MENRO Creation - Atimonan

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2018 - _____


Section 1 – Short Title. This ordinance shall be known as “Municipal Environment and
Natural Resources Office Creation Ordinance of 2018.”

Section 2 – Declaration of Policy. It is the policy of the municipality to promote the right of
the people to a balanced and healthful ecology in accordance with the rhythm and harmony of
nature along with sustainable economic growth and development founded on municipal
wide education, reliable and infrastructure and good governance.

Section 3 – Scope and Coverage. This Ordinance shall be in effect within the territorial
jurisdiction of the Municipality of Atimonan and shall be observed by the Municipal
Government including all its branches, instrumentalities and subdivisions.

Section 4 – Creation. An office with a structural rank of a department is hereby created to be

known as the Municipal Environment and Natural Resources Office (MENRO).

Section 5 – Objective. The MENRO shall be responsible for making the Atimonan as the
most environmentally compliant local government by implementing the Atimonan
Environmental Code of 2017 and by sustaining environmental programs at pace with
economic thrust and development of the municipality.

Section 6 – General Functions. The office shall perform the following functions:

1. Enforce/implement national laws and local ordinances regulating the emission/

discharge of harmful substances to the atmosphere, and water systems, solid
waste management policies and directives, and recommend for the apprehension of
violators and abatement of the pollution;
2. Manage the ecological and natural resources of the municipality, primarily
promoting sustainability of local resources, such as but not limited to forests,
watersheds, rivers, coasts and fishing grounds;
3. Implement programs for the protection and preservation of the environment, as well as
rehabilitation of areas critically affected by industries, effects of natural calamities,
result of man-made activities, etc.;
4. Provide technical assistance to the Local Chief Executive and the local
Sanggunian on policy and decision-making;
5. Conduct continuing education for the municipality’s constituents stressing on
environmental stewardship, awareness and responsibility;
6. Gather and maintain records of environmental data, activities, assets and
compliments and evaluate the state of environment of the municipality;
7. Coordinate environmental activities within the territorial jurisdiction of the
municipality and integrate it with the environmental master plan;
8. Facilitate capacity building for local adaptation planning, implementation and
monitoring of climate change initiatives in vulnerable communities and areas;
9. Recommend key development investments in climate- sensitive sectors such as
water resources, agriculture, forestry, coastal and marine resources, health, and
infrastructure to ensure the achievement of local sustainable development goals.

Section 7 – Personnel Complement. The said office shall have the following personnel
complement to pursue the functions of the said office:

a. A permanent position of Municipal Government Department Head I (MENRO)

(SG 24/1) is hereby created who shall serve as a Department Head of the newly
created office and is entitled to receive all benefits and emoluments received by a
department head of this local government.

b. The following positions in the Office of the Municipal Mayor is hereby transferred to
the herein created office:

Item Salary Nature of

Position Title
No. Grade Appointment
Senior Environmental Management 18/1 Permanent
Environmental Management Specialist 11/1 Permanent

c. The following additional positions are hereby created:

Salary Nature of
Position Title
Grade Appointment
Environmental Management Specialist 11/1 Permanent
Environmental Management Specialist 11/1 Permanent
Administrative Assistant I 7/1 Permanent

Section 8 – Services. The MENRO shall have the following services parallel to the functions
in pursuance to Municipal Ordinance 2017-306 otherwise known as AN ORDINANCE
other laws, rules and ordinances:


Environmental Management & Environmental Management (Article IX)
Regulatory Service Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation
(Article II)
Air Quality Management and Monitoring
(Article IV)
Land and Water Use Planning (Article X)

In addition the service shall be responsible for

the following:
 Environmental Risk Reduction and Control
 Environmental restoration
 Permits
 Training
 Environmental Law Enforcement
Solid Waste Management and Pollution Solid Waste Management (Article III) and
Control Service other related ordinances
Forest and Natural Resources Forest Resources Management, Protection
Management Service and Conservation (Article V)
Mineral Resources Utilization and
Management (Article VII)
Greening the Municipality for Tourism
Advancement (Article VIII)
Water and Coastal Resources Water Resources Management and
Management Services Protection (Article VI)
Coastal Resources Management Protection
and Management (Article VII)

The MGDH I (MENRO) is mandated to assign each services to the Senior Environmental
Management Specialist and to the three Environmental Management Specialist for proper
delegation of functions and responsibilities
In addition to the above-mentioned mandatory services, the following services may be assigned
to any of the Environmental Management Specialists:

