Wizardry 8 (Sybex Official Strategies & Secrets)
Wizardry 8 (Sybex Official Strategies & Secrets)
Wizardry 8 (Sybex Official Strategies & Secrets)
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ISBN : 0-7821-2466-6
To Sunshine.
Turn off that computer and go out and get some.
Thanks to my wife and children . Thanks also to everyone at Sybex
who worked so hard on this book: Alana Gilbert, Steve Anderson,
Marisa Ong, Kelly Winquist, Diana Van Winkle, Rich Ganis, Brett
Todd, and Steve Smith.
And of course thanks go out to the folks at SirTech: Ian Currie and
Robert Sirotek for their assistance; Felix Leung and Terry Brose for the
preliminary walkthrough document; Brenda Brathwaite for NPC and
RPC reference summaries; Alex Meduna and Charles Miles for
monster and item database dumps; James Ferris for specific level
map renderings for better-quality maps; Lee Haneman for individual
monster renderings; Richard Dancause for individual item renderings;
and Linda Currie who got everything together and reviewed this book.
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Dedication .............................................. iii
Acknowledgments ......................................... iv
From the Publisher . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. v
Table of Contents ......................................... vi
Introduction ........................................... .xvii
Game Background
and Stats
Character Building ............................. .3
Building Solid Characters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4
Attributes and Skills ......................... 4
Matching Races and Professions . . . . . . . . . . ...... 5
Character Development Strategies .............. 8
Building the Perfect Party . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... 10
Party Necessities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..... I0
Different Party Configurations ................ . 12
Contents .ff
Life in Dominus .... . ........................... .15
Getting Around . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . l 6
Traveling Wisely . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .16
Choosing Rest Stops ....................... . 17
Combat ..................................... 18
Phased or Continuous Combat? ............... . 18
How to Fight . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .19
The Magic of Dominus ........................ .23
Direct Damage Spells .................... . ...... 25
Area Damage Spells ............................ 27
Enhancement Spells ............................ 28
Hindering Spells ............................... 29
Curative Spells ................................ 30
Miscellaneous Spells ............................ 31
Weapons and Other Items of Dominus ......... .33
The Items of Dominus .......................... 34
Weapons .................................... 35
Arrows and Bows .......................... 35
Axes, Flails, Hammers, and Maces ............ .37
Polearms and Whips . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40
Slings, Daggers, Darts, and Ninja Weapons ....... 43
Swords ................................ . 45
The Creatures and NPCs of Wizardry 8 ...... .81
Fighters and Guards ............... . ............ 82
Death Lords ............................. . 82
Higardi Bandits ........... ... ............ . 82
Higardi Bank Guard ....................... . 82
Higardi Patrols ........................... 83
Higardi Lunar Legion Officer ................ . 83
Higardi Spirits ........................... . 83
Mook Guards ............................. 83
Rapax Archers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 84
Rapax Concubine, Initiate, Courtesan,
and High Priestess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 84
Rapax Ghost and Vampiric Wraith ............. 84
Rapax Guards ............................ 84
Rapax Knights . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 85
Rapax Templars . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 85
Rattkin Archers ........................... 85
Rattkin Breeder . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 85
Contents •
Main Story
The Monastery ............................... ./ 15
On the Beach ................................ l 16
Lower Monastery ............................. 117
The King Crab . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .119
Arnika ....................................... .127
The Road to Arnika .................... .. ...... 128
Arnika ..................................... 130
The Wrecked Starship ..................... . 131
He'Li's Bar ............................. . 132
The Arnika Community Bank . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .133
The Vault of the Guardian Go/em ............ . 134
Browsing Through Antone's Store ............. . 135
On to the Jail ........................... . 136
The Temple ............................ . 136
Higardi Lunar Legion (HLL) Base ............ . 137
Anna's Marina and Bait Shop . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .138
Leaving Arnika . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ....... . 140
Trynton ....................................... .141
The Arnika-Trynton Road ...................... 142
Lower Trynton . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..... . 144
The First Bough . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .14 7
Upper Trynton ............................... 14 7
Bedtime for Bobo ........................ . 149
Madras's Place and the Pagoda .............. . 150
Rattkin Tree ................................. 153
The Rattkin Breeders . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 155
Contents •
The Swamp and Mines ...................... .157
Down in the Swamp ........................... 158
The T' Rang Base and the Mines .................. 159
Martens Bluff .................................163
Lower Marten's Bluff .......................... 164
Upper Marten's Bluff ........................... 167
Completing the Bluff ...................... . 170
Return to the Swamp and Martens Bluff ..... .171
Return to the Swamp .......................... 172
Return to Marten's Bluff ........................ 17 5
The Southeast Wilderness and
Wilderness Clearing .......................... .177
Southeast Wilderness .......................... 178
Wilderness Clearing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .180
The Northern Wilderness .................... .185
Making Preparations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .186
On to the Northern Wilderness .................. 188
Umpani Aligned
Umpani Base Camp and Mount Gigas Caves .. .193
The Umpani Base Camp ......... ............ ... 194
The Lower Mount Gigas Caves .................. 196
The Upper Mount Gigas Caves ................... 198
Return to Arnika ............................. 200
Back to the Upper Mount Gigas Caves ............. 202
The Underwater Caves and Bayjin Shallows ... .203
Underwater Caves ................... .... ..... 204
Bayjin Shallows ............................... 204
Bayjin ...................................... 206
The Sea Caves . ........ . .... ................. 208
Tying Up Loose Ends .......... .... ... .... ..... 210
Contents '7f
T' Rang Aligned
Umpani Base Camp, Return to Martens
Bluff, and Arnika ............................. .213
The Umpani Base Camp ........................ 214
The Umpani Recruitment Center and Barracks ... .215
Marten's Bluff ................................ 215
Taking Care of an Assassin ................. .216
Return to Arnika ............................. 217
Burglarizing the Mook House ................ .217
Bayjin and the Sea Caves . ... ................ .219
Through the Swamp-Again .................... 220
Bayjin ...................................... 220
The Bayjin Shallows .. ........................ .222
The Sea Caves .......... ........ . . ......... . .224
Tying Up Loose Ends .......................... 227
Arnika ............................... .227
The Umpani Base and Mount Gigas ............... 228
Mount Cigas' Peak ....................... .228
Final Levels
The Mountain Wilderness and Rapax Rift .... .231
Mountain Wilderness ......... .. .............. .232
The Rift ..... . .............................. 233
The Rapax Courtyard ......................... 237
The Main Castle ............................. 238
The Temple ofAl-Sedexus .................. .241
The Upper Castle ........................ .242
The Castle Cellar . .. .......... .......... .246
Ascension Peak and the Cosmic Circle ....... .249
Ascension Peak ... ......... . ................. 250
The Cosmic Circle ............................ 253
Role-playing games have blossomed in recent years, becoming some of the most popular
titles in electronic entertainment. This was not always so. Once upon a time, nearly two
decades ago, only a handful of RPGs existed . These games, which offered a world of
Tolkienesque fantasy and medieval-styled magic to small but devoted followings, were truly
Wizardry was among those early games. Yes, before Final Fantasy, before Legend of
Zelda , and before Diablo , Wizardry had opened the portal to an imaginary world of charis-
matic characters and intriguing storylines. Since the release of Wizardry 1: Crusaders of the
Dark Savant several years ago, fans have anxiously waited for another chapter in the
groundbreaking series. With the arrival of Wizardry 8 , that long wait is now officially over.
FIGUllE 11
Part V concludes the walkthrough with trips to the combat-intensive Rapax Castle and
austere Ascension Peak. It also details the ultimate showdown with the Dark Savant at the
Cosmic Circle. Along the way, you'll also discover several side-quests. Of course, you decide
whether to participate in them or blaze a trail straight to the finish. Nevertheless, tips for
trekking through these areas can be found in these pages.
Now that you know how to use this book, you're ready for the next step-reading it
and applying the tips and walkthroughs to your game. I'm sure that you'll realize after just a
few minutes of play that Wizardry 8 is one of the most memorable RPGs ever made.
Hopefully, you'll find that this book only enhances that experience.
Game Background
and Stat
Every strong building has a solid foundation, and although we aren't
trying to construct a fortress, the same holds true for solid gameplay-it
must be built on a sturdy foundation. Think of Part I as that foundation,
one created from essential background information and statistics. In
Chapters l through 3 you 'II learn how to fight gallantly, move effectively,
create killer parties, and cast a spell. However, you 'II find more than play
mechanics in this section. Chapter 4 gives you crucial stats on the games
weapons and items, and Chapter 5 serves as a bestiary with helpful hints
on the monsters and people that you 'II meet in Dominus. So dig in, mason;
its time to lay your foundation.
0 Vitality: Hit point totals, and the ability of a character to recover in battle, depend
on Vitality. It's particularly crucial for front-line warriors. such as Fighters and
Lords, to have good Vitality scores.
0 Dexterity: Successfully manipulating bows, swords, gadgets, and other similar
items is the providence of this skill. The more dexterous characters are, the more
accurate they will be in combat
0 Speed: As quick characters strike sooner and more often, a high Speed score is
beneficial to all classes.
0 Senses: A high score in this skill allows characters to see monsters more quickly
and they will be able to identify trapped doors, chests, and booby traps and discover
hidden items more often than not. Parties that include a Rogue, Ninja, or Ranger
with a high score in this skill will find it very beneficial.
With these ideas in mind, think of this section as a job placement service. Take the
following information in hand and your characters will never find themselves-literally-in a
dead-end job. Combining each profession with the best-suited races creates optimized char-
acters. Each entry in the list below briefly reviews which races are the best matches with
each profession (see also Table I. I for comparisons) :
0 Fighter: This is your typical frontline combat position . Dracons. Lizardmen , and
Dwarves are best suited for such tasks. The Dwarf is, overall , the weakest choice
because of this race's 35 base Dexterity points. Dracons have a ranged Acid Breath
attack that adds more diversity to the traditional role of a Fighter.
0 Lord: Think of Lords as Fighters with Priest skills. Thus, unlike the Fighter, they
require good scores in two additional attributes: Speed and Piety. The Rawulf and
Dwarf races excel in this crusader position. Humans, with their balanced base
attributes, also are very capable Lords.
CHAPTER (. Character Building
Valkyrie: This is roughly the female version of the Lord profession, again best rele-
gated to Rawulfs, Dwarves, and Humans. Although similar to the Lord in many
ways, the Valkyrie has several distinguishing characteristics. For starters, she is very
good with pole-arm weaponry. This long weapon allows her to reach out and touch
the enemy from the side boxes of the formation circle. Also, her ability to cheat
death saves on the usage of Resurrection Powder.
Ranger: A profession best for scouting, the Ranger also has excellent ranged
combat skills. The Mook, Felpurr, and Rawulf races, each of which have a high
Senses base rating, fare well in this role. Felpurrs have the greatest Dexterity base
rating of the three, a necessary attribute for accurately firing arrows . However, any
of them will do, with the proper development. (Remember that there are excep-
tions to every rule ; we played through the entire game with an Elven Ranger named
Samurai : Felpurrs are, hands down , the best species for this profession . Since
Samurai skills stress Dexterity and Speed , two strengths of this feline race, the
Felpurr is a natural match. Simply beef up the Felpurr's Strength, Vitality, and
Intelligence attributes with initial bonus points during creation (see Figure 1.2) and
you 're ready to go.
Ninja: The Ninja can be considered a lightweight Samurai with Alchemy skills.
Ninjas are also highly effective in both close and ranged combat. Felpurrs are ideal
for this profession since they not only make great Samurai, but also easily fill the
Ninja's base Senses requirement.
Monk: As a spiritual warrior of high mental skills, Intelligence, Senses, and Piety
are a must for the Monk. Monks can get physical when necessary, so it's quite easy
to think of them as fighting Priests. Rawulfs, which make excellent Priests, can be
Building Solid Characters .ff
good Monks, too. The canine race's penchant for learning, their adequate baseline
Strength, and high Piety easily fill this job 's prerequisites.
0 Rogue: A critical position in every party, the Rogue is needed to pick pockets, pick
locks, disarm traps, and handle just about any other task requiring cunning, stealth,
and sleight of hand . The Hobbit, as tradition would have it, is geared for such
pursuits more so than any other race. Hobbits have high base ratings in the
Dexterity, Speed, and Senses departments.
0 Gadgeteer: Hobbits also qualify as good Gadgeteers because of decent Strength
and Intelligence levels. Gnomes and Mooks also will work well in this line of work.
The Gadgeteer's tinkering skills and knowledge of modern weapons are always
valuable to any party.
0 Bard : The same attributes necessary for Gadgeteers are also requirements for
Bards. Gnomes and Hobbits have the talents best equipped for the arts of music
and persuasion . Although Strength is an important attribute, don 't stress too much
over it when creating a Bard; you almost certainly won 't place the Bard on the front
lines, since he serves a number of ancillary roles in addition to straightforward
0 Priest: As mentioned earlier, the Rawulf race is a good choice for Priestly duties.
Of all the magic-related professions. the Priest is the most likely to get involved in
hand-to-hand combat. Given its Strength, Vitality, and Dexterity, the Rawulf can
easily get in a few whacks during battle. Its Piety also is instrumental for advancing
rapidly in Priest skills. The Dwarf can also make a good cleric, but has one draw-
back; this race learns magic at a slower rate due to lower Intelligence.
0 A lchemist: The Alchemist not only casts spells, but also has the knowledge to
mix potions. Since the profession requires both Intelligence and Dexterity, Elves,
Gnomes, and Hobbits are ideal for training in it. Faeries and Felpurrs are also
capable Alchemists, but their wide range of skills caters to other frontline combat
0 Bishop: Magic-users capable of learning from all four spellbooks, Bishops have an
extremely demanding role in Wizardry 8. With a minimum base of 55 points each in
the areas of Intelligence, Piety, Dexterity, and Senses, Lizardmen and Rawulfs need
not apply. Elves, Gnomes, and Faeries, however, often excel in this field .
0 Psionic : If there's a character that understands the power of mind over matter, it's
the Psionic. Since the job involves strong mental powers, it's also one of the most
demanding "white collar" careers on Dominus. Faeries are good choices as Psionics,
but Mooks will do well also.
0 Mage: As powerful sorcerers, Mages require high Intelligence and Dexterity
ratings. Felpurrs and Faeries more than fit the bill here. First, they score above
average in both of these departments. Furthermore, they have the highest base
Speed points, factors that affect initiative. Thus, if you 're looking to work some
magic, these two species will definitely do the trick.
CHAPTER {. Character Building
Table 1.1: Matching Professions with the Right Races and Attributes
Profession Key Attributes Ideal Races Profession Key Attributes Ideal Races
Fighter Strength Dracon Rogue Dexterity Hobbit
Vitality Lizardman Speed
Dexterity Dwarf Senses
Lord Strength Rawulf Gadgeteer Strength Gnome
Piety Dwarf Intelligence Hobbit
Vitality Human Dexterity Mook
Dexterity Senses
Speed Bard Dexterity Gnome
Valkyrie Piety Rawulf Intelligence Hobbit
Vitality Dwarf Senses
Strength Human Strength
Dexterity Priest Piety Rawulf
Speed Vitality Dwarf
Ranger Dexterity Mook Alchemist Dexterity Elf
Senses Fe Ipurr Intelligence Gnome
Strength Rawulf Hobbit
Vitality Bishop Intelligence Elf
Piety Gnome
Samurai Intelligence Fe Ipurr Dexterity Faerie
Dexterity Senses
Strength Psionic Intelligence Faerie
Vitality Piety Elf
Ninja Dexterity Fe Ipurr
Speed Mook
Strength Mage Intelligence Faerie
Intelligence Dexterity Fe Ipurr
Monk Speed Rawulf
Once you 're actually playing, your party members will gain experience points, find and
use an assortment of weapons, converse with other characters, and discover an array of
artifacts. All of this will enable them to develop new skills and abilities throughout the game.
Without continual development, all the combat skills in the world won 't save your charac-
ters. And stimulating effective character development requires strategy.
Throughout the game you will face a number of other factors that determine character
growth--and ultimately your party's success:
0 The 3/4 Rule: Characters will level up as they gain experience points. The key
here is knowing how to distribute those newly earned skill and attribute points.
That's where the 3/4 Rule comes in . It's simple to follow. Just distribute three-
quarters of all these newly acquired points in that particular profession's key areas.
For example, if your Hobbit Rogue has just leveled up, you want to add most of the
newfound experience points to the key job attributes: Dexterity, Speed, and Senses.
Next, distribute the remaining points to the other areas. The second screen covers
skill bonus points. As a rule of thumb, you should apply three-quarters of these
points to job-related skills, features that will help characters perform their primary
jobs. For example, in the case of a Ranger, emphasize the Ranged Combat and
Scouting category. Next, distribute the remaining points by order of importance.
0 Utilizing Weapon Skills: When a character uses a weapon , there is a chance that
doing so will boost his or her skills in that particular area of combat. For example,
using a sword may increase the Ranger 's Close Combat skill . It may also increase
the Sword skill .
0 Use the Best with the Best: Give the best weapons to the characters that can
best use them. For example, if you find a great bow, don't give it to your Fighter.
Instead, place it in the hands of a character with exceptional ranged combat skills,
such as your Ranger. Likewise, if you find a special sword, don't bother giving it to a
Psionic; you 'll achieve better results by handing it to a master swordsman such as
the Samurai .
0 Boosting Other Skills: Building a range of other character skills works in the same
way as using weapons. Each time that characters converse with non-player charac-
ters (NPCs} , their Communication skills increase (see Figure 1.3) . By the same
token, every time party members identify a monster, their Mythology skills are
boosted. The same is true with other actions, such as casting spells, finding arti-
facts, scouting areas, and disarming booby traps.
0 Change Professions with Care: Although a character's profession is not set in
stone, you should generally resist frequently switching occupations. This can result
in characters that are not good enough in their particular skills to survive the more
difficult battles. On the other hand , changing professions can be instrumental in
bringing diversity to your party. Still , doing so requires some thought. Generally,
you should change class early. Changing class beyond levels 10-12 doesn't give you
many opportunities to develop your new class and its unique skills. Always make
sure that the new profession complements the previous one. For example, turning a
Samurai into a Fighter is a good idea since many of the Samurai 's skills transfer to
the Fighter-plus it adds the Berserk option. Another option is to change between
CHAPTER (, Character Building
Party Necessities
Every party requires some basic necessities before beginning its journey. While an effective
party consists of characters that are good at their professions, at a deeper level you need to
gather a group that, collectively, has all the basic skills necessary for advancing through
Building the Perfect Party
Wizardry 8 . Navigating through the landscapes and structures ofDominus involves many
different types of interaction. Each party needs characters that can perform these tasks:
0 Locating Objects: You don't want to overlook any critical objects (for example,
treasure chests and special weapons) that could ultimately improve your perform-
ance in upcoming battles. The Ranger's Senses and Scouting ability are particularly
good for finding things.
0 Picking Locks and Disarming Booby Traps: Some areas can be accessed only by
picking locks. Disarming booby traps is also a necessary skill ; otherwise, your party
will be continually weakened by damage caused by the numerous dangerous traps
spread throughout the game.
0 Communicating with Non-player Characters (NPCs): This is important for
gathering information and cooperating with certain personalities. Remember,
Psionics and Bards have the charm and sophistication to get more out of acquain-
tances than the other professions.
0 Fighting in Hand-to-Hand Combat: You need several strong and durable close-
combat characters to protect members who are physically weaker. Fighters,
Samurai , and Lords are all very good at close combat.
0 Attacking from Afar, Using Projectiles and Magic: While weaker members
should generally remain behind the front lines of combat, they should still be able to
fight from a distance using spells and arrows (for example) .
0 Healing Wounded Party Members: When you battle monsters, you're sure to
suffer injuries. That's why you need a magic-wielder capable of healing wounded or
sick characters. Priests and Bishops serve this role quite well.
While the following abilities are less critical for your success than those listed above,
they are nonetheless important. These are what I call sub-needs, and they include the
following :
0 Mythology: Recognizing monsters is often vital for using the proper kinds of attack.
0 Artifacts: The ability to identify artifacts is definitely a critical skill. Consider the
Astral Dominae, the artifact currently in the Dark Savant's hands.
0 Modern Weapons Skills: Although your characters start Wizardry 8 using medieval
weaponry (for example, lances, swords, and bows), they'll soon discover a wide range
of modern weapons such as omni guns (see Figure 1.4) . Becoming skilled with the
latter is necessary for tackling the higher-tier monsters found later in the game.
Keep all of these party
necessities in mind from start
to finish , from creating your
e! NOTE """""""' ... ""'lndutM"
hionic or Bani, )1IOU71 ""-to lnct'MR tlta Cmnmunlc:wtian
characters and assigning
professions to going toe-to-
points of-""""----'~,,_."""' toe with monsters and distrib-
_.,•willw/Wllllte.....,._ W..•odws
;. . . itnpc; mlf ddlL Rawrrx•-. fllor.w6, ,,.., _ . uting experience points.
°"'1 W aoodC1111n1111•iHllOt /W fl» 9ldirw . . . .
,.. mlf/ltcliw.
CHAPTER ~ Character Building
A character or two
should be able to handle
modern weapons.
Building the Perfect Party
make her a great peripheral combatant. Place another hard-hitter, such as the Samurai, in
the other spellcaster role. If pumped up with the correct skill bonus points, the Samurai can
learn some of the Mage spells. While not as effective as the Mage, the Samurai can still lay
some hurt on your opponents.
The hand-to-hand combat group is ideally suited with a mixture of raw power and
special powers. The group, again, consists of the following:
0 Two Fighters 0 One Monk or Valkyrie 0 One Rogue
0 One Samurai 0 One Ranger
at the head of the formation . In addition to close-combat strengths, the Lord can learn and
apply Priestly skills to heal people. Enlist two Gadgeteers for ranged support; their ability to
use modern weapons from afar is a big plus later in the game. Utilize one of the Gadgeteer's
Locks &- Traps skill since you don 't have a Rogue. A Ranger, again , is necessary for scouting
tasks. Also, a Mage can add some finishing touches with offensively geared spells.
This combination of characters is a fine mix of various long-range attacks. Used wisely,
they can take your party far. The professions are, again , as follows :
0 One Fighter 0 Two Gadgeteers 0 One Lord
0 One Mage 0 One Ranger 0 One Mage
A fter reading the first chapter, you should have a better understanding of how
to effectively build characters in the Wizardry 8 universe. This chapter will
expand on some of these concepts and address some of the basics, such as properly
getting around and surviving the hundreds of enemies that you 'II face. The user
manual discusses all ofthe game mechanics, so be sure to review it before reading the
following pages.
Dominus is one of the most expansive worlds ever to grace an RPG adventure.
It is full ofvicious creatures, locked doors, hidden goods, and, ofcourse, several eerie
locations. You need to know how to guide your party through this vast universe with
utmost precision and ease. What is the best way to locate hard-to-find goodies? How
can you prevent monsters from sneaking up on your party? At which times in battle
does the continuous combat mode work best? Why should you move during combat?
For the answers to these questions and more, read on ...
CHAPTER 2 (. Life in Dominus
Getting Around
Navigating efficiently through the lands of Dominus is essential for experiencing Wizardry 8
in its full glory. After all, you don't want to bypass an interesting side quest or miss any item
that may make your missions easier. On the other hand, you don't need monsters pouncing
unnecessarily on your party. Using specific game functions and spells will help tremendously
in these departments. Moreover, learning to use the automap and knowing how to camp out
safely will prevent you from ending up lost and confused.
Traveling Wisely
When not fighting or building up your characters' abilities, finding goodies and keeping your
head up is the name of the game. There are several key spells and in-game functions that
will help you do this. Keeping these in mind will make your trips through Dominus a pleasant
For starters, you should generally navigate in full-screen mode. Without the character
panels blocking your view, you can see more of the area through which you're traveling.
Using this mode makes spotting monsters easier. The unobstructed peripheral vision is an aid
for quickly and efficiently eyeing hostile creatures, especially early on, before your charac-
ters have learned the X-Ray spell. Of course, when preparing for battle, quickly switch back
to the view with the character panels.
After your Mage can cast X-Ray, you can worry a little less about being ambushed by
monsters. Be sure to travel with this spell activated, as it enables your party to spot hostile
beings on the "radar" panel at the bottom left of the screen. Monsters are depicted as red
dots, where unknown items appear as white dots. There are times when you'll need to
avoid fights, such as when your party's health is low. The X-Ray feature enables you to
choose when to fight and when to sneak away. Regardless of whether you're ready to do
battle or not, though, no creature will be able to sneak up on your group if you're properly
monitoring the radar screen (as shown in Figure 2. I).
Detect Secrets is another useful spell when traveling. It won't help you avoid unfriendly
monsters, but it will assist you in collecting some important and unusual goodies. Cast this
spell whenever you come to a suspicious-looking place, such as a room with crates, a
clearing featuring a hollow log, or a house standing out from a group of other cottages.
First, make sure no monsters are nearby, then turn on search mode or cast Detect Secrets
to help your party members find hidden items.
Getting Around
tf)#. TIP Nwer trawl in search mode. While doinR so increases your party
,,.,.,_rs' ability to locate items, it decreases their ability to locate and fiaht creatures. Trawlina
with search nuxJ. switched on makes your adventurers susc:eptibt. to surprise attach Un it only
after a room or area has been c:leared of all hostiles.
Finally, you should consider one more tool when navigating through Dominus : the
automap. Access the automap (see Figure 2.2) by pressing the Tab key (note that keys can
be reconfigured). Use it extensively to orient yourself to your surroundings. You can even
write on the map, something that should be done frequently unless you possess a photo-
graphic memory. Use it to label certain houses, the whereabouts of key characters, and the
locations of locked doors.
t(Jf TIP When ratina, always keep your back tu a wall, wlaether a it~
mwm wall or room conwr, or even just a larae boukkr or a aroup of tnes. Doin• this
pnwnts creatures from surroundina you while aslnp and directly attoc:kin• your - t . r
members (spe/lc:asters and ranaed weapon units).
Because Dom;nus is a dangerous world , making camp just anywhere is not particularly
smart. If monsters are constantly awakening your party, the group's health will obviously
suffer. The best places to rest include sheltered areas such as cleared rooms, vacant caves,
CHAPTER 2 (. Life in Dominus
and abandoned cottages. Always make sure that a location is safe by eliminating any nearby
monsters and constantly monitoring your radar screen for any threats moving into the area.
Wizardry 8 is a beautiful game, but you 'll be doing more than sightseeing. Traveling and
discovering goodies is an important part of the game, but the essence of any good RPG is its
combat system . And Sirtech doesn 't skimp on any of the fine details in this regard . Sure,
fighting monsters can be a complex affair, but it's this complexity- which is intelligently
presented- that makes the game so good. The following sections provide plenty of advice
with which to make sense out of this detailed combat engine. Some of these tips may
overlap with strategy presented in the party construction and magic chapters (Chapters I
and 3, respectively) .
Combat ff
How to Fight
There are three steps in learning how to fight effectively in Wizardry 8 . First, you need to
know how to place your characters in formations that emphasize their strengths. Second,
you need to master the three basic elements of fighting. Finally, we 'll take a look at why
moving is a good idea during certain situations. Together, these strategies will help you
destroy the Dark Savant's evil minions, along with the other beasties you 'll face .
Party Formations
You may have developed some tough characters, but your party members won't go far if
they're not properly positioned . Setting up your adventurers in the right spots maximizes
their performance in battle (see Figure 2.4). In general , you will want to place a typical
six-member party in the following stances:
0 Three of the strong, close-combat characters should man the front lines.
0 Two members (one on each side) who excel in fighting with weapons such as
halberts, staffs, and lances, should be placed within the peripheral areas.
0 One or more magic users and long-range combatants should be protected
within the formation 's center.
Behind your front line and flank , position your weaker member(s) . This spot will usually
feature magic users such as Bishops, Mages, and Psionics, as well as ranged-combat special-
ists such as the Gadgeteer and Ranger.
Fighting Basics
Theories on fighting are simple in statement but complex in execution . In essence, they can
be summed up in three simple formulas:
Do the most amount of good (for your party) or damage (to the enemy) possible
during each turn .
0 Place your weapons in the hands of those characters that can use them best.
0 Know your enemies.
Realizing how each of these pointers relates to your situation is paramount to your
success (see Figure 2.5). There are a lot of weapons, spells, and potions to keep track of in
Wizardry 8. For some people, it's easy to get so bogged down in all these options that they
lose sight of one basic fact: during every turn , you need to inflict the highest amount of
damage possible upon the enemy. After all , your goal is to eliminate foes without suffering
A couple of examples may best explain this concept in battle. For instance, a Dracon has
the ability to breathe acid upon a cone of enemies. Let's say that he can inflict three points
of damage upon five opponents. This means that the foe will sustain 15 points of damage in
one turn . A Dracon who is a Samurai can use the Dual Weapons ability to attack twice with
swords. He might then be able to dish nine points of damage with one jab and I0 points with
the other. In this hypothetical instance, the Dracon's 19 point Dual Weapons attacks would
surpass the Acid Breath attack in strength, making it a more ideal choice during your turn.
A synergistic approach is also necessary when considering how best to attack your
opponents. For example, a wounded Samurai can spend a turn using a healing potion.
However, this may not be the best use of your resources. You could instead have your Priest
Combat ~
heal the Samurai , and that character could get in an attack by swinging his swords. The key
1s to take everyone 's abilities into account, including their abilities to attack and to heal. You
want group members concentrating their talents in an effort to maximize the party's effec-
tiveness during each turn .
Effective fighting
requires placing the right
weapons in the right
0( N QTE The Eye for an Eye s,,.11 doan 't affect mop indirectly ta1ptCd
at tho# protectal with the s,,.11. For instance, you con summon an E1-dol lo /ialrt •uch
memies without the Elemental's attacks beina defl«:ted 6aclc upon your pan,.
Knowing which weapons and spells to direct towards a foe requires that you know your
enemy. Right-clicking opponents reveals any resistance they may have to a certain type of
attack; the information that is revealed depends on your Mythology skill. For example, if the
CHAPTER 2 C Life in Dominus
enemy has a high Air realm resistance, don't cast Whirlwind . Instead , use an Earth spell
such as Crush . Be aware of any strengths or weaknesses that enemies have. If they have tt
ability to use the Eye for an Eye spell , then you must refrain from using most types ofmag1
against the creatures-or else the spell's damage will be reflected back upon your party.
