TndLive Gynaecology
TndLive Gynaecology
TndLive Gynaecology
QuesID: -1
Lymphatic drainage of the cervix occurs by all of the following lymph nodes,
1. Deep inguinal lymph nodes
2. Parametrial lymph nodes
3. Obturator lymph nodes
4. Ext. iliac lymph nodes
QuesID: -2
A sample of cervical mucus is taken on Day 12 of the menstrual cycle: The
mucus is thin, clear, elastic. It is placed on a slide and allowed to air dry.
When placed under microscope, what would you expect:
1. Clear field devoid of bacteria
2. Thick mucus with back ground bacteria
3. A fern pattern characteristic of estrogen action
4. Clearly defined parabasal cells
QuesID: -3
M/C cause of B/L Cornual block while doing an HSG is:
1. TB
2. Gonococcal infection
3. Physiological spasm
4. Chlamydia
QuesID: -4
Best prenatal treatment for CAH is:
1. Dexamethasone
2. Betamethasone
3. Prednisolone
4. Hydrocortisone
QuesID: -5
All are feature of Turner's syndrome except
1. Karyotype is 45 XO
2. Normal developed breast
3. Lymphedema
4. Cubitus Valgus
QuesID: -6
Regarding androgen insensitivity syndrome which statement is/are false:
1. Genotype is 46 XX
2. Scanty pubic hair
3. Uterus absent
4. Breast development is adequate
QuesID: -7
A 19 year old patient came with C/o primary amenorrhea. She had well
developed breast and pubic hair. However there was absence of vagina
and uterus. Likely diagnosis is:
1. Turner's syndrome
2. Mullerian agenesis
3. Kinefelter's syndrome - XXY
4. Gonadal agenesis
QuesID: -8
Cause of infertility in Kartagener’s Syndrome…?
1. Oligospermia
2. Asthenospermia
3. Undescended testis
4. Epididymis obstruction
QuesID: -9
Strawberry vagina is seen in
1. Candida albicans
2. H. vaginalis -
3. Syphilis
4. Trichomonas vaginalis
QuesID: -10
In hysterosalpingography fallopin tubes are seen beaded in appearance
with clubbing of fimbrial end and ampulla. Most likely causes is:
1. Tuberculosis
2. Candidiasis
3. Chlamydia
4. Gonococcus
QuesID: -11
Criteria to diagnose PID include all of the following except:
1. Pelvic pain
2. Cervical motion tenderness
3. Nausea and Vomiting
4. Adnexal tenderness
QuesID: -12
A 28 year old female P1, has 2nd degree of utero-vaginal prolapse. The
management of choice is:
1. Fothergill's repair
2. Wertheim hysterectomy
3. Perineal exercise x 3 months
4. Vaginal hysterectomy with vault repair
QuesID: -13
Postpartum VVF is best repaired after:
1. 6 weeks
2. 8 weeks
3. 3 months
4. 6 months
QuesID: -14
Treatment of genuine stress incontinence, Except;
1. Colposuspension
2. Kellys Stitch
3. Fothergill surgery
4. Trans vaginal Tape
QuesID: -15
Kelly's plication operation is done in :
1. Stress incontinence
2. Vault prolapse
3. Rectal prolapse
4. Uterine prolapse
QuesID: -16
Smita is a case of infertility. What is the right time in her menstrual cycle to
do endometrial biopsy:
1. 12-14 days
2. 17-19 days
3. 20-22 days
4. 3-5 days
QuesID: -17
Best investigation to assess tubal patency:
1. Rubin's test
2. HSG
3. Laparotomy
4. Laparoscopic chromotubation
QuesID: -18
According to the 2010 WHO criteria what are the characteristics of normal
semen analysis.
