Bioresource Technology: J. Pruvost, G. Van Vooren, G. Cogne, J. Legrand

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Bioresource Technology 100 (2009) 5988–5995

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Investigation of biomass and lipids production with Neochloris oleoabundans in

J. Pruvost *, G. Van Vooren, G. Cogne, J. Legrand
GEPEA, Université de Nantes, CNRS, UMR6144, Bd de l’Université, CRTT – BP 406, 44602 Saint-Nazaire Cedex, France

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: The fresh water microalga Neochloris oleoabundans was investigated for its ability to accumulate lipids
Received 29 January 2009 and especially triacylglycerols (TAG). A systematic study was conducted, from the determination of the
Received in revised form 29 May 2009 growth medium to its characterization in an airlift photobioreactor. Without nutrient limitation, a max-
Accepted 2 June 2009
imal biomass areal productivity of 16.5 g m2 day1 was found. Effects of nitrogen starvation to induce
Available online 26 June 2009
lipids accumulation was next investigated. Due to initial N. oleoabundans total lipids high content (23%
of dry weight), highest productivity was obtained without mineral limitation with a maximal total lipids
productivity of 3.8 g m2 day1. Regarding TAG, an almost similar productivity was found whatever the
protocol was: continuous production without mineral limitation (0.5 g m2 day1) or batch production
Photobioreactor with either sudden or progressive nitrogen deprivation (0.7 g m2 day1). The decrease in growth rate
Biodiesel reduces the benefit of the important lipids and TAG accumulation as obtained in nitrogen starvation
Neochloris oleoabundans (37% and 18% of dry weight, respectively).
Ó 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction as a rather mid-term solution. Lipids accumulation in microalgae

is indeed well known as stated by many examples of their uses
Owing to some of their intrinsic capacities, photosynthetic in aquaculture for fish or mollusks feeding (Borowitzka, 1997;
microorganisms are found as one of the more promising primary Richmond, 2004a). Although numerous studies on the use of mic-
resources. Compared to plants, higher areal productivities can be roalgae in aquaculture exist, application in biodiesel production is
achieved due to higher photosynthetic conversion efficiencies. less documented despite the specific problems involved (reviews
Considering the increasing worldwide energy demand, photosyn- can be found in Chisti (2007) or Hu et al. (2008)).
thetic microorganisms are thus often discussed as a solution to Biodiesel must comply with some specifications for engine
set up sustainable future energy production systems. Because pho- application such as cetane number, viscosity, flash and solidifying
tosynthetic growth imposes a consumption of inorganic carbon in points (Miao and Wu, 2006). Lipids issued from a vegetal source
the form of dissolved carbon dioxide, carbon neutral production (soybeans, rapeseeds, palm, jatropha, etc.) have to be transesteri-
can be achieved. In addition, depending on applied culture condi- fied leading to fatty acid methyl esters (FAME or biodiesel) that ful-
tions and cultivated species, high energy compounds can be pro- fill diesel characteristics (Miao and Wu, 2006). For prolonged
duced such as hydrogen, lipids for biodiesel application, sugars storage, biodiesel must present a low sensitivity to oxidation that
for biomass fermentation or gasification (Benemann, 2004; Maria is correlated to the unsaturated nature of fatty acids measured
L. Ghirardi, 2000; Melis, 2002; Scragg et al., 2002; Spolaore et al., by its iodine value. Polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA) are, in this
2006; Tsukahara and Sawayama, 2005). context, not ideal for biodiesel application. Neutral lipids, mainly
Because of the variety of energy vectors, the optimal use for TAG, have to be preferred to phospholipids or glycolipids because
energetic purpose of algae is still under debate. For example, of their higher percentage of fatty acids and lack of phosphate.
although great breakthroughs were achieved during last decade Contrary to glyco- or phospholipids which have an important
(Melis and Melnicki, 2006), H2 production using green algae seems structural role in cells, TAG synthesis is usually attributed to car-
at the moment far from industrial application because of too low bon and energy storage. TAG cellular accumulation corresponds
productivities. This is mainly due to the fact that the specific to a shift in metabolism under unfavorable environmental condi-
metabolism leading to H2 release is not yet clearly elucidated. On tions. Nitrogen starvation is known to trigger TAG accumulation
the contrary, lipids production for biodiesel application appears to the detriment of cell division. Lipids process productivity de-
pends on both lipids content in cell and biomass accumulation.
Optimal culture conditions are different for cell lipids content
and biomass productivity. Then, maximizing lipids productivity is
* Corresponding author. Tel.: +33 (0)2 40 17 26 68; fax: +33 (0)2 40 17 26 18.
E-mail address: [email protected] (J. Pruvost). therefore not trivial.

