Banking Regulation and Laws
Banking Regulation and Laws
Banking Regulation and Laws
Program: PGDBF
Subject: Banking Regulations and Laws
Sample Questions:
Section I: Subjective Questions
5. What are the different forms of legal relationships between a bank and a customer?
1. The affairs and the business of the Reserve Bank of India is entrusted with
1] the Central Board
2] the Local Board
3] the Government of India
4] the President of India
2. The Law that governed and regulated the banking system in India in the pre-
independence period
1] Companies Act, 1956
2] Banking Regulation Act, 1949
3] Reserve Bank of India Act, 1934
4] Indian Companies Act, 1913
6. The Central Board of Reserve Bank of India is made up of the following members
1] 30
2] 10
3] 20
4] 12
10. There is a local board constituted for the four regional areas in the country because
1] for India is a large country
2] for advice on local matters
3] for convenience purposes
4] for easy management of affairs
11. The Local Boards of Reserve Bank of India are set up in the following places
1] Mumbai
2] Chennai
3] Kerala
Program: PGDBF
Subject: Banking Regulations and Laws
4] Pune
12. The objectives of the Banking Regulation Act are
1] encourage savings
2] prevent bank failures
3] development of banking system
4] safeguard interest of the depositor
14. A Return submitted by commercial banks to the Reserve Bank of India contains the
following items
1] Amount of advance outside India
2] Demand and Time Liabilities
3] Balance with the RBI
4] Amount of advance in India
17. The following can be stated as business of the Reserve Bank of India
1] loans to the public
2] accept deposits of money from government
3] ways and means advances to government
4] accept deposits from the public
18. Banks are empowered to carry out which of the following activity
1] provision of safe deposit lockers
2] remittance of money
3] Trading
4] safe custody
19. A Schedule Bank is one that is included in the _____ of the Act.
1] Second
Program: PGDBF
Subject: Banking Regulations and Laws
2] Third
3] Fourth
4] Preamble
22. The mortgagor binds himself to pay the debt by a certain specified date in a
1] english mortgage
2] simple mortgage
3] legal mortgage
4] equitable mortgage
24. The mortgagee is entitled to retain the property until the payment of mortgage money
is made is known as ___________.
1] anomalous mortgage
2] equitable mortgage
3] simple mortgage
4] usufructuary mortgage
25. The Reserve Bank is authorized to provide advances to the Central and State
Government for a period not exceeding _______ months.
1] ten
2] three
3] six
4] four
27. __________ does not have the right to recover the money due on the instrument.
1] Finder of the Instrument
2] Holder in due course
3] Agent
4] Partner
29. The Reserve Bank of India Act, 1934 is not applicable to the Union Territories in
30. The Banking Regulation Act is a comprehensive regulation that fulfills all
requirements of regulation, supervision and control over the banking sector.
31. A negotiable instrument is always drawn for consideration unless proved otherwise.
32. Local Boards are set up to advice the Central Board on the local matters relating to
the regions.
33. A pledge indicates that the goods are kept in possession of the banker.
34. A banking company is registered as a Company under Companies Act, 1956 since
35. The pledger does not have to pay for any difference arising out of sale of assets and
loan amount due to the pledgee.
36. The person who executes or makes a pronote is known as the drawer.
38. The Reserve Bank of India has defined the word 'Banking' and does not accept the
same definition as per the Banking Regulation Act, 1949.
2] Establishment 2] 1949
5] 1934
6] 1985
2] Liquid Assets 2] 3%
5] 20%
6] 15%