1. Volume 1.5 ml, concentration 15 million, count 39 million, total motility
40% morphology 4%
2. Volume 2.0 ml, concentration 20 count 40 million, morphology 30%
motility 50%
3. Volume 1.5 ml, count 40 million,concentration 80 morphology 50%
progressive motility 50%
4. Volume 2.0 ml, count 15 million, concentration 30 morphology 32%
progressive motility 50%
QuesID: -19
Sangeeta is 34 years and is not having her menses for last 4 months. She
has high serum FSH and LH level with low estradiol. The likely cause is:
1. Panhypopituitarism
2. Polycystic ovarian disease
3. Exogenous estrogen administration
4. Premature menopause
QuesID: -20
IUCD is absolutely contraindicated in:
1. HIV positive women
2. Previous ectopic tubal pregnancy
3. Mild anaemia
4. Undiagnosed vaginal bleeding
QuesID: -21
Sterilization is commonly performed at which site of fallopian tube:
1. Ampulla
2. Infundibulum
3. Isthmus
4. Cornua
QuesID: -22
A 40 year old female complains of heavy menstural bleeding and
dysmenorrhoea. On USG - an echogenic area equivalent of 20 weeks of
pregnancy is seen in the uterus. Tenderness is present. Most likely
diagnosis is:
1. Fibroid uterus
2. Adenomyosis
3. Endometriosis
4. PID
QuesID: -23
All are methods of managing fibroid uterus except:
1. Myomectomy
2. Radiofrequency ablation
3. Embolization of uterine artery
4. Focused Ultrasonography
QuesID: -24
Ulipristal acetate is a:
1. GnRH agonist
2. Selective progesterone receptor modulator
3. Androgen antagonist
4. Selective estrogen receptor modulator
QuesID: -25
True regarding adenomyosis is:
1. Uteruscan be a large intra abdominal mass usually above the
2. Progestin are agents of choice for medical management
3. Presents with menorrhagia, dysmenorrhea and an enlarged uterus
4. More common in young women
QuesID: -26
A 45 year old lady presented with dysfunctional uterine bleeding. On
transvaginal USG thickness of endometrium was found to be 8 mm. What
should be the nest step in the management of this patient?
1. Histopathology
2. Hysterectomy
3. Progesterone
4. OCP
QuesID: -27
Evidence based treatment for menorrhagia is all except:
2. Progesterone for three months cyclically
3. Tranexamic acid
4. Ethamyslate
QuesID: -28
Which of these is seen in Asherman syndrome?
1. Oligomennorhea
2. Amennorhea
3. Metromenorrhagia
4. Polymenorrhea
QuesID: -29
A 18 year old girl presented to the gynecology OPD with amenorhea. On
examination she was found to have large & Tanner's Stage IV breast with
no pubic and axillary hairs. Ultrasound revealed absent uterus and non-
developed gonads. What is the likely diagnosis?
1. Androgen insensitivity syndrome
2. Turner's syndrome
3. Cryptomenorrhea
4. Mayer Rokitansky Kuster hauser syndrome
QuesID: -30
All of the following are known risk factors for development of endometrial
carcinoma except
1. Obesity
2. Family history
3. Use of hormone replacement therapy
4. Early menopause
QuesID: -31
Diagnosis of Endometrial carcinoma can be made from which of the
following in the OPD:
1. Pipelle endometrial Biopsy
2. Fractional curettage
3. Aspiration cytology from uterine
4. Hysteroscopy and biopsy
QuesID: -32
All of the following are risk factor for cancers cervix except:
1. Early age of intercourse
2. Early menarche
3. Smoking
4. Multiparity
QuesID: -33
Investigation of choice in postcoital bleeding in 60 year old lady is:
1. Pap smear
2. Colposcopy and biopsy
3. Pelvic ultrasound
4. Cone excision of cervix
QuesID: -34
Which of the following is not a risk factor for CA cervix ?
