The Mandibular Nerve: The Anatomy of Nerve Injury and Entrapment
The Mandibular Nerve: The Anatomy of Nerve Injury and Entrapment
The Mandibular Nerve: The Anatomy of Nerve Injury and Entrapment
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1. Introduction
The trigeminal nerve (TN) is a mixed cranial nerve that consists primarily of sensory
neurons. It exists the brain on the lateral surface of the pons, entering the trigeminal
ganglion (TGG) after a few millimeters, followed by an extensive series of divisions. Of the
three major branches that emerge from the TGG, the mandibular nerve (MN) comprises the
3rd and largest of the three divisions. The MN also has an additional motor component,
which may run in a separate facial compartment. Thus, unlike the other two TN divisions,
which convey afferent fibers, the MN also contains motor or efferent fibers to innervate the
muscles that are attached to mandible (muscles of mastication, the mylohyoid, the anterior
belly of the digastric muscle, the tensor veli palatini, and tensor tympani muscle). Most of
these fibers travel directly to their target tissues. Sensory axons innervate skin on the lateral
side of the head, tongue, and mucosal wall of the oral cavity. Some sensory axons enter the
mandible to innervate the teeth and emerge from the mental foramen to innervate the skin
of the lower jaw.
An entrapment neuropathy is a nerve lesion caused by pressure or mechanical irritation
from some anatomic structures next to the nerve. This occurs frequently where the nerve
passes through a fibro-osseous canal, or because of impingement by an anatomic structure
(bone, muscle or a fibrous band), or because of the combined influences on the nerve
entrapment between soft and hard tissues. Any mechanical injury of the nerve therefore
could be considered a compression or entrapment neuropathy (Kwak et al., 2003). A usual
position of TN compression is the ITF (Nayak et al., 2008), a deep retromaxillary space,
situated below the middle cranial fossa of the skull, the pharynx and the mandibular ramus.
The ITF contains several of the mastication muscles, the pterygoid venous plexus, the
maxillary artery (MA) and the MN ramification (Prades et al., 2003) (Figure 1). The MA is in
contact with the inferior alveolar nerve (IAN) and lingual nerve (LN) (Trost et al., 2009).
Recently, it is believed that some cases of temporomandibular joint syndrome (TMJS),
persistent idiopathic facial pain (PIFP) and myofascial pain syndrome (MPS) may be due to
entrapment neuropathies of the MN in the ITF (Loughner et al., 1990). Various muscle
anomalies in the ITF have been reported when considering unexplained neurological
72 Maxillofacial Surgery
symptoms attributed to MN branches. The variations of the typical nerve course are
important for adequate local anaesthesia, dental, oncological and reconstructive operations
(Akita et al., 2001). Whenever observed these variations must be reported as they can cause
serious implications in any surgical intervention in the region, and may lead to false
neurological differential diagnosis. If anomalous branches occur in combination with
the ossified ligaments, then cutaneous sensory fibres might pass through one of the
foramina formed by the ossified bars (Shaw, 1993). The MN can be compressed as a result of
both its course and its relation to the surrounding structures, particularly when passing
between the medial pterygoid (MPt) and lateral pterygoid (LPt) muscles. When the
pterygoid muscles contract, both the IAN and the LN may be compressed. This results in
pain, particularly during chewing; and may eventually cause trigeminal neuralgia (TGN)
(Anil et al., 2003). MN entrapment can lead to numbness of all peripheral regions
innervated from it. It could also lead to pain during speech (Peuker et al., 2001).
Fig. 1. The distribution of the mandibular nerve and its branches in the infratemporal fossa (ITF)
The Mandibular Nerve: The Anatomy of Nerve Injury and Entrapment 73
Fig. 2. The mandibular division of the TN emerging for the Foramen Ovale deep in the ITF.
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The Deep temporal nerves (DTN) usually an anterior and a posterior branch pass above the
LPt to enter the deep surface of the temporalis. The small Posterior Deep Temporal Nerve
(PDTN) sometimes arises in common with the masseteric nerve. The Anterior Deep
Temporal Nerve (ADTN), a branch of the BN, ascends over the upper head of the LPt. A
middle branch often occurs. Johannson et al. (1990) found that the DPTN may pass close to
the anterior insertion of the joint capsule on the temporal bone, exposing them to the risk of
mechanical irritation in condylar hypermobility. Loughner et al. (1990) observed the
mylohyoid nerve and ADTN passing through the LPt. A spastic condition of the LPt may be
causally related to compression of an entrapped nerve that leads to numbness, pain or both
in the respective nerve distribution areas. Compression of sensory branches of the DTN by the
temporalis muscle is a cause of neuropathy, (neuralgia or paresthesia) neuralgia or
paresthesia (Madhavi et al., 2006).
