Support Vector Machines: Decreases 5% THEN Y Increases 8%."
Support Vector Machines: Decreases 5% THEN Y Increases 8%."
Support Vector Machines: Decreases 5% THEN Y Increases 8%."
with corresponding output unit values. Similarly, the sets of input values and activation
values are studied to derive rules describing the relationship between the input layer
and the hidden “layer units”? Finally, the two sets of rules may be combined to form
IF-THEN rules. Other algorithms may derive rules of other forms, including M-of-N
rules (where M out of a given N conditions in the rule antecedent must be true for the
rule consequent to be applied), decision trees with M-of-N tests, fuzzy rules, and finite
Sensitivity analysis is used to assess the impact that a given input variable has on a
network output. The input to the variable is varied while the remaining input variables
are fixed at some value. Meanwhile, changes in the network output are monitored. The
knowledge gained from this analysis form can be represented in rules such as “IF X
decreases 5% THEN Y increases 8%.”
In this section, we study support vector machines (SVMs), a method for the classifi-
cation of both linear and nonlinear data. In a nutshell, an SVM is an algorithm that
works as follows. It uses a nonlinear mapping to transform the original training data
into a higher dimension. Within this new dimension, it searches for the linear opti-
mal separating hyperplane (i.e., a “decision boundary” separating the tuples of one class
from another). With an appropriate nonlinear mapping to a sufficiently high dimen-
sion, data from two classes can always be separated by a hyperplane. The SVM finds this
hyperplane using support vectors (“essential” training tuples) and margins (defined by
the support vectors). We will delve more into these new concepts later.
“I’ve heard that SVMs have attracted a great deal of attention lately. Why?” The first
paper on support vector machines was presented in 1992 by Vladimir Vapnik and col-
leagues Bernhard Boser and Isabelle Guyon, although the groundwork for SVMs has
been around since the 1960s (including early work by Vapnik and Alexei Chervonenkis
on statistical learning theory). Although the training time of even the fastest SVMs
can be extremely slow, they are highly accurate, owing to their ability to model com-
plex nonlinear decision boundaries. They are much less prone to overfitting than other
methods. The support vectors found also provide a compact description of the learned
model. SVMs can be used for numeric prediction as well as classification. They have
been applied to a number of areas, including handwritten digit recognition, object
recognition, and speaker identification, as well as benchmark time-series prediction
Figure 9.7 The 2-D training data are linearly separable. There are an infinite number of possible
separating hyperplanes or “decision boundaries,” some of which are shown here as dashed
lines. Which one is best?
corresponding to the classes buys computer = yes and buys computer = no, respectively.
To aid in visualization, let’s consider an example based on two input attributes, A1 and
A2 , as shown in Figure 9.7. From the graph, we see that the 2-D data are linearly separa-
ble (or “linear,” for short), because a straight line can be drawn to separate all the tuples
of class +1 from all the tuples of class −1.
There are an infinite number of separating lines that could be drawn. We want to find
the “best” one, that is, one that (we hope) will have the minimum classification error on
previously unseen tuples. How can we find this best line? Note that if our data were 3-D
(i.e., with three attributes), we would want to find the best separating plane. Generalizing
to n dimensions, we want to find the best hyperplane. We will use “hyperplane” to refer to
the decision boundary that we are seeking, regardless of the number of input attributes.
So, in other words, how can we find the best hyperplane?
An SVM approaches this problem by searching for the maximum marginal hyper-
plane. Consider Figure 9.8, which shows two possible separating hyperplanes and their
associated margins. Before we get into the definition of margins, let’s take an intuitive
look at this figure. Both hyperplanes can correctly classify all the given data tuples. Intu-
itively, however, we expect the hyperplane with the larger margin to be more accurate
at classifying future data tuples than the hyperplane with the smaller margin. This is
why (during the learning or training phase) the SVM searches for the hyperplane with
the largest margin, that is, the maximum marginal hyperplane (MMH). The associated
margin gives the largest separation between classes.
410 Chapter 9 Classification: Advanced Methods
A2 A2
Small margin
A1 A1
(a) (b)
Figure 9.8 Here we see just two possible separating hyperplanes and their associated margins. Which
one is better? The one with the larger margin (b) should have greater generalization accuracy.
Getting to an informal definition of margin, we can say that the shortest distance
from a hyperplane to one side of its margin is equal to the shortest distance from the
hyperplane to the other side of its margin, where the “sides” of the margin are parallel
to the hyperplane. When dealing with the MMH, this distance is, in fact, the shortest
distance from the MMH to the closest training tuple of either class.