1. Low parity
2. Multiple sexual partner
3. Early sexual intercourse
4. Smoking
QuesID: -35
Lethargic hypoglycemic female neonate with scrotum-like labia majora is
suggestive of-
1. Congenital adrenal hyperplasia
2. Turner’s syndrome
3. Klinefelter’s syndrome
4. Ovo-testicular disorder of sexual development
QuesID: -36
Management of a 5 cm dermoid cyst which has undergone torsion at 10
weeks of pregnancy is:
1. Wait and watch
2. Removal in 2nd trimester
3. Immediate removal
4. Serial USG monitoring
QuesID: -37
A 10 year old girl presents with a mass in lower abdomen involving
umbilical and the hypogastrium. On examination it is cystic and mobile and
the examiner is unable to insinuate fingers between the mass and the
pelvic bone. What is the likely diagnosis?
1. Duplication of small intestine
2. Mesenteric cyst
3. Omental cyst
4. Ovarian cyst
QuesID: -38
A lady with abdominal mass was investigated. On surgery she was found to
have bilateral ovarian masses with smooth surface. On microscopy they
revealed mucin secreting cells with signet ring shapes. Diagnosis?
1. Dysgerminoma
2. Krukenberg tumor
3. Mucinous adencarcinoma of the varies
4. Dermoid cyst
QuesID: -39
Pyometra commonly occurs following which of the following :
1. Carcinoma endometrium
2. Carcinoma cervix
3. Carcinoma urethra
4. Senile endometritis
QuesID: -40
All of the following are used for screening cancers in females except:
1. CA - 125 : ovarian cancer
2. Office endometrial aspirate : Endometrial carcinoma
3. Pap smear : Cervical cancer
4. Mammography : Breast cancer
QuesID: -41
Most common presentation of anterior wall cervical fibroid:
1. Abdominal lump
2. Urinary Frequency
3. Per vaginal bleeding
4. Constipation
QuesID: -42
Which of the following is true about partial mole?
1. Caused by triploidy
2. Can be diagnosed very early by USG
3. Diffuse Hydropic degeneration
4. Cannot cause Choriocarcinoma
QuesID: -43
Most common site of metastasis of choriocarcinoma is:
1. Lung
2. Liver
3. Vagina
4. Bone
QuesID: -44
About OHSS, all of the following are true, except?
1. Associated with massive stromal edema of the ovary
2. The symptoms associated with OHSS usually begin 15-20 days after
hCG Trigger
3. The enlarged ovaries may be prone to torsion
4. Patients with OHSS usually have enlarged ovaries (>10 cm) that may
contain several hypoechoic areas
QuesID: -45
Cryptomenorrhea is seen in :
1. Asherman's syndrome
2. Testicular feminizing syndrome
3. Transverse Vaginal Septum
4. Uterine agenesis
QuesID: -46
A 25-year-old woman and her husband visit an infertility clinic. During work-
up, an endometrial biopsy is performed. Histologic examination of the
biopsy shows complex adenomatous hyperplasia. Which lesion is MOST
likely to be present in this patient?
1. Immature teratoma
2. Brenner tumor
3. Granulosa cell tumor
4. Serous adenocarcinoma
QuesID: -47
Danazol used in the treatment of endometriosis causes which of the
following changes within the endometrium and endometriosis tissue?
1. Aplasia
2. Hyperplasia
3. Neoplasia
4. Inflammation
QuesID: -48
Post treatment HCG levels, during the follow up of molar pregnancy
evacuation, comes back to normal in:
1. 3 weeks
2. 6 weeks
3. 9 weeks
4. 12 weeks
QuesID: -49
Menorrahagia is defined as blood loss of more than
1. 50 ml
2. 80 ml
3. 100 ml
4. 150 ml
QuesID: -50
Male Partner need not be treated in:
1. Bacterial vaginosis
2. T. Vaginitis
3. Candidiasis
4. Syphillis
QuesID: -51
The treatment of choice for hydatiform mole with a uterine size of 28 weeks
1. Suction evacuation
2. Intra -amniotic saline followed by oxytocin
3. Evacuation by misoprostol and Mifepristone
4. Methotrexate administration
QuesID: -52
Pap Smear on a 41 year woman shows Cervical intraepithelial neoplasia
type III. What would you do next?
