TME Sustainable Purchasing Guidelines 2013 Update
TME Sustainable Purchasing Guidelines 2013 Update
TME Sustainable Purchasing Guidelines 2013 Update
Version 2013
Table of contents
Introduction 3
Overview 4
Glossary 21
Note to Reader
• In the context of this document , ‘Toyota’ refers to both Toyota brand and Lexus brand
• These Guidelines replace the Green Purchasing Guidelines – GPG – January 2007
& Sustainability Purchasing Guidelines 2010
Toyota Motor Corporation (TMC) and Toyota Motor Europe (TME) have continuously striven to contribute to
the sustainable development of society through the manufacturing and distribution of high-quality and innovative
products and services, as indicated in the ‘Guiding Principles at Toyota’ and the ‘Toyota Earth Charter’.
As Toyota’s business operations have expanded globally, more and more attention has been paid to sustainable
development, to corporate social responsibilities and to environmental preservation, including climate change issues.
In the 2010 edition, named Sustainability Guidelines, we have included the Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)
Policy and Guidelines and added a separate chapter on chemical substance management, REACh, substances
of concern, and recycling.
In our 2013 edition we have closely aligned our Sustainable Purchasing Guidelines with TMC Green Purchasing
& Supplier CSR Guidelines. This will help TME support our suppliers to meet global Toyota expectations with
a background of a fast moving regulatory environment such as chemical management (REACh, etc.)
We would like our Suppliers and Business Partners to gain full understanding of our expectations towards sustainable
development & good corporate citizenship, to assure legal compliance at all times, and to work together with TME
in the spirit expressed in these Sustainable Purchasing Guidelines.
Toyota expects its Suppliers and Business Partners We ask that you always engage in the development
to ensure ‘long-term and stable procurement of the and manufacture of products from the perspective of
best products at the most competitive prices, in the customers who purchase Toyota products. We further
the most speedy and timely manner’, based on thorough request that you undertake initiatives such as those
compliance with all applicable laws, regulations, and social described below.
norms and with full consideration for the environment.
Type of Suppliers
(substances, Equipment Logistics
preparations) Construction
Service Parts
Direct Indirect Vehicle Parts Materials
& Accessories
1. Establishment of Environmental • • • • • • • •
Management System
3. Environmental Initiatives • • • • • • • •
Related to Suppliers Business
5. Renewable, Recoverable, •
Recycled materials
1. Honor the language and spirit of the law of every nation 5. Foster a corporate culture that enhances individual
and undertake open and fair corporate activities to be creativity and teamwork value, while honoring mutual
a good corporate citizen of the world. trust and respect between labor and management.
2. Respect the culture and customs of every nation 6. Pursue growth in harmony with the global community
and contribute to economic and social development through innovative management.
through corporate activities in the communities.
7. Work with business partners in research and creation to
3. Dedicate ourselves to providing clean and safe products achieve stable, long-term growth and mutual benefits,
and to enhancing the quality of life everywhere through while keeping ourselves open to new partnerships.
all our activities.
Create and develop advanced technologies and
provide outstanding products and services that fulfill
the needs of customers worldwide.
We, TOYOTA MOTOR CORPORATION and our In order to contribute to sustainable development,
subsidiaries, take initiative to contribute to harmonious we believe that management interacting with its
and sustainable development of society and the earth stakeholders as described below is of considerable
through all business activities that we carry out in each importance, and we will endeavor to build and maintain
country and region, based on our Guiding Principles. sound relationships with our stakeholders through open
We comply with local, national and international laws and and fair communication.
regulations as well as the spirit thereof and we conduct We expect our business partners to support this initiative
our business operations with honesty and integrity. and act in according with it.
Customers Employees
• Based on our philosophy of “Customer First,” we • We respect our employees and believe that
develop and provide innovative, safe and outstanding the success of our business is led by each individual’s
high quality products and services that meet a wide creativity and good teamwork. We stimulate personal
variety of customers’ demands to enrich the lives of growth for our employees. (Guiding Principle 5)
people around the world. (Guiding Principles 3 and 4) • We support equal employment opportunities,
• We will endeavor to protect the personal information diversity and inclusion for our employees and do not
of customers and everyone else we are engaged in discriminate against them. (Guiding Principle 5)
business with, in accordance with the letter and spirit • We strive to provide fair working conditions and
of each country’s privacy laws. (Guiding Principle 1) to maintain a safe and healthy working environment
for all our employees. (Guiding Principle 5)
All Purchasing at Toyota is oriented toward creating It takes place in accordance with the following
vehicles that will earn the satisfaction of customers. three policies:
Toyota is open to any and all suppliers, regardless of We believe in developing mutually beneficial, long-
nationality, size, or whether they have done business term relationships based on mutual trust. To foster
with us before. Our choice of suppliers is purely on that trust, we pursue close and wide-ranging
the basis of business considerations. We evaluate communication with suppliers.
