule 16 of CCS
(Conduct) Rules, 1964.
8. Power to receive report of full facts of the Dir. Of Printing Full powers Rule 17 read with GID (2)
legal proceedings from Groups B, C & D Dy. Director (Admn.)/ below Rule 2 of CCS
Govt. servants in the Dte. of Ptg./ Presses/ Head of Press/Branch Full powers for the (Conduct) Rules, 1964.
Branches against whom any legal categories of the posts for
proceeding is instituted for the recovery of which he is the appointing
any debt due from him or adjudging him authority.
as an insolvent.
1 2 3 4 5 6
9. Power to receive previous intimation of Director of Printing Full powers Ministry of Home Affairs
transaction and to accord previous Memo. No. 25/11/68-Est. (A),
1. For Group A Officers
sanction for acquisition or disposal of dt. 5.8.1968 received with
immovable property and of movable Ministry of Works & Housing
property exceeding the prescribed limits letter No. I-12/1/71-WSU, dt.
by the officers/ staff of the Directorate of 17.12.71.
Printing, Presses and Branches either in
their own name or in the name of any
member of their family. 2. For Groups B, C & D Rule 18(2) of the CCS
Officers. (Conduct) Rules, 1964.
10. Power to receive reports from Groups B, Director of Printing Full powers Rule 19(2) read with GID (1)
C & D Government servants of the below Rule 2 of CCS
Directorate of Printing/ Presses/ Branches Head of Office in the Full powers in respect of the (Conduct) Rules, 1964.
for vindicating his private character or any Directorate of Ptg./ Press/ staff working in the
act done by him in his private capacity Branch respective units.
and where any action is taken for
vindicating his private character or any act
done by him in private capacity.
Sl. Nature of Power Authority to which Power Extent of Power Delegated Rule or Remarks
No. is Delegated Authority
if any
1 2 3 4 5 6
2. Power to condone breaks in service for Director of Printing. Full powers in respect of G.I. Decision (2) below Rule 3 The exercise
Permanency. persons serving in Dte. of of CCS (TS) Rules, 1965. of this
Printing and Presses & power is subject to
Branches. the condition
in Govt. of India
decision No. 10
Rule 5(2)(a) of
CCS (TS) Rules,
3. Power to terminate the services of a Director of Full powers in respect of Rule 5(1)(a) of CCS (TS)
temporary servant who is not in Printing posts for which he is the Rules, 1965.
permanent service. Head of appointing authority
1 2 3 4 5 6
4. Power to re-open the case of termination Director of Printing In respect of G.I.D. No. (10) below Rule
from services of a temporary Govt. orders passed 5(2) (9) of CCS (TS) Rules,
servant who is not in a permanent service. under Rule 5(1) 1965.
against the
employees under
the Dte. of Ptg.
other than
those whose
authority is
the President.
5. Power to terminate services of temporary Director of Full powers in respect of Rule 6 of CCS (TS) Rules
Govt. servant on account of physical Printing Head posts for which he is the 1965.
unfitness declared by the appropriate of Press/ appointing authority.
Medical Authority. Branch,
6. Power to terminate the services of a Director of Full powers in respect of Rule 7 of CCS (TS) Rules
Government Servant in permanent Ptg. posts for which he is the 1965.
service. Head of appointing authority.
Press/Branch, Deputy
7. Power to issue certificate of satisfactory Director of Full powers in respect of Rule 10 of CCS (TS) Rules
service for the grant of terminal gratuity to Printing posts for which he is the 1965, & proviso to sub-rule (1)
temporary Govt. servants on termination Head of Press/Branch, appointing authority. of Rule (10) of CCS (TS)
of service and to make reduction in the Deputy Rules.
amount of gratuity if service rendered is Director
not held satisfactory. (Admn.)
8. Power to issue certificate of satisfactory Director of Printing/Head Full powers in respect of Rule 11 of CCS (TS) Rules,
service for grant of terminal gratuity of Press/Branch, Dy. Dir. posts for which he is the 1965 and proviso to sub-rule
payable to Govt. servants in Permanent (Admn.) appointing authority. (1) of rule (11) of CCS (TS)
service on termination of service and to Rules, 1965.
make reduction in the amount of gratuity
if service rendered is not held satisfactory.
Sl. Nature of Power Authority to which Extent of Power Delegated Rule or Remarks
No. Power is Delegated Authority
if any
1 2 3 4 5 6
1. Powers to appoint a Government Servant Director of Full powers in respect of FR 9(19) read with appendix
to officiate in a vacant post Printing/ posts to which he has No. 4 of FR & SR Vol. II.
Head of powers to make substantive
Press/ appointments
Director (Administra-
2. Power to dispense with a medical Director of Printing Full powers in the case of FR 10 read with appendix No. Power delegated to
certificate of fitness before appointment to non-gazetted Govt. servants. 4 of FR & SR Vol. II. administrative
Govt. service in individual cases in ministries in
exceptional cases of Public Interest relaxation of FR 10
to authorise drawal
of Pay &
Allowances for a
period not exceeding
two months in r/o
fresh recruits to
Govt. service
without a medical
certificate of
below FR 10 GI OM
F-67(21) – E.V/60
Dt. 19.12.1960.
1 2 3 4 5 6
3. Powers to suspend a lien Director of Printing, Full powers FR 14 read with Appendix No.
Head of Press/Branch, in respect of the 4 of FR & SR Vol. II
Deputy Director (Admn.). posts he is
authorised to
make appoint- ments on
which the lien
is held.
4. Power to transfer a lien Director of Printing, Head Full powers FR 14(B) read with Appendix
of Press/Branch, Deputy provided that he is No. 4 of FR & SR Vol. II.
Director (Admn.). authorised to make
appointments to
both the posts
5. Power to transfer a Govt. servant from one Director of Printing Full powers FR 15 read with Appendix 4 of Note : Except (1)
post to another FR & SR Vol. II on account of
ineffici-ency or
misbehaviour; or
(2) on his written
request, a Govt.
servant shall not be
substantially to, or,
except in a case
covered by Rule 49
appointed to
officiate in, a post
carrying less pay
than the pay on
permanent post on
which he holds a
lien, or would hold
a lien had his lien
not been suspended
under FR 14.
6. Power to fix the pay & allowances of a Director of Printing, Head Full power FR 20 read with Appendix 4 of
Govt. servant treated as on duty. of Press/Branch, Deputy for posts to FR & SR Vol. II.
Director (Admn.) which he has the power to
make a substantive
w.r.t. which
the pay &
allowances of
the Govt.servant
are to be fixed.
7. Power to withhold increments Director of Printing, Head Full powers for the posts for FR 24 read with
of Press/Branch, Deputy which he is the appointing appendix No. 4 of
Director (Admn.) authority FR & SR Vol. II
read with Schedule
to CCS (CC&A)
Rules, 1965.
8. Power to fix the pay of a temporary post if Director of Printing Full powers for the post he FR 40 read with Appendix 4 of
created which will probably be filled by a has power to create that post FR & SR Vol. II.
Govt. servant on temporary basis on
which the pay is to be fixed
9. Power to grant premature increment to a Director of Printing Full powers in respect of FR 27 read with Appendix 4 of
Govt. servant on a time scale of pay. posts (Permanent or FR & SR Vol. II.
Temporary) created under
his own powers & also to
persons appointed to other
posts in the same cadre on
the same scale of pay
created with the
concurrence of the higher
administrative authorities or
the M/o Finance.
10. Power to regulate the pay on reduction Director of Printing, Head Full powers for the post for FR 28
from a higher to a lower grade or post as a of Press/Branch, Deputy which he is the appointing
penalty. Director (Admn.) authority
1 2 3 4 5 6
12. Power to allow Govt. servants to count -do- Full powers for the posts to FR 26 read with Appendix 4 of Note :
extraordinary leave for increments. which he has power to make FR & SR Vol. II. Certificate under
Or a substantive appointment to FR 26(b)(ii) may
Power to issue necessary certificates for the post which the Govt. be issued by the
the above purpose under FR26(b) (ii) servants holds Leave Sanctioning
authority, where no
arrangement is
made in the leave
vacancy and the
Govt. servant
concerned returns
to the same post
after the expiry of
the leave. In all
other cases the
certificate shall be
issued by the
13. Power to reduce the pay of an officiating Director of Printing/Head Full powers for the posts to FR 35 read with Appendix 4 of
Government servant. of Press/Branch, Deputy which he has power to make FR & SR Vol. II.
Director (Admn.) an officiating appointment
to the post concerned.