Right-click each enemy as you head into battle; it's the best scouting report you 'll get.
You 'II find that attacking an opponent and then retreating works well in certain situa-
tions. For example, creatures with close-combat attacks have no choice but to waste some
of their turns chasing after you. This tactic does not always prevent the beasts from
attacking your units, but it may cut down the number of times that they can hack into yo
characters. Running without attacking reduces this number even more.
Sometimes your group will need to retreat to more defensible terrain , to prevent op
nents from flanking or attacking the rear of your party. Always keep your opponents in fr
of you. Shift your combat to ideal terrain (a narrow passageway tucked beneath rock walls
ideal) whenever possible.
M agic is a powerful force on Dominus. While it is not the only tool necessary
for staying alive during your many hazardous escapades, it remains the
most critical single ingredient for success. Sorcery plays an important role in battles
when properly combined with your close- and ranged-combat units. After all, a well-
protected Mage or Psionic is one of your most devastating offensive weapons.
Moreover, several professions, such as the Priest, can heal wounded characters. Such
powers are often essential for winning battles against foes armed with a variety of
CHAPTER 3 (. The Magic of Dominus
Spells in Wizardry 8 comprise a wide range of these many weapons. For instance, you
have incantations that hypnotize opponents, camouflage party members, purify the air,
bolster the energy of allies, and strike enemies dead . Since the game manual already cover;
spell statistics, the following sections focus solely on the different types of magic and discu!
how best to employ them. More than I00 spells have been broken into six different cate-
gories based on particular spell effects.
0 Direct Damage: This section includes spells targeted on single creatures (for
example, Energy Blast, Make Wounds, and Frost) , inflicting damage only on the
specified victims and/or their armor.
0 Area Damage: Sorcery that targets a given area, inflict ing damage and/or death
creatures within that region, is rounded up in this category. Spells such as Noxiow
Fumes, Quicksand, and Nuclear Blast are good examples of Area Damage incant;
0 Enhancement: These spells enhance your character's offensive and sensory abil
ties on one spectrum (for example, Enchanted Blade and Bless), while others spec
ically protect your characters from being damaged by enemies (Armorplate, Mag11
Screen, and Guardian Angel) .
Hindering: Hindering magic either hinders or completely prevents opponents fro
attacking your party. Examples include Sleep, Web, and Paralyze.
0 Curative: Special powers used to cure or heal a party member's affliction and/or
bring the character back to life are rounded up in the Curative category.
Resurrection, Cure Poison, and Heal Wounds are just some of the spells repre-
sented here.
0 Miscellaneous: This section consists of spells that do a variety of things, from
persuading other characters to join your party to handling traps, locks, and pick-
pocketing (for example, Knock-Knock, Detect Secrets, Charm , and Divine Trap).
The first five types of magic are indispensable during all aspects of combat, from offer
sive tactics to defensive maneuvers. Furthermore, the Miscellaneous spells come in hand)
during other parts of your quest. With these in your repertoire, your party will undoubted
have an effective collection of weapons at its disposal (see Figure 3.1) .
Direct Damage Spells
Magic is an important
ally in your battles on
Do minus.
CHAPTER 3 {. The Magic of Dominus
an Area Damage spell is not practical for
s.-o1.,-,. attacking a group due to line of sight restric-
could in...,... than one~
Fw __,., o Conolmion .,.II_,. inodc on
tions. For example, your Mage may sense five
or six enemies, but because of this character's
opponent llllCIOftlCiow, ,,.,,. rnimicldna.
e/fttcU ofo H~ .,.II. Boilina Blood can position the foes can 't be targeted with an
,,. dUwctetl only ot OM~ Hawewr, If Area Damage spell. Rather than leaving your
that chtuocter bunts, • aploalon "°" Mage idle, cast a spell such as Frost. Thus,
deliwr "°""'1Je m nearhy.,.,.. when the enemies come into sight, this Direct
(octina liu an .Ana Domop Damage incantation will inflict some hurt on
.pell ottoelc). the approaching opponents. On the next
turn-after your party has gained a clearer
view of its enemies- let rip with an Area
Damage spell .
Area Damage Spells
The final thing to consider is targeting. Once you 've selected the spell and chosen a
power rating, you must then aim that at a particular area. Obviously, clicking the battle
region calls up the targeting wand. This wand follows the same laws of physics as your
characters; thus, it cannot pass through obstacles such as walls and barroom counters.
The thing to remember is that line of sight can restrict Area Damage spell capabilities.
CHAPTER 3 (. The Magic of Dominus
One word of caution: Area Damage spells require more resources than those used for
their Direct Damage counterparts. Use them in the early turns of combat, keeping relevant
factors such as resource levels and line of sight in mind . Toxic Cloud, Fire Bomb, Whipping
Rocks, Falling Stars, lceball, and Ego Whip are some of the most devastating invocations in
this category.
Enhancement Spells
Enhancement spells work as the name implies-they "enhance" an ally's abilities. In some
cases, this may mean increasing a character's offensive strengths, while in other cases this
may mean protecting a party member from harm . Overall , these spells should be invoked
prior to entering combat or early on in the battle. For example, you can cast Enchanted
Blade and Armorplate before heading into battle, ensuring that your spellcasters don 't have
to waste a turn conjuring them when they could instead be hurling a Fireball. Remember
that some magic cannot be cast until you enter the fray, including spells such as Bless and
Guardian Angel.
The Enhancement category embraces a wide range of beneficial spells. Many momen-
tarily bestow special powers to allies. For example, Superman provides your chosen friend
with a burst of speed and energy. Other Enhancement spells provide purely defensive abili-
ties to the party or individual . Ring of Fire, for example, thwarts aggressive enemies by
placing a protective circle of flames around your party, while Body of Stone improves a char·
acter's armor class, and Soul Shield provides resistance to Divine and Mental magic attacks
(see Figure 3 .4).
As with all spells, the best use of this sort of magic depends on the situation. In general,
you will cast Enhancement spells before confronting an enemy. Some circumstances,
though , require that you use these incantations during combat. For example, if you discover
that an opponent can cast the Eye for an Eye spell- which reflects magical attacks back
Hindering Spells
upon your own party-it's best to use your spellcasters to improve other party members
rather than implement an offensive spell (which will be reflected onto your party) . Also,
when fighting a monster with strong close-combat attacks and high magical resistance, you
may invoke a Guardian Angel spell to protect your Samurai, Fighter, Valkyrie, or the like
from the beast's devastating blows.
t()f TIP Moat E"""-nt spelh ,,,. bat when implemented pat before .,.,.,;,..
aim6ot, or wlNn o foe i• hqond tlte ,,.... ofon offenaiw •trik Fol- aompt., )IOU mn can on
Enltonament •pe/l to buffup )llOUI' party _.,..for the comina batik, wlaik
d. ~ uaa its tum to mow in. AU in oU, itk always o mistake to 1 -
'JOUT mogic-wie/dan idle or unprepond.
Hindering Spells
Although Hindering spells do not directly inflict damage upon opponents, they remain some
of the most practical types of magic in Wizardry 8, preventing opponents from using their
full strength or power. Some such spells, like Slow, merely reduce the speed at which
enemies move; others, such as Terror, strike fear into opponents, affecting their performance
on the battlefield. Other powerful Hindering spells include Paralyze, Silence, Blinding Flash,
Freeze All, Hex, and Web. In general, such magic impedes a foe's ability to fight, making it
easier to take the enemy out.
This category of spells offers players a more
subtle way of vanquishing opponents. They are
most effective when taking on a large number
e(!;f TMreuonortto of enemies or a single tough foe with a large
iuina some Hlnd.rina •pel/& Sleep •pe/&, number of hit points. For example, eight or nine
for aample, will oftim .nd tlJe NCOnd that
Tanto Wasps can quickly ruin a questing party's
J'OU •trlh tlte offect1ld oppotrBlt. To take fell
atlvonlap ofthU moaic. foe- your wffem
day. A wasp is not that strong by itself, but a
on tJr.-;o who ore owab. When th. group of wasps is quite formidable. To prevent
brlaht-q«/ and buahy-tolled #tow this onslaught, you need to take out as many
been vonquiahcd, of these insects as possible in the first turn or
oftUck th. noppina two (see Figure 3.5). In cases such as these,
j'oa OM by one. Hindering spells are your best bet. Incapaci-
tating these stingers with wings enables your
party to take them out quicker than a can
of Raid.
Hindering spells work because a paralyzed enemy, of course, cannot defend itself. Not
only is the creature easier to hit when knocked out or otherwise held, the damage you inflict
tends to be greater. But take note that all Hindering spells are not created equal. Paralyze,
for instance, only affects one opposing party member, whereas Sleep can send a group of
opponents to dreamland. Moreover, the two spells vary in strength even while providing the
same basic results. Creatures that are paralyzed stay that way until the effects wear off. An
CHAPTER 3 £ The Magic of Dominus
enemy remains asleep only until one of your characters strikes it. Spells such as Freeze Flesh
combine the strong points of both these spells, stopping a group of enemies in its tracks.
To survive in Wizardry 8, you need Hindering spells. In fact, you must disable some of
the meanest bosses for your party to have a chance at victory. These types of incantations
are often the only way to tackle a powerful enemy creature. All in all , you'll save these
powers for tough-to-handle combat situations.
FIGU R E 3.5:
Curative Spells
Curative spells are similar to their Enhancement cousins. Where Enhancement spells
bestow a character or group with special powers, Curative spells heal wounded party
members. Examples of Curative conjurations include Sane Mind , Cure Poison , Cure
Disease, Heal Wounds, Heal All, Restoration, and Cure Paralysis. Some, such as Lifesteal,
can even steal energy from enemies and transfer it to your most injured party member.
Every worthy group of adventurers needs at least one member capable of casting Curative
spells; otherwise your stalwart band will be limping wounded into every battle.
The Priest (see Figure 3.6) and Alchemist are two of the most capable character classes
for performing Curative spells. Teach them well, since Resurrection Powder is a rare
commodity on Dominus, and you don't want to waste too much time hunting it down ...
or reloading saved games.
A healthy party is necessary to fight at full strength. You must constantly keep an eye
on your group's collective health. When diseased or poisoned, have your spellcaster cure the
ailment with a Curative spell. Heal All is quite versatile. Dead members can be brought back
to this mortal coil with Resurrection. Although Curative magic rarely inflicts punishment
(the Lifesteal spell mentioned above is one of the exceptions) on the enemy, they enable
your party members to fight at their very best.
Miscellaneous Spells
Miscellaneous Spells
A good number and variety of spells fall under the Miscellaneous heading. Detect Secrets,
Identify Item, Charm , Divine Trap, Knock-Knock, X-Ray, Shadow Hound, and Remove
Curse are some of the most popular conjurations in this diverse lot. Although much of this
magic is used outside of battle, it is an invaluable tool for your expeditions. After all, these
spells are used to perform tasks such as popping open locks, circumventing booby traps,
quickly identifying approaching enemies, and easily locating hidden goods. Without a strong
arsenal of Miscellaneous spells, you won't find all of the rich treasures that the game has to
Miscellaneous spells prove that magic
need not be combat-specific to be useful .
In the Oamaae column in the tables of this chapter, Oamaae is given as an equation,
for example 1010+6 (7-16). "0" represents an imaainary die with "X" number of
sides, "X" beina the number immediately followina the "O" ("010" is a ten-sided
die). The number precedina the "O" is the number of times the computer rolls the
imaainary die. Thus, "1010" means that every time the weapon hits, it inflicts
Oamaae equivalent to one roll of a ten-sided die (here 1-10 points of Oamaae). The
number after "1010,'' in this example +6, is added to one roll of the ten-sided die.
Hence, a weapon that inflicts 1010+6 will inflict 7-16 points of Oamaae each time
it hits.
In the Special Attacks column of the tables in this chapter, the percentaae given after
the attack name indicates that in addition to the damaae inflicted by the weapon, it
has a certain percentqe chance of succeedina with the Special Attack as well. For
example, "Kill 2%" means that it has a 2% chance ofkiJlina its taraet.
Fighting is an integral part of Wizardry 8. Not only will you be taking on the Dark Savant's
minions, you'll also have to battle an assortment of other creatures, from pesky insectlike
critters to demonic hordes. Luckily, the wide assortment of weapons at your disposal will
help you defend yourself.
Quarrel DemonSting
Enchanted Bow
All but Faerie
All but Monk, Priest, Alchemist,
Bishop, Psionic, Mage
Great Bow Kiili% All All but Monk, Priest, Alchemist,
Bishop, Psionic, Mage
Greenwood Bow Kill 1% All Ranger
Heavy Crossbow N/A All but Faerie All but Monk, Priest, Alchemist,
Bishop, Psionic, Mage
Hunter's Bow Kill5% All All but Monk, Priest, Alchemist,
Bishop, Psionic, Mage
Light Crossbow N/A All but Faerie All but Monk, Priest, Alchemist,
Bishop, Psionic, Mage
Long Bow N/A All All but Monk, Priest, Alchemist,
Bishop, Psionic, Mage
Short Bow N/A All All but Monk, Priest, Alchemist,
Bishop, Psionic, Mage
Siege Arbalest Kill5% All but Faerie All but Monk, Priest, Alchemist,
Bishop, Psionic, Mage
Strong Bow Kill6% All All but Monk, Priest, Alchemist,
Bishop, Psionic, Mage
Tripleshot Crossbow Extra shots (2) All but Faerie All but Samurai , Monk, Priest,
Alchemist, Bishop, Psionic,
Anointed Flail ID8+1 Knockout 5% All but Faerie All but Samurai,
(2-9) Spell: Bless Rogue, Gadgeteer,
(power 4) Bard, Alchemist,
Psionic, Mage
Flail ID6+2 Knockout 5% All but Faerie All but Samurai,
(3-8) Rogue, Gadgeteer,
Bard, Alchemist,
Psionic, Mage
The Mauler 3D6+9 Kill 2%, Knockout 15% All but Faerie All but Samurai,
(12-27) Spell: Crush (power 4) Rogue, Gadgeteer,
Bard, Alchemist,
Psionic, Mage
Zizka Star
Knockout 5%
All but Faerie
All but Samurai ,
(3-13) Rogue, Gadgeteer,
Bard, Alchemist,
Psionic, Mage
Bo Sticks
Bo 106+0 NIA All Samurai, Ninja,
(1-6) Monk
Hayai Bo 108+4 Knockout 5% All Samurai, Ninja,
(5-12) Monk
Zatoichi Bo 306+7 Paralyze 15%, Kill 5%, All Samurai, Monk
(10-25) Knockout 15%
Spell: Blinding Flash
(power 6)
Bone basher Staff* 2D7+5 Knockout 12% All All
(7-19) Spell : Concussion
(power 5)
Cane of Corpus 6D6+6 Paralyze 50%, Faerie Ninja
(12-42) Poison 100%
(Strength I0), Kill 15%
Crux of Crossing* ID8+2 Knockout 5% All All
Ebon Staff IDl2+6 Blind 10% All but Faerie Priest, Alchemist,
(7-18) Bishop, Psionic,
Flame Staff 2D8+5 Blind 20% All All
(7-21) Spell: Firestorm (power 5)
Holy Basher ID9+6 Knockout I0% All Priest, Bishop
(7- 15)
M1ndblast Rod IDI0+5 Paralyze 20%, All but Faerie Monk, Bishop,
(6-15) Knockout 5%, Psionic
Drain Stamina 75%
Spell : Nuclear Blast (power 3)
Monstrance ID8+1 Knockout 5% All Priest, Bishop
CHAPTER 4 c Weapons and Other Items of Dominus
Faerie Stick 105+0 Sleep 50% Faerie All
Notched Shaft 103+0 N/A All All
Wooden Dowel 1D3+0 N/A All All
Bullwhip 106+0 N/A All All but Samurai,
(1-6) Rogue, Gadgeteer.
Bard, Alchemist,
Psionic, Mage
Doublestrike Dagger lD4+0 N/A All All but Monk,
(l-4) Priest, Bishop
Main Gauche ID5+0 N/A All Fighter, Lord,
(l- 5) Valkyrie, Ranger,
Rogue, Gadgeteer,
Poignard ID8+0 N/A All Fighter, Lord ,
(1-8) Valkyrie , Ranger,
Rogue, Gadgeteer,
CHAPTER 4 ~ Weapons and Other Items of Dominus
Doom Darts ID5+3 Hex80% All All but Lord,
(4-8) Valkyrie, Priest,
Feather Darts IDS +O NIA All All
Poison Dart ID5+3 Poison 100% (Strength 2) All All but Lord,
(4-8) Valkyrie, Priest,
Ninja Weapons
Enchanted Wakizashi IDI0+2 Kill2% All Samurai, Ninja
Ninjato 2D4+1 Kill5% All Ninja
Nunchaka 3D4+0 Knockout 15% All Ninja, Monk
Sai 2DS+I Kill5% All Ninja
Doubleshot Sling N/A All All
Sling N/A All All
Wrist Rocket Knockout I 0% All All
What would a good role-playing game be without plenty of swordplay? Well, Wizardry 8
has more than enough swords for your fencing enjoyment, including flamberges, halberds,
katanas, and rapiers. On guard!
Black Swords
Blade Cuisinart 404+4 Kill 5% All but Faerie All but Ninja,
(8-20) Monk, Priest,
Bishop, Psionic,
Fang 208+8 Kill I 0% All Fighter, Lord ,
(10-24) Valkyrie, Samurai,
Rogue, Gadgeteer,
" c Weapons and Other Items of Dominus
Fire Swords
The Avenger 3D8+5 Kill 10% All but Faerie Fighter, Lord ,
(8-29) Spell : Lightning (power 5) Valkyrie
Sword of Fire 2D8+2 Spell: Fireball (power 4) All but Faerie Fighter, Lord,
(4- 18) Valkyrie, Samurai
Flamberge 2D7+2 NIA All but Faerie Fighter, Lord,
(4-16) Valkyrie Vorpal
Blade 2D8 + 2 Poison 35% (Strength 2) All but Faerie Fighter, Ranger,
(4-18) Samurai, Ninja,
Rogue, Gadgeteer.
Great Swords
Claymore 2D6+2 NIA All but Faerie Fighter, Lord,
(4-14) Valkyrie
Dragon Slayer IDl4+6 NIA All but Faerie Fighter, Lord,
(7- 20) Valkyrie
Excalibur 4D8+4 Hex 25%, Kill 5% All but Faerie Fighter, Lord,
(8-36) Spell: Lightning (power 6) Valkyrie
Giant's Sword 3D8+4 Knockout 30% Mook, Rapax Fighter, Lord,
(7-28) Resist Earth 5% Valkyrie, Ranger,
Sword of Four Winds 4D5+5 Kill2% , All Fighter, Lord,
(9-25) Drain Stamina I0% Valkyrie, Ranger,
Spell: Asphyxiation Samurai, Ninja
(power 6)
Zweihander 3D6+1 NIA All but Faerie Fighter, Lord,
(4-19) Valkyrie
Faust Halberd* 4D5+3 Paralyze 5%, Kill 5% All but Faerie Fighter, Lord,
(7-23) Spell: Lifesteal (power 5) Valkyrie
Halberd IDl2+1 NIA All but Faerie Fighter, Lord ,
(2- 13) Valkyrie
Raven 's Bill* 4D5+3 Poison 25% (Strength 2) , All but Faerie Fighter, Lord,
(7-23) Kill 5% Valkyrie
Katan as
Bushido Blade 2010 + 2 Ki115% All Samurai , Ninja
(4- 22)
Enchanted Katana 106+3 N/A All Samurai , Ninja
Katana 106+ 1 N/A All Samurai, Ninja
Muramasa 308+4 Kill 15% All Samurai
No-Dachi 207+ 2 Kill2% All but Faerie Samurai , Ninja
Stinger 106+2 N/A All Samurai , Ninja
Long Swords
Bastard Sword 204+ 2 N/A All but Faerie Fighter, Lord,
(4-10) Valkyrie, Samurai ,
Rogue, Gadgeteer,
Bloodlust 109+4 N/A All but Faerie, All but Ninja,
(5-13) Android Monk, Priest,
Bishop, Psionic,
Broadsword 109+ 2 N/A All but Faerie Fighter, Lord ,
(3- 11) Valkyrie, Samurai ,
Rogue, Gadgeteer,
Demons Bane 1012+ 4 N/ A All but Faerie Fighter, Lord,
(5-16) Valkyrie, Ranger
Enchanted Broadsword 109+ 4 N/A All but Faerie Fighter, Lord ,
(5- 13) Valkyrie, Samurai ,
Rogue, Gadgeteer,
Enchanted Longsword 107+3 N/A All but Faerie All but Ninja ,
(4-10) Monk, Priest,
Bishop, Psionic,
Gleaming Sword 204 +2 Blind 10% All but Faerie All but N inja,
(4-10) Monk, Priest,
Bishop, Psionic,
CHAPTER 4 ~ Weapons and Other Items of Dominus
Protective Equipment
Battles are a major part of Wizardry 8, so providing armor and shields to your party members
is a necessity. Keep your characters healthy and whole with the assistance of protective
equipment such as body armor, shields, leg greaves, gloves, footwear, and headgear.
Upper Ebony Plate +14 30% vs. Fire, Water All but Faerie Fighter, Lord ,
Upper Gossamer +I I0% vs. Mental Faerie All
Upper Gown +10 I0% vs. Divine All but Faerie, Fighter, Lord ,
ofDivinemail* T'Rang Valkyrie, Ranger,
Samurai ,
Gadgeteer, Bard
Upper Hi-Kane Do +12 30% vs. Fire All but Faerie, Samurai
Upper Ninja Garb +3 N/A All Ninja
Upper Plate Mail +10 N/A All but Faerie Fighter, Lord,
Upper Plate Mail +2 +12 20% vs. Fire, Water All but Faerie Fighter, Lord ,
Upper Plate Mail +3 +13 30% vs. Fire, Water All but Faerie Fighter, Lord,
Upper Tosei-Do +9 N/A All but Faerie Samurai
Zynaryx Plate +6 N/A Faerie All but Ninja,
Protective Equipment
Stud Chausses +8 NIA All but Faerie, All but Ninja,
T'Rang Monk, Psionic,
Stud-Cu1r Skirt +6 NIA All but Faerie All but Ninja,
(Females Only) Monk, Psionic,
Suede Pants +3 NIA All but Faerie, All but Ninja
Chamois Gloves +3 N/A All but Faerie All but Ninja,
Monk, Psionic,
Colbaltine N/A N/A All Fighter, Lord,
Powergloves Valkyrie, Ranger,
Rogue, Gadgeteer
Copper Gloves +10 N/A All but Faerie Fighter, Lord,
Cuir Gauntlets +5 N/ A All but Faerie All but Ninja,
Monk, Psionic,
Doll 's Gloves +3 N/A None All but Ninja,
Monk, Psionic,
M at·1M'tt
I ens +6 N/A All b u tF aene Ftg hter, Lord,
Valkyrie, Ranger,
Samurai ,
Gadgeteer, Bard
Mantis Gloves + 14 N/A All but Faerie Fighter, Lord,
Silken Gloves* -I N/A All but Faerie All but Ninja
Silver Gloves + 12 N/A All but Faerie Fighter, Lord,
Steel Gauntlets +8 N/A All but Faerie Fighter, Lord,
Ariel's Slippers +5 10% vs. Air All Bard
Buskins +3 N/A All but Faerie All but Ninja
Chain Hosen +8 N/A All but Faerie Fighter, Lord,
Valkyrie, Ranger
Samurai ,
Gadgeteer, Bard
Goatfoot Boots +7 N/A All but Faerie All but Ninja,
Monk, Psionic,
Leather Boots +5 N/A All but Faerie All but Ninja,
Monk, Psionic,
Leather Greaves +6 N/A All but Faerie, All but Ninja,
T'Rang, Rapax Monk, Psionic,
Protective Equipment
"1agnetic Boots* -5 N/A All but Faerie Fighter, Lord,
Mantis Boots +14 N/A All but Faerie Fighter, Lord ,
Oberon's Greaves +7 5% vs. Mental , Divine All but Faerie, Bard
T' Rang, Rapax
Rubber Shoes N/ A N/A All but Faerie All but Ninja
Sandals +I N/A All but Faerie All but Ninja
Silver Sollerets +12 N/A All but Faerie Fighter, Lord,
Snakeskin Boots +8 N/ A All but Faerie All but Ninja,
Monk, Psionic,
Sollerets +10 N/ A All but Faerie Fighter, Lord ,
Spiked Boots +5 N/A All All
Tab1 Boots +3 N/A All Ninja
Winged Boots +5 N/A All but Faerie All but Ninja,
Monk, Psionic,
Armet +10 N/ A All but Faerie Fighter, Lord ,
Assassin's Cap +3 5% vs. Water, Mental All All
Basc1net +6 N/A All but Faerie Fighter, Lord ,
Valkyrie, Ranger,
Samurai ,
Gadgeteer, Bard
Basc1net and Camail +9 N/A All but Faerie Fighter, Lord,
Beanie N/ A N/ A All All
Bnlhant Helm +6 N/ A All All
Burgonet Helm +8 N/A All but Faerie Fighter, Lord,
Canezou Helm +7 N/ A All All
Cap of Wiles* -4 10% vs. Mental All but Faerie All but Ninja
Coif of Divinemail* +8 l 0% vs. Divine All but Faerie Fighter, Lord ,
Valkyrie, Ranger,
Samurai ,
Gadgeteer, Bard
CHAPTER 4 ~ Weapons and Other Items of Dominus
Protective Equipment ..
Aqua Shield +2 20% vs. Water All but Faerie All but Ninja,
Monk, Psionic,
Brimstone Shield +2 20% vs. Fire All but Faerie All but Ninja,
Monk, Psionic,
Buckler Shield +I NIA All but Faerie All but Ninja,
Monk, Psionic,
Dragon Kite Shield +4 40% vs. Fire, Water All but Faerie Fighter, Lord ,
Granite Shield +2 20% vs. Earth All but Faerie All but Ninja,
Monk, Psionic,
Heater Shield +3 NIA All but Faerie Fighter, Lord ,
Valkyrie, Ranger,
Samurai ,
Gadgeteer, Bard
Light Shield +IO 90% vs. Fire, Water All but Faerie All but Ninja,
Monk, Psionic,
Lithe Buckler +I NIA All but Faerie All but Ninja,
Monk, Psionic,
Philosopher's Shield +2 20% vs. Mental, Divine All but Faerie All but Ninja,
Monk, Psionic,
Rainbow Shield +4 15% vs. Fire, Water, All but Faerie Fighter, Lord,
Spell: Prismic Ray Air, Earth, Mental, Valkyrie
(power 4) Divine
Round Shield +2 NIA All but Faerie All but Ninja,
Monk, Psionic,
Shield of Sacrifice +3 NIA All but Faerie Fighter, Lord,
Valkyrie, Ranger,
Samurai ,
Gadgeteer, Bard
Shield of Soaring* -3 NIA All but Faerie All but Ninja,
Monk, Psionic,
Shield of Winds +2 20%vs. Air All but Faerie All but Ninja,
Monk, Psionic,
Thieves Buckler +I NIA All but Faerie All but Ninja,
Monk, Psionic,
S1 '
CHAPTER 4 (. Weapons and Other Items of Dominus
Boom Bomb Sonic Boom N/A All Samurai, Ninja,
(power 4) Monk
Cherry Bomb Fireball spell N/A All All
(power 3)
Death Bomb Death Cloud N/A All All
spell (power 3)
Earthshaker Bomb Earthquake spell N/A All All
(power 6)
Fire Bomb Firestorm spell NIA All All
(power 4)
Ice Bomb lceball spell N/A All All
(power 6)
Napalm Bomb Ring of Fire spell N/A All All
(power 4)
Stink Bomb Noxious Fumes N/A All All
spell (power 3)
Demon in a Box Psionic Blast Jack in the Box Demon Doll 60
(power I) (Upper Rapax
Guns and Gadgetry
Duct Tape Paralyze (power 1) Duct Tape N/A N/A
(sold complete by
Anna in Arnika)
Electro-shocker Resurrection Electrodes High Voltage 75
(power I) (sold by Anna Transformer
in Arnika) (Mt. Gigas)
Forcefield Generator Armorplate Voltage Amplifier Giant Magnet 30
(power I) (Swamp, Crock) (Trynton)
Holograph Projector Guardian Angel Large Prism Laser Pointer 15
(power I) (Swamp, Crock) (Marten's Bluff,
lnvigorator Belt Superman Metal Belt Electrodes 45
(power I) (Southeast (sold by Anna
Wilderness) in Arnika)
Jack in the Box Terror (power 1) Hinged Box Doll 5
(Arnika) (Arnika)
Jackhammer Earthquake Chisel Pendulum 85
(power I) (Southeast (Rapax Castle,
Wilderness) roof)
Lava Lamp Hypnotic Lure Glowing Goo Orange Goo 30
(power 1) (Trynton) (Trynton)
Lightning Rod Energy Blast Lightning Rod N/A N/A
(power I) (found complete
in an upper
monastery, chest)
Magic Mirror Eye for an Eye Shiny Chrome Magic Polish 45
(power I) Plate (Swamp, Crock)
(Trynton Zoo)
Microwave Ray Boiling Blood Microwave Chip Broken Blaster 75
(Gun) (power 1) (upper monastery) (Bayjin)
NegatAir Asphyxiation Long Metal Tube Vacuum Pump 85
(power 1) (Sea Caves, beach) (Bayjin)
Noisemaker Sonic Boom Empty Bottle Gunpowder 15
(power 1) (various sites) (Umpani base
Regenerating Stone Heal All (power 1) Electrodes Lazurite Stone 60
(Anna, Crock) (Southeast
Searchlight Detect Secrets Ptorch Magnifying Glass 15
(power 1) (Mt. Gigas (upper monastery)
Strobe Light Prismic Ray Electric Lamp Oscillator 70
(power I) (T'Rang house) (Marten's Bluff,
CHAPTER 4 c Weapons and Other Items of Dominus
Omrngun Mk. I0 N/A Kill 1%, Knockout 5%, All Gadgeteer
Blind 10%
Omrngun Mk. 11 N/A Kill 2%, Knockout 5%, All Gadgeteer
Blind 10%
Omnigun Mk. 12 N/A Sleep 1%, Paralyze 1%, All Gadgeteer
Poison I% (Strength 5).
