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Cara Hack Wifi Tetangga
Cara Hack Wifi Tetangga
Network intrusions consist of packets that are protocols are not implemented. This leaves the internet
introduced to cause problems for the following reasons: open to attacks.
• To consume resources uselessly
• To interfere with any system 2.1. Brief History of Internet
resource’s intended function
• To gain system knowledge that can The birth of the internet takes place in 1969 when
be exploited in later attacks Advanced Research Projects Agency Network (ARPA
Net) is commissioned by the Department of Defense
1.2. Differentiating Data Security and Network Security (DOD) for research in networking. The ARPANET is a
success from the very beginning. The ARPANET
Data security is the aspect of security that allows a becomes a high speed digital post office as people use it
client’s data to be transformed into unintelligible data to collaborate on research projects and discuss topics of
for transmission. Strong cryptography in the past can be various interests. The Inter Networking Working Group
easily broken today. Cryptographic methods have to becomes the first of several standards setting entities to
continue to advance due to the advancement of the govern the growing network [10]. Vinton Cerf is elected
hackers as well. When transferring cipher text over a the first chairman of the INWG, and later becomes
network, it is helpful to have a secure network. A secure known as a "Father of the Internet." [10] .In the 1980s,
network will also prevent someone from inserting Bob Kahn and Vinton Cerf are key members of a team
unauthorized messages into the network. Therefore, that create TCP/IP, the common language of all Internet
hard ciphers are needed as well as attack hard networks computers.
2.2 Security Timeline
3.1.1 IPv4Architecture
The protocol contains a couple aspects which
caused problems with its use. These problems do not
all relate to security. The causes of problems with
the protocol are:
1. Address Space
2. Routing
3. Configuration
4. Security
5. Quality of Service
Page 99
International Journal of P2P Network Trends and Technology- Volume3Issue2- 2013
4.1.5 Phishing
Phishing is an attempt to obtain confidential
information from an individual, group, or organization
[9]. Phisher strick users into disclosing personal data,
such as credit card numbers, online bank credentials,
and other sensitive information.
IDS systems just monitor and alert of an attack, 2. Sophisticated virus checking at
whereas others try to block the attack. the firewall
3. Enforced rules for employee opening
4.2.4 Anti -Malware Software and scanners of e- mail attachments
Viruses, worms and Trojan horses are all examples 4. Encryption for all connections and
of malicious software, or Malware for short. data transfers
Special so called anti Malware tools are used to 5. Authentication by synchronized, timed
detect them and cure an infected system. passwords or security certificates
4.2.5 Secure Socket Layer (SSL) VPN is a private network that uses a public network
The Secure Socket Layer (SSL) is a suite of (usually the Internet)to connect remote sites or users
protocols that is a standard way to achieve a good together. Figure 3 is a graphical representation of an
level of security between a web browser and a organization and VPN network.
website. SSL is designed to create a secure channel,
or tunnel, between a web browser and the web
server, so that any information exchanged is
protected within the secured tunnel. SSL provides
authentication of clients to server through the use
of certificates.
Header manipulation issues arise due to the IPsec’s 6. CURRENT DEVELOPMENTS IN NETWORK
embedded functionality [7]. Extension headers put SECURITY
off some common sources of attacks because of The network security field is continuing down the
header manipulation.Spoofing continues to be a same route. The same methodologies are being
security threat on IPv6 protocol. A type of attack used with the addition of biometric identification.
called port scanning occurs when a whole section Biometrics provides a better method of
of a network is scanned to find potential targets authentication than passwords. This might greatly
with open services [5]. reduce the unauthorized access of secure systems.
New technology such as the smart card is surfacing
5. SECURITY IN DIFFERENT NETWORKS in research on network security.
The businesses today use combinations of firewalls, 6.1. Hardware Developments
encryption, and authentication mechanisms to create Hardware developments are not developing rapidly.