14. Power to sanction the undertaking of work Director of Printing Full powers upto a FR 46 (b) read with Appendix
for which an honorarium is offered and maximum of Rs. 2500/- in 4 of FR & SR Vol. II.
the grant or acceptance of an honorarium. each case. In the case of
recurring honorarium, this
limit applies to the total of
the recurring payments
made to an individual in a
15. Powers to appoint a Govt. servant to hold -do- Full powers provided he has FR 49 read with Appendix 4 of
temporarily or to officiate in more than the power to appoint Govt. FR & SR Vol. II.
one post & to fix the pay of subsidiary servant permanently to each
posts and the amount of compensatory of the post concerned,
allowance to be drawn. (Note : The Power to grant
additional remuneration in
such cases would be limited
to the maximum of three
16. Power to retain Govt. servant in service -do- Power in case of non- FR 56 (a) read with Appendix
after the age of 60 years gazetted subordinates 4 of FR & SR Vol. II.
provided that extension are
limited to a period of one
year at a time.
17. Power to sanction transfer to foreign Director of Printing Full powers subject to the FR 110 (a) read with Appendix
service in India. conditions laid down in the 4 of FR & SR Vol. II.
S.No. 19 (below) in the case
of non-Gazetted Govt.
18. Power to fix pay in foreign service. -do- Full powers provided that FR 114 read with Appendix 4
(a) The pay in foreign of FR & SR Vol. II.
service shall be subject to
general or special orders of
President regulating terms
of foreign service.
(b) No concession are
sanctioned in addition to
Pay except
(i) Travelling allowance
under the rules of the
foreign employer;
(ii) Payment by the foreign
employer of leave &
pension contribution; and
(iii) Grant of Travelling
allowance under TA rules.
Sl. Nature of Power Authority to which Extent of Power Delegated Rule or Remarks
No. Power is Delegated Authority
if any
1 2 3 4 5 6
1. Power to sanction the undertaking of work Director of Full power upto a maximum S.R. 11 read with Appendix 1
for which a fee is offered and the Printing. of Rs. 3000/- in each case. of FR & SR Vol. II Ministry of
acceptance of a fee. In the case of recurring fee Finance O.M. No. 10(13)-E. III
this limit applies to the total (B)/58, dated 1.1.1963
of the recurring payments reproduced thereunder.
made to an individual in a
2. Power to grant cycle allowance to a post Director of Printing Rs. 30/- p.m. subject to G.O. Order No. (4) below S.R.
duties of which require extensive touring specified conditions. 25.
at or near the headquarters.
3. Power to decide the shortest route of two Director of Printing. Full powers for journeys S.R. 30(b), read with Appendix
or more routes for T.A. within their jurisdiction. 1 of F.R. & S.R. Vol. II.
4. Power to allow mileage allowance to be Director of Printing Full power for journeys S.R. 31 read with Appendix 1
calculated by a route other than the within their jurisdiction, of F.R. & S.R. Vol. II.
shortest or cheapest route. provided that the selection
of such route is in the
interest of Govt.
5. Power to declare that a Govt. servant Head of Office in Full powers. S.R. 40 read with Appendix 1
whose pay does not exceed Rs. 30/- is Directorate of Printing / of F.R. & S.R. Vol. II.
entitled for journeys by Steamer or lowest Press / Branch.
class accommodation only.
6. Power to decide in case of doubt on Director of Printing Full powers. S.R. 42 read with Appendix 1
hardship, the class of steamer of F.R. & S.R. Vol. II.
accommodation to which a Government
servant is entitled.
7. Power to prescribe a Govt. servant Director of Printing. Full powers. S.R. 59 read with Appendix 1
headquarters for the purpose of T.A. of F.R. & S.R. Vol. II.
8. Power to define the limits of a Director of Printing. Full powers. S.R. 60 read with Appendix 1
Government servant sphere of duty for the of F.R. & S.R. Vol. II.
purpose of T.A.
9. Power to decide whether a particular Director of Printing. Full powers. S.R. 62 read with Appendix 1
absence is absence on duty for the purpose of F.R. & S.R. Vol. II.
of T.A. on tour.
10. Power to restrict the frequency and Director of Printing. Full powers. S.R. 63 read with Appendix 1
duration of journey to be made on tour. of F.R. & S.R. Vol. II.
11. Power to grant exemption from the rules Director of Printing. Power upto a limit of 90 S.R. 73 read with item 18 of Sl.
limiting a halt on tour to 30 days. days. No. 26 of Appendix 1 of F.R.
& S.R. Vol. II and Item 2(j) of
Annexure to G.I.M.F. O.M.
19030/1/73-E. IV(B), dated
29.6.1974 reproduced as
G.I.P.(1) below S.R. 73.
12. Power to permit the recovery of the actual Director of Printing. Full powers. S.R. 81(a) read with Appendix
cost of conveying camp equipment, 1 of F.R. & S.R. Vol. II.
horses, camels, motor cars etc.
13. Power to limit the number of conveyances Director of Printing. Full powers. S.R. 81(b) read with Appendix
etc. and the weight of camp equipment 1 of F.R. & S.R. Vol. II.
carried as in rule 81(a) and 81(c).
14. Power to permit the recovery of the actual Director of Printing. Full powers. S.R. 81(c) read with Appendix
cost of conveying camp equipment 1 of F.R. & S.R. Vol. II.
between places connected by road only.
15. Power to permit the recovery of the actual Director of Printing. Full powers. S.R. 91 read with Appendix 1
cost of maintaining camp equip-age of F.R. & S.R. Vol. II.
during a halt at or near headquarters.
16. Power to allow a free passage to a person Director of Printing. Full powers, in the case of S.R. 108 read with Appendix 1
joining a post by sea. persons appointed by them. of F.R. & S.R. Vol. II.
1 2 3 4 5 6
17. Power to extend the time limit of six Director of Printing. Full powers. S.R. 116(b) (iii) read with
months and one month within which the Appendix 1 of F.R. & S.R.
members of the family of a Government Vol. II.
servant may be treated as accompanying
him in individual cases attendant with
special circumstances for the purpose of
T.A. on transfer.
18. Power to prescribe the scale of tents to be Director of Printing. Full powers. S.R. 116(c) (iii) read with
carried at Government expense on Appen-dix 1 of F.R. & S.R. Vol.
transfer. II.
19. Power to sanction halts at hill stations in Director of Printing. Full powers upto a limit of Proviso (a) to S.R. 128 read
excess of 30 days. 90 days. with Appendix 1 of F.R. &
S.R. Vol. II.
20. Power to intimate that a Government Director of Printing. Full powers. Proviso (b) to Rule 128 read
servant who stays at a hill station in with Appendix 1 of F.R. &
excess of 30 days was required to stay on S.R. Vol. II.
duty or permitted to stay during holidays.
21. Power to disallow T.A. for a journey to Director of Printing. Full powers Proviso 2 (i) to Rule 130 —
attend an obligatory examination if the Read with Appendix 1 of F.R.
authority exercising the power consider & S.R. Vol. II.
that the candidate has culpably neglected
the duty of preparing for it.
22. Power to permit recovery of T.A., for a Director of Printing. Power in the case of S.R. 132 read with Appendix 1
journey to attend an examination other Departmental examination. of F.R. & S.R. Vol. II.
than those mentioned in S.R. 130 & 131.
23. Power to sanction T.A. as for a journey on Director of Printing. Full powers in the case of S.R. 135 read with Appendix 1
tour to a Govt. servant who is required non-Gazetted officers only of F.R. & S.R. Vol. II.
while on leave in India, to perform any provided T.A. may not be
public duty at a place other than the one granted for a journey while
where he is spending his leave. proceeding on leave or
while returning from leave.
24. Power to sanction T.A. as on tour to a Director of Printing. Full powers provided that S.R. 135 read with Appendix 1
Govt. servant who proceeds on (regular) T.A. is granted from the of F.R. & S.R. Vol. II.
leave from a tour station and resumes duty place where earned leave is
at an other tour station or who proceeds on spent to the place of tour
Earned Leave from headquarters and limited to that admissible
resumes duty at a tour station after the between Headquarters/
expiry of Earned Leave. Tour station and the other
tour station.
25. Power to sanction T.A. as on tour to a Director of Printing. Full powers provided leave S.R. 135 read with Appendix 1
Govt. servant who proceeds on regular is taken due to reasons of FR & SR Vol. II.
leave while in tour and returns direct to beyond the control of the
Head Quarters on the expiry of leave. Govt. servant such as his
own illness/ or serious
illness/ death in family and
the period of leave is kept to
minimum called for in such
situations. The T.A.
admissible will be that from
the place where leave is
spent or the tour station
from where he proceeds on
leave to headquarters
whichever is less.
26. Power to grant travelling allowance to the Director of Printing. Full powers for the post for S.R. 148 read with Appendix 1
family of a Government servant who die which they are controlling of F.R. & S.R. Vol. II.
while in service. J.D. (A), D.D. (A), Head officer.
of Press/ Branch.
1 2 3 4 5 6
27. Power to allow the actual cost of journey Director of Printing. Full powers. S.R. 160(b) read with
to appear before medical board Appendix 1 of F.R. & S.R.
preliminary to voluntary retirement on Vol. II
invalid pension.
28. Power to decide the rates of travelling Director of Printing. Full powers in the case of S.R. 164 read with Appendix 1
allowance admissible to a Govt. servant or Govt. servant provided that of FR & S.R. Vo. II
a student not already in Govt. service they may not grant daily
deputed to undergo a course of training. allowance for halts at the
training Headquarters.
29. Power to fix amount of hire or charges Director of Printing Full Powers. S.R. 190 (a) & (b) read with
where a Government servant is provided Appendix 1 or FT & SR Vol. II
with means of locomotion at the expense
of the state etc., but pays all the cost of its
use on propulsion.
30. Power to grant travelling allowance or Director of Printing. Full powers. S.R. 190 (a) & (b) read with
actual travelling, hotel and carriage Appendix 1 or FT & SR Vol. II
expenses instead of travelling allowances
to persons not in Government service
attending Commissions of enquiries etc.
or performing public duties in an honorary
capacity, and to declare the grade to which
such persons shall be considered to belong
for purpose of grant of travelling
31. Power to declare who shall be Controlling Director of Printing. Full powers provided that he S.R. 191 read with Appendix 1
Officers. may not declare a of FR & SR Vol. II.
Government servant to be
his own controlling officer.
32. Controlling Officer declared by the (a) Joint Director (Admn.) In respect of Group ‘A’ & Directorate of Printing Memo.
Director of Printing to countersign ‘B’ Officers borne on the No. 16/3/72-B&A, dated
T.A./L.T.C. Bills of the different Establishment of Directorate 2.9.1974.
categories of Officers under the of Printing and Group ‘A’
Directorate of Printing including Officers of the Presses and
Presses/Branches. Branches.
(c ) Head of Press/Branch. Group ‘B’, ‘C’ & ‘D’ Directorate of Printing Memo
employees working in the No. 16/3/72-B&A. dated
respective Unit. 2.9.1974.
33. Power to make rules for the guidance of Director of Printing Full powers. S.R. 195(e) –read with
Controlling Officers. Appendix 1 of FR & SR Vol.
34. Power to permit the calculation of joining Director of Printing. Full powers. S.R. 296 read with Appendix 1
time by a route other than that which of FR & SR Vol. II.
travellers ordinarily use.
35. Power to extend joining time in certain Director of Printing. Full powers. S.R. 302 read with Appendix 1
conditions, within a maximum of 30 days. of FR & SR Vol. II.
Sl. Nature of Power Authority to which Extent of Power Delegated Rule or Remarks
No. Power is Delegated Authority
if any
1 2 3 4 5 6
1. Power to grant regular Leave (Earned Director of Full powers. Rule 3(c) read with First
Leave, LPR, Half Pay Leave, Commuted Printing. Schedule to CCS (Leave)
Leave, Leave not due, Extraordinary Rules, 1972.
Leave, Maternity Leave, Hospital Leave)
Deputy Director (Adminis- Full powers for Group ‘B’ CCP&S Memo No. 10/7/65-
tration) Officers of the Directorate M&I dated the 27-.4-1965.
of Printing where no
substitutes are involved.
Assistant Director Full powers for Group ‘C’ CCP&S Memo No. 7.10.62-
(Establishment) & ‘D’ staff. O&M, dated the 12.12.63
Head of Press/ Branch. Full powers for Group ‘B’ Directorate of Printing Memo
officers & other Supervisory No. 15/7/77-AII, dt. the
staff (Industrial & non- 26.2.1977.
Industrial) under their
respective charge, where no
officiating arrangements
are required.
Assistant Manager Full powers for Group ‘C’ This power is exercisable by AMA &
(Administration)/ Assistant other than Supervisory staff AMT in accordance with the first
Manager (Technical) (Industrial & non- schedule to Rule 3(c) of CCS (Leave)
Industrial)/ Group ‘D’ Staff Rules 1972 provided the Head of
under their respective Press/ Branch as “Appointing
charge, where no officiating Authority” has made the necessary
arrangements are required. delegations in their favour.
2. Power to commute leave retrospectively Same as 1 above Same as 1 above Rule 10 (1) of CCS (Leave)
into leave of different kind due & Rules 1972.
admissible at the time of grant of leave
3. Power to commute retrospectively periods Same as at 1 above Same as at 1 above Rule 32 (6) of CCS (Leave)
of absence without leave into Rules 1972.
extraordinary leave.
4. Power to grant special disability Leave. Director of Printing. Full powers. Rule 3(c) read with first
schedule to CCS (Leave)
Head of Press/Branch, Full powers for the Rules, 1972.
Deputy Director (Adminis- categories of posts for
tration) which they are the
Appointing Authorities.
(b) Assistant Directors/Junior Immediate Supervisor. Full Powers CCP&S Memo No.
Analysts/Hindi Officer/Financial 10/7/62/O&M(i) dated the
Officer/ Senior Analyst/ Deputy Officer under whom they 20.11.1962.
Directors of Headquarters Office. are working.
(c) Joint Director Director of Printing. Full powers. Ministry of Home Affairs OM
No. 6/3/59-Est. (A). dated the
(d) Heads of Presses/Branches. Director of Printing Full power enjoyed by the Directorate of Printing OM No.
Director of Ptg., delegated G-7012/1/73-M&I, dated
to Joint Director (Admn.) 26.10.1974.
1 2 3 4 5 6
(e) All Categories of Staff in Head of Press/ Branch. Full power in respect of Ministry of Home Affairs OM
Presses/Branches. staff in the respective No. 6/3/59-Ests. (A), dated
Offices. 23.12.1959.
(f) Group ‘C’ & ‘D’ Staff of Assistant Manager Full Powers Ministry of Home Affairs OM
Presses/Branches (Administration/Assistant No. 6/3/59-Ests(A) dated
Manager (Technical) 23.12.1959
6. Power to issue order granting cash Same as mentioned at 1 Same as mentioned at 1 Para 3(e) of G.I.D. (1) below
equivalent of Earned Leave at credit of above. above. Rule 39 CCS (Leave) Rules,
Government Servant on the date of 1972.
7. Power to sanction Leave Salary advance. Head of Office in Full power in respect of G.I.D. 1(iv) below Rule 42 of
Directorate of Printing/ himself and the staff CCS (Leave) Rules, 1972.
Press/ Branch working in the respective
8. Power to grant Special Casual Leave: Director of Printing. Full power. Ministry of Home Affairs UO
Dy. No. 105/59-Ests (A), dated
(a) For participation to tournament Deputy Director (Adminis- the 15.3.1959.
etc. to the employees of the tration)
Presses/ Branches. Directorate of Printing Memo
No. G-17012/1/73 – M&I dt.
(b) For vasectomy operation. the 7.6.1973.
(c) To office bearers of Union/
associations for attending
meeting/conferences etc.
connected with Union/
association activities.
Sl. Nature of Power Authority to which the Extent of Power Delegated Rule or Remarks
No. Power is Delegated Authority
if any
1 2 3 4 5 6
1. Power to sanction temporary advance Head of Office in the Dte. Full power in respect of Fifth Schedule to the GPF
from the General Provident Fund under of Printing and Head of staff working in respective Rules read with Rule 222 of
Rule 12(1). Press/ Branch. offices, including those on GFR 1963.
deputation from other
3. Power to order the recovery of the amount Head of Office in Full power in respect of the Rule 14 of GPF Rules.
of advance if found to have been utilised Directorate of Ptg./ Press/ staff working in the working
for a purpose other than that for which Branch in the respective offices
sanction was given to the drawal of including those on
money under Rule 12(1). deputation from other Press/
1 2 3 4 5 6
4. Power to order the recovery of the amount Director of Printing. Full power. Rule 14 of GPF Rules.
of advance if found to have been utilised
for a purpose other than that for which Head of Press/ Branch. Full power in respect of the
sanction was given to the drawal of staff working in the
money under Rule 12(2). respective office including
those on deputation from
other Press/Branch.
5. Power to sanction withdrawal from the *Director of Printing. Full power. Rule 15(1) read with Rule *Same remarks as
General Provident Fund. 16(1) of GPF Rules. against S.No. 2
Head of Press/ Branch Full power in respect of the above.
staff working in the
respective offices including
those on deputation from
other Press/ Branch.
6. Power to order the recovery of the amount Director of Printing. Full power. Rule 16(2) of GPF Rules.
of withdrawal from the subscriber who
has been permitted to withdraw money Head of Press/ Branch Full power in respect of the
from the fund under Rule 15, if he fails to staff working in the
satisfy the sanctioning authority, within respective offices including
the reasonable period as may be specified those on deputation from
by the sanctioning authority, that the other Press/ Branch.
money has not been utilised for the
purpose other than that for which sanction
was given to the drawal of money.
7. Power to allow conversion of an advance Director of Printing. Full power. Rule 16-A of GPF Rules.
from the fund into withdrawal.
Head of Press/ Branch Full power in respect of the
staff working in the
respective offices including
those on deputation from
other Press/ Branch.
