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Chairman informed the Board that _________________ approached HDFC Bank Ltd for Bank
Guarantee facility for an amount of Rs _______________ and that HDFC Bank has granted the Bank
Guarantee facility for an amount of Rs. _______________ subject to the terms and conditions as may
be mutually agreed upon between the Company and the Bank. After discussions, the following
resolution was passed:
“RESOLVED THAT the consent of the Board of directors of the Company be and is hereby accorded
to the Company for obtaining & availing the Bank Guarantees / letters of credit / Buyers Credit facility
up-to the aggregate limits of Rs. _______________ (INR _____________ only) (hereinafter “the
Facility”) from HDFC Bank Limited (hereinafter “the Bank”) on the terms and conditions as may be
mutually agreed between the Company and the Bank from time to time.
RESOLVED FURTHER THAT the consent of the Board of Directors of the Company be and is hereby
accorded to the Company securing the dues of the Bank in respect of the Facility, including all interest,
charges, costs and as required by the Bank, including without limitation, by marking a charge, lien
and/or set-off on fixed deposits and other deposits placed and/or as may be hereafter placed by the
Company with the Bank such that such charge, lien and/or set off at all times is equivalent to
level/percentage as may be prescribed by the Bank of the amount of the Facility availed or being
availed by the Company.
(2) to execute all letters of request from time to time including all declarations, if any, required under
the Export-Import Policy and Foreign Exchange Management Act, 1999 or rules made thereunder or
under any other applicable law; (3) to execute such agreements, deeds, documents, declarations,
undertakings, securities, indemnities and writings as the Bank may require; and (4) to issue a certified
true copy of this resolution and to do all acts, deeds and things on behalf of the Company which are
necessary and expedient to give effect to this resolution. RESOLVED FURTHER THAT pursuant to
the Articles of Association of the Company, the Common Seal of the Company be affixed on such
documents, declarations, agreements, securities, undertakings, indemnities and writings as may be
required by the Bank in the presence of ______________________, _________________,
______________________, __________________________ directors of the Company, who would
affix their signatures in token thereof. <<<<<< THIS CLAUSE WOULD CHANGE DEPENDING ON