The Nerve to the LPt enters the deep surface of the muscle and may arise separately from
the anterior division or with the BN.
The Mandibular Nerve: The Anatomy of Nerve Injury and Entrapment 75
second premolars, where it divides into the terminal incisive and mental branches (Khan
et al., 2009). Because the IAN is a mixed nerve, it is suggested that during development,
the sensory and motor fibres are guided separately, and take different migration
pathways. When the motor component of the nerve leaves for its final destination, the
sensory fibres reunite (Krmpotic-Nemanic et al., 1999). It was also found that the IAN
and the LN may pass close to the medial part of the condyle. In joints with this nerve
topography, a medially displaced disc could interfere mechanically with these nerves.
These findings could explain the sharp, shooting pain felt locally in the joint with jaw
movements and the pain and other sensations projecting to the terminal area of
distribution of the nerve branches near the TMJ such as the ear, temple, cheek, tongue,
and teeth (Johansson et al., 1990).
The Mylohyoid Nerve branches from the IAN as the latter descends between the SML and
the mandibular ramus. The mylohyoid nerve (motor nerve) passes forward in a groove to
reach the mylohyoid muscle and the anterior belly of the digastric muscle. Loughner et al.
(1990) found an unusual entrapment of the mylohyoid nerve in the LPt in one cadaver.
Nerve compression may cause a poorly localized deep pain from the muscles it innervates.
Chronic compression of the nerve results in muscular paresis. Nerve entrapment bilaterally
may provoke swallowing difficulties.
The Lingual Nerve (LN) is the smallest sensory branch of the posterior trunk of the MN.
Below the FO, it is united closely with the IAN. Separating from the IAN, usually 5-
10mm below the cranial base, it begins its course from the ITF near the otic ganglion (Kim
et al., 2004). Data on LN topography in the ITF remain incomplete (Trost et al., 2009). LN
runs between the tensor veli palatine and the LPt where it is joined by the chorda tympani
(CT) (branch of the FN). The CT carrying taste fibres for the anterior two-thirds of the
tongue and parasympathetic fibres to the submandibular and sublingual salivary glands
(Zur et al., 2004). The LN emerging from the cover of the LPt, proceeds down and
forwards lying on the surface of the MPt and moves progressively closer to the medial
surface of the mandibular ramus until it is intimately related to the bone a few millimetres
below and behind the junction of the vertical and horizontal mandible rami. Here, it lies
anterior to, and slightly deeper than, the IAN. It then passes below the mandibular
attachment of the superior pharyngeal constrictor and pterygomandibular raphe, closely
applied to the periosteum of the medial surface of the mandible, until it lies opposite the
posterior root of the 3rd molar tooth, where it is covered only by the gingival
mucoperiosteum. At the level of the upper end of the mylohyoid line, the nerve turns in a
sharp curve anteriorly to continue horizontally on the superior surface of the mylohyoid
muscle into the oral cavity. The LN is, at this point in close relation with to the upper pole
of the submandibular gland. Farther anteriorly, the LN lies close to the posterior part of
the sublingual gland and then turns medially spiraling under the submandibular duct and
divides into a variable number of branches, entering the substance of the tongue. The
nerve lays first on styloglossus and then on the lateral surface of the hyoglossus and
genioglossus, before dividing into terminal branches which supply the overlying lingual
mucosa (Peuker et al., 2001; Zur et al.,2004). In addition to receiving the CT and a branch
from the IAN, the LN is connected to the submandibular ganglion by two or three
branches and at the anterior margin of the hyoglossus, it forms connecting loops with
hypoglossal nerve twigs (Gray’s 1995). The LN supplies general sensation to the mucosa,
76 Maxillofacial Surgery
the floor of the mouth, the lingual gingiva and the mucosa of the anterior two thirds
(presulcal part) of the tongue, being slightly overlapped posteriorly by lingual fibers of
the glossopharyngeal nerve (Rusu et al., 2008). The nerve transfers neural sensory fibres
for general sensitivity (pressure, temperature, pain, touch) and gustatory fibers for taste
sensation to the anterior part of the tongue through the CT. The CT also carries
preganglionic parasympathetic fibers providing secretomotor innervation to the
submandibular, sublingual and minor salivary glands of the oral cavity (Trost et al.,
2009). The medial and lateral branches bear anastomotic connections with the hypoglossal
nerve in the tongue body. Knowledge of the precise anatomical distribution of the LN
may aid the surgeon to ensure a safe and effective procedure (Zur et al., 2009). The LN
can sometimes be entrapped, either through an ossified pterygospinous ligament, based
on the outer part of the cranial base, or through an extremely wide lateral lamina of the
pterygoid process of the sphenoid bone, or through the medial fibres of the lower belly of
the LPt, or between the anterior margin of the pterygoid muscle and the mandibular
lingual border or after its penetration in the MPt (Loughner et al., 1990; Peuker et al.,
2001; Von Ludinghausen et al., 2006) (Figures 3,4). LN compression could lead to a
weakening of taste transmission from the taste buds on the anterior two thirds of the
tongue unilaterally (Loughner et al., 1990; Kim et al., 2004).
