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CDV Relay

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CDV 22, 62
Voltage Controlled Overcurrent Relay

CDV22 relay is used for overload and fault protection

for ac generators when the sustained short circuit
current is less than the full load current. The presence
of a fault is detected by an under voltage element
and the relay setting is adjusted accordingly.

Features generator neutral is solidly earthed. The

• Two time-current characteristic curves The relay has two operating characteris- undervoltage unit is connected between
in one unit to provide overload and fault tics, viz. an overload characteristic and a phase and neutral and the relay operates
protection. fault characteristic, determined by the op- for both phase and earth faults.
• Identical time-current characteristics on eration of the instantaneous under-voltage
all taps. unit monitoring the generator voltage. Un- Type B relay changes its characteristic at
• High torque, ensuring consistent timing der overload conditions, when the genera- 30% normal voltage and is used when the
even under adverse conditions. tor voltage is usually normal, the instanta- alternator neutral is earthed via a resistor
• Very low overshoot. neous under-voltage unit is energised and or a distribution transformer. The under-
• Simple construction, easily accessible. the short across the resistor in the shading voltage unit is connected between two
• Dust-tight drawout case and tropical- coil circuit is removed. The relay operates phases and the relay operates for phase
ised finish. on a long I.D.M.T. or overload characteris- faults only.
tic similar to the thermal withstand char-
Application acteristics of the generator. Type CDV 22 is a single pole relay and CDV
62 is a three pole version of CDV 22.
Overload and fault protection for ac gen-
Under fault conditions, when the genera-
erators when the sustained short circuit
tor terminal voltage falls, the resistor is Typical external and internal connections
current is less than the full load current.
shortcircuited and the torque on the disc for relay CDV 62B with shunt reinforcing
is increased by 2.5 times so that the nomi- unit are shown in Figure 2.
nal setting currents are 0.4 times those
CDV is a non-directional heavily damped marked on the plug board, and the re-
Customer Benefits
induction disc relay similar to relay type lay operates in accordance with the fault
• Simple construction
CDG 11 but having an electromagnet fitted characteristic. The relay characteristics are
• Easy accessibility.
with shading coils instead of solid copper shown in Figure 1.
• Drawout case.
shading rings. The circuit of shading coils
is completed through a resistor which is Type CDV relay is available in two versions.
shorted by a normally closed contact of the
instantaneous undervoltage unit, incorpo- Type A relay changes its characteristic at
rated in the same case. 60% normal voltage and is used when the

CDV 22, 62

Technical data
Current In:
1A or 5A
Voltage Vn

Relay Nominal Voltage Resetting

rating V setting V Voltage V
Type A 63.5 40 55
250 150 220
Type B 110 33 55
440 440 220

CDV 62 Relay Drawn out from case

Setting ranges
50% - 200% in seven equal steps. This corresponds to a setting Overshoot
range of 20% - 80% for the fault characteristic. On removal of a current equal to 8 times the current setting,
Time: the overshoot time is less than 0.04 s when operating on fault
Condition Range at 4 times
the current settings(s) Burden
Current coil:
Overload 0-10
11.0VA approximately at the lowest tap.
Fault 0-3
15.0VA approximately at the highest tap.

Voltage coil:
Starting current
6.0VA at nominal voltage.
105 - 110% of current setting.
Thermal rating
Closing current
Current coil:
120 - 130% of current setting.
The maximum current ratings for 60°C rise in coil temperature
are as follows :
Resetting current
The disc will completely reset at 90% or more of the current setting.

Resetting time
With the time multiplier set at 1.0 the resetting time is 9 s when
operating on fault characteristics.

CDV 22, 62

Tap (A) Continuous Maximum current Voltage coil:

rating (A) for full operating The continuous voltage ratings are as follows:
time on overload
at TMS 1.0 (A) Relay Nominal Voltage
1A relay 5A relay 1A relay 5A relay 1A relay 5A relay rating V setting V
0.5 2.5 0.9 4.5 14 70 Type A 63.5 76

0.75 3.75 1.11 5.6 13 65 250 300

1.0 5.0 1.28 6.4 12 60 Type B 110 132

1.25 6.25 1.35 6.75 11 55 440 528

1.5 7.5 1.56 7.8 10 50

1.75 8.75 1.68 8.4 9.4 47 The relay conforms to error class index E 7.5 as per BS 142
2.0 10.0 1.76 8.8 8.6 43 and 7.5 as per IS 3231.
The relay will withstand 16 times rated current for 3 seconds on
any setting Frequency error
A frequency variation of 2 Hz gives timing errors of less
than 8%. The time grading of a protective system would
be unaffected by this small error since all relays would be
similarly affected.