the overall strengths of prospective suppliers,
including their quality, technological capabilities, and 3. Contributing to local economic
reliability in delivering the required quantities on time. vitality through localization: good
corporate citizenship
Also, we evaluate their potential strengths, as
evidenced in such ways as their amenability to Our production outside Japan is increasing rapidly as
continuing, kaizen improvements. In addition, we we globalize our operations.
evaluate suppliers' commitment to addressing social We work to make an economic and industrial
expectations, especially in regard to environmental contribution that is fully commensurate with our
issues. market presence in each region. That includes
purchasing parts, materials, tools, equipments and
others from local suppliers.
At Toyota, we remain committed to advancing the a sustainable society through the following philosophy
quality of life through the products and services we offer. and activities in addition to implementing thorough
Therefore, we hope to contribute to the realization of environmental management:
• Quality
Our highest priority at Toyota is quality. Consistently 3.1. Legal Compliance
high quality is the biggest reason for the excellent
reputation of our products around the world and for <Compliance with Laws and the Spirit thereof>
the trust we enjoy from customers. We need to keep • Comply with applicable laws and regulations of each
up with customers' increasing expectations of vehicle country and region as well as the spirit thereof.
quality. We appreciate suppliers' understanding that • Establish and implement policies, structure and
quality is an absolute prerequisite for our business, mechanisms for ensuring and verifying legal
and we assume that all Toyota suppliers will devote compliance including a code of conduct, confidential
themselves to quality in development and production. compliance hotline* and training.
* For Toyota Motor Europe: appropriate Code of Conduct violation procedure with Compliance Officer handling serious offences.
* In addition, Toyota Motor Europe also publishes its own Policy on Anti-bribery, anti-corruption, gifts, hospitality and other favours.
* For Toyota Motor Europe the Green Purchasing Guidelines are incorporated in section C of the Sustainable Purchasing Guidelines.
Toyota will pursue all possible environmental In addition to cooperation with affiliated companies and
technologies, including developing and establishing related industries, Toyota will build close and cooperative
new technologies to enable environment and economy relationships with a broad spectrum of society concerned
to coexist harmoniously. with environmental protection including individuals,
organizations, and local governments.
REACh Timeline
Set up of agency Autho- Publication 1st version of 2nd version of 3rd version of
risation of candidate priority list for priority list for priority list for
list between authorisation authorisation authorisation
09/08 and
Information in Regi- List of pre- Restrictions Notification of SVHCs
the supply chain stration registrated (Title IX) present in articles
(Title IV) (Title II) substances six months after inclusion
REACH enters Down- in candidate list
into force stream
(Title V)
2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2013 2018
Registration of non phase-in substances and non pre-registered substances above 1t before manufacturing/importing/putting on the market
Cleaning, Landscaping
Packaging materials
Equipments, Design
and constructionm,
Indirect Material [2]
Document required
Direct Material [1]
Management of
Submit to whom
Substances of Concern
Due date
a) Develop/Design stage at supplier
• Follow Toyota Techinal Standard TSZ001G "Methods of • • • • During
Assessing Substances of Concern", when managing the parts
information on use of Substances of Concern and development /
reducing or eliminating their use. Design stage,
• Suppliers are requested to enter the data on materials Material data and
and chemical substances used in product into IMDS • • IMDS
(IMDS) • During
by the designated deadline. Engineering
• Toyota uses IMDS-based material data management change in
globally as a tool for controlling chemical substances production
as well as vehicle recyclability rates [see Section 5 of Material data part
• • IMDS
Vehicle parts (including parts for customized vehicles), accessories, and direct materials (including packaging materials for these items)
• •
Weight Requirements
Cleaning, Landscaping
Packaging materials
Equipments, Design
and constructionm,
Indirect Material [2]
Document required
Direct Material [1]
Management of
Submit to whom
Substances of Concern
Due date
• The introduction of any new or changed direct or indirect
material needs to be approved by TME via the Chemical
Direct Materials, Indirect Materials, and Packaging Materials Used at Plants or Logistic Centers
- Packaging
( Reason : Packaging material from current Business specification
Partners are already submitted to European Chemical sheet
*VCI = Volatile Corrosion Inhibitor
[1] Direct materials = Raw materials which form part of the finished product (car).
