SQL Complex Queries
SQL Complex Queries
SQL Complex Queries
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15. Select all record from emp table where deptno =10 or 40.
16. Select all record from emp table where deptno=30 and sal>1500.
17. Select all record from emp where job not in SALESMAN or CLERK.
19. Select all records where ename starts with ‘S’ and its lenth is 6 char.
20. Select all records where ename may be any no of character but it
should end with ‘R’.
select * from emp where sal> any(select sal from emp where sal<3000);
select * from emp where sal> all(select sal from emp where sal<3000);
25. Select all the employee group by deptno and sal in descending
26. How can I create an empty table emp1 with same structure as emp?
28. Select all records where dept no of both emp and dept table
select * from emp where exists(select * from dept where
29. If there are two tables emp1 and emp2, and both have common
record. How can I fetch all the recods but common records only
(Select * from emp) Union (Select * from emp1)
30. How to fetch only common records from two tables emp and emp1?
(Select * from emp) Intersect (Select * from emp1)
31. How can I retrive all records of emp1 those should not present in
(Select * from emp) Minus (Select * from emp1)
32. Count the totalsa deptno wise where more than 2 employees exist.
SELECT deptno, sum(sal) As totalsal
FROM emp
GROUP BY deptno
HAVING COUNT(empno) > 2
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can anybody tell me how to get dept wise highest sal?? thanks in
it is very helpful.thanks
very helpful!!!!!
Thanx a lot!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Thanks a lot!!!
It's very hepls people,who are try to learn!
thankx a lot
To Sharad,
select count(sal) from emp; -- It will count the number of salaries
excluding nulls
select count(*) from emp; -- It will count number of records but this
includes null values too
its nice.but can u give me the answer for this query. Display the
name,hiredate and the day of week on which the employee
started.lable the column day order the result by the day of the
week. please send me the answer.please.
It is so nice
vasavi Said... 3
Thanks a lot!!! :)
It realy helps ppl like me, god bless!
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