0960-8524/$ - see front matter Ó 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
J. Pruvost et al. / Bioresource Technology 100 (2009) 5988–5995 5989

In this study, Neochloris oleoabundans was retained to investi- mination of the PBR’s optical surface. A PFD value of qo =
gate lipids production, especially when nitrogen deprivation is ap- 270 lmole m2 s1 was applied in all experiments.
plied. Although poorly documented, this strain is known to
accumulate TAG, which makes it interesting for biodiesel applica- 2.3. Analytical methods
tion (Tornabene et al., 1983). A recent study has confirmed its
interest for biodiesel production with a total lipids content up to 2.3.1. Dry weight and elementary analysis
40% obtained in nitrate starvation conditions and a total lipids pro- The algal dry weight was determined by filtration through a
ductivity of 0.133 kg m3 day1 (Li et al., 2008). The present sys- pre-dried and pre-weighed glass-fiber filter (Whatman GF/F). The
tematic study will give additional information by conducting a filter were dried 24 h at 105 °C, cooled in a dessiccator and then
deep investigation in a flat-panel PBR. In addition to standard weighed again. Results given are the average of three measure-
growth, different conditions leading to nitrogen deprivation were ments. For elementary analysis, biomass samples were concen-
applied to induce lipids accumulation. Because nitrogen starvation trated by centrifugation (60 at 3600g) and lyophilized. Elementary
influences the TAG/total lipids ratio, total lipids and TAG produc- analysis was performed by the CNRS Central Analysis Service
tivities were considered separately. This study also highlights the (Vernaison, France).
specific physiological responses that could affect PBR production
for further optimization. Light transfer conditions, as a relevant 2.3.2. Pigment content
parameter of PBR, were discussed in this purpose. Pigment concentration was determined using a spectrophoto-
metric method. Pigments were extracted with methanol (99.9%)
during 30 min in the dark at 45 °C. Samples were centrifugated
2. Methods
(13000 rpm, 5 min) before measurements. Absorption spectrum
was collected in the range 400–750 nm on a spectrophotometer
2.1. Algal strain and cultivation conditions
Jenway 6500. Chlorophyll-a (CChl-a), chlorophyll-b (CChl-b) and
photoprotective carotenoids (CPPC) concentrations were deter-
Experiments were conducted with N. oleoabundans (strain 1185
mined according to the equations of Ritchie (2006) for chlorophylls
from the culture collection of the University of Austin, Texas).
and Strickland and Parsons (1968) for carotenoids:
The medium described later was a modified bold basal medium
(BBM). Cultivation conditions were pH 7.5 and T = 25 °C in all ½Chl-alg=ml ¼ 8:0962  A652 þ 16:5169  A665
experiments. ½Chl-blg=ml ¼ 27:4405  A652  12:1688  A665
½Carotenoidslg=ml ¼ 4  A480
2.2. Airlift photobioreactor description
Absorbencies at 480, 652 and 665 nm were corrected from turbidity
A flat-panel airlift PBR was used for experiments. The light by subtracting absorbencies at 750 nm. Pigment content was ob-
supplying device was placed in front of the PBR perpendicularly tained by dividing by biomass concentration. Results given were
to its optical surface. The light source was composed of a set of an average of three measurements.
eight daylight fluorescent tubes (Sylvanialuxline FHO 24W/TS/
860) placed horizontally and parallel to the front side of the 2.3.3. Nitrate, sulfates and phosphate concentrations
PBR with the same height as the PBR. Air was injected at the bot- These three mineral nutrients concentrations were measured
