Fiscal and monetary policies can be used to influence aggregate demand and control inflation or deflation. Fiscal policy involves adjusting government spending and tax rates, while monetary policy involves adjusting interest rates. During inflation, governments use contractionary fiscal policy by decreasing spending or increasing taxes, and tightening monetary policy by raising interest rates, both of which reduce aggregate demand. During deflation, expansionary fiscal policy by increasing spending or decreasing taxes, and loose monetary policy by lowering interest rates, increase aggregate demand. Supply-side policies aim to improve the efficiency of markets.
Fiscal and monetary policies can be used to influence aggregate demand and control inflation or deflation. Fiscal policy involves adjusting government spending and tax rates, while monetary policy involves adjusting interest rates. During inflation, governments use contractionary fiscal policy by decreasing spending or increasing taxes, and tightening monetary policy by raising interest rates, both of which reduce aggregate demand. During deflation, expansionary fiscal policy by increasing spending or decreasing taxes, and loose monetary policy by lowering interest rates, increase aggregate demand. Supply-side policies aim to improve the efficiency of markets.
Fiscal and monetary policies can be used to influence aggregate demand and control inflation or deflation. Fiscal policy involves adjusting government spending and tax rates, while monetary policy involves adjusting interest rates. During inflation, governments use contractionary fiscal policy by decreasing spending or increasing taxes, and tightening monetary policy by raising interest rates, both of which reduce aggregate demand. During deflation, expansionary fiscal policy by increasing spending or decreasing taxes, and loose monetary policy by lowering interest rates, increase aggregate demand. Supply-side policies aim to improve the efficiency of markets.
Fiscal and monetary policies can be used to influence aggregate demand and control inflation or deflation. Fiscal policy involves adjusting government spending and tax rates, while monetary policy involves adjusting interest rates. During inflation, governments use contractionary fiscal policy by decreasing spending or increasing taxes, and tightening monetary policy by raising interest rates, both of which reduce aggregate demand. During deflation, expansionary fiscal policy by increasing spending or decreasing taxes, and loose monetary policy by lowering interest rates, increase aggregate demand. Supply-side policies aim to improve the efficiency of markets.
3a.What is fiscal policy? The use of public revenue and/or public expenditure to influence the level of aggregate demand in an economy.
Policies to reduce demand
Policies What they are How to reduce
Fiscal - Fiscal policy is the Controlling aggregate
means by which a demand is important if government adjusts inflation is to be controlled. If its spending levels the government believes that and tax rates to AD is too high, it may monitor and influence choose to ‘tighten fiscal a nation's economy policy’ by reducing its own spending on public and merit Inflation: Contractionary - A decrease in goods or welfare payments government expenditures and/or It can choose to raise direct an increase in taxes taxes, leading to a reduction the causes the in real disposable income government budget deficit to decrease or The consequence may be its budget surplus to that demand and output are increase lower which has a negative effect on jobs and real economic growth in the short-term
Deflation: Expansionary - An increase in - Fiscal policy through
government increase in public expenditure expenditures and/or and reduction in taxes tends decrease in taxes that to raise national income, cause that causes the employment, output, and government’s budget prices. An increase in public deficit to increase and expenditure during deflation budget surplus to increases the aggregate decrease demand for goods and services and leads to a large increase in income via the multiplier process, while a reduction in taxes has the effect of raising disposable income thereby increasing consumption and investment expenditures of the people.
The government should
increase its expenditure through deficit budgeting and reduction in taxes. The public expenditure includes expenditure on such public works as roads, canals, dams, parks, schools, hospitals and other buildings, etc. and on such relief measures as unemployment insurance, pensions, etc. Expenditure on public works creates demand for the products of private construction industries and helps in reviving them while expenditure on relief measures stimulates the demand for consumer goods industries. Reduction in such taxes as corporate profits tax, income tax, and excise taxes tends to leave more income for spending and investment.
“Tightening of monetary - Involves the central
policy” bank introducing a period of higher interest rates to reduce consumer and investment spending - Higher interest rates may cause the exchange rate to appreciate in value bringing about a fall in the cost of imported goods and services and also a fall in demand for exports - Useful approach to adopt when the inflation has been caused by demand-pull factors