Environmental Education and Information, Clean and Green Program

Research and Development Services Annual Environmental Program
Training, Communication, Research and
Public Information
Administrative Support Services Personnel & General Affairs
Secretariat/Document Control
Draftsman/Property Custodian

Section 8 – Organizational Structure. The following diagram shall be the standard

organizational structure of the Municipal Environment and Natural Resources Office as per
this ordinance:

Municipal Government
Department Head I (MENRO)
(SG 24)

Administrative Assistant I
(SG 7)

Senior Environmental
Management Specialist I
(SG 18)

Environmental Environmental Environmental

Management Specialist I Management Specialist I Management Specialist I
(SG 11) (SG 11) (SG 11)

Section 9 – Qualifications, Duties & Functions of the Municipal Environment and

Natural Resources Officer. No person shall be appointed Municipal Environment and
Natural Resources Officer unless he/she is a citizen of the Philippines, of good moral
character, a holder of a college degree preferably in environment, forestry, agriculture or any
related course from a recognized college or university, and a first grade civil service eligible or
its equivalent. He must have acquired experience in environmental and natural resources
management, conservation, and utilization, of at least three (3) years.

The MENR Officer shall take charge of the Municipal Environment and Natural Resources
Office and shall:

1. Formulate measures for the consideration of the Sanggunian and provide technical
assistance and support to the mayor, in carrying out measures to ensure the
delivery of basic services and provision of adequate facilities relative to environment
and natural resources services as provided for under Section 17 of R.A. No. 7160;
2. Develop plans and strategies and upon approval thereof by the mayor, as the case may
be, implement the same, particularly those which have to do with climate change
adaptation strategies and environmental programs which the mayor is empowered to
implement and which the Sanggunian is empowered to provide for under R.A. No. 7160;
3. In addition to the foregoing duties and functions, the Municipal Environment and
Natural Resources Officer shall:
3.1. Establish, maintain, protect and preserve communal forests, watersheds, tree parks,
mangroves, greenbelts and similar forest projects and commercial forest,
like industrial tree farms and agro-forestry projects;
3.2. Provide extension services to beneficiaries of forest development projects and
technical, financial and infrastructure assistance;
3.3. Manage and maintain seed banks and produce seedlings for forests and tree parks;
3.4. Provide extension services to beneficiaries of forest development projects and render
assistance for natural resources-related conservation and utilization activities
consistent with ecological balance;
3.5. Regulate the small-scale mining and utilization of mineral resources;
3.6. Coordinate with government agencies and non- governmental organizations in
the implementation of measures to prevent and control land, air and water pollution
with the assistance of the Department of Environment and Natural Resources
and the Environment Management Bureau;
3.7. Be in the frontline of the delivery of services concerning the environment and natural
resources, particularly in the renewal and rehabilitation of the environment
during and in the aftermath of man-made and natural calamities and disasters due to
global warming as to the effect of climate change;
3.8. Recommend to the Sanggunian and advise the mayor, on all matters relative to the
protection, conservation, maximum utilization, application of appropriate
technology and other matters related to the environment and natural resources; and
3.9. Exercise such other powers and perform such other duties and functions as may be
prescribed by law or ordinance.

Section 10 – Qualifications of other Positions Created in this Ordinance. Qualifications

for the other positions created in this ordinance shall follow the qualification standards set by
the Civil Service Commission for each of the positions created in the previous sections.

Section 11 – Appropriation for the Office. The Municipal Environment and Natural
Resources Office (MENRO) shall be provided with the necessary appropriation for its operation,
projects, programs and activities which shall be included in the Annual Appropriations of this
local government.

Section 12 – Funding of Positions. The Municipal Budget Officer shall ensure the funding
of the positions herein created on the following schedule in consideration of the Personal
Services limitation set forth by the Local Government Code of 1991:

Upon effectivity of this

Municipal Government Department Head I (MENRO)
Environmental Management Specialist I Second year of effectivity of this
Environmental Management Specialist I ordinance
Fourth year of effectivity of this
Administrative Assistant I

Section 10. Separability Clause - Any provision hereof which may be declared
unconstitutional by a competent court shall not affect the rest of the provisions hereof
not otherwise so declared.

Section 11. Repealing Clause - All ordinances, rules and regulations, or parts hereof,
in conflict or inconsistent with any provisions of this Ordinance, are hereby repealed,
amended or modified accordingly.

Section 12. Effectivity - This Ordinance shall take effect immediately upon approval.

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