tom for culture mixing with a constant air flow rate of using anionic chromatography (DIONEX-120, IonPac AS14A anio-
0.5 L min1. PBR consisted of three parts: one central where air nic column with SRS). Eluant was a solution of 8 mM Na2CO3 and
was injected (riser) and two lateral for culture recirculation 1 mM NaHCO3 with a flow of 1.0 ml/mn at RT.
(downcomer). This ensured good mixing condition and prevented
cells sedimentation. 2.3.4. Total lipids and TAG
PBR volume was 1 L with a depth of culture Lz = 30 mm (per- Total lipids were measured following the modified protocol of
pendicular to the optical surface). The illuminated surface to vol- Folch as proposed by Christie (1989). A microalgae volume chosen
ume ratio of the reactor was equal to 33.3 m1. PBR was built in for obtaining finally 5–10 mg of lipids was concentrated by centri-
transparent polymethyl methacrylate (PMMA) except for the rear fugation (6 mn at 3600g) and transferred into a glass tube. All fol-
side that was in stainless steel for reactor cooling by ambient air lowing centrifugations were done 2 mn at 3600g if not precised.
blowing (fan). PBR was set with a complete loop of common sen- After being centrifuged, supernatant was eliminated and extraction
sors and automations for microalga culture, namely temperature, started with 2 ml of methanol for 1 h. Then 4 ml of chloroform
pH and gas injections (CO2 and air). pH was regulated by automatic were added and mixed for 2 h. After being centrifuged, supernatant
injection of CO2 and temperature by ambient air blowing. Before all containing lipids was transferred into another tube and residue
experiments, the PBR was sterilised 30 min with a 5 mM peroxy- was extracted a second time during 30 mn with 3 ml of a mixture
acetic acid solution. of methanol/chloroform (1/2). After being centrifuged, supernatant
Continuous cultures were realized in chemostat mode under was pooled with the first one and washed with 2.25 ml of a 0.88%
continuous light illumination. A KNF StepdosÒ pump (Stepdos KCl solution. Separation in two phases was accelerated by centrifu-
pump 08/RC, KNF Neuberger) was used for medium injection while gation and a second washing was done with 0.75 ml of methanol
the culture was harvested by overflowing. A constant dilution rate and 0.75 ml of 0.88% KCl solution. After centrifugation, the lower
was applied and daily controlled (for batch cultivation, the dilution layer was transferred into another glass tube and centrifuged
rate was null). 6 min at 3600g for complete elimination of water and solids. Sol-
The incident light flux qo or photons flux density (PFD) was vent was evaporated under nitrogen at 40 °C, dissolved with
measured in the 400–700 nm waveband (photosynthetically active 1.5 ml of chloroform, transferred into a 4 ml pre weighted vial
radiation, PAR) for different distances between PBR and tubes and dried until constant weight.
using a flat cosine quantum sensor (Li-190SA, Li-COR, Lincoln, Besides TAG, total lipids include chlorophylls, carotenoids, glyco
NE). The incident light flux was obtained by averaging sensor and phospholipids, and sterols. Biodiesel requires fatty acids,
measurements for 12 different locations on the PBR front side. A which means that molecules without fatty acids like pigments,
variation less than 10% was observed showing a homogeneous illu- sterols and hydrocarbons are not suited for biodiesel production.
5990 J. Pruvost et al. / Bioresource Technology 100 (2009) 5988–5995

In addition phosphate or phosphorus are, respectively, considered Table 1

as problems for transesterification step and for engine. All these Growth medium for Neochloris oleoabundans and adaptation for PBR production.

