Living Out The New Covenant: Hebrews 13:1-8

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Living Out
the New
Covenant Hebrews 13:1-8

This Week’s Focus

Our convictions shape our conduct. That reality should give
us a handle on the difference that the good news of Christ can
make. People who have given themselves to Christ will live out
convictions that center on Him. Just remember that we do not
live a certain way for Jesus, but we live a certain way because
of Jesus.
In the final chapter of the Book of Hebrews, the writer
showed believers how they could live out their faith in Christ.
He pointed to the standards that the Lord had established, and
he instructed Christians so they could live those standards out
in their relationships with each other.

© LifeWay 2014
76 Explore the Bible | Students
o times.
passage through tw
Begin by reading the

Hebrews 13love:1-co8ntinue. 2 Do not neglect to

1 Let brotherly have
sp ita lit y to st ra ng ers, for thereby some
show ho e who
ne d an ge ls un aw ar es. 3 Remember thos
entertai , and those
e in pr iso n, as th ou gh in prison with them t
ar are in the body. 4 Le
at ed , sin ce yo u al so
who are mistre ong all, and let the m
be he ld in ho no r am
marriage ally immoral
be un de filed , fo r Go d will judge the sexu
bed ve of money,
ad ul te ro us . 5 Ke ep your life free from lo will
t w ith wh at yo u ha ve, for he has said, “I
and be conten ntly
u no r fo rs ak e yo u.” 6 So we can confide
never leave yo at can man
e Lo rd is m y he lp er; I will not fear; wh
say, “Th spoke to
e? ” 7  Re m em be r yo ur leaders, those who
do to m e of their way
u th e wo rd of Go d. Consider the outcom
yo me
ita te th ei r fa ith. 8 Jesus Christ is the sa
of life, and im
and forever.
yesterday and today

th is passage in He brews differ from all of the

How does
studied in Hebrews?
other passages you have

was made in chapter 13 fr
Why do you think the shift lifestyles?
theology to issues about

© LifeWay 2014
Session 13 77
pi ta lity. show ome
s o S
w i n g ho lways t angers. ertained
S ho a r t t
e are ty to st this en s Chris
.. W spitali done n Jesu
ho have eve it!
who els and lizing
ang out rea 18 :2-3
with G e nesi 7
a h a m: 10 , 15-1
br 1-
.. A e n. 19:
t: G
.. L o

ses 1 - 2 or
Ver e practical application and ins truction f

What is thin verses 1-2?

W hy do you think
to show hospitality? rtain angels?
it mean y to ente
What does have the opportunit
we would

3 - 4
Versesthe writer encourage us t l ive as though we
Why woulrison?
were in p

in t he context of
r me n t io n marriag
the write
Why does rsation?
this conve

© LifeWay 2014
78 Explore the Bible | Students
Verses 5-6
How does the promise given in
love of money? verse 5 allow us to live fre
e from the

How does keeping oneself fro

proclamation made in verse m the love of money lead to living the

Verses 7-8
How are you to relate to the
leaders that serve in your ch

Why is the statement about

a Christian? Jesus in verse 8 so importan
t to you as

© LifeWay 2014
Session 13 79
al Truth
Centr de m a n ds
c o ve n an t
A new
ne w   l i fe.

Now What?
d you do th is week to be more hospitabl
What coul

o ca nn ot he lp themselves. List their

le wh
T hink of a few peop could help them this week.
names and how you

ek to sh ow re spect and honor to the

this we
What could you do ch?
pastors at your chur

sh ow the worl d th at Jesus is all you your
How can your life your actions and words can reflect
What are some ways
satisfaction in Jesus?

© LifeWay 2014
80 Explore the Bible | Students
Personal Challenge
Dwell: Jesus was asked
by an ex pert in the law
commandment was. This what He thought the gre
was obviously an attem atest
Him to say something th pt to trick Jesus and get
at would contradict the
greatest commandment law. Jesus said that the
is to love God with all of
mind. He went on to say your heart and soul and
that the second is like th
as yourself. The Christia e first, love your neighbo
n life is about lov ing Jesu r
affect how we treat othe s and letting that love
rs. It is not just what we
If our theolog y is right, say we believe that matte
then our actions and liv rs.
es should reflect that.
Memorize: Hebrews 13:8

Pray: Let your prayer tod

ay focus on how you tre
greatest challenges when at others. Think about yo
it comes to relationships ur
Ask Jesus to give you th and lift those up to Jesu
e strength to live out wh s.
Him to help you remem at you say you believe. As
ber what He has done for k
others as you have been you so that you can treat

Keep on D -8 covers several topics is
Hebrews 13:1 me tim th
e so
v a nce. Spend nd
practic a l re le
llo w in g passages a
ing the fo erses in
week read in to w hat these v
e r
dig a bit de
g u s. Th e follow ing
re teac h in reater
Hebrews a n d g iv e e ach of us g
ill help a
passages w e today.
to our passag
s ig h t in a Christ-
• Th
 e honor of
he brethre
n: arriage:
• Love of t c entered m
2:36 -40, 5:22-33.
Matthew 2 Ephesians
2:7-11. God w ith
and 1 John • Trusting
• K indnes
s to all of our n
:25 -34.
strangers: Matthew 6
Genesis 18

© LifeWay 2014
Session 13 81

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