Quiz 03 PDF
Quiz 03 PDF
Quiz 03 PDF
Spring 2016
(a) Apply the forward elimination steps of a naive Gaussian elimination and show
how those steps can be described using matrix multiplication.
(b) Assuming that the matrices computed in (a) are denoted by Mi , where i indicates
that this matrix is used in the ith forward elimination step, derive, in general, how
an LU-decomposition of a matrix A can be obtained in the form of matrices A and
Mi .
(c) Compute the LU-decomposition according to (b) for the given example.
(d) Explain how the LU-decomposition can be used, in general, to solve a linear
equation system Ax = b without performing forward elimination steps and wi-
thout computing the inverse of L or U .
(e) Assuming that the LU-decomposition is known, what is the asymptotic time com-
plexity of the computations in (d)? Explain your answer.
Duration: 15 min.