“intranets” that are connected to the internet but Biometric systems and smart cards are the only new
protected from it at the same time. Intranet is a private hardware technologies that are widely impacting
computer network that uses internet protocols. security. The most obvious use of biometrics for
Intranets differ from "Extranets" in that the former are network security is for secure workstation logons
generally restricted to employees of the organization for a workstation connected to a network. Each
while extranets can generally be accessed by workstation requires some software support for
customers, suppliers, or other approved parties. When biometric identification of the user as well as,
such access is provided it is usually through a gateway depending on the biometric being used, some
with a firewall, along with user authentication, hardware device. The main use of Biometric
encryption of messages, and often makes use of network security will be to replace the current
virtual private networks (VPNs).To keep the networks password system. Passwords have to be changed
open, with these safeguards: every few months and people forget their password
1. Firewalls that detect and report or lock themselves out of the system by incorrectly
intrusion attempts entering their password repeatedly. Biometrics can
[3]“Security Overview,”
6.2. Software Developments‐4
The software aspect of network security is very ‐ Manual/security‐guide/ch‐sgs‐ov.html.
vast. It includes firewalls, antivirus, intrusion
detection, and much more. The research [4] Molva, R., Institut Eurecom,“Internet Security
development of all security software is not feasible Architecture,” in Computer Networks & ISDN
to study at this point. The goal is to obtain a view Systems Journal, vol. 31, pp. 787‐804, April
of where the security software is heading based on 199913
emphasis being placed now. When new viruses
emerge, the antivirus is updated to be able to guard [5] Sotillo, S., East Carolina University, “IPv6
against those threats. security issues,” August 2006,
What is going to drive the Internet security [6] AndressJ., “IPv6:the next internet protocol,”
is the set of applications more than anything else. April 2005,
The future will possibly be that the security is‐
similar to an immune system. The immune system
fights off attacks and builds itself to fight tougher
enemies. Many security developments that are [7]Warfield M., “Security Implications of IPv6,”
taking place are within the same set of security
Internet Security Systems White
technology that is being used today with some
minor adjustments.
[8] Adeyinka,O., "Internet Attack Methods and
Internet Security Technology,"
Modeling&Simulation, 2008. AICMS 08. Second
Network security is an important field that is
Asia International Conference on, vol., no., pp.77‐
increasingly gaining attention as the internet expands.
The security threats and internet protocol were 82, 13‐15 May 2008
analyzed to determine the necessary security
[9] Marin,G.A., "Network security basics,"
technology. The security technology is mostly
software based, but many common hardware devices
Security& Privacy, IEEE , vol.3, no.6, pp. 68‐
are used. The current development in network security 72,Nov.‐Dec. 2005
is not very impressive. It was a surprise to see most of
[10] “Internet History Timeline,”
the development taking place in the same technologies
being currently used. The embedded security of the
new internet protocol IPv6 may provide many benefits y.htm
to internet users. Combined use of IPv6 and security
[11] Landwehr, C.E.;Goldschlag,D.M., "Security
tools such as firewalls, intrusion detection, and
issues in networks with Internet access,"
authentication mechanisms will prove effective in
guarding intellectual property for the near future. The Proceedings of the IEEE, vol.85, no.12, pp.2034‐
network security field may have to evolve more 2051,Dec 1997
rapidly to deal with the threats further in the future.
[12] "Intranet." Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia.
23 Jun 2008, 10:43UTC. Wikimedia Foundation,
ISSN: 2249-2615 Page 102
International Journal of P2P Network Trends and Technology- Volume3Issue2- 2013
Jurnal internationaljournalssrg
International Journal of Computer Science and Mobile
Volume & Halaman =1&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=0ahUKEwj14L6js7vYAhWGHpQKHfJcAJAQFggoMAA&url=ht
Vol. 3,pg.97 – 103
Tahun 2013
Abstrak Jurnal yang berjudul ” A Study on Network Security Aspects and Attacking Methods”
ini berisi tentang Kemanan Jaringan Menjadi Penting bagi Pengguna
Pribadi,organisasi,Militer.Banyak Bisnis Mengamankan Diri dari internet dengan
Firewall,dan Enkripsi mekanisme
Abstrak yang disajikan penulis Mudah di pahami dan saya Langsung Mengetahui
apa yang ingin si penulis sampaikan hanya dari membaca Abstraknya
Pendahuluan Didalam Baris pertama, penulis Menjelaskan tentang Jaringan,Jaringan di bagi
menjadi 2 jaringan data dan jaringan sinkron terdiri dari switch.dan beberapa
aspek topik yang luas tentang keamanan jaringan dianalisis menjadi 5 aspek.
