The document outlines three pre-wedding photo packages - Silver, Gold, and Platinum - for both outdoor and studio sessions. The Silver outdoor package costs Rp. 2,000,000 and includes 1 photographer, 1 assistant, photos in up to 2 outfits, and digital photos. The Platinum outdoor package costs Rp. 5,000,000 and includes 2 photographers, 1 videographer, 1 assistant, photos in up to 3 outfits, printed and digital photos, and a video. Additional details are provided on photo quantities, file types, and package inclusions or exclusions.
The document outlines three pre-wedding photo packages - Silver, Gold, and Platinum - for both outdoor and studio sessions. The Silver outdoor package costs Rp. 2,000,000 and includes 1 photographer, 1 assistant, photos in up to 2 outfits, and digital photos. The Platinum outdoor package costs Rp. 5,000,000 and includes 2 photographers, 1 videographer, 1 assistant, photos in up to 3 outfits, printed and digital photos, and a video. Additional details are provided on photo quantities, file types, and package inclusions or exclusions.
The document outlines three pre-wedding photo packages - Silver, Gold, and Platinum - for both outdoor and studio sessions. The Silver outdoor package costs Rp. 2,000,000 and includes 1 photographer, 1 assistant, photos in up to 2 outfits, and digital photos. The Platinum outdoor package costs Rp. 5,000,000 and includes 2 photographers, 1 videographer, 1 assistant, photos in up to 3 outfits, printed and digital photos, and a video. Additional details are provided on photo quantities, file types, and package inclusions or exclusions.
The document outlines three pre-wedding photo packages - Silver, Gold, and Platinum - for both outdoor and studio sessions. The Silver outdoor package costs Rp. 2,000,000 and includes 1 photographer, 1 assistant, photos in up to 2 outfits, and digital photos. The Platinum outdoor package costs Rp. 5,000,000 and includes 2 photographers, 1 videographer, 1 assistant, photos in up to 3 outfits, printed and digital photos, and a video. Additional details are provided on photo quantities, file types, and package inclusions or exclusions.
PREWED SILVER PREWED GOLD PREWED PLATINUM Rp. 2.000.000 Rp. 3.500.000 Rp. 5.000.000 1 Fotografer - 1 Asisten FG 1 Fotografer - 1 Videografer - 1 ass 2 Fotografer - 1 Videografer - 1 ass Maximal 2 Baju Kostum Sendiri Maximal 3 Baju Kostum Sendiri Maximal 3 Baju Kostum Sendiri 1x Cetak 16RJ (40x60cm) + frame 1x Cetak 16RJ (40x60cm) + frame 2x Cetak 16RJ (40x60cm) + frame All File Foto / Unlimited File 30x cetak 4R + album mini 40x cetak 4R + album mini 20 file pilihan editing Video Cinematic 3-5 menit Video Cinematic 3-5 menit Flash Disk 8GB All File Foto / Unlimited File Free Video Wedding Invitation 30 file pilihan editing Unlimited File+50 file pilihan editing Flash Disk 16GB Flash Disk 16GB
PREWED SILVER PREWED GOLD PREWED PLATINUM Rp. 850.0000 Rp. 1.250.000 Rp. 1.500.000 2 Background Bebas Pilih 3 Background Bebas Pilih All Background Maximal 1 Baju Kostum Sendiri Maximal 2 Baju Kostum Maximal Sendiri 1 Baju Kostum Maximal Sendiri 3 Baju Kostum Sendiri All File Foto Original All File Foto Original All File Foto Original Unlimited File 1x Cetak 16RJ (40x60cm) + frame 1x Cetak 20RJ (50x75cm) + frame 10 file pilihan editing 20 file pilihan editing 20 file pilihan editing ***KETERANGAN : 1. Harga tersebut tidak mengikat (bisa menyesuaikan budget dari klien) 2. Paket tersebut diatas tidak termasuk Make Up + Hair Do + Wardrobe 3. Paket hanya berlaku untuk daerah kota Samarinda dan sekitarnya (Luar Kota kena charger) 4. Booking dulu sebelum pemotretan dengan mengatur jadwal dengan Fotografer 5. WAJIB DP minimal 50% sebagai tanda jadi booking