The Mandibular Nerve: The Anatomy of Nerve Injury and Entrapment 77
Fig. 4. A right ITF with a wide and large lateral pterygoid lamina
78 Maxillofacial Surgery
The Mandibular Nerve: The Anatomy of Nerve Injury and Entrapment 79
Fig. 5. Complete pterygospinous osseous bar and the enlarged pterygospinous foramen on
the left side of a Greek dry skull
80 Maxillofacial Surgery
The Mandibular Nerve: The Anatomy of Nerve Injury and Entrapment 81
muscles, both nerves can be compressed (Figure 4). The lateral pterygoid plate is an
important landmark for mandibular anesthesia and a wide lateral pterygoid plate may
confuse anesthetists or surgeons exploring the para- and retro-pharyngeal space (Kapur et
al., 2000; Das and Paul, 2007).
Fig. 6. Incomplete pterygospinous foramen on the left side of a Greek dry skull
Fig. 7. Incomplete pterygoalar bar on the right side of a Greek dry skull
82 Maxillofacial Surgery
Fig. 8. Complete pterygoalar bar and a pterygoalar foramen on the left side of a Greek dry
LN entrapment can potentially occur between the median pterygoid bundles, or in the
inferior head of the lateral pterygoid muscle, indicating that LPt spasm could cause LN
compression and result in tongue numbness, anesthesia, or paresthesia at the tip of the
tongue and speech articulation problems.
The Mandibular Nerve: The Anatomy of Nerve Injury and Entrapment 83
anteromedial condylar movements. Topographically, the IAN may pass close to the medial
part of the condyle. As such, a medially displaced disc could interfere mechanically with
this nerve. This could explain the sharp, shooting pain felt locally in the joint with jaw
movements as well as the pain and other sensations projecting to the terminal area of
distribution of the nerve branches near the TMJ, such as the ear, temple, cheek, tongue, and
teeth (Johansson et al., 1990).
An unusual entrapment of the mylohyoid nerve in the LPt may cause a poorly localized
deep pain from the muscles it innervates. Chronic compression of the nerve results in
muscular paresis. This symptom would be subclinical unless the nerve entrapment is
bilateral; then swallowing difficulties may ensue (Loughner et al., 1990).
10. Conclusions
Entrapment neuropathies are specific forms of compressive neuropathies occurring when
nerves are confined to narrow anatomic passageways including soft and/or hard tissues
making them susceptible to constricting pressures. Chronic nerve compression alters the
normal anatomical and functional integrity of the nerve. Dentists and oral maxillofacial
surgeons should be very suspicious of possible signs of neurovascular compression in the
region of the ITF.
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Maxillofacial Surgery
Edited by Prof. Leon Assael
ISBN 978-953-51-0627-2
Hard cover, 86 pages
Publisher InTech
Published online 23, May, 2012
Published in print edition May, 2012
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M. Piagkou, T. Demesticha, G. Piagkos, Chrysanthou Ioannis, P. Skandalakis and E.O. Johnson (2012). The
Mandibular Nerve: The Anatomy of Nerve Injury and Entrapment, Maxillofacial Surgery, Prof. Leon Assael
(Ed.), ISBN: 978-953-51-0627-2, InTech, Available from: