Qadiani Misguided Sect

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The Corrupt Beliefs of the Qadiani Sect

Qadiani refer to those who follow Mirza Ghulam Ahmed Qadiani. Mirza
Ghulam Ahmed Qadiani is the founder of this sect. He claimed to be a
Prophet and uttered blasphemy against the Ambia-e-Kiraam ‫ﻋﻠﻴﻬﻢ ﺍﻟﺴﻼﻡ‬,
particularly against Hazrat Esa  and his respected, chaste, pure and
truthful mother, Bibi Maryam. He has made such insolent statements
against Hazrat Esa  and Bibi Maryam that listening to it will cause the
heart of the Muslims to shudder.

However, the current alarming condition has made it necessary and

thereby compelled me quote his blasphemous words. Just the claim of
Prophethood by is itself kufr and sufficient to have one cast into hell for
all eternity, as it is to entirely oppose the Holy Qur’an and to reject the
Finality of Khaatamun Nabiyeen , yet he did not stop at this but instead
he continued to make derogatory statements against other Prophets of
Allah. Thereby burdening himself with the curse of being a blasphemy,
which consisted of hundreds of kufr.

The Shariah declares that the ‘Tauheen’ (insult) to any Nabi is confirmed
kufr, even if the blasphemer acknowledges all the other Prophets and the
other Essential Fundamental Principles of Deen. To reject the words of
any one Nabi is to reject the words of all the Nabis. Hence, the Holy
Qur’an declares:

tÎ=y™ößϑø9$# ?yθçΡ ãΠöθs% ôMt/¤‹x.

’The nation of Nuh, rejected the Prophets’

[Surah 26, Verse 105]
Not only did Mirza Ghulam Ahmed falsify and reject the word of one
Prophet but also he claimed to be more superior to a Prophet. There is no
doubt in such a person and his followers being kaafir. Anyone who doubts
their kufr will himself become a kaafir. Some of the kufr statements made
by him are as follows:

(1). He says that, ‘In the Barahine Ahmadiya, Allah has described this
humble servant as Ummati and also as Nabi’. [Izala’e-Awham pg 533]

(2). He claims that Allah has said, ‘O Ahmed your name will appear even
before my name’. [Anjaam Aatham pg 52]

(3). He claims that Allah has said, ‘O Ahmed! Glad tidings, you are my
desire and you are with me’. [Anjaam Aatham pg 55]

(4). The evil Qadiani also attributed to himself, verses which are revealed
in regards to the beloved Prophet .

šÏϑn=≈yèù=Ïj9 ZπtΗôqy‘ āωÎ) š≈oΨù=y™ö‘r& !$tΒuρ

“And We sent you not, but as Mercy unto the all the worlds”
[Surah 21, Verse 107]

߉uΗ÷qr& ÿ…çµèÿôœ$# “ω÷èt/ .ÏΒ ’ÎAù'tƒ 5Αθß™tÎ/ ø#MŽÅe³t6ãΒuρ

“And giving glad tidings of that Prophet who will appear after me.
His name is Ahmad” [Surah 61, Verse 6]

He claimed that the above verses of the Holy Qur’an are referring to him.
(Allah Forbid) [Anjaam Aatham pg 78]
(5). The cursed Ghulam Ahmed falsely claims that Allah says:

‫ﺍﻧ ْ ﺖ ﻣ ْ ﺑ  ﻤﻨْﺰ  ﻟﺔ ﺍ ْو ﻻد ْى ﺍﻧ ْ ﺖ ﻣ ْ و ﺍﻧﺎ ﻣ ْﻨﻚ‬

O Ghulam Ahmed, you are like my offspring and I am from you and you are from
me [Daafi’ul Bala, pg 6]

(6). He says, “The Prophet’s  Ilhaam (Divine Inspiration) and Wahi

(Divine Revelation) proved to be false.” [Izala’e-Awham pg 688]

(7). He claims that ‘Hazrat Musa’s  predictions did not come true as he
had wished and expected them to.’ [Izala’e-Awham]. His aim of saying this
was to try and demonstrate that most of the predictions of Hazrat Esa 
were even more unsuccessful.