Hex 1%, Disease 1%,
Kill 2%, Knockout 10%,
Blind 10%, Frighten 1%.
Drain HP 1%,
Drain Stamina 1%,
Drain SP 1%, Nauseate 1%,
Insane 1%
Spike Stones 3D3+2 Knockout 5% All All
Ta-L1 Stones 205+2 Paralyze 10%, All All
(4-12) Knockout I0%
Zip Gun IDl2+0 Knockout 4% All Fighter, Lord ,
(1-12) Valkyrie, Ranger,
Rogue, Gadgeteer
Modern Equipment
Flamethrower Firestorm spell N/A All All but Mage
(power I)
Rockets 3D6+0 N/A All All
Rocket Launcher N/A N/A All All
Thermal Pineapples Nuclear Blast N/A All All
spell (power 6)
Magic Items
What would a good RPG be without plenty of magical goodies? Wizardry 8 doesn't disap-
point in this regard . Your party will discover a number of enchanted items, ranging from
potions and trinkets to musical instruments and magic wands. Many of these objects, of
course, offer their possessors special powers.
CHAPTER 4 ( , Weapons and Other Items of Dominus
Trinkets are not just a means of adornment in Wizardry 8. Amulets, bracelets, necklaces, and
the like provide wearers with special powers. In particular, they offer resistance to enemy
magic, enable a party member to cast spells on opponents, and boost armor protection.
Amulet of Airs Purify Air (power 4) 10%vs. Air All
Amulet of Healing Heal All (power 6) 50% vs. Divine All
Amulet of Life Resurrection (power 6) NIA All
Amulet of Nebdar Hex (power 6) I0% vs. Fire, Water, 5% vs. Air, All
Earth, Mental, Divine
Amulet of Rainbows Prismic Ray (power 4) 30% vs. Fire All
Amulet of Spiders Web (power 4) I0% vs. Water All
Amulet of Static Energy Blast (power 6) 5% vs. Mental All
Amulet of Stillness Paralyze (power 5) I0% vs. Water All
Blarneystone Amulet Charm (power 6) NIA All
Mag ic Items
Brace rs
Bracers of Defense +2 I0% vs. Earth, Divine All
F1lcher's Band +I N/A Ranger, Ninja, Rogue, Gadgeteer,
Tinker's Carryall +I N/A Gadgeteer
Amulet of Asphixiate Asphyxiation 30% vs. Air All All
(power 4)
Amulet Pro Magic N/A I0% vs. Fire, Water, All All
Air, Earth, Mental,
Bat Necklace N/A 50% vs. Fire All All
Emerald Talisman N/A 30% vs. Divine All All
Gem of Power N/ A 5% vs. Fire, Water, All All
Air, Earth, Mental ,
CHAPTER 4 c Weapons and Other Items of Dominus
Aeromancer's Ring N/A 5% vs. Air All but Android All
Aqua Ring N/A 20% vs. Water All but Android All
Brimstone Ring N/A 20% vs. Fire All but Android All
Diamond Ring N/A 30% vs. Divine All All
(Females Only)
Fey Ring* N/A N/A Elf, Faerie All
Geomancer's Ring N/A 5% vs. Earth All but Android All
Granite Ring N/A 20% vs. Earth All but Android All
Hydromancer's Ring N/A 5%vs. Water All but Android All
Mystic's Ring Mindread I0% vs. Mental All Monk, Priest,
(power 4) Alchemist,
Bishop, Psionic,
Pyromancer's Ring N/A 5% vs. Fire All but Android All
Ring of Beasts N/A N/A Felpurr, Rawulf, All
Trynnie, Rapax
Ring of Breezes Purify Air 20%vs. Air All but Android All
(power 3)
Ring of Felix N/A N/A All All
Ring of Life N/A N/A All All
Ring of Power Restore Magic N/A All but Android All but Fighter,
(power 3) Rogue
Ring of Protection N/A N/A All but Android All
Ring of Reflextion N/A N/A All All
Ring of Regeneration N/A3 30% vs. Divine All All
Magic Items
Musical Instruments
Music is an entertaining and unique method for taking on enemies. Party members with
music skills (usually Bards) can obtain musical instruments from various Dominus sites. They
can then employ them in a manner that produces effects similar to the magic of Mages and
Psionics. (Note that some of these items are only available to parties imported from
Wizardry Cold or Wizardry 7: Crusaders of the Dark Savant.)
Banshee 's Howl Hex (power 3) N/A 60 Northern
Chaos Drone Pandemonium N/A 75 Southeast
(power 3) Wilderness
P1erc1ng Pipes Shrill Sound N/A 15 Arnika Road,
(power 3) chest
Pipes of Doom Terror (power 3) Paralyze 11% 5 Limited to
imported parties
CHAPTER 4 ~ Weapons and Other Items of Dominus
Rousing Drums Haste (power 3) N/A 45 Swamp (hollow
tree over Marten's
Bluff exit)
Snare of Delay Slow {power 3) N/A 15 Trynton
(ground level)
Dulcimer of Mending Heal All (power 3) N/A 60 Arnika Road
{in house)
Lute of Sloth Slow (power 3) N/A 15 Limited to
imported parties
Mandolin of Magic Screen N/A 30 Marten 's Bluff
the Magus (power 3) (in castle)
Magic Items
Chromatic Lyre Itching Skin N/A 5 Limited to
(power 3) imported parties
Hades Harp Cerebral N/A 85 Rapax Rift
Hemorrhage (High Priestess'
(power 3) apartment)
Lyre of Cakes Heal All (power 3) N/A 60 Limited to
imported parties
Silent Lyre Silence (power 3) N/A 30 Mine Tunnels
Succubus Song Lifesteal (power 3) N/A 70 Mountain
Arresting Aria Freeze All N/A 60 Arnika- Trynton
(power 3) Road (in house)
Fngid Fiddle Freeze Flesh N/A 30 Mt. Gigas
(power 3) Caves
Strings of Seduction Turncoat (power 3) N/A 75 Bayjin
Viola D' Amore Charm (power 3) N/A 5 Arnika
(He' Li's inn)
CHAPTER 4 (. Weapons and Other Items of Dominus
Blue Potions
Doubleman Draught Superman (power 5) NIA NIA All
Holy Water Holy Water (power 3) NIA NIA All
Magic Nectar Restore Magic (power 6) NIA NIA All
Potion of Heavy Heal Heal Wounds (power 6) Light Heal and 15 All
Moderate Heal
Potion of Light Heal Heal Wounds (power I) NIA NIA All
Potion of Moderate Heal Wounds (power 3) NIA NIA All
Potion of Superman Superman (power 5) NIA NIA All
Tincture of Shadows Chameleon (power 5) NIA NIA All
Green Potions
Acid Bomb Acid Bomb (power 4) Stink Bomb and 20 All
Boom Bomb
Moser's Mojo Tea Restore Magic (power 2) NIA NIA All
Purple Potions
Dark Nectar NIA NIA NIA All
Eye for an Eye Potion Eye for an Eye (power 5) NIA NIA All
Granite Potion Body of Stone (power 5) NIA N/A All
Milk of Magmanasia Restore Magic (power 6) NIA NIA All
Pickmeup Restore Health (power 6) Moderate Heal 20 All
and Heavy
Heal potions
Magic Items
Potion of Cure Poison Cure Poison (power 6) Poison Reduction 15 All
and Light
Heal potions
Potion of Dracon Breath Dracon Breath N/A N/A All
(power 5)
Potion of Haste Haste (power 5) N/A N/A All
Potion of Poison Cure Poison (power 3) N/A N/A All
Potion of Razor Razor Cloak (power 5) N/A N/A All
Renewal Potion Renewal (power I) Cure Disease 50 All
and Heavy
Heal potions
Red Potions
Canned Elemental Summon Elemental Fire Bomb and 95 All
(power 6) Ice Bomb
Cherry Bomb Fireball (power 3) N/A N/A All
Eau D'Rapax Perfume N/A N/A N/A All
Glowing Goo N/A N/A N/A Gadgeteer
Potion of Restoration Restoration (power 3) Heavy Heal 50 All
and Heavy
Stamina potions
Yellow Potions
Ale Booze (power 1) N/A N/A All but
Bottle of Old Jake's Booze (power 4) N/A N/A All
Chief's Swamp Malt Cure Lesser Condition N/A N/A All
(power 6)
Dungore's Malt Ale Booze (power 1) N/A N/A All
Fuzzfas Fizzer Booze (power 6) N/A N/A All
Potion of Bless Bless (power 6) N/A N/A All
CHAPTER 4 ~ Weapons and Other Items of Dominus
Concussion Powder Concussion (power 3) Knockout I00% N/A N/A
Cure Paralysis Powder Cure Paralysis (power 6) N/A N/A N/A
Devil Dust Whirlwind (power 3) N/A N/A N/A
Dust of Banishment Banish (power 3) N/A N/A N/A
Dust of Defection Turncoat (power 3) N/A N/A N/A
Dust of Dessication Dehydrate (power 3) N/A N/A N/A
Faerie Dust Sleep (power 3) N/A N/A N/A
Flash Powder Blinding Flash (power 3) N/A N/A N/A
Pandemonium Powder Pandemonium (power 3) N/A Sneeze and Flash 50
Resurrection Powder Resurrection (power I) N/A Renewal Potion and 80
Magic Nectar
Skeleton Powder Instant Death (power 6) N/A Dust of Desiccation 70
and Concussion
Smelling Salts Smelling Salts (power 4) N/A N/A N/A
Sneeze Powder Itching Skin (power 3) N/A N/A N/A
Magic Items
FlameQuencher Wand
Stave of Silence
St ix
Cracker Stix Energy Blast (power 3) NI A All Ninja, Rogue, Gadgeteer,
Bard, Alchemist, Psionic,
Fire Stix Magic Missiles (power 2) NIA All Ninja, Rogue, Gadgeteer,
Bard, Alchemist, Psionic,
Icicle Stix Frost (power 2) NIA All All but Monk, Priest, Bishop
Rocket Stix Magic Missiles (power 4) NIA All Ninja, Rogue, Gadgeteer,
Bard, Alchemist, Psionic,
Sparkle Stix Energy Blast (power I) NIA All Ninja, Rogue, Gadgeteer,
Bard, Alchemist, Psionic,
Beckoning Stone NIA NIA All All
Mana Stone Restore Magic NIA All All
(power 6)
Stone of New Life Resurrection 30% vs. Divine All All
(power 6)
Stone Pro Airs NIA 50% vs. Air All All
Magic Items
Book of Hexes
Scroll of Armormelt Armormelt (power 4) Artifacts (level N/ A) All
Scroll of Armorplate Armorplate (power 3) Artifacts (level N/ A) All
Scroll of Crush Crush (power 5) Artifacts (level N/ A) All
Scroll of Cure Poison Cure Poison (power 4) Artifacts (level N/ A) All
Scroll of Ego Whip Ego Whip (power 4) Artifacts (level N/ A) All
Scroll of Enchanted Enchanted Blade Artifacts (level N/ A) All
Blade (power 3)
Scroll of Fireball Fireball (power 4) Artifacts (level N/ A) All
Scroll of Freeze Flesh Freeze Flesh (power 3) Artifacts (level N/ A) All
Scroll of Haste Haste (power 3) Artifacts (level N/ A) All
Scroll of Heal All Heal All (power 4) Artifacts (level I0) All
Scroll of Identity Identify Item (power 4) Artifacts (level N/ A) All
Scroll of Insanity Insanity (power 3) Artifacts (level N/ A) All
Scroll of Knock Knock Knock Knock (power 4) Artifacts (level N/ A) All
Scroll of Magic Missiles Magic Missiles (power 2) Artifacts (level N/ A) All
Scroll of Magic Screen Magic Screen (power 3) Artifacts (level N/ A) All
Scroll of Missile Shield Missile Shield (power 3) Artifacts (level N/ A) All
Scroll of Remove Curse Remove Curse (power 6) Artifacts (level N/ A) All
Scroll of Rest All Rest All (power 4) Artifacts (level N/ A) All
Scroll of Resurrect Resurrection (power 6) Artifacts (level 35) All
Scroll of Slow Slow (power 2) Artifacts (level N/ A) All
Scroll of Terror Terror (power 2) Artifacts (level N/ A) All
Scroll of Whipping Whipping Rocks (power 3) Artifacts (level N/ A) All
CHAPTER 4 {. Weapons and Other Items of Dominus
Spell books
Book of Acid Acid Bomb (power 6) Ranger, Ninja, Alchemist, Bishop
Book of Angels Guardian Angel (power 6) Lord , Valkyrie, Priest, Bishop
Book of Armormelt Armormelt (power 6) Samurai, Monk, Bishop, Psionic, Mage
Book of Armorplate Armorplate (power 6) Lord, Valkyrie, Priest, Bishop
Book of Banishing Banish (power 6) Lord , Valkyrie, Samurai, Priest, Bishop, Mage
Book of Barriers Missile Shield (power 6) Samurai, Bishop, Mage
Book of Blessings Bless (power 6) Lord , Valkyrie, Priest, Bishop
Book of Blinding Blinding Flash (power 6) Ranger, Ninja, Alchemist, Bishop
Book of Booms Sonic Boom (power 6) Ranger, Samurai, Ninja, Alchemist, Bishop, Mage
Book of Breath Dracon Breath (power 6) Ranger, Ninja, Alchemist, Bishop
Book of Burning Psionic Fire (power 6) Monk, Bishop, Psionic
Book of Chameleons Chameleon (power 6) Ranger, Ninja, Monk, Alchemist, Bishop, Psionic
Book of Charming Charm (power 6) Lord, Valkyrie, Monk, Priest, Bishop, Psionic
Book of Corrosion Acid Splash (power 6) Ranger, Ninja, Alchemist, Bishop
Book of Crushing Crush (power 6) Ranger, Samurai, Ninja, Alchemist, Bishop, Mage
Book of the Dark Shadow Hound (power 6) Samurai, Bishop, Mage
Book of Death Instant Death (power 6) Lord, Valkyrie, Priest, Bishop
Book of Dessication Dehydrate (power 6) Samurai, Bishop, Mage
Book of Detection Detect Secrets (power 6) Samurai, Monk, Bishop, Psionic, Mage
Book of Disease Cure Disease (power 6) Lord, Valkyrie, Ranger, Ninja, Priest, Alchemist,
Cures Bishop
Book of Ego Whip Ego Whip (power 6) Monk, Bishop, Psionic
Book of Elements Element Shield (power 6) Ranger, Samurai, Ninja, Alchemist, Bishop, Mage
Book of Enchantment Enchanted Blade (power 6) Samurai, Bishop, Mage
Book of Energy Energy Blast (power 6) Samurai, Bishop, Mage
Book of Fiery Rings Ring ofFire (power 6) Ranger, Ninja, Alchemist, Bishop
Book of Fire Fire Bomb (power 6) Ranger, Ninja, Alchemist, Bishop
Book of Fireballs Fireball (power 6) Samurai, Bishop, Mage
Book of Freeze All Freeze All (power 6) Samurai, Bishop, Mage
Book of Freezing Freeze Flesh (power 6) Samurai, Bishop, Mage
Book of Frost Frost (power 6) Samurai, Bishop, Mage
Book of Fumes Noxious Fumes (power 6) Ranger, Samurai, Ninja, Alchemist, Bishop, Mage
Book of Haste Haste (power 6) Monk, Bishop, Psionic
Book of Heal All Heal All (power 6) Lord , Valkyrie, Priest, Bishop
Magic Items
79 ~
' ve
I A taught you how to use both magic and a wide array ofweaponry. Now
Y Y ;ts time to teach you about the monsters that you'll be using that magic
and weaponry against during your travels on Dominus. This chapter includes impor-
, tant information about monsters, various non-player characters (NPCs), and other
beings that your party will encounter during its adventures.
CHAPTER s {. The Creatures and NPCs of Wizardry 8
Death Lords
You'll meet at least a couple of iterations of the Death Lord
on Dominus. These powerful creatures average 402 hit
points, wield Giant Swords, and boast an impressive number
of spells, including Terror, Insanity, Magic Missiles, Hex,
Toxic Cloud, Draining Cloud, Lightning, Death Cloud, and
Death Wish. Additionally, Death Lords have high magic
resistance (though they're somewhat susceptible to incanta-
tions from the Divine school) . When fighting Death Lords,
your best bet is to wear them down with arrows and then
cast Superman on your frontline warriors. At this point, you should be able to wade in and
hack the monsters to death .
Higardi Bandits
Higardi Bandits come in several flavors : basic Bandits, Dungeon Crawlers,
Rogues, Brigands, Cutpurses, Highwaymen, and Rogue Leaders. Roust-
abouts and Higardi Raiders are also similar to these types. Most attack with
knives, either by throwing or slashing. The weakest of this class is the base-
line Bandit, and the strongest is the Brigand, which averages 117 hit points.
Rogue Leaders are also dangerous, as they're very accurate when tossing
knives. They are all susceptible to magic, however, so it's best to whittle
their numbers down to size with area-effect spells such a~ Fireball before
closing in for the kill.
Higardi Patrols
Higardi Patrols and Higardi Guards can be pretty tough customers in the
early portions of the game. Patrol members pack an average of about 90 hit
points each, while Higardi Guards weigh in at an impressive 125 hit points
apiece. Both types love to attack with their Stun Maces, which knock out
opponents 5% of the time. A Higardi Guard 's mace has a 5% chance of
scoring an outright kill.
Higardi Spirits
Higardi Spirits are the wraithlike remains of departed H igardi who still haunt
the physical world. They guard sunken treasure, the halls of Marten's Bluff.
the temple in Arnika, and even a small portion of the Sea Caves. With the
exception of the Higardi Spirit and the Rebel Specter, these ghosts are magic
users, and hence parties with magical defenses will fair the best against
them. Most Higardi Spirits know Sleep, Terror, Insanity, Slow, and Paralyze
spells, and the Rebel Specter (which possesses an average of 165 hit points)
can cast Terror, Blinding Flash, Freeze Flesh, Noxious Fumes, Silence,
lceball, and Boiling Blood .
Mook Guards
Mook Guards watch over the Chaos Moliri in the Mook's mission house in
Arnika. You won't see them, however, unless you steal the Moliri. If you
grab the original, a wall will disappear and the Mooks will attack (if you put
the fake in its place, you avoid the attack). These guards have an average of
89 hit points each, but pack a mediocre physical punch . Conversely, they are
powerful Psionics and can fling Make Wounds, Blinding Flash, Slow, Fireball,
Freeze Flesh, and Asphyxiation spells with reckless abandon .
CHAPTER 5 {. The Creatures and NPCs of Wizardry 8
Rapax Archers
Rapax Archers, Templar Archers, and Bowmen are included under the
generic category of Rapax Archers. The Rapax Archers are bow and
arrow specialists, with 144 hit points each. They also have strong magic
capabilities and are able to cast Bless, Heal Wounds, Make Wounds,
Guardian Angel Web, Silence, Whirlwind, and Heal All spells. Templar
Archers have more hit points, with an average of 225 , and a slightly
stronger attack than the Rapax Archers. Bowmen boast the most hit
points of the three, at 325 each, and they like to fight in close quarters
with swords.
Rapax Guards
This category includes the Drunken Rapax found in the Rapax Castle
cellar, Jail Guards, Prisoners, Berserkers, Guards, Patrols, Scouts, and
Veterans. All are stout warriors. They run the gamut from the 403-hit-
point Rapax Guard to the 228-hit-point Scout. None are magic users, but
all are susceptible to both Water-based spells and Insanity. It's best to take
care of these enemies from afar, or to immobilize them with Freeze or
Web spells before sending in your melee specialists.
~ 84
Fighters and Guards •
Rapax Knights
Included here are the Assassin , Samurai , Stockade Guard , and Templar
Knight (all of the Rapax persuasion) , with hit points ranging from the
Assassin with 27 6 to the Knight with 341 . Think of these Rapax as
warriors who also know how to brew up some serious magic. Their
spells include Enchanted Blade, Magic Missiles, Shrill Sound, Web,
Magic Screen , Crush, Dehydrate, Hex, Firestorm, Enchanted Blade,
Missile Shield, Fireball, Freeze Flesh, Noxious Fumes, Whipping Rocks,
and Crush . They are vulnerable to Earth and Water spells, so keep that
in mind when readying incantations of your own.
Rapax Templars
Answering roll call in this section are the magic-using Rapax Templar,
Templar Master, Warlock, and Warmage. Each weighs in with some-
where between 200- 260 hit points and each knows several spells. Their
magical arsenals include the Templar Master's Nuclear Blast and lesser
spells such as Magic Screen, Magic Missiles, Web, and Shrill Sound.
These mages have poor Water-based spell resistances, so casting
Blizzard or Ice Ball works well against them.
Rattkin Archers
The Rattkin Archer and its close relative the Rattkin Sniper are your basic,
mid-level bowmen . The Archer averages 119 hit points, while the Sniper
has a 149-hit-point median . Both may be camouflaged, which makes them
hard to spot.
Rattkin Breeder
First encountered in the Rattkin Tree, these brutes carry axes and
boast 320 hit points apiece. Your best bet is to immobilize them with
a spell and then to simply hack away until done.
CHAPTER 5 (, The Creatures and NPCs of Wizardry 8
Rattkin Thieves
This category consists of Goons, Guards, Patrols, and Thieves. All of these
foot-sold ier rats like to move in close and mix it up, often with the assis-
tance of the surprise gained by their camouflage abilities. Goons are the
most durable, with an average of230 hit points each.
Rynjin Footsoldiers
Elite, Empaths, Scavengers, Sentries, and Thralls comprise the group
of basic Rynjin soldiers. Rynjin Footsoldiers are tough opponents. Not
only are they good with their hands and feet , but-with the excep-
tion of the Thrall-each has powerful magic. The strongest warriorts
the Elite, a soldier that comes complete with around 194 hit points
and the ability to inflict an average of 22 hit points of damage with
each successful strike.
Rynjin Chiefs
Think of these foes as the Rynjin demi-bosses. Rynjin Battlelords, Chiefi
and Overseers are part of this category. Each Battle lord normally has
207 hit points and can deal approximately 15 hit points of damage per
swipe in close combat. They are serious magic users who love to fling
Psionic Blast at your characters. Despite their strong magic resistance,
they can be webbed. The Chief is a big man on campus. Around 402 hit
points are stuffed into his bony body, and he has numerous spells to cast
More often than not, he 'II hit you with Cerebral Hemorrhage. On the
other hand, Overseers are no more dangerous than Rynjin Scavengers.
Minions of the Dark Savant
Savant Drone
The Savant Drone isn 't so much a creature as a bobbing weapons globe. The
Drone's forte is ranged combat; the Neuro Bolt that it fires has a 15% chance of
paralyzing its target. They like to travel in threes, and each averages 55.5 hit
Savant Henchmen
The only non-androids working for the Dark Savant form the Savant
Henchman category. This group includes Savant Behemoths, Savant
Henchmen, and Savant Minions. Your first encounter with these
cheery folks will usually come as you make your way up Ascension
Peak. The Behemoths have the most hit points (approximately 460
each), but the Henchmen boast tougher attacks. All three varieties
can attack from afar as well as from close range. None of them uses
magic, but all possess strong magic resistance.
Savant Gunners
Included here are the Berserker, Destroyer, and Gunner. Both the
Berserker and Gunner can attack at long and short range, although they
prefer keeping opponents at a distance. The Destroyer specializes at close
combat. All three types of Savant Gunner lack magical skills, and their hit
points range from the Gunner, with 55, to the Beserker with 164.
Savant Orb
The Savant Orb is similar to the Savant Drone, but a wee bit less powerful.
It has thinner armor than its Drone cousin, fewer hit points, and only a 5%
chance of piling on additional effects, such as paralysis, on its target.
CHAPTER 5 (. The Creatures and NPCs of W izardry 8
Savant Troopers
The Savant's Dark Trooper minions, including the Guard , Slasher, and
Trooper, answer roll call here. Each excels with in-your-face combat.
The Guard and Trooper are weak, though , averaging just 37 hit points
each . Conversely, the Slasher boasts an impressive 235 hit points, and
averages 12.5 hit points of damage each time that he strikes one of your
characters. All Savant Troopers are easy prey to magic attacks.
Aeromancers, Geomancers, Hydromancers, and Pyromancers are the
primary Sige variants. All utilize spells from the realm that their name
implies. Other types, such as the Cultist, Dungeon Mage, and basic Sige use
a mix of spell types . To battle these creatures, you must fling spells that pre1
on their weaknesses, and then close in to finish them with steel. Their hit
points range from around I0 I for the Aeromancer to 146 for the Geomance
Sige Ghosts
This category consists of Acute Spirits, Enlightened Spirits, Guardian of
Knowledge, Sage Spirit, Sige Ghost, Sige Haunt, Sige Shade, Sige Specter.
Sige Spirit, and Swamp Spirit. Think of these creatures as more powerful
versions of the Aeromancer Sige. The Enlightened Spirit, which possesses
an average of 299 hit points, is the toughest physically, but all are potent
opponents that may cast serious spells such as Nuclear Blast, Magic
Missiles, and a host of others. Again , the best strategy is to close in and tai
out these magicians in melee combat.
The T'Rang are spiderlike creatures who will offer to ally with your party in its quest to
destroy the Dark Savant. Their rivals, the Umpani, also offer an alliance, so the following
creatures may be friends or foes, depending upon which race you sign up with . Which
bargain you accept does not directly affect the endgame-in fact, there is a way that you
can unite the two races in a peace pact.
T'Rang Assassins
Assassin and Sentry T' Rang types are covered here. The two types are
nearly identical. Both average 145.5 hit points and prefer to move in
close and smack you with their PSI Rods. Doing so usually inflicts 16
points of damage. Both know a few spells, their favorite being Whipping
T'Rang Controllers
The Controller, Keeper, and Sniper comprise this category. The Sniper is
a weaker version of the Assassin and likes to do his work in close. Both
the Controllers and the Keepers enjoy engaging your party from afar
with shots from their Stun Rods. Additionally, Keepers like to cast Mind
Stab spells. Keepers are also the strongest of the lot, weighing in at 128
hit points apiece.
CHAPTER 5 ( . The Creatures and NPCs of Wizardry 8
Trynnies are the chipmunklike tree dwellers who inhabit Trynton. You can play the entire
game without fighting one (Trynnie Ghosts aside), but if you do cross their paths you'll find
that all but the best Trynnie fighters are no match for your party.
Trynnie Guards
Champions, Guards, Outcasts, and Patrols make up the standard
Trynnie footsoldier complement. They are the basic Trynnie infantry
and like to fight up close and personal. The Trynnie Champion is the
stoutest of this lot, averaging 20 I hit points and boasting the best
natural armor class. All are vulnerable to Fire and Water magic.
Trynnie Ghosts
Transparent Trynnies make up this category. Included are the Ghost,
Haunt, Shade, Specter, and Spirit, all of which are weak monsters.
The Ghost, with an average of 102 hit points, is the strongest. All
attack at close range with their Phantom Spears, and all are vulner-
able to Divine magic. These undead creatures are susceptible to the
Priest's Dispel Undead ability.
Trynnie Hunters
Hunters, Outlaws, and Spearmen are in this group. Think of the Hunter
and Spearman as Trynnie Guards with ranged attacks. Rather than
engage your troops in close combat, both the Hunter and Spearman will
stand back and toss their spears. The Spearman is a stout fellow to boot,
averaging 164 hit points. Conversely, the Outlaw is a fighter with around
101 hit points who likes to mix it up with your troops from close range.
The natural enemies of the T' Rang, the Umpani are the other race that offers to form an
alliance with your party. The Umpani are strong creatures who have an affinity for
gunpowder weapons. As they come from a militaristic society, most Umpanis are identified
by their ranks.
Umpani Commander
The toughest of the tough, the Umpani Commander is one hard-nosed
hombre. Commanders average 357 hit points each and can hurt characters
both from in close with their Rhinablades ( 12 points average damage per
strike) and from afar with their Blunderbusses (25 points average damage) .
Commanders also have strong magic resistance but are vulnerable to Air-
based spells.
Umpani Lieutenant
Umpani Lieutenants are weaker versions of Umpani Commanders. They
attack with both Rhinablades and Blunderbusses but average just 228 hit
points each and have lower magical resistances.
Umpani Private
Privates are the cannon fodder of the Umpani army. They have around 185
hit points each and are armed with Walriblades that dish out an average of
five points of damage per attack. These soldiers attack in close and are
susceptible to all kinds of magic.
Umpani Renegade
These are the weakest Umpani with around 82 .5 hit points. You 'll meet
them in a variety of places with a number of strange bedfellows, sometimes
including Higardi Cutpurses. They attack at close range with Walriblades.
Like Umpani Renegades, they are fully susceptible to magic attacks.
CHAPTER s (. The Creatures and NPCs of Wizardry 8
Umpani Sergeants
Umpani Sergeants are serious opponents who attack with their Walriblades in
close and their muskets from afar. Of the two, the musket is more deadly.
Hence, try to close with the Sergeants and finish them off with melee
Elementals are large creatures devoted to the magic of the four primary elements of Air,
Earth, Fire, and Water. Each group has a high resistance to magic based on the specific
element. For example, a Fire-based attack would have little effect on a Fire Elemental.
Along with these resistances, all Elementals have the ability to stage devastating melee
Air Elementals
A number of Air Elementals, such as the basic Air Elemental , Air
Pawn, Lesser Air Elemental, and Minor Air Elemental, can only battle
opponents with their windy fists. Others, like the Blast, Elemental Air
Lord, Greater Air Elemental , Major Air Elemental, and Tempest, can
cast spells and throw punches. Some popular spells in this group's
arsenal include Whirlwind and Asphyxiation.
