Bon Voyage: The Task
Bon Voyage: The Task
Bon Voyage: The Task
All aboard! We're setting sail on an adventure that will take us to exotic vacation
destinations. Along the way, you'll act as a travel agent for one of three different families,
gathering data about the cost of different cruise packages, working to meet their vacation
needs while still staying within their budget. You will also plan their itinerary and offer choices
of activities for them to participate in at their respective destinations. We'll be departing
shortly, so pack your problem-solving tool kit and hop on board.
The task
Vacation Challenge 1
First, given three different families, chose one and locate a cruise and airfare that will
accommodate the needs of that family.
Vacation Challenge 2
Once you locate a cruise, use the rest of the family’s budgeted money to plan activities for
them to participate in while they are at port.
Vacation Challenge 3
Finally, create a presentation that will include the different components of your family's
The Process
Below is a detailed description of each challenge.
Vacation Challenge 1
a. Then locate and plan a cruise vacation that will meet all of the needs of each family
member. Be sure to stay within the family’s budget. Each family member will have a
"want" list, but you do not have to include any of these wants into the vacation
package. However, the more creative you are, the better your vacation package
will be.
b. Using the Web sites on the Resources section, you need to search the Internet for
different cruises that will meet the needs of your family. Similarly, you need to search
the Internet for airfare that will match up with your family’s cruise package. Pay close
attention to where your cruise begins and where it ends.
c. Once you have located a cruise package and airfare, create a diagram for the
cruise package. Your diagram must include the following:
the name of the cruise line;
the dates of the cruise;
a description of the room(s) the family will be staying in;
the benefits of the cruise line; and
the names of the different ports the cruise ship will be traveling.
Vacation Challenge 2
a. Now that you have chosen a cruise line, it is time to research the different places your
family will be visiting. Use the Internet to locate different activities for your family to
participate in while their ship is at port. Here are a few things you need to remember:
Keep in mind the times of your family's arrival and departure at their different
Assume that the family will have transportation to and from each different
activity while at port.
Stay within your family’s budget.
You must meet the different needs of your family.
Even though you might not be able to locate restaurants, make sure you allot
some money for meals off of the cruise ship.
Also allot some money for additional spending while your family is visiting
each port.
b. Once your activities are planned, create an itinerary for your family. An itinerary is a
written document that explains exactly what your family will be doing at different
times during their trip. For an example of an itinerary, go to the Guidance section.
Vacation Challenge 3
Now it is time for you to share your vacation with your classmates. Create a visual
presentation that includes:
Vacation Challenge 1
a. When searching for a cruise line, type in words such as cruise, cruise lines, or cruise
packages into the different search engines.
b. When searching for airfare, type in words such as flights, airfare, on-line airfare.
c. When creating a diagram, be creative. You can create a table, a picture that
includes all of the information, or any other creative diagram.
Vacation Challenge 2
a. When searching for additional activities to participate in, type in the names of the
different places your will be visiting into the search engines. Looking for a city, state,
or country’s web page is always a good idea. Also, look at your cruise package and
see if it has any suggestions about activities to participate in while you are at port.
Feel free to email people in different cities, states, or countries to acquire more
information about activities at the different locations!