A separating hyperplane can be written as
W · X + b = 0, (9.12)
where W is a weight vector, namely, W = {w1 , w2 , . . . , wn }; n is the number of attributes;
and b is a scalar, often referred to as a bias. To aid in visualization, let’s consider two input
attributes, A1 and A2 , as in Figure 9.8(b). Training tuples are 2-D (e.g., X = (x1 , x2 )),
where x1 and x2 are the values of attributes A1 and A2 , respectively, for X. If we think of
b as an additional weight, w0 , we can rewrite Eq. (9.12) as
w0 + w1 x1 + w2 x2 = 0. (9.13)
Thus, any point that lies above the separating hyperplane satisfies
w0 + w1 x1 + w2 x2 > 0. (9.14)
Similarly, any point that lies below the separating hyperplane satisfies
w0 + w1 x1 + w2 x2 < 0. (9.15)
9.3 Support Vector Machines 411
The weights can be adjusted so that the hyperplanes defining the “sides” of the margin
can be written as
That is, any tuple that falls on or above H1 belongs to class +1, and any tuple that falls
on or below H2 belongs to class −1. Combining the two inequalities of Eqs. (9.16) and
(9.17), we get
Any training tuples that fall on hyperplanes H1 or H2 (i.e., the “sides” defining the
margin) satisfy Eq. (9.18) and are called support vectors. That is, they are equally close
to the (separating) MMH. In Figure 9.9, the support vectors are shown encircled with
a thicker border. Essentially, the support vectors are the most difficult tuples to classify
and give the most information regarding classification.
From this, we can obtain a formula for the size of the maximal margin. The distance
from the separating hyperplane to any point on H1 is ||W|| , where ||W|| is the Euclidean
√ 2
norm of W, that is, W · W. By definition, this is equal to the distance from any point
on H2 to the separating hyperplane. Therefore, the maximal margin is ||W|| .
Class 1, y = +1 (buys_computer = yes)
Class 2, y = −1 (buys_computer = no)
Figure 9.9 Support vectors. The SVM finds the maximum separating hyperplane, that is, the one with
maximum distance between the nearest training tuples. The support vectors are shown with
a thicker border.
√ q
2 If W = {w1 , w2 , . . . , wn }, then W ·W = w12 + w22 + · · · + wn2 .
412 Chapter 9 Classification: Advanced Methods
“So, how does an SVM find the MMH and the support vectors?” Using some “fancy
math tricks,” we can rewrite Eq. (9.18) so that it becomes what is known as a constrained
(convex) quadratic optimization problem. Such fancy math tricks are beyond the scope
of this book. Advanced readers may be interested to note that the tricks involve rewrit-
ing Eq. (9.18) using a Lagrangian formulation and then solving for the solution using
Karush-Kuhn-Tucker (KKT) conditions. Details can be found in the bibliographic notes
at the end of this chapter (Section 9.10).
If the data are small (say, less than 2000 training tuples), any optimization software
package for solving constrained convex quadratic problems can then be used to find
the support vectors and MMH. For larger data, special and more efficient algorithms
for training SVMs can be used instead, the details of which exceed the scope of this
book. Once we’ve found the support vectors and MMH (note that the support vectors
define the MMH!), we have a trained support vector machine. The MMH is a linear class
boundary, and so the corresponding SVM can be used to classify linearly separable data.
We refer to such a trained SVM as a linear SVM.
“Once I’ve got a trained support vector machine, how do I use it to classify test (i.e.,
new) tuples?” Based on the Lagrangian formulation mentioned before, the MMH can be
rewritten as the decision boundary
d(XT ) = yi αi Xi XT + b0 , (9.19)
where yi is the class label of support vector Xi ; XT is a test tuple; αi and b0 are numeric
parameters that were determined automatically by the optimization or SVM algorithm
noted before; and l is the number of support vectors.
Interested readers may note that the αi are Lagrangian multipliers. For linearly sepa-
rable data, the support vectors are a subset of the actual training tuples (although there
will be a slight twist regarding this when dealing with nonlinearly separable data, as we
shall see in the following).