Earth Elementals
Earth Elementals rely less on magic than the other Elemental groups,
packing quite a wallop with their fists . For example, the Elemental Earth
Lord can deliver up to 133 points of damage with a single blow. It, along
with the standard Earth Elemental, Earth Pawn, Greater Earth Elemental.
Lesser Earth Elemental, Major Earth Elemental, and Minor Earth
Elemental, just uses its fists. The Avalanche and Landslide variants,
however, employ magic as well , including Crush and Whipping Rocks spell~
Fire Elementals
Many types of Fire Elementals use both spells and their fists . Blasts,
Elemental Fire Lords, Fire Sprites, Greater Fire Elementals, Infernos,
and Major Fire Elementals form this group. Popular spells in their arse-
nals include Fireball and Firestorm . The Fire Elemental, Fire Pawn,
Lesser Fire Elemental, and Minor Fire Elemental have no magical
attack capabilities.
Other Creatures
Water Elementals
The majority of Water Elementals, like their earthen counterparts, lack
spellcasting abilities. The Elemental Water Lord, Greater Water
Elemental, Lesser Water Elemental , Major Water Elemental, Minor
Water Elemental, Water Elemental, and Water Pawn only use their
fists when attacking. The Riptide and Torrent, however, also practice
magic and can use the Acid Bomb, Blizzard, and Noxious Fumes spells.
Other Creatures
This is a miscellaneous category of sorts that catalogues the rest of the monsters that your
party will face in Wizardry 8. A wide array of beasts is included here, ranging from vines and
Slimes to crocodiles and demons. Many creatures bear a resemblance to actual animals
found in our world-although most are a little more exotic and are more dangerous than
we're used to. Several mythological beasts also appear in Dominus.
Ants, aside from the Queen Ant, consist of two classes. The Soldier
Ant is a low-level fighter that attacks opponents with a weak bite
attack. The Fire Ant, on the other hand , is somewhat tougher since
it can spit fire at your party. The key to fighting ants is to just wade
in and hack at these creatures until they're no more.
Queen Ant
The Queen Ant is the most powerful of the ants, with an average
of 195 hit points (nearly 10 times the hit point totals of her Soldier
Ant minions) . She also has both close-range (biting) and long-range
(venom-spit) attacks. The latter can be a potent form of defense for
the Queen when hard-pressed.
Apuses are insectoid creatures that can either lay into parties with
their beaks or fire poisonous thornlike missiles from their stingers.
The Thrasher Apuses and Deathsting Apuses belong to this group.
The latter is the tougher of these two pests, sporting an average of
87 hit points along with deadlier bites and projectiles.
CHAPTER 5 (. The Creatures and NPCs of Wizardry 8
A wide range of bats populates Dominus. These winged mammals usually
appear in groups. Depending on the species, bats attack foes in a number
of ways, including biting and frightening. When taking on these creatures,
it 's not a bad idea to keep your party's backs to a wall so that some of
these flying rodents don 't attack from behind . Bat species include the
standard Bat, Bat Vampire, Contagion Bat, Dusk Bat, Giant Bat, Shrieker
Bat, Twilight Bat, and Vampire Bat.
These fast , multi-legged insects will attack your party by either using their
stingers or by shooting venom . They are also found in groups, which should
be immobilized as soon as possible. Luckily, centipedes and their millipede
cousins are not that tough to handle. Thanatopedes, however, put up much
more of a fight due to stronger attacks and 94 hit points.
Crabs are pesky crustaceans that populate several regions of
Wizardry 8 . For starters, you'll find them on the beach just
outside of the Monastery at the very beginning of the game.
You'll also run into them in Rynjin and in the Sea Caves. These
creatures come in several varieties, including Crabs, Crusher Crabs, Curare Crabs,
Hardshell Crabs, King Crabs, Rock Crabs, Sand Crabs, Softshell Crabs, and Venom Crabs.
They attack opponents with their pincers, a tactic that can be devastating because they
often swarm parties in large groups. Therefore, Web and Turncoat spells should be
employed against them whenever possible.
Other Creatures
Crocodiles can be found in the Swamp, in the river just outside of upper
Marten 's Bluff, and in the Trynton Zoo. These reptilian beasties are
pretty tough in melee combat situations. Since they don 't have long-
range attacks, it's a good idea to battle crocodiles and their kin
(Helligators, lronskin Crocodiles, and Mauligators) from afar, using magic
and projectile weapons. You can also immobilize them and then rush in
and hack at their defenseless bodies.
This is a broad category that encompasses several types of evil monsters,
including the Hellspawn and Pit Fiend, which are nearly boss-caliber
monsters. Other creatures included in the group are the Cave Fiends,
Chaos Demons, Depth Spawns, Greater Demons, Guardians of Chaos,
and Lesser Demons. In combat, alryiost all of the demons rely on their
claws (close range) and magic (long range) .
Depth Dwellers
The Depth Dweller family consists of several aquatic monsters that
you 're apt to encounter in any underwater area, such as the Bayjin
Shallows. The Depth Dweller and Shallows Dweller attack with their
teeth and tentacles, while the creatures' cousin, the Depth Flayer, lashes
opponents with only its tentacles. Avoid close-combat situations with all
of these enemies, which usually attack in small groups.
Since Djinni are serious spellcasters, they can be rather tough oppo-
nents. Spells vary with each type of Djinn. One of the most form i-
dable is the Djinn of the Clouds, which is capable of casting Death
Cloud and Toxic Cloud. The Imp of Discord, Djinn of the Sun, Djinn
of the Blade, and the basic Djinn can all cast Boiling Blood, among
an arsenal of other spells. Other varieties of Djinn include the Imp
of Chaos and the Djinn of the Moon. Melee combat is the best way
to take out all Djinni.
CHAPTER 5 {, The Creatures and NPCs of Wizardry 8
Flying Snakes
Although they can bite opponents, Flying Snakes are renowned for their
ranged attacks, which usually consist of some form of putrid spittle. The
Quetzalcoatl carries the most potent venom , delivering as much as 91
points of damage in just one shot. Other reptiles in this family include the
Acid Wing, Bitter Wing, Blood Wing, Death Wing, Flying Snake, Night
Wing, and Plumed Serpent.
Several kinds of amphibious beasts lurk in the wetlands of
Dominus, ranging from Brekek (a boss with 495 hit points) to the
smaller Swamp Frogs and Viper Frogs. These latter two creatures
attack with their lashing tongues and poisonous spittle, while
Brekek relies on melee attacks from his tongue and arms. It's best
to immobilize all of these frogs from afar with a Web spell before
closing in for the kill .
These three-headed beasts are deadly. Not only can they bite and
propel poisonous spittle at their opponents, but many of them know a
number of powerful spells. The ArmeGazer, Hypnotic Gazer,
Maddening Gazer, Prismic Gazer, Shattering Gazer, and Storm Gazer
are part of this lethal group.
Golems, beings of Hebrew mythology, are just one of the many types
of creatures from ancient folklore roaming the world of Wizardry 8.
These human-shaped monsters, molded from rock and soil , are known
for their great strength . Pee Wee is a boss Golem that your party will
meet when climbing Ascension Peak. He can stomp, punch , and hurl
boulders at your characters. Some of his attacks can result in 118 points
of damage. Other varieties of Golems found in the game include
Anthracite, Coal, Flint, Granite, Guardian, Marble, Mucor, and Oozite.
Other Creatures •
Ghoulish noggins, existing as undead or as apparitions, populate Dominus.
You'll "bump heads" with several of these creatures, beginning at the
Monastery and in the cemetery on the Arnika-Trynton Road. Heads can
attack opponents with their teeth, but they most often use magic (which
varies depending on the head type). This group consists of Burning Heads,
Gibbering Heads, Screaming Heads, Shrieking Heads, and Undead Heads. In
general, swords and projectile weapons work best against them.
This family of huge, rhinoceros-like beasts includes basic Hogars,
Brute Hogars, and Battering Hogars. These monsters usually attack
alone--though it's not uncommon to occasionally run upon a trio of
them. As with most beasts that only have close-range attacks, it's
best to soften up Hogars from afar with spells that reduce their
offensive capabilities (such as Insanity and Hex). Once weakened,
you can immobilize them with Freeze Flesh or Paralyze spells and
then finish them off with your front-line troops.
Lava Lord and Fire Sprite
Your group will meet the fearsome Lava Lord at Rapax Rift. Not only
does he, on average, sport 628 hit points, the Lava Lord swings his
powerful club at opponents and can summon Fire Sprites, which have
spellcasting capabilities (Fireball and Firestorm) and around 185 hit
points. Luckily, this demonic bully and his minions are susceptible to
Water-based magic, which must be used to put out their flames.
Mites are insects that attack your party with bites. The group consists of
Forest Mites and Dungeon Mites. Although both creatures' mandibles
deliver similar damage, the Dungeon Mite's 64 hit points gives them approxi-
mately three times as many hit points to work with, making it much more of
a nuisance. Both types of mites appear in droves, at times attacking in
groups of more than 15.
CHAPTER 5 (. The Creatures and NPCs of Wizardry 8
Modai are bipedal monsters with large claws that are used for close-
combat attacks. A single swipe can rip I0 hit points from one of your
characters. The Juggernaut, which has an average of 232 hit points,
is the most powerful variety of Modai . They migrate in packs of five
to nine members, meaning that battles against them can be quite
challenging. The Piercer Modai and basic Modai have significantly
fewer hit points and usually travel in smaller groups. Tackle all of
these beasts from a distance, using magic and ranged weaponry.
Mosquitoes are similar to bats in that they attack in swarms and can
quickly surround your characters. Therefore, you need to put some
backs against a wall to minimize your party's vulnerability. Use area-
effect spells that immobilize these creatures (such as Paralyze, Freeze
Flesh, and Web) . In general, you want to focus most of your firepower
on just a few mosquitoes, Blood Drinkers, Soul Drinkers, Tiger
Mosquitoes, and Tse Tse Flies per turn , and work at gradually clearing
away these pests.
These large, avianlike creatures are excellent at close-range combat, thanks
to their devastating kicks and pecks. Two of the most dangerous Picus breeds
are the standard Picus and the Greater Picus, which can carry up to 460 hit
points apiece. They often travel in pairs. The Bull Picus (235-385 hit points),
on the other hand, usually fights by itself Rogue Picuses, which on average
sport the fewest number of hit points at 232, roam in the largest groups,
which sometimes include as many as six members. Luckily, these birds are
susceptible to magic attacks, although they do have a high resistance to
Earth-based spells.
Other Creatures
Dominus' rodents come in several varieties: Chameleon Rats, Gnawer Rats,
Pestilent Rats, Rabid Rats, and basic Rats. All of them attack in groups, so
don't let the disgusting critters get the best of you by surrounding your party.
Luckily, the rat family doesn't have any long-range attacks (they can only
nibble), allowing your characters to weaken the creatures from a distance
with area-effect spells like Nuclear Blast, Fireball, and Falling Stars.
Rays populate the water regions of Dominus, such as the Bayjin
Shallows and the Underwater Caves. Several types of these crea-
tures exist, all of which use ranged bolt attacks that do varying
amounts of damage depending on the species. However, whereas
the Death Ray, Manta Ray, and Cosmic Ray travel in packs, the
strongest type of Ray-the Brother Ray-fights by itself A
variety of non-Water-based spells work well against rays.
The Blistering Scorcher, Furor, Magma Scorcher, Molten Scorcher,
Scorcher, and Sulfurous Scorcher comprise one hot family. Your party will
begin to frequently meet Scorchers when heading through the Mountain
Wilderness, and it will face them in other areas after that. These crea-
tures, which usually attack in handfuls, can use their arms and/or claws in
close combat. All members of the Scorcher family also use a group attack
that consists of breathing fire. Furors have a burning need to use this
strategy (90% of their actions consist of these group attacks).
CHAPTER 5 {: The Creatures and NPCs of Wizardry 8
Seekers are lizardlike creatures that you meet throughout your
Wizardry 8 journey. Their attacks vary in strength depending on the
level of the seeker involved. For example, the Lesser Seeker can only
lash its tail at your party, while the Great Seeker can use its tail as
well as spit venom (which paralyzes its target 80% of the time). Size
also varies. The Lesser Seeker has as few as 16 hit points, and the
Great Seeker can have as many as 185 hit points. The Poison Seeker,
Stalker Seeker, and basic seeker are other variants of this species.
Like the rays, you 'll usually find sharks wherever there is water. As
expected, these hungry beasts, which hunt prey in packs, are always
ready to take a bite out of your party. However, the breeds in Dominus
are not your usual kinds of sharks. Both Psi Sharks and Omega Sharks
can cast a number of spells, including Paralyze, Psionic Blast, and Soul
A multitude of slimy enemies exist, such as the Adamantium
Slime, Emerald Slime, Enveloping Slime, Flesheater Slime,
Green Slime, Hoarder Slime, Metallic Slime, Noxious Slime,
Pustulant Slime, Quagmroth Slime, Slithering Slime, and
Spewing Slime. All Slimes can lash opponents, and many can
shoot goo and/or rotting flesh at targets. Moreover, Special
Attacks can result from these actions, most frequently Poison
and Nauseate. A few Slimes even have group attacks, which consist of emitting a draining
cloud or spraying a vile or sticky ooze. Only the Black Slime, Languid Slime, Oozing Slime,
and Succubus Slime have all three capabilities.
Powerful demons, Souleaters have a number of attacks at their disposal.
First, they can thrash opponents with their tentacles, an action that has
the potential to produce up to 96 points of damage per attack. A horde
of side effects can result from this, most frequently Poison, Possess,
Paralyze, or Blind. Second, a Souleater's claws can inflict up to 86
points of damage. Such attacks always Drain Stamina, knock out the
target 50% of the actions, and kill the character 25% of the time.
Souleaters can also consume souls with their group attack. It's impera-
tive to kill these demons as quickly as possible. Close to melee combat
range as soon as you spot them , using your swords in unison with ranged attacks to whittle
away at the 740-880 hit points that each carries.
Other Creatures
Spiders, again, are creatures that you will meet throughout
Wizardry 8. These arachnids will swarm your party, trying to
surround it. Thus, it's always a good idea to back your group to a
wall and prevent this circling onslaught. All spiders can bite
(Paralyze and Poison are common side effects). Many, such as the
Cavern Spider, Ensnaring Spider, Giant Spider, Vile Spider, and Widowmaker Spider, can
also spin a web as a group to immobilize your characters. Others lack a group attack, but
can shoot webs at individual party members. This is true of the Small Spider and Wolf
These tentacled beasts usually roam the aquatic regions of Dominus in
small packs. The Inky Squid (90-280 hit points) is known for its group
attack, which consists of squirting ink at enemies. It can also use its
tentacles to lash opponents with up to 16 points of damage. The Tantura
Squid, which sports a higher range of hit points (ranging from 206 to
308), can also whip opponents with its tentacles; up to 20 points of
damage can result from each swing. Instead of squirting ink, Tantura
Squids emit a draining cloud as their group attack. All squids have a strong resistance to
Water-based spells.
Swallowers are large creatures that will attack your group with
their gnashing teeth . At their worst, they (with the exception of
the smaller Nibbler variety) can gobble one of your characters
whole. As the swallowed character remains in the monster's gut,
he or she will continue to lose hit points and will eventually die if
the Swallower is not killed. Only slaying the beast will force the
regurgitation of the party member. Swallowers come in several
types, such as the Gnashing Swallower, Ravenous Swallower,
and basic Swallower. Attack these beasts in much the same way you would a Hogar,
opening combat by attempting to immobilize them from afar with spells.
Tree Sprites
Tree Sprites are winged female magic users with a hefty resistance to
Earth- and Air-based magic. Some of their most common spells include
Blizzard, Falling Stars, Quicksand , and Whirlwind. Although the Leaf
Sprite is the weakest by far in terms of hit points total (22-32), none of
these Faerielike beings has strong close-range attacks (they use their
fists). Because of this, Tree Sprites are often susceptible to melee
assaults from swords, polearms, and the like, as well as projectile
CHAPTER 5 (. The Creatures and NPCs of Wizardry 8
Unicorns are divided into Black and Crystal variants. These creatures, which often travel in
small packs, rely on magic. Luckily, most unicorns have a tendency to run away from battle,
a tactic that often allows you to take them on one at a time. In general, you should fight
them by closing to melee range and using your weaponry rather than magic.
Black Unicorns
While the spells that they can employ vary widely, Insanity and Energy Blast are
two of the most common incantations cast by Black Unicorns. Whereas the
Dreadmare, Frightmare, and Nightmare varieties of Black Unicorns use sorcery,
the Weird Nightmare can also fire small Energy Bolts at opponents. This action
produces an average of 31 .5 damage to victims, which are also frightened 70% of
the time. All Black Unicorns have strong resistances to Fire magic.
Crystal Unicorns
In general, the types of Crystal Unicorns on Dominus have more similar traits
than their more diverse Black Unicorn counterparts. For starters, all members of
this group have at least 200 hit points. They also use a similar arsenal of spells,
featuring Concussion, Element Shield, Fire Bomb, Freeze All, and Lightning. All
three types-Adamant, Crystal, and Diamond-can also shoot small Energy
Bolts. They are most resistant to Divine-based spells.
This group of botanical beasties includes the Acidvine, Bloodvine, Caustic Vine,
Crawling Creeper, Crimson Poppy, Iron Weed, Rank Weed, Redweed, and
Spore Plant. Each type has different strength levels, but nearly all of them have
the ability to spit poisonous darts at your party. The most dangerous breeds,
however, are the Caustic Vines, Crawling Creepers, and Crimson Poppies.
These flying insects swarm opponents, so you want to avoid becoming
/ surrounded by backing the party up to a nearby wall. All four types of wasp
are restricted to close-range attacks. Their stings produce variable amounts
of damage, and each Wasp type can inflict different side effects with their
attacks. The Blind Wasp 's sting can Blind and Paralyze, while the Swarming
Wasp can Paralyze and Poison, and the standard Wasp can Paralyze. The most dangerous
variant is the Tanto Wasp, which has the most hit points (80-150) and can inflict Blind,
Drain Stamina, and Sleep with its stings. Thin out these pests by focusing attacks on a few
members at a time. Wasps are usually susceptible to Web and Freeze Flesh spells.
NPCs fl.
Wood Spirits
Wood Spirits include the Guardian of Life, along with three age-based levels
(Elders, Guardians, and Saplings) for the Iron Wood, Oak, and Willow vari-
eties. Although these beings can swat your party with a quarterstaff, they
rely more on magic (except for the Willow Sapling) than physical assaults.
Some of this group's most popular spells include Earthquake, Lightning,
Make Wounds, and Whipping Rocks. Wood Spirits vary in size, ranging
from the 75 hit points sported by the average Willow Sapling to the typical
Iron Wood Guardian's more impressive 632 .5 hit points. It's best to immobi-
lize Wood Spirits and then hack away at them with your close-combat
weapons. Although vulnerable to Fire spells, be wary of those breeds that
have access to Eye for an Eye (The Guardian of Life, Oak Sapling, Willow Elder, and
Willow Sapling are the only ones that can't use this spell) .
When taking a break from monster-slaying duties, your party can chat with a number of
interesting NPCs. These personages are, of course, more than just conversation pieces
within the game. Besides revealing important story-building information , some characters
can join your party, sell you valuable items, or engage group members in combat. Many
NPCs play several roles and are often involved in key Wizardry 8 quests. All of the
game's NPCs are listed below, categorized according to their capabilities and purpose.
Drazic Saxx
CHAPTER 5 c The Creatures and NPCs of Wizardry 8
Drazic T'Rang Ninja Strength: 52 , Rapax Away Release this Rapax
(Level 14) Intelligence: 50, Camp prisoner to learn
Dexterity: 80, more about the
Speed: 100, Savant's plans
Senses: 56
Madras Trynnie Gadgeteer Strength: 50, Trynton Offers a lot of
(level 8) Intelligence: 60, information on the
Dexterity: 91 , area and knows the
Speed : 63, location of the
Senses: 68 Silver Ball
Myles Higardi Rogue Strength: 63 , Arnika, Has the skills and
(level 5) Intelligence: 40 , Rapax Castle knowledge necessary
Dexterity: 85, for completing
Speed: 70, several side quests
Senses: 63
Private Sparkle Trynnie Ranger Strength: 50, Umpani Base Knowledgeable
(level 6) Intelligence: 50, Camp about the planet and
Dexterity: 69, can lead you to
Speed: 60, Chief Gari
Senses: 78
RFS- 81 Android Trooper Strength : 70 , Mine Tunnels Fix the android with
(level 10) Intelligence: 50, NAS-81 and it will
Dexterity: 58, provide information
Speed: 87 , on the Dark Savant
Senses: 60
Rodan Lewarx Umpani Lord Strength: 64, Rapax Away Free this Rapax
(level 14) Intelligence: 57, Camp prisoner and he can
Dexterity: 76, help you kill
Speed: 54, the Rapax King
Senses: 53
Saxx Umpani Bard Strength: 53, Mount Gigas Your party needs to
(level 8) Intelligence: 65 , be aligned with the
Dexterity: 87 , Umpani in order to
Speed: 62 , speak to Saxx
Senses: 59
Sergeant Glumph Umpani Fighter Strength: 96, Bayjin Can give your party
(level 11) Intelligence: 31 , information for
Dexterity: 53, completing the
Speed: 69 , underwater Umpani
Senses: 44 mission
Sex us Rapax Mage Strength: 75, Rapax Castle Will offer to join your
(level 18) Intelligence: 100, party if you are a
Dexterity: 55, Templar Rapax-
Speed: 41 , but you must
Senses: 70 pay him first
NPCs ..
Tan tr is T' Rang Samurai Strength: 50 , Marten 's Bluff Will join your party
(level 6) Intelligence: 55, if you 're aligned with
Dexterity: 55, the T' Rang, but will
Speed: 79, exit when meeting
Senses: 52 Z' Ant at Ascension
Peak (though he will
leave you his sword ,
Urq Mook Psionic Strength: 50, Arnika Offers a lot of
(level 9) Intelligence: 100, interesting
Dexterity: 53, information about the
Speed : 42, areas you'll discover,
Senses: 71 and will also pay your
party to escort him
to specific places
Vi Domina Higardi Valkyrie Strength 68, Arnika Recently returned
(Level 6) Intelligence 50, from a fling with the
Dexterity 58, Dark Savant, Vi
Speed 63, Domina will join you
Senses 50 for several quests
Merchant NPCs
These NPCs sell goods, which can range from special weapons to magical potions. They can
also offer pivotal information for your party's journey through Dominus. Note that merchant
NPCs carry a limited amount of spellbooks at any given time, and that these supplies vary.
Just because a merchant has a particular book in stock during your first visit doesn't mean
that it will still be there for your second time perusing his or her wares.
Antone Fuzzfas
CHAPTER 5 ~ The Creatures and NPCs of Wizardry 8
Quest NPCs
NPCs detailed in this section play pivotal roles in your quests (although not all of them are
integral to completing the game) and perform many specific actions . Some of the most
important characters in Wizardry 8 are listed in here, including Marten, Z'Ant, and the Dark
•erro Rapax Fighter Armorer Rapax Castle Advises you to see
Rapax King
Fuzzfas Trynnie Potion dealer Trynton Gives you free
Al chem 1st potions if you say
that you know He 'Li
and sells Mystery
potion required to
see Shaman Das
General Yamir Umpani Lord Imperial Umpani Umpani Base Yamir's consent is
Federation leader Camp necessary for
establishing an
alliance between the
Umpani and T'Rant
Lorrac Higardi Valkyrie Bank teller Arnika You have several
quest options with
Lorrac, including
robbing the bank,
returning the stolen
diamond to her for a
reward , or giving her
a Bank Card to enter
the safety deposit
box area
Madras Trynnie Trynnie Gadgeteer Trynton Will help you kill the
Gadgeteer Rattkin Breeders
Marten Higardi Legendary figure of Sea Caves Possesses the
Dominus lore Destinae Dominus
Milano Calzone Rattkin Rogue Rattkin Razuka member Trynton Talk to him in order
to see Don Barlone
Myles Higardi Rogue Rogue Arnika, You have a variety of
Rapax Castle quests you can go on
with Myles, such as
rescuing Vi Domina,
retrieving the
diamond , and
robbing the Bank;
also, you can release
Myles from the
Rapax Castle prison
and join him in
looting the Rapax
weapons stash
Rafe Rapax Fighter Prisoner of Al-Sedexus Rapax Rift Free Rafe from his
cage and remove the
Mark of Death
CHAPTER 5 £ The Creatures and NPCs of Wizardry 8
Other NPCs
This is a miscellaneous category featuring all of the NPCs that didn 't qualify for the other
lists. As you might guess, most of these characters play a minimal part in the game.
Aletheides Bela
CHAPTER 5 ~ The Creatures and NPCs of Wizardry 8
Main Story
YOu 've mastered the basics of Wizardry 8. You know how to fight, move,
and cast; you built an awesome questing party; and you know the
statistics. Now it's time to take that experience on the road. Part II starts
you on the road that ultimately leads to the final confrontation with the
Dark Savant. Beginning with the monastery and continuing through the
Northern Wilderness, this section will be your guide through a plethora of
exotic locations where you 'II fight bats, crabs, slimes, huge Ratkin
Breeders, ghosts, and huge animals called Hogars. But you 11/ never get to
fight them if youre reading this, so grab your sword; it's time to go
T_ journey to Dominus ends rather abruptly ... with a crash landing. Not
l :ntent with becoming beach bums, your party recovers from the bumpy ride
and heads to a strange-looking edifice that stands some distance away. YOu discover
that this building is an old monastery abandoned by the Higardi. Well, almost
A number of critters now seem to calf this impressive structure home. And
none of them are happy to see you. Roaches, giant crabs, and spiders scurry about
the perimeters. Other yucky creatures patrol the area, too, such as bats, slimes, and
a handful of thieves. The darkness and medieval splendor only add to the eerie char-
acter of the setting. But, believe it or not, the place is equipped with a few high-tech
appliances, including a computer and a microwave. Here are some instructions on
getting through the monastery alive-and using at least one ofthose modern conven-
iences to your advantage.
CHAPTER 6 ( . The Monastery
On the Beach
Your starship has crashed on an idyllic beach, as shown in Figure 6.1. Pieces of the metallic
behemoth are scattered across the white sand, submerged in the crystal water. Water
tumbles down the rock mountain face, and in the distance you see an indefinable structure
perched on a high plateau. The quest begins.
Lower Monastery
e NOTE The gcurut randomly geMratts many oftlw monslen and tlw hidden
itrms as you load each level. In the crabs' beach chat following th. first battle, you might
find a long sword, and in the next gcurut, quilt leaings and featlwred dart& Whik - _ ,
quotr certain hit point values for some creatures, given a random ekment your game
might not exactly match.
The lower
Now it's monastery time. Enter the door (I) and follow the halls until you meet your first
group of Green Slimes (as shown in Figure 6.3). No real challenge here. These creatures
aren 't as tough as the crabs, and like the pincer-bearing crustaceans, these gelatinous foes
lack a ranged attack. Inflict as much damage as possible from afar using ranged spells such as
Energy Blast or Frost. Once the slimes are weakened, your warriors should be able to finish
them off. Continue up the halls.
117 ~
CHAPTER 6 C The Monastery
CHAPTER 6 ( . The Monastery
Helpful Resurrection
Powder can be found
below the waterfalls.
Creep over the upper falls to avoid taking damage. Grab the bag and then repeat yotr
careful maneuvering over the lower falls. Take a deep breath and return to the entrance
chamber. Go through the previously locked door, take a right at the intersection, then waJ;
up the hall to face another quasi-boss encounter with a big roach named Gregor (10) .
Think of Gregor (shown in Figure 6 .7) as a king roach . With 37 hit points, the massive
insect is tougher than anything you've faced so far, and thus merits at least respect, if not
fear. He is not, however, indestructible. The best tactic to use when facing him is to take
one round of ranged shots-with magic spells, traditional missiles, or a combination of the
two-and then close in for the kill.
Lower Monastery
Web, Paralyze, or Sleep spells also work wonders against Gregor. As noted above in the
section on the King Crab, the best of the three incantations is Paralyze. Immobilize the giant
pest and you can finish it off in short order, saving your party members a lot of grief
Retrace your steps back to Gregor's room . Exit via the southeast tunnel this time
and follow it to a room with nine roaches. By now these insects should be little more than
CHAPTER 6 ( . The Monastery
experience points waiting to be taken. Continue to the northernmost room. Use the key
acquired from the statue to open the safe found here. Inside you'll discover a couple of packs
of Resurrection Powder.
Notheast corner of the room
Switch room
Concussion Powder
Statue room
Spider room
The lower monastery,
Part 2
e NOTE En route to Bun )IOU may crou tit. britlas that )IOU rohH ,.,.-.
Doing so leads to a crypt (II) that cannot b. ent.twd until )IOU ad tit. Wheel Kq /i'Ollt Amlicr.
When opeMd, however, you 'II find that it containa tit. O-.OnaSting Bow and D.monsllone Sworrl.
Upper Monastery
Upper Monastery
One monastery level down , one to go. The entrance to this floor leads to a large room
(19) . Rats will often assault you here. Defeat them and stroll over to the boxes. Open them
and pluck their contents.
FIGURE 6.10:
19 Lar&e room
20 Main room
21 Room of beds
22 Statue room
23 Stud}'.
24 Armor chamber
25 Arboretum
26 Aletheides
27 Room
28 Thief room
29 Hall of Silence
30 Southern room
31 Bell room
CHAPTER 6 C The Monastery
Continue north into the next room (20) . Ascend the stairs and you'll soon enter a room
with electronic gadgets and a large window. After you ring the monastery's bell (see note in
this section) , this window shatters. Check both desks for items, grab everything that you
find , and then go back to the entrance chambers. Take the west exit to a room of beds
(21) , as shown in Figure 6 .11 . You 'll find several hidden items in here, so make sure to check
each bed. Exit the room to the south and get ready to do battle.
There can be as many as six Higardi Bandits in the room (22). These villains would
have provided a tough fight a bit earlier on the lower monastery level. .. but that isn 't the case
at this point. First immobilize the bandits with Sleep or Paralyze spells, then make your
brawny non-magical party members with the swords earn their keep.