There are currently two fundamentally different networks, data networks and synchronous
network comprised of switches.
The vast topic of network security is analyzed by researching the following:
1. History of security in networks
2. Internet architecture and vulnerable security aspects of the
3. Types of internet attacks and security methods
4. Security for networks with internet access
5. Current development in network security hardware and software
Based on this research, the future of network security is forecasted
Pada bagian I Kemanan Jaringan Terdapat 2 subjudul pada bagian pertama Si penulis
Ingin kita tau bahwa Sistem dan Teknologi Jaringan adalah kunci teknologi untuk berbagai
macam aplikasi,desain jaringan adalah proses yang berkembang berdasarkan Open
System Interface(OSI).dan menjelaskan tentang Keunggulan OSI,hal hal yang di perlukan
dalam mengembangkan keamanan jaringan
Data security is the aspect of security that allows a client’s data to be transformed into
unintelligible data for transmission. Strong cryptography in the past can be easily broken
The relationship of network security and data security to the OSI model is shown in
Pada Sub Judul Kedua Yaitu Sejarah Keamanan Jaringan di bagi mejadi 3
sub judul
Pada bagian pertama Penulis ingin kita Awal mula ketertarikan baru baru ini
keamanan di dasari oleh kejahatan yang di lakukan oleh Kevin Mitnick.
Recent interest in security was fueled by the crime committed by Kevin Mitnick. Kevin
Mitnick committed the largest computer related crime in U.S.
Pada bagian kedua Penulis memberitahu sejarah singkat internet yang lahir
pada 1969 ketika Advanced Research Project Agency Network(ARPA) di
tugaskan di Departemen Pertahanan(DOD).
The birth of the internet takes place in 1969 when Advanced Research Projects
Agency Network (ARPA Net) is commissioned by the Department of Defense
(DOD) for research in networking.
Pada Subjudul III Arsitektur Internet dan Aspek Kemanan Berharga Terdapat 3 Sub
The Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) has introduced security mechanisms at
various layers of the Internet Protocol Suite
IPv4 was design in 1980 to replace the NCP protocol on the ARPANET. The IPv4
displayed many limitations after two decades [6]. The IPv6 protocol was designed with
IPv4’s shortcomings in mind. IPv6 is not a superset of the IPv4 protocol; instead it is a
new design. The internet protocol’s design is so vast and cannot be covered fully
When IPv6 was being developed, emphasis was placed on aspects of the IPv4 protocol
needed to be improved. The development efforts were placed in the following areas:
Pada sub judul pertama membahas tentang metode serangan internet yang umum
Metode serangan internet yang umum dipecah
ke dalam kategori. Beberapa serangan mendapatkan sistem
pengetahuan atau informasi pribadi, seperti
menguping dan phishing
dan membahas beberapa virus dan serangan.
Common internet attacks methods are broken down into categories. Some attacks gain
system knowledge or personal information, such as eavesdropping and phishing
Hardware developments are not developing rapidly. Biometric systems and smart cards
are the only new hardware technologies that are widely impacting security. The most
obvious use of biometrics for network security is for secure workstation logons for a
workstation connected to a network. Each workstation requires some software support for
biometric identification of the user as
The software aspect of network security is very vast. It includes firewalls, antivirus,
intrusion detection, and much more.
What is going to drive the Internet security is the set of applications more than anything
else. The future will possibly be that the security is similar to an immune system. The
immune system fights off attacks and builds itself to fight tougher enemies. Many security
developments that are taking place are within the same set of security technology that is
being used today with some minor adjustments.