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Yokogawa Plant Resource Manager

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1. Boot the AMS Server with administrator user log in.

2. Insert the soft installing media for Plant Resource Manager & install the same on the
administrator user account.
NOTE: the administrator password and the PRM software log in password should be same.
After installing the PRM software the YOKOGAWA PRM programs will be available as below.
3. Click on the PRM setup tool under the tool folder at the start menu as below snap shot.

NOTE: THE PRM IS CONFIGURED AS SERVER (related setting has to be configured accordingly)

4. Go to the PRM Server from the drop down menu as shown below:

Go to the “server set” by clicking on the same to get the below screen as follows:
Provide the HIS name for Eg: HIS0140 as per the guiding screen shot below.

After entering the same kindly refresh it by clicking on the refresh button, plave the mosue poinet on
the balloon shown below screen.

Get an message as “data acquisition is running……….”. SERVER is ok configured same is sure.

5. Go to the PRM Client, connection tab in the drop down menu as below screen shot.

Select the use one PRM Server as the PRM is of server configured. Assign the HIS name in the PRM
server name. Apply it.

6. Go to field communication option in the drop down menu, double click on the field
communication as shown below screen shot.
7. Select “device path” and then double click on HISXXXX (local) and wait for some minutes.

Device path will be open in the right side plane.

Now right click on the device path & create CENTUMVP/PROSAFE-RS projects from the pop window
will appear as per the below screen shot.

8. After creating of both types of DCS & ESD Project had to create the FCS/SCS manually as per
the system view(DCS EWS) hierarchy of the project.
Add a centum vp project after right click on the centum icon. A pop will be appearing like

Try to put same DCS project name as available in centumvp project system view.

NOTE: The name using here should not contain any special character ‘-‘etc. . . .

E.g. MAT-AMM or MAT-UREA will not accept at PRM. Use instead MATAMM, MATUREA etc.

After creating projects then create the FCS, NODE, Slot accordingly as per the below screen.

Note. Please follow the centumvp project hierarchy will adding FCS, NODE & SLOTS under the
device path.

Only add HART & Field Bus compatible hardware-cards under the PRM-device Path.
9. After successful adding of centumvp project the device path section will be looking like below.

10. Now add in the same manner for prosafe-RS project by right click on the project icon.

After adding project name (kindly follow the project name instruction discussed in above DCS section)

Add simultaneous SCS name. NODE & SLOTS as per HART compatible hardware cards only.
11. After successfully adding of PROSAFE-RS project & related Scs, node & slots the device path will
be as follows.

Click on the apply tab (the same will be highlighted up) & finally close the PRM setup window.

12. Go to programs at start menu & click on PRM-plant resource manager as below screen shot.
13. Plant resource manager will be pop with authentication below.

Use the username as “administrator” and the same password for windows administrator user profile.

Click ok.

Wait for some minutes as the PRM software is initializing as below screen shot.
14. Go to the “register option at the upper part of the PRM window. Click on the same to get drop
down, select “ rebuilt acquisition schedule”

NOTE: PRM server should be in network with centumvp/prosafe-RS projects FCS, SCS, EWS station
with of BUS#1 & BUS#2 configured properly and connected.

Re-built will take some long time may be minutes as same is fetching the entire DCS/ESD project from
projects will all node, slots, channels.

15. After completion of the re-built go to the plant hierarchy viewer in PRM window as below.

It shows all communication types for centumvp and prosafe Rs projects (HART, FF etc. protocols).

Click on the centumvp / prosafe-Rs project and navigate to the respective devices as per I/O locations.
16. Give a “plug and play” after selecting on project or FCS/SCS as per your requirement. More
high hierarchy you give plug and play more time will be taken to complete the process.

Note: Plug & Play has to be performing to get field devices online with PRM.

There is other hierarchy viewer also available within PRM as “class” or “plant”.

Class view as follows, will lead to show available protocols in project with all vendor types as below.
Can trace the vendor type, device model, rev which in turn will be useful for DTM , DD rev

1. Select any one device for which requires DD Files into PRM server.

For e.g. E&H, MICROPILOT M, REV -5

Details required finding DD files are the Device Type: FF/HART, Device Name/model No, Device
Revision. The same can be easily available from class view of PRM for the device.

After arranging the specific DD files for the device the perform below steps.

1. Go to the drive were the PRM has been installed, say drive : D

2. Double click on PRM folder and navigate to D:\PRM\DD folder.

Just Drag & drop the DD files into the above “DD” folder.

Note: If the DD files belong to FF device then just drag and drop into “DD” folder under PRM folder.
If HART device DD then you had to drag & drop inside HART folder , HART Folder is available in DD
folder as shown below.

Details required finding DTM files are the Device Type: FF/HART, Device Name/model No, Device
Revision. The same can be easily available from class view of PRM for the device.

After arranging the specific DTM files for the device the perform below steps.

NOTE: DTM files for any vendor device will be small application based software so the same cannot be
drag & drop like DD files. DTM for both HART & FF devices are separate.

1. Run the DTM Files for device (E.G.- METSO ND9000F smart positioner / FF).
2. Double click on the .exe file of DTM – METSO as shown in the below screen shot.

Install the same like other applications. Sure the installation has been successfully completed.

3. Go to the “PRM setup Tool” in the YOKOGAWA PRM folder in the start menu & navigate to

Click on DTM setup & click on start DTM setup.

4. It will ask for updating the catalogue via pop up window, press yes as its good practice to
update the database catalog every time you register DTM in PRM.

Kindly wait till the full updating process completed. After completing of the catalogue updating a
window will appear as of “DTM SETUP”.
All protocols database are available as per the below screen shot.

As we are doing for the METSO-ND9000F Foundation field bus protocol type device lets go to FF Tab
the DTM setup as below.

After installing the METSO DTM the METSO list of supporting DTM rev came in the left most area
below in the above screen shot.

Note: the Vendor name, device Model, rev type should be exactly as of the same in your showing in
PRM Class view.
5. Merge the required DTM with the available device type in your field by inserting the Vendor
name, device model & Rev. as shown below.
Enter the rev with key stroke as the same is manually entered.

6. Click apply and Okay to exit the DTM SETUP.

7. Go to the PRM & right click on the Metso ND9000F .

DTM works is now available.

Note: if DTM is not installed then the DTM WORKS” option will not highlight.

Click on the DTM works option & navigate through the features for devices as shown below.

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