Taking the western exit leads to a large room (marked "Exit" on the map) w ith double
doors in the west wall. These double doors lead to the road to Arnika. Don 't leave the
monastery just yet, however.
FIGURE 6.11:
A set of stairs set into the room 's southern wall lead to a room (23) that holds a pair of
computers and a chest. In the chest you 'll find a Crude Iron Key, a lightning rod , and
possibly some Fire Stix that fire Magic Missiles. We'll use the iron key later in this walk-
through , so be sure to hold on to it. You 'll also notice another room behind the glass. Don't
sweat that room right now; we 'll shatter that glass later.
Return to the monastery exit
room , and move east. Take the next
el NOTE o...o1•#flla1n hall to the south. Trace this passage
tlw ,,,,,,.,. l'OOftl can only be
until it opens into a chamber (24) .
,,,,.,,.Jfrom;,,.. dw citW ofbozo. To do so, yoa Open the chest found there to search
,,..,., ,.,. ,,. .....,. ~ w, w"1clt.,,,,,,.,. for more items. See the armor in the
. . . . In . . . . . . . . . . . . . glass (see Figure 6. 12)? It's strong
..."""",,,.,,.•circle Mil.,..,. Samurai body armor called Tosei-Do
(AC +9). This glass will also break
· - ·(AC
a.. i.-.,..'ll/intl.
+2, ..... +$)
when you ring the bell.
Upper Monastery
Make sure to snatch the horn found opposite the chest. It's called the Angel's Tongue,
and it allows the user to cast a Bless spell. Of course, you must have the appropriate Music
skill to use it.
Leave the Angel 's Tongue room and backtrack to the cubicle with the statue (22).
Walk through the east exit to the arboretum (25). You 'II now be accosted by a handful of
Seekers and Lesser Seekers. Destroy them and head for the southern door, which leads to
an encounter with the mysterious Aletheides (26). depicted in Figure 6.13 .
FIGURE 6.12:
Listen to w hat Aletheides says. It will add an entry to your journal. Then turn and face
the myst erious w arrior again and listen further. When his monologue has wrapped up, check
the stage in t his room for items, then turn on your heels and march north to the next room
(27) . Search all the beds and you 'll find some Cure Poison and Smelling Salts. Exit east and
stroll over to the other room (28) . Inside you'll find thieves, but they can be easily defeated.
Scoop up the goodies that can be found behind the thieves and then jog through the
northern room (27) into the Hall of Silence.
Head into the southern room (30). Crank the
microwave oven found here up to maximum power
and press the red button . Grab the chip that it
td TIP As the name
coughs up when it breaks. Walk back into the Hall
would imply, the Hall of Silence
of Silence (29) . Use the Crude Iron Key to open the
neutralizes your magic users. They
door to the bell room (31) . Several bats will swoop
will be uTUJble to utter the words to
cast a spell. Be sure to change
down on you here. Remember that your magic-users
your weapons won 't be able to cast spells while standing in the Hall
and adjust of Silence, as seen in Figure 6.14. On the other hand,
your formations retreating into the southern room (30) allows your
accordingly. Mages to speak, and hence magically hammer the
bats (who will follow your party into the room).
CHAPTER 6 {. The Monastery
After you've battered down the bats, return to the bell room . Sprint to the upper level
and open the chest found there. Inside you'll most likely find an assortment of weapons,
which may include shuriken (a nice treat for any Ninjas in the party) , and possibly armor and
potions. Go downstairs, turn up the bell box to max, and ring the bell again. This breaks all
the glass in the upper monastery. Now it becomes goodie-grabbing time.
FIGURE 6.13:
FIGURE 6.14:
Exit the bell room and go south to the chamber (6) with the armor encased in glass.
Now you can pick up the Tosei-Do armor-hope you have a Samurai in your party. March
over to the study (23) and grab the Fellowship Pass by the desk. Finally, return to the
balcony in the large main room (20). Jump onto the boxes below and open the final box to
receive a spanking-new Hunter's Cape.
It's time to bid adieu to the upper monastery. Return to the room and depart through
the west doors. You 're off to Arnika!
J ~~e
journey to Arnika begins outside the gate of the monastery. The road to
village isn't long, but it is challenging. At the same time, however, the
chalJenges faced along the way to Arnika are minor in comparison to what you will
find in the town itself. From the Dark Savants minions to mysterious new weapons,
Arnika is full of what role-playing gamers crave-adventure.
CHAPTER 7 ( . Arnika
Stone arch
The road to
Exit the Monastery and pass beneath the towering stone arch (I) shown in Figure 7.2
Follow the path- there is really no other way to go. As you would expect on such a danger·
ous world as Dominus, there will be a variety of creatures and characters determined to
make your journey through the countryside much more hazardous than it needs to be. You
battle King Crabs, similar to what was once considered a "semi-boss," by the handful over
the miles ahead . Additionally, more than a few Rogues and Thieves will attempt to thwart
your passage. While these adversaries are not serious challenges, neither are they to be
trifled with . Keep the party well rested to ensure sure that your magic-users are always
ready for battle.
Take a left at the first trail and proceed south. You'll often meet six Acidvines here.
These can be tricky. Use area attacks, such as Fireball spells, or even Sparkle Stix to thin
both the Acidvine numbers and hit points. Use obstructions, such as the stone pillar in the
center of the passage, to shield your party from some of the plants.
The Road to Arnika ff
After the vines have been cut down, continue south on the path. At its end you'll meet
Higardi Cutpurses and Higardi Bandits (see Figure 7.3). Again, the Fireball spell is an effec-
tive recourse here. Defeat these taffers and open their nearby chest to find bagpipes capable
of casting the Shrill sound and other potions, armor, and weapons. Be sure to take every-
thing-after all, the thieves no longer have any use for these items.
ho .. rr•e'
- .... ~ct. (.Ub P1.r1.!o,nI.( Hm1.rdi tf.ndU -
Hlauili C..Ulilt is H1'.i''fU.4
J '"""~ Shoou Hta.ud1 !!i.1.ndit ~
1 ~ ..",.hits -- 6 ~ ....
Ml:b,. u.au. i;-lr~b•lld~: .. hh far •'"II of 13 C
Return to the main road and head west. The route will soon open into a large clearing.
In the northern part of this space is a large house (2) that serves as a teleportation site for
the Umpani . Although you can't enter the house now, it will be important later on in your
CHAPTER 7 (. Arnika
(Si N QTE If )'Ou d«itk to Mad north at tit. Arni/co sip, )'Ou'll find
yourselfin the NortlNm Wild.mas. That adwntutt ia tktailed in Claopt.r 13.
So, you enter the first of the many villages that you will visit over the course of Wizardry 8.
Arnika (see Figure 7.4) is generally a peaceful town, but trouble can be found here if you go
looking for it. In fact, there is trouble here even if you don 't go looking for it.
Your first hint that things aren 't as placid as they could be is the presence of a 5th level
Rogue named Myles. He 'll meet you at the front gate of Arnika and invite you to help
rescue a beautiful woman from the Dark Savant's troopers. He'll join your party if you
accept the offer. Myles makes a nice addition to any group of adventurers, especially those
that have no Rogue in their lineups.
Arnika Community Bank
Antone's Store
Hi1ardi Lunar Le1ion Base
Anna's Marina and Bait Shop
Mook HolOJl'am
Dark Savant's Tower
CHAPTER 7 ~ Arnika
He'Li's. Click on the water to heal hurting party members (in addition to ramping up their
Artifact skills).
He 1Li's Bar
He'Li , like all of the non-player characters in Wizardry 8, is bursting with personality. Chat
her up and she'll ask Myles to pay his tab. Do it if you feel charitable; it's only a paltry 50
gold and having the barkeep as a friend might come in handy later on.
Exit the main bar through the
only interior door and then enter the
f'2YNOTE first room on your left. In it you 'll
\;f\ If you refuse'° pay find a violin that invokes the Charm
Myla'tabat He'Li's bar, the awnerwill refme to do
spell , but requires a 40 Music skill to
businaa with you. So pay up, and don't tr)/ anything
use it, and a locked chest. Myles
funny. Ifyou attack her or •"- cotc#Na you
attempting Co piclc her pacat, a#N 7/ coll should be able to handle the chest.
the Higordi Patrol, and that's o fight Inside you'll find several handy items
yau con 't win. as well as He'Li 's ID card .
Continue down the hall and
enter the next room . There's
another chest in here. Have Myles
open it and "liberate" its contents. Trod down the hall when you're finished looting and dint
the ramps to the second floor. There you 'll find six Higardi Raiders spoiling for a fight
(shown in Figure 7.6) . Give them what they want and then walk over their corpses and pick
the lock on the chest they were guarding. If you botch the lock-pick work, the chest may
cast Rune of Madness or Alarm on the party member making the attempt. Successful
picking may reveal a host of familiar items. Take what you want and return to the main
barroom . Buy and trade a bit here if you like and leave the bar when you 're finished .
Beware of an ambush by the Dark Savant's androids outside of He' Li 's bar. These
mechanical monsters are always tough enemies to overcome. If you 're having trouble, try
leading them back into He'Li's establishment. Not only does fighting them in the bar's
narrow halls prevent the androids from flanking your party, but He ' Li will also help you tn
the battle.
CHAPTER 7 {. Arnika
You can try showing Lorrac an ID card to gain access to the elevator in the room next
to the bank counter, but if you don 't have one in your inventory, peek behind the counter
and you will see three buttons. Pressing the red button opens the elevator, while pushing the
yellow or green ones will start a battle with Lorrac (who apparently also serves as a vault
guard) and some members of the Higardi Patrol. It's another of those fights that you can't
win , so don 't bother starting it.
Press the red button and take the elevator down to the lower level. There you will find
several personal vaults. These belong to He' Li, Antone, Anna, and Marten . Keycards are
needed to open these doors, so ignore them for now and continue wandering around the
hall. You'll next run across three public vaults that can be broken into. Use Myles's lock-
picking skills to open these chambers. The first two hold a wide assortment of goodies, and
they may include a great bow, potions of Razor Cloak and Heavy Heal, Viper arrows, an
Ankh of Dexterity, and chain chausses. The third public vault not only holds a nice store of
items, but the bank's Guardian Golem as well.
•4 ,.
Zap the Golem with whatever ranged spells and weapons you have as soon as it rears its
ugly head. Paralyze is a great spell to cast here. If you manage to freeze the creature in its
tracks, your fighters can wade in and whack it to death before it can regain mobility. Barring
that, throw Flash Powder to reduce the monster's effectiveness. Enough of it will let you
gain the upper hand .
After defeating the Golem, snap up your just reward from the chests inside the vault.
You may be able to locate a bronze cuirass, some Devil Dust, and a Granite potion inside
this vault.
t(;f TIP Don't waste your magic with anything Ina than a 5'" l~el s,,.11
when battling the Guardian Golan. The creature can be a difficult opponent,
and you 'II ttftll atrong incantationa to ~n.trote ita hide.
Besides buying and selling normal armaments, Antone also deals in specialty equipment,
which includes:
0 Beast Slayer Axe: Piercer Modia Claw, Picus Egg, and a cleaver (the one from the
Ebon Staff: Wood Spirit Staff. Ebon Gem (Marten's Bluff) , and Mummy Dust
0 Zynaryx Plate: Venom Crab Shell , skull (crypt) , and Giant Spider Silk
0 Steelhide Breastplate: Steelhide Crocodile Hide, Poison Seeker Sac, and Iron
Weed Thorn
0 Featherweight Armor: Tanto Wasp Wings, Plumed Serpent Feather, and
Djinn Eye
CHAPTER 7 C Arnika
You'll normally have to kill the associated beasts to get these items. Sometimes you may
have to kill several of them. After you collect the materials, bring them to Antone and he'll
make the piece ... for a reasonable fee, of course.
On to the Jail
Leave Antone's Store and walk northeast to the jail (4). You'll need to pick both the
outside lock and the lock to the jail proper to gain entrance to the facility. Myles is capable
ofhandling both, but feel free to use your Knock Picks ifthe security system proves too
Once in the office, search the three corner lockers. They hold Marten's ID. a valuable
item that will be needed later to enter the Higardi Lunar Legion (HLL) base, discussed in
this chapter. Take note of the computer monitor nearby, which flashes a useless system
warning. The bulletin board in the room states that Marten is a wanted man , and the
papers lying on the desk are unreadable. Exit the room by pressing the button next to
the force-field-shrouded door.
Three jail cells lie in the connecting corridor. Each is accessed by pressing the buttons
on the panel located in the end of the corridor, as shown in Figure 7. I0 .
. . -
Fight the two Higardi Bandits in the first jail cell . They'll cough up items (randomly
determined) when they die. Take a gander at the magnificent tree etched on the cell wall.
Enter the second cell , which appears empty. Look closer and pry up the loose floor planks
covering a tunnel to the bank vault. There you will find a Diamond Epee (rapier +3 to hit,
+4 to Initiative) , an Amulet of Stillness (casts a 5th level Paralyze spell and holds four
charges), and an Oilskin Cloak (AC +I, 20% water resistance). Use the machine in the
corner to teleport out of the room and you'll emerge across the street from He ' Li's bar.
The Temple
March over to the temple (5) and enter via one of the ramps. Descend through the halls in
the center of the building until you reach Lord Braffit's room. Speak with him about the
Arnika ""
Ascension and ask him ifhe knows the whereabouts of the Wheel Key. He 'll also be glad to
heal any hurting party members. With the Wheel Key, you can return to the upper
monastery and enter the crypt (see Chapter 6 for more) .
Exit the temple and re-enter
through the ground entrance. Trace
the passageway down . You 'll enter a
N QTE If you show Lord Bra/fit
large room with a small , illuminated
the hllawship Pou you will receiw information about
statue. Clicking the sculpture replen-
the Wheel Kq. >&u will al.a -nt to return to him
ishes a small bit of the selected party
later to complm a small quat-,dmply 6iw
him the H~id banner that you pt from
member's magic energy. Leave the
J-n. in Bay/In and you will rwceiw a room via the door with the carpet
sipificont amount of.xperienc. points. hanging over it and walk down the
passageway to the next room . A
handful of Higardi Spirits wait here.
This isn 't a particularly
tough fight. The spirits average 25 hit points each , and they only attack with their hands.
After you 've sent them to the great beyond for a second time, scour the room for the
Wheel Key (you'll find it floating above the floor) , as shown in Figure 7 .11 .
FIGURE 7.11:
Return to the room with the lit statue and take the other exit. A few feet down the hall
you'll find a locked door. Have Myles unlock it and you 'll be able to enter what is obviously
the monks ' bunkroom . Turn on search mode. A character will soon find a Ring of Protection
(AC +I), a Necklace of Endurance (regenerates Stamina) , and possibly some Pickmeup
potions (which boost both Health and Stamina) . Exit the temple and head to the Higardi
Lunar Legion base (6).
CHAPTER 7 {. Arnika
next two rooms until you see the lift shown in Figure 7. 12. Take the small elevator upstairs
where you 'll meet Tramain . Talk w ith him about Marten and you 'll learn that Marten stole
the Destinae Dominus and fled to Trynton. If you ask Tramain, "Where is the Destinae
Dominus?" he'll tell you that Crock, who lives in the swamp (see Chapter 9 for more) near
Mart en 's Bluff, might know more. Thank Tramain and close the conversation.
FIGURE 7.12:
Return to the main hall and then explore the rooms south of the hall. One of these
chambers holds a replica of the Dominus star system and several lockers. The lockers house
various items, so you may find a pair of steel helms (AC +4), assorted powders and potions.
and ale. Leave the HLL compound and head northeast to Anna's Marina and Bait Shop
(7) (see Figure 7.13) .
FIGURE 7.13:
Annas is an important
stop along your
journey-you can
pick up supplies
and gossip.
Head to the back room of Anna's place. There you'll find a locked, booby-trapped
chest, so take care not to trip it or you'll be taking some pointless damage. Once the chest
has been opened, you'll find Anna's keycard along with a random selection of goodies. You
can usually find a potion of Superman (more energy and power), scrolls of Magic Missiles
and Fireball, and copper gloves (AC +10) inside. Leave the shop and head back to the Arnika
Community Bank via the docks. Look around and you'll find more Flash Powder next to
some crates.
En route to the bank you may stop and talk to the Mook hologram (8) depicted in
Figure 7 .14. It won't do much until you give it an alliance letter from the Umpani or T' Rang,
but it can't hurt to get familiar with it now.
FIGURE 7.14:
Once at the bank, present any of the keycards to Lorrac and she'll call the elevator to
take you below to the vaults. Check the name over each vault and use the correct keycard
CHAPTER 7 {. Arnika
in the slots. In Antone's vault is the sword Bloodlust, which seriously pumps up the bearer's
initiative, and adds the Berserk attack to its bearer as well +5 to the Sword skill.
Unfortunately, this sword is cursed, so the warrior who wields Bloodlust will not be able to
change weapons after the blade has been equipped, unless a curse removal spell is cast.
He ' Li 's and Anna's vaults contain quite a few useful items, such as Smelling Salts, Cure
Paralysis powder, an Enchanted Bow (+2 to hit, +2 Initiative-not quite as good as a great
bow) , Cure Paralysis powder, chain chausses AC + 9) , and a bronze cuirass.
Leaving Arnika
Leave the bank and head over to the Dark Savant's tower (11) . You 'll need the NAS-81
potion that can be found behind it. The bad news is that you will also ftnd a handful of
Savant Troopers and a Savant Orb. Take them down (Bloodlust really shines here when put
in the hands of a competent Fighter) , and pick up the potion. After you have this necessary
elixir, it's almost time to leave Arnika.
First, however, drop by the spaceport. You 'll need Myles to pick the lock on the
entrance. After he does, you 'll be confronted by four Savant Gunners. They use energy
weapons, but are not too tough for your crew to overcome. Slay them and enter the large
spaceport building, see Figure 7 .15. Inside you 'll ftnd a Black Box Analysis Center. The one
that you removed from the crashed spaceship is too damaged to analyze, but maybe you'll
ftnd another Black Box later.
FIGURE 7.15:
Outside of the main building is the Mook space plane, Callisto. There isn't much to do
there, but the nearby hangars hold an empty bottle, a Boom Bomb (renders opponents
unconscious or terrorizes them) , a potion of Haste (speeds up characters), and-hidden in
the second hanger-Fire Stix, which ftre magic missiles.
After you've picked up the items in the hangars, take the elevator to the top of the
tower. On the top floor are a broken Orbit Tracker and an X-Ray Chip. Take the chip and
then leave both the spaceport and Arnika.
~ leave Arnika much stronger than when you entered. Certainly you 'II need
I ::ery bit of that newfound strength during your next journey. In Trynton your
party members will meet a number of hideous creatures from the insect kingdom,
including beetles, spiders, roaches, ants, and wasps. These are primers for your key
battle with the Rattkin Breeders further down the road.
Of course, fighting numerous battles is not the only action you have to look
forward to in Trynton. )Our party will also confiscate lots of magical rewards and
converse with a number of interesting personalities, characters who will either help
or hinder your progress.
CHAPTER 8 ( . Trynton
The Arnika-
Trynton Road
Initially, you may meet Acidvines or Soldier Ants. Neither variety of creature is too
tough to handle, but beware of the Twilight Bats. These winged monsters boast about 65 h:
points each and can blind your adventurers with their attacks. Neither are the 100 HP+
Pincer Modias pieces of cake. By the way, make sure to recover the claws from any Pincer
Modias you defeat. Antone, the weapon shop owner back in Arnika, can use them to
fashion a nice weapon.
After a couple of minutes traveling down this road, you'll see a house to the east, as
shown in Figure 8.2. It's an Umpani Teleportation House (1) , which cannot be entered
from the outside. Mark its location and continue south, fighting random encounters as you go.
The Arnika- Trynton Road ..,.
On the road , you 'll eventually meet Rattus . He'll ask you to return to Arnika and cash
his check at the bank, where he 's had some problems of late. Go figure. It's not mandatory
that you accept his proposal , but if you do, he 'll reward you with your first modern weapon :
a zip gun that comes complete with powder and shot. But even if you agree to visit the
bank. don 't return to Arnika. If you show the check to Lorrac, she'll call the guards, who will
call a Higardi Patrol , and you 'll end up fighting another unwinnable battle. So, accept the
quest, but don 't follow through. You can also cast a Charm spell on Rattus and then pick his
pockets for the 500 gold he carries.
Continue southeast. The monsters that
you encounter become much more difficult
from this point on . You 'll meet a new version
rd TIP On your way'° the of the Acidvine called Crimson Poppies, which
~ cmttheX-Rayspell, ifyoulcnow
not only sport well over I00 hit points each
it, and mob sun that My/u is lllOding your
party. X-Ray mables you lo spot possible
but can render their victims unconscious with
adversaries hefore they sn
a single strike. Additionally, it's possible to
you (tlwy allow up stumble on more than one group of monsters
on your radar), and simultaneously.
My/a eon then Mlp Continue south into the graveyard (2) .
you sneak around tlwn. If you enter at night, you'll find mummies
on the prowl. Each mummy packs about
150 hit points beneath those rotting bandages,
but as there are eight of you against just
one mummy (at a time) , the ensuing fight isn 't much ofa contest. Be wary, however, ofa
mummy's ability to knock out members of your party. You may also encounter some restless
undead wandering around this boneyard .
There's a mausoleum (see Figure 8.3) in the middle of the graveyard that features a
dagger-trapped chest inside. Have Myles disarm the chest. Once opened, the chest may
contain several significant items: plate mail (AC + 10) and chain hosen (AC +8) . You may
also find around the room a skull (more on that later) and the Siren 's Wail , an instrument
that causes insanity. This item can be very helpful , but you'll need a Music skill of at least
10 to use it.
CHAPTER 8 ( . Trynton
This mausoleum
contains more than
dusty corpses-plenty of
valuable loot can be
found inside.
Exit the graveyard when you've collected all the items and travel east to Trynton.
Lower Trynton
Cross the bridge (1) to enter lower Trynton (see Figure 8.4A). Vitalia will leave at this point
and return to Arnika. There are several bands of roaming monsters in Trynton that are best
to avoid at this point, so be sure to use the X-Ray spell and do a lot of sneaking around.
Lower Trynton
The Arnika- Trynton Road
For those who don 't wish to explore each room , we've included a three-dimensional
map (see Figure 8.4B) that shows the quickest way through lower Trynton.
FIGURE 8.48:
Head southeast until you meet Chief Gari (2), shown in Figure 8.5 . He 's a Trynnie
with a bit of a gripe ; Rattkin have been attacking his village. He'll ask you to kill the Rattkin
Breeders, which live in the Fifth Bough ofTrynton. If you agree, he'll let you have a pass into
the Great Tree.
Go immediately to the Great Tree and ascend the first ladder. In front of you is another
ladder (in front ofa light brown wall). Take this one down to a room populated with Vile
Roaches. These bugs have about 120 hit points each and can poison with their bites. After
the roaches have been stomped on, scoop up the Ring of Breezes (AC +I, two charges of
Purify Air, +20% air resistance) . You may also find the Snare of Delay (casts the Slow spell,
but a character needs a Music skill of I0 to operate it) that can be sometimes be found
Climb back up the ladder and cross the room to the ladder located behind the crates.
Take it down to a room that is similar to the first one you entered after leaving Chief Gari,
then descend another ladder to a room with several Wolf Spiders, shown in Figure 8.6.
CHAPTER 8 ( . Trynton
After the spiders have been eliminated, pick up the Forest Cape (AC +3) and the tarnished
mail (AC +4) lying beside their bodies. Retrace your steps to the previous room via the
ladder that you used to enter the Wolf Spider chamber. Now descend via the ladder next to
the barrels.
In the room below, you'll find three potions of Restoration and one potion of Moderate
Heal. Remember, to find these items you must place your party in search mode. Three
ladders grace this room 's walls. The right-hand ladder leads to a battle with a Crawling
Creeper. With only 107 hit points, the creeper is nothing more than experience points
waiting to be added to your coffers. Kill it and return to the three-ladder room .
Now ascend the center ladder to a chamber where another easy battle awaits. The
Dung Beetle here has fewer hit points than the average senior citizen. Destroy it in short
order and search the room for a cutlass (inflicts 2-7 Damage). Once again return to the
three-ladder room . Climb up the left-hand ladder and you'll find a bundle of arrows and a
rope that leads to the First Bough . Climb the rope.
Upper Trynton
Upper Trynton (see Figure 8.8) is a tangle of catwalks hung between towering oaks.
Beautiful , yes, but rather dangerously so, as who knows what waits behind the intriguing
Follow the initial catwalk past the Second Bough sign. Duck down the west branch and
into the Trynnie house (l). Inside you'll find three Trynnie Warriors, a Boom Bomb (which
causes a Sonic Boom spell effect) and a potion of Cure Disease. Leave the house and return
to the intersection.
Continue to follow the catwalk. Click the water in the magic fountain (2), shown in
Figure 8 .9, and it will ask you the following riddle:
'',A.s time moves, so it creates ... the lessons learned and the ways of fate ... I am each one
and yet still all known, seen and done before."
CHAPTER 8 {. Trynton
1 Trynnie House
2 Magic Fountain
3 Fuzzfas
4 Sanctuary
5 House
6 Trynnie Zoo
7 Building
8 House
9 Madras's Place
10 Four-way Intersection
11 Pa1oda Doors
12 House
FIGURE 8.8 :
Upper Trynton
him and then lift nearly 1,000 gold, some nondescript orange goo, and a dagger from his
pockets. By the way, if you start a second conversation with Fuzzfas, he will mention the
Seventh Bough.
FIGURE 8.10:
Leave the building and walk north . Take your first right and enter the house (8) .
Destroy the two Crawling Creepers there and grab the Blue Marble that they're guarding
You 'll need this to enter the pagoda. Check out the fake wall in the northeast corner of the
house. Open it, stroll onto the porch, and unlock the chest to claim your just reward: a Boo
of Removal (it allows magic-users to learn Remove Curse) . Return to the walkway and
move north .
Upper Trynton
Follow the path around the big tree and into a nearby house. This is Madras's place
(9) . On the first floor of his home you'll find Magic Nectar and a giant magnet. If you look
on the table you'll discover an Acid Bomb. Go upstairs and talk with Madras, who will ask
you to kill the Rattkin Breeders. If you accept the job, he 'll give you some Desiccation, Flash,
and Faerie Dust powder.
Exit Madras's house and retrace your steps down the spiraling walkway until you reach
a four-way intersection (10) that you passed earlier. Read the signs at the intersection-
one reads Fourth Bough, the other Fifth Bough. Take the path to the Fifth Bough. Use the
Blue Marble to open the pagoda doors (II). but don't go in . Once you enter the pagoda
(see Figure 8. I I) , you can't use magic, and this is one location where you 're going to need
your spells.
FIGURE 8.111
e NOTE Thepmc
You'll have to fight three successive battles at
the Pagoda entrance: the first against two Vile
Spiders, the second against three Blinding Wasps
and three wasps, and the last against seven
Crimson Poppies and three Rank Weeds. Each
gamer can manage these battles differently-
with common sense and sound tactics you'll
emerge victorious. Just don 't enter the pagoda until
the last battle is finished ; you 'll never win without the assistance of your magic-users.
After eliminating these adversaries . enter the pagoda. It's a verdant, cavernous building,
as shown in Figure 8. 12. Three passages lead north, east, and west from the room . Walk
through the north passage. This feeds into a disheveled room (obviously the scene of a
recent fight) , a small bridge, and finally a space in which four Rapax Scouts are assailing a
pair ofTrynnie Warriors. Kill the scouts and pick up the assorted goodies that they leave
behind. The best of the lot includes a kabuto (Samurai headgear AC +6), an Aqua Ring (AC
+I, 20% water resistance), a Shield of Winds (AC +2, 20% air resistance) , Tosei-Do armor
(AC +9 Samurai body armor) , and a scroll of Resurrection . There is also a sacred tome that
hints at the ingredients needed to consume in order to see the future (Mystery Potion and
CHAPTER 8 ( . Trynton
Zuzu leaves) . On the way out, pick up a scroll of Enchanted Blade found in the first room,
and take a moment to admire the loving detail that Sirtech put into this game--even the
smashed lantern's freed lightning bugs flicker feebly on the table.
FIGURE 8.12:
Return to the pagoda and cast Armor Plate and Enchanted Blade on your troops. Tur
open the east door and march down the hall. This is the way to the pagoda armory; it hol6
lots of good stuff, but it also holds three Tree Saplings, each weighing in at approximately
300 hit points. The Tree Saplings (see Figure 8.13) are big creatures, but as the saying gaei
"the bigger they are, the harder they fall ."
Have your w izard-types fling area-effect spells, such as Fireball, while Priests (or
others) attempt to paralyze one or two of the treelike enemies. If you have Flash or Sneeu
Powder, throw it in the opening turn or two. The goal is to decrease the saplings' effective·
ness, whether by reducing their effective numbers (through paralyzing, for example) or~
hampering those who can fight (by blinding or otherwise irritating them). As soon as you
evened the odds, close in for the kill , bringing all your warriors into play against one enem;
Wait until a foe falls before moving on to the next.
There are lots of spoils to reap after defeating the saplings. Two chests are situatefa
the table adjacent to the south wall , and two more lie inside the locker that stands next to
the north wall (turn the helmlike wheel on the locker to access its chests). Notable prizes
within include a scroll of Freeze Flesh, a Book of Removal, plate mail (AC + I0) , and potKr:
of Dracon Breath and Guardian Angel.
Go back to the pagoda and proceed through the west hall , which leads to the aforernr
t ioned and much-anticipated Seventh Bough . Walk onto the altar, drink the Mystery Po
eat the Zuzu leaves, and the Shaman there will reveal a bit of the future. Specifically, here
you that the Destinae Dominus is with Marten, and that perhaps you'll find Marten at~
bluff that bears his name.
Leave the pagoda and return to the Fourth/Fifth Bough intersection (10) . Follow
the walkway marked Fourth Bough, climb the ladder in the room you enter there, and he~
south into a house (12) . Kill the two Blinding Wasps that currently call the building home
and pick up their loot. Unfortunately, nothing special can be found here-the wasps
"owned" just a few arrows, bows, slings, and bullets.