considerations lead to the conclusion that TAG content is more rel- Standard composition of bold basal Modified composition of bold basal
evant than total lipids content for biodiesel production. TAG con- medium (BBM) medium 3N3S
tent was thus measured by hexane extraction. A microalgae MgSO47H2O = 0.3 mM MgSO47H2O = 0.91 mM
volume chosen for obtaining finally 5–10 mg of TAG was centri- NaNO3 = 2.94 mM NaNO3 = 8.82 mM
fuged at 3600g for 10 mn and supernatant discarded as much as KH2PO4 = 0.43 mM Id
K2HPO4 = 1.29 mM Id
possible. Centrifugation was repeated till nearly complete water NaCl = 0.43 mM Id
elimination. Hexane was added and sonication used for helping CaCl22H2O = 0.17 mM Id
transferring in the soxhlet’thimble. Soxhlet extraction was per- ZnSO47H2O = 30.7 lM Id
formed during 6 h. Extract was transferred in a pre-weight-vial MnCl24H2O = 7.3 lM Id
MoO3 = 4.9 lM Id
and dried until constant weight.
CuSO45H2O = 6.3 lM Id
CoNO36H2O = 1.7 lM Id
H3BO3 = 0.185 mM Id
3. Results and discussion EDTA = 0.171 mM Id
KOH = 0.553 mM Id
3.1. Determination of culture medium for obtaining light-limited FeSO47H2O = 18 lM Id
H2SO4 = 10.2 lM Id
condition in PBR

In photoautotrophic condition, highest biomass productivity for bene et al. (1983) who increased initial BBM nitrate concentration
a given PBR geometry is obtained for the so-called light-limited up to three times.
growth condition where growth is only limited by light (Cornet
and Dussap, 2009; Cornet et al., 1998; Pruvost et al., 2008). It implies 3.2. Continuous production of N. oleoabundans in an airlift
that all other nutrients such as minerals and inorganic carbon source photobioreactor
are provided in excess. Because N. oleoabundans is a rather unknown
species, its culture medium was firstly defined to be in the light-lim- Biomass productivity of N. oleoabundans was determined by
ited growth condition except for nitrogen limitation experiments. conducting continuous culture in PBR. Feeding medium was BBM
Measurement of the elementary composition of N. oleoabundans 3N3S as described in Section 3.1. Analyses were carried out under
was first used to estimate macronutrients consumption. Coeffi- steady-state conditions. In continuous mode, the biomass daily
cients of the biomass elements have been normalized to the car- volumetric productivity rx is obtained for a given daily dilution rate
bon. An overall stoichiometry characterizing the yields of D by measuring the biomass concentration X inside the PBR:
conversion of substrates into products has been established based
on the conservation of elements (C, H, O, N, S, P) (Roels, 1983): rx ¼ D  X ð2Þ
Macronutrients concentrations were monitored in order to check
CO2 þ 0:148HNO3 þ 0:014H2 SO4 þ 0:012H3 PO4 þ 0:751H2 O that productivities were only light-limited (no minerals limitation).
! CH1:715 O0:427 N0:148 S0:014 P0:012 þ 1:437O2 ð1Þ In addition, experimental mass balance for biomass and the main
macronutrients gave the yields of conversion of each of those sub-
From the elemental composition of biomass, the value of its C-mo- strates into biomass. The knowledge of the yield coefficients, in par-
lar mass is 23.45 g C-mol1. ticular for nitrogen, is of great interest to set up the operating
This equation was used to define medium composition valid up conditions leading to nitrogen culture starvation. An estimate of
