University of Southeastern Philippines College of Education: A Critical Analysis

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University of southeastern Philippines

College of education



SY 2012-2013



For children and adolescent or every different kind of people have their

own lifestyle and have their own life facing all the problems. We can’t deny that

there are a lot of children and adolescent all over the world didn’t their rights as

a human being. It is because of poverty, sexual of physical abuse, child labor,

parental neglects, drug addiction and others. Those are some problems which

deal with children and adolescent. It shows on how those problems affects on

their life and can’t do things they want base on their age. They are being press

into a world where they do not belong. They have physical, psychological and

social needs that must be met to enable healthy growth and development.

They need care, protection and guidance for them to become a better citizen

of the country.

In the international scenario, child and adolescents also stumble upon

same problems. Beggars are everywhere; child labor, family problem, and other

issues are being illustrated throughout the world. It is normal for the people

seeing children roaming up the street begging for something knowing that they

need help to provide their needs. Efforts however, are made to address the

problem. There are some programs and advocacies protecting child and

adolescents. They are giving voluntary help for those children for them to be

able to attain liberty and achieve their rights.

Peer pressure, discrimination, poverty, family problems and others are the

common reasons why children and adolescents force to do unlawful actions or

to do something that are not right to them. They are being threatened by the

people who take advantage of their rights and their privileges are being

diminished. In the national scenario, poverty is the main problem of the child

and adolescents have encounter. Their rights to be educated, to have good

dwelling, to eat nutritious food and many more are being reach. Economic

exploitation and performing any work that are being hazardous are what they

also come across.

Several of those problems are encountered by a normal children all over

the world and I am one those. It is where that discrimination is the main difficulty

encounter by me. The sense of belongingness is not there for we also do not

belong to a high class family. Inequality of every person in a community is what

also the main reason of discrimination. The freedom to do things base on your

age was not achieved because of those problems. But compared to less

fortunate family, those problems are just normal to them, besides, they

encounter worst issues than that. It comes to a point that they do unlawful acts

for them to survive. It is heartbreaking seeing children roaming the streets and

begging food for them to eat. I experienced that situation that a child grabs my

food without even asking my permission but I understand on why he does it. The

fact that they really need attention on the burden they carry.

This paper explains on the present situation of the child and adolescents

through showing and explaining concepts and theories pertaining the rights and

development of child and adolescents. The purpose of this paper is that, for us

to know the problems and issues of child and adolescents. Also for us to be
aware of such issues especially for us future educator. This help on how to

manage such problems relative to their development and on how they think.

This paper would help much on how to initiate them into culturally relevant skills,

attitudes and their ways of thinking.


This paper explains on how theories and concepts being shown and on

how to apply it. This illustrates the different stages and aspects of child and

adolescent development.

Child development concerns the process of growth and maturation of the

human individual from conception to adulthood. (Actions for the Rights of

Children). During the whole period of development, the individual child will

develop a mature body, brain and nervous system and progressively acquired

competence of a wide range of functions and skills for them to adapt in

different types of environment.

The physical and motor development based on Tanner (1990 as cited by

Hetherington, et al., 2006) that genetic factors strongly influenced physical

characteristics. It depends on generation to generation that run to their family.

As the child grows, there are so many changes occur to them. The emotional,

psychological, environmental and social changes are what they also

encounter. Every change has important implications for the future. Lifestyle is

also one of the factors how a child grows. While the child is growing they are

acquiring the language use by their family. It is where the child learns to talk.

Noam Chomsky takes up the nativist approach to language development

which asserts that children have an innate Language Acquisition Device (LAD)

that enables them to learn a language early and quickly. It is just that child
speaks the words of what they without knowing the true meaning. Jerome

Bruner proposes the Language Acquisition Support System. Support may come

in the use of infant-directed or child-directed speech or simplified language. But

in language development it is still on the child’s part on how he/she acquire the

language and also the environmental and the cultural factors in which they

belong. On child’s mental development, it is also the environment has a great

help on it. According to Jean Piaget children actively seeks information. They

seek information for them to have learning and knowledge to be to respond to

the environment.

Development according to Erikson is a continuous process encompassing

the entire life span. The adolescent seeks leadership (someone to inspire him),

and gradually develops a set of ideals (socially congruent and desirable, in the

case of the successful adolescent). It is being explains on how people deals with

the psychosocial crisis.

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