Mapeh 10 Answer Key 1q

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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region X
Division of Ozamiz City
Ozamiz City



Multiple Choice

Directions : Read and analyse the questions carefully. Choose the letter of the correct answer and write it
on the blank provided before each number.

____1. Which of the following is not an impressionist composer?

a. Claude Debussy c. Igor Stravinsky
b. Maurice Ravel d. Sergei Prokofieff

____2. What is the nationality of Claude Debussy?

a. German c. Australian
b. African d. French
____3. What is the first successful masterpiece of Igor Stravinsky?
a. The Firebird c. The Rake’s Progress
b. The Rite of Spring d. Bolero
____4. What is the musical style of Bela Bartok?
a. neo-classicism c. primitivism
b. impressionism d. modern nationalism
____5. Who was the target audience of Prokofieff’s Peter and the Wolf?
a. adult c. boys
b. teenagers d. children
____6. Who was considered as the Father of Electronic Music?
a. Philip Glass c. Edgard Varese
b. Leonard Bernstein d. John Cage
____7. Which of the following is a composition of Ravel?
a. Bolero c. Etude
b. The Rite of Spring d. Tonight
____8. He was one of the members of the group of young French composers known as Les Six.
a. Igor Stravinksy c. Joseph Maurice Ravel
b. Arnold Schoenberg d. Francis Poulenc
____9. His style is uniquely recognizable for its progressive technique, pulsating rhythms, melodic
directness and a resolving dissonance.
a. Igor Stravinksy c. Sergei Prokofieff
b. Arnold Schoenberg d. Francis Poulenc
____10. A composer who was born in Massachusetts, USA and was popular of his musical West Side Story.
a. Louis Durey c. Leonard Bernstein
b. Georges Auric d. Germaine Tailleferre
____11. One of the most commercially successful minimalist composers is _______.
a. Philip Glass c. Sergei Prokofieff
b. Arnold Schoenberg d. Francis Poulenc
____12. This composer’s name became a fixture on Broadway music.
a. Philip Glass c. Edgard Varese
b. Leonard Bernstein d. George Gershwin
____13. How many musical compositions did Arnold Schoenberg composed?
a. 213 c. 313
b. 113 d. 413
____14. The total musical compositions of Bela Bartok was approximately ______.
a. 800 c. 600
b. 700 d. 500
____15. He was considered an “innovative” French born composer.
a. Philip Glass c. Edgard Varese
b. Leonard Bernstein d. George Gershwin

____16. A style of art developed primarily by Pablo Picasso emphasizing geometric shapes.
a. non- objectivism c. cubism
b. futurism d. fauvism
____17. A style of art that teases and dazzles the eye.
a. pop art c. fauvism
b. futurism d. op art
____18. A painting style that attempts to capture the effects of light or things at different times of the
a. impressionism c. realism
b. expressionism d. futurism
____19. This style of painting emphasizes dream images from the unconscious mind.
a. surrealism c. fauvism
b. futurism d. expressionism
____20. Kind of painting without any recognizable objects.
a. non- objectivism c. pointlism
b. abstract d. fauvism
____21. A style of painting portraying multiple images showing speed and motion.
a. dadaism c. realism
b. futurism d. fauvism
____22. Art that abandons naturalism for the greater emotional impact.
a. impressionism c. realism
b. expressionism d. futurism
____23. To lighten the value of color when working with transparent watercolour paints, an artist would
a. reduce the amount of water mixed into the paint
b. paint a dark color in an adjacent area
c. thin the paint with water
d. mix the color with its complement
____24. The repetition of shapes and diagonals in an art work create a sense of:
a. radial balance c. endless space
b. emphasis d. rhythm
____25. Who is the famous impressionist artist?
a. Pablo Picasso c. Andy Warhol
b. Claude Monet d. Piet Mondrian
____26. He was one of the central figures of the impressionist movement.
a. Edouard Manet c. Van Gogh
b. Auguste Renoir d. Paul Cezzane
____27. Which of the following is the art work of Vincent Van Gogh?
a. Still Life c. Dancer
b. Café Concert d. The Sower
____28. Who was the famous fauvism artist?
a. Salvador Dali c. Henri Matisse
b. Amedeo Modigliani d. Pablo Picasso
____29. What art movement expressed the artists’ social role?
a. dadaism c. realism
b. social realism d. fauvism
____30. Where did neoprimitivism get its influences?
a. African tribes c. French painter
b. American d. Europian artist