to a given maximal biomass concentration in terms of macronutri- these macronutrient yields of conversion were given by the stoichi-
ents, namely nitrates, phosphates and sulfates. Concentration of ometric equation assuming biomass as the sole product of photo-
trace elements was the same as in bold basal medium (BBM) as synthetic growth with no secondary exo-metabolites production.
used by Tornabene et al. (1983) for N. oleoabundans. This medium Experimental results are summarized in Table 2. A good agreement
is given in Table 1 as well as an example of modified BBM designed was observed, confirming that photosynthetic growth was mainly
for a biomass concentration up to 1.5 kg m3 before any occur- directed towards biomass formation.
rence of mineral limitation with nitrate and sulfate concentrations Results of biomass productivities are given in Fig. 2 for an inci-
equal to 3-fold the standard ones (noted 3N3S in Table 1). This dent light flux qo = 270 lmole m2 s1. A classical evolution was
medium was used for experiments in continuous mode presented observed with a decrease of biomass concentration with the in-
in the next section. Using stoichiometry to determine medium crease of dilution rate D. A maximal value of biomass volumetric
composition does not guarantee an optimal composition: exo- productivity was obtained for an optimum dilution rate of about
metabolites and trace nutrients were not included in Eq. (1), chem- 0.6 day1. As described by Richmond (2004a,b), this corresponds
ical interactions can appear between nutrients, a too high to an ‘‘optimal cell density” (or biomass concentration) of 0.9 kg/
calculated concentration of a given nutrients can inhibit growth, m3. Maximal value of biomass volumetric productivity in the oper-
etc. It was thus retained to conduct a batch culture in PBR with ated conditions was rx = 0.55 kg m3 day1. For a flat-panel geom-
macronutrients concentrations in high excess (18N9S4P), second- etry having a depth of culture L = 0.03 m, a daily areal productivity
ary nutrients concentrations having been multiplied by 5 com- of rs = 16.5 g m2 day1 (rs = Lzrx) was obtained similar to those of
pared to standard BBM. As shown in Fig. 1, a biomass other species usually cultivated as Arthrospira platensis or Chlorella
concentration up to more than 6 kg m3 was achieved. Because vulgaris (Richmond, 2004a).
any limitation or excess in macro or secondary nutrients would Using the stoichiometry in Eq. (1), these productivities give a
have prevented to reach such high biomass concentration, it was good estimate of carbon fixation rate assuming biomass as the ma-
concluded that medium formulation BBM 3N3S would allow to jor product of photosynthetic carbon fixation by neglecting sec-
reach light-limited condition in standard continuous production. ondary metabolites released in the medium. For N. oleoabundans
It must be noticed that standard BBM composition allows a very cultivated in the conditions described above, this gives
low maximal biomass concentration, around 0.5 kg m3, due to a 1 kg m3 day1 and 31 g m2 day1 for CO2 volumetric and areal
too low nitrate concentration. This was already observed by Torna- fixation productivities, respectively.
J. Pruvost et al. / Bioresource Technology 100 (2009) 5988–5995 5991

