dct1010 Manual PDF
dct1010 Manual PDF
dct1010 Manual PDF
Bulletin E-97
Series DCT1000 Dust Collector Timer Controller
Specifications – Installation and Operating Instructions
Thank you for purchasing the DCT1000 Dust Collector Timer SPECIFICATIONS
Controller. You have selected a state of the art dust collector timer
control that will provide years of dependable operation and service. DCT1000 Timer Controller:
Output Channels: 6, 10, & 22 channels. Expandable to 255
The DCT1000 Dust Collector Timer Controller was designed to be
used with pulse-jet type dust collectors for on-demand or continu- channels using DCT1122 & DCT1110 channel expander boards.
ous cleaning applications.
Power Requirements: 85 to 270 VAC, 50 or 60 Hz.
Continuous cleaning applications do not require external inputs and Solenoid Supply: 3A maximum per channel.
can be used for time based “on-demand” cleaning through use of
the cycle delay feature. Fuse: 3A @ 250 VAC. Low voltage control circuitry is isolated from
the line voltage for system safety.
For on-demand applications, the plug-in pressure modules
(DCP100A/200A) can be used to take full advantage of all the fea- Temperature Limits: -40 to 140°F (-40 to 60°C).
tures the DCT1000 offers, or an external pressure switch (such as
the Dwyer Photohelic®) can be used for High/Low limit control. Storage Temperature Limits: -40 to 176°F (-40 to 80°C).
On Time: 10 msec to 600 msec, 10 msec steps.
As with traditional Dwyer products, the Dwyer DCT1000 was
designed so that it is easy to use, thus allowing for a quick and easy On Time Accuracy: ±10 msec.
start up for your dust control applications. The contents inside this
Off Time: 1 second to 255 seconds, 1 second steps.
installation and operating manual will guide you through the features
of the DCT1000 and how they can be applied to get the most out Off Time Accuracy: ±1% of the value or ±50 msec, whichever is
of your dust control requirements.
Weight: 1 lb 3.0 oz (538.6 g).
Agency Approvals: UL, cUL.
8-1/4 1-13/16 [1.59]
[209.55] 8-3/4 [46.04]
1/2 1
[12.70] [25.40]
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4-20 MA
L1 L2 SOL 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
L1 L2 SOL 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Figure 2
Wiring Connections
1.2.2 Manual Override Switch Connection ing more than three slave boards, a master controller must be used
The manual override function allows the system to be set to the run as the fourth slave board to satisfy power requirements.) This
mode regardless of other conditions. This mode is enabled when sequence would repeat itself until the limit of 255 channels has been
the manual override terminal and common are connected. It is dis- reached. The cables used are not ordinary telephone style cables.
abled when they are disconnected. If the controller is to be run in
continuous mode, a jumper wire may be wired across these termi- Caution: Do not use telephone jumper cables. These
nals. When manual override is needed on a periodic basis, wire a have a “twist” in the connection and may damage the
SPST toggle switch between the manual override terminal and the controllers. Cables designed for use with the DCT1000
common terminal. are available from Dwyer Instruments (Model DCAC02-2
ft., DCAC04-4 ft., etc.).
1.2.3 Down Time Clean Connection
The down time clean operation forces the system into a run cycle 1.2.5 Continuous Cycle Mode
for a programmed length of time between 0 – 255 minutes. The The master controller has several operating modes available for dif-
operation is initiated by connecting the down time clean terminal to ferent applications. Starting with the most basic mode, it is capable
a common terminal. This function is best accomplished through use of operating in a continuous cleaning cycle. This can be initiated by
of an external normally open switch. either placing a jumper between the high limit input and the com-
mon, or the manual override input to the common connection.