[2] Indirect materials = Supplementary materials which are used within production but do not form part of Toyota finished products
Equipments, Design
and constructionm,
Packaing materials
Indirect Materials
Direct Materials
Service Parrts
Vehicle parts
• • • LMS SAZ0001n Supplier Manual for Management of Chemical Substances in Packaging Materials
Mechanical Equipment Oiling/Lubrication Standard; Lubricant Labeling Manual
• MMR SOM6003n
(for consumable materials)
• • Quality Standard Rules on Management of Material Labeling on Plastic and Rubber Parts
• • SQAM for production parts Quality Assurance Manual for Toyota Purchase Parts
• SQAM for accessories Supplier Quality Assurance Manual for Toyota Genuine Accessories
• SQAM for material Quality Assurance Manual for Toyota Purchase Parts
Parts (articles)
to be submitted
OE Service Parts Accessories
Declaration of Renewable
and Recycled Material
To who to submit
Declaration of Renewable
To Material Engineering Division
and Recycled Material
* When included in WVTA: whole vehicle type approval. Accessories data not collected via IMDS but through Toyota Motor Corporation.
Life Cycle Thinking (LCT) and Assessment (LCA) are associated with the full life cycle of a product, from
essential to Toyota as a global company. design through production, driving and final recycling.
The objective is to discover how much we have improved Whole Life Cycle Assessment
the new generation product in comparison to the previous Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) is an internationally
one. Then to ensure that all the learning’s are integrated standardized methodology (ISO 14040 series) that
into the new product design and development. supports Life Cycle Thinking. LCA helps to quantify
Life Cycle Thinking (LCT) is the process of taking the resources consumed and the potential environmental
into account in decision making both the resources impacts of the produced product.
consumed and the environmental and health pressures
environmental data
No documents to be submitted
Suppliers might be requested separately to provide
to be submitted
detailed parts environmental performance data
ASR Automotive Shredder Residue SDS (Material) Safety Data Sheet, in accordance with EU Commission
Directives 2001/58/EC, 1999/45/EC, 1967/548/EC and changes as
CLP The CLP Regulation 1272/2008 (Classification, Labeling and published in the Official Journal of the European Union.
Packaging) is a European Union regulation which aligns the European
Union system of classification, labeling and packaging chemical Parts (articles):
substances and mixtures to the Globally Harmonized System 1. An object which during production is given a special shape, surface
(GHS). It is expected to facilitate global trade and the harmonized or design which determines its function to a greater degree than its
communication of hazard information of chemicals and to promote chemical composition.
regulatory efficiency. It complements the Registration, Evaluation,
Authorization and Restriction of Chemicals (REACh) Regulation and 2. Parts that were developed for the vehicle and are delivered to
replaces the current system contained in the Dangerous Substances Toyota plants
Directive 67/548/EEC and the Dangerous Preparations Directive
1999/45/EC 3. Service parts and accessories
Examples: bumper, engine, seat, wiper, windscreen, screw
CSR Corporate Social Responsibility
ELV End-of-life Vehicle REACh European Regulation 1907/2006 concerning the Registration,
Evaluation, Authorization and Restriction of Chemical
EMAS The Eco-Management and Audit Scheme (EMAS) is the EU voluntary
instrument, which acknowledges organizations that improve their SOC Substances of Concern
environmental performance on a continuous basis.
TPCE Toyota Parts Centre Europe
EMC European Manufacturing Company
Vehicle Accessories & Service Parts
IMDS International Material Data System Genuine parts mounted on a vehicle.
Example: floor mats, side visors, navigation systems, audio equipment
ISO 14001 This ISO standard outlines the requirements for an environmental
management system to enable an organization to develop and VOC Volatile Organic Compound
implement a policy and objectives, which take into account legal
requirements and information about significant environmental WVTA Whole Vehicle Type Approval
A. Definitions
1. Substance: means a chemical element and its compounds in the
natural state or obtained by any manufacturing process, including
additives necessary to preserve its stability and any impurity
deriving from the process used, but excluding any solvent which
may be separated without affecting the stability of the substance or
changing its composition
2. Preparation: means a mixture or solution composed of two or more
B. Categories
1. Direct materials:
- Used in Toyota plants and that become part of the vehicle
- Service parts and accessories
Examples: steel, paint, automotive fluids
2. Indirect materials:
- Used in Toyota plants, but will not become part of the vehicle
Examples: cleaning solvents, cutting oil