Fig. 1. Time course of biomass and macronutrients concentrations (light-limited growth, batch culture, qo = 270 lmole m2 s1).

Table 2
Mass balance on macronutrients obtained in a continuous culture for molar yield coefficients determination (q0 = 270 lmole m2 s1, X = 0.9 kg m3).

Anion (–) Concentration in feeding Concentration in PBR (steady Mass yield coefficient Molar yield coefficient
medium (kg/m3) state) (kg/m3) (g of nutrients/g of DW) (mol mol1 biomass)
Nitrate 0.509 0.160 0.384 0.145
Sulphate 0.113 0.074 0.043 0.013
Phosphate 0.198 0.147 0.056 0.017

3.3.1. Effects of a progressive nitrate starvation

A first series of experiments was carried out using three differ-
ent initial nitrate concentrations and the same initial biomass con-
centration. Since the residual nitrate concentration in the harvest
of PBR1 was known, nitrate concentration in the culture medium
in PBR2 was adjusted accordingly. The higher initial concentration
(No = 26 mM) was leading to a non-limiting nitrate concentration
at the end of the batch culture, resulting in a standard growth sim-
ilar to the one presented in Fig. 1 (data not shown). Lipids content
remained almost unchanged all along the culture running. With re-
spect to the biomass dry weight, total lipids content was 23%, TAG
content was 3% (13% of total lipids). Chlorophyll-a, chlorophyll-b
and carotenoids contents were found equal to 3.5%, 1% and 0.3%,
respectively. The two lower nitrate concentrations (No = 1.45 mM
and No = 3.37 mM) were determined so that a progressive nitrate
starvation was induced during the culture. Results are given in
Fig. 2. Biomass concentration and biomass volumetric productivities obtained in Fig. 3a and b. The effect of nitrate starvation on growth is perfectly
continuous mode (light-limited growth, qo = 270 lmole m2 s1). shown with a sudden stop of growth after the total nitrate con-
sumption. Depending on the initial nitrate concentration, various
3.3. Induction of lipids production by N. oleoabundans maximal biomass concentrations were obtained. As expected and
already reported elsewhere (Hu et al., 2008; Li et al., 2008; Scragg
Influence of nitrate starvation on batch culture of N. oleoabun- et al., 2002; Tornabene et al., 1983), in addition to stopping cell
dans was investigated. Two airlift PBR were used. The first one division, nitrate starvation triggered total lipids accumulation.
(PBR1) was operated in continuous mode at the dilution rate The highest content was obtained for No = 1.45 mM, with an accu-
D = 0.72 day1 for an incident light flux qo = 270 lmole m2 s1. mulation of up to 37% of dry weight. At the end of the culture, TAGs
The steady-state output was used to inoculate the second one content was measured and was found to represent 50% of total lip-
(PBR2) in order to get constant composition and physiological state ids in mass, thus around 18% of the dry weight. This value has to be
of N. oleoabundans at the beginning of all experiments. Two proto- compared to the TAG content in standard growth conditions that is
cols of nitrate starvation under batch conditions were investigated. around 3% of the dry weight. This clearly indicates that lipids accu-
In all experiments, time-evolution of biomass and nitrate concen- mulation was mainly found in the TAG pool (Hu et al., 2008).
trations in the PBR as well as total lipids and pigment contents Due to the central role of nitrogen, important modification in
were measured. cell physiology occurred with nitrate starvation. In addition to
5992 J. Pruvost et al. / Bioresource Technology 100 (2009) 5988–5995

Fig. 3. Time course profiles during progressive nitrate starvation with No = 3.37 M (a) and No = 1.45 M (b) (batch culture, qo = 270 lmole m2 s1).

lipids accumulation, a great decrease in pigments content was was used in all experiments, a lower biomass concentration sup-
observed. This change started before the total nitrate starvation, posed a higher light available per cell, which certainly affected
indicating a progressive modification of the physiological response the metabolic response.
at a low but non-null value of nitrate concentration. During the As light received per cell influences cell response, the great var-
progressive establishment of nitrate deprivation, pigments were iation in pigments content during nitrate starvation makes com-
firstly and significantly affected with a decrease up to more than plex the light effect analysis. Light attenuation is a function of
10-fold of the initial pigments content (for N = 1.45 mM, chloro- biomass concentration but also of pigments content (Berberoglu
phyll-a content decreases from 3.8% to 0.3% of dry weight). This et al., 2008; Cornet et al., 1994; Cornet et al., 1995; Pottier et al.,
was already observed by Li et al. (2008) for N. oleoabundans. 2005). To illustrate that, light attenuation profiles were determined
Comparison of the two experiments with nitrate starvation at two different key-times, for initial and final cultivation time for
(No = 1.45 mM and No = 3.37 mM) shows a great difference in the experiment with No = 1.45 mM. The method described in Pot-
terms of kinetics. These kinetics are obviously correlated to the tier et al. (2005) was used. This fully predictive radiative model al-
remaining nitrate concentration in the medium that differs in both lows to introduce any pigments content to determine
cases. A relationship also appears with biomass concentrations corresponding optical properties for a given species. Calculation
that are finally reached in PBRs. This was also the case for total lip- was conducted for pigments content at initial and final
ids content. The faster kinetic of lipids accumulation was observed (t = 111 h) cultivation times giving values of mass absorption coef-
for the lower biomass concentration obtained (No = 1.45 mM), ficients Ea = 453 m2/kg and Ea = 68 m2/kg, respectively. This de-
which also led to the higher lipids content. This fact emphasized crease is directly explained by the reduction in pigments content.
a role of light in the process. Since the same incident light flux To calculate irradiance profiles using the two-flux radiative model
J. Pruvost et al. / Bioresource Technology 100 (2009) 5988–5995 5993