Given a test tuple, X T , we plug it into Eq. (9.19), and then check to see the sign of the
result. This tells us on which side of the hyperplane the test tuple falls. If the sign is posi-
tive, then X T falls on or above the MMH, and so the SVM predicts that X T belongs
to class +1 (representing buys computer = yes, in our case). If the sign is negative,
then X T falls on or below the MMH and the class prediction is −1 (representing
buys computer = no).
Notice that the Lagrangian formulation of our problem (Eq. 9.19) contains a dot
product between support vector X i and test tuple X T . This will prove very useful for
finding the MMH and support vectors for the case when the given data are nonlinearly
separable, as described further in the next section.
Before we move on to the nonlinear case, there are two more important things to
note. The complexity of the learned classifier is characterized by the number of support
vectors rather than the dimensionality of the data. Hence, SVMs tend to be less prone
to overfitting than some other methods. The support vectors are the essential or critical
training tuples—they lie closest to the decision boundary (MMH). If all other training
9.3 Support Vector Machines 413
tuples were removed and training were repeated, the same separating hyperplane would
be found. Furthermore, the number of support vectors found can be used to compute
an (upper) bound on the expected error rate of the SVM classifier, which is independent
of the data dimensionality. An SVM with a small number of support vectors can have
good generalization, even when the dimensionality of the data is high.
Class 1, y = +1 (buys_computer = yes)
Class 2, y = −1 (buys_computer = no)
Figure 9.10 A simple 2-D case showing linearly inseparable data. Unlike the linear separable data of
Figure 9.7, here it is not possible to draw a straight line to separate the classes. Instead, the
decision boundary is nonlinear.
414 Chapter 9 Classification: Advanced Methods
Example 9.2 Nonlinear transformation of original input data into a higher dimensional space.
Consider the following example. A 3-D input vector X = (x1 , x2 , x3 ) is mapped into
a 6-D space, Z, using the mappings φ1 (X) = x1 , φ2 (X) = x2 , φ3 (X) = x3 , φ4 (X) =
(x1 )2 , φ5 (X) = x1 x2 , and φ6 (X) = x1 x3 . A decision hyperplane in the new space is
d(Z) = WZ + b, where W and Z are vectors. This is linear. We solve for W and
b and then substitute back so that the linear decision hyperplane in the new (Z)
space corresponds to a nonlinear second-order polynomial in the original 3-D input
d(Z) = w1 x1 + w2 x2 + w3 x3 + w4 (x1 )2 + w5 x1 x2 + w6 x1 x3 + b
= w1 z1 + w2 z2 + w3 z3 + w4 z4 + w5 z5 + w6 z6 + b.
But there are some problems. First, how do we choose the nonlinear mapping to
a higher dimensional space? Second, the computation involved will be costly. Refer to
Eq. (9.19) for the classification of a test tuple, X T . Given the test tuple, we have to com-
pute its dot product with every one of the support vectors.3 In training, we have to
compute a similar dot product several times in order to find the MMH. This is espe-
cially expensive. Hence, the dot product computation required is very heavy and costly.
We need another trick!
Luckily, we can use another math trick. It so happens that in solving the quadratic
optimization problem of the linear SVM (i.e., when searching for a linear SVM in the
new higher dimensional space), the training tuples appear only in the form of dot prod-
ucts, φ(X i ) · φ(X j ), where φ(X) is simply the nonlinear mapping function applied to
transform the training tuples. Instead of computing the dot product on the transformed
data tuples, it turns out that it is mathematically equivalent to instead apply a kernel
function, K (X i , X j ), to the original input data. That is,
In other words, everywhere that φ(X i ) · φ(X j ) appears in the training algorithm, we can
replace it with K (X i , Xj ). In this way, all calculations are made in the original input space,
which is of potentially much lower dimensionality! We can safely avoid the mapping—it
turns out that we don’t even have to know what the mapping is! We will talk more later
about what kinds of functions can be used as kernel functions for this problem.
After applying this trick, we can then proceed to find a maximal separating hyper-
plane. The procedure is similar to that described in Section 9.3.1, although it involves
placing a user-specified upper bound, C, on the Lagrange multipliers, αi . This upper
bound is best determined experimentally.
“What are some of the kernel functions that could be used?” Properties of the kinds of
kernel functions that could be used to replace the dot product scenario just described
3 The dot product of two vectors, X T = (x1T , x2T , . . . , xnT ) and X i = (xi1 , xi2 , . . . , xin ) is x1T xi1 + x2T xi2
+ · · · + xnT xin . Note that this involves one multiplication and one addition for each of the n dimensions.