Rattkin Tree
When you leave the house, you'll walk right into the waiting clutches of a Giant Bat.
The bat boasts about 370 hit points, but as it flies alone, don't expect too much ofa fight.
Kill it quickly and move to the other side of the walk to Marten 's place. You can't get in at
the moment, though. In front of the house is a pedestal (see Figure 8.14) upon which you
will later place an idol (more on that later).
FIGURE 8.13:
FIGURE 8.14:
Leave this location and march northeast to the broken bridge. Merge the two vines that
you pulled down in the sanctuary to get across, and say hello to the Rattkin Tree.
Rattkin Tree
The recently repaired bridge connects to a large tree that you can walk right through. More
often than not, several Twilight Bats will confront your party on the tree's far side. These
bats were a challenge on the Arnika-Trynton road, but your party is much more powerful
CHAPTER 8 {. Trynton
now. Dispose of the bats and continue on the walkway. You'll soon pass a house (I) on the
east (see Figure 8. 15). Remember its location, but ignore it for now.
Duerted House
Dead End
Rattkin Breeden
FIGURE 8.15:
Keep following the walkway to an elevator (2) that leads to Trynton. There's no need
to go back there at the moment, so keep moving ahead. Eventually, you'll come to a
deserted house (3) with some Sneeze Powder inside.
Retrace your steps to the eastern house (I) . Unfortunately, you can't open the front
door without the Key of Serenity. The Shaman will give you this key, but only if you bring
him Marten 's Idol from Marten's Bluff So forget this for now. Take the rope down at theeno
of the adjacent passageway and pick the lock on the door that you'll find there. Again you'll
enter a house. A sign can be seen on a wall nearby that reads "The third messenger gains
knowledge." As the shaman told you , you are the third messenger, but accessing the foun-
tain behind the doors will have to wait.
Go back outside and return to the main walkway (the one that leads to both the
elevator and the Sneeze Powder house). Head east and take the first left (north), then heac
west at the next intersection. Enter the house there. You'll immediately have to fight three
Rattkin Thieves (80 hit points or so apiece) and two Rattkin Archers (125 hit points each).
Kill them and pick up the Ring of Protection, Viper arrows (100%, +3 to hit), and a potion 11
Heavy Stamina-a nice reward for a measly five kills, or so you would think. Unfortunateil
Rattkin Tree
exiting the house will bring down a world of hurt; you'll now have to fight Swarming Wasps,
Blinding Wasps, and Twilight Bats (see Figure 8.16).
FIGURE 8.16:
Return to the main walkway once the carnage is through and head south. Enter the
building at which the path meets a dead end (4) and you'll meet Milano Calzone. Ask him
about the Dark Savant and he'll take you to meet his boss, the Don. By the way, you can
also ask Milano for more information on the Helm of Serenity.
Follow Milano to the Don and agree to pay him ifhe can obtain the Dominae. You may
also pay I, 000 gold for a bit of protection or the same amount to take out a hit on someone.
There is also a chest in the room. It is booby-trapped with the Philosopher's Bane trap that
turns some of the party's gold into lead if triggered. In the chest you 'll find several items,
most notably the Zweihander (inflicts 3-15 Damage, - 5 Initiative), and a Book of Hexes
(that basically impedes everything that the enemy does) .
Before leaving the building, duck into the room at the other end of the hall. It holds the
Ratt Key (needed shortly) and two chests, one with a Stunner trap. The best items you 'll
find in the chests are a Wrist Rocket sling, (+ 5 Initiative, +3 to hit) , a beanie (Intelligence
- I0) , and some Hunter 's quarrels. Exit the structure and head north to your confrontation
with the Rattkin Breeders (5).
Make sure that you take a moment to rest before entering the Rattkin Breeders'
domain. You 'll need everyone with all of their spells and at maximum strength here. Cast
Armor Plate and Enchanted Blade on the party, and make sure you have distributed your
potions logically amongst the party members. Then open the door with the Ratt Key.
Rattkin Breeders are huge monsters (see Figure 8.17) that will come right after you! A
5th level Freeze Flesh spell will normally paralyze one of them, so cast one as quick as you
can . If you're lucky, you'll freeze the breeder in the doorway and block the others from
getting by. Move through the door with your Fighter (the Bloodlust sword comes in handy
here, giving most Fighters three swings) . Chop down the first Rattkin Breeder, rinse, and
FIGURE 8.17:
T swamp is the first location in the game where you won't need to fight (unless
J ;:u go looking for one). There are several creatures for your slaying pleasure
(especially in the Bayjin area), however, ifyou}-e interested in picking up some expe-
rience points. l'Du 'II get a better understanding of the Wizardry 8 story and how you
fit into it as you travel through the swamp.
CHAPTER 9 ( . The Swamp and Mines
The Swamp
Begin on the path through the swamp, staying on it until you see a large sign (1) . An evil
entity is near. That's right; when you approach this sign, you'll encounter the Dark Savant
(as shown in Figure 9.2) for the first time in the game. He's actually quite hospitable! The
chief menace of Wizardry 8 rants for a few moments at your party. It seems that the ulti-
mate bad guy doesn't enjoy being tricked, and he believes that the Rattkin have the true
Astral Dominae. Before disappearing into the darkness, however, he leaves behind the
fake Astral Dominae, which for the moment you can just stick into your inventory. You'll
use the fake later in the game to trade the Mocks for the Chaos Moliri.
Once the Dark Savant is gone, continue north until you reach the water's edge. Take a
right here, heading east. Stay along the water until you find a bridge. Cross this bridge and
then, once again, turn east. You'll soon find a pair of houses (2) , as seen in Figure 9.3,
which contain quite a few goodies. A potion of Restoration, Fire Stix, and Shrike arrows are
amongst the items stashed in these homes.
If you have a party member capable of casting a Detect Secrets spell, use it here. This
will help you turn up a kabuto and chain hosen. Even though you've already discovered
items like these before, the chain hosen is still a valuable find, and the spare kabuto will
come in handy if you have more than one Samurai in your group.
Continue moving roughly to the east, tracing the path as it veers a little to the north.
The road leads into the mine tunnels. Say goodbye to the creepy-looking swamp for now.
The T' Rang Base and the Mines
You 'll be back, though . For starters, you still need to visit Crock (3) . The swamp is also an
intermediate path to other destinations. Thus, you have to traverse this area once again to
reach the Southeast Wilderness. But, at this moment, we need only worry about the mines.
CHAPTER 9 ( , The Swamp and Mines
~ NOTE The Savant Troopers may not always be present. If there is no battk,
you may walk up to RFS-81, chat with him, recruit him, and adminhter the NAS-81.
The Mines
Northern branch
The T'Rang Base and the Mines
all the loot, head east up the hill (behind the Savant camp). This is a very narrow, ridge-lined
path. Follow it as it gradually curves. When the trail splits, take the northern branch (2) .
Here you'll find a chain hauberk (AC +9), which provides its wearer with some helpful torso
Return to the location where the path divided and head south. Your party should
soon discover a hidden steel plate stuck in the ground. Be careful! It turns out that this is
an avalanche trap. You want to trigger it without getting hurt. First, creep up to the plate.
The second you hear that the trap has been activated, retreat as quickly as possible and the
avalanche should miss you.
A rock switch (see Figure 9 .6) lies east of the boulders. If you can't find the lever, use
your Ranger and turn on search mode. Activate the switch when you locate it. Doing so
pops open the door to a T'Rang base. Unlike anything your party has yet seen, the T'Rang
base is made from metal, and electronic displays bleep and flash around the elevated control
center. Enter the facility and speak with Tantris. He won't talk much since you haven't done
anything for the T'Rang yet. It looks like you'll have to go see Z'Ant (more on Z'Ant later)
to get more out of him. (Be sure to return to Tantris after Z'Ant has given you a mission.
Tantris gladly joins your party once you are fighting for the T'Rang Empire, and his sword-
fighting skills will make a welcome addition.)
A panel with four red buttons is located on the south wall. Press the top left button and
another panel will spring from the northeast wall. Some directions are inscribed there. You'll
need to remember these, for they'll be necessary to program the mine car.
Down N/A N/A
Right Down N/A
Now it is time to exit the T'Rang base. Retrace your steps to the "Y" in the passage and
take the passage not yet traveled. Exiting is easy: just tap the button adjacent to the gate
and the lasers will stop. Exit and head west.
CHAPTER 9 £ The Swamp and Mines
Take note of a barred entrance (or perhaps a window) that leads to a cave. You can't
break in here, but the portal may be important later. North of the window location you'll
find a Cap of Wiles (3) (Initiative + IO, Mental Magic + 10, + 10% vs. Mental Magic) . It 1s
cursed, however, and cannot be removed from a party member's head without invoking the
Remove Curse spell. Along the way, you'll also find a Silent Lyre, which prevents opponents
from using vocal magic against your party, but requires a Magic skill rating of 25 to use.
Continue west until you find a wooden building. Snatch up the length of hose outside
the building (your Gadgeteer may be able to use it later) and enter the structure, which 1s
obviously the home of the mine cart you've acquired the instructions to operate. Set the
switches on the wall as your were shown in the T ' Rang base. Mount the center cart and
pull the lever. Wheee!
e NOTE Mo.quitan, _,,., s.ars. bats, °"" croa mi;it occoat your party
a you follow this trail. N- ia a strona ~ but tw,,.ated battlu will .,.adually -an
your party. )bu lllG)I rdurn fo th. T'Rona 6aN fo camp, rut, ond rntotw your -rain.
Tromp down the path on which the cart empties you. Notice the flying snakes to your
right, but they usually won 't attack. Make sure to pick up the Giant Silver Nugget before
you proceed on to the lower portion of Marten 's Bluff
I ts time to leave the mines and head to Martens Bluff. Your party is looking for
the infamous Marten, who-if you 'II recall-stole the Destinae Dominus. You
need to track him down and see if he can offer your group any clues as to the Dark
Savants plans. Of course, along the way you'll chat with more characters, pick
several locks, slay a lot of monsters, collect some goodies, and even form alliances.
You 'II begin this leg of the journey in lower Martens Bluffand work your way up. As
you go, your party will unravel more of the Wizardry 8 mystery. Good luck.
CHAPTER I 0 (, Marten's Bluff
Locked room
Locked door
FIGURE 10.1:
The lock to the first room's door is difficult to pick. Madras is your best bet for gaining
access here. The door will eventually open, revealing three millipedes. These pests should
bite the dust even faster than the previous ones. You're rewarded with a flamethrower
(-6 Initiative) and Concussion Powder.
Move clockwise to the second room. Luckily, its lock is easy to pick and no one
waits inside to ambush you. Moreover, it's stocked with valuable items. You may find
the Oscillator-an object that a Gadgeteer can later fuse with other trinkets to create
Lower Marten's Bluff .fl.
something new-copper gloves (AC +10), potions of Heavy Stamina and Restoration, and a
Pulse Pick, which you'll use to unlock the next couple of doors.
Make your way to the next
entrance. The third room contains more
ammo and weaponry, including the
el NOTE Of course, anystron11 Jericho Horn (requires a minimum
clratactv- canfon:e open a locked "'1or. Each
Music skill of 45, and only a Bard of 8th
atllempt suhtrocts points from hh or lwr Stamina
level or higher can operate it), which
rotina, but N diminis/wd statistic will
rapidly buil.d bOdt up. Ewntuolly, your casts the Armormelt spell when blown.
charot:t.r lltould be able to brealc This spell, by the way, decreases the
open die door. enemy's Armor rating, enabling your
attacks to inflict more damage. Scoop
up all of this stuff and head out.
You'll need the Pulse Pick to get
past the fourth door, which actually leads to a small hallway. Inside you'll find two T'Rang
Watchers guarding a small foyer. Since you're not yet aligned with the T'Rang or the
Umpani, they won't offer any information. Thankfully, neither will they attack you.
Continue past the Watchers into a large room (2) that contains two T' Rang Assassins,
who won 't bother you either. Take a look around. A Nargisst Command Station (see
Figure 10.2) is situated to the right of the Assassins. You can use the station to talk with
the T'Rang mothership. There 's not much you'll learn here now. However, you can later
accept a quest from the Umpani to destroy the mothership. It is here that you will come to
overload the ship's systems, ultimately destroying it.
FIGURE 10.2:
A small passageway lies north of the control station. It leads to Z'Ant, the strange
looking alien you've heard of before. Z' Ant, of course, is the man with the plan. In fact, he's
the creature you need to talk to if you're going to align with the T'Rang. While you're at it,
be sure to also question him about the Dark Savant and Marten. Next, accept Z'Ant's offer
of a quest. He 'II ask you to steal a flag from an Umpani base that lies north of Marten's
CHAPTER I 0 ~ Marten's Bluff
Bluff With this, your alliance with the T' Rang is now complete. Before you leave, place a
portal in Z'Ant's chambers at the Nargisst computer.
(Si\ N QT E While upper Marten !r Bluff will be detailed later in thia chapter,
you can ta/ce the elevator in the massiw room with the healing machine to the upper kvela.
If you do so, move north to exit the castle and then circle -st to the catapult: pid: up tM
upper Marten !r Bluff wa/Jcthrough at that paint. We don't ncomtMnd toking thia altortr:ut,
because you 'II miss the chance to p several valuable it.ma, such as the Enchantwl Sword.
Head back to the large enclave to which this room 1s attached. Take the northern
passageway. You'll soon reach another locked room (4) with items. The first hallway that
runs east leads to a heavily guarded T'Rang room. Don't tempt the guards or they'll start a
fight, alliance or not (for more on this room, see Chapter 11). Follow the hallway until you
reach the point where it intersects with the main hall. Swing north and travel down this
stretch . You 'll come to another room with more T'Rang guards. Again, there's no admit-
tance to this room .
Follow the main passage south . Take the first branch heading east. This is a right turn.
A few feet down the right wall , you'll find a locked door (5). Pick the door's lock and head
inside. A round shield and various arrows are located here. Take whatever you need and
continue to trace this passage west and then south. Climb up the stairs (6) and enter the
upper level of Marten 's Bluff
Upper Marten's Bluff fl.
Upper Martens Bluff
Enter upper Marten's Bluff (l), as seen in Figure 10.3. Turn on your search mode to find
the Dulcimer of Mending (heals all , can only be wielded by Bards of the 11th level or above
with Music skills of 60). Be wary of attacks from the hall. H igardi and Rebel Spirits will often
accost your party at this spot.
FIGURE 10.3:
I Marten's Bluff
IA Large central room
e\ N QTE TMre is a posi- 2 Southern iuard tower
tive side to th• spirit attack when you first enter 3 Guard tower
the topmost section of Marten~ B/uff- 4 Western perimeter courtyard
thae spirit. will ~ntly couah up 5 Castle courtyard
Armor Piercer arrows when they die. 6 Inner castle area
7 Western guard tower
8 East guard tower
9 Swamps
10 Lower level
CHAPTER I 0 {. Marten 's Bluff
Head toward the southern guard tower (2) . Use caution when crossing the large
central room (IA) ; a column here spits arrows at regular intervals. Time your move-
ment carefully and you 'll avoid the shafts. Pull the lever located on the wall (as shown in
Figure 10.4) to open a door in another part of the castle. Also hidden in this room are four
helpings of Flash Powder and a bronze cuirass. Collect these items and march northeast to
the guard tower (3) .
FIGURE 10.4:
In the vicinity of the guard tower you 'II find a beautiful sword hovering on the far side of
a small room . Do not head straight for it. Instead, hug the wall and walk around the edge of
the room to the obviously magical blade and grab it. It's an Enchanted Broadsword (Damage
5-13 , + I to hit, + I Initiative) . Give this sword to a capable fighter and then walk to the
center of the sword room , where the floor will now lower you into the moat.
Follow the moat to the right. Eventually you 'll pass under a natural bridge that will be
used a little later to re-enter the swamp. For now, however, climb the bank on the far side of
the bridge and walk to the castle. You may fight several random encounters with Deathsting
Apuses, lronskin Crocodiles, and the like during this short journey. Sidle over to the west
side of the castle, where a catapult can be found in the western perimeter courtyard (4).
Ready the war machine by clicking on the winding handle and then release the arm by
clicking the lever on the back of the catapult. The arm then impales itself in the wall (shown
in Figure 10 .5), providing the perfect bridge for your party to enter the castle.
A dead T'Rang lies in the castle courtyard (5) . Grab the unfortunate alien 's severed
arm , the wires nearby, and whatever else you can find here. Enter the inner castle area
(6) through a door unlocked when you pulled the switch in the southern interior room
(2) . In the western guard tower (7) you'll find a Mandolin of Magus, which, when used,
increases your party's resistance to all realms of magic (requires a 5th level Bard with a
Music skill of 30 to use) . There are also potions of Heavy Heal and Superman and some
Magic Nectar scattered on the floor.
Upper Marten's Bluff .fl.
Move to the east guard tower (8) and pick up the scrolls of Freeze Flesh (paralyzes
opponents) and Whipping Rocks (missile attack). Between the two scrolls is Marten 's Idol
(see Figure 10.6). Save your game before grabbing the statue. The screen blackens as you
do so and your party falls into a deep slumber. When you awaken, you'll find that one of
your characters (randomly determined) has left the party. Worry not, however, as your ally
will return within the next couple of chapters. Exit the idol room, scooping up the blue
flowers that have fallen to the floor as you leave. The flowers provide a crucial hint to
locating your lost party member.
FIGURE 10.5:
FIGURE 10.6:
CHAPTER I 0 {, Marten's Bluff
td Tl P I/you an unludcJI, the aa- may chooN lo kidnap 70fll' moat Wlluoble dtarot:ter
at upper Mamn ~ Bluff. WbJle you can at:t»pt thU loH anti so/dW ~ dtallenp la~ con
also nwrl lo your mart , _ t raved aa- anti try a.,,;n (anti ,.,,U., anti opin).
In fat:t, you can bep trying until the aa- abtlucts the t:harocter you Jftl that
you can liw without.
FIGURE 10.71
1A T,.h Martens Idol in hand, your party must now travel back through the
' r :'~amp, searching for your lost comrade. Fortunately, the blue flowers
that you found after your friends kidnapping provide a clue. If you can find a place
where such flowers thrive, perhaps you can also find your missing friend. Although
it covers familiar territory, this section will do much more than reiterate your
previous itinerary. For instance, you need to find your lost party member. Second,
more monsters await in the swamp, and you 'II need to speak with characters such as
Crock and Brekek. There are also formerly impassable rooms at Martens Bluff that
need to be searched after rescuing your fellow party member.
So theres something old, something new, something borrowed (er, kidnapped),
and something blue awaiting your adventurers here. Read on for a guide that will
take you safely through these regions, leading you to everything that you need to find
and more.
CHAPTER I I (, Return to the Swamp and Marten's Bluff
FIGURE 11.1:
The Swamp
Place your back to a wall (or some other form of cover) when fighting Swarming Wasps
and cast a Guardian Angel spell on your front rank fighters . These two actions will prevent
the wasps from surrounding you and will enable the front rank to take the wasps ' stings
without incurring significant damage. Area effect spells, such as Fireball , should also work
well against Swarming Wasps, simultaneously damaging many of the flying insects.
lronskin Crocodiles are horses, or rather reptiles, of a different color (see Figure 11.2).
Keep your distance from these savage beasts and pelt them with ranged spells, arrows,
darts, and stones. Once you have weakened the tough-hided monsters, paralyze them
(Freeze Flesh or Paralyze work reasonably well), and then wade in and finish them offw1th
your sword swingers.
If you wish to avoid combat on your way to Crock's house, use an X-Ray spell to iden-
tify enemies' locations. By utilizing these magical abilities, your group can then go where
these monsters are not. Usually, this entails heading off the beaten path, as many of your
run-ins will come on the stone trail.
Return to the Swamp ..
FIGURE 11.2:
CHAPTER 1 1 (. Return to the Swamp and Marten's Bf uff
Continue searching until you find Brekek. He is located in a cul-de-sac just north of
Crock's house. To get there, you must take the river bridge to the west of Crock's and wind
back around to the east edge of the swamp. When you locate the giant frog, lead off your
attack with Freeze Flesh, Paralyze, or Web spells; be sure to immobilize the beast before
closing in for melee combat. Fire and water spells work best against the massive amphibian.
Use Fireballs and Cherry Bombs to whittle away at the monster's hit points before wading in
for the kill. Then use your Fighters, Samurai, and Ninjas to hack at the amphibian while your
magicians cast their most powerful spells. The creature should soon succumb to your
assault, leaving a rather large frog leg behind . Search the area, picking up the frog leg and the
other goodies strewn about his lair.
FIGURE 11.3:
Take the frog leg to Crock, who will then return your lost party member. A number of
valuable items are hidden upstairs, but you'll have to kill Crock to get up there. Consider
whether this is worthwhile, as Crock is the sole purveyor of fine ammo and potions in the
swamp. You may need his goods later. If you do kill the surly shopkeeper, expect to find a
chest with Mantis Gloves (+14 AC, +3 Dexterity) and a handful of Doom Darts (4- 8
Damage, +4 Initiative, hexes targets 80% of the time on successful hits). Collect these valu-
ables and then prepare to return to Marten's Bluff Abandon Crock's house, heading south-
west to the point at which you re-entered the swamp.
Return to Marten 's Bluff •
Paintin& of Marten
Sadok's Shop
FIGURE 11.4:
Walk t o the end of this corridor, where you 'II find Marten's room. Marten's diary (3) 1s
lying on the table next to his bed, but all of the pages except one have been ripped out. Read
this surviving page by clicking the diary. A cryptic message, "Eternal trust survives the soul."
is inscribed here. Do not forget these words. Next, search the room for some goodies. Exit
the room.
Retrace your steps up the hallway. At various points here and throughout most of lower
Marten 's Bluff, you'll encounter Rebel Spirits or Higardi Spirits. These are not tough oppo-
nents. Close quickly, and take them out with blade and pike. Enter the room to your left.
Cast a Detect Secrets spell and use your best scout to search the area. You'll find a potion of
Moderate Heal, a Book of Remove Curse, and a bassinet (+6 AC, medium weight) in this
room (4) . After you 've collected all of the goodies, leave this area.
FIGURE 11.5:
Cross the hall, heading south. Look for another room to your right (5) and prepare for
some more looting. Here you'll find the Blarneystone Amulet (AC + l, Communication +20.
with seven charges) . Unfortunately, it's a cursed item . Place it on a character's arm and you
won 't be able to remove it without a Remove Curse spell. The room also holds potions of
Granite and Cure Disease, Icicle Stix (fires the equivalent of a 2nd level Frost spell), a Forest
Cape, a Brilliant Helm (AC +6, Intelligence +20), some Resurrection Powder, a Cherry
Bomb, and a Razor Cloak, to name but a few of the highlights. After raking in the items,
head back past Marten's painting (2) to Sadok's shop (6) . Sadok has lots to offer: bullet
stones, arrows, quarrels, spell books, and even several bags of Redemption Powder. Also
search this shop for potions and a laser pointer.
If you wish , you may continue south, but eventually a group ofT' Rang will stop you. It
seems that their friendship only goes so far. Trade and barter with Sadok, then once agam
take the elevator to upper Marten's Bluff Exit the bluff and re-enter the swamp.
Southeast Wilderness
Exit Marten 's Bluff and return to the swamp. lfyou haven 't already checked out the hollow
log above the path leading into the marshland , make sure to do this now. In the log is a blue
feather that can be brought to Fuzzfas in Trynton . He 'll be able to use it to make an Earth
Shaker Bomb. Head in the direction of Crock's house when your log exploring is complete.
Follow the path south of the building to the east. This path exits to the Southeast
Wilderness (see Figure 12 .1 for a complete map of this area) .
FIGURE 12.1:
Follow the Southeast Wilderness path to an intersection (1) . Take a left there and
follow this path . A Swallower will often accost your party not far down this road . These
dangerous creatures can (unsurprisingly) swallow a character in one bite, and ifthe
Swallower isn 't slain before the character's health depletes (anyone gulped down loses hit
points every round they are in the monster's gullet) , the character dies . The good news 1s
that the Swallower only boasts 120 hit points and is susceptible to water-based spells such ~
Freeze Flesh.
Southeast Wilderness
Hack the beast down and move on. Be wary of nine Swarming Wasps patrolling the
area, however. At the bottom of the mountain you'll find a gazebo (2) . Inside lies a deli-
cious spread of goodies: a Chaos Drone (invokes Fear and Insanity, but can only be used by
14th level Bards with Music skills of at least 75), shrike arrows, Mystic arrows, and hunter
It's time to muster all your courage and follow the path south, up the hill to the temple
(3) . Here a big battle awaits. At the temple you 'll find a Sorceress Queen, a pair of Death
Lords, six Cultists, and three Siges (as shown in Figure 12.2) . Be prepared for a bruising
fight .
FIGURE 12.2:
Creep into the temple courtyard and dispatch the three Siges-the other baddies
usually wait inside the temple. Retreat, rest, and heal before entering the building proper.
Tiptoe back to the temple when you 're ready and position your party so that only one or
two enemies are in view. Then start firing. Hopefully, you can take down a couple of the
temple guardians this way. When melee combat looms, cast Summon Elemental and move
in behind whatever elemental is called up. With luck, the elemental will absorb most of the
remaining attacks.
Because the Sorceress Queen and her Cultists possess such powerful magical skills,
you 'll want to move in quickly to finish them off them off in close-quarters combat. After
the temple guardians succumb, enter search mode and have your Mage cast Reveal Secrets.
Pick up all the items that the spell uncovers and exit these hallowed grounds. Before you
leave you may want to check out the lower mausoleum where you can get some pretty
good items, most notably Fang. You 'll also find some more undead to kill.
Now head back to the southern "T'' in the path (l) and proceed east. Down this road
you 'll find another challenge (see Figure 12 .3). Five Frightmares, two AreoMancers, and a
Minor Air Elemental roam this path. If you 're lucky, you won't encounter them at the same
time, which would lead to a horrendous clash that even the most powerful group of adven-
turers would have a difficult time surviving.
CHAPTER I 2 (, The Southeast Wilderness and Wilderness Clearing
FIGURE 12.3:
Thankfully, you 'll usually spot the Frightmares first. These are dangerous creatures,
however, even on their own . Their "Rear" can frighten your characters and even cause them
to Turncoat and attack their fellow party members. Additionally, Frightmares frequently
protect themselves with Eye for an Eye, which reflects the magical damage that they
receive. On the other hand, they frighten easily themselves, so you'll rarely have to fight all
five of them in a single battle. It's best to attack them from outside the range of the their
rear attack (which is a "thrown" ranged spell). It takes patience to destroy them from afar,
but such a plan is doable.
After "corralling" the Frightmares and whatever other monsters you encounter here,
head back to the hilltop temple vicinity and move northeast along the beach until you reach
a fork in the road . Take a right at this spot (4) and head east to enter the wilderness
Wilderness Clearing
Again, this isn't an area that you need to visit to complete Wizardry 8, but it does offer a
couple of exciting battles and plenty of experience points.
Enter the clearing as shown in Figure 12.4. Tramp north and you 'll undoubtedly cross
paths with a pair of Swallowers and a handful ofTanto Wasps. These are not big battles.
Use whatever tactics you prefer to destroy them and then move on . AL the north end of the
clearing (l) , you'll find Rex, a friendly Hogar (see Figure 12.5) . The beast won 't speak with
you , but it will faithfully follow you throughout the area. Rex moves slowly and is easy to
lose, however. So remember to let him catch up or go back to retrieve him. And make no
mistake, Rex's help will soon be most welcome. Also patrolling the north end of the clearing
are three Greater Picuses (approximately 340 hit points each) and more Tanto Wasps.
Keep an eye on your radar and try to fight the Greater Picuses and wasps separately.
Additionally, attempt to face each in the narrow corridor (2) that leads east from where
you meet Rex.
Wilderness Clearing
Narrow corridor
FIGURE 12.4:
After defeating the Greater Picuses and wasps, head south to the Gazers' cave (3) . En
route you 'll meet a pair of Gnashing Swallowers and Brute Hogar (which boasts 500+ hit
points). Fortunately, these aren't perceptive monsters. Use an X-Ray spell to avoid the Brute
Hogar, but attack and destroy the Gnashing Swallowers. Remember that these behemoths are
susceptible to Freeze Flesh spells. Stop them in their tracks and cut them to ribbons .
CHAPTER I 2 (. The Southeast Wilderness and Wilderness Clearing
FIGURE 12.5:
~ TIP Thole with I~ I 3 or 14 characters may wont to try their luck with the Brute
Hogar befo,. leavina t#N wikkrneas clearina. TIN beast is by no means invincible, but you 'II need a party
capable of takina a 120 hit point chunk out of it durina each and wery turn. Otherwise the animal will run
throuah your party liU a hot sword throup butt.r.
Return to the Southeast Wilderness and then exit the region on the north road leading to
the Mountain Wilderness.
W i lde rn ess Cle arn ing
If you enter the Wilderness Clearing early in the game, it wiJI be more or less
an empty clearing. Sure, there are plenty of monsters to fight, as we mention
throughout the chapter, but none of them significantly affect the flow of the
game. However, once you've collected two of the artifacts (Chaos Moliri,
Astral Dominae, or Destinae Dominus), the Rapax move an army into the
Once Rodan and Drazic are free, the king becomes hostile. This means much
fighting with the Rapax, but jt's worth it. If you do not kill the Rapax King before
ascending, Trynton is destroyed and all Trynnie are exterminated (as shown in the
endgame). Freeing both Rodan and Drazic (one will refuse to leave without the
other) activates the peace mission (unless you have destroyed either the Umpani or
T ' Rang ship). Take Rodan and Drazic to General Yamir and Z' Ant.
The leaders determine that they can work together to destroy the Savant's ship.
Z' Ant provides a T'Rang Tracking Device to use with the Umpani canon at Mt.