8. Power to sanction withdrawal from the Director of Printing. Full power. Rule 17 read with Rule 18 of
GPF for payment towards Insurance GPF Rule Applies only to
Policies. financing of Insurance Policies
Head of Press/ Branch Full power in respect of the to subscriber who before
staff working in the 17.12.60 have been subscribing
respective offices including in whole or in part payment
those on deputation from towards policies of Life
other Press/ Branch. Insurance from subscriptions to
the fund or making withdrawal
from the fund for such
9. Power to order recovery of the amount Director of Printing. Full power. Rule 29 of GPF Rules.
withdrawn from the fund under clause (a)
or clause (b) of Rule 17. If the sanctioning Head of Press/ Branch Full power in respect of the
Authority is satisfied that the amount has staff working in the
been utilised for a purpose other than that respective offices including
for which sanction was given to the those on deputation from
withdrawal of the money. other Press/ Branch.
Sl. Nature of Power Authority to which Extent of Power Delegated Rule or Remarks
No. Power is Delegated Authority
if any
1 2 3 4 5 6
1 2 3 4 5 6
2. Power to grant Leave Travel Concession Deputy Director Full power for the posts for Para 2 of L.T.C. Rules.
to Central Govt. servants and their (Administration) Head of which they are the
families to visit Home Town & back and Press/Branch. Controlling Officers for
grant of advance thereof. purposes of T.A.
3. Power to relax the time limit of six Director of Printing. Full power in special cases. Government of India Ministry
months for completion of return journey. of Home Affairs M. No.
43/3/68-Estt.(A), dated
19.7.1968 reproduced as Note
Below G.I.D. (2) under Para
1(1) of L.T.C. Rules.
4. Power to authorise change in Home Town Director of Printing. Full power. Para 1(4) of L.T.C. Rules.
(not more than once during the service of
a Government servant in exceptional Joint Director (Adminis- Full power except in his Item 19 & 20 of Annexure to
circumstances) tration). own case and the case of Ministry of Works & Housing
Joint Director (Tech.). letter No. O-16021/ 1/73-Ptg.,
dt. 3.11.73.
1 2 3 4 5 6
5. Power to relax:
(a) Production of cash receipts Director of Printing. Full power.
(b) Condition of prior intimation to
Joint Director (Adminis- Full power for the post for
the controlling officers for L.T.C.
tration). which they are the
G.I.D. (2) below para 2 of
Controlling Officers for the
L.T.C. Rule.
Deputy Director (Adminis- purpose of T.A. This power
tration). can be exercised only in
really deserving cases on
Head of Press/Branch. merit.
Sl. Nature of Power Authority to which Extent of Power Delegated Rule or Remarks
No. Power is Delegated Authority
if any
1 2 3 4 5 6
1. Power to issue Certificate for drawal of *Head of Office in case of Full power except in his Govt. of India Ministry of *In case the Head
Children Education Allowance to all Directorate of Ptg. or own case in respect of the Finance Memo No. of Office is himself
Government Servants. Presses/Branches provided officers of the respective 12017/1/97 Estt. (Allowances) the claimant, the
he himself is not the units. dt. 12.6.1998. Certificate should
claimant. be issued by the
next higher
Sl. Nature of Power Authority to which Extent of Power Delegated Rule or Remarks
No. Power is Delegated Authority
if any
1 2 3 4 5 6
1. Power to verify the claims on account of (a) Drawing and Full power in case of Non- Govt. of India Ministry of
Reimbursement of Tuition fees to all Disbursing Officer in the Gazetted Officers of the Finance OM No. 12017/1/97-
Govt. servants. case of Directorate of respective Units. Estt. (Allowances)
Printing/Press/Branch. dt. 12.6.98
(b) Head of Office* in the Full power except in his -do- *In case the Head
case of Directorate of own case in respect of the of Office is himself
Printing/Press/Branch. Officers of the respective the claimant. The
Units. verification of
claim should be
done by the next
higher authority.
Sl. Nature of Power Authority to which Extent of Power Delegated Rule or Authority Remarks
No. Power is Delegated if any
1 2 3 4 5 6
1 2 3 4 5 6
5. Power to declare an officer ineligible for Director of Printing as Power under rule 22 will be Rule 22 read with Rule 18(v)
allotment of residence for all or any of the defined in the allotment exercised by Director of of Allotment of Govt.
actions committed under breach of rules. rules. Printing /Joint Director Residence Rules, 1972.
Administration in
consultation with the
Ministry of UD&PA
6 Power to permit, in special case, an officer Director of Printing as Power under rule 22 will be Rule 22 read with proviso to
to retain a residence beyond the period defined in the allotment exercised by Director of rule 19 of allotment of Govt.
permitted under Rule 9(ii) of allotment rules. Printing /Joint Director Residence Rules, 1972.
Rules, 1972. Administration in
consultation with the
Ministry of UD&PA
Assistant Manager
Provisio to rule 19 of
(Estates) for a period of
Allotment Rules, 1972.
not exceeding 6 months.
7 Power to dispose of cases & issue of Director of Printing as Power under rule 22 will be Rule 22 of Allotment Rules,
sanctions relating to retention of defined in the allotment exercised by Director of 1972.
accommodation in the Press colonies at rules. Printing /Joint Director
concessional rates. Administration in
consultation with the
Ministry of UD&PA.
8 Power to relax all or any of the provisions Director of Printing as Power under rule 22 will be Rule 22 of Allotment Rules
of allotment of Govt. Residence Rules defined in the allotment exercised by Director of 1972.
1972 applicable to Presses. rules. Printing /Joint Director
Administration in
consultation with the
Ministry of UD&PA.
9 Power to exercise power under the Public Assistant Manager
Premises (eviction) of unauthorised (Estates)
occupation Act, 1971.
10 Power to sanction refund of License fee Head of Press/Branch. Full powers Ministry of WH&S
recovered in excess from Govt. servants (Department of Works &
occupying Press Pool accommodation. Housing) letter No. 1/4/68-PII,
dt. the 22.4.68.
Sl. Nature of Power Authority to Extent o Rule or Authority Officers of the Directorate Rule or Authority Remarks
No. whom the Power who are Authorised to for Exercise of
Power is Delegated Exercise the Powers Conferred Power in Col. 6
Delegated on the Director of Printing and
the extent of Power so
Officers Extent of
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
1 2 3 4 5 6
1. Power to sanction pension/family pension. Director of Printing. Full powers. Rule 60(1)(a) of the CCS
(Pension) Rules, 1972.
2. Power to issue certificate of satisfactory Director of Printing. Full powers. Rule 60(1)(b) of the CCS
service for the sanction of full pension. (Pension) Rules, 1972.
3. Power to make reduction in pension if the Director of Printing. Full powers for the posts for Rule 6(1).
service rendered prior to the date of which he is the appointing
retirement of Govt. servants has not been Deputy Director (Admn.) authority.
satisfactory. Head of Press/Branch.
4. Power to withhold or withdraw a pension Director of Printing. Full Powers. Rule 8(b).
or part thereof, whether permanently or for
a specified period, if the pensioner is
convicted of a serious crime or is found Deputy Director (Admn.) Full powers in respect of the
guilty of grave misconduct. Head of Press/Branch. posts for which he is the
appointing authority.
1 2 3 4 5 6
5. Power to allow the period of extraordinary Director of Printing. Full Powers. Proviso to Rule 21 of CCS
leave, granted to a Govt. servant (Pension) Rules, 1972.
(otherwise, than on Medical Certificate) Deputy Director (Admn.) Full powers for the posts for
(a) Due to his inability to join or Head of Press/Branch. which he is the appointing
rejoin duty on account of civil authority.
commotion or
(b) For persuing higher scientific and
technical studies,
to count as qualifying service for pension.
6. Power to declare the period of suspension, Director of Printing. Full Powers. Rule 23 of CCS (Pension)
not held to be wholly unjustified to count Rules, 1972.
for earning pension if so declared at the
time of passing the orders on the Deputy Director (Admn.) Full powers for the posts for
conclusion of the Disciplinary Head of Press/Branch. which he is the appointing
proceedings. authority.
7. Power to permit a Government servant to Director of Printing Full powers. Rule 26 of CCS (Pension)
withdraw resignation in the public interest Rules, 1972.
on satisfying certain specified conditions. Deputy Director (Admn.) Full powers for the posts for
Head of Press/Branch. which he is the appointing
8. Power to commute retrospectively the Director of Printing Full powers. Rule 27(2) of CCS (Pension)
period of absence without leave as Rules, 1972.