1. Colposcopy biopsy
2. Conisation
3. Repeat pap smear
4. Culdoscopy
QuesID: -53
All are causes of primary amenorrhea except:
1. Mayer Rokitansky Kustner howser syndrome
2. Sheehan's syndrome
3. Kallmann’s syndrome
4. Turner's syndrome
QuesID: -54
An 18-year old girl who has not attained menarche comes to casualty with
acute retention of urine. The most likely diagnosis is:
1. Twisted ovarian cyst
2. Hematocolpos
3. Urinary tract infection
4. Cervical fibroid
QuesID: -55
Pyometra is a complication associated with all of the following conditions
1. Carcinoma of the vulva
2. Carcinoma of the cervix
3. Carcinoma of endometrium
4. Pelvic radiotherapy
QuesID: -56
In an amenorrheic patient who has had pituitary ablation for a
craniopharyngioma, which of the following regimens is most likely to result
in an ovulatory cycle?
1. Pulsatile infusion of gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH)
2. Continuous infusion of GnRH
3. Human menopausal or recombinant gonadotropin
4. Human menopausal or recombinant gonadotropin followed by human
chorionic gonadotropin (hCG)
QuesID: -57
An ovarian neoplasm in a 14-year old girl is most likely to be:
1. Germ cell tumor
2. Epithelial tumor
3. Sertolic Leydig cell tumor
4. Granulosa cell tumor
QuesID: -58
The cyst which arises from the remnants of mesonephric duct and is seen
in the vaginal wall is:
1. Bartholin's cyst
2. Inclusion cyst
3. Endometriotic cyst
4. Gartner's duct cyst
QuesID: -59
Endosalpingitis is best diagnosed by:
1. Laparoscopy
2. Laparo-hysteroscopy
3. Hysterosalpingography
4. Sono salpingography
QuesID: -60
A 28-year-old nulligravid patient complains of bleeding between her periods
and increasingly heavy menses. Over the past 9 months she has had two
dilation and curettages (D&Cs), which have failed to resolve her symptoms,
and oral contraceptives and antiprostaglandins have not decreased the
abnormal bleeding. Of the following options, which is most appropriate at
this time?
1. Perform a hysterectomy
2. Perform hysteroscopy
3. Perform endometrial ablation
4. Treat with a GnRH agonist
5. Start the patient on a high-dose progestational agent
QuesID: -61
A 21-year-old woman presents with left lower quadrant pain. An anterior 7-
cm firm adnexal cyst is palpated. Ultrasound confirms a complex left
adnexal mass with solid components that appear to contain bone and
teeth. What percentage of these tumors are bilateral?
1. Less than 1%
2. 2 to 3%
3. 10 to 15%
4. 50%
5. Greater than 75%
QuesID: -62
Which of the following is the most common termination event of ectopic
1. Endocrine
2. Vascular insufficiency causing degeneration
3. Tubal Abortion
4. Immunological rejection
QuesID: -63
Woman with PCOD presents with abdominal distention and respiratory
distress to the casualty. Her BP is 110/70 and a pulse of 88/min. She
voided 200 ml high colored urine in last 24 hours. She had her menstrual
period 17 days back and was started on recombinant FSH for ovulation
induction from the second day of her cycle. Which one of the following is
the most likely disease she is suffering from:
1. Ruptured ectopic pregnancy
2. Torsion ovarian cyst
3. Ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome
4. Munchausen’s syndrome
QuesID: -64
A patient is receiving external beam radiation for treatment of metastatic
endometrial cancer. The treatment field includes the entire pelvis. Which of
the following tissues within this radiation field is the most radiosensitive?
1. Vagina
2. Ovary
3. Bladder
4. Rectum
QuesID: -65
In which one of the following conditions is sling operation done?