Temperature error
For an overload equal to four times the current setting, the
percentage timing errors at ambient temperatures of +45°C
and -5°C are respectively -3% and +4%.

Auxiliary units and operation indicators

The relay has an auxiliary unit fitted with two pairs of self,
hand, or combined self and hand reset contacts, arranged
to reinforce the disc contact. It is also fitted with an op-
eration indicator which can be hand reset by means of a
push-rod protruding through the relay case.Auxiliary units
are shunt connected (voltage operated) or series connected
(current operated). The series connected auxiliary unit is
Figure 2: Typical external and internal connections for type CDV 62B relay with shunt
put in series with a circuit breaker trip coil or tripping relay.
reinforcing unit in size 3D double ended vertical case
It has two current taps which are marked with the mini-
mum current required for operation and are selected by
screw connections on the unit

Coil rating:
Voltage operated (shunt) auxiliary units 30, 110 or 220V
dc with a nominal burden of 3W. Current operated (series)
auxiliary units 0.2/2.0A (two taps) minimum operating
current. The current rating of the auxiliary unit is 22A for
0.5 s at 0.2A tap and 92A for 0.5 s at 2.0A tap. Other coil
ratings are available on request.

CDV 22, 62

Insulation Contact ratings

The relay meets the requirements of IS 3231IEC 2555 series
C-2 kV for 1 minute. Type of contact Make and carry for 0.5
Single disc 2500VA with maxima of
Relays are supplied in drawout cases suitable for flush
10A and 660V ac or dc
mounting and are finished eggshell black and tropicalised.
Two pairs of electrically 7500VA with maxima of t
The drawout feature considerably simplifies maintenance
separate self or hand re- 30A and 660V ac or dc
and permits testing to be carried out easily and quickly. A
set (provided on the aux-
cradle-mounted isolating switch is provided which auto-
iliary unit)
matically isolates the trip circuit when the cradle assembly
is withdrawn from the case for maintenance. This prevents
any inadvertent tripping of the circuit breaker. The case is fit-
ted with switches which prevent opencircuiting of the current
transformer circuits on withdrawal of the relay unit from the
case. A filter breather is fitted which equalises pressure inside
and outside the case without admitting dust.The triple pole
relays are mounted in size 3D horizontal or vertical case, as

Figure 2: Typical external and internal connections for type CDV 62B relay with shunt reinforcing
unit in size 3D double ended vertical case

CDV 22, 62

Dimensions and weights

Relay Case size Maximum overall dimensions Approximate

Height mm Width mm Depth * mm gross weight kg.
CDV 22 1D 233 170 203 6.0
CDV 62 3D Hor. 233 454 203 15.5
3D Vert. 524 170 203 15.0
* Add 76 mm for maximum length of terminal studs, alternatively, 29 mm for terminal screws.
The approximate gross weights given above are inclusive of carton mounting appendages and terminal details.
The relays comply fully with the requirements of IS 3231 and are suitable for use in normaltropical environments.

Information required with order

1. Type of relay
2. Current transformer secondary rating
3. Nominal voltage rating
4. Auxiliary voltage (for shunt reinforcing units)
5. Auxiliary contacts - self or hand reset
6. Case size

Figure 3 : Case and panel cut-out dimensions for case 3D vert drawout (all dimensions in mm)
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Pallavaram Works

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Pallavaram, Chennai - 600 043

ALSTOM T&D Worldwide Contact Centre:

CDV 22, 62

Figure 5 : Case and panel cut-out dimensions for case 1D (all dimensions in mm)
Figure 4 : Case and panel cut-out dimensions for case 3D hor drawout (all dimensions in mm)

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