Extraordinary Leave. Deputy Director (Admn.) Full powers for the posts for
Head of Press/Branch. which he is the appointing
9. Power to condone interruption in the Director of Printing Full powers. Rule 28 of CCS (Pension)
service of the Government servant for the Rules, 1972.
purpose of pension such interruption not Deputy Director (Admn.) Full powers for the posts for
counting as qualifying service. Head of Press/Branch. which he is the appointing
10. Power to reduce invalid pension if the Director of Printing Full powers. Rule 38(5)(b) of CCS
incapacity has been accelerated or (Pension) Rules, 1972.
aggrevated due to irregular or intemporate Deputy Director (Admn.) Full powers for the posts for
habits. Head of Press/Branch. which he is the appointing
11. Power to allow pension or gratuity or both Director of Printing Full powers. Rule 40(1) of CCS (Pension)
to a Government servant retired Rules, 1972.
compulsorily from service as a penalty. Deputy Director (Admn.) Full powers for the posts for
Head of Press/Branch. which he is the appointing
12. Power to sanction to a Govt. servant who Director of Printing Full powers. Rule 41(1).
is dismissed or removed from service, a
compassionate allowance not exceeding Deputy Director (Admn.) Full powers for the posts for
two/third of pension or gratuity or both Head of Press/Branch. which he is the appointing
which would have been admissible to him authority.
if he had retired on compensation pension.
13. Power to give three months notice in Director of Printing Full powers. Rule 48(1) of CCS (Pension)
writing to a Govt. servant who is required Rules, 1972.
to be retired in the public interest after Deputy Director (Admn.) Full powers for the posts for
completing thirty years’ qualifying Head of Press/Branch. which he is the appointing
service. authority.
14. Power to countersign nomination forms of Head of Office of the Full powers. Rule 53(7)(b) of CCS
Government servants. Directorate/Press/Branch. (Pension) Rules, 1972.
15. Power to revise pension subsequently after Director of Printing Full powers. Proviso to Rule 61(1).
sanction if any clerical error is detected
within a period of two years from the date Deputy Director (Admn.) Full powers for the posts for
of sanction of pension. Head of Press/Branch. which he is the appointing
16. Power to accept Surety Bond in Form 9 Head of Office in the Full powers except in his GID(1) below Rule 76 of CCS
for and on behalf of the President from a Directorate/Press/Branch. own case. In case the Head (Pension) Rules, 1972.
retiring Government servant for any of Office himself is the
Government dues remaining unrealized person retiring the next
and unassessed. higher officer.
Sl. Nature of Power Authority to Extent of Power Rule or Officers of the Rule or Remarks
No. whom the Delegated Authority Directorate who are Authority for
Power is Authorised to Exercise Exercise of
Delegated the Powers Conferred on Power in Col. 6
the Director of Printing
and the Extent of Powers
so Authorised
Officers Extent of
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
6. Power to sanction an advance for the Director of Full powers Rules 191(1) and
purchase of conveyances to all Govt. Printing. except in his 193 of GFR
servants under the administrative own case. 1963.
control of the Directorate of Printing.
7. Power to sanction an advance for the Head of Office Full power Rules 191(2) and
purchase of bicycle to Government in the sexcept in his 195 of GFR,
Servant. Directorate of own case in 1963.
Printing/ respect of the
Press/ Branch. staff in the
respective units.
8. Power to sanction an advance for the Head of Office Full powers in Rule 216 of GFR
purchase of warm clothing to Groups in the respect of the 1963.
‘C’ and ‘D’ Government servants Directorate of staff of
posted at a hill station. Printing/ respective
Press/ Branch. Units.
11. Power to sanction advance of Head of Office -do- Rule 224 of GFR
Travelling Allowance to a retiring in the 1963.
Govt. servant. Directorate of
Press/ Branch.
12. Power to sanction advance to cover Head of Office Full powers upto Rule 231 of GFR
personal travelling expenses to in the 30 days in respect 1963.
Groups A, B, C & D Government Directorate of of staff in
servants proceeding on tour. Printing/ respective Units
Press/ Branch. (except in his
own case)
13. Power to sanction advance to Groups Director of Full powers Rule 235(1) of
A, B, C & D Government servants in Printing. GFR 1963.
connection with Leave Travel
Joint Director Full powers for
(Admin.). the posts for
which he is the
Deputy Director
Head of
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
14. Power to sanction an advance to non- Head of Office Full powers in Rule 236 & 246
Gazetted Govern-ment servants on the in the respect of the of GFR 1963.
eve of an important festival or when Directorate of staff in the
visiting Hill Station as a Member of a Printing/ respective
Govt. sponsored party. Press/ Branch. Units.
15. Power to sanction advance to non- Director of Full powers. Rule 247 of GFR
Gazetted Government servants whose Printing. 1963.
property movable or immovable has
been substantially affected or
damaged in an area which is declared
by the Government to have been
affected by
a natural calamity.
16. Power to sanction advance to a Head of Office Full powers in Rule 255 of GFR
Government servant for departmental in the respect of the 1963.
purposes in connection with a law suit Directorate of staff in the
to which Govt. is a party. Printing/ Press/ respective
Branch. Units.
19. Power to sanction advance in lieu of Head of Office Full powers in Rule 259 of GFR
Leave Salary to Groups A,B,C & D, in the respect of the 1963.
Government servants who proceed on Directorate of staff in the
leave for a period not less than Printing/ respective Units.
30 days. Press/
20. Power to sanction advance to the Director of Full powers Rule 262 of GFR
family of Groups A, B, C & D Govt. Printing. 1963.
servants who die while in service
(whether on duty or on leave, with or Head of Office Full powers in
without pay) to enable the family to in Directorate of respect of staff in
meet its immediate requirements. Printing/Press/ the respective
Branch. Units.
21. Power to sanction advance of Director of Full powers for Rule 265 and
Travelling Allowance to the family of Printing/ the posts for GID No. 1 below
the Govt. servant who die while in Joint Director which he is the Rule ibid of GFR
service to meet, travel expenses (Admn.)/ controlling 1963.
(Note: Admissi-ble only to member of Deputy Director authority.
the family of the deceased Govt. (Admn.)/ Head
servant on behalf of all). of Press/
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
(i) for the purchase of land for the Director of Full powers Ministry of
construction of a house. Printing (in Works &
accordance with Housing OM No.
House Building I/17015/20/76-
Advance Rules). H.III, dt. the
(ii) for the purchase of a new house -do- Full powers Ministry of
or flat from a Public Housing Works &
Agency. Housing OM No.
I/17015/33/ 77-
dt. the 25.8.1977
1. Power to create permanent Director of Full powers in respect Schedule II of Rule — — — Subject to latest orders of
posts. Printing. of posts in Groups ‘C’ 13 of D.F.P.R. Ministry of Finance
& ‘D’ services. 1978.
2. Power to create temporary Director of Full powers in respect Schedule III of — — — Subject to latest orders of
posts. Printing. of posts in Groups ‘C’ Rule 13 of D.F.P.R. Ministry of Finance
& ‘D’ services 1978.
3. Power to appropriation and Director of Full powers subject to Schedule IV of — — — Subject to latest orders of
reappropriation. Printing. Rule 10 of Delegation Rule 13 of D.F.P.R. Ministry of Finance
of Financial Power 1978.
4. Power of incurring of Director of (a) Recurring Rs. Rule 13(3) read 1. Joint (a) Recurring Rule 13(3) red with Rule 26
contingent expenditure Printing. 1,00,000/- per annum with Rule 26 of Director Rs. 1000/- per of DFPR 1978 and Ministry
(General matters) in each case DFPR 1978 and annum in each of W&H letter No.
Subject to the condition Dte. of Printing case. O-16021/1/73- Ptg.,
that for exercise of O.M. No. G- (b) Non-recurring dt. 3.11.1973.
above enhanced 17011/1/2000- Rs. 5000/- in
financial powers beyond B&A(Ptg.) part file each case.
what was available dated 16-3-2005.
under earlier delegation
i.e. Rs. 25,000/-,
consultation with
Financial Advisor, Min.
of U.D. would have to
be made by Heads of
Department as per Min.
of Finance, Deptt. of
Expenditure O.M. No.
1(II)/E.II(A)/2003 dated
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
(3 ) Electric, gas and water Director of Full powers. Rule 13(3) of -do-
charges. Printing. DFPR 1978.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
(c) Wharfage Charges. Director of Full powers Rule 13(3) read 1. Joint Rs. 1000/- Rule 13(3) read -do-
Printing. subject to the with Rule 26 of Director at a time. with Rule 26 of
condi-tion that DFPR 1978. (Admn.) DFPR 1978 and
each case 2. Joint
Ministry of W&H
exceeding Rs. Director
letter No.
1000/- should be (Tech.)
O-16021/1/ 73-
reported to Ptg., dt.
Ministry. 3.11.1973.
(6) Hire of Office furniture, electric fans, Director of Full powers. Rule 13(3) of 1. Joint Rs. 2500/- per Rule 13(3) read Subject to
heaters, coolers, clocks and call bells. Printing. DFPR 1978. Director annum in each with Rule 26 of Rules orders
(Admn.) of Unit of the DFPR 1978 and restrictions or
Directorate Ministry of W&H scale as
2. Joint but not letter No. mentioned in
Director exceeding Rs. O-16021/1/ the Annexure
(Tech.) 500/- at a 73- Ptg., dt. to Schedule V
time. 3.11.1973. of DFPR 1978.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
(a) Fees to Barristers, Advocates, Director of Full powers. Rule 13(3) of Joint Rs. 3,000/- at Rule 13(3) read -do-
Pleaders, Arbitrators and Printing. DFPR 1978. Director a time. with Rule 26 of
Umpires. (Admn.) DFPR. 1978 and
Ministry of W&H
letter No.