1. Multiparous prolapse
2. Nulliparous prolapse
3. Cystocoele
4. Rectocele
QuesID: -66
Which is not an 'Assisted Reproductive Technique' :-
3. IVF
4. Intra-Uterine Insemination
QuesID: -67
One of the following has amenorrhea with a normal female phenotype:
1. Turner’s syndrome
2. Mullerian agenesis
3. Congenital adrenal hyperplasia
4. Klienfelter’s syndrome
QuesID: -68
Insulin resistance or hyperinsulinemia in PCOS is associated with a cluster
syndrome called metabolic syndrome or dysmetabolic syndrome X. The
association of this with cardiovascular disease led to diagnostic criteria for
the dysmetabolic syndrome. How many of the following 5 criteria are
reqired for the diagnosis of this syndrome after which an insulin lowering
agent and/or other interventions may be warranted Metabolic Syndrome
Diagnostic Criteria
Female waist >35 inches
Triglycerides >150 mg/dL
HDL <50 mg/dL
Blood pressure >130/85 mmHg
Fasting glucose: 110–126 mg/dL
Two-hour glucose (75 gm OGTT): 140–199 mg/dL
1. 2 out of 5
2. 3 out of 5
3. All five
4. Any one of these is enough for diagnosis
QuesID: -69
A 64-year-old presents to her gynecologist for a routine examination.
Bilateral adnexal masses (approximately 10cm) are palpated. Which one of
the following lesions is MOST likely in this patient?
1. Immature teratoma
2. Brenner tumor
3. Granulosa cell tumor
4. Serous adenocarcinoma
QuesID: -70
Complete failure of fusion of the mullerian duct leads to:
1. Uterus didelphys
2. Bicornuate uterus
3. Subseptate uterus
4. Unicornuate uterus
QuesID: -71
Branches of anterior division of Internal Illiac artery are all of the following
1. Superior gluteal
2. Middle Rectal
3. Obturator
4. Internal Pudendal
QuesID: -72
A 59-year-old woman undergoes vaginal hysterectomy and anteroposterior
repair for uterine prolapse. Which of the following is a complication of this
procedure that often develops within 2 weeks of surgery?
1. Dyspareunia
2. Stress urinary incontinence
3. Enterocele
4. Vaginal vault prolapse
QuesID: -73
Heterotrophic pregnancy is
1. Pregnancy occurring in both tubes
2. Extrauterine and intrauteuine pregnancy
3. Ovarian and tubal pregnancy
4. Cervical pregnancy
QuesID: -74
A 20-year old girl was raped around 13th day of her regular cycle. The best
possible emergency contracep¬tion to be offered would be
1. misoprostal vaginally
2. Cu - T insertion
3. Levonorgestrel tablets
4. Ethinylestradiol tablets
QuesID: -75
A 17 years old female has primary amenorrhea, undeveloped breasts,
hypoplastic uterus and short stature. The likely diagnosis is?
1. Testicular feminization syndrome
2. Klinefilter’s syndrome
3. Turner’s syndrome
4. Mixed gonadal dysgenesis
QuesID: -76
Which one of the following is the most suitable situation for prescribing the
progestin only pill?
1. Perimenopausal patients
2. Emergency contraception
3. Lactational mother
4. Diabetic mother
QuesID: -77
Which of the following is marker of ovarian reserve?
1. LH
2. LH/FSH ratio on day 2 menses
3. FSH
4. Estradiol
QuesID: -78
Endometriosis is best diagnosed by
1. Ultrasound
2. Laproscopy
3. Laprotomy
4. Endometerial curettage
QuesID: -79
The tests that may help to know the occurrence of ovulation in a include all
1. USG
2. Levels of progesterone
3. Temperature changes
4. Levels of oestradiol
QuesID: -80
A 39-year-old patient is contemplating discontinuing birth control pills in
order to conceive. She is concerned about her fertility at this age, and
inquires about when she can anticipate resumption of normal menses. You
counsel her that by 3 months after discontinuation of birth control pills, the
following proportion of patients will resume normal menses
1. 99%
2. 95%
3. 80%
4. 50%
QuesID: -81
During Ovulation phase :-
1. Increase in inhibin A level
2. FSH induce steroidogenesis in granulosa cells
3. Activin increase
4. Stimulation of the arrested meiotic division of the ovum
QuesID: -82
HRT is helpful in all of the following except:
1. Vaginal atrophy
2. Flushing
3. Osteo porosis
4. Ca breast
QuesID: -83
Clue cell is found in?