(8). He claims that the verse in Surah Baqara which mentions the incident
of the dead person who was brought back to life after being struck with a
piece of beef, was only used by Hazrat Musa  to create unnecessary fear
(i.e. a threat) and it was actually a form of mesmerism. [Izala’e Awham pg

(9). He claims that the incident in the Qur’an relating to the miracle of
Hazrat Ibrahim  and the 4 birds is also an outcome of mesmerism.
[Izala’e-Awham pg 553]

(10). He says, “in the time of a certain King, 400 Prophets predicted his
victory but they were all wrong as he lost the battle and thus died on that
battlefield.” [Izala’e-Awham pg 629]

(11). He says, “The Qur’an consists of vulgar and abusive language and its
tone is very harsh.:” [Izala’e-Awham pg 26-28]
(12). He claims that his, ‘Barahine Ahmadiya’ is the book of Allah. [Izala’e-
Awham pg 533]

(13). He says, Neither Esa  nor Musa  were true and perfect guides.
[Arba’een vol. 2 pg 13]

Let us now examine some of the blasphemous statements he uttered in

particular against Hazrat Esa :

(1). ‘O Christian missionaries. Do not say that ‫‘ رﺑﻨﺎ ﺍﻟﻤﺴﻴﺢ‬Esa  (Jesus) is our
Lord, for there is one amongst you (referring to himself) who is greater
than Esa.’ [Me’yaar pg 13]

(2). ‘Almighty Allah has sent in the present Ummah a Messiah who
supersedes the past Messiah on glory and grace and named him Ghulam-
e-Ahmed. This is to suggest that the Messiah of the Christians is inferior
in status and cannot even compare to a slave of Ahmad, so far as his
ability to intercede and access to Allah is concerned.’ [Me’yaar, pg 13/14]

(3). ‘The example of Musa is better than Musa himself and the example of
the son of Maryam is better than the son of Maryam himself.’ [Kashti pg

(4). ‘Allah has informed me that the ‘Masih-e-Muhammadi’ is more

exalted than the ‘Masih-e-Musawi’.’ [Kashti pg 20]

(5). ‘Almighty Allah says that He will create an equal to the Messiah, who
will not only be equal, but who will supersede him in every way. This will
be Ghulam Ahmed.’
He says:


‘Abandon the remembrance of the son of Maryam.

Better than him is Ghulam Ahmad’

‘That which has been mentioned above is not merely a poetic stanza but it
is the fact. It is my experience that the support of Allah is more with me
than with the son of Maryam. If this does not prove to be true then I am a
liar.’ [Daafi’ul ul Bala pg 20]

(7). ‘As per his covenant, Allah has power over everything but he cannot
bring back to earth a person who has already caused enough destruction.’
[Daafi’ul ul Bala pg 15]

(8). ‘Maryam’s son is in no way better than Kaushalya’s son (the Hindus
Ram).’ [Anjaam Aatham pg 41]

(9). ‘I swear by him in whose control is my life, that if Esa the son of
Maryam were in my time, then he would not have been able to converse
in the way that I do, and he would definitely not have been able to
demonstrate the signs which I show.’ [Kashti-e-Nuh pg 56]

(10). He says, ‘The Jews have such strong objections against the Nabuiwat
of Esa  and there is not much that even I can say to clarify it. The only
thing that I can say is that he is a Prophet, because the Qur’an says that he
is a Prophet. With the exception of this, there is no other Proof of his
Nabuiwat. Rather, there are numerous proofs which can be used to differ
his Nabuiwat.’ [Ijaz’e Ahmadi pg 13]
Important Note: It must be noted that in the above-mentioned
statement, Mirza has supported the corrupt theory of the Jews and at the
same time claiming that the Qur’an preaches that which can be nullified
by way of evidence and argument. (Allah Forbid)

(11). He says, ‘The Christian claim that he is God, whereas in actual fact,
even his Nabuiwat cannot be confirmed’. [Ijaz’e Ahmadi pg 14]

(12). ‘Sometimes Hazrat Esa  used to have shaitaani inspirations as well.’

[Ijaz’e Ahmadi pg 14]

O Muslims! Are you aware of those that receive shaitaani inspirations?

The Holy Qur’an announces:

5ΟŠÏOr& >8$©ùr& Èe≅ä. 4’n?tã ãΑ¨”t∴s?

“They come down upon every extremely deceitful, rebellious sinner.” 1 [Surah 26,
Verse 222]

(13). He says, ‘Most of his (Esa ) predictions and prophecies were

incorrect.’ [Ijaz’e Ahmadi pg 14]

(14). He says, ‘I must regretfully admit that the accusations of the Jews
against him are so convincing that I too am unable to defend him (Esa
).’ [Ijaz’e Ahmadi pg 13]


1. The above mentioned verse of the Qur’an makes it very clear that shaitaani (devilish and evil)
inspirations only appear to evil persons and open sinners. The accursed Ghulam Ahmad has
unsuccessfully attempted to prove this for Esa .
(15). He says, ‘O where shall I go to lament, that 3 of his (Esa )
prophecies were proven to be completely incorrect.’ [Ijaz’e Ahmadi pg 13]

The above mentioned statement completely rejects the Prophethood of

Hazrat Esa .

