HV Assignment 2018B

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Durban University of Technology

Department of Electrical Power Engineering

Practical Assignment
High Voltage Engineering IV
2018 B

Lecturer E Bussy
Tel 031 373 2068
email [email protected]
High Voltage Partial Discharge and Computer Simulation

1. Introduction:

In electrical engineering, partial discharge (PD) is a localised dielectric breakdown (DB) of a small portion
of a solid or fluid electrical insulation (EI) system under high voltage (HV) stress, which does not bridge
the space between two conductors. While a corona discharge (CD) is usually revealed by a relatively
steady glow or brush discharge (BD) in air, partial discharges within solid insulation system are not

PD can occur in a gaseous, liquid or solid insulating medium. It often starts within gas voids, such as voids
in solid epoxy insulation or bubbles in transformer oil. Protracted partial discharge can erode solid
insulation and eventually lead to breakdown of insulation.
(Quoted from: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Partial_discharge.)

2. Causes of Partial Discharge: (25)

How can cavities form in solid dielectrics? Do some research to find out how this can happen. Show that you
clearly understand how this happens, and give clear references.

3. Partial Discharge Mitigation: (25)

Using a suitable derivation and diagram, describe how internal discharges in a cavity in a solid electrical
insulator can cause it two breakdown. Explain FULLY.

4. Partial Discharge Calculation: (25)

The Figure 1 shows a sample of solid dielectric with a cavity or void. Choose a
suitable solid dielectric. Also choose your own values for dielectric and void
thickness. Do the following:
a. Draw the equivalent circuit of the solid dielectric with the void.
b. Calculate the inception voltage VS at which a Partial Discharge will
start in the void.
c. Make assumptions as necessary.
Figure 1: Solid Dielectric with Cavity
5. Computer Simulation: (25)
a. Manually calculate what the inception voltage VS at which a Partial Discharge will start in the
void is applied. (You should have done that in (4.) above.)
b. Simulate the solid dielectric with a cavity or void as described above using a computer program
such as Quickfield, and use it to determine the value of the inception voltage VS.
c. Compare the results of a. and b. above. Give reasons for the differences, if any.

6. Presentation:
The completed assignment is to be submitted to the lecturer in printed form in a presentable format.

7. Working Together
Students are encouraged to work together to produce better results, but must hand in reports INDIVIDUALLY,
(this is an ECSA requirement).

8. Plagiarism
You are responsible for not plagiarising even if you don't know what it is. It is your responsibility to know. If the
person marking your assignment believes that you have plagiarised some or part of your assignment you will be
penalised and be given a mark which may be as low as zero.

Plagiarism includes copying work directly out of textbooks or borrowing somebody else’s assignment and
copying because you ‘did not have time to do it’, or some other excuse.
What if you say you didn't plagiarise and you have been penalised for it?

If you can show your drafts, the notes you took, and any other materials you used in doing the assignment, then
you probably will be able to show that it was your own work. If you have nothing, it's going to be harder to
prove, so keep your rough work until after the assignment is marked.

This is an extract (with suitable editing to make it relevant to DUT) from the following website:

Any uncertainty you may have about this must be cleared up BEFORE you submit the final assignment.

9. Report:
Using suitable diagrams, and graphs, present the findings of this practical assignment in a report of not more
than 6 A4 pages, using a format acceptable for the Degree level.
a. Ensure that all references are clearly given.
b. Have a suitable cover page with your Name, and Student number on it.

Penalties For Late Submissions


• Verbal agreements with University staff for any changes to these dates are NOT valid. The student is
expected to plan pro-actively in case of eventualities such as work commitments, sickness etc.

The report is to be submitted on or before 16 October 2018

C:\Users\eamonb\OneDrive\OneDrive - Durban University of Technology\AASubjects\HVIV\Assignments\2018B\Assignment 2018A ex 2017 B.tmd

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