1.2.4 Connecting Multiple Timer Boards Controlling this cycle are three setup parameters: time off, time on,
Both master controller boards and slave boards can have up to a and cycle delay. Time on and time off specifically deal with the sole-
maximum of 22 channels each. The system may be expanded up noid on time and the time interval between the end of the on pulse
to 255 channels using master controller boards and slave boards. and the start of the next. The cycle delay allows a delay of up to 255
The DCT1000 will automatically detect the total number of channels minutes to be programmed between the end of one complete
involved and make their outputs available. You will note that both cleaning cycle and the beginning of the next. This allows additional
the master controllers and slave boards have a telephone style con- options for defining a cleaning profile.
nector mounted on the upper right hand side of the board. These
connectors are for use in systems requiring slave boards that must
be daisy chained together to provide additional channel capability.
For systems that require the slave boards, the master controller
must not have any connection made to its daisy chain input unless
it is designated as a slave control itself. (For larger systems requir-
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4-20 MA
4-20 MA
L1 L2 SOL 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Figure 4
L1 L2
LINE INPUT Three Position Selection Switch Wiring
1.4.3 Connecting the Alarm Relay 2.1 • Last Output
With the pressure module installed, a relay contact is provided for The Last Output setup selects the last channel to be activated.
controlling an external alarm. This relay is a single form-A contact. When first selected, the display will flash the last output available in
It is activated when either the high alarm threshold is exceeded, or the system. With single board installations, this will be the number
the pressure drops below the low alarm threshold. The connection of channels installed, typically 6, 10 or 22. This value becomes
is made at the two-pin connector TB5. See Figure 2 Wiring more important when multiple modules are installed. The last out-
Connections put value flashed will be the sum of all channels available in the sys-
1.5 Three Position Selection Switch Wiring
An optional mode selection switch is available with the weather- After the last available channel indication has completed, the cur-
proof enclosure. With this switch the user may select either contin- rently programmed last channel value is displayed. This value may
uous cleaning, on-demand cleaning, or off. This switch is supplied be changed using the “UP” and “DOWN” buttons. The minimum
factory wired as shown in Figure 4. The switch has a front and rear value is one while the maximum value is the maximum number of
section. The front section, consisting of two independant contacts, installed channels, including all expansion modules.
controls the power to the board. These contacts must be wired in The default value is the maximum number of channels. Pressing
parallel as shown in the diagram. The rear section controls the “SELECT” will change the setup mode to Time Off Setup.
manual override, which when closed will force the system into a
continuousmuct be reconneccted, follow the wiring diagram. 2.2 • Time Off (Sec.)
Time off defines the period of time between solenoid activations
Caution: Do not interconnect the low voltage manual over- when no channels are enabled. This may be set between one sec-
ride leads with the power leads. This will destroy the con- ond and 255 seconds. The factory default is 10 seconds. The dis-
trol board as well as pose a serious shock hazard play will show the current time off setting when the time off setup
mode is entered. The value may be changed using the Up and
Down buttons. Pressing both “UP” and “DOWN” simultaneously
and holding for approximately four seconds will restore the default
2.0 Programming the DCT1000 value of 10.
Master Controller 2.3 • Time On (msec)
Time On Setup sets the solenoid on time. The display will indicate
We’ve made it easy to navigate the DCT1000. Menu items can be
the currently programmed time on setting. This is measured in mil-
accessed simply by pressing the “SELECT” button. The menu item
liseconds. Using the “UP” and “DOWN” buttons, the value may be
that you are currently accessing is indicated by the illumination of
changed. The value may be set between 10 msec and 600 msec
an LED. To change menu items, all you have to do is push “UP” to
in 10 msec increments. Pressing the “UP” and “DOWN” buttons
increase a value or push “DOWN” to decrease a value. There are
simultaneously for approximately four seconds will restore the fac-
no keystrokes that you need to memorize, special combinations, or
tory default value of 100 msec. Pressing the “SELECT’ button will
passwords that are required.
advance the setup mode to the High Limit setup if the pressure
module is installed. With no pressure module, it will step to Cycle
The master controller is equipped with an on board display and
Delay Setup.
programming information center. The controller will power-up with
the process indicator illuminated. If a pressure module is installed,
the display will indicate the measured pressure in inches of water
(w.c.); otherwise it will normally be blank.