O-16021/1/ 73-
Head of the Rs. 2,500/- at a Ptg. dated
Office time 3.11.1973.
(b) Other legal charges. Director of Full powers. a) Law suits of Joint Rs. 2,000/- in Rule 13(3) read -do-
Printing. prosecu-tion Director each case. with Rule 26 of
cases- Full (Admn.) DFPR 1978 and
powers in case Ministry of W&H
of authori-ties letter No.
vested with O-16021/1/
powers to 73- Ptg., dt.
sanction the 3.11.1973.
Head of the Rs. 1,000/- at a Institution of suit
Office time or prosecu-tions,
otherwise Rs.
2500/- in each
b) Arbitration
powers in case of
authorities vested
with powers to
refer cases to
otherwise Rs.
5000/- in each
(8) Motor Vehicles- Maintenance, upkeep Director of Full powers. Rule 13(3) of 1. Joint Rs. 10,000/- Rule 13(3) read Subject to
and repairs. Printing. DFPR 1978. Director at a time for with Rule 26 of Rules, orders
(Admn.) Press/ DFPR 1978 and restrictions or
Branch. Ministry of W&H scale as
2. Joint
letter No. mentioned in
O-16021/1/ the Annexure to
73- Ptg., dt. Schedule V of
3.11.1973. DFPR 1978.
Head of Press/ Rs. 5000/- per Rule 13(3) read - - - -
Branch. annum if spares with Rule 26 of
included DFPR 1978 and
Ministry of
UD&PA’s letter
Rs. 3000/- per
No. G-17011/
Annum if spares
Excluded per
(Ptg.) dated
(9) Municipal rates & taxes. (See also Director of Full powers. Rule 13(3)
Rules in this regard added as Printing. of DFPR 1978.
Appendix to Annexure to Schedule V
of DFPR 1978) Head of Press/ Full powers. Rule 13(3) read
Branch. with Rule 26
of DFPR 1978 and
Ministry of W&H
letter No. 8(9)/56-
SPI dt. 20.3.1957.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
(a) To Govt. owned buildings Director of Rs. 30,000/- in Rule 13(3) of Joint Rs, 10,000/- Rule 13(3) read -do-
including sanitary fittings, water Printing. each case subject DFPR 1978. Director in each case with Rule 26 of
supply and electric installations. to Rule 137, 141 (Admn.)/J subject to DFPR 1978 and
and 142 of GFR D(T.) Rules 137, Ministry of UD’s
1963. 141 & 142 of letter No. G-
GFR 1963. 17012/1/91- Ptg.
dt. 12.11.91.
(b) Ordinary repairs to Govt. Director of Full powers Rule 13(3) of Joint — Rs.15,000/- in Subject to
buildings. Printing. subject to rules DFPR 1978. Director each case subject Rules, orders
137, 141 and 142 (Tech.) to Rules 137, restrictions or
of GFR 1963. 141, & 142 of scale as
GFR 1963. mentioned in
Head of the Rs. 7,500/- in
the Annexure
Office each case
to Schedule V
of DFPR 1978.
(c) Repairs and alterations to hired Director of Rs. 30,000/- per Rule 13(3) of — -do- -do-
and requisitioned buildings. Printing. annum non- DFPR 1978.
recurring and Rs.
6,000/- per
annum recurring.
(d) Power to accord administrative Director of Rs. 30,000/- Rule 13(3) read -do-
approval to works required to Printing. with Rule 26 of
meet needs of the Presses and DFPR 1978 and
Branches. Ministry of W&H
letter No.
73- Ptg. dt.
(11) Postal & Telegraph charges. (Charges Director of Full powers. Rule 13(3) of Joint Full Power -do-
for the issue of Letters, Telegrams etc.) Printing. DFPR Director
1978. (Admn.)
(12) Publications:
(a) Official & Director of Full powers. Rule 13(3) of Joint Rs. 2,500/- at Rule 13(3) read -do-
Printing. DFPR 1978. Director a time. with Rule 26 of
(b) Non-Official publications.
(Admn.) DFPR 1978 and
Ministry of W&H
letter No.
73- Ptg. dt.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
(13) Staff paid from contingencies Director of Full powers. Rule 13(3) of — — — -do-
Printing. DFPR 1978.
(14) (a) Local Purchase of petty stationery Director of Rs. 40,000/- per Rule 13(3) read Joint Rs. 10,000/- Rule 13(3) read -do-
stores. Printing. annum. with Rule 26 of Director per annum. with Rule 26 of
DFPR 1978. (Admn.) DFPR 1978 and
M/o UD’s letter
No. G-
17012/1/91- Ptg.
Dt. 12.11.91.
(b) Local purchase of rubber stamps Director of Full powers. Rule 13(3) of JD(A) Rs.3,000/ per Rule 13(3) read -do-
and office seals. Printing. DFPR 1978. annum. with rule 26 of
DFPR 1978 and
M/o UD’s letter
Head of Press/ Rs. 250/- in each Rule 13(3) and No. G-
Branch. case, subject to Rule 26 of DFPR 17012/1/91
annual ceiling of 1978 and M/o Ptg. Dt. 12.11.91.
Rs. 2000/- UD&PA’s letter
No. G-17011/
(Printing) dated
(15) Stores:
(a) Stores required for the working of Director of Full powers. Rule 13(3) of Joint Rs. 50,000/- Rule 13(3) read -do-
an Establishment’s instruments, Printing. DFPR 1978. Director at a time. with Rule 26 of
equipment and apparatus (e.g. (Admn.). DFPR 1978 and
consumable stores). Vide OM No. O-
Joint Rs. 17034/12/2004-
Director 7,50,000/- Pub. (B&A)
(Tech.). at a time for dt. 13.7.05.
each item.
(b) Petty Plants. Head of Press. Rs. 1,000/- in Rule 13(3) read Joint Rs, 5,000/- in Rule 13(3) read Subject to
each case subject with Rule 26 of Director each case. with Rule 26 of Rules, orders
to an annual DFPR 1978 and (Tech.) DFPR 1978 and restrictions or
ceiling of Ministry of W&H Ministry of W&H scale as
Rs.4,000/- letter No. A- letter No. mentioned in
36016/2/75- Ptg., 36016/2/75- Ptg. the Annexure to
dated 16.10.1976. dated 10.8.1976. Schedule V of
DFPR 1978.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
(c) Spare Parts. Director of Rs, 2,00,000/- in Rule 13(3) read Joint Rs.1,00,000/- Rule 13(3) read -do-
Printing. each case. with Rule 26 of Director (Rs. One Lakhwith rule 26 of
DFPR 1978 and (Tech.) only) in each DFPR 1978 and
M/o UD&PA’s case. Vide OM No. O-
letter No. G- 17034/12/2004-
17012/1/91- Ptg. Pub. (B&A)
dt. 12.11.91. dt. 13.7.05.
Head of Press. Rs. 50,000/- Rule 13(3) read — — — -do-
(fifty thousand with rule 26 of
only) in each DFPR 1978 and
case. Vide OM No.
Pub. (B&A)
dt. 13.7.05.
(16) Supply of Uniforms, badges and other Director of Full powers. Rule 13(3) of — — — -do-
articles of clothing etc. and washing Printing. DFPR 1978.
Head of Press/ Full powers Rule 13(3) read
Branch. subject to the with Rule 26 of
general DFPR 1978 and
conditions laid Ministry of W&H — — — -do-
down under letter No. 18(5)
specific orders 60S&PI, dated
of the Gov- 15.9.1960.
(17) Telephone charges; viz. Provision of Director of Full powers. Rule 13(3) of (Where sanction for such installation has Subject to
telephones in Offices; shifting of Printing. DFPR 1978. been given to the Ministry) and installation Rules, orders
telephones from the residence of one of connections under Auto Inter connection restrictions or
Officer to the residence of another Telephone System or any other similar scale as
Officer entitled to residen-tial system. mentioned in
telephones. the Annexure
to Schedule V
of DFPR 1978.
(18) (a) Purchase, hire upkeep and repairs of Director of Full powers. Rule 13(3) of Joint Rs. 5,000/- at Rule 13(3) read Subject to the
office equipment including type- Printing. DFPR 1978 as Director a time. with rule 26 of observance of
writers, inter-com equipments, modified by the (Admn.). DFPR 1978 and the procedure
calculators, Electronic, Stencil Ministry of Ministry of W&H laid down in
cutter, Dictaphones, Taperecorders, Finance (Depart- letter No. O- M of F OM
Photocopying machines, franking ment of Expendi- 16021/1/73- Ptg. No. F.1(5)EII
machines, addressographs, filling ture) OM No. dated 3.11.1973. (A)/77 dt.
and in-dexing system etc. excluding F.1(5)-EII(A)/77, 30.6.78.
computers of all kinds. dated 30.6.78.