(16). He contradicts himself by saying, ‘It is impossible for the prophecies

of the Prophets to be halted.’ [Kashti-e-Nuh pg 5]

(17). ‘I fully accept that the Messiah (Hazrat Esa ) was a very pious
personality in comparison to others in his era. I cannot however accept
him as being a true ‘Munji’ (liberated person), for he was not born in
Arabia.’ [Daafi’ul Bala pg 3]

(18). ‘What I said earlier about Esa  was only out of gentleness and
kindness, otherwise the possibility exists of there being many pious
people in his era who were far more superior to him.’ [Daafi’ul Bala pg 3]

(19). He says, ‘The Messiahs piety was in no way better than the piety of
other righteous ones in his era. When compared to Esa, Yahya appears to
be more pious because he never consumed any wine in his lifetime, nor
did any immoral woman ever touch Yahya in order to apply perfume to
his head, which she had purchased through her illegitimate earnings, or
touched his body with her hand or hair. Unlike Esa, Yahya was never
served by any young female who was not related to him. This is why in
the Holy Qur’an Allah has referred to Yahya as ‘Husoor’ and he did not use
such a name for Esa because such incidents disallow him from being
afforded such a name.’ [Daafi’ul Bala pg 4]
(20). He says, ‘He had a very close relationship to a tribe of drifters. This
was probably because of his ancestral relationship to that tribe.
Otherwise, there was no other reason for a pious man like him to permit a
young gypsy female to apply perfume purchased from her illegitimate
earnings of adultery, to his head with her impure hands and to rub her
hair against his legs. Understanding people will realise from this, what
kind of a person this was.’

The above mentioned are only some of the derogatory statements of

Mirza. He has used many other derogatory and vulgar words with regards
to Hazrat Esa . He referred to him as being malicious, shrewd and
vulgar. He also referred to him as a liar, a thief, a cheat and dim-witted
etc. In his attempt to discredit Hazrat Esa  he did not leave any stone
unturned. He writes sarcastically, ‘Even his larger family are very pure
and chaste. 3 of his paternal grandmothers and 3 of his maternal
grandmothers were adulteresses and of bad character from whose blood
he was born.’

It must be noted that here Mirza says paternal grandmothers, whereas

Esa  was born without a father. In this statement, he is rejecting the
word of the Holy Qur’an that Esa  was born without a father.

He further states that Esa  had 4 brothers and 2 sisters and all of them
were his own blood brothers and sisters. He said (Allah Forbid) that they
were children of Hazrat Yusuf  and Bibi Maryam. Like all his other
corrupt beliefs, this too is no less corrupt.

He also claimed in his book Anjaam Atham that Esa  did not have the
ability to perform any miracles. He says in the same book that in those
days there was a pond which had miraculous powers and all miracles that
occurred at the time, were related to this (so-called) pond. He further says
that the only power Esa  had was that of deceiving the people (Allah
Forbid). He further states in Izala’e Awham that the miracles performed
by Hazrat Esa  are only misconceptions and if one leaves out the tales
that are usually mentioned as miracles, then one will find that all his
miracles were not true and that no miracle performed by any other
Prophet is doubted as much as those performed by him.

He also again attempts to prove that all the miracles of Esa  were due to
the magical pond. How many other corrupt beliefs and statements of the
daj’jaal Qadiani can we present to you, whereas there are so many more.
Those who are true Muslims can clearly see how this accursed person has
attacked the station of such an exalted Prophet, who has been given such
great excellence in the Holy Qur’an. I am amazed at those unsuspecting
people who are falling prey to his deceit and are blindly following him,
still regarding him as being a Muslim.

I am even more astonished by those who claim to be intellectuals, yet

they are blindly following him into the crater of hell. Can any true Muslim
ever doubt that such a person is out of the fold of Islam, and a kaafir and
murtad (apostate)? By Allah! Never!

The ruling of the Shariah regarding such a person and the one who after
knowing his infidelity still regards him a Muslim is:

 ْ ‫  ْ" ﻋ ﺬﺍﺑ و ﻛ‬# ‫ﻚ‬$ ‫ﻣ ْﻦ ﺷ‬

  ‫ﮦ  ﻓ ﻘ ْﺪ ﻛ‬

‘The one who doubts the punishment or infidelity of such a person, will himself
become a infidel’

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