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2.4 • High Limit [Only available when DCP connected] 3.0 Maintenance Support and
The High Limit Setup, available only with a pressure module
installed, sets the pressure at which the cleaning cycle will begin. Diagnostics
This value may be between zero and the pressure module full scale
pressure. Normally, the High Limit should be above the Low Limit. We have also included a number of features that will aid mainte-
If, however, the High Limit pressure is set below the Low Limit, the nance personnel in diagnosing problems or verifying that the system
cleaning cycle will begin when the High Limit is exceeded and stop is operating.
when the pressure falls below the High Limit. The Low Limit in this
case will have no effect. Pressing “SELECT” will change the system 3.1 Restoring Factory Defaults
to the Low Limit Setup mode. The DCT1000 has been programmed with factory default values
that meet most industry operating conditions. In the event that you
2.5 • Low Limit [Only available when DCP installed] want to restore all of the parameters to the original factory default
The operation of the Low Limit, available only with a pressure mod- values:
ule installed, is identical to the High Limit except this value sets the
pressure where the cleaning cycle will end. The upper settable value (1) Return the master controller to the process mode.
is the calibration pressure of the pressure module and the lower limit (2) Press and hold both “UP” and “DOWN” buttons.
is zero. Pressing “SELECT” will change the system to the High The display will indicate a 10-second countdown, at the end of
Alarm Setup mode. which all parameters will be restored to factory defaults. Releasing
the switches prior to the end of the count will stop the process and
2.6 • High Alarm [Only available when DCP installed] no modification will be made. Likewise, in each of the parameter
The operation of the High Alarm Setup is identical to the High and setup modes, pressing and holding the “UP” and “DOWN” buttons
Low Limit Setup and is only available when a pressure module is simultaneously will reset the individual default value, leaving other
installed. The High Alarm default is 0. The upper settable value is the settings unchanged.
full scale pressure of the pressure module and the lower limit is zero.
Pressing “SELECT” will change the system to the Low Alarm Setup 3.2 Power Indicator
mode. A power on LED indicator is provided at the center left edge of the
board. This will be illuminated when the power supply is operating
2.7 • Low Alarm [Only available when DCP installed] properly. If the power LED is not illuminated, the primary power may
The operation of the Low Alarm Setup is identical to the High and be off or there is a fault in the power circuit.
Low Limit Setup. The Low Alarm default is 0. The upper settable
value is the full scale pressure of the pressure module and the lower 3.3 Active Channel Indicator
limit is zero. Pressing “SELECT” will change the system to the Cycle Located just above the solenoid terminations, you will find that each
Delay Setup mode. channel is provided with an LED that is illuminated when the triac
switch is on. This allows a visual correlation between the channel
2.8 • Cycle Delay (min) being pulsed and the operation of the solenoid.
The cycle delay inserts a delay time between the end of the last
channel and the beginning of the first channel. This may be set to 3.4 Comm Check Indicator
between zero and 255 minutes. The factory default is zero. Setting The comm check indicator can be found in the upper right hand
the value to zero will disable the delay. Pressing “SELECT” will corner of the slave and master controller board (just above the “out”
change the system to the Down Time Cycles Setup mode. terminal, a telephone style connector). This indicator is used for two
purposes. First, on a master controller a brief flash once per sec-
2.9 • Down Time Cycles (min) ond is produced to indicate that the system is operating. Second,
The Down Time Cycles setup will select a value between zero and this indicator is used to show when the communication check oper-
255 minutes. The factory default is one minute. Selecting zero will ation is performed on slave boards. The master controller will check
disable the operation. When the down time cycles is activated by each of the slave boards at a rate of about one inquiry per second,
shorting the down time cycles input to the common terminal, (see starting with the slave board connected directly to the master con-
figure 2) the system will enter a forced cleaning mode for the pro- troller and ending with the last slave board in the chain. The mas-
grammed duration. NOTE: The cycle delay, if one is programmed, ter controller will flash its Comm Check LED for about 250 msec
will not be inserted in the timing cycle. Pressing “SELECT” will each time it makes a communication check. The external module
change the system to the Auto Alarm Reset Setup mode, if a pres- selected for test will also flash its Comm Check LED for about the
sure module is installed, or to Process when no pressure module is same time each time it is interrogated. Observing this test sequence
available. will indicate that the communication between boards is operational.