Gigas peak and General Yamir gives them the IUF Top Security Pass to give them
access to Mt. Gigas Peak. Go to the canon and use it to destroy the Dark Savant's
ship. Note: This peace mission is optional; you need not undertake it to finish the
Making Preparations
Unless you've been playing on Easy mode, you have probably noticed that your party was
often challenged to the max as it traveled through the Southeast Wilderness and the
Wilderness Clearing. Well , now the opponents only get tougher. You'll need a host of special
equipment and a few party member changes to survive the rest of this trip. So, before
heading to the Northern Wilderness, pause a moment to strengthen your troops.
Exit the Southeast Wilderness to the swamp. Next, return to Tantris. Go to upper
Marten's Bluff and take the elevator inside the castle down to Tantris. Or proceed through
the mine tunnels back to Tantris. Drop RFS-81 from your party and recruit the T'Rang
Samurai, who happens to be a much more capable fighter than the Dark Savant's reject
robot. Tantris carries a Stun Rod and even knows a bit of Fire magic. Overall, he will endow
your group with a greater chance of surviving the treacherous encounters that lie ahead.
Trudge from the mine tunnels back to the swamp and make your way towards Trynton.
There you need to search out the merchant named Fuzzfas, see Figure 13.l. When you
reach his shop, offer him the blue feather (for more, see Chapter 12: The Southeast
Wilderness and the Wilderness Clearing) . Fuzzfas will then make the Earthshaker Bomb for
you. This takes some time, however, so continue your quest while the merchant/weapon-
smith does his work.
FIGURE 13.1:
Fuzzfas is a reliable
supplier of powders and
potions for your party.
Begin killing time with a trip back to the Rattkin Tree. Place Marten's Idol upon the Fifth
Bough's pedestal and the door directly in front of you will pop open, revealing Shaman Das.
The sage has been waiting for the third messenger, who not so coincidentally is you.
However, you've still got to prove that. First, Das asks, "Who sent you?" Reply, "Marten"
and he will prompt you for the secret message. The not-so secret answer is "Eternal trust
survives the soul." Das will then give you the Serenity Key, which is necessary for obtaining
the Helm of Serenity.
Making Preparations
Although you 've finished talking with Shaman Das, don't leave his chamber yet. Plenty
of goodies are stashed in the two areas that flank the shaman 's room. The eastern one
contains items such as Bracers of Defense (good for a +2 AC bonus and I0% resistance
against Earth and Divine magic) , a Mitre de Sanct (special headgear for magic users that
carries a +5 AC bonus) , and the Mystic Spear (does 5-17 Damage per strike and gives the
wielder +2 to hit and +2 Initiative) . You'll find potions of Renewal and Summon Elemental
in the western room . Remember that such objects are randomly determined , so those
mentioned here are merely representative of what you 'll find.
After looting the nearby chambers, head back to the Rattkin Tree. The first room to
your right contains the Serenity Helm. Take another right and follow the passageway to the
locked portal, which can be opened with the Serenity Key. Too bad picking up the helm itself
won 't be this easy. Rattkin Thieves- and perhaps some Rattkin Goons- are stationed inside.
In fact, there may be as many as 12 enemies (see Figure 13.2).
FIGURE 13.2:
Showing the Goons and Thieves who 's the big cheese is as tough as building a better
mousetrap. Remember to move back as often as necessary when fighting against sword-
wielding Rattkin Thieves. Retreat from the rodentlike antagonists, engaging them with your
bows, rifles, and long-range magic spells. Fireball , Whirlwind, and Noxious Fumes incanta-
tions work well against enemy hordes such as these. Freeze Flesh, Web, and Sleep are also
useful because they can reduce the number of opponents attacking at one time. Once the
gang has been weakened or paralyzed, close in and finish them off with your dose-combat
Now it's time to grab the Helm of Serenity. Click the sign located on the floor, as shown
in Figure 13.3, and it will speak to you of knowledge. Click it again and it will slide away,
revealing the matted , hay ceiling of the room below. This chamber holds the Helm of
Serenity. Step onto the hay and your party will fall into this secret area. Open the chest and
snatch the Helm of Serenity (which gives the wearer a +3 AC bonus and 30% protection
against Mental magic) . You may also find a Shadow Cloak (+ I AC bonus for the wearer) , a
CHAPTER I 3 (. The Northern Wilderness
DoubleStrike Dagger (causes 1-4 damage and provides + l to hit and +4 Initiative bonuses),
steel gauntlets (which are good for a +8 AC bonus) , and bronze greaves (which provide a
+ 7 AC bonus). Grab all of these goodies and equip your party as appropriate.
FIGURE 13.3:
Abandon the Rattkin Tree and return to Fuzzfas. Collect your Earthshaker Bomb and
then exit Trynton. You might want to drop by Arnika and visit Antone, who can construct
Zynaryx Plate, Steelhide Armor, Featherweight Armor, a BeastSlayer Axe, and an Ebon
Staff for your party if you have collected all of the necessary components (see Chapter 7:
Arnika for the list of components). By now, you will have accumulated most 1f not all of the
goodies necessary to make these special items.
After completing these tasks, you have a buffed party capable of handling the baddies in
the Northern Wilderness. Head along Arnika Road . Hang a right where the path forks and
make your way north. Exit the Arnika Road area into the Northern Wilderness and you 're
ready for the next leg of your journey.
Continue along the road , gradually veering south as you move east. You'll eventually
reach a stone wall. Trace this structure as you proceed east. In the clearing (2) , you 'll prob-
ably discover a basic item such as a long bow. Although your long-range units are at this
time likely carrying more sophisticated projectile weapons, such an item may come in handy
for selling later.
FIGURE 13.4:
CHAPTER I 3 (. The Northern Wilderness
When the Hogar does fall, step over its body and enter the nearby cave. You might be
able to discover a host of things inside, including a scroll of Slow (which works similarly to
the Slow spell), a Banshee's Howl (an instrument that hexes targets and is only usable by an
11 th_level Bard with a musical ability of 60), a Walriblade (which does 5-11 Damage, but
penalizes the user with -3 Initiative), Firesticks, a scroll of Whipping Rocks, and a Book of
Return. Again, the objects you find here are randomly generated and saved the first time
you enter the area and could differ from game to game.
FIGURE 13.5:
On to the Northern Wilderness
FIGURE 13.6:
Umpani Aligned
You've made the decision to join the Umpani; Part Ill details your
adventures on this branch of the Wizardry 8 quest. Traveling with the
mechanically inclined Umpani, you 111 likely come across items such as
musket balls and muskets, as well as various characters like Sergeant
Rubble and Saxx. In the ensuing chapters, you 'II also see some interesting
sites such as Bayjin, the Sea Caves, and the Mount Gigas Caves and fight
some fierce monsters. Let '.s get started.
B y taking this path, you will join forces with the Umpani. As a strong and
technologically advanced race of aliens, the Umpani make good allies. Much
of what happens to an Umpani aligned party also happens to those who choose to
side with the T'Rang. Nevertheless, there are differences, so we will cover each path
separately. Here we join the Umpani in the fight against the Dark Savant.
CHAPTER I 4 ~ Umpani Base Camp and Mount Gigas Caves
FIGURE 14.l:
Umpani base camp
Umpani Base Camp
Walk north into the base and take the first right, which leads toward the commissary (I) .
Once in the building, bear left to enter the commissary itself Speak with Sergeant Kunar there
and buy the Umpani flag. Stroll down the hall to the bar where you'll encounter a musician
named Saxx. This Umpani is a 7th level Bard, capable of using most of the instruments you may
have found along your way. Once you enlist in the Umpani army, you may recruit Saxx into the
party if you like, as he might come in handy in the upcoming battles. Keep in mind that he will
depart before you enter the next major game section, the underwater areas. Now cross the
street to the recruitment center and barracks (2) . Talk to Balbrak in order to enlist. Doing
so not only places you firmly on the Umpani alliance path, but also earns your characters 500
experience points each. If you have another opening in the party, you may sign up Sparkle the
Trynnie. She's a 6th level Ranger who might prove useful until someone better comes along. Of
course, three chapters ago a 6th level anything would have been useful , but by now most party
members should be pushing 12th or 13th level. So, unless you 're in dire need ofa Ranger, Sparkle
is just filler material to add to the number in your party.
Wandering among the tables in the recruitment room reveals that not only are the
Umpani planning an assault on Marten's Bluff. but that they are also exploring Mount Gigas
and have lost an exploration party in the sea caves. Interesting information, but none of it is
currently critical or of much use to the party.
Traipse down the hall to the IUF barracks.
Here sit many lockers and chests. Inside them
you'll find a host of supplies. Although exactly
f6f. TIP u.. ,,,._ n. what each locker/chest contains is randomly
.,,. ·-,,,. . . . of... ......
'*-tlr , , .
.,.,. . . . chat.
determined when you load this level, musket
balls, Healing potions, Sneeze Powder, Hunter's
Quarrels, and potions of Cure Poison are among
ytMlt' ,,.ry . . ,,,. 6at I.ode "7iwp llltJll
bupeoldalm. the items you 'll discover.
.,.., '""' ..
A/tsr,_ inow After you've finished looting the barracks,
exit the recruitment center and follow the path
,_ ... """""' It'. north to the obstacle course (3) . Speak w ith
Sergeant Rubble and enter the course. A series
of ramps comprise the first section . These chal-
lenges won't make anyone break out in a sweat,
but the descending teeth (see Figure 14.2) that follow can be a bit ofa problem . Dash
through the instant that the first set of teeth begin to lift and you should survive.
Run up the stairs that are your next obstacle and leap onto the moving platform. Drop
off the platform when it passes over the shore. Fight the dummies there and scour the
vicinity for items. Pick the lock on the door and dash down the hall into the last room .
Sergeant Rubble is there to congratulate you and bestow 5, 000 experience points on each of
your characters. Pick up the Healing potion and the level 2 IUF Security Pass there. Use the
pass to exit the obstacle course door.
Jog back to Sergeant Balbrak. Although he 's not overly impressed with your accom-
plishments, the hard-nosed military man will give you what turns out to be a simple quest:
bring him a I00% T' Rang artifact from Marten 's Bluff It just so happens that you should
have the severed T'Rang arm that you found at the bluff (for more, see Chapter 10:
Marten 's Bluff) . Show it to Balbrak and he'll hand your party 40,000 experience points, a
commissary credit, and a level 3 IUF Security Pass. He also tells you to report to Rubble for
more training.
CHAPTER I 4 ~ Umpani Base Camp and Mount Gigas Caves
Give Rubble a rest for now and head over to the commissary. You may buy and sell lots
of items here, including Impaling Stones, Shrike arrows, barbed arrows, and musket balls.
Freshly equipped , it's time to find Rubble and continue your training. To do so, enter the
Mount Gigas Caves.
Stroll over to the EWAXX Computer Building (4) . Present your level 3 security pass
at the door and you'll be permitted to enter the lower Mount Gigas Caves.
FIGURE 14.2:
The Lower Mount Gigas Caves
South of the elevator in a side passage is another chest (6) . Loot it and move on. There
are several more chests (7 A , 78 , 88) scattered around this level. Note that you 'll need to
drop through the hole (SA) to reach the chest (88) . You 'll fight numerous random battles
as you march through the halls, but none of them should be a serious challenge to your
party. Cave Spiders, Apuses, and several species of roaches and bats are on the menu of
potential foes .
Be attentive to the crates you pass. Turn on search mode and cast a Detect Secrets
spell in order to find all of the neat stuff that has been planted in or near the crates. Once
you've picked up all the items that you can find , plod back to the elevator and head for the
upper Mount Gigas Caves.
CHAPTER I 4 (. Umpani Base Camp and Mount Gigas Caves
FIGURE 14.4:
Head southeast to the control panel (6) that lies in the center of the upper Mount
Gigas Caves (see Figure 14.6) . Throughout the caves you'll meet Shrieker Bats, Bat
Vampires, and just plain old bats. None should pose a problem at this stage of the game.
Present your level 3 IUF Security Pass to the machine. It will promptly break, but that's
okay, you can fix it. Click the green wire first, then the blue wire, and finally the white wire
to get the device up and running again.
FIGURE 14.5:
Entrance position
7 Gunnery ran&•
2 Teleporter
S Covert operations trainin1 site
3 Faulty wall
SA, SB, SC, SD, and SE Flap
4 Officer's quarters
9A,9B Twodoors
5 Healin& fountain
10 Underwater Trainin1 Unit
6 Control panel
CHAPTER I 4 ~ Umpani Base Camp and Mount Gigas Caves
Now move southeast to the gunnery range (7) . You 'll meet your old friend Sergeant
Rubble here. He 'll give you a rocket launcher, some rockets, and 5,000 experience points.
Use the launcher to take out the dummies on the range. After destroying the dummies,
march over to the northern room and grab the additional rockets stored there.
Exit the range and head over to the covert operations training site (8) . Rubble will
ask you to bring him five flags (8A, SB, 8C, 80, and 8E) . A number of critters, from
Deathsting Apuses to Flint Golems to Djinns, guard the flags. Killing the Djinn yields the
Djinn Eye, which will come in handy later. Gather the five flags and return to Sergeant
Rubble. Give them to him and you 'll be granted a level 4 IUF Security Pass and 50,000
experience points. Now head back to Sergeant Balbrak and you'll also receive a new quest.
FIGURE 14.6:
Return to Arnika
Balbrak has a simple job for your band of warriors: bring back the Chaos Moliri from the
Mooks in Arnika. To trick the Mooks into allowing entry to their Arnikan house, Balbrak
provides your party an alliance letter. Hold onto it. This portion of the walkthrough is iden-
tical for both the Umpani- and T' Rang- aligned paths, although Z' Ant provides the letter in
the T' Rang section of the walkthrough . Start off by returning to Arnika. March north when
you enter the city. Watch your radar for dangerous Savant Gunners and Savant Troopers.
Engage the Troopers from afar with your ranged weapons and magic. Take on the Gunners
in close with me lee weapons like swords and axes. If you meet a combination of the two
deadly foes, take out the Gunners first .
The Mook house you 're looking for is located in the northeast sector of Arnika, exactly
where you left it in Chapter 7: Arnika. Speak with the Mook hologram once again , but this
time present him the letter after paying your respects.
Return to Arnika
The door to the house will open and permit you to enter. You'll soon see Screg, the
head of the Mook mission on Dominus; speak with him and he will grant you permission to
see the Chaos Moliri and accept your offer of an alliance between the Mook and Umpani.
Turn west inside the building and you 'll soon come across a metal door. Behind this door
(see Figure 14.7) is the Chaos Moliri . Take the artifact and leave the fake Astral Dominae
(see Chapter 9: The Swamp and Mines) in its place. The Mooks will be none the wiser.
On the other hand , if you don 't have the fake Astral Dominae, you 'll have to just swipe
the Chaos Moliri and then fight your way out of the Mook house. If you must battle the
Mooks, attempt to immobilize as many of them as possible with spells such as Web,
Paralyze, and Freeze Flesh.
FIGURE 14.71
I ts now time to rescue General Yamirs lost Special Forces unit. That, however,
isn't all that will be covered in this watery walkthrough. While in the
Underwater Caves, your party will need to take a moment to speak with Marten and
retrieve the Destinae Dominus. Then you'll have to tie up a few loose ends and rejoin
the T'Rang-aligned walkthrough at Rapax Rift.
Despite subtle differences in the Umpani and T'Rang walkthroughs, many of the
events covered are identical. As such, some of the following text is roughly the same
as that used to guide T'Rang-aligned parties through these areas. Rest assured, we
will tell you where the differences exist.
CHAPTER I 5 C The Underwater Caves and Bayjin Shallows
Underwater Caves
Enter the Underwater Caves (as shown in Figure 15.1) from the upper Mount Gigas
Caves (1) . Swim toward the south. You'll have random encounters with Psi Sharks, Manta
Rays, Depth Dwellers, and Depth Flayers m this section. Use Magic Screen and Soul Shield
to protect you from the Psi Sharks, and Missile Shield against the Mantas. Of course,
Armorplate and Enchanted Blade will help against both. Remember to equip your party
with items that enhance its resistance to Water-based attacks.
FIGURE 15.1:
Continue south to the exit (2). Leave the Underwater Caves and enter the Bayjin
Bayjin Shallows
The Bayjin Shallows (as shown in Figure 15.2) remain the same Bayjin Shallows whether
you traverse them as a T'Rang-aligned party or one allied with the Umpani . The only signifi-
cant difference is that you enter the Shallows from the north when working with the
Umpani and from the west when in the employ of the T'Rang.
Underwater Caves
Small cave
Sunken ship
Exit to Bay;in
Small alcove
Exit to Sea Caves
FIGURE 15.2:
Bayjin Shallows
Enter the Bayjin Shallows from the caves (1) and drop into the valley. As shown in
Figure 15.3, guarding the valley is Nessie (2). the boss of all Sea Dragons. You can't win this
battle, as Nessie has over 800 hit points, so don't even fight it. If you have a Tincture of
Shadows potion, drink it now, and head southeast. Nessie may still detect your party, but
keep moving. It takes time for Nessie to target your party, so use the Run command during
combat to hug the walls of this area and make your way to the tags. Pick up the tags (3)
and catch the updraft just west of their location. This updraft will raise you to a new level.
Continue to run west along this new passageway until you're far enough away to end your
encounter with Nessie.
Head west to the sunken ship (5) .
Buccaneer Ghosts protect the wrecked vessel,
so be ready for a fight . Try to position your party
N QTE More loot so that the ghosts must not only come to you,
i• availahk southetut of tlw updraft that
but that only part of their number can attack
ena6ks your ucop41 from Neuie. Ifyou
you at any given time. Earth magic works well
hawm 't talren too much damap,
run to the ...U cave (4), w/wre against them, but the sharp edge of a powerful
Davq Jona' Locker await& sword is even better.
ln.sia, you 'II find urioua When the ship's guardians have been
aoocJia. vanquished, explore the wreck site to find some
high-end gear both scattered nearby and stored
in a chest. The goodies might include an Aqua
Shield (AC +2 and 20% vs. Water), the Najinto
Sword (2-13 Damage, Initiative~). and various scrolls. (Please note that items are gener-
ated randomly in many places in this chapter.)
CHAPTER I 5 (. The Underwater Caves and Bayjin Shallows
FIGURE 15.3:
More trinkets (perhaps including a valuable Ice Bomb) await your sticky fingers at a
bend in the valley (6) . Keep an eye out for coral , because Antone's brother, Ferro, can use
it to make a unique item for you when you visit him in the Rapax Castle. You may run into a
wandering party of Rynjin on your way out of the area. When you 've finished collecting
treasures, exit to Bayjin (7) .
Okay, now it's time to find those missing Umpani Special Forces. Enter Bayjin (as shown in
Figure 15.4) from the Bayjin Shallows (1). (Note that you can also enter Bayjin from the
swamp (5).) There are some items, possibly Resurrection Powder and a Potion of
Superman , along with a Rynjin Empath in the walkway building (2). The pier leads to a
small village. In the center of these hovels you 'll find a Rynjin Chief-who has over 400 hit
points-along with some Sentries and Thralls. Fireball, Sonic Boom, and Web spells are
effective weapons against such foes, as of course are your sword blades and arrows.
After your party has destroyed most of the villagers, enter the large house (3) .
Sergeant Glumph and Ja'nette are imprisoned in cages inside. Speak with the latter, and
she'll give you the Helazoid Banner, which can be taken to Braffit in Arnika for some serious
experience points. Now go over to Glumph and set him free. He is all that remains of the
Special Forces party that General Yamir sent to Bayjin. Recruit him and move on. A third
cage in the house contains a Mystic Spear (delivers 3-17 Damage, +2 Initiative) , a magic
violin called the Strings of Seduction (it invokes the Turncoat Spell), and Mantis Gloves
(+14 AC, +5 Dexterity) .
After collecting the trinkets and resting for a while, leave the large house. Ransack the
other huts in the village, kill the remaining Rynjin sentries, and trace the beach northwest to
the wrecked Higardi ship (4) (see Figure 15.5). Your trek will probably include more
random encounters with Rock Crabs, as well as with Rynjin Sentries, Thralls, and
FIGURE 15.4:
I Bayjin Shallows
2 Walkway buildin1
3 Laqehouse
4 Wrecked Hi1ardi ship
5 To Swamp
FIGURE 15.5:
Locate the black box inside the Higardi spacecraft. Some other items are in the ship,
too, including a Vacuum Pump and a Broken Blaster. All it takes to fix the blaster is a
Microwave Chip and the talents of a Gadgeteer to assemble the pieces. When finished with
your work, you'll have a spanking new Microwave Ray. When fired at an opponent, it will
boil the enemy's blood in a manner similar to the Boiling Blood spell. Unfortunately, a level
14 Gadgeteer with a 75 Engineering skill is needed to use it.
CHAPTER I 5 {. The Underwater Caves and Bayjin Shallows
Before returning Glumph to Yarnir, retrieve the Destinae Dominus. Start by reentering
the Bayjin Shallows. Grab the items in the small alcove (8) (on the Bayjin Shallows map).
Your loot could include a Plague Axe (Damage 4-12, Initiative -2, Poison 5%, Disease 15%,
Nausea 5%, Insane 5%) , Armor Piercer Arrows, Dragon Kite Shield (AC +4, 40% vs. Fire,
20% vs. Water), and Plate Mail (AC + 13, 30 vs. Fire, 30% vs. Water) . Return to the main
passage and continue east until you exit to the Sea Caves (9) (on the Bayjin Shallows map).
Bayjin Shallows
Hook and Line
Wooden Plank
Keeper of the Crypt
FIGURE 15.6:
The Sea Caves
Arrows. Retrace your steps to the beach. Move due north, then west. You'll find a
Sledgehammer (4) in this area. Add it to your inventory and then head southwest,
following the beach. Random battles against crabs occur in this region, but they shouldn't be
very difficult. Remember, crabs are susceptible to Web spells.
Continue southwest on the beach. To the left of the path lies a shipwreck, and near the
wreck a Wooden Plank (5) . Again, this is another item that you'll need later, so pick it up.
Backtrack your way to the spot where you found the Sledgehammer. Enter the cave (6)
just east of this location. Trace the cavern's walls, gradually moving east. Jump down the
chute at the dead end (9) . Beware, there's another chute (7) that zips you down to the
dead end of the tunnel (8) .
After jumping down the correct chute, your party will emerge in a large space to the
southwest. There may be some items lying about, such as Concussion Powder and Barbed
Arrows. Look up and you'll spot a hole (10) in the ceiling that can be climbed through with
your Hook and Line. Your group will then end up in yet another large room.
This time, though, a boss fight awaits with the Keeper of the Crypt (11) and a handful
of Rebel Specters (see Figure 15 .7). It's a good idea to use Armor Plate, Enchanted Blade,
and Magic Screen before challenging the Keeper. For extra protection, cast Guardian Angel
on your front-row characters. Hit this boss with everything you have until you destroy him.
He's almost immune to magic, and he normally casts Missile Shield as his first action , so
you'll have to do most of your fighting at sword range. Defeat the Keeper and it will cough
up a Giant's Sword (7-28 damage, TH +2, Initiative -2, Knockout 30%, Strength +5, 5%
vs. Earth). This is an awesome weapon, though you'll need a Mook in your party to use it. If
you don't have a Mook at present, you can always hold on to the sword and recruit Urq
when you return to Arnika. Once Urq levels up, you can switch him to the Ranger class and
equip him with the Giant's Sword.
A chest (12) lies south of the Keeper's crypt (as shown in Figure 15.6). Collect the
goodies inside, which could include a Renaissance Lute (restores a single target), a Hunter's
Bow, a Book of Resting (teaches the Rest All spell), and Ebony Plate (AC +14, +30% vs.
Fire and Water) . Also roaming this area are Sige Ghosts (approximately 150 hit points each)
and Trynnie Specters (around 75 hit points each). Don't forget to use your Priest's Turn
Undead power here.
Now, walk over to the large room that lies south of where you originally found the
Hook and Line. There's a Skeleton (13) here with a key to Marten 's Tomb. Another
skeleton is in this area, too. Check both for items.
With the key in hand , head to the west of the room where your party fought the
Keeper. You'll find a passage there. Look for a pair of Spike Boots on one of the skeletons
laying about the area and slip them on a character. Doing so lets him or her walk down the
slippery passage. Place the plank at the passage's edge (14) as a makeshift bridge, cross
over it, and head up to Marten's Tomb. If you don't have the shoes, slide down the passage
with the plank in hand and click the edge of the chasm to set it in place. With luck, you'll
stop sliding on the plank. Back up a bit and then run across the plank and up the passage to
Marten's Tomb (15).
Use the Marten's Tomb key to enter this sought-after figure 's place of final repose. At
last, you have caught up with mad Marten. Tell him that you've been looking for him and
that you seek knowledge. Marten will then give you the Destinae Dominus and the Sea
Caves Gate Key. The Sea Gate Key opens a set of double doors near the ladder you climbed
CHAPTER I 5 £ The Underwater Caves and Bayjin Shallow s
earlier. Put the Destinae in the personal inventory of the character w earing the Helm of
Serenity, otherwise your entire party will go permanently insane. Solving the Destinae
Domin us quest gives your party 400 ,000 experience points.
FIGURE 15.7:
The Keeper
Barlone and pick up the Astral Dominae. Head back through the Swamp and Trynton to
Rattkin Tree. En route, pick up Madras at his workshop in Upper Trynton . Fight through
random encounters with Rattkin Snipers and Goons, and get the Astral Dominae from
Barlone (he 's in the same place that you left him after your first visit) . You 'll either have to
kill him or pay 80 ,000 in gold to obtain the item (the amount can vary based on your
Communications skill). Killing Barlone will not only yield the Astral Dominae, but also a
stash of valuable items.
FIGURE 15.8:
Your party now has the Astral Dominae, the Destinae Dominus, and the Chaos Moliri .
You 're almost ready for the endgame. Report back to General Yamir and prepare for a march
to Rapax Rift.
FIGURE 15.91
FIGURE 16.l.
Marten 's Bluff fl.
Walk north into the base. Take the first right into the commissary building (I). Once
inside, bear left to enter the eatery itself Speak with Sergeant Kunar there and buy the
Umpani flag on display. Stroll down the hall to the bar. Unless you've enlisted in the Umpani
army (not exactly a good move if you're planning on siding with the T'Rang here), the
barkeep will tell you to get lost. You may recruit the bar's musician, Saxx , if you like, but he 'll
leave the party when you enter T' Rang territory.
Martens Bluff
Take the Umpani flag purchased from Sergeant Kunar to Z' Ant. This won't be easy.
Monsters are lurking in the shadows of the Marten 's Bluff Castle. Helligators and Thrasher
Apuses are good examples of what you 'll encounter here. Take your time and avoid rushing
forward, as this will draw crowds of monsters into combat. Keep your back to the rock cliffs
whenever possible and run for the castle entrance as soon as it comes into view.
t(j'#. If )IOU haven't already done so, duck into the small caw pond to the north of
the trail that l«Mh to Mart.n ~ Bluff. Battle the two Shadow Dwellers tlwre and snap up the
aootJiu that thq auanJ. The randomly aenerahld it.ms here miaht include Maaic Nector, an
Enchantwd Mace (4-9 Damaae, Knoclcout 8%), and a Boom Bamb.
CHAPTER I 6 (. Umpani Base Camp, Return to Martens Bluff, and Arnika
Z' Ant will be pleased to see you and the flag that you 're now carrying. In fact, he 'll be
so pleased that he 'll hand over 2,000 gold, and each party member will receive 40,000 expe-
rience points for solving the quest. No sooner does he congratulate you on your success
than he asks you to undertake another mission for him . It seems that a Rapax Assassin is
loose in Marten 's Bluff. To kill him , you 'll need Rapax perfume and a bit of guile.
FIGURE 16.2:
Enter the elevator room and open the north door. Now sprinkle the perfume on the
Rapax dummy and run back to the switch room . Just south of the dummy switch is a
control station . Stand there and wait for the Rapax Assassin , lured by the perfume, to enter
the elevator room from the north. Activate the switch and the hydraulic rams will converge,
crushing the Rapax. Of course after luring him with the Eau D' Rapax on the dummy, you
can just choose to kill the Rapax the old-fashioned way. Reenter the elevator room and grab
the Rapax's head , along w ith a few items that it was carrying.
Give the head to Z'Ant to complete this quest and earn 4,000 gold. Each party member
will also receive 8,000 experience points. Z' Ant is obviously pleased with your work, as he
now asks you to steal the Chaos Molin from the Mooks in Arnika. He also gives you an
alliance letter to take w ith you .
Return to Arn ika
Return to Arnika
As one of the Wizardry 8 character voice-overs says, "This dustup will be dead easy" -
unless, of course, you failed to get the fake Astral Dominae from the Dark Savant when he
appeared to you earlier in the Swamp. Without the counterfeit artifact, you 'll have to fight
your way out of the Mook house, and it won 't be pretty.
Enter Arnika and march north. Watch your radar for Savant Gunners and Savant
Troopers waiting in ambush on the streets. Engage the Troopers from afar with your ranged
weapons and magic. Take on the Gunners in close with swords and axes. If you meet a
combination of the two enemies, take out the Gunners first .
The door to the house will open, permitting you to enter. You 'll soon see Screg, a Mook
leader. Speak with him and he will grant you permission to see the Chaos Moliri .
Head west inside the building and you 'll soon come to a metal door. Behind this door is
the Chaos Moliri . Grab the Moliri and put the fake Astral Dominae in its place; the Mocks
will be none the wiser. On the other hand , if you don 't have the fake Astral Dominae, you 'll
have to fight your way out of the Mook house. If you must battle the Mocks, attempt to
immobilize as many of them as possible with spells such as Web, Paralyze, and Freeze Flesh .
CHAPTER I 6 (. Umpani Base Camp, Return to Martens Bluff. and Arnika
Enter the tunnel to Bayjin , wary of the enemies that may spring up in the area. Your party
might encounter more Rynjin Sentries and Rock Crabs. When you exit the tunnel, you'll
have to fight a pair of Rynjin Thralls, fishlike creatures that are less powerful than the
Sentries. Slay the Thralls, then hang a right. Be careful as you move through this area (see
the Figure 17. I map of Bayjin), as the place includes more random encounters with Rock
Crabs, as well as with Rynjin Sentries, Thralls, and Scavengers. After each fight, be sure to
take a moment to heal up. Cast Enchanted Blade, Armorplate, and Magic Screen on your
party to make these upcoming battles less painful. If you have two party members capable
of casting the Portal spell, you may rest in comfort. Place one portal in Lower Marten 's bluff
and one at your current location. Transport back to the bluff for healing and re-equipping,
and then return when ready to once more do battle.