1. Trichomoniasis
2. Candidiasis
3. Bacterial vaginosis
4. Mixed vaginosis tender
QuesID: -84
A 35 years old woman with dysmenorrheal and menorrhagia of 6 months
duration showed an enlarged uterus of 20 weeks which was tender. The
possible diagnosis is:
1. Adenomyosis
2. Fibroid
3. Carcinoma endometrium
4. PID
QuesID: -85
For a menopausal patient having hot flushes, which of the following can be
given as treatment?
1. Ethinyl estradiol
2. Progesterone
3. Gonadotropin
4. Danazol
QuesID: -86
Raloxifen reduces the risk of following EXCEPT-
1. Urogenital atrophy
2. Carcinoma endometrium
3. Carcinoma breast
4. Osteoporosis
QuesID: -87
In which of the following conditions ovaries function normally
1. Turner s syndrome
2. Mayer rokitansky kuster hauser
3. Androgenin sensitivity syndrome
4. Sweyer\'s syndrome
QuesID: -88
A 20 year old woman gives a history of pain in the lower abdomen for 2-3
days every month approximately 3 days before the menses. The most
probable etiology of the following
1. Endometriosis
2. Fibroid
3. Pelvic tuberculosis
4. A.Mittelschmerz
QuesID: -89
The drug of choice for the treatment of chlamydial infection is
1. Ampicillin
2. Third generation cephalo¬sporins
3. Metronidazole
4. Doxycycline
QuesID: -90
Premenstrual syndrome is treated with
2. Progestins
3. Anti prostaglandins
4. Anti anxiety drugs
QuesID: -91
A lady has amenorrhea with a hypothalamic lesion and anosmia. Diagnosis
1. Asherman’s syndrome
2. Kallman’s syndrome
3. Steir Levinthal syndrome
4. Sheehan’s syndrome
QuesID: -92
Which of the following statements can be regarded as primary action of
1. It inhibits secretion of prolactin
2. It stimulates synthesis of estradiol
3. It stimulates secretion of TSH
4. It inhibits secretion of FSH
QuesID: -93
Women with infertility with b/l cornual block on hsg, next inv for
1. Tuboplasty
2. Ivf
3. hydrotubation
4. laparoscopy, Chromotubation plus hyseteroscopy
QuesID: -94
The combined oral contraceptive pills decrease the risk of the following
1. Endometrial cancer
2. Ovarian cancer
3. Benign Breast disease
4. Gall stones
QuesID: -95
An 18 yrs old girl has obesity, oligomenorrhea and hirsuitsim: Diagnosis,
most commonly
1. Cushing’s syndrome
2. Polycystic ovarian
3. Testicular feminization
4. Adrenogenital syndrome
QuesID: -96
All are true about PCOD except?
1. Persistently elevated LH
2. Increased LH/FSH ratio
3. Increased DHEAS
4. Increased prolactin
QuesID: -97
All are true regarding GnRh analogues except
1. Drug of choice for precocious puberty
2. Side effect is Osteoporosis
3. Ovulation occurs in large numbers when used for IVF
4. First line management of menorraghia
QuesID: -98
Which of the characteristics are present in Trichomoniasis?
1. Yelowish Green discharge
2. PH < 4.5
3. Clue cells
4. Whiff test positive
QuesID: -99
Which one of the following drugs is not used in endometriosis?
1. Danazol
2. Progestins
3. GnRH agonists
4. Misoprostol
QuesID: -100
Another name for Manchester operation for uterine prolapse is-
1. Shirodkars cling
2. Fothergill’s surgery
3. McDonald’s procedure
4. Purandare’s procedure