as described in Pottier et al. (2005), mass scattering coefficient Es decrease of pigments content was also observed but with a parallel
and backward scattering fraction b are also requested. Those values increase in biomass concentration although cells were in a nitrate-
are based on the shape and size of cells. The purpose being here free medium (data are only given for Xo = 0.26 kg m3, same evolu-
only to illustrate the effect of a variation of pigment content on tion for Xo = 0.46 kg m3). When pigments content tends to very
light available, values already published for Chlamydomonas small values, biomass growth decreases significantly. It was also
reinhardtii were used in first assumption (Es = 868 m2/kg; b = observed that lipids accumulate immediately as soon as cells were
0.01728). As for N. oleoabundans, C. reinhardtii is of spherical shape placed in the nitrate-free medium. There was a simultaneous pro-
(exact determination of N. oleoabundans optical properties will be duction of biomass and associated lipids. In parallel to the reduc-
the aim of future works). Optical properties being known, irradi- tion of growth rate, lipids were progressively over-accumulated.
ance profile G along the depth of culture z can be determined for This was not observed in the case of progressive nitrate deprivation
a given incident light flux qo and biomass concentration. Experi- where lipids accumulation was only found when nitrate starvation
ment values were used, qo = 270 lmole m2 s1 with X = was achieved but without biomass production. This indicates that
0.04 kg m3 for t = 0 and X = 0.46 kg m3 for t = 111 h. Results are total lipids accumulation seems to be mainly related to the nitrate
given in Fig. 4. Although a higher biomass was obtained at the concentration in the medium, biomass growth being supported at
end of cultivation, almost identical light attenuation was observed. least partly by an intracellular storage of nitrogen which is pro-
This is explained by the high decrease in pigment content and the gressively remobilized for growth. In addition, as observed in all
very low value of corresponding mass absorption coefficient. An experiments, when pigments content was dropped at very low
additional attenuation profile is given, where pigments content is value (<0.5% of the dry weight), growth was almost null (same
supposed to remain constant during the cultivation. This shows was observed by Li et al., 2008).
that culture conditions would have turned from almost transpar-
ent culture to full attenuation during a normal batch growth 3.4. Estimation of productivities with N. oleoabundans
(Pruvost et al., 2008). This is not the case when nitrogen starvation
was applied. Because initial nitrate concentration led to different Previous experiments allowed to estimate productivities
biomass concentration, which in turns affected light attenuation achieved with N. oleoabundans for the conditions investigated.
also modified by pigments evolution, this has certainly an influ- Total lipids volumetric productivity was deduced knowing the lipid
ence that should have to be more investigated in future works. content wL (% lipids/biomass) and biomass productivity:
Light transfer inside the culture, light absorbed by the cell and light
rL ¼ r X  wL ð3Þ
use for metabolic intracellular reactions are indeed all related, the
photons energy harnessed being a function of light available and of Biomass volumetric productivity in continuous mode has already
the pigments content of antennae. As a result, light-dependant been defined (Eq. (2)). For a batch culture, the mean biomass volu-
lipid production is difficult to optimize. metric productivity can be estimated from the culture duration tc
before harvesting:
3.3.2. Effects of a sudden nitrate starvation X  Xo
In a second series of experiments, nitrate starvation was applied rX ¼ ð4Þ
at the beginning of the cultivation. Algae harvested from PBR1
were centrifuged and then re-suspended in a nitrate-free medium. where Xo is the initial biomass concentration.
Algae volumes from PBR1 were adjusted to obtain different initial Because biomass growth is not constant with time in batch
biomass concentration in PBR2. Those concentrations were chosen mode, the biomass productivity is a function of the culture dura-
to be around the maximal ones obtained after total nitrate tion. Results are presented for total lipids in Fig. 6 (same tenden-
consumption in previous experiments (Xo = 0.26 kg m3, Xo = cies for TAG production, data not shown). This illustrates that
0.46 kg m3). When progressive nitrate starvation was applied, increasing total lipids content only is not sufficient in batch mode
the pigments decrease was found at the earlier stage of nitrate lim- to ensure a higher total lipids productivity, total lipids productivity
itation with a stop in biomass growth when nitrate starvation oc- being the global result of cell total lipids content, biomass growth,
curred. As shown in Fig. 5, in the case of sudden deprivation, a and time of cultivation. There is an optimal duration for biomass
harvesting in order to obtain maximal productivity. In the condi-
tions investigated, maximal lipids productivities were not obtained
1.2 for the maximal total lipids content (37% after 4 days) but after 40–
50 h of cultivation corresponding to 25% in total lipids content. The
lower lipids productivity was obtained in the case of a progressive
starvation with the higher initial nitrate concentration (No =
3.22 M) that resulted, however, in a high biomass concentration
0.8 of about 1 kg m3 in dry weight. For other three experiments, it
must be pointed out that similar maximal total lipids productivi-
G(z)/q o