(b) Hire of Office equipment Head of Office Rs. 500/- in each Schedule V to -do-
including, typewriters, calculators of the case (Hiring to DFPR 1978 (for
etc. Directorate of be limited to a limit of expendi-
Printing/ Press/ period not ture) read with
Branch. exceeding two M/o UD& PA’s
months. letter No. G-17011
(Ptg.) dt. 2.8.2000.
(c) Upkeep and repairs to office 1. Head of Rs. 200/- in each Schedule V of -do-
equipment including typewriters, Office of case. DFPR 1978 for
calculators, etc. the Direct- limit of
orate of expenditure.
Rule 13(3) read
with Rule 26 of
2. Head of Rs. 1,000/- per
DFPR 1978 and
Press/ annum.
M/o UD&PA’s
letter No.
(Ptg.) dt. 2.8.2000.
(d) Upkeep and repairs of Bicycles. 1. Head of Rs. 200/- in each Schedule V of -do-
Office of case. Rs. 500/- DFPR 1978 for
the Direct- per annum. limit of
orate of expenditure.
- do - -do-
2. Head of
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
(e) Computer including personal Director of Rs. 1 lakh Rule 13(3) -do-
computer Printing Read with Rule 26
of DFPR 1978 -do-
(f) Hire and maintenance of computer Director of Full power -do-
(19) Purchase of Printing machinery and Director of Rs. 2,00,000/- Rule 13(3) read Joint Rs. 25,000/- Ministry of UD’s Subject to the
allied equipment for Printing Press. Printing. per item at a with Director in each case. letter No. G- obser-vance of
time. Rule 26 of DFPR (Tech- 17012/1/91 Ptg. the procedure
1978 and M/o UD’s nical) dt. 12.11.91. laid down in
letter No. Ministry of
G-17012/ Finance OM
1/91 Ptg. dt. No. F.1(5)-
12.11.91. EII(A)/77, dt.
Head of Press. Rs. 10,000/- in Rule 13(3) read - - - -do-
each case. with Rule 26 of
DFPR 1978 and
M/o UD’s letter
No. G-17012/1/91
Ptg. dt. 12.11.91.
(20) Repairs to and removal of machinery. Director of Full powers. Rule 13(3) read Joint Rs. 25,000/- Rule 13(3) read -do-
Printing. with Rule 26 of Director (Twenty five with Rule 26 of
DFPR 1978 and (Admn.) thousand) in DFPR 1978 and
Ministry of W&H each case. Vide OM No. O-
letter No. 17034/12/2004-
Joint Rs. 1,00,000/-
O-16021/1/ Pub. (B&A)
Director (One lakh) in
73- Ptg., dt. dt. 13.7.05.
(Tech.) each case.
Head of Press. Rs. 50,000/- in Rule 13(3) read
each case. with Rule 26 of
DFPR 1978 and
Vide OM No. O-
Pub. (B&A)
dt. 13.7.05.
(21) Re-Rubberisation of Rollers of Printing Head of Press. Rs. 50,000/- in Rule 13(3) read - - - Subject to the
Machines. each case. with Rule 26 of observ-ance of
DFPR 1978 and the procedure
Ministry of W&H laid down in
letter No. Ministry of
A-36016/2/ Finance OM
75- Ptg., dt. No. F.1(5)-EII
14.8.1978. (A)/77, dated
(22) Hot and cold weather charges. Head of Simla Rs. 2 lakhs per Rule 13(3) read - - - -do-
Press annum. with rule 26 of
DFPR 1978 and
Ministry of W&H
letter No. A-
36016/3/75- Ptg.,
dt. 24/ 28.12.1976.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
(23) Transportation Contract. Director of 1. Annual rate Rule 13(3) read Joint Rs. 50,000/- Rule 13(3) read -do
Printing. contracts upto with Director with
the value of Rs. Rule 26 of DFPR (Tech.) Rule 26 of DFPR
1,00,000/- for 1978 and M/o UD’s 1978 and M/o
each Press. letter No. UD’s letter No.
G-17012/ G-17012/
1/91 Ptg. dt. 1/91 Ptg. dt.
12.11.91. 12.11.91.
2. Short term
contract upto Rs.
50,000/- (per
ann- um) For
each Press only
in absence of
annual transport
(24) (i) Disposal of waste paper Director of Full powers. Rule 13(3) read Joint Rs. 3,00,000/- Rule 13(3) read -do-
by annual contract. Printing. with Rule 26 of Director provided the rate is with Rule 26 of
DFPR 1978 and (Tech.) not lower than the last DFPR 1978 and
Ministry of W&H rate. Ministry of UD’s
letter No. letter No.
O-16021/ 1/73- G-17012/
Ptg., dated 1/91- Ptg. dt.
3.11.1973. 12.11.91.
Head of Press. Rs. 2,50,000/- Rule 13(3) read - - - Subject to
subject to the with Rule 26 of Rules, orders
condition that DFPR 1978 and restrictions or
where the rate M/o UD’s scale as
received is lower letter No. G- mentioned in
by more than 10% 17012/1/ the Annexure
of the previous 91 Ptg. dt. to Schedule V
year’s rate, the 12.11.91. of DFPR 1978.
case should be
referred to the
(ii) Short term contract (in the Director of Full powers. — Joint Rs.2,00,000/- (Two — Vide OM No.
absence of regular annual Printing. Director lakh only) where O-17034/12/
contract for a limited (Tech.) disposal is to be made 2004- Pub.
period or due to breach in at a rate lower than (B&A)
the annual contract) last year’s rate dt. 13.7.05.
specific approval of
Director of Printing
must be taken
explaining the specific
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
(26) Declaration of stores and Authority Rule 13(3) read Joint Rs. 5,000/- in Rule 13(3) read -do-
Machinery as obsolete surplus or un- competent to with Rule 26 of Director. each case. with Rule 26 of
serviceable and disposal thereof purchase a store DFPR 1978 M/o DFPR 1978 M/o
(Regarding the need for separate write shall be UD’s letter No. UD’s letter No.
off in these cases please refer to G.I.D. competent to G-17012/1/ G-17012/1/
No. 2 below Rule 124 of GFR 1963). declare the store 91-Ptg. dt. 91-Ptg. dt.
as obsolete/ 12.11.91. 12.11.91.
serviceable for
the purpose.
2. Write off of loss of irrecoverable Director of Rs. 10,000/- in Schedule VII of — — -do- —
losses and advances. Printing. each case. Rule 13 of
DFPR 1978.
Sl. Nature of power Authority to which Extent of power delegated Rule or Authority Remarks
No. power is delegated if any
1 2 3 4 5 6
1. Power to authenticate orders and other (a) Director of Printing. Authentication (Order &
instruments made and executed in the other instruments) Rules
name of the President. 1958 as amended vide M/o
Home Affairs Notification
No. SO 2297. dt. 3.11.1958.
1 2 3 4 5 6
8. Pledge and release of Postal Savings Gazetted Officers of Ministry of Law (Deptt. of
Certificates and Post Office Savings Bank Central Govt. who for due Legal Affairs) Notification No.
Accounts as security. performances of their G.S.R. 585, dated 1.2.1966.
duties are required to
accept & release securities.
11. Execution of contracts and instruments Director of Printing. Ministry of Law, Justice &
relating to purchase and supply of Joint Director (Tech.) Company Affairs (Deptt. of
materials, stores, equipment and Joint Director (Admn.) Legal Affairs) Notification No.
machinery. Deputy Director (Admn.) GSR (Contracts/ amendment
No. 42) dated 15.5.73.
(a) Relating to the disposal of waste Director of Printing. Ministry of Law, Justice &
papers & miscellaneous unservice- Joint Director (Tech.) Company Affairs (Deptt. of
able stores & purchase of local stores. Deputy Director (Admn.) Legal Affairs) Notification No.
Head of Press concerned, GSR (Contracts/ amendment
(b) For clearance, handling, conveyance Manager, GIFs, Kolkata. No. 42) dated 15.5.73. read
and delivery of consignment and for with Amendment No. 47 dated
supply of labour and transport,. 28.3.74.
16. Execution of all contracts for the repairs, Director of Printing. Ministry of Law, Justice &
periodically inspection and up-keep of Joint Director (Admn.) Company Affairs (Deptt. of
type writers, office equipment and Deputy Director (Admn.) Legal Affairs) Notification
machinery. No. GSR/ Contracts/
No. 42
17. Execution of all contracts and other Head of Press concerned. -do-
instruments relating to the grant of
licences of land, shops, houses and other
immovable property in the Government of
India Press Colony.