When a slave board powers up, the Comm Check LED will be illu-
2.10 • Auto Alarm Reset (sec) [Only available when DCP minated continuously. It will be extinguished when the master con-
installed] troller has initialized its communication channel. This indicator then
The Auto Alarm Reset Setup, available only when a pressure mod- shows that a master controller is operating and that each slave
ule is installed, allows the auto alarm reset time to be selected. This board is responding properly on the daisy chain.
value may be set between zero and 255 seconds. The factory
default value is five seconds. When the auto alarm reset is enabled
by shorting the auto alarm reset terminal to a common terminal,
(See Figure 1) the alarm will be reset after the pressure returns to the
normal range and the timeout has expired. Pressing “SELECT” will
change the system to Process mode.
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Bulletin E-97
Display Meaning Action Required • Pressure Module: The pressure measurement subsystem that
includes the software and hardware for on-demand cleaning, alarms
This is a “watchdog” reset Make sure all electrical con- and signal retransmission of the process variable (i.e., the differential
that is enabled when the nections are appropriately pressure across the dust bags).
Err 1 master controller isn’t able shielded so the master
to cycle through its opera- controller is not disrupted • Master Controller: The primary timer board that contains all of the
tion. by noise. major features, connections for external inputs and power to drive the
DCT1000 Dust Collector Timer Controller system.
The pressure module has The master controller will
• Power Guard: A plastic shield that covers the output triacs and
Err 2 failed to respond to the try to recover from the fault.
other line voltage circuitry.
request of the master If unsuccessful, replace the
controller. pressure module. • Demand Cycle Mode: A process in which the run mode is enabled
through the on-board pressure module or an external switch such as
Communication error in Make sure the control cable the Dwyer Photohelic®.
the daisy chain interface. used in the daisy chain
Err 3 This will only appear interface is properly shield- • Euro Connector: A “caged” connection used to terminate sole-
when the master con- ed from noise. noids, incoming power, or external switches on the DCT1000.
troller is used in conjunc-
tion with a slave board. • Continuous Cycle Mode: A time based cycling mode dependent
on solenoid time on/off settings and time set between complete cycles.
The master controller has Reinstall all modules in
detected a change in accordance with the • Manual Override: Allows the user to override the DCT1000 remote-
module configuration or a instructions in the factory ly or from the master controller panel through use of a switch or a wire
Err 4
fault in one of the mod- IOM. jumper.
• Slave Board: A channel expander that is used in conjunction with
If the fault described in Reinstall all modules. the master controller to accommodate additional solenoids on larger
“Err 4” is not corrected, Contact factory if the prob- dust collection systems. It can be recognized easily as it does not have
the master controller will lem persists. the on-board display panel or the power supply present. A master con-
reconfigure the modules troller may also be used as a slave board.
Err 5
that are responding prop-
erly and operate at a
degraded condition.
Still need help? Please feel free to contact one of our customer service representatives at 219-879-8000 or visit us
on the web at www.dwyer-inst.com or www.dust-controls.com. Thank you for choosing Dwyer Instruments.
©Copyright 2009 Dwyer Instruments, Inc. Printed U.S.A. 7/09 FR#443123-00 Rev. 3