Curl around the island, heading north.
Swing left and you'll notice a series of huts.
can take this object to Braffit in Arnika for some serious experience points. Now go over
to Glumph and set him free. Although he won't join your party if you're aligned with the
T' Rang, you can still kill him to obtain his Dog Tags (which will come in handy later) . A
third cage within the house contains a Mystic Spear (delivers 317 Damage, +2 Initiative) , a
magic violin called the Strings of Seduction (it invokes the Turncoat Spell) , and Mantis
Gloves (+14 AC, +5 Dexterity) .
1 Large house
2 Smaller hut
3 Chests
4 Items
5 Northwestern beach
6 Hicardi spaceship wreckqe
FIGURE 17.1:
After collecting these items and resting for a while, leave the large house. Head west to
the smaller hut (2) , which is situated next to the one where Glumph had been held
captive. You'll probably have to battle Rock Crabs, Curare Crabs, and some Rynjin folks on
your way through the village (see Figure 17 .2) . Be prepared . In this house, you'll find eight
sets of Scuba Gear, necessary equipment for the next leg of your journey. There are several
other cottages in this area. Be wary of the Rynjin Sentries as you gather the various items
and loot the chests (3) .
When you finally leave the village, climb the rocky hillside. There are some items (4)
stashed up above, but first you 'll most likely have to go through some Sea Sprites. Use close-
combat and ballistic weapons and these winged spellcasters will quickly become mincemeat.
Ascend the mountains to a path running along the top. Stay on this trail, grabbing any
strewn items you might pass. Continue north, descending to the northwestern part of
the beach (5) . Loot the chest in this area. Curl east alongside the hillside. The Higardi
spaceship wreckage (6) lies nearby.
CHAPTER I 7 (. Bayjin and the Sea Caves
FIGURE 17.2:
The Bayjin Shallows
wandering Manta Rays may still attack you here. East of this southern passage is a ship-
wreck protected by Buccaneer Ghosts.
FIGURE 17.l:
CHAPTER I 1 {. Bayjin and the Sea Caves
Follow this passageway to the east, watching for Psi Sharks, Manta Rays, Depth
Dwellers, Depth Flayers, and other monsters. Magic Screen will help protect you during the
Psi Shark fights, and Missile Shield will help against the Mantas. In both scenarios, your best
option is to close with the enemies and kill them with sharp steel. On the other hand, you
can attempt to wrap up the Deep Dwellers with Web spells before closing in for the kill.
A short cave (5) branches off north of the passage. In the cave you'll find a Plague Axe
(Damage 4-12, Initiative -2, Poison 5%, Disease 15%, Nausea 5%, Insane 5%), Armor
Piercer Arrows, a Dragon Kite Shield (AC +4, 40% vs. Fire, 20% vs. Water), and Plate Mail
(AC +13, 30% vs. Fire, 30% vs. Water) or some similar high-end goodies. After you've
finished your scavenging, return to the main passage and continue east until you enter the
Sea Caves.
FIGURE 17.4:
Nessie, queen of
the deep
The Sea Caves
Bay;in Shallow•
2 Southern cave entrance
3 Tunnel
4 Sled1ehanuner
5 Wooden Plank FIGURE 17.51
6 Chute The Sea Caves
7 Chute
8 Dead end of tunnel
Continue southwest on the beach. To the left of the path
10 Hole lies a shipwreck, and near the wreck a Wooden Plank (5) .
II Keeper of the Crypt Again, this is another item that you'll need later, so be sure to
12 Cheat pick it up. Walk back to the spot where you found the
13 Skeleton Sledgehammer and enter the cave (6) just south of this area.
14 Paua1e'1 edp Trace the walls of the cavern, gradually moving east. Jump
15 Marten'• Tomb down the chute at the dead end (9). Be careful you take
16 Sea Caves Gate the right one, though , as there's another chute (7) that zips
you down to the dead end of the tunnel (8) .
After jumping down the correct chute, your party will emerge in a large space to the
southeast. There may be some items lying about, such as Concussion Powder and Barbed
Arrows. Use your Hook and Line to climb up through a hole (10) in the cavern roof here.
Your group will clamber into yet another large room. This time, though , a tough fight awaits
you with the Keeper of the Crypt (11) and a handful of Rebel Specters (see Figure 17 .6) .
It's a good idea to use Armorplate, Enchanted Blade, and Magic Screen spells on the
party before challenging the Keeper. For extra protection, cast Guardian Angel on your
front-row characters. Hit this boss with everything you have until it goes down. The Keeper
CHAPTER I 7 (, Bayjin and th e Sea Caves
is almost immune to magic and normally casts Missile Shield as the first action in the fight,
so you 'll have to do most of your fighting in close quarters. Once dead , the beast will cough
up a Giant's Sword (7- 28 Damage, TH +2, Initiative - 2, Knockout 30%, Strength +5, 5%
vs. Earth) . This mighty weapon can only be used by a Mook, though . If you don 't have a
Mook in your party, you can always recruit Urq when you return to Arnika. Once Urq levels
up, you can change him to a Ranger and equip him with the Giant's Sword.
FIGURE 17.6:
A chest (12) lies south of the Keeper (see Figure 17.6) . Collect the goodies inside,
which could include a Renaissance Lute (restores a single character), a Hunter 's Bow, a
Book of Resting (teaches the Rest All spell) , and Ebony Plate (AC + 14, +30% vs. Fire and
Water) . Also roaming this area are a Sige Ghost (which has approximately 150 hit points)
and Trynnie Specters (each of which has around 75 hit points) . Both types of undead are of
course vulnerable to a Priest's Turn Undead power, so be sure to use it frequently here.
Now head to the large room that lies south of where you originally found the Hook and
Line. There 's a skeleton (13) here that has the key to Marten 's Tomb. Another skeleton is in
this area, too, so check it for items as well .
After wrapping up your looting, head west of the room where your party fought the
Keeper and you 'll discover a passage. If you have a pair of Spike Boots, slip them on a char-
acter, as doing so lets you walk down the slippery passage. Place the plank at the passage's
edge (14) as a makeshift bridge, and then cross it and head to Marten's Tomb. If you don't
have the shoes, slide down the passage with the plank in hand . Click the edge of the chasm
to place the plank and you 'll stop sliding. Back up a bit and then run across the plank and up
the passage to Marten's Tomb (15) .
Tying Up Loose Ends
Use the key to enter Marten's Tomb and you'll catch up with mad Marten at last. Tell
him that you've been looking for him and that you seek knowledge. Marten will then give
you the Destinae Dominus and the Sea Caves Gate Key. Put the Destinae Dominus in the
personal inventory of the character wearing the Helm of Serenity, otherwise your entire
party will go permanently insane. Solving the Destinae Dominus quest gives your party
400, 000 experience points.
Return to your portal in the Swamp. If you didn't place a portal. you'll have to travel
overland to the Sea Caves Gate (16) in the northeast. Open the door with the Sea Cave
Gate Key. On the other side is a faux stone wall that can broken down with your
Sledgehammer. Take the northern passage on the other side to the beach and then move
south to reenter the Bayjin Shallows (9). Make your way to the Swamp via Bayjin.
Once in Arnika, head over to the temple. Talk with Braffit and give him the Helazoid
Banner, for which you'll be rewarded with a hefty hunk of experience. This is also a good
time to recruit Urq the Mook.
Next, go to the airfield in Arnika. Place the
Black Box-the device that your party found in
the Higardi ship wreckage-into the analyzer
<..91 11youta1c. there. Target coordinates of I, I, 2 will come up.
Urq to M"'*1a ~Bluff- place
Then place the Shiny Metal Ball into the Orbital
you rrtfUt flD to report the
Tracker. This fixes the device, allowing you to
coordinatu of the Savant~
ship to Z'Anf-lte'U 6ive
enter the target coordinates of l, I, 2. The
you 500 flDld. Orbital Tracker will then compute the coordi-
nates of the Dark Savant's ship as 10:24, infor-
mation that the T' Rang leader will be very
pleased to receive.
Zip back to Lower Marten's Bluff and tell Z'Ant what the Dark Savant's coordinates
are. Z'Ant will then send you on one final mission-to blow up the Umpani spaceship.
CHAPTER I 7 (. Bayjin and the Sea Caves
Large structure
Control Building
FIGURE 17.7:
FIGURE 17.8:
Final Levels
You've battled through thousands of monsters and walked hundreds of
miles, all for the ultimate showdown with the Dark Savant. Nevertheless,
you still have a little way to go before that final meeting. This section of the
book will take you through the final levels. First, you 'II have to battle your
way through the Rapax castle. Then, with your newfound Templar status,
you 'II be granted an evening of bliss. Next, you 'II have to battle your way
up Ascension Peak. At its summit, you'll meet the Dark Savant. He'llflee;
you'llfollow and the final stage will be set. Play on.
V : , r party members have much to do before they fight the Dark Savant at
.I ~:cension Peak. For openers, they must traverse the land ofthe Rapax in order
to reach its archenemy. And to get to Rapax Rift they must first enter the Mountain
Wilderness. Both locations present their own sets of difficulties, so don 1t begin
planning that final confrontation with the Dark Savant just yet.
CHAPTER I 8 (.. The Mountain Wilderness and Rapax Rift
Mountain Wilderness
Begin your journey by entering the Mountain Wilderness (refer to the Figure 18. I map for
specific locations) from the Swamp. To the right is the entrance to Rapax Rift, guarded by a
Rapax war party. Defeat the Rapax, but ignore the entrance to Rapax Rift for the moment.
FIGURE 18.1:
Instead, trace the mountain wall west into the Mountain Wilderness, where you'll soon
meet wandering parties of fire-breathing Scorchers. They have approximately 300 hit points
each and possess the ability to throw miniature fireballs at individual party members.
Nevertheless, they are no serious threat to your party at this stage in the game. Also
wandering in the area are Fire Ants (approximately 95 hit points apiece) and Marble and
Granite Golems (350-450 hit points each).
In a small, mountain-wall cave (1) in the vicinity can be found Anslem and his fellow
Higardi in the process of fighting several Rapax Bowmen and a Rapax Patrol. Help the Higardi
defeat the Rapax and talk with Anslem, who is also seeking a confrontation with the Dark
Savant. Ask him about the Dark Savant and Cosmic Lord to receive some nice background
information about events. Unfortunately, neither he nor his Higardi Adept Brothers will join
your party.
The Rift
FIGURE 18.2:
Half-human, half-demon
Bela aids in your quest.
Continue along the path to the west after wrapping things up with Bela. Nearby is a
swinging bridge that leads to the Northern Wilderness, but you don 't need to go that way
right now. Keep the cliff face on your left (there are items hidden in this area) and return to
the entrance to Rapax Rift.
The Rift
Enter Rapax Rift (see Figure 18.3 map) from the Mountain Wilderness exit. Most NPCs will
leave your party here, so you'll likely be reduced to your original number before you can
After passing through the entrance (l) to Rapax Rift, trek northwest until you
encounter a couple of Rapax Patrols. Following these battles, move through the curved
tunnel leading to Rapax Prison . Continue north , but head west the first chance you get and
CHAPTER I 8 (. The Mountain Wilderness and Rapax Rift
enter a large chamber with two adjoining rooms. The southern room (2) contains an
imprisoned Rapax named Rafe, while the other is home to a pair of Rapax undead. Briefly
chat with Rafe to learn why he is awaiting execution. You can try to help him by picking the
lock and opening the cage door, but Rafe refuses to escape unless his Mark of Death is
removed . To do this, your party will need the Staff of Ash. Unfortunately, you don't have it
at the moment-but you will soon. Leave the chamber and continue exploring the region
(don't worry, Rafe isn't going anywhere).
Southern room
Chunk of Obsidian
4A, 4B, 4C Jail cells
4D Switch
SA, SB Bedrooms
6 Bedroom
7 Hallway
8 Ceilin1 column's lei
9A North teleporter
9B Sanctum FIGURE 18.3:
10 Hall Rapax Rift
11 Staff of Ash
12 Hin1ed panel
13A, 13B, 13C Chests
14 Beckonin& Stone
ISA, lSB Teleporters
16 El Dorado
17 Al-Sedexus
18 Courtyard
The Rift
Retrace your steps to the location where you first entered Rapax Rift. This time,
however, head east from the entrance. You 'll soon locate a Chunk of Obsidian (3) that can
be collected for later use by a merchant named Ferro (who can craft a weapon) . Head north
up the inclined walk and cross the bridge to your right. Several jail cells (4A, 48, 4C)
containing some goodies are located at the end of the bridge. You may drop the bridge
grating over the lava moat by pulling the lever in front of each cell (as shown in Figure 18.4) ,
though you won't be able to enter the cells until you've activated a switch (40) .
TIP w,.._,.
t.(!;'I )IOll di•miu charocler• 1rom tM porfy, chclc
the u.v.ntory-. l'Our rwmainina characters will haw'° pick up their load of
;,.,,,. ond du. c:an acumber the party (nottld by red numbers in thtl inventory screen
load blodc). If so, drop or sell equipment until )IOll hr within )IOllr load allowonce or )IOllr
cltarot:tiers will not mow or fialat c/ficiaitly.
FIGURE 18.4:
Cross the hanging bridge to the west. Move northwest, being careful to avoid the lava,
and you 'll soon arrive at the lnitiate's Hall . Head down the long corridor here. Each room off
this hall contains Initiates (Mages with 170 hit points each) and some items. Hang the first
and second lefts from this hallway to collect more artifacts stashed in adjoining bedrooms
(SA, SB). Next, go to the end of the main corridor and hit the switch (40)- this will open
the jail cells.
Before returning to the cells, however, hang a left down another hallway and snatch the
Sanctum Key from yet another bedchamber (6) . Make your way back to the main corridor.
Briefly head south before taking another left and grab the FlameQuencher Wand (Damage
1-8, TH+! , Initiative +5, Paralyze 5%, four charges of the level 2 Blizzard spell) from the
bedroom at the end of this hallway (7) . You'll need this to deactivate the Fire Temple.
CHAPTER 18 ( . The Mountain Wilderness and Rapax Rift
Exit the bedchamber area, dropping to the ground level via the steep path directly south
of the exit. Often, you 'll encounter a squad of Rapax Veterans and Berserkers here. These
warriors are tough in close battles, but very beatable with ranged weapons. Open the battle
by softening up the Rapax with Web, Insanity, Hex, Slow, or even something really
powerful like Nuclear Blast or Falling Stars. Cast Superman on your frontline fighters and
then wade in for the kill .
After this battle, head west into a corridor where Rapax Veterans, Beserkers, and
Initiates are lying in wait for you. Use the Eye for an Eye spell to neutralize the Initiates, and
eliminate the Veterans and Berserkers as described previously. You need to take a right to
reach the Sanctum teleporter, but the corridor is filled with lava. To fix this problem, pull on
the ceiling column's leg (8), as shown in Figure 18.5. Rocks will topple onto the lava,
enabling your party to clamber across the hallway to your right.
FIGURE 18.5:
The teleporter itself is located at the end ofa network of tunnels. You 'll have to fight
your way to it through a swarm of Initiates and the occasional Priestess. There are two tele-
porters at the end of the tunnels. The north teleporter (9A) leads to the Sanctum (98),
while the other teleporter (15A) leads to El Dorado.
Take the Sanctum teleporter and vanquish the two Rapax Priestesses who wait on the
other side. Use the Sanctum Key on the Sanctum doors. On the other side, hang a right and
follow the long, curving hall (10) until it opens onto a small plain . You may encounter a
massive wave of Rapax foes here. Retreat back into the hallway so that only a few warriors
follow you at a time to do battle. Ahead lies the flaming pagoda that holds the Staff of Ash
(see Figure 18.6) . Stick the FlameQuencher Wand you found in one of the bedchambers
into the keyhole here to stop the fire. If you have difficulty applying the Use command to
the wand , go into the inventory screen, pick up the wand, exit inventory, and apply the
wand to the keyhole.
Your next task is to battle the Lava Lord (650-plus hit points) and his four Fire Sprites
(220+ hit points each). While this isn 't an easy fight, remember that such fiery creatures are
susceptible to Water-based spells. Hence, Freeze Flesh or Paralyze can stop them in their
The Rapax Courtyard
tracks. After mopping up the horned enemies, you can finally grab the Staff of Ash (11) and
the Rift Key.
Head back to Rafe 's cage and free him (the correct lock/pointer combination from left
to right is left/bottom/left) . Give him the Staff of Ash and this time he'll have no problem
making his escape. You'll gain 100,000 points and Rafe will provide cryptic directions to the
door that leads to Al-Sedexus's altar. This is the door to which the second transporter
(ISA) leads. You already know where it is, but you'll need the Beckoning Stone to open it.
FIGURE 18.6:
Return to the Sanctum's entrance and walk north. You'll notice a hinged panel (12) on
the right. Disarm the panel and the trap that it controls and then head north. Enter the large
chamber and loot the three chests (13A, 138, 13C) there for a number of helpful items
and the Beckoning Stone (14). One of the chests is hidden behind the dressing screen.
Now, dash back to the El Dorado teleporter (ISA) in the northwest corner of the map.
Take the Beckoning Stone to El Dorado and place it in the door.
At this point, the demon boss El Dorado (16) will appear. Since magic has little effect
on El Dorado, use sharp steel to extinguish this hellish creature. Cast Superman and
Guardian Angel on your frontline fighters and use your best arrows. Hack and pincushion
him until he succumbs. When El Dorado has been finished off, head north through the
passageway to pay a visit to Al-Sedexus, a demon goddess (17) who wants to meet you at
Rapax Castle. Then go north and leave Rapax Rift for the Courtyard (18), which you must
go through to enter Rapax Castle.
CHAPTER 18 {. The Mountain Wilderness and Rapax Rift
FIGURE 18.7:
Enter the dining room on the upper level and collect the items there. Use the search
command to find even more hidden items. Return to the lower level and head east through
the double doors. The Rapax Castle entrance is just ahead .
The Main Castle
elevator will allow you to enter the Main Castle level from the secret passage described in
the section on the Castle Cellar. If you give Ferro some pickledTrynnie, he 'Ugive you a key
to the cabinet that you'll find by riding the elevator up.
1 Courtyard
2 Rin& of Life
3 Ferro
4 Surclan
5 Al-Adryian
6 Saydin
7 Initiate'• Badp
8 Lar&echamber
9 Center pedestal
10 Gate
11 Bedroom
12 Sexus
13 Portal to Ascension Peak
14, 15, 16, 17 Stairs
FIGURE 1 8 . 8 :
CHAPTER I s (. The Mountain Wilderness and Rapax Rift
Rine of Life
Initiate'• Badp
Center pedestal
FIGURE 18.9:
20% ruistanai Fire and Earth spells. It can only
three types of weapons for your party.
However, you must have the "ingredi-
ents" necessary for building them . The
be worn hy Fipmrs, Lords, and Valiyria. TM
Rapax merchant uses obsidian, silver
Ivory Blade htu an Armor Clau bonus of +I, a +J
Initiative bonus, and a +4 hit bonus. Fipmn,
ore, and the Locket of Reflection to
make Mirror Armor. A Hagar Tusk,
Lords, Valkyries, /lanaen. and Samurai can be
equipped with th. weapon. The Vampire coral from the Sea Caves, and a Ring of
Chain (+3 hit bonus) aiva lllllllY ofth. Protection are necessary for creating the
frontJi,.. dassa an atendetl Ivory Blade. Finally, Ferro can transform
attoclr ran... a Vampire Bat's Wing, a Prisoner's
Chain from the rift, and the Heart of a
Sorceress into the Vampire Chain.
The Main Castle
FIGURE 18.10:
North ofSexus is a portal to Ascension Peak (13) . Before using it, however, the party
will need to disarm the bomb in the Savant's Tower. To do that, you first need to find the
portal to the tower in the upper Castle. Use the stairs (14) to enter this area. (You can also
enter the Rapax Castle cellar via the stairs (15-17), but that location will be covered a bit
later in this chapter.)
FIGURE 18.11:
c(jJ T JP Your party may pass through the soutlrern wall of tire Queens Key room.
Its a nice shortcut to the passage that in turn leads to the Rapax Main Castle.
It is, however, a one-way shortcut; you may pass south through the wall,
but you con not return the same way.
CHAPTER I 8 (. The Mountain Wilderness and Rapax Rift
FIGURE 18.12:
The Main Castle ..,.
Enter the tower portal as shown in Figure 18.13. You'll have to fight some of the
Savant's cronies here, but it's nothing that you can't handle. You now have to deactivate a
bomb. If you go to the Cosmic Circle before doing so, the bomb will detonate and you'll
automatically lose the game. The bomb deactivation code is square, triangle.
FIGURE 18.13:
You can now return to the Main Castle and take the portal to Ascension Peak.
However, you should kill Al-Sedexus before you leave the fortress , as the character that
bedded her is enthralled and will otherwise be hexed when he leaves the castle. You can find
her back in her Rapax Rift lair. She 's an I, I00+ hit point boss, with the ability to quickly
summon eight Rapax Templars to help her, but at this stage of the game she really 1s no
match for a well-prepared party. Move away from the Templars and concentrate all of your
ranged weapons and Water magic on Al-Sedexus ; your characters should be able to inflict
150-225 points of damage per turn. Mop up the Templars after the goddess dies.
You may also want to explore a bit more on this upper level and then check out the
cellar. If so, walk back to the large room in which you used the King's Key. Work your way
east to the Queen's chambers (8) . Use the Queen's Key to open the door. You'll find the
Potion of Heavy Stamina on the shelves. Open the chest (9) and take its contents, including
the Ornate Metal Rod. There are usually a nur1r ,r 0f other high-end items in the chest,
possibly including a Cape of Stealth (AC +3, S ......
Head east to the adjacent room, where you'll tlnd iJvr ( 1 to Arnika (10) that can be
activated by using the Ornate Metal Rod . Note that you don 't have go to Arnika at this
point, but the portal is there if you decide to head back for supplies or to wrap up an unfin-
ished quest. March back to the Upper Castle entrance, descend the stairs to the Main
Castle, and descend once again to enter the Castle Cellar. Cruising the cellar isn 't manda-
tory to complete the game, but doing so turns up a few goodies.
CHAPTER I 8 C The Mountain Wilderness and Rapax Rift
3 Wenern room
4 Northern room
5 Bar
FIGURE 18.14:
FIGURE 18.15:
Now, go back to the bar and head west. Pick the lock on the Constable's room (7) .
Kill him after you get inside and take the Constable's Key off his dead body. This key unlocks
the Constable's safe in Upper Rapax Castle. In the safe you 'll find three Deposit Slips that
can be taken to the deposit tube on the upper level. Insert the slips and you 'll receive the
Assassin's Cap (AC +3, Critical Strike +20 , 5% vs. Water and Mental), a Zatoichi Bo
(Damage 10-25, Hit +4 , Initiative +4, Paralyze 15%, Kill 5%, 15%, Blinding Flash, power 6) ,
and an Amulet of Rainbows (Prismic Ray with four charges, 30% vs. Fire).
When you 've satisfied your curiosity and completely looted the castle basement, return
to the portal on the main level and beam directly to Ascension Peak.
T , s is it-the final confrontation of Wizardry 8. This is what you have striven
J ;;~since those early moments in the Monastery. All that's left for your party
now is the placement of the Chaos Moliri, Astral Dominae, and Destinae Dominus in
their proper spots and a final meeting with the Dark Savant. Well, that and a little
bit of combat ...
CHAPTER 19 (. Ascension Peak and the Cosmic Circle
Ascension Peak
Enter Ascension Peak (as shown in the Figure 19.1 map) by the Rapax Castle portal (I) .
Be wary, as Blistering Scorchers (with approximately 300 hit points each and the ability to
cast fireballs) are lying in wait. Kill them and move on.
3 Peew-
4 Temple of Knowled1e
5 Pedestal
6 Rapaxarmy
7 Cave entrance
8 Furor
9 Temple of Life
10 Temple ofChan1e
11 Portal to the Cosmic Circle
FIGURE 19.1:
Ascension Peak
Ascension Peak
Throughout the paths and cul-de-sacs of Ascension Peak, use your radar and Search
skills to scavenge the many potions and ammo scattered about. March north to an
encounter with some of the Dark Savant's Henchmen and perhaps a trio of Maddening
Gazers. Use the canyon's rock wall to shield your party from some of the bad guys while
you attack the others. Head east after the conclusion of this battle. Unlock the gate you find
and talk with Amit (2), who will ask for a wee bit of cash before letting you through his
pass. You can either pay Amit or fight his pet Golem, Pee Wee (3) (see Figure 19.2) .
Despite Pee Wee 's I, 000-plus hit points, the creature isn't that hard to take down as he
rarely connects with his blows. Wade in close, cast Superman on your swordsmen, and
slash away at the behemoth until it falls . Check out Pee Wee's alcove for a locked chest of
FIGURE 19.2:
Continue north , fighting your way through Crystal Mares. They are susceptible to
damage from Concussion spells, so keep some of these handy as you proceed . You 'll also
meet Maddening Gazers, which are susceptible to cold , hard steel. Alethiedes waits at the
Temple of Knowledge (4) with a pair of riddles. Answer "knowledge " and "man" and
you'll be permitted to pass through the doors and portal. Place the Destinae Dominus on the
pedestal (5) inside; you're one-third of the way home. Return through the portal. You 'll
arrive in the center of Ascension Peak.
Move west to face the Rapax army (6) . Consisting of six Rapax Archers, six Templar
Knights, three Templars, the Rapax Prince, and the daughter born of the union between
your party member and Al-Sedexus, it's not all that impressive when the battle starts. It
doesn't remain that way for long, however, as the Templars summon Elementals and the
Prince and your daughter call in additional Rapax reinforcements. Fortunately, some of your
Templar brethren will help out. Kill your daughter and the Prince as soon as possible. Weed
out the massive force facing you with Death Wish and Asphyxiation spells, and then wade
in and chop up the remaining troops.
March north to the cave entrance (7). You may meet an Iron Wood Elder and a
handful of Mountain Sprites on the way. The Elder is a level 25 Mage, so it's best to close
CHAPTER I 9 {. Ascension Peak and the Cosmic Circle
with both him and his pet Sprites and finish them with hand-to-hand weapons. A passage
beyond the cave entrance takes you to a clearing populated by the 1,300-hit-point Dragon
named Furor (8) (see Figure 19.3) . Thankfully, Furor isn 't as strong as its hit point totals
indicate. Steel is your best bet here , although the Dehydrate and Concussion spells also
damage the beast.
FIGURE 19.3:
Kill the dragon and head to the Temple of Life (9) , fighting Mountain Sprites and
lronWood Elders along the way. An Oak Guardian and a handful of Cliff Sprites guard the
temple proper. Cut them down and enter the building, where again you 're confronted with a
pair of riddles. The answers here are "life" and "Phoonzang." Enter them correctly and you 'll
be teleported back to the pedestal (5). This time set the Astral Dominae in place there.
Return via the teleporter to the center of Ascension Peak.
The final artifact can be found in the Temple of Change (10). Head southwest from
the center of Ascension Peak and then continue to follow the path as its bends north. Make
no mistake, this road isn't an easy one to travel, as you 'll meet a Souleater with more than
800 hit points along the way. This demonic beast has strong magic and is best dispatched at
the end of your swords. Near the Souleater is a shallow cave where you 'll find plenty of
Barbed Arrows. Near the area where you fought the Souleater is a collection ofTa-Li stones
that should be scooped up.
Continue north , fighting Hellspawns, 450-hit-point beasts with powerful Fire magic.
Three Djinni of the Clouds and a Greater Demon stand watch over the Temple of Change
itself (see Figure 19 .4) . Make sure that you have some Resurrection Powder handy before
you fight these creatures, because you're almost certain to lose a couple of characters to
these powerful mages. The Greater Demon can cast Nuclear Blast, Boiling Blood, and
Quicksand; the Djinni can cast Draining Cloud, Death Cloud, and Toxic Cloud. Conversely,
both the Demon and the Djinni are susceptible to Freeze Flesh and Silence. Additionally, a
strong Banish spell can lay a real hurting on the Demon . Casting Eye for an Eye on one of
your party is another good idea here , along with Silence and Paralyze.
The Cosmic Circle
FIGURE 19.4:
Fearsome guardians
watch over the Temple of
Frankly, the temple itself looks a little run down. Columns lie shattered on the floor, a
fire burns in the corner, and the place could use a good dusting. The inelegant surroundings
haven't dissuaded Aletheides, though, as he's waiting for you with two more riddles. Answer
"change" and "Dark Savant" and you'll soon find yourself back at the pedestal (5). Place
the Chaos Moliri there and return to the center of Ascension Peak.
Now, all you need to do is head north to the portal to the Cosmic Circle (11) . Of
course, it's not quite that easy. You'll have to fight your way through Sulphurous Scorchers and
similar monsters on the lower side of the mountain. As you make your way to the top, Plumed
Serpents and Bitter Wings will attack in a series of somewhat randomized encounters.
Just below the portal temple, you'll fight a Landslide and a Major Earth Elemental. The
Landslide is a powerful being sporting 600-plus hit points and a strong punch. Weaken him
from afar with Air magic and arrows before moving in for the kill. At the temple, you'll see
the Dark Savant and Bela. Furious that you have deactivated his bomb, the Savant flees
through the cosmic portal. Bela beckons you to follow him through to a final confrontation
with the Savant.
CHAPTER I 9 £ Ascension Peak and the Cosmic Circle
FIGURE 19.5:
Choosing to hand the book to the Dark Savant antagonizes Bela, and you 'JI then have to
fight the winged half-demon . This battle is even easier than the one against the Savant. Bela
has one-third of the Savant's hit points (330) , and with the Savant's aid, Bela wiJI soon die.
Which ending is right for you? Ah , you 'Jl have to see for yourself; we wouldn 't want to
spoil the story.
0 25211 22466 3 9 780782 124668
ISBN 0-7821-2466-6