1 2 3 4 5 6
20. Execution of contracts for the maintenance Head of Press concerned -do-
of water coolers, khas/tatties, Deputy Director (Admn.)
extermination of white ants; maintenance
of weighing scales and machines, hot and
cold weather arrangements.
21. Undertaking guarantee to the payment of Head of Press concerned Ministry of Law, Justice &
water and electric charges to the Deputy Director (Admn.) Company Affairs (Deptt. of
Municipal Committee/Municipal Legal Affairs) Notification
Corporation/Electricity Boards/Local No. GSR/ Contracts/
licencees/Local Bodies as may be Amendment
concerned, in the case of default, with No. 42
respect to buildings allotted by Govt. on dated
behalf of Govt. servants (including 15.5.1973.
Gazetted officers) employed in the
Government of India Presses, who are, in
occupation of Government
1 2 3 4 5 6
1. Power of signing & verification of plaints Director of Printing; Ministry of Law Justice &
and written statements in suits in any court Joint Director; Company Affairs Notification
of civil jurisdiction by or against the Deputy Director; No. GSR (No. F.16(1)/72-
Central Government. Heads of Govt. of India Judl., dt. 29.6.1973.
Govt. of India Text Books Ministry of Law, Justice &
Presses. Company Affairs Notification
Manager, Govt. of India No. GSRF.16(1)/76- Judl.,
Forms Store, Kolkata. dated the 19.9.1978.
Sl. Nature of Power Authority to whom the Extent of Power Delegated Rule or authority Remarks
No. Power is Delegated if any
1 2 3 4 5 6
(a) Jobs of urgent nature on schedule (1) Director of Printing Full powers. Ministry of Works, Housing
rates. & Supply (Department of
(2) Joint Director Not exceeding Rs. 5,000/- in WH&S) letter No. S&PII-
(Technical) each case. 28/6/53
(3) Deputy Director Not exceeding Rs. 2,000/- in dated 17.10.1962.
(Printing) each case.
(b) Non urgent jobs on schedule rates. (1) Director of Printing. Not exceeding Rs. 500/- in -do-
each case.
(2) Joint Director Not exceeding Rs. 200/- in
(Technical) each case.
(c) Work involving special operative not Director of Printing. Rs. 5,000/- vide Ministry of -do-
covered by schedule rates. W&H Memo No. A-
36016/2/ 75-Ptg., dated
10.8.1976) in each case
provided that if the
operatives are part of the
jobs entrusted under (b)
above the relevant limit will
(d) Work of unremunerative nature. Director of Printing. Not exceeding Rs. 1,500/- in -do-
each case.
(e) Jobs of unusual and special nature (1) Director of Printing Not exceeding Rs. 3,000/- in
given on basis of limit or single tender each case provided the rates -do-
at rates exceeding the schedule rates. do not exceed the Schedule
Rates by more than 50%.
The Powers delegated in respect of the above mentioned items except item at S.No. (a) are subject to an overall limit of Rs. 2.5 lacs (Rupees Two lacs and fifty
thousand) only per year and the monetary limit upto which the power is exerciseable by each individual officer exclusive of the charges for incidental
expenditure such as packing and forwarding charges, railway freight, octroi & cartage.
2. Execution of work on tender basis:
(a) In respect of work awarded on tender basis, the lowest accepted quotation which does not exceed the Schedule Rates by more than 50% may be accepted as
under, without reference to the Ministry of UD&PA Quotations which exceed the Schedule Rates by more than 50% should however, be referred to the Ministry
of Works & Housing before acceptance.
(i) Director of Printing (b) Full powers, provided the quotation does not exceed the Schedule Rates by
more than 50%
(b) Cases not covered by (a) above be referred to Finance Division of the Ministry
Ministry of Works & Housing letter
of UD&PA.
No. A-36016/2/75-Ptg. Dated
(ii) Joint Director (Tech.) Upto Rs. 25,000/- per job, provided the quotation does not exceed the Schedule 10.8.76.
Rates by more than 20%.
(iii) Deputy Director (Printing) Upto Rs. 5,000/- per job, provided the quotation does not exceed Schedule Rates by
and more than 10%.
Manager, GIFS, Kolkata.
Invitation to tenders should be (a) advertised where this course is advantageous to Government or (b) issued to such private presses registered with the
Directorate of Printing as are considered suitable for the particular job to be done as also to such unregistered presses (possessing necessary equipments, etc.), as the
circumstances of the case may justify.
(b) In the case of tenders for jobs the total estimated cost of which does not exceed the Schedule rates, the powers shall be exercised as under:—
(i) Assistant Director, Printing Not exceeding Rs. 200/- in each case. Ministry of Works, Housing &
Supply letter No. S&PII-28/6/53,
(ii) Deputy Director (Printing) Not exceeding Rs. 500/- in each case.
dated 17.10.62.
(iii) Joint Director (Tech.) Not exceeding Rs. 2,000/- in each case.
(iv) Director of Printing. Full powers.
In cases where it is considered necessary to ignore lowest tenders(s) for non-conformity with the specifications laid Ministry of Works, Housing & Supply
down or requirements, the decision may be taken by the Officer competent to accept such tenders if they are otherwise in (Department of WH&S); letter No.
order after recording the facts on the file or of the ‘comparative statement’ the quotation. In all other cases of rejection of a S&PII-28/6/ 53, dated 17.10.1962.
lower tender, the concerned officer should obtain the orders of the next higher officer. The Director of Printing, shall,
however have Full powers within the powers delegated to him under these orders to ignore lower tender(s) for which
reasons should be recorded.
4. Acceptance of tenders from Private Presses inclusive of cost of paper/material used by them from their own stock.
In respect of jobs farmed out on tender basis inclusive of cost of paper/materials (i) where the quantity of paper required is small, and the work is urgent (ii)
where the requisite paper is out of stock and where, it is not possible to await supplies from the Mills, or (iii) where the paper required is of a special variety not
ordinarly stocked and supplied by the Stationery Office, Calcutta, the Powers shall be exercised as under:
1 2 3 4 5 6
Acceptance of tenders from Private Presses (1) Director of Printing. Full powers. Ministry of Works & Housing
inclusive of cost of paper/material letter No. A-36016/
2/75-Ptg., dated 10.8.1976.
5. Power to make deduction from contract-ors (1) Director of Printing. Full powers.
bills for their inability to return the raw
material at rates other than penal rates.
(2) Joint Director Cases in which the value
(Tech.) of the unaccounted for
Ministry of Works,
material does not exceed
Housing & Supply
Rs. 500/- in each case.
(Department of
WH&S) letter No.
(3) Deputy Director Cases in which value of S&PII 28/6/53 dated
(Printing) the unaccounted for 17.10.1962.
material does not exceed
Rs. 200/- in each case.
6. Approval of rates to be paid to private (1) Director of Printing.
printers for the work got done under (2) Joint Director
Same as against para 2(a)
sanction accorded by ‘P’ Section/Form (Tech.)
Section. (3) Deputy Director
7. Power for the fixation/reduction of sale Director of Printing Joint Full powers. Directorate of
price of the Publications of the Directorate. Director (Admn.) Printing Memo. No.
G-17012/1/ 73-M&I
dated 7.6.1973.
8. Power to impose penalty due to delay in the Director of Printing. Full powers. F.No. 25/4/65-BI
execution of the Jobs. Deputy Director (Bill)/ Ptg./
9. Power to impose penalty for Printing Director of Printing. Full powers. F.No. L-15020/6 71- Forms also to sign pay Order on
mistakes. B(1) the original copy of the bill after
the final orders have been passed.
10. Power to impose penalty for shorter print Director of Printing. Full powers. F.No. L-15020/
area than prescribed. 4/72-B(1).
11. Power to recover the cost of surplus paper Director of Printing. Full powers. F.No. L-15020/
left with Private Printers. 24/71-B(1)
12. Power to abolish and modify forms. Director of Printing. Full powers. Directorate of
Printing Memo. No.
Joint Director (Tech.) Full powers.
G –17012/1/73-N&I,
dated 26.10.74.
13. Power to transfer items of Dead Stock from Director of Printing Full powers. -do-
one Press to another.
Director (Tech.)
1 2 3 4 5 6
14. Power to transfer material like paper and Director of Printing (All Full powers. -do-
binding materials; Ink, etc. from one Press such items).
to another.
Joint Director (Tech.) Full powers. -do-
(regarding Ink etc.)
15. Power to accept printing of less than 500 Director of Printing. Full powers. Ministry of Works &
copies. Deputy Director Housing OM No. H-
(Printing)/Deputy Director 11014/2/
(Forms)/Jt. Director Tech. 70-P/Ptg., dated
16. Power to issue ‘No Objection Certificate’ Director of Printing, Full powers, in Directorate of Rule 30 of the Rules for Printing
for outside Printing in immediate urgent Deputy Director consultation with the M/o Printing O.M. No. & Binding 1976.
cases. (Printing)/ UD&PA. G-17012/1/
Deputy Director 73-M&I dated
(Forms)/Joint Director 31.5.1974.