ties in the range of 60–70 g m3 day1 were achieved, although

very different protocols of nitrate starvation were applied.
A summary of best productions is given in Table 3. This shows
0.4 that in the case of N. oleoabundans, as probably for other strains,
various production strategies can be defined. Considering TAG pro-
0.2 duction, although nitrate starvation is necessary to induce TAG
accumulation (18% of dry weight), this can be compensated in
terms of productivity by working at maximal biomass productivity
0 because of TAG natural content in N. oleoabundans as obtained in
0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1
z/L continuous mode in light-limited condition (3% of the dry weight).
Considering total lipids leads to a different conclusion: a higher
Fig. 4. Example of light attenuation profiles (solid line: t = 0 h, X = 0.04 kg m3 –
dotted line: t = 111 h, X = 0.37 kg m3 – dashed line: same as dotted line, but productivity was indeed achieved in light-limited continuous
assuming no pigments degradation, see text for details). production explained by the high natural total lipids content of
5994 J. Pruvost et al. / Bioresource Technology 100 (2009) 5988–5995

Fig. 5. Time course profiles during sudden nitrate starvation with initial biomass concentration Xo = 0.26 kg m3 (Experiment 1) and Xo = 0.46 kg m3 (Experiment 2) (batch
culture, qo = 270 lmole m2 s1).

Fig. 6. Lipids productivity as a function of cultivation time for batch production protocols.

Table 3
Total lipids and TAG productivities for batch with nitrate starvation and continuous production in light-emitted condition.

Volumetric productivities Areal productivities Volumetric productivities Areal productivities Maximal lipid
(total lipids), g m3 day1 (total lipids), g m2 day1 (TAG), g m3 day1 (TAG), g m2 day1 content
Progressive nitrate starvation rL = 65 rL = 2 rL = 23 rL = 0.7 37% (total lipids) 18%
(No = 1.45 M) (TAG)
Continuous production rL = 126 rL = 3.8 rL = 16.5 rL = 0.5 23% (total lipids)
(without mineral limitation) 3% (TAG)

N. oleoabundans (23% of the dry weight). In this case, areal produc- 270 lmole m2 s1, but without nitrogen limitation. In our study,
tivities of 3.8 g m2 day1 and 0.5 g m2 day1 are achieved for to- this important production is explained by the systematic optimiza-
tal lipids and TAG, respectively (biomass productivity of tion of growth conditions to allow light-limited condition to be ob-
16.5 g m2 day1). tained. In case of high natural lipids content as in N. oleoabundans,
Those results can be compared to those of Li et al. (2008), increasing only biomass production gives satisfactory results.
although they provided only volumetric productivities that were Obviously, interest of such production protocol depends also on
highly dependent on the PBR (or culture vessel) geometry. A max- several other factors whose discussion is out of the scope of this
imal lipids productivity of 133 g m3 day1 was obtained with ni- study (extraction yield being probably affected by lipids content,
trate starvation for a PFD of 360 lmole m2 s1. This is close to suitable lipids quality for biodiesel application, practical feasibility
the value of 126 g m3 day1 obtained in this study for a PFD of of batch or continuous production). This is thus not a definitive
J. Pruvost et al. / Bioresource Technology 100 (2009) 5988–5995 5995

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