2229 - Investments - S1 - G.ottonello
2229 - Investments - S1 - G.ottonello
2229 - Investments - S1 - G.ottonello
2229 - Investments
Semester 1
A.E.Rizzo: [email protected]
G.Ottonello: TBA
Office Hours: TBA
COURSE UNIT AIMS. (Purpose of the course using broad, general terms)
This course is designed to provide students with a strong foundation in all the fundamental concepts in
investments. Broad topics include risk and return, constructing optimal portfolios, asset pricing models,
fixed-income securities, and financial derivatives. We will seek a balance between the theoretical
paradigms, the empirical findings, and their application to the real world. Lectures and exams will
concentrate on both conceptual foundations and quantitative problem solving.
B. Subject-Specific Skills
Know how to value different securities: bonds, stocks, derivatives
Know how to estimate the term structure of interest rates
Know how to construct efficient portfolios
Know how to engineer simple hedging strategies using derivatives
C. General Skills
Present quantitative results in a clear and concise manner, both written and orally
Work effectively in teams
The Final Exam is mandatory and must cover the entire span of the course. Its weight in the final grade
can be between 30 to 70%. The remainder of the evaluation can consist of class participation, midterm
exams, in class tests, etc. Overall, written in class assessment (final exam, midterm) must have a weight
of at least 50%.
Assessment methods:
Cases: 30%
Midterm: 35%
Exam: 35%
To obtain a passing grade in the course, students must have a grade in the final exam of at least 10.
Students will have to deliver all the problem sets and cases to be able to complete the course.
The midterm exam is also mandatory.
Lecture notes.
“Investments”, by Bodie, Kane, and Marcus, 10th edition, McGraw‐Hill
There will be additional materials and handouts posted on the class webpage
Resources on the web that you may find interesting and useful:
http://www.bloomberg.com/ for market news and data
http://finance.yahoo.com/ lots of free data and news
http://mba.tuck.dartmouth.edu/pages/faculty/ken.french/data_library.html data
http://johncochrane.blogspot.pt/ Prof. John Cochrane’s blog
The Nova Investment Club (http://www.novainvestmentclub.com/) has many interesting initiatives in the
area of finance.