1: What Is Postmodernism? 2: (Blank Slide) 3: History of Postmodernism
1: What Is Postmodernism? 2: (Blank Slide) 3: History of Postmodernism
1: What Is Postmodernism? 2: (Blank Slide) 3: History of Postmodernism
Friedrich Nietzsche
Jean Baudrillard
The postmodern semiotic concept of "hyperreality" was contentiously coined by French
sociologist Jean Baudrillard in Simulacra and Simulation. Baudrillard defined "hyperreality" as
"the generation by models of a real without origin or reality" hyperreality is a representation, a
sign, without an original referent.
Jean-François Lyotard
He is best known for his articulation of postmodernism after the late 1970s and the analysis of
the impact of postmodernity on the human condition. he proposes what he calls an extreme
simplification of the "postmodern" as an 'incredulity towards meta-narratives'
Jacques Derrida
best known for developing a form of semiotic analysis known as deconstruction, which he
discussed in numerous texts, and developed in the context of phenomenology. (deconstruction
is an approach to understanding the relationship between text and meaning.)
Michel Foucault
Michel Foucault was a postmodernist though he refused to be so in his works. He defined
postmodernity with reference to two guiding concepts: discourse and power.
7th 12 Major Key ideas of Postmodern Social Theory
Postmodernism seems to reveal in fragmentation, ephemerality and discontinuity, preferring
difference over uniformity.
Rejection of meta-narratives:
Postmodern social thinkers, such as Foucault and Lyotard, attack any notion that there might be
a meta-language, meta-narrative or meta-theory through which all things can be connected,
represented or explained.
Attack on scientific truth
Lyotard was asked to submit a report on the state of knowledge with reference to science. He
argued that scientific knowledge or the knowledge generated by science is largely a myth. It is
limited by the institutions in which it is created. Philosophers and historians tell more on truth
than science. He, therefore, also rejects science narratives.
Emphasis on local narratives:
The postmodernists, therefore, put an emphasis on local factors or partial explanations, such as
the micro-politics of power relations in different social contexts and in relation to specific
discourses, language games or interpretative communities. All in all, they stand for local
narratives or the narratives of the grass roots people.