____31. How can one maintain an ideal body weight?

e. follow the latest diet fads
f. balance amount of food you eat with regular physical activity
g. consult a doctor about an effective diet pill that you can take
h. believe in the power of your genes
____32. Which of the following is not a positive outcome of personal fitness?
a. improve physical appearance c. hypertension
b. enhanced self- esteem d. stress reduction
____33. Which of the following principles discuss the intensity of exercise?
a. principle of specificity c. principle of overload
b. principle of progression d. principle of regularity
____34. Which of the following food groups should be consumed sparingly?
a. fats, oils & sweet c. vegetables
b. fruits d. milk, yogurt & cheese
____35. Which of the following would not be a benefit of walking?
a. helps with weight management c. it creates palpitation
b. lowers blood pressure d. builds aerobic fitness
____36. Which of the following is TRUE about recreation and leisure activity?
a. it is limited only to government-supported programs
b. all programs are privately operated
c. fishing is an example of sports program
d. sports are one of many categories that may be included
____37. Which sport is best for agility?
a. sepak takraw c. long distance run
b. gymnastics d. badminton
____38. Participation in active recreation is everyone’s responsibility. Which of the following
is the best reason for this?
a. to have a healthy lifestyle c. to keep a physically fit and healthy body
b. to maintain an ideal body weight d. to have fun, enjoyment and socialization
____39. Which of the following is not a health related physical fitness test?
a. Sit and reach c. sit-up
b. 50- meter run d. push –up
____40. Your body composition is influenced by which of the following?
a. genetics c. gender
b. age d. all of the above
____41. You are invited to talk on how to prevent diseases and live a healthy and quality life.
What would be the focus of your talk?
a. nutrition and physical activity of the family c. lifestyle and behavior of the family
b. health background of the family d. environment where the family lives
____42. Your friend Kath is overweight and she wants to start her weight loss program.
What strategies or advice would you give to her?
a. Avoid automatic eating while watching the television , reading and studying
b. Try “junior size” instead of “super-size” use smaller plates, bowls, cups, or glasses
c. Incorporate easy and enjoyable exercises into the program to be motivated
d. All of the above
____43. What component would be the most important for a long distance runner?
a. reaction time c. agility
b. cardiovascular endurance d. muscular strength
____44. Which of the following is not an active type of recreation?
a. playing different types of sports c. dancing
b. watching television d. cooking
____45. How can you prevent shin pain?
a. increase speed and distance gradually
b. stretch your calves & shins well after your walk
c. wear good flexible , walking shoes with a low heel
d. all of the above

____46. Which institution has the foremost responsibility of protecting consumers and upholding their
a. government c. family
b. community d. church
____47. It is the state of well – being of a person who uses information, products, and services that have
a direct effect on one’s health.
a. consumer’s health c. health services
b. consumer rights d. health products
____48. Which of the following will you approach for reliable health information?
a. celebrity health product endorser c. school personnel
b. neighbor d. government health agency
____49. Why do producers make use of advertisements?
a. to convince consumers to patronize their products
b. for business competition
c. for consumer satisfaction
d. to guide consumers
____50. How do you make the right decisions in buying a health product?
a. read advertisements of various products
b. know the content and effects of the products
c. look for a well-known manufacturer
d. buy products endorsed by well-known people
____51. Why do people avail the services of medical quacks?
a. availability of their services
b. high cost of medical services
c. quacks offer quality service
d. people trust them
____52. How do you identify medical quacks?
a. they are well-known
b. they do not demand a medical fee
c. they use incantations while treating patients
d. they cure only serious cases
____53. Why should we avoid medical quackery?
a. they are not very convincing
b. they have many patients
c. they perform services in their homes
d. patients condition will not improve
____54. How does the government help consumers?
a. by protecting their rights
b. by providing various consumer products
c. by endorsing good quality products
d. by providing good sample products
____55. How are consumers deceived by some producers?
a. by selling expensive products
b. by selling defective equipment
c. by using unreliable endorsers
d. by using different business techniques
____56. How does the government ensure the protection of consumer?
a. by providing health services
b. by creating agencies to protect consumers
c. by providing security services in business establishments
d. by distributing sample products
____57. Why is it not advisable to adopt health fads?
a. they provide lasting benefits
b. they may cause harm to the body
c. they do not give extra strength
d. they have proven medicinal value
____58. Which of the following is not a health professional?
a. physician c. midwife
b. nurse d. professor
____59. What form of treatment do you avail when you consider lagundi over medicine bought from the
a. complementary c. alternative
b. medical d. herbal
____60. Why do people need to avail health insurance?
a. it pays for the health care costs
b. it offers various types of coverage
c. it pays for the surgery fees
d. it provides financial assistance in case of accident

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